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AMME chromosomal region gene 1基因变异矮小相关综合征一例及文献复习
作者 王小红 杨海花 +2 位作者 高静 陈永兴 卫海燕 《中国医学工程》 2024年第2期66-69,共4页
目的探讨1例身材矮小、面中部发育不全患儿的病因,以提高临床医师对特殊矮小综合征的认识。方法收集1例身材矮小、面中部发育不全患儿的临床资料,对患儿及父母行基因检测,并给予患儿常规治疗、随访。结果结合患儿特殊面容及基因检测,诊... 目的探讨1例身材矮小、面中部发育不全患儿的病因,以提高临床医师对特殊矮小综合征的认识。方法收集1例身材矮小、面中部发育不全患儿的临床资料,对患儿及父母行基因检测,并给予患儿常规治疗、随访。结果结合患儿特殊面容及基因检测,诊断为AMMECR1基因变异矮小相关综合征,结合文献复习总结AMMECR1基因变异矮小相关综合征特点。结论AMMECR1基因变异矮小相关综合征是一种罕见的X连锁遗传性疾病,临床主要表现为身材矮小、运动语言落后、肌张力减低、听力损失、面中部发育不全,部分存在心脏改变、腭裂、骨骼改变及椭圆形红细胞增多症、智力落后和肾钙质沉着症。该文报道1例AMMECR1基因新变异引起身材矮小、面中部发育不全患儿的病例资料,结合特殊面容及基因检测,诊断为AMMECR1基因变异矮小相关综合征。AMMECR1基因变异矮小相关综合征是一种罕见的X连锁遗传性疾病,本文初步概括其特点,并结合文献进行分析,以提高临床医师对AMMECR1基因变异矮小相关综合征的诊治。 展开更多
关键词 AMMECR1基因 身材矮小 面中部发育不全 发育迟缓 Xq22.3-q23微缺失
组织Gene-xpert MTB/RIF基因检测技术在结核病诊断中的应用研究
作者 谢永平 郑美玲 +1 位作者 苏惠平 陈华 《黑龙江医药》 CAS 2024年第6期1274-1277,共4页
目的:探讨组织Gene-xpert MTB/RIF基因检测技术在结核病诊断中的应用价值。方法:选择2022年6月至2024年2月我院收治的130例疑似结核病患者作为研究对象,取研究对象晨间痰液样本分别进行痰涂片镜检、罗氏固体培养检测、支气管黏膜组织、... 目的:探讨组织Gene-xpert MTB/RIF基因检测技术在结核病诊断中的应用价值。方法:选择2022年6月至2024年2月我院收治的130例疑似结核病患者作为研究对象,取研究对象晨间痰液样本分别进行痰涂片镜检、罗氏固体培养检测、支气管黏膜组织、胸膜组织Gene-xpert MTB/RIF基因快速检测。以罗氏固体培养检测结果为金标准,分析痰涂片镜检与不同组织Gene-xpert MTB/RIF基因快速检测对结核病诊断结果的一致性;比较不同检查方式对结核病诊断效能的差异。结果:罗氏固体培养检测发现130例疑似结核病患者中,确诊为结核病的患者共72例,非结核病患者共58例,阳性率与阴性率分别为55.38%、44.62%。Kappa检验分析结果显示,痰涂片镜检与胸膜组织Gene-xpert MTB/RIF基因快速检测对结核病的诊断结果与临床实际结果均存在一般的一致性,而支气管黏膜组织Gene-xpert MTB/RIF基因检测对结核病的诊断结果与临床实际结果有较高的一致性(Kappa值分别为0.679、0.722、0.925)。支气管黏膜组织Gene-xpert MTB/RIF基因检测对结核病的诊断效能数据明显高于胸膜组织检测与痰涂片镜检(P<0.05)。结论:支气管黏膜组织Gene-xpertMTB/RIF基因检测技术在结核病诊断中的应用更好,可为结核病的临床诊断提供更为准确的数据参考,对后续治疗方案的及早制定与实施均具有指导意义。 展开更多
关键词 gene-xpert MTB/RIF基因检测技术 痰涂片镜检 结核病 临床筛查
作者 周琴 林伟霞 宋元宗 《暨南大学学报(自然科学与医学版)》 CAS 北大核心 2024年第2期124-131,共8页
目的:研究Minigene剪接变异体分析技术在诊断磷酸甘露糖变位酶2(PMM2)相关先天性糖基化障碍(PMM2-CDG)中的价值,探讨磷酸甘露糖变位酶2(PMM2)基因剪接位点新变异对其转录产物的影响。方法:通过对1例PMM2-CDG患儿进行高通量测序查找可能... 目的:研究Minigene剪接变异体分析技术在诊断磷酸甘露糖变位酶2(PMM2)相关先天性糖基化障碍(PMM2-CDG)中的价值,探讨磷酸甘露糖变位酶2(PMM2)基因剪接位点新变异对其转录产物的影响。方法:通过对1例PMM2-CDG患儿进行高通量测序查找可能的遗传学病因,利用Minigene剪接变异体分析技术,研究PMM2基因新剪接位点变异的致病性。根据美国医学遗传学与基因组学学会(ACMG)指南,判断新变异的致病性。结果:遗传学分析发现患儿系PMM2基因母源性c.691G>A(p.Val231Met)变异和父源性c.447+5G>A变异复合杂合子。Minigene剪接变异体分析发现:变异c.447+5G>A导致PMM2基因转录产物形成r.348_447del转录本,为致病性PMM2基因变异。患儿的临床特征为皮肤巩膜黄染,血清总胆红素、非结合胆红素和总胆汁酸明显升高,白蛋白明显降低,甲胎蛋白、铁蛋白和促甲状腺素等升高,对症支持治疗效果欠佳。结论:Minigene剪接变异体分析可为PMM2-CDG确诊和家系遗传咨询提供新的分子标记物,扩展了PMM2基因变异谱,为该病的临床诊治提供新的参考依据。 展开更多
关键词 磷酸甘露糖变位酶2(PMM2)基因 PMM2相关先天性糖基化障碍(PMM2-CDG) Minigene剪接变异体分析
作者 顾丽丽 郑泽昆 +1 位作者 方紫婵 许鹏 《广州大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS 2024年第3期8-14,共7页
MicroRNAs(miRNAs)是一类非编码短序列RNAs分子,它能够与靶基因特异性结合,进而影响靶基因对应的蛋白质产量。单个miRNA可能调节多个基因的表达,同时,单个基因的表达也可能被多个miRNAs所调控。已有研究表明,miRNA可以作为潜在的肿瘤标... MicroRNAs(miRNAs)是一类非编码短序列RNAs分子,它能够与靶基因特异性结合,进而影响靶基因对应的蛋白质产量。单个miRNA可能调节多个基因的表达,同时,单个基因的表达也可能被多个miRNAs所调控。已有研究表明,miRNA可以作为潜在的肿瘤标志物用于癌症的早期诊断和治疗。评价不同miRNAs的重要性对于探究miRNA在各种疾病中的作用具有重要的意义。因此,文章基于miRNA与基因之间的调控网络,提出了一种miRNA重要性评价指标。通过对该指标对miRNAs进行打分排序,排名靠前的miRNAs与疾病相关可能性越大,GO富集分析结果表明,排名靠前的miRNAs具有重要的生物学功能。基于排名靠前的100个miRNAs表达特征,训练SVM分类模型对各种癌症进行分类,实验证明其平均精度达到90%以上。总之,文章提出的miRNA重要性指标对于疾病相关miRNAs的识别以及应用具有重要的指导意义。 展开更多
关键词 MIRNA 基因调控网络 基因 重要性评估
Decoding Retinoblastoma: Differential Gene Expression
作者 Ahmed Jasim Mahmood Al-Mashhadani Franko Shehaj Lianhong Zhou 《International Journal of Clinical Medicine》 CAS 2024年第4期177-196,共20页
Background: Retinoblastoma, the most common intraocular pediatric cancer, presents complexities in its genetic landscape that necessitate a deeper understanding for improved therapeutic interventions. This study lever... Background: Retinoblastoma, the most common intraocular pediatric cancer, presents complexities in its genetic landscape that necessitate a deeper understanding for improved therapeutic interventions. This study leverages computational tools to dissect the differential gene expression profiles in retinoblastoma. Methods: Employing an in silico approach, we analyzed gene expression data from public repositories by applying rigorous statistical models, including limma and de seq 2, for identifying differentially expressed genes DEGs. Our findings were validated through cross-referencing with independent datasets and existing literature. We further employed functional annotation and pathway analysis to elucidate the biological significance of these DEGs. Results: Our computational analysis confirmed the dysregulation of key retinoblastoma-associated genes. In comparison to normal retinal tissue, RB1 exhibited a 2.5-fold increase in expression (adjusted p Conclusions: Our analysis reinforces the critical genetic alterations known in retinoblastoma and unveils new avenues for research into the disease’s molecular basis. The discovery of chemoresistance markers and immune-related genes opens potential pathways for personalized treatment strategies. The study’s outcomes emphasize the power of in silico analyses in unraveling complex cancer genomics. 展开更多
