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基于re3data的中英科学数据仓储平台对比研究 被引量:1
作者 袁烨 陈媛媛 《数字图书馆论坛》 CSSCI 2024年第2期13-23,共11页
以re3data为数据获取源,选取中英两国406个科学数据仓储为研究对象,从分布特征、责任类型、仓储许可、技术标准及质量标准等5个方面、11个指标对两国科学数据仓储的建设情况进行对比分析,试图为我国数据仓储的可持续发展提出建议:广泛... 以re3data为数据获取源,选取中英两国406个科学数据仓储为研究对象,从分布特征、责任类型、仓储许可、技术标准及质量标准等5个方面、11个指标对两国科学数据仓储的建设情况进行对比分析,试图为我国数据仓储的可持续发展提出建议:广泛联结国内外异质机构,推进多学科领域的交流与合作,有效扩充仓储许可权限与类型,优化技术标准的应用现况,提高元数据使用的灵活性。 展开更多
关键词 科学数据 数据仓储平台 re3data 中国 英国
作者 李思慧 刘书庆 +8 位作者 唐强 张瑞斌 陈伟 洪浩 朱冰梅 蓝勋 王勇 余曙光 吴巧凤 《中国中医药信息杂志》 CAS CSCD 2024年第2期64-69,共6页
目的基于ACU&MOX-DATA平台,初步明确不同腧穴、不同靶器官及不同刺灸法对腧穴功效的影响,并可视化展示相关结果是否存在腧穴功效“特性”“共性”的特点。方法以原创组学数据和公共组学数据整合后获得的多源异构数据作为数据源,经... 目的基于ACU&MOX-DATA平台,初步明确不同腧穴、不同靶器官及不同刺灸法对腧穴功效的影响,并可视化展示相关结果是否存在腧穴功效“特性”“共性”的特点。方法以原创组学数据和公共组学数据整合后获得的多源异构数据作为数据源,经标准化处理后,利用ACU&MOX-DATA平台中Batch Search、Stimulation Mode等模块对不同腧穴、不同靶器官、不同刺灸法的数据进行差异基因分析、疾病病理网络分析和富集分析。结果在同一疾病状态、同一干预措施下,不同腧穴间存在效应差异;在同一疾病状态、同一腧穴及干预措施下,不同靶器官产生的应答不完全一致;在同一疾病状态、同一腧穴下,不同干预措施间存在效应差异。结论基于ACU&MOX-DATA平台,初步明确腧穴、靶器官、刺灸法是影响腧穴功效的关键因素,上述结果间存在腧穴功效的特异性或共性调节特点。将ACU&MOX-DATA平台应用于针灸学领域关键科学问题的分析和可视化解读,可为深化腧穴认知、指导临床选穴、提高针灸临床疗效等提供参考。 展开更多
关键词 腧穴功效 针灸干预方式 靶器官响应 多组学数据 异源数据分析
数据空间建设的实践进展与运营模式分析——基于Data Spaces Radar的案例
作者 夏义堃 程铄 +1 位作者 王雪 钱锦琳 《图书与情报》 CSSCI 北大核心 2024年第2期18-32,共15页
数据空间建设为数据要素的价值实现提供了可资借鉴的实践经验,全面解析其实践进展与运营模式,有助于破解数据流通的现实堵点、拓展数据利用的发展思路。文章首先将结构主义分析方法中的案例研究法作为主要研究方法,综合运用文献调研、... 数据空间建设为数据要素的价值实现提供了可资借鉴的实践经验,全面解析其实践进展与运营模式,有助于破解数据流通的现实堵点、拓展数据利用的发展思路。文章首先将结构主义分析方法中的案例研究法作为主要研究方法,综合运用文献调研、比较分析等方法,以Data Spaces Radar为案例来源,从实践进展、运营模式、核心要素等维度提炼数据空间建设特征。其次,在制度与技术的双轮驱动下,数据空间建设秉持制度规范统一性、技术设计整体性和治理模式协同性的架构原则,并按照产业思维、底线思维、信任思维、链式思维、集约思维的底层逻辑,形成较为完整的运营体系。未来应着力探索和解决数据空间视域下的数据资源价值化开发路径,针对数据流通堵点、利用痛点及信任难点问题,从体制机制、政策框架与技术应用等角度为推进我国的数据要素流通利用提供有益参考。 展开更多
关键词 数据空间 数据流通利用 数据自主权 运营模式 数据信任
作者 洪静 《情报理论与实践》 CSSCI 北大核心 2024年第11期194-200,共7页
[目的/意义]韩国是率先推动MyData应用落地的国家。韩国在个人数据管理领域的实践和探索,特别是在推广MyData模式方面,可为我国个人数据管理和应用制度的完善提供有益参考。[方法/过程]结合韩国数字政府发展状况,运用文献研究及比较研... [目的/意义]韩国是率先推动MyData应用落地的国家。韩国在个人数据管理领域的实践和探索,特别是在推广MyData模式方面,可为我国个人数据管理和应用制度的完善提供有益参考。[方法/过程]结合韩国数字政府发展状况,运用文献研究及比较研究方法,探讨MyData概念与制度内涵。从数字平台政府所实施的国家战略措施角度,考察MyData在公共领域和金融领域的应用和效果。[结果/结论] MyData作为一种新型个人数据管理模式,对个人数据权益保护、政府公共服务创新、数据资产流通与利用,都具有积极的作用和影响。MyData制度在平衡个人数据充分利用与数据安全维护方面,具有重要的应用价值和实践意义。 展开更多
关键词 Mydata 个人数据 数字平台政府 韩国
Analysis of Secured Cloud Data Storage Model for Information
作者 Emmanuel Nwabueze Ekwonwune Udo Chukwuebuka Chigozie +1 位作者 Duroha Austin Ekekwe Georgina Chekwube Nwankwo 《Journal of Software Engineering and Applications》 2024年第5期297-320,共24页
This paper was motivated by the existing problems of Cloud Data storage in Imo State University, Nigeria such as outsourced data causing the loss of data and misuse of customer information by unauthorized users or hac... This paper was motivated by the existing problems of Cloud Data storage in Imo State University, Nigeria such as outsourced data causing the loss of data and misuse of customer information by unauthorized users or hackers, thereby making customer/client data visible and unprotected. Also, this led to enormous risk of the clients/customers due to defective equipment, bugs, faulty servers, and specious actions. The aim if this paper therefore is to analyze a secure model using Unicode Transformation Format (UTF) base 64 algorithms for storage of data in cloud securely. The methodology used was Object Orientated Hypermedia Analysis and Design Methodology (OOHADM) was adopted. Python was used to develop the security model;the role-based access control (RBAC) and multi-factor authentication (MFA) to enhance security Algorithm were integrated into the Information System developed with HTML 5, JavaScript, Cascading Style Sheet (CSS) version 3 and PHP7. This paper also discussed some of the following concepts;Development of Computing in Cloud, Characteristics of computing, Cloud