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Wilm′s tumor gene1肽疫苗Galinpepimut-S在肿瘤免疫治疗中的应用
作者 高娜 梁平 +3 位作者 单彬 高亚乾 尹金妥 冯锐 《中国药业》 2024年第3期128-128,I0001-I0004,共5页
目的为Wilm′s tumor gene1(WT1)肽疫苗Galinpepimut-S(GPS)用于肿瘤免疫治疗的后续研究提供参考。方法采用计算机检索中国知网、PubMed等数据库自建库起至2022年12月的肿瘤免疫治疗相关文献,总结GPS在肿瘤免疫治疗中的应用现状。结果GP... 目的为Wilm′s tumor gene1(WT1)肽疫苗Galinpepimut-S(GPS)用于肿瘤免疫治疗的后续研究提供参考。方法采用计算机检索中国知网、PubMed等数据库自建库起至2022年12月的肿瘤免疫治疗相关文献,总结GPS在肿瘤免疫治疗中的应用现状。结果GPS能激发自身免疫系统,对WT1抗原产生强烈免疫反应而发挥抗肿瘤作用,在卵巢癌、恶性胸膜间皮瘤、急性髓系白血病、多发性骨髓瘤的治疗中均显示出较好的疗效。结论以GPS为代表的肿瘤疫苗是未来肿瘤治疗的重要方向,需进一步进行临床研究,以获取更多数据。 展开更多
关键词 Wilm′s tumor gene1肽疫苗 Galinpepimut-S 免疫治疗 新生抗原 肿瘤疫苗
基于TumorFisher CTC检测探讨PD-1/PD-L1免疫抑制剂治疗肝细胞癌的效果
作者 徐静 丁哲 徐颖 《肝脏》 2024年第10期1184-1188,共5页
目的基于TumorFisher循环肿瘤细胞(CTC)检测探讨程序性死亡受体1/程序性死亡受体-配体1(PD-1/PD-L1)免疫抑制剂治疗肝细胞癌(HCC)的效果。方法选取盐城市人民医院2021年8月至2022年12月收治的120例中晚期HCC患者,分为两组各60例。对照... 目的基于TumorFisher循环肿瘤细胞(CTC)检测探讨程序性死亡受体1/程序性死亡受体-配体1(PD-1/PD-L1)免疫抑制剂治疗肝细胞癌(HCC)的效果。方法选取盐城市人民医院2021年8月至2022年12月收治的120例中晚期HCC患者,分为两组各60例。对照组采用药物微球经肝动脉化疗栓塞(DEB-TACE)联合酪氨酸激酶抑制剂(TKI)治疗,观察组加用PD-1/PD-L1免疫抑制剂治疗。比较两组肿瘤反应、TumorFisher CTC检测结果和血清血管内皮生长因子受体(VEGF)、基质金属蛋白酶-9(MMP-9)水平、不良反应,并随访无进展生存期(PFS)和总生存期(OS)。结果观察组客观缓解率(ORR)和疾病控制率(DCR)高于对照组,分别为71.6%(43/60)比53.33%(32/60)、81.67%(49/60)比63.33%(38/60),差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。治疗后,两组总CTC数、总PD-L1+CTC数和血清VEGF、MMP-9水平均下降,且观察组均低于对照组(P<0.05)。观察组手足综合征、血小板减少、甲状腺功能减退、肾损伤、中性粒细胞减少Ⅰ/Ⅱ级、Ⅲ级发生率比较差异均无统计学意义(P>0.05)。观察组中位PFS(8.26个月比5.81个月)、中位OS(19.51个月比14.43个月)均更长(P<0.05)。结论PD-1/PD-L1免疫抑制剂能够提高中晚期HCC患者的肿瘤治疗反应,降低总CTC数、总PD-L1+CTC数和血清VEGF、MMP-9水平,延长PFS和OS,且并未增加不良反应。 展开更多
关键词 循环肿瘤细胞 程序性死亡受体1 程序性死亡受体-配体1 肝细胞癌
Molecular Characterization of Gastrointestinal Stromal Tumors (Gist) and Contribution of Immunohistochemistry in Congolese from Kinshasa
作者 Rive Lukuaku Jérémie Okumadi +7 位作者 Fabrice Bokambandja Andy Mbangama Vincent Mbatu Georges Mvumbi Jean-Louis Mumbere David Azako Serge Pezo Dieudonné Mvumbi 《Open Journal of Gastroenterology》 CAS 2024年第4期109-116,共8页
Introduction: The differentiation of digestive tumors very often requires the use of techniques currently not widely in use in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), such as immunohistochemistry. This is perfectly ve... Introduction: The differentiation of digestive tumors very often requires the use of techniques currently not widely in use in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), such as immunohistochemistry. This is perfectly verified for GISTs whose precise, or at least highly certain, diagnosis can only be made using immunohistochemical markers. This underuse of these techniques due to lack of equipment and human skills explains the limited epidemiological data available to date, thus leading to untargeted and too often late treatment of patients. Research question: What contribution can immunohistochemical markers make to the diagnosis of digestive tract tumours? Objective: Discuss the contribution of immunohistochemical markers in the diagnosis of GIST and provide basic data on the epidemiology of these nosological entities in Kinshasa. Methodology: This was a retrospective study carried out at the LEBOMA private anatomy and pathological cytology centre. The main inclusion criterion was any digestive tract block or slide whose diagnosis of GIST had been requalified after review by at least 2 pathologists. An immuhistochemical study was performed using an automated technique (with a Ventana XT machine) using a panel of antibodies: CD-117 and DOG-1 which are listed in the literature as strongly correlated with the occurrence of GIST, all slides were made at Hj Hospital using an OLYMPUS BX41 co-observation microscope. Results: Of 601 cases of digestive tumors recorded during the concerned period, 32 (5.32%) concerned GIST. This prevalence was confirmed by our immunohistochemical results where the expression of CD117 and that of DOG-1 were positive in 90.6% and 100% of cases which prevalence is high compared with the worldwide prevalence according to the literature, respectively. The distribution of the patients concerned was made with a sex ratio of 1.6 women/men with a median age of 53 years. Most cases (81%) had a gastric location and were fusiform GISTs. Conclusion: Gastrointestinal stromal tumours, although rare and underestimated, account for 5.32% of cases in the DRC. This is a considerable and high prevalence compared with the world average. To the best of our knowledge, no studies have been carried out on these aspects in the DRC, which explains the importance of this study. The results of this research demonstrated the contribution of these 2 markers as specific and effective biomarkers for optimal and differential diagnosis in GIST. In view of the above, it is therefore more than necessary to popularise the use of these biomarkers in order to contribute effectively to improving the overall management of gastrointestinal tumours by improving their identification. 展开更多