关键词 Retinoblastoma gene Expression In Silico Study Differentially Expressed genes CHEMORESISTANCE Immune Response Computational Biology
Morgan’s Mistake Leads to a Revolution in Genetics
作者 Muying Zhou 《Open Journal of Genetics》 CAS 2024年第2期27-36,共10页
This paper reviews the authors research since 2018 on Mendels gene assumption. The main conclusion is that Morgans misreading of Mendels gene assumption would lead to the inevitable Copernican-like revolution (geocent... This paper reviews the authors research since 2018 on Mendels gene assumption. The main conclusion is that Morgans misreading of Mendels gene assumption would lead to the inevitable Copernican-like revolution (geocentrism replaced by heliocentrism) in genetics. The evidence for this judgment comes from written records in Morgans The Theory of the Gene. The result of Mendels experiment proposed the second question of genetics (template question), aim at which he assumed the gene was the element controlling individual specification. This led to dualistic genetics (two elements forming the germplasm). However, the gene located by Morgan was germplasm able to give rise to the individualthe answer to the first question of genetics. It ushered in gene-monistic genetics. The confirmation of the gene as DNA has opened a new era of physical verification of gene intension. The inability of DNA to build 3,5-phosphodiester bonds revealed that the gene has neither the ability to produce individuals nor is it self-replicating;consequently, the basis of gene monistic genetics completely collapsed. Instead, the universal fact that the eggs transcriptase initiates DNA (genome) transcription giving rise to the individual (unless accidents occur) confirms that Mendelian dualistic genetics is scientific genetics. 展开更多
关键词 MENDEL MORGAN GERMPLASM genes Transcriptase
Fate and Behavior of Tetracycline Resistance Genes in Activated Carbon Adsorption
作者 Sri Anggreini Alma Rizky Aurellya +1 位作者 Wenqing Li Fusheng Li 《Journal of Water Resource and Protection》 CAS 2024年第1期1-16,共16页
The accessibility of tetracycline resistance gene (tetG) into the pores of activated carbon (AC), as well as the impact of the pore size distribution (PSD) of AC on the uptake capacity of tetG, were investigated using... The accessibility of tetracycline resistance gene (tetG) into the pores of activated carbon (AC), as well as the impact of the pore size distribution (PSD) of AC on the uptake capacity of tetG, were investigated using eight types of AC (four coal-based and four wood-based). AC showed the capability to admit tetG and the average reduction of tetG for coal-based and wood-based ACs at the AC dose of 1 g·L<sup>-1</sup> was 3.12 log and 3.65 log, respectively. The uptake kinetic analysis showed that the uptake of the gene followed the pseudo-second-order kinetics reaction, and the uptake rate constant for the coal-based and wood-based ACs was in the range of 5.97 × 10<sup>-12</sup> - 4.64 × 10<sup>-9</sup> and 7.02 × 10<sup>-11</sup> - 1.59 × 10<sup>-8</sup> copies·mg<sup>-1</sup>·min<sup>-1</sup>, respectively. The uptake capacity analysis by fitting the obtained experiment data with the Freundlich isotherm model indicated that the uptake constant (K<sub>F</sub>) values were 1.71 × 10<sup>3</sup> - 8.00 × 10<sup>9</sup> (copies·g<sup>-1</sup>)<sup>1-1/n</sup> for coal-based ACs and 7.00 × 10<sup>8</sup> - 3.00 × 10<sup>10</sup> (copies·g<sup>-1</sup>)<sup>1-1/n</sup> for wood-based ones. In addition, the correlation analysis between K<sub>F</sub> values and pore volume as well as pore surface at different pore size regions of ACs showed that relatively higher positive correlation was found for pores of 50 - 100 Å, suggesting ACs with more pores in this size region can uptake more tetG. The findings of this study are valuable as reference for optimizing the adsorption process regarding antibiotic resistance-related concerns in drinking water treatment. 展开更多