deployment Model, Cloud Service Models, etc. The results showed that the proposed enhanced security model for information systems of cooperate platform handled multiple authorization and authentication menace, that only one login page will direct all login requests of the different modules to one Single Sign On Server (SSOS). This will in turn redirect users to their requested resources/module when authenticated, leveraging on the Geo-location integration for physical location validation. The emergence of this newly developed system will solve the shortcomings of the existing systems and reduce time and resources incurred while using the existing system. 展开更多
关键词 CLOUD data Information Model data Storage Cloud Computing Security System data Encryption
Progress and future prospects of decadal prediction and data assimilation:A review
作者 Wen Zhou Jinxiao Li +5 位作者 Zixiang Yan Zili Shen Bo Wu Bin Wang Ronghua Zhang Zhijin Li 《Atmospheric and Oceanic Science Letters》 CSCD 2024年第1期53-62,共10页
年代际预测,也称为“近期气候预测”,旨在预测未来1-10年内的气候变化,是气候预测和气候变化研究领域的一个新关注点.它位于季节至年际预测和长期气候变化预测之间,结合了初值问题和外部强迫问题的两个方面.年代际预测的核心技术在于用... 年代际预测,也称为“近期气候预测”,旨在预测未来1-10年内的气候变化,是气候预测和气候变化研究领域的一个新关注点.它位于季节至年际预测和长期气候变化预测之间,结合了初值问题和外部强迫问题的两个方面.年代际预测的核心技术在于用于模式初始化的同化方法的准确性和效率,其目标是为模式提供准确的初始条件,其中包含观测到的气候系统内部变率,年代际预测的初始化通常涉及在耦合框架内同化海洋观测,其中观测到的信号通过耦合过程传递到其他分量,如大气和海冰.然而,最近的研究越来越关注在海洋-大气耦合模式中探索耦合数据同化(CDA),有人认为CDA有潜力显著提高年代际预测技巧.本文综合评述了该领域的三个方面的研究现状:初始化方法,年代际气候预测的可预测性和预测技巧,以及年代际预测的未来发展和挑战. 展开更多
关键词 年代际预测 四维数据同化 海气相互作用
作者 熊心雨 吕昂 +3 位作者 李张昆 赵康 李艳娟 张宇航 《科学技术创新》 2024年第8期107-110,共4页
针对企业管理数字化存在的问题,融入DataOps(数据开发即治理)理念,建立一体化敏捷开发平台,提供异构数据源快速的同步能力,设计标准高效、轻量化、可视化、易运维的数据采集、开发工具,提供标准统一的数据共享服务,通过实际应用表明此... 针对企业管理数字化存在的问题,融入DataOps(数据开发即治理)理念,建立一体化敏捷开发平台,提供异构数据源快速的同步能力,设计标准高效、轻量化、可视化、易运维的数据采集、开发工具,提供标准统一的数据共享服务,通过实际应用表明此方案可缩短开发周期,显著提升数据开发效率,有效提升数据治理、分析、服务能力,充分体现数据资源的价值,获得显著应用效果。 展开更多
关键词 企业数字化 dataOps 数据中台 数据治理
Statistical Analysis of Abilities to Give Consent to Health Data Processing
作者 Antonella Massari Biagio Solarino +5 位作者 Paola Perchinunno Angela Maria D’Uggento Marcello Benevento Viviana D’Addosio Vittoria Claudia De Nicolò Samuela L’Abbate 《Applied Mathematics》 2024年第8期508-542,共35页
The recent pandemic crisis has highlighted the importance of the availability and management of health data to respond quickly and effectively to health emergencies, while respecting the fundamental rights of every in... The recent pandemic crisis has highlighted the importance of the availability and management of health data to respond quickly and effectively to health emergencies, while respecting the fundamental rights of every individual. In this context, it is essential to find a balance between the protection of privacy and the safeguarding of public health, using tools that guarantee transparency and consent to the processing of data by the population. This work, starting from a pilot investigation conducted in the Polyclinic of Bari as part of the Horizon Europe Seeds project entitled “Multidisciplinary analysis of technological tracing models of contagion: the protection of rights in the management of health data”, has the objective of promoting greater patient awareness regarding the processing of their health data and the protection of privacy. The methodology used the PHICAT (Personal Health Information Competence Assessment Tool) as a tool and, through the administration of a questionnaire, the aim was to evaluate the patients’ ability to express their consent to the release and processing of health data. The results that emerged were analyzed in relation to the 4 domains in which the process is divided which allows evaluating the patients’ ability to express a conscious choice and, also, in relation to the socio-demographic and clinical characteristics of the patients themselves. This study can contribute to understanding patients’ ability to give their consent and improve information regarding the management of health data by increasing confidence in granting the use of their data for research and clinical management. 展开更多
