Minimum temperatures have remarkable impacts on tree growth at high-elevation sites on the Tibetan Plateau,but the shortage of long-term and high-resolution paleoclimate records inhibits understanding of recent minimu...Minimum temperatures have remarkable impacts on tree growth at high-elevation sites on the Tibetan Plateau,but the shortage of long-term and high-resolution paleoclimate records inhibits understanding of recent minimum temperature anomalies.In this study,a warm season(April–September)reconstruction is presented for the past 467 years(1550–2016)based on Sabina tibetica ring-width chronology on the Lianbaoyeze Mountain of the central eastern Tibetan Plateau.Eight warm periods and eight cold periods were identified.Long-term minimum temperature variations revealed a high degree of coherence with nearby reconstructions.Spatial correlations between our reconstruction and global sea surface temperatures suggest that warm season minimum temperature anomalies in the central eastern Tibetan Plateau were strongly influenced by large-scale ocean atmospheric circulations,such as the El Ni?o-Southern Oscillation and the Atlantic Multidecadal Oscillation.展开更多
The variability of the summer rainfall over China is analyzed using the EOF procedure with a new parameter (namely, mode station variance percentage) based on 1951-2000 summer rainfall data from 160 stations in Chin...The variability of the summer rainfall over China is analyzed using the EOF procedure with a new parameter (namely, mode station variance percentage) based on 1951-2000 summer rainfall data from 160 stations in China. Compared with mode variance friction, the mode station variance percentage not only reveals more localized characteristics of the variability of the summer rainfall, but also helps to distinguish the regions with a high degree of dominant EOF modes representing the analyzed observational variable. The atmospheric circulation diagnostic studies with the NCEP/NCAR reanalysis daily data from 1966 to 2000 show that in summer, abundant (scarce) rainfall in the belt-area from the upper-middle reaches of the Yangtze River northeastward to the Huaihe River basin is linked to strong (weak) heat sources over the eastern Tibetan Plateau, while the abundant (scarce) rainfall in the area to the south of the middle-lower reaches of the Yangtze River is closely linked to the weak (strong) heat sources over the tropical western Pacific.展开更多
The eastern margin of the Tibetan Plateau is characterized by frequent earthquakes; however, research of paleo-earthquakes in the area has been limited^ owing to the alpine topography and strong erosion. Detailed inve...The eastern margin of the Tibetan Plateau is characterized by frequent earthquakes; however, research of paleo-earthquakes in the area has been limited^ owing to the alpine topography and strong erosion. Detailed investigations of soft-sediment deformation(SSD) structures are valuable for understanding the trigger mechanisms, deformation processes, and the magnitudes of earthquakes that generate such structures, and help us to understand tectonic activity in the region. To assess tectonic activity during the late Quaternary, we studied a well-exposed sequence of Shawan lacustrine sediments, 7.0 m thick, near Lake Diexi in the upper reaches of the Minjiang River. Deformation is recorded by both ductile structures(load casts, flame structures,pseudonodules, ball-and-pillow structures, and liquefied convolute structures) and brittle structures(liquefied breccia, and microfaults). Taking into account the geodynamic setting of the area and its known tectonic activity, these SSD structures can be interpreted in terms of seismic shocks. The types and forms of the structures,the maximum liquefaction distances, and the thicknesses of the horizons with SSD structures in the Shawan section indicate that they record six strong earthquakes of magnitude 6-7 and one with magnitude >7. A recent study showed that the Songpinggou fault is the seismogenic structure of the 1933 Ms7.5 Diexi earthquake. The Shawan section is located close to the junction of the Songpinggou and Minjiang faults, and records seven earthquakes with magnitudes of ?7. We infer,therefore, that the SSD structures in the Shawan section document deglacial activity along the Songpinggou fault.展开更多
We compared the stable carbon isotopic records from a loess transect of the Jiaochang in the eastern Tibetan Plateau, spanning the last -21,000 years, with multiproxy data for pedogenesis, including magnetic susceptib...We compared the stable carbon isotopic records from a loess transect of the Jiaochang in the eastern Tibetan Plateau, spanning the last -21,000 years, with multiproxy data for pedogenesis, including magnetic susceptibility, clay fraction, Fed/Fet ratio, carbonate and total organic carbon content, in order to probe the mechanisms of δ^13C values of organic matter and Late Quaternary climate variations in the eastern Tibetan Plateau. Our results indicate that there is no simple relationship between δ^13C of organic matter and summer monsoon variations. The change in δ^13C values of organic matter (in accordance with the ratios of C3 to C4 plants) results from the interaction among temperature, aridity and atmospheric pCO2 level. Drier climate and lower atmospheric pCO2 level contribute to positive carbon isotopic excursion, while negative carbon isotopic excursion is the result of lower temperature and increased atmospheric pCO2 level. Additionally, our results imply that the Tibetan monsoon may play an important role in climate system in the eastern Tibet Plateau, which specifically reflects frequently changing climate in that area. The results provide new insights into the forcing mechanisms on both the δ^13C values of organic matter and the local climate system.展开更多
Owing to the remoteness of the Longriba area and the lack of dating records,it is extremely challenging to reconstruct the chronology and extent of the paleoglaciers in this area.In this paper,we combined limited obse...Owing to the remoteness of the Longriba area and the lack of dating records,it is extremely challenging to reconstruct the chronology and extent of the paleoglaciers in this area.In this paper,we combined limited observational data with automated modelling for paleoglacial reconstructions.We first identified a broadly distributed paleoglacier from satellite imagery and field investigation based on the sediment-landform assemblage principle and dated it to 23.1±1.4~19.5±1.2 ka by ^(10)Be exposure dating,corresponding to the global Last Glacial Maximum(gLGM).Then,we reconstructed the extent and ice surface of 171 paleoglaciers formed during the similar period based on geomorphological evidence and‘ice surface profile’modelling.The results showed that the paleoglacial coverage was 426.5 km2,with an ice volume of 38.1 km^(3),in the Longriba area.The reconstructed equilibrium line altitudes(ELAs)based on modelled ice surfaces yielded an average of 4245±66 m above sea level(asl),~725±73 m lower than the present ELA(4970±29 m asl).The temperature was~5.51-6.68℃lower,and the precipitation was~30-34%less in Longriba,during the gLGM compared to the present day.This glacial advance was mainly driven by colder climate that was synchronous with Northern Hemisphere cooling events.展开更多
The eastern Tibetan plateau has been getting more and more attention because it combines active faults,uplifting, and large earthquakes together in a high-population region. Based on the previous researches, the most ...The eastern Tibetan plateau has been getting more and more attention because it combines active faults,uplifting, and large earthquakes together in a high-population region. Based on the previous researches, the most of Cenozoic tectonic activities were related to the regional structure of the local blocks within the crustal scale. Thus,a better understanding of the crustal structure of the regional tectonic blocks is an important topic for further study. In this paper, we combined the simple Bouguer gravity anomaly with the Moho depths from previous studies to investigate the crustal structure in this area. To highlight the crustal structures, the gravity anomaly caused by the Moho relief has been reduced by forward modeling calculations. A total horizontal derivative(THD) had been applied on the gravity residuals. The results indicated that the crustal gravity residual is compatible with the topography and the geological settings of the regional blocks,including the Sichuan basin, the Chuxiong basin, the Xiaojiang fault, and the Jinhe fault, as well as the Longmenshan fault zone. The THD emphasized the west margin of Yangtze block, i.e., the Longriba fault zone and the Xiaojiang fault cut through the Yangtze block. The checkboard pattern of the gravity residual in the SongpanGarze fold belt and Chuandian fragment shows that the crust is undergoing a southward and SE-directed extrusion,which is coincident with the flowing direction indicatedfrom the GPS measurements. By integrating the interpretations, the stepwise extensional mechanism of the eastern Tibetan plateau is supported by the southeastward crustal deformation, and the extrusion of Chuandian fragment is achieved by Xianshuihe fault.展开更多
