The study on the changes of stomatal sensitivity in relation to xylem ABA during periodical soil drying and the effect of leaf water status on the stomatal sensitivity has confirmed that xylem ABA concentration is a g...The study on the changes of stomatal sensitivity in relation to xylem ABA during periodical soil drying and the effect of leaf water status on the stomatal sensitivity has confirmed that xylem ABA concentration is a good indicator of soil water status around roots and the relation between xylem ABA concentration and predawn leaf water potential remained constant during the three consecutive soil drying cycles based on the slopes of the fitted lines. The sensitivity of stomata to xylem ABA increased substantially as the soil drying cycles progressed, and the xylem ABA concentration needed to cause a 50% decrease of stomatal conductance was as low as 550 nmol/L in the next two soil drying cycle, as compared with the 750 nmol/L ABA in the first cycle of soil drying. The results using the split_root system showed that leaf water deficit significantly enhanced the stomatal response to xylem ABA and the xylem ABA concentration needed to cause a 50% decrease in stomatal conductance was 2 to 4 times smaller in the whole_root_drying treatment than those in the semi_root_drying treatment. These results suggested that the sensitivity of stomata to xylem ABA concentration is not a fixed characteristic.展开更多
Seedlings of drought-tolerance rice varieties Han 501and Han A03,and the drought sensitive varietiesNanjing 11 and Yanjing 2 were raised in a paddyfield and transplanted into pots at the age of 8leaves.Water stress st...Seedlings of drought-tolerance rice varieties Han 501and Han A03,and the drought sensitive varietiesNanjing 11 and Yanjing 2 were raised in a paddyfield and transplanted into pots at the age of 8leaves.Water stress started at the tillering stage byholding water from 0 MPa of the soil water potentialin pots till the leaves showed seriously wilting.展开更多
Differences in transpiration and leaf water potential (LWP) in relation to cassava yield were investigated along inland valley toposequence in a 4×4 Latin square design. The landrace with the highest transpirat...Differences in transpiration and leaf water potential (LWP) in relation to cassava yield were investigated along inland valley toposequence in a 4×4 Latin square design. The landrace with the highest transpiration rate and lowest LWP yielded the lowest, while TMS 91/02324 and TMS 91/02327 with intermediate rate and highest LWP yielded the highest, indicating that high transpiration rate associated with low LWP reduced yield. Transpiration was lower in the fringe with deeper water table than valley bottom at deep water table site, while at shallow water table, it was higher in the fringe than valley bottom, suggesting that drought and excess moisture reduced transpiration. LWP and water table depth correlated negatively indicating that shallow water table reduced transpiration by reducing LWP. Transpiration increased and LWP decreased as radiation, leaf temperature and vapour pressure deficit increased and differences in these microclimatic conditions caused differences in the two processes between sites, years and time of day. Under mild water stress, transpiration and LWP were higher in the afternoon than the morning, but the reverse occurred under severe stress. TMS 91/02324 and TMS 91/02327 had the highest LWP under severe stress, indicating their higher drought tolerance than the other cultivars.展开更多
Hydraulic resistance components and water relations were studied on Haloxyolon ammoden-dron,a small xeric tree,growing at sites significantly differed in soil texture.Soil water content,leaf water potential(ψl),xylem...Hydraulic resistance components and water relations were studied on Haloxyolon ammoden-dron,a small xeric tree,growing at sites significantly differed in soil texture.Soil water content,leaf water potential(ψl),xylem water potential(ψx),root water potential(ψroot),leaf transpiration rate(TR) and stomatal conductance(gs) were measured at the two sites during the growing season of 2005 and 2006.Leaf spe-cific hydraulic resistance(Rplant) during the whole growing season,hydraulic resistance of plants(Rp),shoots(Rshoot) and roots(Rroot) in the August of both years were calculated and expressed on leaf area basis.The results showed the proportion of the hydraulic resistance of the aerial part(Rshoot) to the Rp was the same to the proportion of the hydraulic resistance of the soil part(Rroot) to the Rp,indicating that both parts were equivalent important to plant water hydraulic system from soil to leaf.Positive significant corre-lations were found between Rp and Rroot,suggesting that root hydraulics resistance was a major determinant of plant hydraulic resistance(Rp) and transpiration rate.The integrated effect of stomatal control,hy-draulic regulation and morphology adjustment enabled plants at heavy soil site surviving the extreme water deficit period.展开更多
Forests over limestone in the tropics have received little attention and limestone forests in Vietnam have been overlooked to an even greater extent in terms of tree physiology. In Ba Be National Park, Vietnam, soil w...Forests over limestone in the tropics have received little attention and limestone forests in Vietnam have been overlooked to an even greater extent in terms of tree physiology. In Ba Be National Park, Vietnam, soil water availability in limestone forests seems to be the most limiting factor in the dry season. Therefore, in order to enhance the preliminary knowledge of choosing native tree species for enrichment planting in the restoration zone, characteristics of the 20 native tree species to soil water stress were investigated in a limestone forest. One-ha plot each consisting of twenty-five 20 m × 20 m plots was established in undisturbed forests. All trees ≥ 10 cm DBH were measured in 20 m × 20 m plots, while twenty-five 5 m × 5 m subplots were established in order to sample the regeneration of tree species with a DBH < 10 cm. The Scholander apparatus and freezing point osmometry were used in order to measure the leaf water potential (Ψw) and leaf osmotic potential (Ψπ) of the 20 native tree species, respectively in this study. 61 species belonging to 34 families of all trees with a DBH ≥ 10 cm were recorded in one ha, while 31 species representing 18 families of trees < 10 cm DBH were identified in 625 m2. The 20 species’ leaf water and osmotic potential values revealed significant differences among species. The maximum leaf water potential was not affected by any anticipated sources of variation, while the minimum water potential, however, showed significant variation to soil water stress. The results in the study area emphasized the importance of water factors in influencing tree species distribution;it could be concluded that native species with wide water potential ranges would be better able to withstand water changes and might be thus good candidates for reforestation (enrichment planting) in limestone areas.展开更多
Water availability is a limiting factor for the establishment and development of forest species.To understand the appropriate conditions for the initial post-transplanting phase,it is necessary to understand the speci...Water availability is a limiting factor for the establishment and development of forest species.To understand the appropriate conditions for the initial post-transplanting phase,it is necessary to understand the specific morphophysiological characteristics of the species,such as the leaf water potential and the efficiency of photosystemⅡ.We aimed to identify the influence of different water regimes on the morphophysiological aspects of young plants of two forest species(Cedrela.fissilis Vellozo and Eucalyptus saligna Sm.).Two greenhouse experiments were conducted for 28 days;one for each species.The design was completely randomized,and the treatments consisted of six different water regimes.Leaf water potential(Ψw)and chlorophyll a fluorescence were evaluated every 7 days.At the end of the experiment,morphological attributes(height,collection diameter,root volume,and dry matter)were measured and histological blades were made.The water demand of E.saligna was higher than that of C.fissilis and required greater replacement within a shorter period.The rehydration fromΨw=-2 Mpa allowed for a fast recovery of the young C.fissilis plants(Ψw=-1.5,Fv/Fm=0.796),which indicated good physiological plasticity of this species when submitted to water stress at a level that is not severe.The total dry matter allocation was different among species.Seedlings of E.saligna presented the best responses when submitted to a continuous water supply regime,while C.fissilis seedlings presented the best response under intermittent irrigation conditions.展开更多