关键词 PRIVACY Health data Consent Cluster Analysis LOGIT
Enhancing Data Analysis and Automation: Integrating Python with Microsoft Excel for Non-Programmers
作者 Osama Magdy Ali Mohamed Breik +2 位作者 Tarek Aly Atef Tayh Nour El-Din Raslan Mervat Gheith 《Journal of Software Engineering and Applications》 2024年第6期530-540,共11页
Microsoft Excel is essential for the End-User Approach (EUA), offering versatility in data organization, analysis, and visualization, as well as widespread accessibility. It fosters collaboration and informed decision... Microsoft Excel is essential for the End-User Approach (EUA), offering versatility in data organization, analysis, and visualization, as well as widespread accessibility. It fosters collaboration and informed decision-making across diverse domains. Conversely, Python is indispensable for professional programming due to its versatility, readability, extensive libraries, and robust community support. It enables efficient development, advanced data analysis, data mining, and automation, catering to diverse industries and applications. However, one primary issue when using Microsoft Excel with Python libraries is compatibility and interoperability. While Excel is a widely used tool for data storage and analysis, it may not seamlessly integrate with Python libraries, leading to challenges in reading and writing data, especially in complex or large datasets. Additionally, manipulating Excel files with Python may not always preserve formatting or formulas accurately, potentially affecting data integrity. Moreover, dependency on Excel’s graphical user interface (GUI) for automation can limit scalability and reproducibility compared to Python’s scripting capabilities. This paper covers the integration solution of empowering non-programmers to leverage Python’s capabilities within the familiar Excel environment. This enables users to perform advanced data analysis and automation tasks without requiring extensive programming knowledge. Based on Soliciting feedback from non-programmers who have tested the integration solution, the case study shows how the solution evaluates the ease of implementation, performance, and compatibility of Python with Excel versions. 展开更多
关键词 PYTHON End-User Approach Microsoft Excel data Analysis Integration SPREADSHEET PROGRAMMING data Visualization
Litho-Tectonic Architecture of the Dialafara Area, Kédougou-Kéniéba Inlier, Integration of New Field Data and Geophysics
作者 Mahamadou Diallo Mamadou Yossi +2 位作者 Ibrahim Méyès Coulibaly Youssouf Son Amako Dolo 《Open Journal of Geology》 CAS 2024年第3期279-297,共19页
The Dialafara area is part of the highly endowed Kédougou-Kéniéba Inlier (KKI), West-Malian gold belt, which corresponds to a Paleoproterozoic window through the West African Craton (WAC). This study pr... The Dialafara area is part of the highly endowed Kédougou-Kéniéba Inlier (KKI), West-Malian gold belt, which corresponds to a Paleoproterozoic window through the West African Craton (WAC). This study presents, first of all, an integration of geophysical data interpretation with litho-structural field reconnaissance and then proposes a new litho-structural map of the Dialafara area. The Dialafara area shows a variety of lithology characterized by volcanic and volcano-sedimentary units, metasediments and plutonic intrusion. These lithologies were affected by a complex superposition of structures of unequal importance defining three deformation phases (D<sub>D1</sub> to D<sub>D3</sub>) under ductile to brittle regimes. These features permit to portray a new litho-structural map, which shows that the Dialafara area presents a more complex lithological and structural context than the one presented in regional map of the KKI. This leads to the evidence that this area could be a potential site for exploration as it is situated between two world-class gold districts. 展开更多