This paper presents the results of determining trace elements and δ 13C, δ 18O in Gyraulus sibirica shell continuously preserved in Xingcuo Lake sediments in the recent 50 years. By coupling these indexes and instru...This paper presents the results of determining trace elements and δ 13C, δ 18O in Gyraulus sibirica shell continuously preserved in Xingcuo Lake sediments in the recent 50 years. By coupling these indexes and instrumental meteorological data on its basin to determine the relations among them, we probed quantitatively the climatic signals recorded in Xingcuo Lake sediments. The results showed that gastropod shells in Xingcuo Lake were formed in warm seasons; that trace elements, and stable isotope in shells just recorded the climatic signals of the warm seasons instead of that of the whole year; that Mg/Ca ratio and δ 18O proxy had certain correlation with air temperature in warm seasons, when the δ 18O proxy was more sensitive; with the average ratio of them being 0.28×10 -3/℃ and the variation rate dδ 18O/dT being 1.64×10 -3/℃; that the Sr/Ca ratio and δ 13C proxy, especially Sr/Ca ratio, had close correlation; and that dSr/Ca/dP was -0.045/mm.展开更多
The relationships between the summer rainfall in China and the atmospheric heat sources over the eastern Tibetan Plateau and the western Pacific warm pool were analyzed comparatively, using the NCEP/NCAR reanalysis da...The relationships between the summer rainfall in China and the atmospheric heat sources over the eastern Tibetan Plateau and the western Pacific warm pool were analyzed comparatively, using the NCEP/NCAR reanalysis daily data. The strong (weak) heat source in summer over the eastern Tibetan Plateau will lead to abundant (scarce) summer rainfall in the Yangtze River basin, and scarce/abundant summer rainfall in the eastern part of Southern China. While the strong (weak) heat source in summer over the western Pacific warm pool will lead to another pattern of abundant (scarce) summer rainfall in the middle-lower reaches of the Yangtze River and scarce (abundant) summer rainfall in Southern China and in the region of northern Jiangsu to southern Shandong. Comparatively, the heat source over the eastern Tibetan Plateau affects a larger area of summer rainfall than the heat source over the western Pacific. In both cases of the heat source anomalies over the eastern Tibetan Plateau and over the western Pacific, there exist EAP-like teleconnection patterns in East Asia. The summer rainfall in China is influenced directly by the abnormal vertical motion, which is related closely to the abnormal heat sources in the atmosphere. The ridge line of the western Pacific High locates far south (north) in summer in the case of strong (weak) heat sources over the two areas mentioned above.展开更多
Objective The occurrence of the devastating Wenchuan earthquake not only caused huge economic loss and deaths but also raised a question whether or not it would trigger any destructive earthquakes on its neighboring s...Objective The occurrence of the devastating Wenchuan earthquake not only caused huge economic loss and deaths but also raised a question whether or not it would trigger any destructive earthquakes on its neighboring segments in the Longmenshan Thrust Zone (LTZ) in the future.展开更多
The distribution of trace metals in remote alpine region is an effective way to understand the impacts of regional human activity and vegetation on the alpine ecosystem. In this study, the concentrations of cadmium(Cd...The distribution of trace metals in remote alpine region is an effective way to understand the impacts of regional human activity and vegetation on the alpine ecosystem. In this study, the concentrations of cadmium(Cd), copper(Cu), lead(Pb), and zinc(Zn) in the soils of Gongga Mountain, Eastern Tibetan Plateau, were investigated to reveal their seasonal and spatial distribution and enrichment state, and to decipher the effects of atmospheric deposition and vegetation on their distributions among five vegetation zones. The results showed that the concentrations of Cd, Pb, and Zn were higher in the O horizon than in other horizons despite the seasonal changes, whereas Cu was enriched in the C horizon. The enrichment states of the metals studied in the soils decreased in the order of Cd > Pb > Zn > Cu. Cd and Pb were mainly sourced from atmospheric deposition; Zn was from both atmospheric deposition and parent materials, whereas Cu was mainly from parent materials.Seasonally, the trace metals were generally higher in May and December but lower in September, implying the impact of vegetation on the distribution of trace metals under the plant uptake and the litter decomposition. Spatially, the higher enrichment of Cu, Pb, and Zn in the soils existed in the mixed broadleafconiferous forests and coniferous forests(approximately 3000 m above sea level). The results suggested that atmospheric deposition and biological processes are main factors controlling the seasonal and spatial distribution of trace metals in the soils of the remote alpine ecosystem.展开更多
The main objective of this study is to simulate the potential vegetation types on the basis of environmental parameters.The paper took Barkam County in a mountainous region of the Eastern Tibetan Plateau as the study ...The main objective of this study is to simulate the potential vegetation types on the basis of environmental parameters.The paper took Barkam County in a mountainous region of the Eastern Tibetan Plateau as the study area.The vegetation distribution was mapped in 1994 and 2007 based on TM remote sensing images by object-oriented interpretation method.We overlaid the two maps to find out the vegetation patches which have not changed,and took them as stable types.Fifty per cent of the stable patches were randomly sampled to operate the logistic regression with related environmental parameters;others were used as test data of simulated results.Seven environmental parameters were mapped,including elevation,slope,aspect,surface curvature,solar radiation,temperature and precipitation,based on DEM data and meteorological site data by GIS technology.The relationship between the spatial distribution of vegetation and environmental variables were quantified by logistic regression.The distribution probabilities of each vegetation type were calculated.Finally,the spatial distribution of potential vegetation was simulated.This research can provide a scientific basis for vegetation restoration and ecological construction in this area.展开更多
Existing studies contend that latent heating(LH)will replace sensible heating(SH)to become the dominant factor affecting the development of the Tibetan Plateau vortex(TPV)after it moves off the Tibetan Plateau(TP).How...Existing studies contend that latent heating(LH)will replace sensible heating(SH)to become the dominant factor affecting the development of the Tibetan Plateau vortex(TPV)after it moves off the Tibetan Plateau(TP).However,in the process of the TPV moving off the TP requires that the airmass traverse the eastern slope of the Tibetan Plateau(ESTP)where the topography and diabatic heating(DH)conditions rapidly change.How LH gradually replaces SH to become the dominant factor in the development of the TPV over the ESTP is still not very clear.In this paper,an analysis of a typical case of a TPV with a long life history over the ESTP is performed by using multi-sourced meteorological data and model simulations.The results show that SH from the TP surface can change the TPV-associated precipitation distribution by temperature advection after the TPV moves off the TP.The LH can then directly promote the development of the TPV and has a certain guiding effect on the track of the TPV.The SH can control the active area of LH by changing the falling area of the TPV-associated precipitation,so it still plays a key role in the development and tracking of the TPV even though it has moved out of the main body of the TP.展开更多