关键词 Antibiotic Resistance genes ADSORPTION Activated Carbon Drinking Water Treatment
Cost-Effective Method of Gene Synthesis by Sequencing from Microchip-Derived Oligos for Droplet Cloning
作者 Kimberly Wang 《Advances in Bioscience and Biotechnology》 CAS 2024年第8期474-485,共12页
Gene synthesis has provided important contributions in various fields including genomics and medicine. Current genes are 7 - 30 cents depending on the assembly and sequencing methods performed. Demand for gene synthes... Gene synthesis has provided important contributions in various fields including genomics and medicine. Current genes are 7 - 30 cents depending on the assembly and sequencing methods performed. Demand for gene synthesis has been increasing for the past few decades, yet available methods remain expensive. A solution to this problem involves microchip-derived oligonucleotides (oligos), an oligo pool with a substantial number of oligo fragments. Microchips have been proposed as a tool for gene synthesis, but this approach has been criticized for its high error rate during sequencing. This study tests a possible cost-effective method for gene synthesis utilizing fragment assembly and golden gate assembly, which can be employed for quicker manufacturing and efficient execution of genes in the near future. The droplet method was tested in two trials to determine the viability of the method through the accuracy of the oligos sequenced. A preliminary research experiment was performed to determine the efficacy of oligo lengths ranging from two to four overlapping oligos through Gibson assembly. Of the three oligo lengths tested, only two fragment oligos were correctly sequenced. Two fragment oligos were used for the second experiment, which determined the efficacy of the droplet method in reducing gene synthesis cost and speed. The first trial utilized a high-fidelity polymerase and resulted in 3% correctly sequenced oligos, so the second trial utilized a non-high-fidelity polymerase, resulting in 8% correctly sequenced oligos. After calculating, the cost of gene synthesis lowers down to 0.8 cents/base. The final calculated cost of 0.8 cents/base is significantly cheaper than other manufacturing costs of 7 - 30 cents/base. Reducing the cost of gene synthesis provides new insight into the cost-effectiveness of present technologies and protocols and has the potential to benefit the fields of bioengineering and gene therapy. 展开更多
关键词 COST-EFFECTIVE gene Synthesis MICROCHIP Oligo Droplet Cloning
The Application of Nicotiana benthamiana as a Transient Expression Host to Clone the Coding Sequences of Plant Genes
作者 Jianzhong Huang Peng Jia +3 位作者 Xiaoju Zhong Xiuying Guan Hongbin Zhang Honglei Ruan 《American Journal of Molecular Biology》 CAS 2024年第2期54-65,共12页
Coding sequences (CDS) are commonly used for transient gene expression, in yeast two-hybrid screening, to verify protein interactions and in prokaryotic gene expression studies. CDS are most commonly obtained using co... Coding sequences (CDS) are commonly used for transient gene expression, in yeast two-hybrid screening, to verify protein interactions and in prokaryotic gene expression studies. CDS are most commonly obtained using complementary DNA (cDNA) derived from messenger RNA (mRNA) extracted from plant tissues and generated by reverse transcription. However, some CDS are difficult to acquire through this process as they are expressed at extremely low levels or have specific spatial and/or temporal expression patterns in vivo. These challenges require the development of alternative CDS cloning technologies. In this study, we found that the genomic intron-containing gene coding sequences (gDNA) from Arabidopsis thaliana, Oryza sativa, Brassica napus, and Glycine max can be correctly transcribed and spliced into mRNA in Nicotiana benthamiana. In contrast, gDNAs from Triticum aestivum and Sorghum bicolor did not function correctly. In transient expression experiments, the target DNA sequence is driven by a constitutive promoter. Theoretically, a sufficient amount of mRNA can be extracted from the N. benthamiana leaves, making it conducive to the cloning of CDS target genes. Our data demonstrate that N. benthamiana can be used as an effective host for the cloning CDS of plant genes. 展开更多
关键词 Coding Sequence Genomic Sequence Nicotiana benthamiana Plant genes