关键词 Kédougou-Kéniéba Inlier Dialafara MAPPING Aeromagnetic data Structure
Ending Privacy’s Gremlin: Stopping the Data-Broker Loophole to the Fourth Amendment’s Search Warrant Requirement
作者 Samantha B. Larkin Shakour Abuzneid 《Journal of Information Security》 2024年第4期589-611,共23页
Advances in technology require upgrades in the law. One such area involves data brokers, which have thus far gone unregulated. Data brokers use artificial intelligence to aggregate information into data profiles about... Advances in technology require upgrades in the law. One such area involves data brokers, which have thus far gone unregulated. Data brokers use artificial intelligence to aggregate information into data profiles about individual Americans derived from consumer use of the internet and connected devices. Data profiles are then sold for profit. Government investigators use a legal loophole to purchase this data instead of obtaining a search warrant, which the Fourth Amendment would otherwise require. Consumers have lacked a reasonable means to fight or correct the information data brokers collect. Americans may not even be aware of the risks of data aggregation, which upends the test of reasonable expectations used in a search warrant analysis. Data aggregation should be controlled and regulated, which is the direction some privacy laws take. Legislatures must step forward to safeguard against shadowy data-profiling practices, whether abroad or at home. In the meantime, courts can modify their search warrant analysis by including data privacy principles. 展开更多
关键词 Access Control Access Rights Artificial Intelligence Consumer Behavior Consumer Protection Criminal Law data Brokers data Handling data Privacy data Processing data Profiling Digital Forensics
作者 曹祥红 童硕 杜薇 《计算机应用与软件》 北大核心 2024年第9期141-147,共7页
为解决传统聚类算法在Wi-Fi室内定位中易陷入局部最优影响定位精度的问题,提出一种改进迭代自组织数据分析聚类Wi-Fi室内定位算法。离线阶段通过计算指纹数据库中各点欧氏距离标准差,优化初始参数阈值,动态选择聚类中心,减少定位误差;... 为解决传统聚类算法在Wi-Fi室内定位中易陷入局部最优影响定位精度的问题,提出一种改进迭代自组织数据分析聚类Wi-Fi室内定位算法。离线阶段通过计算指纹数据库中各点欧氏距离标准差,优化初始参数阈值,动态选择聚类中心,减少定位误差;在线阶段将自适应加权K近邻与聚类算法结合,避免固定K值对定位结果影响,有效提高定位精度;将改进算法用于工程实例进行验证。结果表明,提出的算法在定位精度1 m范围内时概率为63.33%,定位精度2 m范围内时概率为90.00%,验证了该算法的有效性。 展开更多
关键词 室内定位 迭代自组织数据分析 指纹数据库 自适应加权K近邻
Incidence and Survivability of Acute Lymphocytic Leukemia Patients in the United States: Analysis of SEER Data Set from 2000-2019
作者 Ishan Ghosh Sudipto Mukherjee 《Journal of Cancer Therapy》 2024年第4期141-163,共23页
The main goal of this research is to assess the impact of race, age at diagnosis, sex, and phenotype on the incidence and survivability of acute lymphocytic leukemia (ALL) among patients in the United States. By takin... The main goal of this research is to assess the impact of race, age at diagnosis, sex, and phenotype on the incidence and survivability of acute lymphocytic leukemia (ALL) among patients in the United States. By taking these factors into account, the study aims to explore how existing cancer registry data can aid in the early detection and effective treatment of ALL in patients. Our hypothesis was that statistically significant correlations exist between race, age at which patients were diagnosed, sex, and phenotype of the ALL patients, and their rate of incidence and survivability data were evaluated using SEER*Stat statistical software from National Cancer Institute. Analysis of the incidence data revealed that a higher prevalence of ALL was among the Caucasian population. The majority of ALL cases (59%) occurred in patients aged between 0 to 19 years at the time of