Patterns and Distribution of Bone Tumors among Patients at Kumi Orthopaedic Center: A Retrospective Study
作者 John Ekure Naomi Amuron +3 位作者 Douglas Kilama Phillip Buluma Andrew Iloket Faith Akello 《Open Journal of Orthopedics》 2024年第10期427-435,共9页
Introduction: Primary bone tumors, although rare, are an important rising cause of morbidity and mortality in Africa. Late presentation, delayed diagnosis, and failure to obtain proper management are important causes ... Introduction: Primary bone tumors, although rare, are an important rising cause of morbidity and mortality in Africa. Late presentation, delayed diagnosis, and failure to obtain proper management are important causes of loss of limbs and lives especially in Sub-Saharan Africa. Existing data on primary bone tumors in Uganda for the various regional levels is limited. This study aimed to determine the patterns and distributions of primary bone tumors especially in rural Uganda. Methods: This was a retrospective study carried out at Kumi Orthopaedic Center from 2012 to 2023. Patients’ information regarding the histological type of bone tumor, age, sex, and tumor site was obtained from their files. Results: A total of 115 bone tumors were seen over the study period. The mean age of patients was 30 years ± 20.1 years (range: 1 to 80 years). The majority of the patients were males 67 (58.3%) and females were 48 (42.6%). Benign tumors accounted for 66 (57.4%) of the tumors while malignant tumors were 49 (42.6%). Most tumors (both benign and malignant) were found in patients between the ages of 11 to 20 years 46 (40.1%) followed by those between 21 to 30 years 15 (13.2%) and the least were in the elderly aged 71 to 80 years 4 (3.5%). The commonest benign tumors were osteochondroma 14 (21.2%), cysts 11 (16.7%), hemangiomas 9 (13.6%), and fibrous dysplasia of the bone 8 (12.1%). The commonest malignant tumors were plasmacytoma 10 (20.4%) followed by metastases 8 (16.3%), osteosarcomas 7 (14.3%), lymphoma 5 (10.2%), and fibrosarcoma 4 (8.2%). Conclusion: Uganda shares some similar epidemiological characteristics of primary bone tumors with other countries;however, this study identified some peculiar differences. Population-based studies are required to obtain more accurate epidemiological data to improve patient diagnosis and treatment. 展开更多
The Importance of Uterine Tumors in the Day-to-Day Practice of the General Surgery Department of Ignace Deen National Hospital
作者 Mamadou Sakoba Barry Mariama Camara +1 位作者 Aissatou Taran Diallo Aboubacar Touré 《Open Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology》 2024年第7期1003-1009,共7页
Introduction: Uterine tumors are all abnormal cell proliferations developed at the expense of one or more tissue types, which may be located in any uterine segment and have anatomopathological characteristics of benig... Introduction: Uterine tumors are all abnormal cell proliferations developed at the expense of one or more tissue types, which may be located in any uterine segment and have anatomopathological characteristics of benignity or malignancy. The aim of this study was to report on the management of uterine tumors in the general surgery department of Ignace Deen Hospital in Conakry. Methodology: This was a retrospective study lasting five (5) years, from January 1, 2011 to December 31, 2015: All complete records of patients with the diagnosis of a uterine tumor managed in the department were included. Our results are presented in tables and figures. Results: 3200 patients underwent surgery. Among them, 82 cases concerned uterine tumors, i.e. 2% of the department’s overall activity. The average age of our patients was 38.5 years, with extremes of 18 and 59 years. The age group most affected was 41 - 50, with a rate of 39.02%. Housewives and married civil servants were the socio-professional strata most affected, with a predominance of married women. We estimated an increasing proportion of patients admitted to the department during the study period, proving that our study site plays a significant role in the management of uterine tumors. Conclusion: The management of uterine tumors is a major public health problem. Information, communication and education of all socio-professional groups seem necessary. 展开更多
关键词 Uterine tumors Management Conakry University Hospital
Extra Renal Rhabdoid Tumor: A Rare Cause of Congenital Soft Tissue Tumor
作者 Tazi Charki Mohammed Akammar Amal +4 位作者 Dardar Hajar Abdellaoui Hicham Atarraf Karima Boubou Meryem Afifi Moulay Abderrahmane 《Open Journal of Pediatrics》 2024年第3期579-584,共6页
