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作者 周欣莹 董彦娜 +4 位作者 邱玉鹏 孙浩男 刘亚伟 李艳 刘冬云 《草地学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2024年第9期2728-2736,共9页
为研究河北省野生苔草属(Carex)植物的亲缘关系,本研究以43种河北省野生苔草及国外引种的27份苔草种质为试验材料,克隆了叶绿体基因rbcL和trnL-F序列,进行遗传多样性及亲缘关系分析,并构建了系统发育树。结果表明,从70份苔草属植物中成... 为研究河北省野生苔草属(Carex)植物的亲缘关系,本研究以43种河北省野生苔草及国外引种的27份苔草种质为试验材料,克隆了叶绿体基因rbcL和trnL-F序列,进行遗传多样性及亲缘关系分析,并构建了系统发育树。结果表明,从70份苔草属植物中成功克隆到的rbcL和trnL-F序列数量分别为67条、60条,测序成功率分别为95.7%、85.7%,经正反序列拼接对齐获得序列长度分别为716 bp、976 bp,并上传至NCBI获得登录号。二者合并得到59条序列,长度为1692 bp。rbcL,trnL-F以及合并序列分别定义了43,56,58个单倍型。基于合并序列的59份种质间遗传距离为0~0.0421,平均遗传距离为0.0142,整体划分为3大类,与形态学分类基本相符。trnL-F序列有望开发为DNA条形码,以期为苔草属的分类鉴定、系统发育等研究提供依据。 展开更多
关键词 苔草属 rbcl TRNl-F 亲缘关系 遗传多样性
基于叶绿体DNA atp B-rbc L片段的典型樱亚属部分种的亲缘关系及分类地位探讨 被引量:9
作者 朱弘 伊贤贵 +3 位作者 朱淑霞 王华辰 段一凡 王贤荣 《植物研究》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2018年第6期820-827,共8页
蔷薇科典型樱亚属植物(Subg. Cerasus Koehne)(樱花类)具有重要的观赏价值,深入研究其种间亲缘关系及分类地位,对于国产樱属植物系统发育与种质资源创新具有重要的理论指导意义。基于PCR扩增与测序技术研究了从云南、江西、福建采集的... 蔷薇科典型樱亚属植物(Subg. Cerasus Koehne)(樱花类)具有重要的观赏价值,深入研究其种间亲缘关系及分类地位,对于国产樱属植物系统发育与种质资源创新具有重要的理论指导意义。基于PCR扩增与测序技术研究了从云南、江西、福建采集的典型樱亚属3个种(含变种)的叶绿体DNA非编码区atpB-rbcL片段,结合Gen Bank数据库已经提交的其它4个种的同源序列,共获得7个种的30条序列矩阵,以此构建了单倍型中介网络图与系统发育树,分析和探讨了它们的亲缘关系与分类地位。(1)在atpB-rbcL序列矩阵中,774个有效位点中共发现15个多态性位点,占分析序列的1. 94%,(A+T)含量为70. 50%,存在明显的碱基偏好;(2) DNASP 5共检测到9个单倍型,物种间平均单倍型多样性(H_d=0. 880 5±0. 026),平均核苷酸多态性(π=0. 007 11±0. 000 54),除尾叶樱桃(Prunus dielsiana)外(Hap5~Hap7),其余物种拥有各自独特的1个单倍型,具有较丰富的遗传多样性;(3)综合Network中介图与系统发育重建结果:推测磐安樱桃(P. pananensis)处于较原始的进化阶段,相比尾叶樱桃,与浙闽樱桃(P. schneideriana)亲缘关系较近;长柱尾叶樱桃(P. dielsiana var. longistyla)与尾叶樱桃互为姊妹支,并共同构成独立进化单元。综上,叶绿体atpB-rbcL片段在典型樱亚属下种间的适用效果较好,可以优先选为DNA条形码;分子证据结合形态学特征支持将长柱尾叶樱桃作为尾叶樱桃变种的处理意见,而磐安樱桃的分类地位则需要更多的证据。 展开更多
关键词 典型樱亚属 CPDNA ATP B-rbc l 单倍型 系统发育 分类地位
叶绿体rbcL基因序列在植物系统学研究中的应用 被引量:19
作者 王艇 苏应娟 朱建明 《武汉植物学研究》 CSCD 1999年第A09期8-14,共7页
关键词 叶绿体 rbcl基因 植物系统学
从rbcL序列探讨单室茱萸属的系统位置 被引量:10
作者 李耀利 朱华 杨俊波 《云南植物研究》 CSCD 北大核心 2002年第3期352-358,共7页
为了探讨单室茱萸属Mastixia的系统位置 ,本文对八蕊单室茱萸 (Mastixiaeuony moides)、云南单室茱萸 (M pentandrasubsp .chinensis)及近缘物种云南紫树 (Nyssayunnanen sis)和毛八角枫 (Alangiumkurzii)的cpDNA中编码 1,5 -二磷酸核... 为了探讨单室茱萸属Mastixia的系统位置 ,本文对八蕊单室茱萸 (Mastixiaeuony moides)、云南单室茱萸 (M pentandrasubsp .chinensis)及近缘物种云南紫树 (Nyssayunnanen sis)和毛八角枫 (Alangiumkurzii)的cpDNA中编码 1,5 -二磷酸核酮糖羧化酶大亚基的rbcL基因序列进行了双脱氧测定。通过对这些序列与广义山茱萸科Cornaceae和Mastixia曾被归入的科的类群的rbcL序列进行PAUP (PhylogeneticAnalysisUsingParsimony)分析 ,得到 2 4棵最简约的分支树图。PAUP分析表明单室茱萸属与马蹄参属Diplopanax、紫树属Nyssa、喜树属Camptotheca和珙桐属Davidia的亲缘关系最近 ,并由分支图支持可以将Mastixia提升为山茱萸目Cornales中的一个科———单室茱萸科Mastixiaceae。 展开更多
关键词 rbcl序列 单室茱萸属 系统位置
葡萄叶绿体rbcL基因的结构分析 被引量:5
作者 黄瑶 马诚 +1 位作者 吴乃虎 李朝銮 《Acta Botanica Sinica》 CSCD 1994年第6期444-451,共8页