Although the forest floor plays important roles in water-holding and nutrient cycling, there is not enough knowledge of the functional changes of the forest floor resulting from changes in vegetation. To evaluate the ...Although the forest floor plays important roles in water-holding and nutrient cycling, there is not enough knowledge of the functional changes of the forest floor resulting from changes in vegetation. To evaluate the effect on the hydrological properties of forest floor by the substitution of plantation species for native coppice, we selected four species substituting plantations and one native coppice (secondary native broad-leaved forest, dominated by Quercus liaotungensis and Corylus heterophylla var. sutchuenensis) (QC) as a comparison forest. The substituting plantations were Cercidiphyllum japonicum (Cj), Pinus tabulaeformis (Pt), Pinus armandi (Pa), Larix kaempferi (Lk). These were established in 1987 with a stocking density of approximately 2500 stem ha -1 . Thickness and the amount of floor in coniferous plantations were significantly higher compared to secondary native broad-leaved forest and pure broad- leaved plantation. The maximal water-holding capacity of the floor showed the same trend as thickness and amount of litter. Main contributors to the difference in hydrological characteristics in the plantations were the quantity of forest floor and the maximal water holding capacity per unit weight of the floor. The relationships between water absorption processes, water absorption rate and the immersion time for litter, fitted to logarithmic and exponential regressions, respectively. Water absorption processes differed significantly between the various plantations and different decomposition floor horizons. Water absorption characteristics were influenced by leaf structure in various tree species and the degree of decomposed litter. Our results showed that litter amount in coniferous plantations were significantly higher than in deciduous broad-leaved plantation. This suggests that a large amount of nutrients are held in the litter horizon, delaying return to the soil and utilization by plants. At the same time, maximal water-holding capacity of the forest floor in F [fermentation] and H [hummus] horizons was significantly higher than that in L [fresh litter] horizon. Therefore, improving litter transformation from L horizon to F and H horizons by promoting forest floor environment would be one of the best methods for plantation management.展开更多
Dextral-slip thrust movement of the Songpan-Garze terrain over the Sichuan block caused the Ms 8.0 Wenchuan earthquake of May 12, 2008 and offset the Central Longmenshan Fault (CLF) along a distance of -250 km. Disp...Dextral-slip thrust movement of the Songpan-Garze terrain over the Sichuan block caused the Ms 8.0 Wenchuan earthquake of May 12, 2008 and offset the Central Longmenshan Fault (CLF) along a distance of -250 km. Displacement along the CLF changes from Yingxiu to Qingchuan. The total oblique slip of up to 7.6 m in Yingxiu near the epicenter of the earthquake, decreases northeastward to 5.3 m, 6.6 m, 4.4 m, 2.5 m and 1.1 m in Hongkou, Beichuan, Pingtong, Nanba and Qingchuan, respectively. This offset apparently occurred during a sequence of four reported seismic events, EQ1-EQ4, which were identified by seismic inversion of the source mechanism. These events occurred in rapid succession as the fault break propagated northeastward during the earthquake. Variations in the plunge of slickensides along the CLF appear to match these events. The Mw 7.5 EQ1 event occurred during the first 0-10 s along the Yingxiu-Hongkou section of the CLF and is characterized by 1.7 m vertical slip and vertical slickensides. The Mw 8.0 EQ2 event, which occurred during the next 10-42 s along the Yingxiu-Yanziyan section of the CLF, is marked by major dextralslip with minor thrust and slickensides plunging 25°-35° southwestward. The Mw 7.5 EQ3 event occurred during the following 42-60 s and resulted in dextral-slip and slickensides plunging 10° southwestward in Beichuan and plunging 73° southwestward in Hongkou. The Mw 7.7 EQ4 event, which occurred during the final 60-95 s along the Beichuan-Qingchuan section of the CLF, is characterized by nearly equal values of dextral and vertical slips with slickensides plunging 45°-50° southwestward. These seismic events match and evidently controlled the concentrations of landslide dams caused by the Wenchuan earthquake in Longmenshan Mountains.展开更多
The Queershan composite granitic pluton is located in the north of the late Paleozoic Yidun arc collision-orogenic belt, eastern Tibetan Plateau. The main rock types are coarse-grained porphyritic alkalic-monzonite gr...The Queershan composite granitic pluton is located in the north of the late Paleozoic Yidun arc collision-orogenic belt, eastern Tibetan Plateau. The main rock types are coarse-grained porphyritic alkalic-monzonite granite with minor fine-grained porphyritic monzogranite and granodiorite distributed in the eastern and southwestern regions. Here we report their zircon U-Pb ages and geo chemical data. The intrusive contact relations indicate that granodiorite was formed earlier than the alkalic-monzonite granite (105.9±1.3 Ma) and monzogranite (102.6±1.1 Ma). These suggest that the Queershan composite granitic pluton was formed through three-stage magmatic events. The alkalic-monzonite granite (105.9±1.3 Ma) and monzogranite (102.6±1.1 Ma) are characterized by high SiO2 (73.5%-77.7%), KzO+Na20 (6.9%-8.5%), Ga/AI ratios (2.6-3.4) and low A1203 (11.8%-14.5%), CaO (0.25%-1.5%), MgO (0.18%-0.69%), negative Ba, Sr and Eu anomalies, showing A-type granite affinities. The granodi- orite exhibits lower SiO2, P205 and K20+Na20 contents, but higher A1203, CaO and MgO contents than alkalic-monzonite granite and monzogranite, showing I-type granite affinity. 176Hff177Hf ratios of the alkalic-monzonite granite and the monzogranite are 0.282692-0.282749 and 0.282685-0.282765, respectively, and with similar cHf(t) values (-0.56 to 1.43 and -0.87 to 1.90 respectively). They also present similar T1-M2 model ages (1.04-1.22 and 1.07-1.2 Ga respectively), indicating they may be sourced from a similar rock source, mostly like Kangding Complex. The homogeneity of the Hf isotopic compositions and the absence of the MMEs demonstrate that little depleted mantle materials have contributed to the source. We propose that the Mesoproterozoic crust materials of the Yangtze Craton exist beneath the Yidun arc terrane and support it was a dismembered part of the Yangtze Craton. The A-type granites of Queershan composite granitic pluton are most probably related to the clo- sure of the Bangong-Nujiang Tethys ocean.展开更多
After the 2008 M_W7.9 Wenchuan earthquake,the eastern Tibetan Plateau experienced a series of M_W>6.0 earthquakes,including the 2013 M_W6.6 Lushan,2014 M_W6.1 Kangding and 2017 M_W6.5 Jiuzhaigou events.Based on ava...After the 2008 M_W7.9 Wenchuan earthquake,the eastern Tibetan Plateau experienced a series of M_W>6.0 earthquakes,including the 2013 M_W6.6 Lushan,2014 M_W6.1 Kangding and 2017 M_W6.5 Jiuzhaigou events.Based on available constraints,we build a three-dimensional viscoelastic finite element model to calculate Coulomb failure stress caused by these strong earthquakes.In this model,the geometry and slip vector of the initial rupture zone of each earthquake are used to better evaluate the earthquake-related stress projection.Considering reasonable ranges of viscosities for the crust and upper mantle in different tectonic units,numerical results show that after the Wenchuan earthquake,the coseismic Coulomb failure stress change at the hypocenters of the subsequent earthquakes increased to approximately+0.012–+0.040,+0.01–+0.03,and+0.008–+0.015 MPa,respectively.With viscoelastic relaxation of the lower crust and upper mantle,the Coulomb failure stress change at the hypocenters of these earthquakes accumulated to about+0.014–+0.042,+0.016–+0.036,and+0.003–+0.007 MPa just before their occurrence.This suggests that the Wenchuan earthquake indeed triggered or hastened the occurrence of the Lushan,Kangding and Jiuzhaigou events,supporting that strong earthquake clustering around the eastern Tibetan Plateau could be related to stress interaction between the seismogenic faults.Besides,~94%and^6%of the stress increase around(and before the occurrence of)the Kangding earthquake were contributed by the Wenchuan event and the Lushan event,respectively;the positive Coulomb failure stress change at the Jiuzhaigou earthquake hypocenter was related to coseismic slip partitioning of the Wenchuan earthquake.This means that stress interaction among the earthquakes could be controlled by the combined effect of stress of the previous events and by the complexity of earthquake ruptures.Thus,in researches on the earthquake-triggering mechanism,special attentions should be paid on both details of the rupture model and multiple factors of previous earthquakes.展开更多