Dissemination of Resistance Integrons and Genes Coding for Blse and Cabapenemases in the Urban Drainage Network in Cote d’Ivoire
作者 Coulibaly Kalpy Julien Diaby Aboubakar Sidik +8 位作者 Vakou N’dri Sabine M’bengue Gbonon Valérie Carole Claon Jean Stephane Yao Kouamé Eric Gnali Gbohounou Fabrice Yéo Yéfougnini Bagré Issa Djaman Allico Joseph Dosso Mireille 《Advances in Microbiology》 CAS 2024年第5期268-286,共19页
Antibiotic resistance has become a major threat to human health worldwide. Environment, particularly the water environment, has long been overlooked as a player in the antibiotic resistance cycle, although its role re... Antibiotic resistance has become a major threat to human health worldwide. Environment, particularly the water environment, has long been overlooked as a player in the antibiotic resistance cycle, although its role remains unclear. These can provide an ideal setting for the acquisition and dissemination of antibiotic resistance, as they are frequently affected by anthropogenic activities. The objective of this study was to establish a diffusion map of resistance integrons used as genetic markers of resistance associated with antibiotic resistance conferring genes (ARGs). Total DNA extracts from non-cultivable bacterial communities were used for the analyses. These communities were obtained from wastewater samples from 14 sites upstream and downstream of drainage channels or effluents in the cities of Abidjan, Bouaké, and Yamoussoukro. The results obtained correspond to the number of positives among the treated samples (n = 39). Among the genetic markers of dissemination, class 1 integrons were the most evident in 94.8% of samples in Abidjan (93.3%), Bouaké (100%) and Yamoussoukro (91.6%). Class 2 integrons and class 3 integrons were found respectively in 41% and 51% of all samples. Genes coding for β-lactamases and blaTEM was identified in almost all samples at a rate of 97.4%. A co-presence of the three genes blaTEM, blaSHV and blaCTX-M is also remarkable in the sites of the city of Yamoussoukro. Among the genes coding for carbapenemases, only blaKPC 17.94%, blaNDM 30.76% and blaOXA48 38.46% were detected in the samples. 展开更多
关键词 Antibiotic Resistance WASTEWATER Resistance Integrons (RIs) Resistance genes
痰涂片镜检、基因芯片技术及GeneXpert MTB/RIF对疑似肺结核患者的检测效能分析
作者 孙桂英 倪晓艳 《检验医学与临床》 CAS 2024年第20期3074-3078,共5页
目的分析痰涂片镜检、基因芯片及多色巢式荧光定量聚合酶链反应(GeneXpert MTB/RIF)对疑似肺结核患者的检测效能。方法选取2017年1月至2022年12月该院收治的疑似肺结核患者97例作为研究对象,均实施痰涂片镜检、基因芯片、GeneXpert MTB/... 目的分析痰涂片镜检、基因芯片及多色巢式荧光定量聚合酶链反应(GeneXpert MTB/RIF)对疑似肺结核患者的检测效能。方法选取2017年1月至2022年12月该院收治的疑似肺结核患者97例作为研究对象,均实施痰涂片镜检、基因芯片、GeneXpert MTB/RIF及痰液罗氏培养检查。以痰液罗氏培养结果为金标准,探究不同检测方式及联合检测对疑似肺结核的诊断效能,采用Kappa值检验与金标准诊断结果的一致性。结果痰液罗氏培养检测结果显示,97例疑似肺结核患者阳性55例,阴性42例,阳性检出率为56.70%(55/97)。痰液罗氏培养检出非结核分枝杆菌18株,包括鸟分枝杆菌4株,胞内分枝杆菌9株,偶发分枝杆菌1株,堪萨斯分枝杆菌3株,海分枝杆菌1株。痰涂片镜检检出阳性34例,真阳性29例,阳性检出率为35.05%(34/97),基因芯片检出阳性41例,真阳性37例,阳性检出率为42.27%(41/97);GeneXpert MTB/RIF检出阳性44例,真阳性37例,阳性检出率为45.36%(44/97)。基因芯片、GeneXpert MTB/RIF灵敏度、准确率高于痰涂片镜检,基因芯片与GeneXpert MTB/RIF敏感度一致,但基因芯片特异度高于GeneXpert MTB/RIF。非结核分枝杆菌中,痰涂片镜检检出鸟分枝杆菌1株、胞内分枝杆菌2株,基因芯片检出胞内分枝杆菌1株,GeneXpert MTB/RIF检出鸟分枝杆菌1株。痰涂片镜检、基因芯片、GeneXpert MTB/RIF三项联合检出阳性55例,真阳性53例,三项联合检测灵敏度为96.36%(53/55)、特异度为95.24%(40/42)、准确率为95.88%(93/97),均高于单一方法检测的灵敏度与准确率,差异均有统计学意义(P<0.05)。痰涂片镜检与痰液罗氏培养一致性为68.04%(Kappa=0.59);基因芯片与痰液罗氏培养一致性为77.32%(Kappa=0.70);GeneXpert MTB/RIF与痰液罗氏培养一致性为74.23%(Kappa=0.66);三项联合与痰液罗氏培养一致性为95.88%(Kappa=0.89)。结论较GeneXpert MTB/RIF、痰涂片镜检技术,基因芯片诊断效能及一致性更高,且3种技术联合诊断效能更高,临床可根据需求选择适宜诊断技术。 展开更多
关键词 痰涂片镜检 基因芯片技术 geneXpert MTB/RIF 肺结核 检测效能
Identification and Validation of Vascular-Associated Biomarkers for the Prognosis and Potential Pathogenesis of Hypertension Using Comprehensive Bioinformatics Methods
作者 Xiangguang Chang Lei Guo +2 位作者 Liying Zou Yazhao Ma Jilin Feng 《World Journal of Cardiovascular Diseases》 CAS 2024年第3期115-128,共14页