以玫瑰香葡萄(Vitisvinifera L.)为材料,克隆了含有叶绿体rbc L基因的3.1 kb Bam HⅠ片段,构建了该基因的限制性酶切图谱,测定了该基因的核苷酸序列。所测的核苷酸序列总长度为2004 bp,其中基... 以玫瑰香葡萄(Vitisvinifera L.)为材料,克隆了含有叶绿体rbc L基因的3.1 kb Bam HⅠ片段,构建了该基因的限制性酶切图谱,测定了该基因的核苷酸序列。所测的核苷酸序列总长度为2004 bp,其中基因的编码区为1428 bp,编码一个含475 个氨基酸的蛋白质,其分子量约为53 kD;测定基因的5上游含启动子的部分共358 bp,包括- 10 区(TAAAAT)、- 35区(TTGCGC)和SD 序列(GGAGG);基因的3下游区共218 bp,含有3 个转录茎环终止结构。玫瑰香葡萄rbc L基因编码区的核苷酸序列与烟草、矮牵牛、菠菜、苜蓿、水稻和玉米之间的同源性分别为91.5% 、91.4% 、90.2% 、89.8% 、86.3% 和84.5% ;推导出的氨基酸序列的同源性分别为92.2% 、91.6% 、92.2% 、93.7% 、93.5% 和90.1% 。 展开更多
关键词 葡萄 叶绿体 结构 rbcl基因
泽泻蕨的系统位置——来自rbcL序列的分析 被引量:1
作者 张钢民 刘红梅 +1 位作者 杨文利 张宪春 《北京林业大学学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2009年第6期15-18,共4页
泽泻蕨的系统位置一直存有争议。该文根据叶绿体基因rbcL序列,用最大似然法构建它的系统发育关系。结果表明:①4种美洲典型的泽泻蕨属成员聚为一个很强支持的支,并与泽泻蕨形成姊妹群的关系,说明将泽泻蕨从泽泻蕨属中独立出来,放入拟泽... 泽泻蕨的系统位置一直存有争议。该文根据叶绿体基因rbcL序列,用最大似然法构建它的系统发育关系。结果表明:①4种美洲典型的泽泻蕨属成员聚为一个很强支持的支,并与泽泻蕨形成姊妹群的关系,说明将泽泻蕨从泽泻蕨属中独立出来,放入拟泽泻蕨属更为合适。②泽泻蕨被聚在碎米蕨群分支,得到强烈支持。它与银粉背蕨和黑心蕨的关系比与拟金毛裸蕨属的关系更为近缘,不支持秦仁昌将泽泻蕨置于裸子蕨科的分类处理。③同意Panigrahi的观点,泽泻蕨的正确名称应为Parahemionitis cordata (Hooker&Greville) Fraser-Jenkins。 展开更多
关键词 泽泻蕨 系统位置 rbcl序列 拟泽泻蕨属
膜蕨科植物rbcL基因的适应性进化和共进化分析 被引量:3
作者 王春波 郭治友 《广西植物》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2017年第2期145-152,共8页
膜蕨科植物是薄囊蕨类中种类最多的科,主要分布在潮湿的热带地区,拥有陆生、附生、半附生和攀生等多种生态型。为进一步了解膜蕨科植物辐射式物种分化的分子适应机制,该研究在时间框架下采用位点模型对膜蕨科植物rbc L基因的进化式样进... 膜蕨科植物是薄囊蕨类中种类最多的科,主要分布在潮湿的热带地区,拥有陆生、附生、半附生和攀生等多种生态型。为进一步了解膜蕨科植物辐射式物种分化的分子适应机制,该研究在时间框架下采用位点模型对膜蕨科植物rbc L基因的进化式样进行分析。结果表明:共鉴定出6个氨基酸正选择位点(125I、227L、231A、258F、304S和351L),其中位点304S位于环六上,对维持Rubisco功能有重要作用。此外,还计算了Rubisco大亚基内部氨基酸位点之间的共进化关系,共检测出39组(35个氨基酸)共进化位点,其中位点在α螺旋上的占46%,在β折叠上的占14%。膜蕨科植物rbc L基因这种复杂的进化式样可能与其起源较早有关。鉴于此,基于UCLD分子钟模型对膜蕨科植物的分化时间进行了估计,结果显示膜蕨科植物首次发生分歧的时间在三叠纪早期,瓶蕨属和膜蕨属的分歧时间分别发生在侏罗纪早期和白垩纪晚期,并且得出陆生生态型是其它生态型进化的基础,推测最近几次最热事件可能对物种分化的形成产生一定的作用。该研究结果对认识膜蕨科植物如何应对被子植物兴起所导致的陆地生态系统改变具重要意义。 展开更多
关键词 膜蕨科 rbc l基因 共进化 正选择位点 生态型
Distribution of chromophytic phytoplankton in the Western Subarctic Gyre of Pacific Ocean revealed by morphological observation and rbc L gene sequences
作者 Tao JIANG Xiaohan QIN +7 位作者 Guannan WU Huaxian ZHAO Xiaotao YU Xueyan XIAO Wenjing LIU Qingjing HU Jufa CHEN Nan LI 《Journal of Oceanology and Limnology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2023年第6期2166-2179,共14页
Western Subarctic Gyre(WSG),which possesses distinctive differences in oceanographic and biogeochemical processes,is situated in the northwest subarctic Pacific.The WSG is characterized by high nutrient and low chloro... Western Subarctic Gyre(WSG),which possesses distinctive differences in oceanographic and biogeochemical processes,is situated in the northwest subarctic Pacific.The WSG is characterized by high nutrient and low chlorophyll.We carried out a field investigation in this area in summer 2020 and performed microscopic observation,cytometric counting,and RuBisCO large subunit(rbc L)gene analysis to understand the community structure and spatial distribution of chromophytic phytoplankton better.Microscopic method revealed that total phytoplankton(>10μm,including Bacillariophyta,Dinoflagellata,Ochrophyta,and