通过对我国西南地区3个洞穴9根大型石笋272个初始234U/238U数据的分析研究,发现石笋初始234U/238U值长尺度变化与海洋沉积SPECMAP曲线δ18O记录有一定的正相关关系,与北纬25°夏季太阳辐射能量变化曲线呈一定的负相关关系,石笋初始2...通过对我国西南地区3个洞穴9根大型石笋272个初始234U/238U数据的分析研究,发现石笋初始234U/238U值长尺度变化与海洋沉积SPECMAP曲线δ18O记录有一定的正相关关系,与北纬25°夏季太阳辐射能量变化曲线呈一定的负相关关系,石笋初始234U/238U值的变化在冰期时波动强烈,而在间冰期波动相对平缓,在间冰期和冰期(间冰阶和冰阶)转化阶段该值呈跳跃状态变化。末次冰期及全新世阶段石笋初始234U/238U变化记录了该时段内的BA暖期和YD突变冷事件;全新世8200 a BP、7200 a BP、5200 a BP、4200 a BP、2800 a BP、1400 a BP发生的几次较强冷事件在石笋初始234U/238U值都有相应记录,并且和长尺度的变化规律一致,冷事件发生时石笋初始234U/238U值偏重,暖期偏轻。封闭系统形成的洞穴石笋初始234U/238U变化类似于同地区洞穴石笋的δ18O对气候变化的记录特征,在我国西南地区两者与夏季风变化的强弱呈现一种负相关的关系,洞穴石笋初始234U/238U值可以作为一个有用的古气候替代指标来研究古降水的变化。展开更多
Knowledge of actinides(n,f) fission process induced by neutron is of importance in the field of nuclear power and nuclear engineering,especially for reactor applications.In this work,fission characteristics of^(238)U(...Knowledge of actinides(n,f) fission process induced by neutron is of importance in the field of nuclear power and nuclear engineering,especially for reactor applications.In this work,fission characteristics of^(238)U(n,f) reaction induced by D-T neutron source were simulated with Geant4 code from multiple perspectives,including the fission production yields,total nubar,kinetic energy distribution,fission neutron spectrum and cumulative γ-ray spectrum of the fission products.The simulation results agree well with the experimental nuclear reaction data(EXFOR) and evaluated nuclear data(ENDF).Mainly,this work was to examine the rationality of the parametric nuclear fission model in Geant4 and to direct our future experimental measurements for the cumulative fission yields of ^(238)U(n,f) reaction.展开更多
238U作为一种重要的裂变材料,其含量的准确测定在裂变产额数据测量中具有重要意义。在四川大学2.5 Me V质子静电加速器上,利用T(p,n)3He反应产生的483 ke V单能中子照射金属铀样品,对照射后生成放射性核素239Np的特征γ射线进行测量,利...238U作为一种重要的裂变材料,其含量的准确测定在裂变产额数据测量中具有重要意义。在四川大学2.5 Me V质子静电加速器上,利用T(p,n)3He反应产生的483 ke V单能中子照射金属铀样品,对照射后生成放射性核素239Np的特征γ射线进行测量,利用已知的238U(n,γ)俘获截面数据实现了对238U含量的准确测量。对影响测量结果准确性的因素做了细致分析,采用蒙特卡罗方法应用软件MCNPX(Monte Carlo N-Particle e Xtended)对中子的多次散射效应和中子注量衰减效应进行了修正,对γ射线在样品中的自吸收也进行了修正,修正后的实验结果是2.884 2 g金属铀含5.712 8×1021个238U原子,实验结果的不确定度是4.1%。展开更多
Urban populations in Morocco receive free medical drugs as prescribed by doctors in district health centres.To explore the exposure pathway of ^(238)U and^(232)Th and their decay products on the skin of patients,these...Urban populations in Morocco receive free medical drugs as prescribed by doctors in district health centres.To explore the exposure pathway of ^(238)U and^(232)Th and their decay products on the skin of patients,these radionuclides were measured in various medical drugs by using solid-state nuclear track detectors(SSNTDs).The measured concentrations range of ^(238)U and ^(232)Th in the medical drug samples of interest vary from(4.3±0.3) to(11.1±0.7) mBq 1^(-1) and(0.49±0.03) to(1.3±0.1)mBq 1^(-1),respectively.A new dosimetric model,based on the concept of specific alpha-dose and alpha-particle residual energy,was developed for evaluating radiation doses to skin following the application of different medical drugs by patients.The maximum total equivalent effective dose to skin due to the ^(238)U and ^(232)Th series from cutaneous application of different medical drugs by patients was found to be 2.8 mSv year^(-1) cm^(-2).展开更多