Rhabdoid tumors (RTs) are a well-defined entity in the kidney or central nervous system of infants or children. However, soft-tissue involvement is uncommon. It’s an exceptional neonatal tumor of soft tissue. The ima... Rhabdoid tumors (RTs) are a well-defined entity in the kidney or central nervous system of infants or children. However, soft-tissue involvement is uncommon. It’s an exceptional neonatal tumor of soft tissue. The imaging characteristics of this tumor are not specific. Biopsy allows diagnosis;the histomorphological characteristics of rhabdoid tumors, their immunoreactivity to epithelial markers and vimentin, and the INI-1 loss are important tools for diagnosis. RT tumors are aggressive and have a rapidly fatal clinical course in most cases. Despite multidisciplinary therapy, the survival rate is very low. We report a rare case occurring in a male neonate who presents at birth with a voluminous right axillary mass. A CT scan showed a well-limited tumor mass with lobulated contours. An ultrasound-guided biopsy was performed on day 8, showing the morphology and immunoprofile of RT. The mass showed rapid growth. The child was admitted for respiratory distress at 3 weeks. A thoraco-abdominal CT showed an increase in the size of the mass with the appearance of multiple lymph nodes and pleural, hepatic, and renal metastases. The child died two days later. 展开更多
关键词 CONGENITAL Rhabdoid tumor Soft Tissue Diagnosis IMMUNOHISTOCHEMISTRY INI-1
Bisecreting Pituitary Neuroendocrine Tumors: About 9 Cases at the Abass Ndao Hospital Center in Dakar
作者 Demba Diedhiou Elhadji M. M. Thioye +10 位作者 Matar Ndiaye Djiby Sow Michel Assane Ndour Fama Mody Ndiaye Charles Mouhamed Abdallah Halim Mouhamed Dieng Omar Boun Khatab Diouf Muriel Diembou Boundia Djiba Anna Sarr Maïmouna Ndour Mbaye 《Open Journal of Endocrine and Metabolic Diseases》 2024年第10期179-189,共11页
Introduction: Pituitary neuroendocrine tumor (PitNET) may present multisecreting forms. Identifying its forms helps to guide management. This management is a real challenge, given the limited resources in our regions.... Introduction: Pituitary neuroendocrine tumor (PitNET) may present multisecreting forms. Identifying its forms helps to guide management. This management is a real challenge, given the limited resources in our regions. In view of advances in the management of these multisecreting pituitary neuroendocrine tumors and the lack of published data in Africa, and in Senegal particularly, this survey was carried out with the aim of describing the epidemiological, clinical and therapeutic aspects of multisecreting PitNETs. Patients and Method: It was a multicenter, retrospective, descriptive and analytical study carried out on files collected from 1st January 2008 to 31 December 2022 in the neurosurgery departments of the Fann and Principal hospitals in Dakar and the endocrinology department of the Abass Ndao hospital in Dakar. Results: Of the 242 patients treated for PitNET, 09 presented (the mean age of our patients was 41.7 ± 11 years) with bihormonal PitNET, i.e. a proportion of 3.71%. Two types of association were found: 08 tumors with GH (Growth Hormon) + PRL (prolactin) secretion and 01 PitNET with ACTH (Adreno Corticotropic Homon) + prolactin secretion. Clinically, gonadotropic insufficiency was found in all patients (100%). Dysmorphic syndrome was found in 6 patients (66.7%) and tumor syndrome in 7 patients (77.8%). Ophthalmological evaluation revealed a decrease in visual acuity in 66.6% of patients. All had macroadenomas, with extension noted in 02 patients. All patients underwent transsphenoidal surgery with complications such as transient diabetes insipidus (3 patients, 33.3%), followed by cerebrospinal fluid leaks (1 patient, 11.1%). Remission was noted in all 5 patients tested. A comparison between the different secretory forms did not reveal any significant difference in the frequency of postoperative complications. Conclusion: Despite the lack of immunohistochemistry, two types of association were found: ACTH-PRL and GH-PRL. All were macroadenomas, the majority with an associated tumor syndrome. The latter was significantly less frequent in bisecreting PitNETs compared with monosecreting and non-functional forms. However, there was no significant difference in the occurrence of post-operative complications between the three secretory forms of PitNETs. 展开更多
关键词 Pituitary Adenoma Pituitary Neuroendocrine tumor Multisecreting Adenoma Cushing’s Disease ACROMEGALY
Evidence-Based Nursing Practice of Reducing Immune-Related Skin Toxicity of Tumor Patients Guided by Sensitive Indicators
作者 Lingling Tang Qiong Wen 《Journal of Biosciences and Medicines》 2024年第4期210-215,共6页