Apatite fission-track dating and thermal-history modeling were carried out on samples from the Dabashan (大巴山), a fold-thrust belt, northeast of the Sichuan (四川) Basin and east of the Tibetan Plateau. A first ...Apatite fission-track dating and thermal-history modeling were carried out on samples from the Dabashan (大巴山), a fold-thrust belt, northeast of the Sichuan (四川) Basin and east of the Tibetan Plateau. A first cooling event in the Late Cretaceous is followed by a prolonged period of ther- mal stability with exhumation rates of 〈0.025 mm/a, as determined from age vs. elevation relationships. The preservation of age vs. elevations relationships and the lack of distinct age changes across tectonic structures indicate that the Dabashan fold-thrust belt formed prior to the Late Cretaceous, consistent with the current view of Triassic-Early Cretaceous shortening. Relatively short mean track lengths (-12 μm) indicate that the samples remained in the partial annealing zone for a prolonged time. The knick points in the best-fitting temperature-time models suggest that the onset of late-stage accelerated cooling commenced at 〈11 Ma. Related exhumation rates are 0.3-0.2 mm/a assuming geothermal gra- dients of 20 and 30 ℃/km. We speculate that this late-stage event results from eastward growth of the Tibetan Plateau and overstepping of the Sichuan Basin, it is likely responsible for the youthful mor- phology of the Dabashan.展开更多
An attempt has been made to reveal the upper mantle velocity structure of the eastern Tibetan Plateau using 628 teleseismic events recorded from 2003 to 2009 at 95 stations.A total of 8 532 Pwave arrival time residual...An attempt has been made to reveal the upper mantle velocity structure of the eastern Tibetan Plateau using 628 teleseismic events recorded from 2003 to 2009 at 95 stations.A total of 8 532 Pwave arrival time residuals were inverted by using the FMTOMO(fast marching tomography) software package.Tomographic results show upper mantle velocity heterogeneity in many aspects.In the southern part visible high velocity anomaly is denoted as the Indian lithosphere.This part seems to be affected by slab tearing at 940E longitude as it is located on the eastern Himalayan syntaxis(EHS).The high velocity zone down to 500 km depth in the northern part could be the Asian lithosphere.At the central part some high velocity anomalies can be identified as detached patches of the lithosphere,surrounded by low velocity anomalies.These anomalies are the potential to create thermal convection and trigger plateau uplift or plateau growth.Sudden velocity change occurs on both sides of patches where low velocity anomaly is visible in between patches and Bangong-Nujiang suture even in between Songpan-Ganzi terrain and Asian Plate.In both cases intense low velocity zone spread down to 500 km.The depth range of low velocity anomalies in between two plates observed from 200 to-500 km.Hence the low velocity anomalies detected in our results may reflect either the hot asthenosphere upwelling or the mantle wedge due to the presence of the cold lithosphere.展开更多
Forests are the main components of terrestrial ecosystems and play an important role in the protection and construction of the national ecological security barrier. For a long time, China’s large-scale afforestation ...Forests are the main components of terrestrial ecosystems and play an important role in the protection and construction of the national ecological security barrier. For a long time, China’s large-scale afforestation had been practiced in areas with rainfall higher than the 400 mm threshold, but the issue of afforestation in high altitudes on the Tibetan Plateau remains elusive in both practical experience and theoretical exploration. It is worth thinking further about what principles should be followed in the selection of tree species and suitable altitudes for afforestation in high-altitude areas, as well as what experiences and lessons of previous afforestation efforts should be applied in high-altitude areas. As per the law of vegetation zonal distribution, this paper argues that afforestation at high altitudes should comply with the principle of vegetation zonal distribution and the low temperature limitation,and points out that afforestation is feasible only within the forest distribution area and below the altitudes of climate timberlines. Furthermore, we demonstrate the potential spatial areas of afforestation, and determine the local tree species that may be used for afforestation based on the existing problems of afforestation in eastern Tibet. In summary, afforestation in high-altitude areas of the eastern Tibetan Plateau must comply with the law of zonal vegetation distribution, focus on the upper limit of altitude and the selection of suitable tree species, and adopt only suitable native tree species.展开更多
Stable isotope paleoaltimetry has provided unprecedented insights into the topographic histories of many of the world's highest mountain ranges. However, on the Tibetan Plateau(TP), stable isotopes from paleosols ...Stable isotope paleoaltimetry has provided unprecedented insights into the topographic histories of many of the world's highest mountain ranges. However, on the Tibetan Plateau(TP), stable isotopes from paleosols generally yield much higher paleoaltitudes than those based on fossils. It is therefore essential when attempting to interpret accurately this region's paleoaltitudes that the empirical calibrations of local stable isotopes and the relations between them are established. Additionally,it is vital that careful estimations be made when estimate how different isotopes sourced from different areas may have been influenced by different controls. We present here 29 hydrogen isotopic values for leaf wax-derived n-alkanes(i.e., δD_(wax) values,and abundance-weighted average δD values of C_(29) and C_(31)) in surface soils, as well as the δD values of soil water(δD_(sw)) samples(totaling 22) from Mount Longmen(LM), on the eastern TP(altitude ~0.8–4.0 km above sea level(asl), a region climatically affected by the East Asian Monsoon(EAM). We compared our results with published data from Mount Gongga(GG). In addition,47 river water samples, 55 spring water samples, and the daily and monthly summer precipitation records(from May to October,2015) from two precipitation observation stations were collected along the GG transect for δD analysis. LM soil δD_(wax) values showed regional differences and responded strongly to altitude, varying from.160‰ to.219‰, with an altitudinal lapse rate(ALR) of.18‰ km^(-1)(R^2=0.83; p<0.0001; n=29). These δD_(wax) values appeared more enriched than those from the GG transect by ~40‰. We found that both the climate and moisture sources led to the differences observed in soil δD_(wax) values between the LM and GG transects. We found that, as a general rule, ε_(wax/rw), ε_(wax/p) and εwax/sw values(i.e., the isotopic fractionation of δD_(wax) corresponding to δD_(rw), δD_p and δD_(sw)) increased with increasing altitude along both the LM and GG transects(up to 34‰ and 50‰, respectively). Basing its research on a comparative study of δD_(wax), δD_p, δD_(rw)(δD_(springw)) and δD_(sw), this paper discusses the effects of moisture recycling, glacier-fed meltwater, relative humidity(RH), evapotranspiration(ET), vegetation cover, latitude,topography and/or other factors on ε_(wax/p) values. Clearly, if ε_(wax-p) values at higher altitudes are calculated using smaller ε_(wax-p) values from lower altitudes, the calculated paleowaterδD_p values are going to be more depleted than the actual δD values, and any paleoaltitude would therefore be overestimated.展开更多
基金funded by the National Key Research and Development Program of China(No.2018YFA0605601)Hong Kong Research Grants Council(No.106220169)+1 种基金the National Natural Science Foundation of China(No.42105155,41671042,and 42077417)the National Geographic Society(No.EC-95776R-22)。
文摘Minimum temperatures have remarkable impacts on tree growth at high-elevation sites on the Tibetan Plateau,but the shortage of long-term and high-resolution paleoclimate records inhibits understanding of recent minimum temperature anomalies.In this study,a warm season(April–September)reconstruction is presented for the past 467 years(1550–2016)based on Sabina tibetica ring-width chronology on the Lianbaoyeze Mountain of the central eastern Tibetan Plateau.Eight warm periods and eight cold periods were identified.Long-term minimum temperature variations revealed a high degree of coherence with nearby reconstructions.Spatial correlations between our reconstruction and global sea surface temperatures suggest that warm season minimum temperature anomalies in the central eastern Tibetan Plateau were strongly influenced by large-scale ocean atmospheric circulations,such as the El Ni?o-Southern Oscillation and the Atlantic Multidecadal Oscillation.