Production of light complex particles from the n+^238u reaction is analyzed with the exciton model including the improved Iwamoto-Harada pickup mechanism for the preequilibrium process. It is allowed that some of the...Production of light complex particles from the n+^238u reaction is analyzed with the exciton model including the improved Iwamoto-Harada pickup mechanism for the preequilibrium process. It is allowed that some of the nucleons forming the complex ejectile come from levels below the Fermi energy, and the intrinsic structure of the emitted particle is taken into account. The equilibrium-state emissions are also considered by using Hauser- Feshbach theory with the width fluctuation correction and the evaporation model angular distributions, energy spectra and double differential cross sections of neutron, alpha emissions for the n+^238U reaction are consistently calculated and analyzed with the energy range En ≤150 MeV. ENDF-formatted nuclear data including information charged particles are obtained. Moreover, all cross sections, proton, deuteron, triton and nuclear theoretical models in about the production of light展开更多
黄饼材料中铀的准确定量是后续处理工艺选择的关键,文中在主动式多重性方法的基础上,提出了一种通过记录分析中子源诱发238U裂变信息,进行铀定量的方法。但由于黄饼材料自身存在中子自屏蔽效应以及含水量的差异,导致定量结果存在偏差。...黄饼材料中铀的准确定量是后续处理工艺选择的关键,文中在主动式多重性方法的基础上,提出了一种通过记录分析中子源诱发238U裂变信息,进行铀定量的方法。但由于黄饼材料自身存在中子自屏蔽效应以及含水量的差异,导致定量结果存在偏差。为了进一步提高定量准确性,使用MCNP(Monte Carlo N-Particle Transport)结合MATLAB程序优化选择了241Am-Be源作为激发源;另外,通过对不同质量及含水量系列化样品的模拟发现:铀定量误差主要来自于泄漏增殖因子ML与增殖因子M差距的不匹配。通过MCNP模拟获取M随铀质量变化规律的曲线后,根据样品净含量选择合适的增殖因子M,再根据二重计数率D进行定量计算,获得铀定量的相对误差小于5%;含水量的变化带来的中子自屏蔽效应对多重计数率影响较大,通过S0/Si与D0/Di的关系对二重计数率D进行修正后再进行计算,铀定量的相对误差能够控制在10%左右;该研究对中子多重性方法在黄饼生产与测量中的应用推广具有重要的参考价值。展开更多
Statistical biases may be introduced by imprecisely quantifying background radiation reference levels. It is, therefore, imperative to devise a simple, adaptable approach for precisely describing the reference backgro...Statistical biases may be introduced by imprecisely quantifying background radiation reference levels. It is, therefore, imperative to devise a simple, adaptable approach for precisely describing the reference background levels of naturally occurring radionuclides (NOR) in mining sites. As a substitute statistical method, we suggest using Bayesian modeling in this work to examine the spatial distribution of NOR. For naturally occurring gamma-induced radionuclides like 232Th, 40K, and 238U, statistical parameters are inferred using the Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) method. After obtaining an accurate subsample using bootstrapping, we exclude any possible outliers that fall outside of the Highest Density Interval (HDI). We use MCMC to build a Bayesian model with the resampled data and make predictions about the posterior distribution of radionuclides produced by gamma irradiation. This method offers a strong and dependable way to describe NOR reference background values, which is important for managing and evaluating radiation risks in mining contexts.展开更多
文摘通过对我国西南地区3个洞穴9根大型石笋272个初始234U/238U数据的分析研究,发现石笋初始234U/238U值长尺度变化与海洋沉积SPECMAP曲线δ18O记录有一定的正相关关系,与北纬25°夏季太阳辐射能量变化曲线呈一定的负相关关系,石笋初始234U/238U值的变化在冰期时波动强烈,而在间冰期波动相对平缓,在间冰期和冰期(间冰阶和冰阶)转化阶段该值呈跳跃状态变化。末次冰期及全新世阶段石笋初始234U/238U变化记录了该时段内的BA暖期和YD突变冷事件;全新世8200 a BP、7200 a BP、5200 a BP、4200 a BP、2800 a BP、1400 a BP发生的几次较强冷事件在石笋初始234U/238U值都有相应记录,并且和长尺度的变化规律一致,冷事件发生时石笋初始234U/238U值偏重,暖期偏轻。封闭系统形成的洞穴石笋初始234U/238U变化类似于同地区洞穴石笋的δ18O对气候变化的记录特征,在我国西南地区两者与夏季风变化的强弱呈现一种负相关的关系,洞穴石笋初始234U/238U值可以作为一个有用的古气候替代指标来研究古降水的变化。
基金supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China(No.21327801)
文摘Knowledge of actinides(n,f) fission process induced by neutron is of importance in the field of nuclear power and nuclear engineering,especially for reactor applications.In this work,fission characteristics of^(238)U(n,f) reaction induced by D-T neutron source were simulated with Geant4 code from multiple perspectives,including the fission production yields,total nubar,kinetic energy distribution,fission neutron spectrum and cumulative γ-ray spectrum of the fission products.The simulation results agree well with the experimental nuclear reaction data(EXFOR) and evaluated nuclear data(ENDF).Mainly,this work was to examine the rationality of the parametric nuclear fission model in Geant4 and to direct our future experimental measurements for the cumulative fission yields of ^(238)U(n,f) reaction.