This paper focused on the water relations of two halophytes differing in photosynthetic pathway, phe- notype, and life cycle: Karelinia caspica (Pall.) Less. (C3, deep-rooted perennial Asteraceae grass) and Atrip...This paper focused on the water relations of two halophytes differing in photosynthetic pathway, phe- notype, and life cycle: Karelinia caspica (Pall.) Less. (C3, deep-rooted perennial Asteraceae grass) and Atriplex tatarica L. (C4, shallow-rooted annual Chenopodiaceae grass). Gas exchange, leaf water potential, and growth characteristics were investigated in two growing seasons in an arid area of Xinjiang to explore the physiological adaptability of the two halophytes. Both K. caspica and A. tatarica showed midday depression of transpiration, in- dicating that they were strong xerophytes and weak midday depression types. The roots of A. tatarica were con- centrated mainly in the 0-60 cm soil layer, and the leaf water potential (~L) increased sharply in the 0-20 cm layer due to high soil water content, suggesting that the upper soil was the main water source. On the other hand, K. caspica had a rooting depth of about 1.5 m and a larger root/shoot ratio, which confirmed that this species uptakes water mainly from deeper soil layer. Although A. tatarica had lower transpiration water consumption, higher water use efficiency (WUE), and less water demand at the same leaf water potential, it showed larger water stress impact than K. caspica, indicating that the growth of A. tatarica was restricted more than that of K. caspica when there was no rainfall recharge. As a shallow-rooted C4 species, A. tatarica displayed lower stomatal conductance, which could to some extent reduce transpiration water loss and maintain leaf water potential steadily. In contrast, the deep-rooted C3 species K. caspica had a larger root/shoot ratio that was in favor of exploiting groundwater. We concluded that C3 species (K. caspica) tapes water and C4 species (A. tatarica) reduces water loss to survive in the arid and saline conditions. The results provided a case for the phenotype theory of Schwinning and Ehleringer on halophytic plants.展开更多
Drip irrigation is often preferred under water limited conditions over the other irrigation methods because of its high water application efficiency on account of reduced surface evaporation and percolation losses. Th...Drip irrigation is often preferred under water limited conditions over the other irrigation methods because of its high water application efficiency on account of reduced surface evaporation and percolation losses. The major limitation of drip irrigation is its initial investment. Therefore, there is a need to reduce the cost of drip installation by altering the planting geometry besides enhancing the productivity and moisture use. Results of the two years field study conducted on sandy loam soils revealed that drip irrigation at 1.0 Epan with normal row system (60 cm×30 cm) registered significantly higher yield of green chilli( 14.08 t ha^-1) which was on par with 0.8 Epan two rows paired system (90-45-90 cm×30 cm:13.45 t ha^-1) and significantly lowest was noticed with 0.6 Epan four rows paired system(45-45-45-120 cm×30 cm ) (5.50 t ha^-1). The quality parameters viz; TSS and Ascorbic acid were significantly higher with drip irrigation at 1.0 Epan with normal row system and lowest was observed with 0.6 Epan four rows paired system. Total water used was maximum in 1.0 Epan (691.7 mm) followed by 0.8 Epan irrigation (590.2 mm) and the lowest was recorded in 0.6 Epan irrigation (488.8 mm). There was a saving of water by 14.68 percent and 29.34 percent under 0.8 and 0.6 Epan drip irrigation schedules respectively over 1.0 Epan. Indications of less leaf water potential in 1.0 Epan drip irrigation (-0.58 to-0.67 MPa) followed by 0.8 Epan (-0.61 to-0.68 MPa) and more negative leaf water potential in 0.6 Epan (-0.71 to-0.88 MPa) in relation to water applied were observed. Water use efficiency recorded was maximum in 0.6 Epan normal row systems (24.1 Kg ha-mm^-1) and the least was recorded in 0.6 Epan four rows paired system (11.3 Kg ha-mm^-1). The significantly higher root growth characters such as root length (42.6 cm), number of primary roots (28.7), root dry weight (11.05 g plant^-1) and maximum depth of penetration were recorded with 0.6 Epan four rows paired system and the least was observed with 1.0 Epan with normal row system. This indicating root proliferation under stress conditions and marked performance in terms of yield under water limited environments. Significantly higher Benefit: Cost ratio was recorded with 0.8 Epan two rows paired system (2.24:1) and was on par with 1.0 Epan two rows paired system (2.00:1) and 1.0 Epan normal row system (1.85: 1 ). The significantly lowest B: C ratio was noticed with 0.6 Epan four rows paired system.展开更多
Two upland rice varieties (IRAT109, IAPAR9) and one lowland rice variety (Zhenshan 97B) were planted in summer and treated with both normal (full water) and drought stress in the reproductive stage. Panicle wate...Two upland rice varieties (IRAT109, IAPAR9) and one lowland rice variety (Zhenshan 97B) were planted in summer and treated with both normal (full water) and drought stress in the reproductive stage. Panicle water potential (PWP) and leaf water potential (LWP) were measured every 1.0-1.5 h over 24 h on sunny days. Both PWP and LWP of upland varieties started to decrease later, maintained a higher level and recovered more quickly than that of the lowland variety. The results show that PWP can be used as an indicator of plant water status based on the parallel daily changes, and the high correlation between PWP and LWP. Similar correlations were also observed between PWP, LWP and eight traits related to plant growth and grain yield formation. PWP seemed to be more effective for distinguishing the upland rice varieties with different drought-tolerant ability. Differences in PWP and LWP between upland and lowland rice varieties were also observed at noon even under normal water conditions, implying the incorporation of the drought-tolerant mechanism to improve the photosynthesis and yield of traditional paddy rice.展开更多
A drought event can cause yield loss or entire crops to fail.In order to study the effects of continuous drought on physiological characteristics,yield,and water use efficiency(WUE)of winter wheat(Triticum aestivum L....A drought event can cause yield loss or entire crops to fail.In order to study the effects of continuous drought on physiological characteristics,yield,and water use efficiency(WUE)of winter wheat(Triticum aestivum L.),the variety“Zhoumai 22”was grown in controlled water conditions of the pot-planted winter wheat under a mobile rainout shelter.Foot planting and safe wintering were used to evaluate,winter wheat under different drought conditions,including light,moderate and severe drought at the jointing,heading,and filling stages.The soil water content was controlled at 60–70%,50–60%,or 40–50%of field capacity.Experimental trials included 3 pre-anthesis drought hardening,3 three-stage continuous drought,and 1 test control conditions.Under drought stress conditions,winter wheat leaf water potential,soil plant analysis development(SPAD),photosynthesis parameters,and yield declined due to pre-anthesis drought hardening.And the degree of decline:continuous drought>pre-anthesis drought hardening.Changes in the post-anthesis photosynthetic capacity of winter wheat were mainly related to the pre-anthesis drought level,rather than post-anthesis rehydration.The threshold of non-stomata limiting factors caused by photosynthesis at the filling stage is 40–50%FC,while comprehensive yield and WUE affected,the yield in severe drought treatments was the most significant,B3C3 and B3C3G3 decreased by 55.68%and 55.88%,respectively.Pre-anthesis drought was the main reason for the decreased crop yield.Thus,severe drought should be avoided during planting,while pre-anthesis light drought is a suitable choice for watersaving and crop production,as proper pre-anthesis drought hardening(60–70%FC)is feasible and effective.展开更多