基金This work was supported by the National Key Program for Developing Basic Research (Grant No. 2004CB418303)the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 40175018).
文摘The variability of the summer rainfall over China is analyzed using the EOF procedure with a new parameter (namely, mode station variance percentage) based on 1951-2000 summer rainfall data from 160 stations in China. Compared with mode variance friction, the mode station variance percentage not only reveals more localized characteristics of the variability of the summer rainfall, but also helps to distinguish the regions with a high degree of dominant EOF modes representing the analyzed observational variable. The atmospheric circulation diagnostic studies with the NCEP/NCAR reanalysis daily data from 1966 to 2000 show that in summer, abundant (scarce) rainfall in the belt-area from the upper-middle reaches of the Yangtze River northeastward to the Huaihe River basin is linked to strong (weak) heat sources over the eastern Tibetan Plateau, while the abundant (scarce) rainfall in the area to the south of the middle-lower reaches of the Yangtze River is closely linked to the weak (strong) heat sources over the tropical western Pacific.
基金the joint support by the National Natural Science Foundation of China(41807298,41672211,41572346)the Special Project of Fundamental Scientific Research of the Institute of Geology,China Earthquake Administration(IGCEA1713)
文摘The eastern margin of the Tibetan Plateau is characterized by frequent earthquakes; however, research of paleo-earthquakes in the area has been limited^ owing to the alpine topography and strong erosion. Detailed investigations of soft-sediment deformation(SSD) structures are valuable for understanding the trigger mechanisms, deformation processes, and the magnitudes of earthquakes that generate such structures, and help us to understand tectonic activity in the region. To assess tectonic activity during the late Quaternary, we studied a well-exposed sequence of Shawan lacustrine sediments, 7.0 m thick, near Lake Diexi in the upper reaches of the Minjiang River. Deformation is recorded by both ductile structures(load casts, flame structures,pseudonodules, ball-and-pillow structures, and liquefied convolute structures) and brittle structures(liquefied breccia, and microfaults). Taking into account the geodynamic setting of the area and its known tectonic activity, these SSD structures can be interpreted in terms of seismic shocks. The types and forms of the structures,the maximum liquefaction distances, and the thicknesses of the horizons with SSD structures in the Shawan section indicate that they record six strong earthquakes of magnitude 6-7 and one with magnitude >7. A recent study showed that the Songpinggou fault is the seismogenic structure of the 1933 Ms7.5 Diexi earthquake. The Shawan section is located close to the junction of the Songpinggou and Minjiang faults, and records seven earthquakes with magnitudes of ?7. We infer,therefore, that the SSD structures in the Shawan section document deglacial activity along the Songpinggou fault.
文摘We compared the stable carbon isotopic records from a loess transect of the Jiaochang in the eastern Tibetan Plateau, spanning the last -21,000 years, with multiproxy data for pedogenesis, including magnetic susceptibility, clay fraction, Fed/Fet ratio, carbonate and total organic carbon content, in order to probe the mechanisms of δ^13C values of organic matter and Late Quaternary climate variations in the eastern Tibetan Plateau. Our results indicate that there is no simple relationship between δ^13C of organic matter and summer monsoon variations. The change in δ^13C values of organic matter (in accordance with the ratios of C3 to C4 plants) results from the interaction among temperature, aridity and atmospheric pCO2 level. Drier climate and lower atmospheric pCO2 level contribute to positive carbon isotopic excursion, while negative carbon isotopic excursion is the result of lower temperature and increased atmospheric pCO2 level. Additionally, our results imply that the Tibetan monsoon may play an important role in climate system in the eastern Tibet Plateau, which specifically reflects frequently changing climate in that area. The results provide new insights into the forcing mechanisms on both the δ^13C values of organic matter and the local climate system.
基金supported by the National Science Foundation of China(NSFC 41771005 and 41230743)。
文摘Owing to the remoteness of the Longriba area and the lack of dating records,it is extremely challenging to reconstruct the chronology and extent of the paleoglaciers in this area.In this paper,we combined limited observational data with automated modelling for paleoglacial reconstructions.We first identified a broadly distributed paleoglacier from satellite imagery and field investigation based on the sediment-landform assemblage principle and dated it to 23.1±1.4~19.5±1.2 ka by ^(10)Be exposure dating,corresponding to the global Last Glacial Maximum(gLGM).Then,we reconstructed the extent and ice surface of 171 paleoglaciers formed during the similar period based on geomorphological evidence and‘ice surface profile’modelling.The results showed that the paleoglacial coverage was 426.5 km2,with an ice volume of 38.1 km^(3),in the Longriba area.The reconstructed equilibrium line altitudes(ELAs)based on modelled ice surfaces yielded an average of 4245±66 m above sea level(asl),~725±73 m lower than the present ELA(4970±29 m asl).The temperature was~5.51-6.68℃lower,and the precipitation was~30-34%less in Longriba,during the gLGM compared to the present day.This glacial advance was mainly driven by colder climate that was synchronous with Northern Hemisphere cooling events.
基金supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant Nos.41430213 and 41304064)
文摘The eastern Tibetan plateau has been getting more and more attention because it combines active faults,uplifting, and large earthquakes together in a high-population region. Based on the previous researches, the most of Cenozoic tectonic activities were related to the regional structure of the local blocks within the crustal scale. Thus,a better understanding of the crustal structure of the regional tectonic blocks is an important topic for further study. In this paper, we combined the simple Bouguer gravity anomaly with the Moho depths from previous studies to investigate the crustal structure in this area. To highlight the crustal structures, the gravity anomaly caused by the Moho relief has been reduced by forward modeling calculations. A total horizontal derivative(THD) had been applied on the gravity residuals. The results indicated that the crustal gravity residual is compatible with the topography and the geological settings of the regional blocks,including the Sichuan basin, the Chuxiong basin, the Xiaojiang fault, and the Jinhe fault, as well as the Longmenshan fault zone. The THD emphasized the west margin of Yangtze block, i.e., the Longriba fault zone and the Xiaojiang fault cut through the Yangtze block. The checkboard pattern of the gravity residual in the SongpanGarze fold belt and Chuandian fragment shows that the crust is undergoing a southward and SE-directed extrusion,which is coincident with the flowing direction indicatedfrom the GPS measurements. By integrating the interpretations, the stepwise extensional mechanism of the eastern Tibetan plateau is supported by the southeastward crustal deformation, and the extrusion of Chuandian fragment is achieved by Xianshuihe fault.