Chlorophyta)abundances ranged(0.6×10^(3))-(167.4×10^(3))cells/L with an increasing trend from south to north.Dinoflagellates and Pennatae diatoms dominated the phytoplankton assemblages in the southern and northern stations,respectively.Major chromophytic phytoplankton groups derived from rbc L genes included Haptophyta,Ochrophyta,Bacillariophyta,as well as rarely occurring groups,such as Xanthophyta,Cyanobacteria,Dinoflagellata,Rhodophyta,and Cryptophyta.At the phylum level,Haptophyta was the most abundant phylum,accounting for approximately 30.80%of the total obtained operational taxonomic units in all samples.Ochrophyta and Bacillariophyta were the second and third most abundant phylum,and their relative abundance was 20.26% and 19.60%,respectively.Further,redundancy analysis showed that high proportion of diatoms(e.g.,microscopic and rbc L methods)was positively correlated with nutrients(e.g.,dissolved inorganic nitrogen(DIN),dissolved inorganic phosphorous,and dissolved silicate(DSi))and negatively correlated with temperature and salinity.The proportion of Ochrophyta,Rhodophyta,and Cyanobateria identified by rbc L genes was positively correlated with salinity and temperature and showed negative correlation to nutrients.This work is the first molecular study of phytoplankton accomplished in the WSG,and our results show some discrepancies between morphological observation and rbc L gene sequences,which highlight the necessity of combining the microscopic and molecular methods to reveal the diversity of phytoplankton in marine environment. 展开更多
关键词 flow cytometry microscopic counting PHYTOPlANKTON rbc l Western Subarctic Gyre
基于rbc L基因的黄芪属药用植物系统发育分析及可能应用
作者 巩超彦 周乐 +2 位作者 李丽花 刘计权 杜晨晖 《山西中医药大学学报》 2023年第1期57-61,78,共6页
目的:以黄芪属常用药用植物为研究对象,利用rbc L基因分析黄芪属药用植物的遗传进化关系,探索系统发育分析在黄芪属药用植物鉴定及混伪品鉴别方面的应用。方法:对GenBank收集的37条黄芪属rbc L基因序列采用最大似然法和贝叶斯法构建黄... 目的:以黄芪属常用药用植物为研究对象,利用rbc L基因分析黄芪属药用植物的遗传进化关系,探索系统发育分析在黄芪属药用植物鉴定及混伪品鉴别方面的应用。方法:对GenBank收集的37条黄芪属rbc L基因序列采用最大似然法和贝叶斯法构建黄芪属常见药用植物的系统发育树进行分析。结果:两种系统发育树树形相似,都显示出较好的聚类结果,收集的正源黄芪聚为一大支,赵一之曾报道内蒙古北部的Astragalus borealimonglicus为黄芪一新种,但在构建出的系统发育树中显示同正源黄芪遗传距离很近,是否为新种有待讨论;收集的其他常用药用黄芪及常见混伪品分类聚集,能明显地显示出同正源黄芪有区别。结论:表明rbc L基因适用于黄芪属植物系统发育分析,同时也较适合作为DNA条形码用于混伪品鉴别。 展开更多
关键词 rbc l基因 黄芪属 系统发育分析 应用
Molecular Phylogeny of the Lardizabalaceae Based on TrnL-F Sequences and Combined Chloroplast Data 被引量:5
作者 王峰 李德铢 杨俊波 《Acta Botanica Sinica》 CSCD 2002年第8期971-977,共7页
The molecular phylogeny of the Lardizabalaceae is reconstructed based on chloroplast trn L_F sequences alone and combined trn L_F and rbc L sequences. The phylogenetic topologies agree well with Qin's and... The molecular phylogeny of the Lardizabalaceae is reconstructed based on chloroplast trn L_F sequences alone and combined trn L_F and rbc L sequences. The phylogenetic topologies agree well with Qin's and Takhtajan's tribal classification