diagnosis, and 56% of the affected individuals were male. The B-cell phenotype was predominantly associated with ALL cases (73%). When analyzing survivability data, it was observed that the 5-year survival rates slightly exceeded the 10-year survival rates for the respective demographics. Survivability rates of African Americans patients were the lowest compared to Caucasian, Asian, Pacific Islanders, Alaskan Native, Native Americans and others. Survivability rates progressively decreased for older patients. Moreover, this study investigated the typical treatment methods applied to ALL patients, mainly comprising chemotherapy, with occasional supplementation of radiation therapy as required. The study demonstrated the considerable efficacy of chemotherapy in enhancing patients’ chances of survival, while those who remained untreated faced a less favorable prognosis from the disease. Although a significant amount of data and information exists, this study can help doctors in the future by diagnosing patients with certain characteristics. It will further assist the health care professionals in screening potential patients and early detection of cases. This could also save the lives of elderly patients who have a higher mortality rate from this disease. 展开更多
Activity Data and Emission Factor for Forestry and Other Land Use Change Subsector to Enhance Carbon Market Policy and Action in Malawi
作者 Edward Missanjo Henry Kadzuwa 《Journal of Environmental Protection》 2024年第4期401-414,共14页
Activity data and emission factors are critical for estimating greenhouse gas emissions and devising effective climate change mitigation strategies. This study developed the activity data and emission factor in the Fo... Activity data and emission factors are critical for estimating greenhouse gas emissions and devising effective climate change mitigation strategies. This study developed the activity data and emission factor in the Forestry and Other Land Use Change (FOLU) subsector in Malawi. The results indicate that “forestland to cropland,” and “wetland to cropland,” were the major land use changes from the year 2000 to the year 2022. The forestland steadily declined at a rate of 13,591 ha (0.5%) per annum. Similarly, grassland declined at the rate of 1651 ha (0.5%) per annum. On the other hand, cropland, wetland, and settlements steadily increased at the rate of 8228 ha (0.14%);5257 ha (0.17%);and 1941 ha (8.1%) per annum, respectively. Furthermore, the results indicate that the “grassland to forestland” changes were higher than the “forestland to grassland” changes, suggesting that forest regrowth was occurring. On the emission factor, the results interestingly indicate that there was a significant increase in carbon sequestration in the FOLU subsector from the year 2011 to 2022. Carbon sequestration increased annually by 13.66 ± 0.17 tCO<sub>2</sub> e/ha/yr (4.6%), with an uncertainty of 2.44%. Therefore, it can be concluded that there is potential for a Carbon market in Malawi. 展开更多
关键词 Activity data Emission Factor Climate Change Forestland Carbon Market
Data Visualization in Big Data Analysis: Applications and Future Trends
作者 Wenyi Ouyang 《Journal of Computer and Communications》 2024年第11期76-85,共10页
The advent of the big data era has made data visualization a crucial tool for enhancing the efficiency and insights of data analysis. This theoretical research delves into the current applications and potential future... The advent of the big data era has made data visualization a crucial tool for enhancing the efficiency and insights of data analysis. This theoretical research delves into the current applications and potential future trends of data visualization in big data analysis. The article first systematically reviews the theoretical foundations and technological