Background: Hypertension, also known as increased blood pressure, is a phenomenon in which blood flows in blood vessels and causes persistently higher-than-normal pressure on the vessel wall. The identification of nov... Background: Hypertension, also known as increased blood pressure, is a phenomenon in which blood flows in blood vessels and causes persistently higher-than-normal pressure on the vessel wall. The identification of novel prognostic and pathogenesis biomarkers plays a key role in the management of hypertension. Methods: The GSE7483 and GSE75815 datasets from the gene expression omnibus (GEO) database were used to identify the genes associated with hypertension that were differentially expressed genes (DEGs). The functional role of the DEGs was elucidated by gene body (GO) enrichment analysis. In addition, we performed an immune infiltration assay and GSEA on the DEGs of hypertensive patients and verified the expression of novel DEGs in the blood of hypertensive patients by RT-qPCR. Results: A total of 267 DEGs were identified from the GEO database. GO analysis revealed that these genes were associated mainly with biological processes such as fibroblast proliferation, cell structural organization, extracellular matrix organization, vasculature development regulation, and angiogenesis. We identified five possible biomarkers, Ecm1, Sparc, Sphk1, Thbsl, and Mecp2, which correlate with vascular development and angiogenesis characteristic of hypertension by bioinformatics, and explored the clinical expression levels of these genes by RT-qPCR, and found that Sparc, Sphk1, and Thbs1 showed significant up-regulation, in agreement with the results of the bioinformatics analysis. Conclusion: Our study suggested that Sparc, Sphk1 and Thbs1 may be potential novel biomarkers for the diagnosis, treatment and prognosis of hypertension and that they are involved in the regulation of vascular development and angiogenesis in hypertension. 展开更多
关键词 HYPERTENSION Biomarkers Differentially Expressed genes Vascular Development and Angiogenesis Bioinformatics Analysis
A Theory of Bio-Quantum Genetics
作者 Jianzhong Zhao 《Journal of Quantum Information Science》 CAS 2024年第1期15-27,共13页
The physical mechanism of heredity or inheritance of genes is a quantum mechanical and/or quantum computational process. A theory of bio-quantum genetics is established in this paper. Principle of Bio-quantum Genetics... The physical mechanism of heredity or inheritance of genes is a quantum mechanical and/or quantum computational process. A theory of bio-quantum genetics is established in this paper. Principle of Bio-quantum Genetics is suggested. I propose and define the soft-genes of genetics controlling the processes of heredity or inheritance of genes. This research deals with the quantum mechanisms of Mendel plant heredity and family inheritance as examples of bio-quantum genetics, deepening our understanding of heredity or inheritance. I believe that more contributions will be made to promote researches of bio-quantum genetics or quantum biology at large. 展开更多
关键词 Bio-Quantum genetics Quantum Mechanics geneS Soft genes Quantum Mechanism of Mendel Plant Heredity Quantum Mechanism of Family Inheritance
Molecular Detection of Resistance and Virulence Genes in Coagulase Negative Staphylococci Isolated from Blood Cultures at the University Teaching Hospital of Bouake
作者 Oby Zéphirin Wayoro Ahou Micheline N’Guessan +7 位作者 Adjaratou Traore Akissi Christine Houssou Etilé Augustin Anoh Abdoulaye Diarrassouba Safiatou Karidioula Juste Olivier Tadet Pacôme Monemo Chantal Akoua-Koffi 《Journal of Biosciences and Medicines》 2024年第6期52-63,共12页
Introduction: Coagulase-negative staphylococci (CoNS) are currently recognized as genuine pathogens. However, little is known about the resistance and virulence genes that explain their pathogenicity in hospitals in C... Introduction: Coagulase-negative staphylococci (CoNS) are currently recognized as genuine pathogens. However, little is known about the resistance and virulence genes that explain their pathogenicity in hospitals in Cte d'Ivoire. The aim of this study was to contribute to the genotypic identification of resistance and virulence genes in CoNS isolated from blood cultures at the University Teaching Hospital (CHU) of Bouak, in order to improve patient management. Material and Methods: This was a descriptive study conducted from September to December 2023. The CoNS isolates studied came from the collection of strains isolated from blood cultures of febrile patients hospitalized or attending consultations at the CHU of Bouak. The strains were analyzed using conventional simplex PCR. Results: Of the 45 isolates analyzed, 46.7% carried both the aacA-aphD and tetK genes and 40% carried the mecA gene. With regard to virulence genes, only the LukS-PV gene was observed in S. epidermidis and S. haemolyticus isolates. Conclusion: The high prevalence of CoNS isolates carrying the mecA gene and the presence of virulence genes observed in this study give cause for concern in hospitals. It is important to develop comprehensive surveillance strategies against nosocomial and multi-resistant infections at the CHU of Bouak. 展开更多