in both analyses. Decaisneae and Sinofranchetieae are basal clades in the phylogenetic trees and external to all other taxa in the family. Lardizabaleae consisting of Boquila and Lardizabala are well supported in both trn L_F (100%) analysis and trn L_F and rbc L combined analysis (99%). Tribe Akebieae are strongly supported by a bootstrap value of 100% in both trn L_F analysis and trn L_F and rbc L combined analysis. However, the new genus Archakebia is nested within the genus Akebia in the trn L_F trees. In the combined trees, Archakebia is sister to Akebia with high bootstrap support. The inter_relationships among three closely related genera Parvatia , Holboellia and Stauntonia are still problematic. P. brunoniana ssp. elliptica is sister to H. latifolia in both analyses with low bootstrap support. H. parviflora is nested within the Stauntonia and sister to S. cavalerieana . Therefore, these three genera of tribe Akebieae may not be monophylytic and their generic boundary and delimitation need to be further studied, by exploring more molecular data, together with more morphological characters. 展开更多
关键词 lARDIZABAlACEAE molecular phylogeny trn l_F sequences rbc l sequences
Phylogenetic Relationship of an Extremely Endangered Species, Pinus squamata (Pinaceae) Inferred from Four Sequences of the Chloroplast Genome and ITS of the Nuclear Ribosomal DNA 被引量:1
作者 张志勇 杨俊波 李德铢 《Acta Botanica Sinica》 CSCD 2003年第5期530-535,共6页
Pinus squamata X. W. Li, a recently-described species of the Pinaceae, is an extremely endangered pine with only 32 individuals in the wild. This species was thought to be intermediate between P. bungeana Zuec. ex End... Pinus squamata X. W. Li, a recently-described species of the Pinaceae, is an extremely endangered pine with only 32 individuals in the wild. This species was thought to be intermediate between P. bungeana Zuec. ex Endl. of subgen. Strobus and P. yunnanensis Franch. of subgen. Pinus by the original author. We made an effort to address the question of the phylogenetic relationship of this peculiar and important species in the context of the major groups of the genus Pinus by using sequences of the rbcL, matK,genes, rpl20-rps18 spacer, trnV intron of the chloroplast genome and the nuclear ribosomal ITS region. The results of the separated analysis and the combined analysis of the four cpDNA sequences and ITS sequence indicated that P. squamata was a stable member of subsect. Gerardianae and P. gerardiana Wall. was the closest species of P. squamata phylogenetically. As a result, the causes of the distribution pattern of subsect. Gerardianae were also discussed. 展开更多
关键词 Pinus squamata phylogenetic relationship rbc l mat K rpl20-rps 18 trn V ITS
水稻RuBPCase小亚基基因(rbcS)全长cDNA的克隆和分析 被引量:2
作者 向太和 《浙江大学学报(理学版)》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2005年第3期314-319,共6页