evolution of data visualization, and thoroughly analyzes the challenges faced by visualization in the big data environment, such as massive data processing, real-time visualization requirements, and multi-dimensional data display. Through extensive literature research, it explores innovative application cases and theoretical models of data visualization in multiple fields including business intelligence, scientific research, and public decision-making. The study reveals that interactive visualization, real-time visualization, and immersive visualization technologies may become the main directions for future development and analyzes the potential of these technologies in enhancing user experience and data comprehension. The paper also delves into the theoretical potential of artificial intelligence technology in enhancing data visualization capabilities, such as automated chart generation, intelligent recommendation of visualization schemes, and adaptive visualization interfaces. The research also focuses on the role of data visualization in promoting interdisciplinary collaboration and data democratization. Finally, the paper proposes theoretical suggestions for promoting data visualization technology innovation and application popularization, including strengthening visualization literacy education, developing standardized visualization frameworks, and promoting open-source sharing of visualization tools. This study provides a comprehensive theoretical perspective for understanding the importance of data visualization in the big data era and its future development directions. 展开更多
关键词 data Visualization Big data Analysis Artificial Intelligence Interactive Visualization data-Driven Decision Making
An Overview of the Application of Big Data in Supply Chain Management and Adaptation in Nigeria
作者 Jehoshaphat Jaiye Dukiya 《Journal of Computer and Communications》 2024年第8期37-51,共15页
That the world is a global village is no longer news through the tremendous advancement in the Information Communication Technology (ICT). The metamorphosis of the human data storage and analysis from analogue through... That the world is a global village is no longer news through the tremendous advancement in the Information Communication Technology (ICT). The metamorphosis of the human data storage and analysis from analogue through the jaguars-loom mainframe computer to the present modern high power processing computers with sextillion bytes storage capacity has prompted discussion of Big Data concept as a tool in managing hitherto all human challenges of complex human system multiplier effects. The supply chain management (SCM) that deals with spatial service delivery that must be safe, efficient, reliable, cheap, transparent, and foreseeable to meet customers’ needs cannot but employ bid data tools in its operation. This study employs secondary data online to review the importance of big data in supply chain management and the levels of adoption in Nigeria. The study revealed that the application of big data tools in SCM and other industrial sectors is synonymous to human and national development. It is therefore recommended that both private and governmental bodies should key into e-transactions for easy data assemblage and analysis for profitable forecasting and policy formation. 展开更多
关键词 Big data IoT Optimization Right data Supply Chain Transport Management
Analysis of Gestational Diabetes Mellitus (GDM) and Its Impact on Maternal and Fetal Health: A Comprehensive Dataset Study Using Data Analytic Tool Power BI
作者 Shahistha Jabeen Hashim Arthur McAdams 《Journal of Data Analysis and Information Processing》 2024年第2期232-247,共16页