关键词 Coagulase-Negative Staphylococcus gene MULTIRESISTANCE VIRULENCE Bouaké
Cellular Senescence and SENEX Gene on the Peripheral CD4+CD25+ Treg Cells Enhancement in Elderly
作者 Mengxin Wen Jing Chai Beng Wen 《Journal of Biosciences and Medicines》 2024年第2期70-79,共10页
Cellular senescence is a signal transduction process which maintained genomic stability and stopped mammalian cell growth. Furthermore, cellular senescence induces a protective response to a variety of DNA damage. How... Cellular senescence is a signal transduction process which maintained genomic stability and stopped mammalian cell growth. Furthermore, cellular senescence induces a protective response to a variety of DNA damage. However, this process is also associated with apoptosis, upregulated secretion of inflammatory cytokine, and promoted surrounding tissue damage. When cellular senescence accumulates to a certain extent, it triggers geriatric diseases, such as chronic inflammation, immune senescence-associated tumors and incontrollable infections. Cellular senescence gene SENEX, which was cloned in 2004, has been demonstrated to play a unique gatekeeper function in human endothelial cells when stress-induced pre-mature senescence and apoptosis occurr. The phenomenon that CD4+CD25+ Treg cells accumulated in the aged population has been well studied in recent years. Now Treg accumulation related to immune-pathology has attracted more interest. CD4+CD25+ Treg did not decline and age, but accumulated and suppressed immunoreaction. The enhanced Treg number and function may be associated with stress-induced premature senescence-mediated unique cellular senescence protection mechanisms, and SENEX may play a critical role in this process. In this article, we summarize the cellular senescence and SENEX gene in the accumulation and functional activity of CD4+CD25+ Treg in the elderly. 展开更多
关键词 Cellular Senescence gene SENEX CD4 CD25 TREG ELDER
Phenotypic Characterization and QTL/Gene Identification for Internode Number and Length Related Traits in Maize
作者 Jing Li Fengjuan Gu +10 位作者 Guoqiang Wang Yingyi Zhang Xiangling Gong Wei Wei Xianchuang Zhang Lin Liu Hameed Gul Hong Duan Chaoxian Liu Qianlin Xiao Zhizhai Liu 《American Journal of Plant Sciences》 CAS 2024年第7期467-485,共19页
Internode number and length are the foundation to constitute plant height, ear height and the above-ground spatial structure of maize plant. In this study, segregating populations were constructed between EHel with ex... Internode number and length are the foundation to constitute plant height, ear height and the above-ground spatial structure of maize plant. In this study, segregating populations were constructed between EHel with extremely low ear height and B73. Through the SNP-based genotyping and phenotypic characterization, 13 QTL distributed on the chromosomes (Chrs) of Chr1, Chr2, Chr5-Chr8 were detected for four traits of internode no. above ear (INa), average internode length above ear (ILaa), internode no. below ear (INb), and average internode length below ear (ILab). Phenotypic variation explained (PVE) by a single QTL ranged from 6.82% (qILab2-2) to 12.99% (qILaa5). Zm00001d016823 within the physical region of qILaa5, the major QTL for ILaa with the largest PVE was determined as the candidate through the genomic annotation and sequence alignment between EHel and B73. Product of Zm00001d016823 was annotated as a WEB family protein homogenous to At1g75720. qRT-PCR assay showed that Zm00001d016823 highly expressed within the tissue of internode, exhibiting statistically higher expression levels among internodes of IN4 to IN7 in EHel than those in B73 (P Zm00001d016823 might provide novel insight into molecular mechanism beyond phytohormones controlling internode development in maize. 展开更多
关键词 Maize (Zea mays L.) Internode No. Average Internode Length Phenotypic Characterization Candidate gene Discovery
Multi-Organ Pathogenesis and Therapeutic Strategies for Cystic Fibrosis
作者 Oluwaseun Babatunde Ogonna William David +1 位作者 Richard Ifeanyichukwu Ikwugbado Oluwaseyi Oyewole 《Journal of Biosciences and Medicines》 2024年第5期312-329,共18页