根据国际核酸数据库中不同植物的Ru BPCase小亚基基因(rbc S)保守序列设计PCR引物,首先扩增出约35 0 bp的c DNA短片段,以此作为分子杂交探针对构建的水稻c DNA文库进行杂交筛选,同时结合PCR分析确定阳性克隆中c DNA片段的大小,选取插入... 根据国际核酸数据库中不同植物的Ru BPCase小亚基基因(rbc S)保守序列设计PCR引物,首先扩增出约35 0 bp的c DNA短片段,以此作为分子杂交探针对构建的水稻c DNA文库进行杂交筛选,同时结合PCR分析确定阳性克隆中c DNA片段的大小,选取插入的c DNA片段最长的阳性克隆进行测序分析验证,从而克隆了水稻中编码Ru BPCase小亚基的全长c DNA(Gen Bank登记号:AY4 4 5 6 2 7) .该c DNA片段从第5 2 bp开始至5 79bp含有编码175个氨基酸的开放阅读框(ORF,Gen Bank登记号:AAR192 6 8.1)和一个终止密码子.AY 4 4 5 6 2 7在3′端有一个长2 6 4 bp的非编码区,而在3′末段有poly(T) 1 7.经Compute p I /Mw软件预测,AAR192 6 8.1的等电点p I和分子量Mw 分别为9.0 3和196 30 .6 6 Da.通过与国际核酸和蛋白质数据库的blast比较分析,AY4 4 5 6 2 7序列与Gen Bank登记号D0 0 6 4 4 .1(水稻rbc S)、U 4 3493.1(大麦rbc S)、AF10 4 2 5 0 .1(燕麦rbc S)和M374 77.1(小麦rbc S)的序列相似性分别为99% (6 5 0 /6 5 5 )、84 % (436 /5 15 )、84 % (42 7/5 0 6 )和84 % (386 /4 5 6 ) .而AAR192 6 8.1氨基酸序列与Gen Bank登记号P185 6 6 (水稻rbc S)、AAF0 794 7.1(燕麦rbc S)、BAA35 16 2 .1(大麦rbc S)和BAB19812 .1(小麦rbc S)的氨基酸序列相似性分别为98% (173/175 )、84 % (14 3/16 9)、84 % (14 0 /16 6 )和83% (14 4 /173) .生物信息学的分析还表明rbc S基因不仅在水稻不同品种基因型之间非常保守,而且在水稻、小麦、大麦和燕麦等禾本科不同物种之间也高度同源. 展开更多
关键词 水稻 RuBPCase小亚基基因 克隆 分析
30例血性前列腺液L型细菌溶血培养法结果分析 被引量:1
作者 伊惠霞 杨志伟 杨利 《实用医技杂志》 2008年第5期563-564,共2页
Domingue[1]报道在进行L型细菌培养时发现,L型细菌可以在细胞内寄生。将红细胞(RBC)裂解稀释后培养L型细菌可以提高L型细菌的检出率。故本研究采取的标本为新疆地区维吾尔族16岁~48岁重症前列腺炎血性前列腺液,以了解细菌L型的阳性率... Domingue[1]报道在进行L型细菌培养时发现,L型细菌可以在细胞内寄生。将红细胞(RBC)裂解稀释后培养L型细菌可以提高L型细菌的检出率。故本研究采取的标本为新疆地区维吾尔族16岁~48岁重症前列腺炎血性前列腺液,以了解细菌L型的阳性率及细菌L型感染的关系。 展开更多
关键词 l型细菌 红细胞 血性前列腺液
海南岛海洋绿藻新记录种未氏仙掌藻(Halimeda velasquezii)的形态学与分子系统学分析 被引量:3
作者 孟天 陈佐 +3 位作者 朱军 邹潇潇 符青艳 鲍时翔 《热带海洋学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2020年第6期114-121,共8页
2019年4月在海南岛冯家湾潮间带的野外调查过程中采集到一种仙掌藻,利用传统形态分类学与分子系统分类学结合的方法,将该种鉴定为未氏仙掌藻Halimeda velasquezii W.R.Taylor。该种的形态特征为藻体呈绿色钙化,直立生长,固着器单一较小... 2019年4月在海南岛冯家湾潮间带的野外调查过程中采集到一种仙掌藻,利用传统形态分类学与分子系统分类学结合的方法,将该种鉴定为未氏仙掌藻Halimeda velasquezii W.R.Taylor。该种的形态特征为藻体呈绿色钙化,直立生长,固着器单一较小,由横卵形或肾形节片连接形成,节片表面观形态为近圆形,内部为管状髓丝,节点处髓丝多发生侧面成对融合,皮层下髓丝末端无囊状膨大。1,5-二磷酸核酮羧化酶/氧化酶大亚基基因(ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenaselargesubunit,rbc L)的序列分析结果显示,在系统发育树上,本研究样本与印度洋-太平洋地区产的未氏仙掌藻处于同一分支,且自展支持值为100,碱基基因差异为9bp(0.69%)。该种在海南岛海域首次被发现,为新记录种。本研究同时首次提取并分析了中国种群的rbc L基因序列,丰富了该种的中国种群的生态学知识,扩展了其地理分布范围,对了解海南岛海域海藻资源的生物多样性及其分布特征具有重要意义。 展开更多
关键词 未氏仙掌藻 海南岛 分类 形态 rbc l基因
细弱红翎菜(Solieria tenuis)的物种鉴定及其在青岛市琅琊台湾海域的生长调查研究
作者 闫舒恒 王旭雷 +9 位作者 王立军 顾文辉 解修俊 高山 羌玺 卓锦涛 郭梦林 刘雪华 王宗灵 王广策 《海洋与湖沼》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2023年第1期149-159,共11页
2021年7月末至10月初,位于黄海沿岸的青岛市西海岸新区琅琊台湾贡口拦海坝处出现大量悬浮生长的大型红藻。为明确该类群的分类地位,探究其生物学特征,对该处红藻群体展开了实地调研,并采集相关样本开展了形态鉴定和分子系统发育分析。... 2021年7月末至10月初,位于黄海沿岸的青岛市西海岸新区琅琊台湾贡口拦海坝处出现大量悬浮生长的大型红藻。为明确该类群的分类地位,探究其生物学特征,对该处红藻群体展开了实地调研,并采集相关样本开展了形态鉴定和分子系统发育分析。该群体主要由一种红藻组成,藻体紫红色、圆柱形,质软多肉,高度可达20cm,不规则互生分枝,分枝基部强烈缢缩、顶端尖细;藻体主轴横截面观可见较小的含色素外皮层细胞以及较大的近圆形假薄壁细胞和分布在髓层中央的散乱、疏松的丝状细胞。结合分子标记rbc L和cox I基因的系统发育分析结果,该物种被鉴定为细弱红翎菜(Solieria tenuis Zhang et Xia)。与历史研究记录不同,贡口拦海坝处的细弱红翎菜群体缺乏固着器和繁殖结构,悬浮性营养生长,所在海域丰富的氮磷营养可能为其快速生长提供了物质基础,在生长高峰期该群体总生物量约6 t (干重),是一次局部区域性小规模“藻华”。细弱红翎菜的悬浮生态型和暴发性增殖现象表明该物种可能具有较强的环境适应性,其生理特征和潜在的生态风险需进一步关注。 展开更多
