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植物脱落酸受体PYR/PYL/RCAR的研究进展 被引量:3
作者 赵雷 《湖北农业科学》 2019年第18期14-18,共5页
脱落酸(Abscisic acid,ABA)是一种重要的植物抗胁迫激素,其受体的筛选和鉴定为植物中ABA信号转导通路的阐明奠定了重要基础。目前发现了几种ABA受体,大多数都受到质疑,但PYR/PYL/RCAR被普遍认为是真正的ABA受体蛋白。简略介绍了发现PYR/... 脱落酸(Abscisic acid,ABA)是一种重要的植物抗胁迫激素,其受体的筛选和鉴定为植物中ABA信号转导通路的阐明奠定了重要基础。目前发现了几种ABA受体,大多数都受到质疑,但PYR/PYL/RCAR被普遍认为是真正的ABA受体蛋白。简略介绍了发现PYR/PYL/RCAR之前ABA受体的研究概况,重点介绍了目前国内外对于PYR/PYL/RCAR蛋白的研究进展。 展开更多
关键词 脱落酸(abscisic acid ABA)受体 PYR/PYL/RCAR 信号转导 生理功能
一个种子特异的大豆AP2类转录因子参与调控种子萌发 被引量:1
作者 王春梅 王会文 +1 位作者 张劲松 陈受宜 《中国科学(C辑)》 CSCD 北大核心 2008年第3期199-208,共10页
植物种子的发育和萌发受严格的时空调控,其中转录因子起着重要的作用.本研究发现了一条在发育过程中的大豆种子里特异表达的表达序列标签(expressed sequence tag,EST).通过末端快速扩增技术(rapid amplification of cDNA end,RACE)得... 植物种子的发育和萌发受严格的时空调控,其中转录因子起着重要的作用.本研究发现了一条在发育过程中的大豆种子里特异表达的表达序列标签(expressed sequence tag,EST).通过末端快速扩增技术(rapid amplification of cDNA end,RACE)得到该基因的全长序列并命名为GmSGR.序列分析表明该基因属于AP2/ERF类转录因子家族,其AP2结构域与拟南芥(Arabidopsis thaliana)中的AP2/ERF基因家族DREB亚家族中A-3组的AtABI4的AP2结构域同源性极高.在酵母系统中,未检测到GmSGR具有转录激活活性.将该基因在拟南芥中过量表达,在高浓度的脱落酸(abscisic acid,ABA)及葡萄糖的条件下,转基因植物种子的萌发率均高于对照组;而在高浓度的NaCl条件下,转基因植物种子的萌发率低于对照组.在转基因植物的幼苗中,AtEm6和AtRD29B的表达较野生型幼苗高.这些结果表明GmSGR可能通过调控AtEm6和AtRD29B的表达,从而导致转基因种子对ABA敏感度降低,对盐胁迫更敏感. 展开更多
关键词 脱落酸(abscisic ACID ABA)AP2/ERF转录因子盐胁迫种子萌发大豆(Glycine max)
鸭趾草(Commelina communis L.)局部根系热击触发的长距离信号传递对气孔运动的调控
作者 杨松杰 黄丛林 +4 位作者 吴忠义 胡建芳 李天忠 刘世贵 贾文锁 《中国科学(C辑)》 CSCD 北大核心 2005年第4期310-317,共8页
长距离信号传递是动物生命活动的基础.然而,对长距离信号传递在植物生命活动中的存在和意义的了解却十分贫乏.以模式植物鸭趾草(CommelinacommunisL.)为材料,对热击信号在根系与地上部分之间的长距离信息交流进行了研究.结果表明,在热... 长距离信号传递是动物生命活动的基础.然而,对长距离信号传递在植物生命活动中的存在和意义的了解却十分贫乏.以模式植物鸭趾草(CommelinacommunisL.)为材料,对热击信号在根系与地上部分之间的长距离信息交流进行了研究.结果表明,在热击胁迫下,鸭趾草可以通过“根-冠”间的信号传输实现对气孔运动的调节.对局部根系(1/4或1/2根系)在40℃下热击5min,即可导致气孔导性的急剧下降.气孔导性下降的程度取决于热击温度和热击根系总量,热击温度越高、热击根系的量越大,气孔导性下降的程度也就越大.有趣的是,热击信号对气孔运动的调控是振荡式的,当气孔导性在30min内下降到最低水平后,气孔导性会迅速回升,有时甚至超过热击前的水平.经过几个周期后,气孔导性会最终稳定在一个较低的水平.给离体叶片饲喂热击后的木质部汁液可导致气孔导性下降,说明气孔运动是由正的化学信号操纵的.进一步研究表明,热击并不影响木质部汁液中脱落酸(abscisicacid,ABA)的浓度,同时也不导致叶片水势下降,说明气孔运动并不是通过ABA信号或水信号实现的.热击导致蒸腾流中H2O2水平升高,同时过氧化氢酶可部分恢复热击蒸腾流对气孔运动的抑制,这意味着H2O2有可能作为热击信号之一在气孔运动中起着部分的调节作用.由于热击和干旱常是相互伴随的两种自然胁迫,热击胁迫下气孔运动的调节对植物的生命活动应该具有积极的意义.这一新的信号传递形式及特殊的气孔振荡调控方式的发现将有助于更加深入地揭示植物系统信息传递的奥秘. 展开更多
关键词 根信号 气孔导性 热击胁迫 长距离信息传递 脱落酸(abscisic acid ABA) 气孔运动 信号传递 调控方式 长距离
Protein phosphorylation is involved in the water stress-induced ABA accumulation in the roots of Malus hupehensis Rehd 被引量:4
作者 ZHANG Dapeng, YANG Hongqiang, JIA Wensuo & HUANG Conglin1. Laboratory of Molecular Developmental Biology of Fruit Trees, China Agricultural University, Beijing 100094, China 2. The Key Laboratory of Plant Physiology and Biochemistry of Agricultural Ministry, China Agricultural University, Beijing 100094, China 《Chinese Science Bulletin》 SCIE EI CAS 2001年第10期855-858,共4页