Purpose research on nursing sensitive indicators in tumor Patients application effect in immune-related skin toxicity management. Method select our hospital April to June, 202360 cases patients with immune therapy set... Purpose research on nursing sensitive indicators in tumor Patients application effect in immune-related skin toxicity management. Method select our hospital April to June, 202360 cases patients with immune therapy settings as the control group. August-October, 2023 60 cases the patients treated with immune therapy were the experimental group. The control group adopted regular nursing methods, while the experimental group sensitive Indicators, evidence-based give preventive care. The social situation, psychological state, physical function, quality of life score, incidence of skin toxicity caused by immune checkpoint inhibitors, moderate and above of the two groups of patients were compared. Incidence of skin toxicity. Result: experience group SAS score, SDS score higher than the control group, the difference was statistically significant (P < 0.05);The incidence of skin toxic reactions caused by immune checkpoint inhibitors and the incidence of moderate and above skin toxic reactions in the experimental group are lower than those in the control group, and the difference is statistically significant (P < 0.05). Conclusion: sensitive indicator guidance evidence-based preventive care can reduce the degree of immune-related skin toxicity, improve the psychological state and quality of life of tumor patients treated with immune therapy and reduce the incidence of adverse reactions, improve nursing quality and patient satisfaction. 展开更多
关键词 Sensitive Indicators Immune-Related Skin Toxicity Evidence-Based Practice tumor
Adult-Type Granulosa Cell Tumor with Similar Clinical Findings Seen during Ovarian Cystectomy Performed at the Same Time as Laparoscopic Ovarian Drilling for Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome: An Extremely Rare Case
作者 Remi Nakajima Risa Kobayashi +4 位作者 Marie Kawai Eriko Sakamoto Miho Matsuda Rieko Kanda Makoto Kawamura 《Open Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology》 2024年第8期1197-1206,共10页
Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is a major cause of anovulatory infertility. Laparoscopic ovarian drilling (LOD) is a treatment for PCOS that allows the laparoscopic identification of other intra-abdominal lesions an... Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is a major cause of anovulatory infertility. Laparoscopic ovarian drilling (LOD) is a treatment for PCOS that allows the laparoscopic identification of other intra-abdominal lesions and the provision of diagnostic treatment. This study reports a case of PCOS with an ovarian mass in which LOD was aggressively used and a granulosa cell tumor (GCT) was found. A 34-year-old woman with secondary amenorrhea and irregular menstrual cycles presented to the emergency department with abdominal pain of unknown etiology. Imaging studies revealed a 6-cm left ovarian mass with an internal appearance suggestive of a hemorrhage. The patient’s secondary amenorrhea was subsequently diagnosed as PCOS, and LOD was performed to preserve her fertility. Simultaneously, a cystectomy was performed to evaluate the tumor in the left ovary;the diagnosis was adult-type GCT. Although concomitant GCT and PCOS are extremely rare, the two conditions have similar clinical manifestations. In women of reproductive age, the impact of surgery on future fertility should be considered, and the initial surgical technique should be chosen carefully. 展开更多
关键词 Polycystic Ovary Syndrome Laparoscopic Ovarian Drilling Granulosa Cell tumor
Solid-Pseudopapillary Tumor: Case Report and Literature Review
作者 Nomenjanahary Lalaina Rabarison Manoahasina Ranaliarinosy +1 位作者 Razafimahefa Vahatra Joëlle Randrianjafisamindrakotroka Nantenaina Soa 《Open Journal of Pathology》 2024年第1期11-15,共5页
Solid-pseudopapillary tumor of the pancreas (SPT) or Frantz’s tumor is a rare epithelial neoplasm that represents 0.3% to 2.7% of exocrine pancreatic tumors. These tumors occur mainly in young women and have a good p... Solid-pseudopapillary tumor of the pancreas (SPT) or Frantz’s tumor is a rare epithelial neoplasm that represents 0.3% to 2.7% of exocrine pancreatic tumors. These tumors occur mainly in young women and have a good prognosis. We present a case of a 19-year-old female patient who presented to the emergency for abdominal pain. Physical examination reveals a left hypochondrium mass. Ultrasound imaging showed an encapsulated caudal pancreatic mass with cystic components. The patient underwent tumor excision and lymph node removal. Macroscopically, the tumor was encapsulated and measuring 12 × 8 × 7 cm. It has a solid-cystic and hemorrhagic appearance inside. Histologically, the tumor had two components: solid and papillary. Tumor tissue showed monomorphic tumor cells radiating around blood vessels. Perineural invasion and vascular emboli were not seen. Three lymph nodes without metastases were observed. The diagnosis of solid-pseudopapillary tumor of the pancreas (SPT) or Frantz’s tumor was retained. Solid-pseudo-papillary tumor of the pancreas is rare and not always suspected by the physician. The clinical and imaging patterns are not specific. Anatomopathological examination confirmed the diagnosis. The patient underwent curative surgery. 展开更多