文摘238U作为一种重要的裂变材料,其含量的准确测定在裂变产额数据测量中具有重要意义。在四川大学2.5 Me V质子静电加速器上,利用T(p,n)3He反应产生的483 ke V单能中子照射金属铀样品,对照射后生成放射性核素239Np的特征γ射线进行测量,利用已知的238U(n,γ)俘获截面数据实现了对238U含量的准确测量。对影响测量结果准确性的因素做了细致分析,采用蒙特卡罗方法应用软件MCNPX(Monte Carlo N-Particle e Xtended)对中子的多次散射效应和中子注量衰减效应进行了修正,对γ射线在样品中的自吸收也进行了修正,修正后的实验结果是2.884 2 g金属铀含5.712 8×1021个238U原子,实验结果的不确定度是4.1%。
基金under an URAC-15 research contract with the CNRST,Rabat,Morocco
文摘Urban populations in Morocco receive free medical drugs as prescribed by doctors in district health centres.To explore the exposure pathway of ^(238)U and^(232)Th and their decay products on the skin of patients,these radionuclides were measured in various medical drugs by using solid-state nuclear track detectors(SSNTDs).The measured concentrations range of ^(238)U and ^(232)Th in the medical drug samples of interest vary from(4.3±0.3) to(11.1±0.7) mBq 1^(-1) and(0.49±0.03) to(1.3±0.1)mBq 1^(-1),respectively.A new dosimetric model,based on the concept of specific alpha-dose and alpha-particle residual energy,was developed for evaluating radiation doses to skin following the application of different medical drugs by patients.The maximum total equivalent effective dose to skin due to the ^(238)U and ^(232)Th series from cutaneous application of different medical drugs by patients was found to be 2.8 mSv year^(-1) cm^(-2).
基金Supported by National Natural Science Foundation of China-NSAF(U1630122)IAEA Coordinated Research Projects(CRPs)on Recommended Input Parameter Library(RIPL)for Fission Cross Section Calculations(20464)Science Challenge Project(TZ2018005)
文摘Production of light complex particles from the n+^238u reaction is analyzed with the exciton model including the improved Iwamoto-Harada pickup mechanism for the preequilibrium process. It is allowed that some of the nucleons forming the complex ejectile come from levels below the Fermi energy, and the intrinsic structure of the emitted particle is taken into account. The equilibrium-state emissions are also considered by using Hauser- Feshbach theory with the width fluctuation correction and the evaporation model angular distributions, energy spectra and double differential cross sections of neutron, alpha emissions for the n+^238U reaction are consistently calculated and analyzed with the energy range En ≤150 MeV. ENDF-formatted nuclear data including information charged particles are obtained. Moreover, all cross sections, proton, deuteron, triton and nuclear theoretical models in about the production of light
文摘黄饼材料中铀的准确定量是后续处理工艺选择的关键,文中在主动式多重性方法的基础上,提出了一种通过记录分析中子源诱发238U裂变信息,进行铀定量的方法。但由于黄饼材料自身存在中子自屏蔽效应以及含水量的差异,导致定量结果存在偏差。为了进一步提高定量准确性,使用MCNP(Monte Carlo N-Particle Transport)结合MATLAB程序优化选择了241Am-Be源作为激发源;另外,通过对不同质量及含水量系列化样品的模拟发现:铀定量误差主要来自于泄漏增殖因子ML与增殖因子M差距的不匹配。通过MCNP模拟获取M随铀质量变化规律的曲线后,根据样品净含量选择合适的增殖因子M,再根据二重计数率D进行定量计算,获得铀定量的相对误差小于5%;含水量的变化带来的中子自屏蔽效应对多重计数率影响较大,通过S0/Si与D0/Di的关系对二重计数率D进行修正后再进行计算,铀定量的相对误差能够控制在10%左右;该研究对中子多重性方法在黄饼生产与测量中的应用推广具有重要的参考价值。
文摘Statistical biases may be introduced by imprecisely quantifying background radiation reference levels. It is, therefore, imperative to devise a simple, adaptable approach for precisely describing the reference background levels of naturally occurring radionuclides (NOR) in mining sites. As a substitute statistical method, we suggest using Bayesian modeling in this work to examine the spatial distribution of NOR. For naturally occurring gamma-induced radionuclides like 232Th, 40K, and 238U, statistical parameters are inferred using the Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) method. After obtaining an accurate subsample using bootstrapping, we exclude any possible outliers that fall outside of the Highest Density Interval (HDI). We use MCMC to build a Bayesian model with the resampled data and make predictions about the posterior distribution of radionuclides produced by gamma irradiation. This method offers a strong and dependable way to describe NOR reference background values, which is important for managing and evaluating radiation risks in mining contexts.