关键词 细弱红翎菜 rbcl 系统发育分析 悬浮红藻 藻华
Contributions to a molecular phylogeny and systematics of Anemone and related genera (Ranunculaceae-Anemoninae) 被引量:5
作者 Friedrich Ehrendorfer Rosabelle Samuel (Department of Higher Plant Systematics and Evolution, Institute of Botany, University of Vienna, Rennweg 14, A-1030 Vienna, Austria) 《植物分类学报》 CSCD 北大核心 2001年第4期293-307,356,共16页
Plastid atp B/ rbc L intergenic spacer sequences were obtained from 21 selected taxa and one hybrid of Anemoninae ( Anemone, Pulsatilla, Hepatica ) and compared with Ficaria (Ranunculinae) as an outgroup. From the res... Plastid atp B/ rbc L intergenic spacer sequences were obtained from 21 selected taxa and one hybrid of Anemoninae ( Anemone, Pulsatilla, Hepatica ) and compared with Ficaria (Ranunculinae) as an outgroup. From the resulting matrix (1226 bp) a single most parsimonious tree was obtained (Fig. 1). The branching of this tree is confirmed by many informative indels and appears largely congruent with past plastid restriction analyses. Several new taxa are added. The monophyly of the Anemoninae and their early split into two major clades is supported: clade I with the chromosome base number x=8, clade II with the reduced x=7. Clade I is made up of the basal Pulsatilla and the Rivularis + Vitifolia groups. The Multifida group links to the crown groups Coronaria, Blanda and Nemorosa. Clade II consists of the basal Dichotoma group, followed by Hepatica, and finally by the N. Hemisphere Narcissiflora and the S. Hemisphere Antucensis groups as sisters. The problems of the Anemoninae ancestry, phylogenetic differentiation, and recent attempts for systematic classification are critically discussed. In view of the still incomplete sampling of DNA data, a conservative and informal approach to classification problems is recommended. 展开更多
关键词 银莲花属 毛茛科 分子系统学 系统发生
Molecular Grouping of Grateloupia Tissues Collected Along Chinese Coast and Microsatellite Diversity Analysis of G. asiatica 被引量:1
作者 PENG Chong DING Haiyan +2 位作者 TANG Zhihong GUO Li YANG Guanpin 《Journal of Ocean University of China》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2018年第4期925-931,共7页
Genus Grateloupia is one of the most speciose genera in family Halymeniales. It is also one of the sources for natural materials, food and medicine. With different environments, Grateloupia change their morphological ... Genus Grateloupia is one of the most speciose genera in family Halymeniales. It is also one of the sources for natural materials, food and medicine. With different environments, Grateloupia change their morphological characteristics, making their morphological identification very difficult. In addition, few of the species diversity in this genus has been described