In this paper, the hydraulic resistances and capacitances were evaluated. based on the development of non-(?) model of water flow in the soil-plant system and the simulating experiment work.The results show that the m...In this paper, the hydraulic resistances and capacitances were evaluated. based on the development of non-(?) model of water flow in the soil-plant system and the simulating experiment work.The results show that the mean hydraulic resistance in the soil-plant system is 6.79×109 MPa·S·m-3; the mean hydraulic capacitance in the system is 5.2×107m3·MPa-1. In the components of hydraulic capacitance in the system, the capacitance in soil (81.8×10-6m3·MPa ) is the biggest and its variability with suii water potential is extremely strong, the capacitance in plant (5.3×10-7m3·MPa-1) is much smaller than that in soil, and the capacitance in shoots (15.5×10-7m3·2MPa-1) is bigger than that in roots (8.4×10-7m3·2MPa-1). An interesting result is that the capacitance in plant is almost equivalent to that in the soil-plant system.展开更多
The investigation of the mechanisms of plant adaptation to stressor action is one of the leading directions of current biological studies. To understand the mechanism of salt tolerance of seabuckthom (Hippophae rhamn...The investigation of the mechanisms of plant adaptation to stressor action is one of the leading directions of current biological studies. To understand the mechanism of salt tolerance of seabuckthom (Hippophae rhamnoides L.) and identify its ability to cope with the salinity effect in the saline and extremely cold region of Qinghai, China, a test was conducted with two-year-old seedlings subjected to 0, 200, 400 and 600 mmol·L^-1 NaClsolutions for 30 d. The results show that with an increase in salinity, the biomass of H. rhamnoides seedlings clearly decreased. Leaf water potential (ψw) and relative water content (RWC) were significantly reduced under salinity, with severe water shortages appearing in leaves. At the same time, the total chlorophyll content declined markedly. When salinity increased and stress time prolonged, the net CO2 assimilation rate (A) significantly declined. Intercellular CO2 concentration (Ci) declined at first and was then followed by an increase over the stress time. We conclude that H. rhamnoides grown in the extremely cold and saline region of Qinghai has a certain resistance to salt, which can be planted at appropriate salinity levels.展开更多
Quantifying the variation in stomatal behavior and functional traits of trees with elevation can provide a better understanding of the adaptative strategies to a changing climate. In this study, six water-and carbon-r...Quantifying the variation in stomatal behavior and functional traits of trees with elevation can provide a better understanding of the adaptative strategies to a changing climate. In this study, six water-and carbon-related functional traits were examined for three dominant tree species, Schima superba, Pinus massoniana and Castanopsis chinensis, in a mixed coniferous and broad-leaved forest at two elevations(70 and 360 m above sea level,respectively) in low subtropical China. We hypothesized that trees at higher elevations would develop more efficient strategies of stomatal regulations and greater water transport capacity to cope with more variable hydrothermal conditions than those at lower elevations. Results show that the hydraulic conductivity did not differ between trees at the two elevations, contrary to our expectation. The C. chinensis trees had greater values of leaf mass per unit area(LMA), and the S. superba and C. chinensis trees had greater values of wood density(WD),relative stem water content(RWC), and ratio of sapwood area to leaf area(Hv) at the 360-m elevation than at 70-m elevation. The mean canopy stomatal conductance was greater and more sensitive to vapor deficit pressure at360 m than at 70 m for both S. superba and C. chinensis, while stomatal sensitivity did not differ between the two contrasting elevations for P. massoniana. The midday leaf water potential(ψL) in P. massoniana was significantly more negative at 360 m than at 70 m, but did not vary with increasing elevation in both S. superba and C. chinensis.Variations in Hvcan be related to the differential stomatal behaviors between the two elevations. The variations of stomatal behavior and ψLwith elevation suggested the isohydric strategy for the two broad-leaved species and the anisohydric strategy for the conifer species. The species-specific differences in LMA, WD, RWC, and Hvbetween the two elevations may reflect conservative resource use strategies at the higher elevation. Our findings revealed a close relationship between hydraulic and stomatal behavior and may help better understand the functional responses of forests to changing environmental conditions.展开更多
The greatest failure rate of reforestation programs is basically related to water deficit,especially at the seedling stage.Therefore,the main objective of this work is to investigate the responses of three accessions ...The greatest failure rate of reforestation programs is basically related to water deficit,especially at the seedling stage.Therefore,the main objective of this work is to investigate the responses of three accessions of carob trees(Ceratonia siliqua L.)with 2-year-old from different climate regions to drought generated by four water treatments:Tc(250 mm),T1(180 mm),T2(100 mm),and T3(50 mm).The first accession(A1)comes from the protected national park of Ichkeul in northern Tunisia.This zone belongs to the bioclimatic sub-humid stage.The second accession(A2)comes from Melloulech,located in the center-east of Tunisia,belonging to the bioclimatic semi-arid stage.The third accession(A3)comes from the mountain of Matmata,located in the south of Tunisia,belonging to the bioclimatic hyper-arid stage.The experiment was undertaken in a greenhouse.Gaz exchange indices(net photosynthesis(A),stomatal conductance(gs),transpiration rate(E),and internal CO_(2) concentration(Ci))were determined.Predawn(Ψpd)and midday(Ψmd)leaf water potentials,relative soil water content(SWC),and morphological parameters(plant height(H),number of leaves(NL),number of leaflets(Nl),and number of branches(NB))were estimated.The results showed that significant differences(P<0.001)were found between physiological and morphological parameters of each accession.The highest growth potential was recorded for Tc treatment in both accessions A1 and A2.Significant decreases in gs,E,Ci,and SWC were recorded with the increases in water stress applied from treatment T1 to T3.Positive and significant correlations were found between SWC andΨpd for all studied accessions.Ψpd andΨmd decreased as water stress increased,ranging from–0.96 to–1.50 MPa at sunrise and from–1.94 to–2.83 MPa at midday,respectively,under control and T3 treatments.C.siliqua accessions responded to drought through exhibiting significant changes in their physiological and morphological behavior.Both accessions A1 and A2 showed greater drought tolerance than accession A3.These seedlings exhibit different adaptive mechanisms such as stress avoidance,which are aimed at reducing transpiration,limiting leaf growth,and increasing root growth to exploit more soil water.Therefore,C.siliqua can be recommended for the ecological restoration in Mediterranean ecosystems.展开更多