Gestational Diabetes Mellitus (GDM) is a significant health concern affecting pregnant women worldwide. It is characterized by elevated blood sugar levels during pregnancy and poses risks to both maternal and fetal he... Gestational Diabetes Mellitus (GDM) is a significant health concern affecting pregnant women worldwide. It is characterized by elevated blood sugar levels during pregnancy and poses risks to both maternal and fetal health. Maternal complications of GDM include an increased risk of developing type 2 diabetes later in life, as well as hypertension and preeclampsia during pregnancy. Fetal complications may include macrosomia (large birth weight), birth injuries, and an increased risk of developing metabolic disorders later in life. Understanding the demographics, risk factors, and biomarkers associated with GDM is crucial for effective management and prevention strategies. This research aims to address these aspects comprehensively through the analysis of a dataset comprising 600 pregnant women. By exploring the demographics of the dataset and employing data modeling techniques, the study seeks to identify key risk factors associated with GDM. Moreover, by analyzing various biomarkers, the research aims to gain insights into the physiological mechanisms underlying GDM and its implications for maternal and fetal health. The significance of this research lies in its potential to inform clinical practice and public health policies related to GDM. By identifying demographic patterns and risk factors, healthcare providers can better tailor screening and intervention strategies for pregnant women at risk of GDM. Additionally, insights into biomarkers associated with GDM may contribute to the development of novel diagnostic tools and therapeutic approaches. Ultimately, by enhancing our understanding of GDM, this research aims to improve maternal and fetal outcomes and reduce the burden of this condition on healthcare systems and society. However, it’s important to acknowledge the limitations of the dataset used in this study. Further research utilizing larger and more diverse datasets, perhaps employing advanced data analysis techniques such as Power BI, is warranted to corroborate and expand upon the findings of this research. This underscores the ongoing need for continued investigation into GDM to refine our understanding and improve clinical management strategies. 展开更多
关键词 Gestational Diabetes Visualization data Analytics data Modelling PREGNANCY Power BI
Detection of Knowledge on Social Media Using Data Mining Techniques
作者 Aseel Abdullah Alolayan Ahmad A. Alhamed 《Open Journal of Applied Sciences》 2024年第2期472-482,共11页
In light of the rapid growth and development of social media, it has become the focus of interest in many different scientific fields. They seek to extract useful information from it, and this is called (knowledge), s... In light of the rapid growth and development of social media, it has become the focus of interest in many different scientific fields. They seek to extract useful information from it, and this is called (knowledge), such as extracting information related to people’s behaviors and interactions to analyze feelings or understand the behavior of users or groups, and many others. This extracted knowledge has a very important role in decision-making, creating and improving marketing objectives and competitive advantage, monitoring events, whether political or economic, and development in all fields. Therefore, to extract this knowledge, we need to analyze the vast amount of data found within social media using the most popular data mining techniques and applications related to social media sites. 展开更多
关键词 data Mining KNOWLEDGE data Mining Techniques Social Media
Evaluating the Robustness of MDSS Maintenance Forecasts Using Connected Vehicle Data