before. In this study, phylogenetic analysis based on rbc L gene sequence was employed to group Grateloupia collected from three locations along Chinese coast. The microsatellites were also used to evaluate their genetic diversity. In total, the tissue parts of 6 putative species were collected from G. asiatica, G. livida, G. lanceolate, G. catenata, G. turuturu and G. filicina. In order to evaluate their genetic diversity and then conserve them better, 40 microsatellites available for Grateloupia were used to evaluate their genetic diversity, and 11 microsatellites were found to be applicable to determine the genetic diversity of G. asiatica. It was found that the genetic diversity of G. asiatica around Qingdao was very rich. We suggested that the species of genus Grateloupia should be identified based on rbc L phylogenetic analysis before the diversity evaluation with microsatellites. The microsatellites should be developed for each species of Grateloupia so that their genetic diversity can be evaluated appropriately. 展开更多
Virescentia guangxiensis(Batrachospermales,Rhodophyta):a new freshwater red algal species from South China
作者 Kunpeng FANG Fangru NAN +4 位作者 Jia FENG Junping LÜ Qi LIU Xudong LIU Shulian XIE 《Journal of Oceanology and Limnology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2021年第4期1538-1546,共9页
Virescentia guangxiensis,a new species of Virescentia from Guangxi,South China,is described and illustrated based on morphological observations and phylogenetic analysis.This species was distinguished morphologically ... Virescentia guangxiensis,a new species of Virescentia from Guangxi,South China,is described and illustrated based on morphological observations and phylogenetic analysis.This species was distinguished morphologically from other species by the presence of special expansion cells with a variable shape,obovoid,spherical,pear-shaped,located in the penultimate cells of primary or secondary fascicles,rarely terminal on primary fascicles,as well as by small whorls(250-350-μm wide)and short primary fascicles(5-7 cell stories).Phylogenetic analysis of molecular data from the rbc L and COI-5P loci supported the separation of the proposed new species from other species in the genus Virescentia.This is the first species of the order Batrachospermales reported in Guangxi and the second species of the genus Virescentia reported in China.This study expands the known species diversity and geographical distribution of freshwater Rhodophyta in China. 展开更多
关键词 Virescentia new species rbc l COI-5P China
Pauciramus yunnanensis,gen.et sp.nov.,a novel freshwater red alga from China with proposal of the Ottiales ord.nov.(Nemaliophycidae,Rhodophyta)
作者 Kunpeng FANG Fangru NAN +4 位作者 Jia FENG Junping LÜ Qi LIU Xudong LIU Shulian XIE 《Journal of Oceanology and Limnology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2022年第3期1245-1256,共12页