Aims Nocturnal sap flow(E_(night))has been observed in a variety of plant species and environmental conditions.In water-limited environ-ments,E_(night) is important in the regulation of plant water’s physi-ology.This...Aims Nocturnal sap flow(E_(night))has been observed in a variety of plant species and environmental conditions.In water-limited environ-ments,E_(night) is important in the regulation of plant water’s physi-ology.This study was designed to evaluate the way in which E_(night)(defined as sap flow from 20:30 to 06:00)responded to changes in the atmospheric vapor pressure deficit(VPD)and the soil water con-tent(SWC),and explored its potential physiological significance for different plant species in a semi-arid area.Methods We selected three shrub species:Vitex negundo L.(VN),Hippophae rhamnoides L.(HR)and Spiraea pubescens Turcz(SP)in the semi-arid Loess Plateau of China.The plots of the three communities dominated by each of three species were on the same hill slope.Half-hourly sap flow density was measured in six to seven sample stems for each species during the main grow-ing season(June to August 2015).VPD,SWC,leaf water potential(Ψleaf)and stomatal conductance(G_(s))were measured at the same time.Regression analyses were conducted to determine the rela-tionships between E_(night),E_(day),E_(night)/E_(daily),VPD and SWC at half-hourly and daily time scales,as well as between E_(night),E_(day) andΨleaf.Important Findings The mean values of E_(night) and E_(day) were higher,but E_(night)/E_(daily) val-ues were lower for VN compared to HR and SP.The responses of sap flow density to VPD and SWC varied at different temporal scales.VPD was the dominant factor that affected E_(night) and E_(day) at the half-hourly scale for all three species.In contrast,SWC was the key factor that influenced E_(day) at the daily time scale.The values of E_(day) and E_(night)/E_(daily) correlated negatively with SWC because the effect of SWC was stronger on E_(day) than on E_(night).Although the low fraction of E_(night)/E_(daily)(4%-7%)may indicate a minor short-term effect of E_(night) on the standing water balance,E_(night) had eco-physiologically significance to the plants.The discrepancy inΨleaf between sunset and the following day’s predawn(ΔΨ)indicated that stem refilling occurred during this period.SP had the higher fraction of recharge water among the three species,as it had the relatively higher value ofΔΨ/E_(night).E_(night) had positive relation-ship with predawn Gs.The increased Gs facilitated rapid onset of photosynthesis in the early morning.In addition,the positive correlation between E_(night) and E_(day) from 06:00 to 10:30 suggested that E_(night) was beneficial for transpiration in the following morning.The responses of E_(night) to VPD and SWC indicated differences in plant adaptation to drought stress,which provides important infor-mation for our understanding of the reactions to climate changes among species in semi-arid areas.展开更多
Grapevines are preferentially grown under mild to moderate water stress conditions to achieve the best compromise between wine quality and quantity.Water status detection for advanced irrigation scheduling is frequent...Grapevines are preferentially grown under mild to moderate water stress conditions to achieve the best compromise between wine quality and quantity.Water status detection for advanced irrigation scheduling is frequently done by predawn leaf water potential(ΨPD)or leaf stomata conductance(gL)measurements.However,these measurements are time and labor consuming.Therefore,the use of infrared thermography(IRT)opens up the possibility to study large population of leaves and to give an overview on the stomatal variation and their dynamics.In the present study IRT was used to identify water stress of potted grapevines.In order to define the sensitivity of IRT measurements to water stress,the IRT-based water status information were compared with simultaneously measuredΨPD and gL data.Correlations between IRT-based CWSI data on the one hand and gL andΨPD on the other showed the potential of IRT for water stress detection.However,the CWSI calculation procedure is laborious and the sensitivity of CWSI for water stress detection still needs to be improved.Therefore,further improvements are necessary in order to apply remote IRT-based systems for irrigation scheduling in the field.展开更多
Aims The plants of Mediterranean sea cliff ecosystems are resistant to several environmental challenges.In this study,six species typical of the coastal rocky cliffs have been analyzed in order to evaluate their diver...Aims The plants of Mediterranean sea cliff ecosystems are resistant to several environmental challenges.In this study,six species typical of the coastal rocky cliffs have been analyzed in order to evaluate their diverse morphological and physiological responses to their environment across the seasons,and to examine the strategy of the ecological group to which each species belongs.Since these species are widespread across the Mediterranean region,our aim was also to highlight their ecophysiological features in habitats where the direct influence of the sea is stronger.Methods The selected species are characteristic of the sea cliffs of Elba island(Tyrrhenian sea,Italy):the halophyte Crithmum maritimum,the semideciduous Helichrysum italicum and Lavandula stoechas and the sclerophylls Myrtus communis,Quercus ilex and Rhamnus alaternus.Four morphological traits-canopy height,leaf area,specific leaf area and leaf dry matter content-and two physiological traits-leaf water potential(LWP)and photosynthetic efficiency(PE),measured before the dawn and at midday-were analyzed.Water potential was measured by a pressure chamber and photosynthetic efficiency was determined by the analysis of chlorophyll fluorescence.Plant performance was also evaluated by calculating chronic(PIchr)and dynamic photoinhibition(PIdyn).Important Findings Crithmum maritimum showed high resistance to the recurrent dry periods,because of the high water storage capacity of its leaves and its PE declined markedly only in July,under the harshest climatic conditions.Semideciduous taxa utilize primarily an avoidance strategy,which aims at reducing the overall leaf surface,while sclerophylls mostly show a tolerance strategy towards the prevailing stressors,as demonstrated by LWP and PE,that are lower in the sclerophylls than in the semideciduous taxa during summer,due to osmoregulation and photoinhibition,respectively.Furthermore,variability of physiological parameters was higher in the sclerophylls than in the semideciduous taxa,because the former had to withstand wider oscillations of their LWP and PE.The sclerophyllous taxa underwent a slight loss of PE also in winter,likely owing to the combined action of low temperature and high irradiance.In Mediterranean sea cliff ecosystems,the stressful combination of high irradiance,high temperatures and low rainfall typical of the summer season may have been intensified by the shallow soil which displays a poor water storage capacity.On the other hand,winter stress,caused by high solar radiation and low temperatures,does not seem to seriously affect the performance of the studied species.展开更多
文摘The study on the changes of stomatal sensitivity in relation to xylem ABA during periodical soil drying and the effect of leaf water status on the stomatal sensitivity has confirmed that xylem ABA concentration is a good indicator of soil water status around roots and the relation between xylem ABA concentration and predawn leaf water potential remained constant during the three consecutive soil drying cycles based on the slopes of the fitted lines. The sensitivity of stomata to xylem ABA increased substantially as the soil drying cycles progressed, and the xylem ABA concentration needed to cause a 50% decrease of stomatal conductance was as low as 550 nmol/L in the next two soil drying cycle, as compared with the 750 nmol/L ABA in the first cycle of soil drying. The results using the split_root system showed that leaf water deficit significantly enhanced the stomatal response to xylem ABA and the xylem ABA concentration needed to cause a 50% decrease in stomatal conductance was 2 to 4 times smaller in the whole_root_drying treatment than those in the semi_root_drying treatment. These results suggested that the sensitivity of stomata to xylem ABA concentration is not a fixed characteristic.
