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作者 袁庆庆 步凡 +1 位作者 谢晓彤 夏鲲 《中国电机工程学报》 北大核心 2025年第2期758-768,I0030,共12页
多电平多相电机驱动系统存在电压矢量数目多、冗余复杂及多目标非线性约束等问题。以二极管钳位型三电平六相逆变器驱动双三相永磁同步电机为研究对象,以电机谐波电流抑制和逆变器直流侧中点电位平衡控制为目标,提出一种基于电压矢量三... 多电平多相电机驱动系统存在电压矢量数目多、冗余复杂及多目标非线性约束等问题。以二极管钳位型三电平六相逆变器驱动双三相永磁同步电机为研究对象,以电机谐波电流抑制和逆变器直流侧中点电位平衡控制为目标,提出一种基于电压矢量三角区域分类的改进模型预测电压控制策略。首先,以基波子平面大投影幅值为原则,对729个电压矢量进行初筛;接着,基于三角区域分类方法对筛选后的电压矢量进行分类,并对期望电压进行所属三角区域定位、确定候选矢量。设计满足电机定子电流谐波抑制及逆变器中点电位平衡控制的目标函数;根据电机数学模型和逆变器特征研究多目标控制权重因子的理论设计方法。不同工况下的有效性及对比实验表明,所研究的控制策略不仅能改善多电平多相电机驱动系统的多目标控制性能,还能有效降低控制器计算负担。 展开更多
关键词 二极管钳位型三电平六相逆变器 双三相永磁同步电机 矢量分类 谐波电流 中点电位 模型预测电压控制 权重因子
作者 巢欣 杨胜娴 +4 位作者 刘惠秋 闫冰洁 卫佩佩 吴湘君 巴桑 《湖泊科学》 EI CAS 北大核心 2025年第1期215-228,I0024,共15页
为探究雅鲁藏布江下游浮游植物群落多样性、构建机制及驱动因子,本文于2022年5月(春季)、2023年7月(夏季)和9月(秋季)对雅鲁藏布江下游34个样点进行了浮游植物样品采集和环境因子的调查,利用显微镜鉴定浮游植物物种,分析该水域浮游植物... 为探究雅鲁藏布江下游浮游植物群落多样性、构建机制及驱动因子,本文于2022年5月(春季)、2023年7月(夏季)和9月(秋季)对雅鲁藏布江下游34个样点进行了浮游植物样品采集和环境因子的调查,利用显微镜鉴定浮游植物物种,分析该水域浮游植物群落结构特征,并探究了不同季节浮游植物群落差异及群落构建的驱动因素。结果表明:1)该水域共鉴定出浮游植物269种及变种,隶属于8门10纲22目40科87属,细胞丰度为春季>夏季>秋季,物种数为秋季>春季>夏季,浮游植物群落结构整体呈现硅藻绿藻蓝藻型,共筛选出优势种12种,均为硅藻;2)Shannon多样性指数、Pielou均匀度指数、Simpson多样性指数及Margalef丰富度指数在夏季最低,主坐标分析结果表明浮游植物群落组成在季节上存在差异,通过分析3个季节的β多样性及组分分解得知,这种差异主要来源于周转,且周转组分在春季占比最大;3)中性群落模型及校正化随机率表明,随机性过程主导了雅鲁藏布江下游3个季节浮游植物群落的构建,方差分解分析结果显示地理因子的解释率(10.13%)大于环境因子(7.46%),经度、纬度和海拔是影响浮游植物群落构建的主要地理因子,水温、pH是影响浮游植物群落构建的主要环境因子;4)共现网络分析结果表明浮游植物间的相互作用以协作为主,且秋季的群落结构相较于春季和夏季更精简、稳定。 展开更多
关键词 浮游植物 群落多样性 中性模型 校正化随机率 随机性过程 驱动因子 雅鲁藏布江下游
基于MODELS的工频弧光接地过电压的仿真 被引量:11
作者 金恩淑 杨明芳 +1 位作者 李卫刚 陈韬 《电力系统保护与控制》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2009年第13期24-28,共5页
弧光接地过电压是中性点不接地系统中危害最大的过电压之一。目前,关于弧光接地过电压的研究大都采用系统仿真,基于工频熄弧理论,通过控制开关的闭合来模拟电弧的熄灭和重燃,观察弧光接地过电压情况。由于电弧的熄灭和重燃具有强烈的统... 弧光接地过电压是中性点不接地系统中危害最大的过电压之一。目前,关于弧光接地过电压的研究大都采用系统仿真,基于工频熄弧理论,通过控制开关的闭合来模拟电弧的熄灭和重燃,观察弧光接地过电压情况。由于电弧的熄灭和重燃具有强烈的统计特性,电弧不一定是在工频过零时熄灭,也不一定是在电压达到最大值时重燃。因此,按一个工频周期来设定开关的开闭时间模拟弧光接地过电压时,模型不够准确。鉴于这种情况,在对弧光接地过电压产生机理深入研究的基础上,提出了一种新的开关控制方法,采用EMTP中的控制系统暂态分析TACS模块和MODELS模块对开关的控制部分进行处理。运用MODELS模块中特定的MODELS语言编写控制程序,输出一个信号作为TACS开关的输入控制信号,当满足给定电压和电流门槛值时,开关便会相应地闭合及断开。不必按一个工频周期来设定开关的开闭时间,提高了仿真模型的精确性。将其应用于10kV中性点不接地系统及小电阻接地系统的弧光接地过电压的研究,取得了预期效果,具有很好的应用前景。 展开更多
关键词 弧光接地过电压 中性点不接地 小电阻接地 TACS modelS
作者 宋昊洋 王敏 《风景园林》 北大核心 2025年第1期49-56,共8页
[目的]在“双碳”目标指引下,明确生态系统服务对都市圈增汇减碳的正向影响及溢出效应,能有效促进区域生态空间优化,协调生态-社会-经济需求。[方法]在2010-2020年多源面板数据支持下,以上海大都市圈为研究对象,划分40个研究单元,引入... [目的]在“双碳”目标指引下,明确生态系统服务对都市圈增汇减碳的正向影响及溢出效应,能有效促进区域生态空间优化,协调生态-社会-经济需求。[方法]在2010-2020年多源面板数据支持下,以上海大都市圈为研究对象,划分40个研究单元,引入净碳汇效率指标考察各研究单元的增汇-减碳协同效益,应用非期望产出的基于松弛变量测度(slacks-based measurement, SBM)模型对碳排、碳汇效益和净碳汇效率的时空演变规律进行测算;量化表征水源涵养、水质净化、土壤保持、生物多样性维持4项关键生态系统服务;结合空间计量模型,分析各项生态系统服务及其相互关系对净碳汇效率的影响机制,揭示生态系统服务的空间溢出效应。[结果]1)净碳汇效率提升区域可分为高产值-高碳排-高碳汇和中高产值-低碳排-中高碳汇2类;2)4项生态系统服务存在空间异质性,水源涵养和土壤保持服务高值区域部分重叠;3)不同生态系统服务的空间溢出效应系数、方向和显著性存在差异。[结论]与水相关的生态系统服务显著影响上海大都市圈减碳增汇,需要差异化提升各类生态系统服务、持续保育重要生态空间,以推动上海大都市圈净碳汇效率总体稳步提升。 展开更多
关键词 碳中和 生态系统服务 净碳汇效率 空间计量模型 影响机制 上海大都市圈
Aero-engine Blade Fatigue Analysis Based on Nonlinear Continuum Damage Model Using Neural Networks 被引量:14
作者 LIN Jiewei ZHANG Junhong +2 位作者 ZHANG Guichang NI Guangjian BI Fengrong 《Chinese Journal of Mechanical Engineering》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2012年第2期338-345,共8页