Water stress-induced ABA accumulation plays a key role in the root to shoot communication and/or the cell to cell signaling under the soil stresses. The signaling of the water stress itself that leads to the accumulat... Water stress-induced ABA accumulation plays a key role in the root to shoot communication and/or the cell to cell signaling under the soil stresses. The signaling of the water stress itself that leads to the accumulation, however, is less known. In this study, we subjected the roots of Malus hupehensis seedlings to water stress treatment and investigated the ABA accumulation in relation to protein phos-phorylation. Our results showed that ABA accumulation could be substantially triggered in 40 min and reached 4 folds in 100 min after treatment with 30% PEG 6000 (polyethylene glycol). The water stress treatment also led to a substantial enhancement of total kinase activity, assessed with histone-111 as substrate, in 15 min and a maximum enhancement in 30 min before it declined to initial level. The Ca2+-dependent kinase activity showed a similar, if not more sensitive, trend. When the roots were fed with labeled 32P-ATP, water stress enhanced the labeling of proteins, which showed a maximum labeling at 展开更多
关键词 ABA (abscisic acid) water stress protein KINASES MALUS hupehensis Rehd.
Cell biological mechanism for triggering of ABA accumulation under water stress in Vicia faba leaves 被引量:4
作者 张大鹏 何芳莲 贾文锁 《Science China(Life Sciences)》 SCIE CAS 2001年第4期421-428,共8页
Water stress-induced ABA accumulation is a cellular signaling process from water stress perception to activation of genes encoding key enzymes of ABA biosynthesis, of which the water stress-signal perception by cells ... Water stress-induced ABA accumulation is a cellular signaling process from water stress perception to activation of genes encoding key enzymes of ABA biosynthesis, of which the water stress-signal perception by cells or triggering mechanism of the ABA accumulation is the center in the whole process of ABA related-stress signaling in plants. The cell biological mechanism for triggering of ABA accumulation under water stress was studied in leaves of Vicia faba. Mannitol at 890 mmol· kg-1 osmotic concentration induced an increase of more than 5 times in ABA concentra-tion in detached leaf tissues, but the same concentration of mannitol only induced an increase of less than 40 % in ABA concentration in protoplasts. Like in detached leaf tissues, ABA concentra-tion in isolated cells increased more than 10 times under the treatment of mannitol at 890 mmol·kg-1 concentration, suggesting that the interaction between plasmalemma and cell wall was essential to triggering of the water stress-induced ABA accumulation. Neither Ca2+-che- lating agent EGTA nor Ca2+ channel activator A23187 nor the two cytoskeleton inhibitors, colchicine and cyto-chalasin B, had any effect on water stress-induced ABA accumulation. Interestingly water stress-induced ABA accumulation was effectively inhibited by a non-plasmalemma-perme- able sulfhy-dryl-modifier PCMBS (p-chloromercuriphenyl-sulfonic acid), suggesting that plasmalemma pro-tein(s) may be involved in the triggering of water stress-induced ABA accumulation, and the protein may contain sulfhydryl group at its function domain. 展开更多
关键词 water stress ABA (abscisic acid) PCMBS (p-chloromercuriphenyl-sulfonic acid) cytoskeleton Ca2+ VICIA faba.
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