文摘Seedlings of drought-tolerance rice varieties Han 501and Han A03,and the drought sensitive varietiesNanjing 11 and Yanjing 2 were raised in a paddyfield and transplanted into pots at the age of 8leaves.Water stress started at the tillering stage byholding water from 0 MPa of the soil water potentialin pots till the leaves showed seriously wilting.
文摘Differences in transpiration and leaf water potential (LWP) in relation to cassava yield were investigated along inland valley toposequence in a 4×4 Latin square design. The landrace with the highest transpiration rate and lowest LWP yielded the lowest, while TMS 91/02324 and TMS 91/02327 with intermediate rate and highest LWP yielded the highest, indicating that high transpiration rate associated with low LWP reduced yield. Transpiration was lower in the fringe with deeper water table than valley bottom at deep water table site, while at shallow water table, it was higher in the fringe than valley bottom, suggesting that drought and excess moisture reduced transpiration. LWP and water table depth correlated negatively indicating that shallow water table reduced transpiration by reducing LWP. Transpiration increased and LWP decreased as radiation, leaf temperature and vapour pressure deficit increased and differences in these microclimatic conditions caused differences in the two processes between sites, years and time of day. Under mild water stress, transpiration and LWP were higher in the afternoon than the morning, but the reverse occurred under severe stress. TMS 91/02324 and TMS 91/02327 had the highest LWP under severe stress, indicating their higher drought tolerance than the other cultivars.
基金supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (40971042)the Western Light project of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (XBBS 200808)
文摘Hydraulic resistance components and water relations were studied on Haloxyolon ammoden-dron,a small xeric tree,growing at sites significantly differed in soil texture.Soil water content,leaf water potential(ψl),xylem water potential(ψx),root water potential(ψroot),leaf transpiration rate(TR) and stomatal conductance(gs) were measured at the two sites during the growing season of 2005 and 2006.Leaf spe-cific hydraulic resistance(Rplant) during the whole growing season,hydraulic resistance of plants(Rp),shoots(Rshoot) and roots(Rroot) in the August of both years were calculated and expressed on leaf area basis.The results showed the proportion of the hydraulic resistance of the aerial part(Rshoot) to the Rp was the same to the proportion of the hydraulic resistance of the soil part(Rroot) to the Rp,indicating that both parts were equivalent important to plant water hydraulic system from soil to leaf.Positive significant corre-lations were found between Rp and Rroot,suggesting that root hydraulics resistance was a major determinant of plant hydraulic resistance(Rp) and transpiration rate.The integrated effect of stomatal control,hy-draulic regulation and morphology adjustment enabled plants at heavy soil site surviving the extreme water deficit period.
基金support by the Open Access Publication Funds of the Gottingen University
文摘Forests over limestone in the tropics have received little attention and limestone forests in Vietnam have been overlooked to an even greater extent in terms of tree physiology. In Ba Be National Park, Vietnam, soil water availability in limestone forests seems to be the most limiting factor in the dry season. Therefore, in order to enhance the preliminary knowledge of choosing native tree species for enrichment planting in the restoration zone, characteristics of the 20 native tree species to soil water stress were investigated in a limestone forest. One-ha plot each consisting of twenty-five 20 m × 20 m plots was established in undisturbed forests. All trees ≥ 10 cm DBH were measured in 20 m × 20 m plots, while twenty-five 5 m × 5 m subplots were established in order to sample the regeneration of tree species with a DBH < 10 cm. The Scholander apparatus and freezing point osmometry were used in order to measure the leaf water potential (Ψw) and leaf osmotic potential (Ψπ) of the 20 native tree species, respectively in this study. 61 species belonging to 34 families of all trees with a DBH ≥ 10 cm were recorded in one ha, while 31 species representing 18 families of trees < 10 cm DBH were identified in 625 m2. The 20 species’ leaf water and osmotic potential values revealed significant differences among species. The maximum leaf water potential was not affected by any anticipated sources of variation, while the minimum water potential, however, showed significant variation to soil water stress. The results in the study area emphasized the importance of water factors in influencing tree species distribution;it could be concluded that native species with wide water potential ranges would be better able to withstand water changes and might be thus good candidates for reforestation (enrichment planting) in limestone areas.