Fatigue life and reliability of aero-engine blade are always of important significance to flight safety.The establishment of damage model is one of the key factors in blade fatigue research.Conventional linear Miner'... Fatigue life and reliability of aero-engine blade are always of important significance to flight safety.The establishment of damage model is one of the key factors in blade fatigue research.Conventional linear Miner's sum method is not suitable for aero-engine because of its low accuracy.A back propagation neutral network(BPNN) based on the combination of Levenberg-Marquardt(LM) and finite element method(FEM) is used to describe process of nonlinear damage accumulation behavior in material and predict fatigue life of the blade.Fatigue tests of standard specimen made from TC4 are carried out to obtain material fatigue parameters and S-N curve.A nonlinear continuum damage model(CDM),based on the BPNN with one hidden layer and ten neurons,is built to investigate the nonlinear damage accumulation behavior,in which the results from the tests are used as training set.Comparing with linear models and previous nonlinear models,BPNN has the lowest calculation error in full load range.It has significant accuracy when the load is below 500 MPa.Especially,when the load is 350 MPa,the calculation error of the BPNN is only 0.4%.The accurate model of the blade is built by using 3D coordinate measurement technology.The loading cycle in fatigue analysis is defined from takeoff to cruise in 10 min,and the load history is obtained from finite element analysis(FEA).Then the fatigue life of the compressor blade is predicted by using the BPNN model.The final fatigue life of the aero-engine blade is 6.55 104 cycles(10 916 h) based on the BPNN model,which is effective for the virtual design of aero-engine blade. 展开更多
关键词 continuum damage model neutral network Finite Element Method aero-engine blade life prediction
Model switching method of multi-hierarchical model predictive control system 被引量:1
作者 刘琳琳 周立芳 《化工学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2012年第4期1132-1139,共8页
A pH Model for Calculating the pH Value of Mixed–Acid–Base Equilibria of Overhead Condensing Systems in Crude Distillation 被引量:4
作者 Wang Haibo Li Yun +4 位作者 Cheng Guangxu Wu Wei Chen Xuan Zhang Yaoheng Li Xinyun 《China Petroleum Processing & Petrochemical Technology》 SCIE CAS 2017年第4期95-100,共6页
A pH predictive model based on acid–base equilibria and ion equilibria was proposed to calculate the pH value of the overhead condensing system of crude distillation unit. The pH model could be used to predict the ap... A pH predictive model based on acid–base equilibria and ion equilibria was proposed to calculate the pH value of the overhead condensing system of crude distillation unit. The pH model could be used to predict the appropriate amounts of neutralizers by measuring the Cl-ion concentration of the overhead knockout drum. The pH values of various neutralized streams were estimated by this model. The results showed that the predicted pH values were in good agreement with the experimental ones. The trend of the corrosion inhibition efficiency decreases in the following order: ethylenediamine > N,Ndimethylethanolamine> triethylamine > 3-methoxypropylamine > morpholine. The difficulty in the accurate control of corrosion was solved, and a good instruction was provided for mitigating corrosion in refinery. 展开更多