文摘This paper presents the results of determining trace elements and δ 13C, δ 18O in Gyraulus sibirica shell continuously preserved in Xingcuo Lake sediments in the recent 50 years. By coupling these indexes and instrumental meteorological data on its basin to determine the relations among them, we probed quantitatively the climatic signals recorded in Xingcuo Lake sediments. The results showed that gastropod shells in Xingcuo Lake were formed in warm seasons; that trace elements, and stable isotope in shells just recorded the climatic signals of the warm seasons instead of that of the whole year; that Mg/Ca ratio and δ 18O proxy had certain correlation with air temperature in warm seasons, when the δ 18O proxy was more sensitive; with the average ratio of them being 0.28×10 -3/℃ and the variation rate dδ 18O/dT being 1.64×10 -3/℃; that the Sr/Ca ratio and δ 13C proxy, especially Sr/Ca ratio, had close correlation; and that dSr/Ca/dP was -0.045/mm.
基金Part One in the project of Key National Fundamental Research and Development Planning (G1998040903) Natural Science Foundation of China (40175018)
文摘The relationships between the summer rainfall in China and the atmospheric heat sources over the eastern Tibetan Plateau and the western Pacific warm pool were analyzed comparatively, using the NCEP/NCAR reanalysis daily data. The strong (weak) heat source in summer over the eastern Tibetan Plateau will lead to abundant (scarce) summer rainfall in the Yangtze River basin, and scarce/abundant summer rainfall in the eastern part of Southern China. While the strong (weak) heat source in summer over the western Pacific warm pool will lead to another pattern of abundant (scarce) summer rainfall in the middle-lower reaches of the Yangtze River and scarce (abundant) summer rainfall in Southern China and in the region of northern Jiangsu to southern Shandong. Comparatively, the heat source over the eastern Tibetan Plateau affects a larger area of summer rainfall than the heat source over the western Pacific. In both cases of the heat source anomalies over the eastern Tibetan Plateau and over the western Pacific, there exist EAP-like teleconnection patterns in East Asia. The summer rainfall in China is influenced directly by the abnormal vertical motion, which is related closely to the abnormal heat sources in the atmosphere. The ridge line of the western Pacific High locates far south (north) in summer in the case of strong (weak) heat sources over the two areas mentioned above.
基金jointly supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China(grant No.41602206)the International Science&Technology Cooperation Program of China(grant No.2011DFG23400)
文摘Objective The occurrence of the devastating Wenchuan earthquake not only caused huge economic loss and deaths but also raised a question whether or not it would trigger any destructive earthquakes on its neighboring segments in the Longmenshan Thrust Zone (LTZ) in the future.
基金supported by National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 41402313, Grant No. 41272200)National Key Research and Development Program of China (2016YFC0502401)the Fundamental Research Funds of Institute of Karst Geology, Chinese Academy of Geological Sciences (No. 2017008)
文摘The distribution of trace metals in remote alpine region is an effective way to understand the impacts of regional human activity and vegetation on the alpine ecosystem. In this study, the concentrations of cadmium(Cd), copper(Cu), lead(Pb), and zinc(Zn) in the soils of Gongga Mountain, Eastern Tibetan Plateau, were investigated to reveal their seasonal and spatial distribution and enrichment state, and to decipher the effects of atmospheric deposition and vegetation on their distributions among five vegetation zones. The results showed that the concentrations of Cd, Pb, and Zn were higher in the O horizon than in other horizons despite the seasonal changes, whereas Cu was enriched in the C horizon. The enrichment states of the metals studied in the soils decreased in the order of Cd > Pb > Zn > Cu. Cd and Pb were mainly sourced from atmospheric deposition; Zn was from both atmospheric deposition and parent materials, whereas Cu was mainly from parent materials.Seasonally, the trace metals were generally higher in May and December but lower in September, implying the impact of vegetation on the distribution of trace metals under the plant uptake and the litter decomposition. Spatially, the higher enrichment of Cu, Pb, and Zn in the soils existed in the mixed broadleafconiferous forests and coniferous forests(approximately 3000 m above sea level). The results suggested that atmospheric deposition and biological processes are main factors controlling the seasonal and spatial distribution of trace metals in the soils of the remote alpine ecosystem.
基金The National Key Technology Research and Development ProgramExternal Cooperation Program of the Chinese Academy of Sciences[grant number GJHZ0954]+1 种基金National Basic Research Program of China[grant number 2005CB422006]National Natural Science Foundation of China[grant number 40901057]
文摘The main objective of this study is to simulate the potential vegetation types on the basis of environmental parameters.The paper took Barkam County in a mountainous region of the Eastern Tibetan Plateau as the study area.The vegetation distribution was mapped in 1994 and 2007 based on TM remote sensing images by object-oriented interpretation method.We overlaid the two maps to find out the vegetation patches which have not changed,and took them as stable types.Fifty per cent of the stable patches were randomly sampled to operate the logistic regression with related environmental parameters;others were used as test data of simulated results.Seven environmental parameters were mapped,including elevation,slope,aspect,surface curvature,solar radiation,temperature and precipitation,based on DEM data and meteorological site data by GIS technology.The relationship between the spatial distribution of vegetation and environmental variables were quantified by logistic regression.The distribution probabilities of each vegetation type were calculated.Finally,the spatial distribution of potential vegetation was simulated.This research can provide a scientific basis for vegetation restoration and ecological construction in this area.
基金supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China(Grant Nos.42175002,42030611,42075013)the Natural Science Foundation of Sichuan,China(Grant No.2023NSFSC0242)the Innovation Team Fund of Southwest Regional Meteorological Center,China Meteorological Administration(Grant No.XNQYCXTD-202202)。
文摘Existing studies contend that latent heating(LH)will replace sensible heating(SH)to become the dominant factor affecting the development of the Tibetan Plateau vortex(TPV)after it moves off the Tibetan Plateau(TP).However,in the process of the TPV moving off the TP requires that the airmass traverse the eastern slope of the Tibetan Plateau(ESTP)where the topography and diabatic heating(DH)conditions rapidly change.How LH gradually replaces SH to become the dominant factor in the development of the TPV over the ESTP is still not very clear.In this paper,an analysis of a typical case of a TPV with a long life history over the ESTP is performed by using multi-sourced meteorological data and model simulations.The results show that SH from the TP surface can change the TPV-associated precipitation distribution by temperature advection after the TPV moves off the TP.The LH can then directly promote the development of the TPV and has a certain guiding effect on the track of the TPV.The SH can control the active area of LH by changing the falling area of the TPV-associated precipitation,so it still plays a key role in the development and tracking of the TPV even though it has moved out of the main body of the TP.