关键词 PANCREAS tumor Solid-Pseudopapillary Frantz Antananarivo
Giant Tuberculomas Suggesting a Malignant Brain Tumor: About Two Cases
作者 Drissa Kanikomo Moussa Diallo +8 位作者 André Jacques Tokpa Youssouf Sogoba Izoudine Blaise Koumaré Julienne Mouani Boubacar Sogoba Oumar Diallo Oumar Coulibaly Mamady Coulibaly Souleymane Kanikomo 《Open Journal of Modern Neurosurgery》 2024年第4期239-245,共7页
Tuberculoma is a common condition in developing countries. In some cases, it may mimic a glial lesion, making differential diagnosis challenging. The authors report two cases of giant tuberculoma in young patients age... Tuberculoma is a common condition in developing countries. In some cases, it may mimic a glial lesion, making differential diagnosis challenging. The authors report two cases of giant tuberculoma in young patients aged 14 and 16. A literature review was conducted on these cases. Both patients underwent partial excision. Histology concluded tuberculoma. Anti-tubercular treatment was implemented. The evolution one year later was marked by the persistence of neurological disorders, although they had improved. 展开更多
关键词 Giant Tuberculoma Malignant tumor GLIOMA INTRACRANIAL
Surgical Management of a Collision Tumor: The Association of Intracranial Meningioma and Macroadenoma
作者 Salma Abbas Yao Christian Hugues Dokponou +4 位作者 Thameen Jaradat Mahjouba Boutarbouch Nadia Cherradi Hafsa El Ouazzani Abdessamad El Ouahabi 《Open Journal of Modern Neurosurgery》 2024年第1期48-56,共9页
Background: The simultaneous presence of a pituitary adenoma and a meningioma is a rare and underreported condition. The randomly encountered cases need to be reported to further allow our understanding of this collis... Background: The simultaneous presence of a pituitary adenoma and a meningioma is a rare and underreported condition. The randomly encountered cases need to be reported to further allow our understanding of this collision tumors that are still not understood nor fully described. Patients and Method: We report a case of coexisting nonfunctioning pituitary adenoma and a left temporal lobe meningioma revealed by a 1-year history of progressive vision loss and occasional headaches in a 56-year-old woman. Her clinical condition worsened in the last 5 months with ptosis, cavernous sinus syndrome, and ophthalmoplegia of the right eye without papilledema. There was an improvement in the visual symptoms after subtotal resection of both lesions through a right frontotemporal craniotomy. Histology confirmed a collision tumor. The patient was referred for adjuvant treatment with gamma knife radiosurgery. He was doing well and back to his usual duties 6 months later. Conclusion: A gross total or subtotal resection with adjuvant therapy is the gold standard for the surgical management of collision tumors for a favorable patient outcome. 展开更多
关键词 Collision tumors MENINGIOMA Pituitary Adenoma
A Case of Warthin’s Tumor Together with IgG4-Related Sialadenitis
作者 Ryogo Aoki Risa Ito +10 位作者 Asuka Ohashi Riyoko Niwa Masashi Matsuyama Sachiko Oka Naomi Kawaguchi Toshimasa Sakakima Daichi Kodama Naoki Watanabe Daisuke Okamoto Takafumi Naiki Takuji Tanaka 《Open Journal of Pathology》 2024年第3期81-89,共9页
Warthin’s tumor is the second most frequent neoplasm next to pleomorphic adenoma in the salivary gland. The tumor contains the epithelial oncocyte cells with the presence of rich-mitochondria and their surrounding ab... Warthin’s tumor is the second most frequent neoplasm next to pleomorphic adenoma in the salivary gland. The tumor contains the epithelial oncocyte cells with the presence of rich-mitochondria and their surrounding abundant lymphocytes. A relatively new disease entity of IgG4-related disease frequently occurs in the salivary gland. However, the coexistence of Warthin’s tumor and IgG4-related disease is scarcely observed. We have recently experienced a rare case of Warthin’s tumor with IgG4-related sialadenitis. A 51-year-old man presented to our hospital, complaining of a mass with right submandibular tenderness and spontaneous pain. A computed tomography scan of the cervical region revealed a suspicion of lymph node proliferative disease, including malignant lymphoma. Elevated serum levels of IL-2R: 1843 U/ml (reference value 122 - 496 U/ml), IgG: 3430 mg/dl (reference value 861 - 1747 mg/dl), and IgG4: 3140 mg/dl (reference value 11 - 121 mg/dl) were observed. Other laboratory data showed within normal ranges. The cervical tumor was diagnosed as Warthin’s tumor by the findings of fine-needle aspiration cytology and biopsy examination. Immunohistochemistry revealed numerous IgG4- and IgG-positive cells with fibrosis surrounding the epithelial component of Warthin’s tumor, suggesting IgG4-rerated sialadenitis. Finally, we diagnosed the cervical tumor as Warthin tumor with IgG4-related sialadenitis. This is the second report describing a case of Warthin’s tumor with possible involvement of IgG4-related sialadenitis. 展开更多