基金supported by the Council for Scientific and Technological Development(CNPq)the Coordination for the Improvement of Education Personnel(CAPES)。
文摘Water availability is a limiting factor for the establishment and development of forest species.To understand the appropriate conditions for the initial post-transplanting phase,it is necessary to understand the specific morphophysiological characteristics of the species,such as the leaf water potential and the efficiency of photosystemⅡ.We aimed to identify the influence of different water regimes on the morphophysiological aspects of young plants of two forest species(Cedrela.fissilis Vellozo and Eucalyptus saligna Sm.).Two greenhouse experiments were conducted for 28 days;one for each species.The design was completely randomized,and the treatments consisted of six different water regimes.Leaf water potential(Ψw)and chlorophyll a fluorescence were evaluated every 7 days.At the end of the experiment,morphological attributes(height,collection diameter,root volume,and dry matter)were measured and histological blades were made.The water demand of E.saligna was higher than that of C.fissilis and required greater replacement within a shorter period.The rehydration fromΨw=-2 Mpa allowed for a fast recovery of the young C.fissilis plants(Ψw=-1.5,Fv/Fm=0.796),which indicated good physiological plasticity of this species when submitted to water stress at a level that is not severe.The total dry matter allocation was different among species.Seedlings of E.saligna presented the best responses when submitted to a continuous water supply regime,while C.fissilis seedlings presented the best response under intermittent irrigation conditions.
基金supported by the National Basic Research Program of China(2009CB825101)the Specialized Research Fund for the Doctoral Program of Higher Education of China(20110008110035)
文摘This paper focused on the water relations of two halophytes differing in photosynthetic pathway, phe- notype, and life cycle: Karelinia caspica (Pall.) Less. (C3, deep-rooted perennial Asteraceae grass) and Atriplex tatarica L. (C4, shallow-rooted annual Chenopodiaceae grass). Gas exchange, leaf water potential, and growth characteristics were investigated in two growing seasons in an arid area of Xinjiang to explore the physiological adaptability of the two halophytes. Both K. caspica and A. tatarica showed midday depression of transpiration, in- dicating that they were strong xerophytes and weak midday depression types. The roots of A. tatarica were con- centrated mainly in the 0-60 cm soil layer, and the leaf water potential (~L) increased sharply in the 0-20 cm layer due to high soil water content, suggesting that the upper soil was the main water source. On the other hand, K. caspica had a rooting depth of about 1.5 m and a larger root/shoot ratio, which confirmed that this species uptakes water mainly from deeper soil layer. Although A. tatarica had lower transpiration water consumption, higher water use efficiency (WUE), and less water demand at the same leaf water potential, it showed larger water stress impact than K. caspica, indicating that the growth of A. tatarica was restricted more than that of K. caspica when there was no rainfall recharge. As a shallow-rooted C4 species, A. tatarica displayed lower stomatal conductance, which could to some extent reduce transpiration water loss and maintain leaf water potential steadily. In contrast, the deep-rooted C3 species K. caspica had a larger root/shoot ratio that was in favor of exploiting groundwater. We concluded that C3 species (K. caspica) tapes water and C4 species (A. tatarica) reduces water loss to survive in the arid and saline conditions. The results provided a case for the phenotype theory of Schwinning and Ehleringer on halophytic plants.
文摘Drip irrigation is often preferred under water limited conditions over the other irrigation methods because of its high water application efficiency on account of reduced surface evaporation and percolation losses. The major limitation of drip irrigation is its initial investment. Therefore, there is a need to reduce the cost of drip installation by altering the planting geometry besides enhancing the productivity and moisture use. Results of the two years field study conducted on sandy loam soils revealed that drip irrigation at 1.0 Epan with normal row system (60 cm×30 cm) registered significantly higher yield of green chilli( 14.08 t ha^-1) which was on par with 0.8 Epan two rows paired system (90-45-90 cm×30 cm:13.45 t ha^-1) and significantly lowest was noticed with 0.6 Epan four rows paired system(45-45-45-120 cm×30 cm ) (5.50 t ha^-1). The quality parameters viz; TSS and Ascorbic acid were significantly higher with drip irrigation at 1.0 Epan with normal row system and lowest was observed with 0.6 Epan four rows paired system. Total water used was maximum in 1.0 Epan (691.7 mm) followed by 0.8 Epan irrigation (590.2 mm) and the lowest was recorded in 0.6 Epan irrigation (488.8 mm). There was a saving of water by 14.68 percent and 29.34 percent under 0.8 and 0.6 Epan drip irrigation schedules respectively over 1.0 Epan. Indications of less leaf water potential in 1.0 Epan drip irrigation (-0.58 to-0.67 MPa) followed by 0.8 Epan (-0.61 to-0.68 MPa) and more negative leaf water potential in 0.6 Epan (-0.71 to-0.88 MPa) in relation to water applied were observed. Water use efficiency recorded was maximum in 0.6 Epan normal row systems (24.1 Kg ha-mm^-1) and the least was recorded in 0.6 Epan four rows paired system (11.3 Kg ha-mm^-1). The significantly higher root growth characters such as root length (42.6 cm), number of primary roots (28.7), root dry weight (11.05 g plant^-1) and maximum depth of penetration were recorded with 0.6 Epan four rows paired system and the least was observed with 1.0 Epan with normal row system. This indicating root proliferation under stress conditions and marked performance in terms of yield under water limited environments. Significantly higher Benefit: Cost ratio was recorded with 0.8 Epan two rows paired system (2.24:1) and was on par with 1.0 Epan two rows paired system (2.00:1) and 1.0 Epan normal row system (1.85: 1 ). The significantly lowest B: C ratio was noticed with 0.6 Epan four rows paired system.
文摘Two upland rice varieties (IRAT109, IAPAR9) and one lowland rice variety (Zhenshan 97B) were planted in summer and treated with both normal (full water) and drought stress in the reproductive stage. Panicle water potential (PWP) and leaf water potential (LWP) were measured every 1.0-1.5 h over 24 h on sunny days. Both PWP and LWP of upland varieties started to decrease later, maintained a higher level and recovered more quickly than that of the lowland variety. The results show that PWP can be used as an indicator of plant water status based on the parallel daily changes, and the high correlation between PWP and LWP. Similar correlations were also observed between PWP, LWP and eight traits related to plant growth and grain yield formation. PWP seemed to be more effective for distinguishing the upland rice varieties with different drought-tolerant ability. Differences in PWP and LWP between upland and lowland rice varieties were also observed at noon even under normal water conditions, implying the incorporation of the drought-tolerant mechanism to improve the photosynthesis and yield of traditional paddy rice.
基金This research was jointly funded by the National Nature Science Foundation of China(51779093)the Support Plan for Scientific and Technological Innovation Team of Colleges and Universities in Henan Province(17IRTSTHN026).