基金the National Natural Science Foundation of China(No.40701181)the Strategic Leader in Science and Technology Projects(No.XDA05070306)+1 种基金the National Science & Technology Pillar Program in12th Five-year Plan of China(No.2011BAC09B04-02)Main Direction Program of Knowledge Innovation of CAS(No.KSCX2-EW-J-22)
文摘Although the forest floor plays important roles in water-holding and nutrient cycling, there is not enough knowledge of the functional changes of the forest floor resulting from changes in vegetation. To evaluate the effect on the hydrological properties of forest floor by the substitution of plantation species for native coppice, we selected four species substituting plantations and one native coppice (secondary native broad-leaved forest, dominated by Quercus liaotungensis and Corylus heterophylla var. sutchuenensis) (QC) as a comparison forest. The substituting plantations were Cercidiphyllum japonicum (Cj), Pinus tabulaeformis (Pt), Pinus armandi (Pa), Larix kaempferi (Lk). These were established in 1987 with a stocking density of approximately 2500 stem ha -1 . Thickness and the amount of floor in coniferous plantations were significantly higher compared to secondary native broad-leaved forest and pure broad- leaved plantation. The maximal water-holding capacity of the floor showed the same trend as thickness and amount of litter. Main contributors to the difference in hydrological characteristics in the plantations were the quantity of forest floor and the maximal water holding capacity per unit weight of the floor. The relationships between water absorption processes, water absorption rate and the immersion time for litter, fitted to logarithmic and exponential regressions, respectively. Water absorption processes differed significantly between the various plantations and different decomposition floor horizons. Water absorption characteristics were influenced by leaf structure in various tree species and the degree of decomposed litter. Our results showed that litter amount in coniferous plantations were significantly higher than in deciduous broad-leaved plantation. This suggests that a large amount of nutrients are held in the litter horizon, delaying return to the soil and utilization by plants. At the same time, maximal water-holding capacity of the forest floor in F [fermentation] and H [hummus] horizons was significantly higher than that in L [fresh litter] horizon. Therefore, improving litter transformation from L horizon to F and H horizons by promoting forest floor environment would be one of the best methods for plantation management.
基金supported by Sino-Probe project and Ministry of Science and Technology of China undergrant 2006DFB21330
文摘Dextral-slip thrust movement of the Songpan-Garze terrain over the Sichuan block caused the Ms 8.0 Wenchuan earthquake of May 12, 2008 and offset the Central Longmenshan Fault (CLF) along a distance of -250 km. Displacement along the CLF changes from Yingxiu to Qingchuan. The total oblique slip of up to 7.6 m in Yingxiu near the epicenter of the earthquake, decreases northeastward to 5.3 m, 6.6 m, 4.4 m, 2.5 m and 1.1 m in Hongkou, Beichuan, Pingtong, Nanba and Qingchuan, respectively. This offset apparently occurred during a sequence of four reported seismic events, EQ1-EQ4, which were identified by seismic inversion of the source mechanism. These events occurred in rapid succession as the fault break propagated northeastward during the earthquake. Variations in the plunge of slickensides along the CLF appear to match these events. The Mw 7.5 EQ1 event occurred during the first 0-10 s along the Yingxiu-Hongkou section of the CLF and is characterized by 1.7 m vertical slip and vertical slickensides. The Mw 8.0 EQ2 event, which occurred during the next 10-42 s along the Yingxiu-Yanziyan section of the CLF, is marked by major dextralslip with minor thrust and slickensides plunging 25°-35° southwestward. The Mw 7.5 EQ3 event occurred during the following 42-60 s and resulted in dextral-slip and slickensides plunging 10° southwestward in Beichuan and plunging 73° southwestward in Hongkou. The Mw 7.7 EQ4 event, which occurred during the final 60-95 s along the Beichuan-Qingchuan section of the CLF, is characterized by nearly equal values of dextral and vertical slips with slickensides plunging 45°-50° southwestward. These seismic events match and evidently controlled the concentrations of landslide dams caused by the Wenchuan earthquake in Longmenshan Mountains.
基金supported by China Geological Survey(Grant No.1212011121270)
文摘The Queershan composite granitic pluton is located in the north of the late Paleozoic Yidun arc collision-orogenic belt, eastern Tibetan Plateau. The main rock types are coarse-grained porphyritic alkalic-monzonite granite with minor fine-grained porphyritic monzogranite and granodiorite distributed in the eastern and southwestern regions. Here we report their zircon U-Pb ages and geo chemical data. The intrusive contact relations indicate that granodiorite was formed earlier than the alkalic-monzonite granite (105.9±1.3 Ma) and monzogranite (102.6±1.1 Ma). These suggest that the Queershan composite granitic pluton was formed through three-stage magmatic events. The alkalic-monzonite granite (105.9±1.3 Ma) and monzogranite (102.6±1.1 Ma) are characterized by high SiO2 (73.5%-77.7%), KzO+Na20 (6.9%-8.5%), Ga/AI ratios (2.6-3.4) and low A1203 (11.8%-14.5%), CaO (0.25%-1.5%), MgO (0.18%-0.69%), negative Ba, Sr and Eu anomalies, showing A-type granite affinities. The granodi- orite exhibits lower SiO2, P205 and K20+Na20 contents, but higher A1203, CaO and MgO contents than alkalic-monzonite granite and monzogranite, showing I-type granite affinity. 176Hff177Hf ratios of the alkalic-monzonite granite and the monzogranite are 0.282692-0.282749 and 0.282685-0.282765, respectively, and with similar cHf(t) values (-0.56 to 1.43 and -0.87 to 1.90 respectively). They also present similar T1-M2 model ages (1.04-1.22 and 1.07-1.2 Ga respectively), indicating they may be sourced from a similar rock source, mostly like Kangding Complex. The homogeneity of the Hf isotopic compositions and the absence of the MMEs demonstrate that little depleted mantle materials have contributed to the source. We propose that the Mesoproterozoic crust materials of the Yangtze Craton exist beneath the Yidun arc terrane and support it was a dismembered part of the Yangtze Craton. The A-type granites of Queershan composite granitic pluton are most probably related to the clo- sure of the Bangong-Nujiang Tethys ocean.
基金supported by the Strategic Priority Research Program of the Chinese Academy of Sciences(Grant No.XDA20070302)he National Natural Science Foundation of China(Grant Nos.41674104&41274064)the 13th Five-year Informatization Plan of Chinese Academy of Sciences(Grant No.XXH13505-06)。
文摘After the 2008 M_W7.9 Wenchuan earthquake,the eastern Tibetan Plateau experienced a series of M_W>6.0 earthquakes,including the 2013 M_W6.6 Lushan,2014 M_W6.1 Kangding and 2017 M_W6.5 Jiuzhaigou events.Based on available constraints,we build a three-dimensional viscoelastic finite element model to calculate Coulomb failure stress caused by these strong earthquakes.In this model,the geometry and slip vector of the initial rupture zone of each earthquake are used to better evaluate the earthquake-related stress projection.Considering reasonable ranges of viscosities for the crust and upper mantle in different tectonic units,numerical results show that after the Wenchuan earthquake,the coseismic Coulomb failure stress change at the hypocenters of the subsequent earthquakes increased to approximately+0.012–+0.040,+0.01–+0.03,and+0.008–+0.015 MPa,respectively.With viscoelastic relaxation of the lower crust and upper mantle,the Coulomb failure stress change at the hypocenters of these earthquakes accumulated to about+0.014–+0.042,+0.016–+0.036,and+0.003–+0.007 MPa just before their occurrence.This suggests that the Wenchuan earthquake indeed triggered or hastened the occurrence of the Lushan,Kangding and Jiuzhaigou events,supporting that strong earthquake clustering around the eastern Tibetan Plateau could be related to stress interaction between the seismogenic faults.Besides,~94%and^6%of the stress increase around(and before the occurrence of)the Kangding earthquake were contributed by the Wenchuan event and the Lushan event,respectively;the positive Coulomb failure stress change at the Jiuzhaigou earthquake hypocenter was related to coseismic slip partitioning of the Wenchuan earthquake.This means that stress interaction among the earthquakes could be controlled by the combined effect of stress of the previous events and by the complexity of earthquake ruptures.Thus,in researches on the earthquake-triggering mechanism,special attentions should be paid on both details of the rupture model and multiple factors of previous earthquakes.