关键词 Warthin’s tumor SIALADENITIS IgG4-Related Disease IMMUNOHISTOCHEMISTRY
Results of Trans-Urethral Resection of Bladder (TURB) for the Treatment of Non-Infiltrating Bladder Tumors (NMIBT) in Musk in Bouake
作者 Kouassi Patrice Avion N’diamoi Akassimadou +2 位作者 Venance Alloka Sadia Kamara Koffi Dje 《Open Journal of Urology》 2024年第2期39-49,共11页
Background: bladder tumors rank 2nd among urological tumors in sub-Saharan Africa, particularly in Côte d’Ivoire. Objective: to report the results of transurethral resection of the bladder (TURB) for the treatme... Background: bladder tumors rank 2nd among urological tumors in sub-Saharan Africa, particularly in Côte d’Ivoire. Objective: to report the results of transurethral resection of the bladder (TURB) for the treatment of non-muscle-infiltrating bladder tumors (NMIBT) in Bouaké. Patients and methods: we conducted a cross-sectional, descriptive study of transurethral resection of the bladder (TURB) for the treatment of non-muscle-infiltrating bladder tumors (NMIBT) between January 2022 and April 2023. All patients and their families were informed in advance and had signed an informed consent form. All patients with a non-muscle-invasive bladder tumor confirmed by an initial TURB were included, and patients with a bladder tumor infiltrating the bladder muscle were excluded. Diagnosis was based on cystoscopy and anatomopathological examination of resection shavings. Parameters studied were: age, sex, risk factors, reason for consultation, clinical signs, cystoscopy findings, stage, grade, Evolution. Results: 17 patients with a mean age of 53.7 years (22-73 years) underwent trans-ureteral bladder resection to treat a non-muscle-infiltrating bladder tumor (NMIBT). Male gender predominated with 88.23% (n = 15), the majority of patients came from the ME region with 47.05% (n = 8), farmers were the most numerous (52.94%;n = 9). The most frequent reason for consultation was macroscopic hematuria with 64.1% (n = 11), risk factors were dominated by urinary bilharziasis with 70.58% (n = 12), physical examination was normal in 47.05% (n = 8). Hemoglobin (HB) levels were between 7.5 and 8.5 g/dl in 52.94% (n = 9). On cystoscopy, the tumor was budding in 76.45% (n = 13), the localization was trigonal in 52.9% (n = 9) and the base of implantation was sessile in 70.52% (n = 12). On ultrasound, the tumor was 3 cm or larger in 70.52% (n = 12). Therapeutically, 82.35% (n = 14) of patients received a blood transfusion. TURB was complete in the majority of cases 88.23% (n = 15). Squamous cell carcinoma was the most frequent histological type with 76.47% (n = 13). PTa and PT1 grade accounted for 23.52% (n = 4) and 76.47% (n = 13) respectively. High-grade PT1 accounted for 64.70% (n = 11). Follow-up to TURB was straightforward in 94.11% (n = 16). At three months post-TURB, seven patients presented a tumor recurrence, with 41.17% (n = 7) requiring a second TURB. At 6 months, follow-up noted 14 patients free of any clinical or endoscopic signs of bladder tumors. Conclusion: TURB is a safe and effective means of treating non-muscle-invasive bladder tumors. 展开更多
关键词 Bladder tumor NMIBT TURB Squamous Cell Carcinoma
Thoracic Ganglioneuroma: A Rare Neural Tumor (Case Report and Literature Review)
作者 Addas Ramzi Abughararah Tariq +1 位作者 Abualnasr Mazen Kahtani Fatamah 《Open Journal of Thoracic Surgery》 2024年第2期46-53,共8页
Ganglioneuroma is an extremely rare tumor that is derived from neural crest. Many ganglioneuroma cases are detected incidentally unless they are large enough to cause compressive symptoms. We report an 18-year-old pat... Ganglioneuroma is an extremely rare tumor that is derived from neural crest. Many ganglioneuroma cases are detected incidentally unless they are large enough to cause compressive symptoms. We report an 18-year-old patient with posterior mediastinal ganglioneuroma which was abutting the descending aorta. The patient underwent successful resection by thoracoscopic approach and was followed up for one year with no complications. In summary, a detailed review with experts in both radiology and pathology is mandated to diagnose these tumors. Informed consent was obtained from the patient. 展开更多
关键词 Neural Cell tumors GANGLIONEUROMA Mediastinal Mass