作者 Gregory L. Brinster Jairaj Desai +5 位作者 Myles W. Overall Christopher Gartner Rahul Suryakant Sakhare Jijo K. Mathew Nick Evans Darcy Bullock 《Journal of Transportation Technologies》 2024年第4期549-569,共21页
The Indiana Department of Transportation (INDOT) adopted the Maintenance Decision Support System (MDSS) for user-defined plowing segments in the winter of 2008-2009. Since then, many new data sources, including connec... The Indiana Department of Transportation (INDOT) adopted the Maintenance Decision Support System (MDSS) for user-defined plowing segments in the winter of 2008-2009. Since then, many new data sources, including connected vehicle data, enhanced weather data, and fleet telematics, have been integrated into INDOT winter operations activities. The objective of this study was to use these new data sources to conduct a systematic evaluation of the robustness of the MDSS forecasts. During the 2023-2024 winter season, 26 unique MDSS forecast data attributes were collected at 0, 1, 3, 6, 12 and 23-hour intervals from the observed storm time for 6 roadway segments during 13 individual storms. In total, over 888,000 MDSS data points were archived for this evaluation. This study developed novel visualizations to compare MDSS forecasts to multiple other independent data sources, including connected vehicle data, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) weather data, road friction data and snowplow telematics. Three Indiana storms, with varying characteristics and severity, were analyzed in detailed case studies. Those storms occurred on January 6th, 2024, January 13th, 2024 and February 16th, 2024. Incorporating these visualizations into winter weather after-action reports increases the robustness of post-storm performance analysis and allows road weather stakeholders to better understand the capabilities of MDSS. The results of this analysis will provide a framework for future MDSS evaluations and implementations as well as training tools for winter operation stakeholders in Indiana and beyond. 展开更多
关键词 Weather Forecasting Winter Weather Connected Vehicle data After-Action Report
Using Extreme Value Theory Approaches to Estimate High Quantiles for Stroke Data
作者 Justin Ushize Rutikanga Aliou Diop Charline Uwilingiyimana 《Open Journal of Statistics》 2024年第1期150-162,共13页
This paper aims to explore the application of Extreme Value Theory (EVT) in estimating the conditional extreme quantile for time-to-event outcomes by examining the functional relationship between ambulatory blood pres... This paper aims to explore the application of Extreme Value Theory (EVT) in estimating the conditional extreme quantile for time-to-event outcomes by examining the functional relationship between ambulatory blood pressure trajectories and clinical outcomes in stroke patients. The study utilizes EVT to analyze the functional connection between ambulatory blood pressure trajectories and clinical outcomes in a sample of 297 stroke patients. The 24-hour ambulatory blood pressure measurement curves for every 15 minutes are considered, acknowledging a censored rate of 40%. The findings reveal that the sample mean excess function exhibits a positive gradient above a specific threshold, confirming the heavy-tailed distribution of data in stroke patients with a positive extreme value index. Consequently, the estimated conditional extreme quantile indicates that stroke patients with higher blood pressure measurements face an elevated risk of recurrent stroke occurrence at an early stage. This research contributes to the understanding of the relationship between ambulatory blood pressure and recurrent stroke, providing valuable insights for clinical considerations and potential interventions in stroke management. 展开更多
关键词 Censored data Conditional Extreme Quantile Kernel Estimator Weibull Tail Coefficient
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