Cystic Fibrosis (CF) is the most common lethal autosomal inherited disorder that affects all races and ethnicities in the United States. However, it is mostly predominant in the Caucasian populace accounting for about... Cystic Fibrosis (CF) is the most common lethal autosomal inherited disorder that affects all races and ethnicities in the United States. However, it is mostly predominant in the Caucasian populace accounting for about 80% of all CF cases. CF most severe complication can be referred to as pulmonary bronchiectasis and infections of the airways, nonetheless, the devastating effects of the disease have far-reaching consequences beyond lung damage. CF is a heterogeneous disease that is caused by mutations in Cystic Fibrosis Transmembrane Conductance Regulator (CFTR) gene. The impairment or absence of this gene can affect multiple organs and systems and is characterized not only by chronic lung blockage, infections, and inflammation but also by exocrine gland dysfunction, intestinal obstruction, liver pathology, elevated sweat chloride concentration, and in males, infertility due to the congenital bilateral absence of the vas deferens. To this end, we briefly explore the pathological effects of CF and how CF mediates the destruction of several critical organs in the body and some of the gene therapeutical approaches such as gene editing and viral-based strategies available for the treatment of this multi-organ disease. 展开更多
关键词 Cystic Fibrosis gene Therapy Organ Damage
Progress in the Study of Gene Mutations Associated with Papillary Thyroid Carcinoma
作者 Jingjie Luo Xin Dai +3 位作者 Xinyi Ren Jinyu Zhang Yuxin Zheng Gang Cheng 《Journal of Biosciences and Medicines》 2024年第11期334-347,共14页
In recent years, there has been a global rise in cases of papillary thyroid carcinoma (PTC), the predominant form of thyroid cancer. Advances in molecular biology have intensified the focus on the genetic mutations as... In recent years, there has been a global rise in cases of papillary thyroid carcinoma (PTC), the predominant form of thyroid cancer. Advances in molecular biology have intensified the focus on the genetic mutations associated with this malignancy. Researchers have conducted extensive investigations into these mutations to elucidate their roles in the initiation, progression, treatment, and prognosis of PTC. This review synthesizes studies on the genetic mutations implicated in PTC, examining specific mutated genes, mechanisms of mutation, correlations with clinicopathological features, and their influence on treatment outcomes and prognosis. The objective is to provide a theoretical framework for enhancing the diagnosis, treatment, and prognostic assessment of PTC in the future. 展开更多
关键词 Papillary Thyroid Carcinoma gene Mutation DIAGNOSIS TREATMENT PROGNOSIS
To Analyze the Sensitivity of RT-PCR Assays Employing S Gene Target Failure with Whole Genome Sequencing Data during Third Wave by SARS-CoV-2 Omicron Variant
作者 Pooja Patel Yogita Mistry +1 位作者 Monika Patel Summaiya Mullan 《Advances in Microbiology》 CAS 2024年第5期247-255,共9页
Introduction: Omicron is a highly divergent variant of concern (VOCs) of a severe acute respiratory syndrome SARS-CoV-2. It carries a high number of mutations in its spike protein hence;it is more transmissible in the... Introduction: Omicron is a highly divergent variant of concern (VOCs) of a severe acute respiratory syndrome SARS-CoV-2. It carries a high number of mutations in its spike protein hence;it is more transmissible in the community by immune evasion mechanisms. Due to mutation within S gene, most Omicron variants have reported S gene target failure (SGTF) with some commercially available PCR kits. Such diagnostic features can be used as markers to screen Omicron. However, Whole Genome Sequencing (WGS) is the only gold standard approach to confirm novel microorganisms at genetically level as similar mutations can also be found in other variants that are circulating at low frequencies worldwide. This Retrospective study is aimed to assess RT-PCR sensitivity in the detection of S gene target failure in comparison with whole genome sequencing to detect variants of Omicron. Methods: We have analysed retrospective data of SARS-CoV-2 positive RT-PCR samples for S gene target failure (SGTF) with TaqPath COVID-19 RT-PCR Combo Kit (ThermoFisher) and combined with sequencing technologies to study the emerged pattern of SARS-CoV-2 variants during third wave at the tertiary care centre, Surat. Results: From the