基金supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (No. 40902038)the Petro China Innova-tion Foundation (No. 2009D-5006-01-08)the Project of China Geological Survey (No. 12120113094200)
文摘Apatite fission-track dating and thermal-history modeling were carried out on samples from the Dabashan (大巴山), a fold-thrust belt, northeast of the Sichuan (四川) Basin and east of the Tibetan Plateau. A first cooling event in the Late Cretaceous is followed by a prolonged period of ther- mal stability with exhumation rates of 〈0.025 mm/a, as determined from age vs. elevation relationships. The preservation of age vs. elevations relationships and the lack of distinct age changes across tectonic structures indicate that the Dabashan fold-thrust belt formed prior to the Late Cretaceous, consistent with the current view of Triassic-Early Cretaceous shortening. Relatively short mean track lengths (-12 μm) indicate that the samples remained in the partial annealing zone for a prolonged time. The knick points in the best-fitting temperature-time models suggest that the onset of late-stage accelerated cooling commenced at 〈11 Ma. Related exhumation rates are 0.3-0.2 mm/a assuming geothermal gra- dients of 20 and 30 ℃/km. We speculate that this late-stage event results from eastward growth of the Tibetan Plateau and overstepping of the Sichuan Basin, it is likely responsible for the youthful mor- phology of the Dabashan.
基金supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (No. 41974109)the Equipment Development Project of CAS (No. YJKYYQ20190075)+1 种基金grants of the Wong K. C. Education Foundation (No. GJTD-201904)CAS ‘The Belt and Road’ Master Fellowship Program。
文摘An attempt has been made to reveal the upper mantle velocity structure of the eastern Tibetan Plateau using 628 teleseismic events recorded from 2003 to 2009 at 95 stations.A total of 8 532 Pwave arrival time residuals were inverted by using the FMTOMO(fast marching tomography) software package.Tomographic results show upper mantle velocity heterogeneity in many aspects.In the southern part visible high velocity anomaly is denoted as the Indian lithosphere.This part seems to be affected by slab tearing at 940E longitude as it is located on the eastern Himalayan syntaxis(EHS).The high velocity zone down to 500 km depth in the northern part could be the Asian lithosphere.At the central part some high velocity anomalies can be identified as detached patches of the lithosphere,surrounded by low velocity anomalies.These anomalies are the potential to create thermal convection and trigger plateau uplift or plateau growth.Sudden velocity change occurs on both sides of patches where low velocity anomaly is visible in between patches and Bangong-Nujiang suture even in between Songpan-Ganzi terrain and Asian Plate.In both cases intense low velocity zone spread down to 500 km.The depth range of low velocity anomalies in between two plates observed from 200 to-500 km.Hence the low velocity anomalies detected in our results may reflect either the hot asthenosphere upwelling or the mantle wedge due to the presence of the cold lithosphere.
基金The National Natural Science Foundation of China and ICIMOD Joint Research Project (41661144045)。
文摘Forests are the main components of terrestrial ecosystems and play an important role in the protection and construction of the national ecological security barrier. For a long time, China’s large-scale afforestation had been practiced in areas with rainfall higher than the 400 mm threshold, but the issue of afforestation in high altitudes on the Tibetan Plateau remains elusive in both practical experience and theoretical exploration. It is worth thinking further about what principles should be followed in the selection of tree species and suitable altitudes for afforestation in high-altitude areas, as well as what experiences and lessons of previous afforestation efforts should be applied in high-altitude areas. As per the law of vegetation zonal distribution, this paper argues that afforestation at high altitudes should comply with the principle of vegetation zonal distribution and the low temperature limitation,and points out that afforestation is feasible only within the forest distribution area and below the altitudes of climate timberlines. Furthermore, we demonstrate the potential spatial areas of afforestation, and determine the local tree species that may be used for afforestation based on the existing problems of afforestation in eastern Tibet. In summary, afforestation in high-altitude areas of the eastern Tibetan Plateau must comply with the law of zonal vegetation distribution, focus on the upper limit of altitude and the selection of suitable tree species, and adopt only suitable native tree species.
基金co-supported by the Chinese Academy of Sciences (Grant No. XDB03020100)the National Basic Research Program of China (Grant No. 2013CB956400)the National Natural Science Foudation of China (Grant Nos. 41321061, 41571014 & 41371022)
文摘Stable isotope paleoaltimetry has provided unprecedented insights into the topographic histories of many of the world's highest mountain ranges. However, on the Tibetan Plateau(TP), stable isotopes from paleosols generally yield much higher paleoaltitudes than those based on fossils. It is therefore essential when attempting to interpret accurately this region's paleoaltitudes that the empirical calibrations of local stable isotopes and the relations between them are established. Additionally,it is vital that careful estimations be made when estimate how different isotopes sourced from different areas may have been influenced by different controls. We present here 29 hydrogen isotopic values for leaf wax-derived n-alkanes(i.e., δD_(wax) values,and abundance-weighted average δD values of C_(29) and C_(31)) in surface soils, as well as the δD values of soil water(δD_(sw)) samples(totaling 22) from Mount Longmen(LM), on the eastern TP(altitude ~0.8–4.0 km above sea level(asl), a region climatically affected by the East Asian Monsoon(EAM). We compared our results with published data from Mount Gongga(GG). In addition,47 river water samples, 55 spring water samples, and the daily and monthly summer precipitation records(from May to October,2015) from two precipitation observation stations were collected along the GG transect for δD analysis. LM soil δD_(wax) values showed regional differences and responded strongly to altitude, varying from.160‰ to.219‰, with an altitudinal lapse rate(ALR) of.18‰ km^(-1)(R^2=0.83; p<0.0001; n=29). These δD_(wax) values appeared more enriched than those from the GG transect by ~40‰. We found that both the climate and moisture sources led to the differences observed in soil δD_(wax) values between the LM and GG transects. We found that, as a general rule, ε_(wax/rw), ε_(wax/p) and εwax/sw values(i.e., the isotopic fractionation of δD_(wax) corresponding to δD_(rw), δD_p and δD_(sw)) increased with increasing altitude along both the LM and GG transects(up to 34‰ and 50‰, respectively). Basing its research on a comparative study of δD_(wax), δD_p, δD_(rw)(δD_(springw)) and δD_(sw), this paper discusses the effects of moisture recycling, glacier-fed meltwater, relative humidity(RH), evapotranspiration(ET), vegetation cover, latitude,topography and/or other factors on ε_(wax/p) values. Clearly, if ε_(wax-p) values at higher altitudes are calculated using smaller ε_(wax-p) values from lower altitudes, the calculated paleowaterδD_p values are going to be more depleted than the actual δD values, and any paleoaltitude would therefore be overestimated.