作者 魏景健 牛倩倩 +4 位作者 张爱侠 韩琨 李晓东 郑浩 孟箭 《安徽医药》 CAS 2025年第1期174-177,I0006,共5页
目的观察卡瑞利珠单抗和化疗联合阿帕替尼救治性治疗复发或晚期头颈鳞癌(HNSCC)的疗效及安全性。方法回顾性分析2020年3月至2021年11月徐州市中心医院口腔科收治的8例复发或晚期HNSCC病人,予卡瑞利珠单抗和化疗行2周期治疗后,待瘤体缩小... 目的观察卡瑞利珠单抗和化疗联合阿帕替尼救治性治疗复发或晚期头颈鳞癌(HNSCC)的疗效及安全性。方法回顾性分析2020年3月至2021年11月徐州市中心医院口腔科收治的8例复发或晚期HNSCC病人,予卡瑞利珠单抗和化疗行2周期治疗后,待瘤体缩小,卡瑞利珠单抗和阿帕替尼维持性治疗;主要观察指标为疾病控制率(DCR)和客观缓解率(ORR),次要观察指标为总生存期(OS)、无进展生存时间(PFS)和不良反应发生率。结果纳入8例复发/晚期HNSCC病人中,ORR为62.5%(5/8),DCR为87.5%(7/8)。随访时间为1~32个月,中位OS为18个月,中位PFS未达到,不良反应发生率为100%,但程度较轻。结论卡瑞利珠单抗和化疗联合阿帕替尼治疗复发或晚期HNSCC病人具有较好的疗效,能够有效控制疾病进展,提高病人生存质量。 展开更多
关键词 头颈部肿瘤 鳞状细胞 卡瑞利珠单抗 阿帕替尼 免疫治疗 化疗
Metastatic Spinal Tumors: Diagnostic Methods, Management and Prognosis at the Yaounde Central Hospital and Yaounde General Hospital
作者 Nassourou Oumarou Haman Figuim Bello +4 位作者 Orlane Ndome Toto Roland Ndouh Nchufor Nya Durand Bakop Ronaldo Foalou Anu Vincent de Paul Djientcheu 《Open Journal of Modern Neurosurgery》 2024年第2期158-169,共12页
Introduction: Metastatic spinal tumors (MST) refer to secondary involvement of the vertebral column by hematogenously-disseminated metastatic cells. They could affect either the bony structures or the spinal cords. Me... Introduction: Metastatic spinal tumors (MST) refer to secondary involvement of the vertebral column by hematogenously-disseminated metastatic cells. They could affect either the bony structures or the spinal cords. Mechanical instability and neurologic deficits resulting from spinal cord compression are the most common manifestations. Surgical intervention remains the most effective treatment for about 20% of patients who present with spinal cord compression. The prognosis is relatively poor. This work has as objectives to describe: the diagnostic tools, the different modalities of management and the prognostic elements of spine metastasis. Methodology: We conducted an ambispective cross-sectional descriptive study;with retrospective data collection from January 2015 to December 2021 and prospective collection from January to April 2022 in the “Neurosurgery” unit of the Yaounde Central Hospital and the “Oncology and Neurosurgery” units of Yaounde General Hospital. Result: We included 101 patients. The M/F sex ratio was 1.66. The average age of the participants was 56.44 years (±14.19 SD) with a median of 58 years. Metastatic spinal tumors were discovered in 61.39% of patients with a previously known primary tumor and 21.78% of patients had newly discovered tumors. The neurologic examination revealed a vertebral syndrome in 79.21% of cases, radicular syndrome in 60.40% and sub-lesional syndrome in 59.89%. Sensory disorders accounted for 39.60% and sphincter disorders accounted for 34.65%. According to the degree of severity, the lesions were classified as Frankel E (37.62%) followed by Frankel D (21.78%). Metastatic lesions were mostly found at the thoracic vertebrae (68.25%) and lumbar vertebrae (22.22%). The most represented primary tumors were: prostate tumors (41.58%) and breast tumors (23.76%);followed by malignant hemopathies (15.84%). Computed-tomography scan (CT-scan) was the most frequent diagnostic imaging technique used (71.28%). Analgesic treatment mostly involved level II analgesia (64.36%). High dose steroid therapy (greater than 80mg/24h) was used in more than half of the patients. Radiation therapy was performed in 24.75% of the patients, chemotherapy in 55.44% and specific surgical interventions performed in 20.79%. The most frequent surgical indication was complete motor deficit according to the Frankel classification (47.21%). One patient in four (23.76%) experienced improvement in functional prognosis with increased muscle strength after a period of 2 weeks to 5 months of treatment. About 1 in 10 patients (8.8%) rather had worsening of their neurologic status. We observed that there was a correlation between spine surgery and improvement in muscle strength (P-value less than 0.05). Patients (12) who had better recovery or preserved gait were those with partial compression (P-value = 0.0143). Four out of five patients (81.18%) of our series had an estimated survival of less than one year according to the Tokuhashi score. Conclusion: MSTs are frequent in our context. Most patients sought consultation late after the first symptoms appeared (principally back pain). The clinical examination revealed a high proportion of patients with spinal cord compression syndrome. Medical treatment was first-line for the management of pain and most patients who underwent surgical treatment had complete neurologic deficits. The functional prognosis was found to be improved by surgery and the vital prognosis depended on the Tokuhashi score, with better accuracy when the prediction is more than 12 months. 展开更多
关键词 METASTASES Spinal tumors DIAGNOSIS PROGNOSIS Spinal Cord Compression