Species of the red algal order Acrochaetiales mostly inhabit marine environments,with only two freshwater taxa Audouinella and Ottia.A new genus and species are described for freshwater red alga Pauciramus yunnanensis... Species of the red algal order Acrochaetiales mostly inhabit marine environments,with only two freshwater taxa Audouinella and Ottia.A new genus and species are described for freshwater red alga Pauciramus yunnanensis from Ailao Mountain,Yunnan,China.It is closely related to Ottia and a new order Ottiales was proposed for these genera.Pauciramus has unique combination of morphological characteristics including the following:plants caespitose and densely pulvinate,slender uniseriate filaments with well-developed rhizoids,rarely branched,cylindrical vegetative cell with a single,ribbon-shaped and parietal chloroplast,reproduction by tetrasporangia,and dense sporangial branchlet only at the upper portion of filaments.Phylogenetic analysis of sequence data from the plastid ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase-oxygenase large-subunit(rbc L),small subunit gene of the ribosomal cistron(SSU)and barcode region near the 5′end of the mitochondrial cytochrome oxidase subunit I(COI-5P)indicated that:the new taxon,P.yunnanensis,was in a well-supported clade with Ottia meiospora,and this clade was sister to order Palmariales and Acrochaetiales.To adhere to the principle of monophyly,a new freshwater order Ottiales including Ottia and Pauciramus is proposed.Despite the high sequence interspecific divergences and obvious morphological differences between genera Ottia and Pauciramus,seems impractical to establish a new family for a monospecific genus.Therefore,we temporarily classified Pauciramus into the family Ottiaceae,and made necessary revisions to the description to accommodate this genus. 展开更多
关键词 China 5′end of the mitochondrial cytochrome oxidase subunit I(COI-5P) Ottiales Pauciramus ribulose-1 5-bisphosphate carboxylase-oxygenase large-subunit(rbc l) small subunit gene of the ribosomal cistron(SSU)
植物登陆过程中光合作用相关基因的进化 被引量:3
作者 李雪芹 王寅初 +2 位作者 崔玉琳 秦松 胡章立 《生物学杂志》 CAS CSCD 2015年第1期59-66,共8页
现代陆生植物的祖先大约在5亿到4.7亿年前登陆,这是植物进化过程中的重要事件。光照不仅是植物的主要能量来源,还是主要的环境信息来源之一。一般认为,光合作用效率越高,植物的适应能力越强。植物登陆过程前后,环境从光照、光强到二氧化... 现代陆生植物的祖先大约在5亿到4.7亿年前登陆,这是植物进化过程中的重要事件。光照不仅是植物的主要能量来源,还是主要的环境信息来源之一。一般认为,光合作用效率越高,植物的适应能力越强。植物登陆过程前后,环境从光照、光强到二氧化碳/氧气浓度比等都发生了变化,比如适应陆地生活的海草重新返回水生环境,猜测在这个过程中植物光合作用的相关的关键功能基因可能发生了进化。为了证明该假说,以链形植物门绿藻和低等陆地植物为主要研究对象,通过从Gen Bank收集相关基因序列以及从几株相近绿藻中提取测定DNA序列,利用PAML"分枝-位点"模型对光合作用光反应和暗反应中的psb A、rbc L、rca 3个基因进行了适应性进化分析。结果显示植物登陆过程前后,在这3个光合作用相关基因中均未检测到统计上显著的正选择位点,反而在绿色植物早期分化(绿藻门和链形植物门)过程中却发现有明显的正选择痕迹。这些惊人的结果提示植物登陆前后从水体到陆地的环境变化对光合作用的影响可能并不大,其它诸如角质膜、气孔器等相关的基因可能发挥了更大的作用。 展开更多
关键词 植物 PSB A基因 rbc l基因 rca基因 正向选择位点 环境变化 适应性进化
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