关键词 neutralIZING AMINES pH predictive model inhibition efficiency OVERHEAD condensing SYSTEMS
Fast Identification of Recycling Properties of Wall-Released Hydrogenic Neutrals in Divertor Plasma
作者 李承跃 邓柏权 +1 位作者 严建成 G.A.EMMERT 《Plasma Science and Technology》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2007年第5期530-533,共4页
A new bipartition neutral transport model was developed for quick identification of the recycling properties of the wall-released hydrogenic neutral particles in the vicinity of the divertor target plate. Based on thi... A new bipartition neutral transport model was developed for quick identification of the recycling properties of the wall-released hydrogenic neutral particles in the vicinity of the divertor target plate. Based on this model, the numerical calculation results are fairly consistent with the results obtained with the 'multi-generation method'. This model can not only be utilized to provide a source term from neutral transport calculations for the B2 edge plasma transport code, which has been used to simulate edge plasma transport of an HL-2A divertor configuration, but can also be specifically applied for fast classification of the divertor plasma as high recycling or low recycling. Our results also show that the transmissivity is lower in the high-recycling regime. 展开更多
关键词 neutral transport bipartition model charge transfer
Survey on the Magnetic Structure of the Neutral Sheets in Earth's Magnetotail
作者 XIAO Chao SHEN Chao +3 位作者 CHENG Guosheng ZHANG Hua ZHANG Ting CARR C M 《空间科学学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2016年第6期837-848,共12页
Based on the multipoint magnetic observations of Cluster from 2001 to 2004,the magnetic field structure in magnetotail Neutral Sheet(NS) is statistically surveyed.The results are as follows.In NS,a cubic function is s... Based on the multipoint magnetic observations of Cluster from 2001 to 2004,the magnetic field structure in magnetotail Neutral Sheet(NS) is statistically surveyed.The results are as follows.In NS,a cubic function is selected to reveal the relation between y(GSM) and positional parameter z.The relation between y and magnetic field values indicates that the magnetic field is weak at midnight region and strengthens gradually at the duskside and dawnside.The relation between y and curvature radius is expressed by a quadratic function.And R_c of flattened CS is less than that of the normal CS.B_y determines the orientation of MFLs' configuration.The polar angle of the curvature vector is affected by the NS configuration.In addition,the correlation between the polar angle of the curvature vector and z is higher.The polar angle of the normal of the osculating plane is uncertain in the center area.The relation between the azimuthal angles of the curvature vector(the normal of the osculating plane) and y is negatively correlated.An empirical model applied to yz plane of the three-dimensional structure of the magnetic field lines in the NS are developed,and it is represented as a function of the positional parameter y.Finally,the current density is also statistically surveyed. 展开更多