first day of December 2021 till the end of February 2022, a total of 321,803 diagnostic RT-PCR tests for SARS-CoV-2 were performed, of which 20,566 positive cases were reported at our tertiary care centre with an average cumulative positivity of 6.39% over a period of three months. In the month of December 21 samples characterized by the SGTF (70/129) were suggestive of being infected by the Omicron variant and identified as Omicron (B.1.1.529 lineage) when sequence. In the month of January, we analysed a subset of samples (n = 618) with SGTF (24%) and without SGTF (76%) with Ct values Conclusions: During the COVID-19 pandemic, it took almost more than 15 days to diagnose infection and identify pathogen by sequencing technology. In contrast to that molecular assay provided quick identification with the help of SGTF phenomenon within 5 hours of duration. This strategy helps scientists and health policymakers for the quick isolation and identification of clusters. That ultimately results in a decreased transmission of pathogen among the community. 展开更多
关键词 SARS-CoV-2 S gene Target Failure Whole Genome Sequencing Omicron
Identification of Prognosis-Related Genes and Key Target Genes for Pancreatic Cancer: A Bioinformatics Analysis
作者 Zhonghua Shang Nicaise Patient Woulaidjei Ntomo +1 位作者 Achi Ntiak Ernestina Apeku 《Journal of Biosciences and Medicines》 2024年第6期159-177,共19页
Objective: The mortality and morbidity rates associated with pancreatic cancer (PaCa) are extremely high. Various studies have demonstrated that pancreatic cancer will be the fourth cancer-related death by 2030, raisi... Objective: The mortality and morbidity rates associated with pancreatic cancer (PaCa) are extremely high. Various studies have demonstrated that pancreatic cancer will be the fourth cancer-related death by 2030, raising more concern for scholars to find effective methods to prevent and treat in order to improve the pancreatic cancer outcome. Using bioinformatic analysis, this study aims to pinpoint key genes that could impact PaCa patients’ prognosis and could be used as therapeutic targets. Methods: The TCGA and GEO datasets were integratively analyzed to identify prognosis-related differentially expressed genes. Next, the STRING database was used to develop PPI networks, and the MCODE and CytoNCA Cytoscape in Cytoscape were used to screen for critical genes. Through CytoNCA, three kinds of topology analysis were considered (degree, betweenness, and eigenvector). Essential genes were confirmed as potential target treatment through Go function and pathways enrichment analysis, a developed predictive risk model based on multivariate analysis, and the establishment of nomograms using the clinical information. Results: Overall, the GSE183795 and TCGA datasets associated 1311 and 2244 genes with pancreatic cancer prognosis, respectively. We identified 132 genes that were present in both datasets. The PPI network analysis using, the centrality analysis approach with the CytoNCA plug-in, showed that CDK2, PLK1, CCNB1, and TOP2A ranked in the top 5% across all three metrics. The independent analysis of a risk model revealed that the four key genes had a Hazard Ratio (HR) > 1. The monogram showed the predictive risk model and individual patient survival predictions were accurate. The results indicate that the effect of the selected vital genes was significant and that they could be used as biomarkers to predict a patient’s outcome and as possible target therapy in patients with pancreatic cancer. GO function and pathway analysis demonstrated that crucial genes might affect the P53 signaling pathway and FoxO signaling pathway, through which Meiotic nuclear division and cell cycle may have a significant function in essential genes affecting the outcome of patients who have pancreatic cancer. Conclusions: This study suggests that CDK2, CCNB1, PLK1 and TOP2A are four key genes that have a significant influence on PaCa migration and proliferation. CDK2, CCNB1, PLK1, and TOP2A can be used as potential PaCa prognostic biomarkers and therapeutic targets. However, experimental validation is necessary to confirm these predictions. Our study comes into contributions to the development of personalized target therapy for pancreatic cancer patients. 展开更多
关键词 Pancreatic Cancer Target genes Protein-Protein Network BIOINFORMATICS
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