文摘A drought event can cause yield loss or entire crops to fail.In order to study the effects of continuous drought on physiological characteristics,yield,and water use efficiency(WUE)of winter wheat(Triticum aestivum L.),the variety“Zhoumai 22”was grown in controlled water conditions of the pot-planted winter wheat under a mobile rainout shelter.Foot planting and safe wintering were used to evaluate,winter wheat under different drought conditions,including light,moderate and severe drought at the jointing,heading,and filling stages.The soil water content was controlled at 60–70%,50–60%,or 40–50%of field capacity.Experimental trials included 3 pre-anthesis drought hardening,3 three-stage continuous drought,and 1 test control conditions.Under drought stress conditions,winter wheat leaf water potential,soil plant analysis development(SPAD),photosynthesis parameters,and yield declined due to pre-anthesis drought hardening.And the degree of decline:continuous drought>pre-anthesis drought hardening.Changes in the post-anthesis photosynthetic capacity of winter wheat were mainly related to the pre-anthesis drought level,rather than post-anthesis rehydration.The threshold of non-stomata limiting factors caused by photosynthesis at the filling stage is 40–50%FC,while comprehensive yield and WUE affected,the yield in severe drought treatments was the most significant,B3C3 and B3C3G3 decreased by 55.68%and 55.88%,respectively.Pre-anthesis drought was the main reason for the decreased crop yield.Thus,severe drought should be avoided during planting,while pre-anthesis light drought is a suitable choice for watersaving and crop production,as proper pre-anthesis drought hardening(60–70%FC)is feasible and effective.
文摘In this paper, the hydraulic resistances and capacitances were evaluated. based on the development of non-(?) model of water flow in the soil-plant system and the simulating experiment work.The results show that the mean hydraulic resistance in the soil-plant system is 6.79×109 MPa·S·m-3; the mean hydraulic capacitance in the system is 5.2×107m3·MPa-1. In the components of hydraulic capacitance in the system, the capacitance in soil (81.8×10-6m3·MPa ) is the biggest and its variability with suii water potential is extremely strong, the capacitance in plant (5.3×10-7m3·MPa-1) is much smaller than that in soil, and the capacitance in shoots (15.5×10-7m3·2MPa-1) is bigger than that in roots (8.4×10-7m3·2MPa-1). An interesting result is that the capacitance in plant is almost equivalent to that in the soil-plant system.
基金supported by the Doctoral Program Foundation of Institutions of Higher Education of China (20070022028)the 11th Five Scientific & Technological Sustaining Research Program of China (2006BAD03A1203)
文摘The investigation of the mechanisms of plant adaptation to stressor action is one of the leading directions of current biological studies. To understand the mechanism of salt tolerance of seabuckthom (Hippophae rhamnoides L.) and identify its ability to cope with the salinity effect in the saline and extremely cold region of Qinghai, China, a test was conducted with two-year-old seedlings subjected to 0, 200, 400 and 600 mmol·L^-1 NaClsolutions for 30 d. The results show that with an increase in salinity, the biomass of H. rhamnoides seedlings clearly decreased. Leaf water potential (ψw) and relative water content (RWC) were significantly reduced under salinity, with severe water shortages appearing in leaves. At the same time, the total chlorophyll content declined markedly. When salinity increased and stress time prolonged, the net CO2 assimilation rate (A) significantly declined. Intercellular CO2 concentration (Ci) declined at first and was then followed by an increase over the stress time. We conclude that H. rhamnoides grown in the extremely cold and saline region of Qinghai has a certain resistance to salt, which can be planted at appropriate salinity levels.
基金funded by the National Natural Science Foundation of China,grant number 32171501 and 31770646the Guangdong Basic and Applied Basic Research Foundation,grant number2021A1515012486。
文摘Quantifying the variation in stomatal behavior and functional traits of trees with elevation can provide a better understanding of the adaptative strategies to a changing climate. In this study, six water-and carbon-related functional traits were examined for three dominant tree species, Schima superba, Pinus massoniana and Castanopsis chinensis, in a mixed coniferous and broad-leaved forest at two elevations(70 and 360 m above sea level,respectively) in low subtropical China. We hypothesized that trees at higher elevations would develop more efficient strategies of stomatal regulations and greater water transport capacity to cope with more variable hydrothermal conditions than those at lower elevations. Results show that the hydraulic conductivity did not differ between trees at the two elevations, contrary to our expectation. The C. chinensis trees had greater values of leaf mass per unit area(LMA), and the S. superba and C. chinensis trees had greater values of wood density(WD),relative stem water content(RWC), and ratio of sapwood area to leaf area(Hv) at the 360-m elevation than at 70-m elevation. The mean canopy stomatal conductance was greater and more sensitive to vapor deficit pressure at360 m than at 70 m for both S. superba and C. chinensis, while stomatal sensitivity did not differ between the two contrasting elevations for P. massoniana. The midday leaf water potential(ψL) in P. massoniana was significantly more negative at 360 m than at 70 m, but did not vary with increasing elevation in both S. superba and C. chinensis.Variations in Hvcan be related to the differential stomatal behaviors between the two elevations. The variations of stomatal behavior and ψLwith elevation suggested the isohydric strategy for the two broad-leaved species and the anisohydric strategy for the conifer species. The species-specific differences in LMA, WD, RWC, and Hvbetween the two elevations may reflect conservative resource use strategies at the higher elevation. Our findings revealed a close relationship between hydraulic and stomatal behavior and may help better understand the functional responses of forests to changing environmental conditions.
文摘The greatest failure rate of reforestation programs is basically related to water deficit,especially at the seedling stage.Therefore,the main objective of this work is to investigate the responses of three accessions of carob trees(Ceratonia siliqua L.)with 2-year-old from different climate regions to drought generated by four water treatments:Tc(250 mm),T1(180 mm),T2(100 mm),and T3(50 mm).The first accession(A1)comes from the protected national park of Ichkeul in northern Tunisia.This zone belongs to the bioclimatic sub-humid stage.The second accession(A2)comes from Melloulech,located in the center-east of Tunisia,belonging to the bioclimatic semi-arid stage.The third accession(A3)comes from the mountain of Matmata,located in the south of Tunisia,belonging to the bioclimatic hyper-arid stage.The experiment was undertaken in a greenhouse.Gaz exchange indices(net photosynthesis(A),stomatal conductance(gs),transpiration rate(E),and internal CO_(2) concentration(Ci))were determined.Predawn(Ψpd)and midday(Ψmd)leaf water potentials,relative soil water content(SWC),and morphological parameters(plant height(H),number of leaves(NL),number of leaflets(Nl),and number of branches(NB))were estimated.The results showed that significant differences(P<0.001)were found between physiological and morphological parameters of each accession.The highest growth potential was recorded for Tc treatment in both accessions A1 and A2.Significant decreases in gs,E,Ci,and SWC were recorded with the increases in water stress applied from treatment T1 to T3.Positive and significant correlations were found between SWC andΨpd for all studied accessions.Ψpd andΨmd decreased as water stress increased,ranging from–0.96 to–1.50 MPa at sunrise and from–1.94 to–2.83 MPa at midday,respectively,under control and T3 treatments.C.siliqua accessions responded to drought through exhibiting significant changes in their physiological and morphological behavior.Both accessions A1 and A2 showed greater drought tolerance than accession A3.These seedlings exhibit different adaptive mechanisms such as stress avoidance,which are aimed at reducing transpiration,limiting leaf growth,and increasing root growth to exploit more soil water.Therefore,C.siliqua can be recommended for the ecological restoration in Mediterranean ecosystems.