Spontaneous Tumor Lysis Syndrome Secondary to Iatrogenic Acute Kidney Injury: A Case Report
作者 Joseph Capito Mitchell Hoyson +2 位作者 Amie M. Ashcraft Hassan Suleiman Courtney S. Pilkerton 《Case Reports in Clinical Medicine》 2024年第5期155-161,共7页
Spontaneous Tumor Lysis Syndrome (STLS) is a rare oncologic condition caused by the breakdown of neoplastic tissue in the absence of traditional anti-tumor therapy. It is postulated that cancers with rapidly dividing ... Spontaneous Tumor Lysis Syndrome (STLS) is a rare oncologic condition caused by the breakdown of neoplastic tissue in the absence of traditional anti-tumor therapy. It is postulated that cancers with rapidly dividing cells lead to increased cell turnover which exceeds the kidneys’ ability to adequately filtrate by-products of cellular breakdown (i.e., phosphate, potassium, anduric acid), leading to end organ damage. It has been reported in the past that kidney failure is a sequelae of Tumor Lysis Syndrome (TLS), but there have been no reports that demonstrate acute kidney injury (AKI) preceding TLS. The case presented here demonstrates TLS in a patient with no formal cancer diagnosis, who had received no chemotherapy or radiation that was precipitated by an iatrogenic AKI with chlorthalidone and ibuprofen. This unusual pattern of AKI preceding STLS may provide insight into the pathophysiology of the condition and could possibly lead to greater understanding of this phenomenon. 展开更多
关键词 Spontaneous tumor Lysis Acute Kidney Injury LYMPHOMA CHLORTHALIDONE NSAID
New 4-imino-4H-Chromeno[2,3-d]Pyrimidin-3(5H)-Amine: Synthesis, Cytotoxic Effects on Tumoral Cell Lines and in Silico ADMET Properties
作者 Marwa Dhiabi Sirine Karoui +7 位作者 Mehdi Fakhfakh Souhir Abid Emmanuelle Limanton Rémy Le Guével Thierry Charlier Ludovic Paquin Jean-Pierre Bazureau Houcine Ammar 《International Journal of Organic Chemistry》 2024年第3期107-122,共16页
The synthesis of new 4-imino-4H-chromeno[2,3-d]pyrimidin-3(5H)-amine in four steps including one step under microwave dielectric heating is reported. The structural identity of the synthesized compounds was establishe... The synthesis of new 4-imino-4H-chromeno[2,3-d]pyrimidin-3(5H)-amine in four steps including one step under microwave dielectric heating is reported. The structural identity of the synthesized compounds was established according to their spectroscopic analysis, such as FT-IR, NMR and mass spectroscopy. These new compounds were tested for their antiproliferative activities on seven representative human tumoral cell lines (Huh7 D12, Caco2, MDA-MB231, MDA-MB468, HCT116, PC3 and MCF7) and also on fibroblasts. Among them, only the compounds 6c showed micromolar cytotoxic activity on tumor cell lines (1.8 50 50 > 25 μM). Finally, in silico ADMET studies ware performed to investigate the possibility of using of the identified compound 6c as potential anti-tumor compound. 展开更多
关键词 2-Amino-4H-Chromene 4H-Chromeno[2 3-d]Pyrimidin-3(5H)-Amine Microwave Irradiation tumoral Cell Line in Silico ADMET
An Adapted Convolutional Neural Network for Brain Tumor Detection
作者 Kamagaté Beman Hamidja Kanga Koffi +2 位作者 Brou Pacôme Olivier Asseu Souleymane Oumtanaga 《Open Journal of Applied Sciences》 2024年第10期2809-2825,共17页
In medical imaging, particularly for analyzing brain tumor MRIs, the expertise of skilled neurosurgeons or radiologists is often essential. However, many developing countries face a significant shortage of these speci... In medical imaging, particularly for analyzing brain tumor MRIs, the expertise of skilled neurosurgeons or radiologists is often essential. However, many developing countries face a significant shortage of these specialists, which impedes the accurate identification and analysis of tumors. This shortage exacerbates the challenge of delivering precise and timely diagnoses and delays the production of comprehensive MRI reports. Such delays can critically affect treatment outcomes, especially for conditions requiring immediate intervention, potentially leading to higher mortality rates. In this study, we introduced an adapted convolutional neural network designed to automate brain tumor diagnosis. Our model features fewer layers, each optimized with carefully selected hyperparameters. As a result, it significantly reduced both execution time and memory usage compared to other models. Specifically, its execution time was 10 times shorter than that of the referenced models, and its memory consumption was 3 times lower than that of ResNet. In terms of accuracy, our model outperformed all other architectures presented in the study, except for ResNet, which showed similar performance with an accuracy of around 90%. 展开更多
关键词 Brain tumor MRI Convolutional Neural Network KKDNet GoogLeNet DensNet ResNet ShuffleNet
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