基金This work was supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China(No.41390462 and 41230745)the Project of Social Science Youth Foundation of Beijing Municipal(No.15JGC148).
文摘Aims Nocturnal sap flow(E_(night))has been observed in a variety of plant species and environmental conditions.In water-limited environ-ments,E_(night) is important in the regulation of plant water’s physi-ology.This study was designed to evaluate the way in which E_(night)(defined as sap flow from 20:30 to 06:00)responded to changes in the atmospheric vapor pressure deficit(VPD)and the soil water con-tent(SWC),and explored its potential physiological significance for different plant species in a semi-arid area.Methods We selected three shrub species:Vitex negundo L.(VN),Hippophae rhamnoides L.(HR)and Spiraea pubescens Turcz(SP)in the semi-arid Loess Plateau of China.The plots of the three communities dominated by each of three species were on the same hill slope.Half-hourly sap flow density was measured in six to seven sample stems for each species during the main grow-ing season(June to August 2015).VPD,SWC,leaf water potential(Ψleaf)and stomatal conductance(G_(s))were measured at the same time.Regression analyses were conducted to determine the rela-tionships between E_(night),E_(day),E_(night)/E_(daily),VPD and SWC at half-hourly and daily time scales,as well as between E_(night),E_(day) andΨleaf.Important Findings The mean values of E_(night) and E_(day) were higher,but E_(night)/E_(daily) val-ues were lower for VN compared to HR and SP.The responses of sap flow density to VPD and SWC varied at different temporal scales.VPD was the dominant factor that affected E_(night) and E_(day) at the half-hourly scale for all three species.In contrast,SWC was the key factor that influenced E_(day) at the daily time scale.The values of E_(day) and E_(night)/E_(daily) correlated negatively with SWC because the effect of SWC was stronger on E_(day) than on E_(night).Although the low fraction of E_(night)/E_(daily)(4%-7%)may indicate a minor short-term effect of E_(night) on the standing water balance,E_(night) had eco-physiologically significance to the plants.The discrepancy inΨleaf between sunset and the following day’s predawn(ΔΨ)indicated that stem refilling occurred during this period.SP had the higher fraction of recharge water among the three species,as it had the relatively higher value ofΔΨ/E_(night).E_(night) had positive relation-ship with predawn Gs.The increased Gs facilitated rapid onset of photosynthesis in the early morning.In addition,the positive correlation between E_(night) and E_(day) from 06:00 to 10:30 suggested that E_(night) was beneficial for transpiration in the following morning.The responses of E_(night) to VPD and SWC indicated differences in plant adaptation to drought stress,which provides important infor-mation for our understanding of the reactions to climate changes among species in semi-arid areas.
文摘Grapevines are preferentially grown under mild to moderate water stress conditions to achieve the best compromise between wine quality and quantity.Water status detection for advanced irrigation scheduling is frequently done by predawn leaf water potential(ΨPD)or leaf stomata conductance(gL)measurements.However,these measurements are time and labor consuming.Therefore,the use of infrared thermography(IRT)opens up the possibility to study large population of leaves and to give an overview on the stomatal variation and their dynamics.In the present study IRT was used to identify water stress of potted grapevines.In order to define the sensitivity of IRT measurements to water stress,the IRT-based water status information were compared with simultaneously measuredΨPD and gL data.Correlations between IRT-based CWSI data on the one hand and gL andΨPD on the other showed the potential of IRT for water stress detection.However,the CWSI calculation procedure is laborious and the sensitivity of CWSI for water stress detection still needs to be improved.Therefore,further improvements are necessary in order to apply remote IRT-based systems for irrigation scheduling in the field.
基金European Community within INTERREG IIIA Italy/France‘Islands’Sardinia-Corse-Tuscany(2000-2006 Islands IT-FR).
文摘Aims The plants of Mediterranean sea cliff ecosystems are resistant to several environmental challenges.In this study,six species typical of the coastal rocky cliffs have been analyzed in order to evaluate their diverse morphological and physiological responses to their environment across the seasons,and to examine the strategy of the ecological group to which each species belongs.Since these species are widespread across the Mediterranean region,our aim was also to highlight their ecophysiological features in habitats where the direct influence of the sea is stronger.Methods The selected species are characteristic of the sea cliffs of Elba island(Tyrrhenian sea,Italy):the halophyte Crithmum maritimum,the semideciduous Helichrysum italicum and Lavandula stoechas and the sclerophylls Myrtus communis,Quercus ilex and Rhamnus alaternus.Four morphological traits-canopy height,leaf area,specific leaf area and leaf dry matter content-and two physiological traits-leaf water potential(LWP)and photosynthetic efficiency(PE),measured before the dawn and at midday-were analyzed.Water potential was measured by a pressure chamber and photosynthetic efficiency was determined by the analysis of chlorophyll fluorescence.Plant performance was also evaluated by calculating chronic(PIchr)and dynamic photoinhibition(PIdyn).Important Findings Crithmum maritimum showed high resistance to the recurrent dry periods,because of the high water storage capacity of its leaves and its PE declined markedly only in July,under the harshest climatic conditions.Semideciduous taxa utilize primarily an avoidance strategy,which aims at reducing the overall leaf surface,while sclerophylls mostly show a tolerance strategy towards the prevailing stressors,as demonstrated by LWP and PE,that are lower in the sclerophylls than in the semideciduous taxa during summer,due to osmoregulation and photoinhibition,respectively.Furthermore,variability of physiological parameters was higher in the sclerophylls than in the semideciduous taxa,because the former had to withstand wider oscillations of their LWP and PE.The sclerophyllous taxa underwent a slight loss of PE also in winter,likely owing to the combined action of low temperature and high irradiance.In Mediterranean sea cliff ecosystems,the stressful combination of high irradiance,high temperatures and low rainfall typical of the summer season may have been intensified by the shallow soil which displays a poor water storage capacity.On the other hand,winter stress,caused by high solar radiation and low temperatures,does not seem to seriously affect the performance of the studied species.