关键词 Magnetic structure Statistical survey neutral sheet Developing model
Bounds on the Number of Light Neutrinos Species, <i>g'</i><sub>1</sub>Coupling and <i>Z - Z′</i>Mixing Angle in a U(1)<sub>B-L</sub>Model
作者 A. González-Sánchez A. Gutiérrez-Rodríguez M. A. Hernández-Ruíz 《Journal of Modern Physics》 2015年第8期1077-1084,共8页
The constraints on the number of neutrinos generations, g'1 coupling and Z?- Z′ mixing angle through the invisible width method, and in the framework of a U(1)B-L model are obtained. Based on the experimental val... The constraints on the number of neutrinos generations, g'1 coupling and Z?- Z′ mixing angle through the invisible width method, and in the framework of a U(1)B-L model are obtained. Based on the experimental value reported by the LEP for the rate , we obtained a bound on the g'1 coupling, . In addition, we derive 90% C.L. bounds on the Z?- Z′ mixing angle , improving the existing bounds by one order of magnitude. 展开更多
关键词 Ordinary NEUTRINOS neutral Currents models beyond the Standard model
Neutral and accumulator species in determining the spatial structure of tree species at different spatial scales 被引量:1
作者 Jie Gao Chengyu Lü Yanhong Liu 《Journal of Forestry Research》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2019年第6期2175-2183,共9页
In 2014,a 40-ha undisturbed plot was established in the Beijing Songshan Nature Reserve.The spatial distribution and spatial associations of five dominant tree species of different height classes were examined using s... In 2014,a 40-ha undisturbed plot was established in the Beijing Songshan Nature Reserve.The spatial distribution and spatial associations of five dominant tree species of different height classes were examined using spatial point pattern analysis and the effects of these species on local community diversity assemblages were examined using the ISAR method.The dominant species were characterized by an aggregated distribution at spatial scales of 0–50 m.At smaller spatial scales,trees in larger height classes had significant positive and negative effects on the diversity of the lower height classes.However,at larger spatial scales this effect was diminished.At small scales(0–10 m),accumulator species had positive effects on species diversity,maintained an over-representative proportion of diversity in their proximity,and supported the ecological niche theory.At the larger scale(10–50 m),neutral species were dominant and had positive effects on species diversity,though repeller species,which had negative effects on species diversity,also contributed to diversity.Neutral and accumulator species together determined local species diversity,but the relative importance of the two was closely related to spatial scale.A combination of the ecological niche theory and neutral processes together determines species coexistence and biodiversity of an undisturbed pine forest. 展开更多
关键词 The 40-ha natural Chinese PINE forest Spatial scale ISAR model SPECIES COEXISTENCE neutral and ACCUMULATOR SPECIES
Analysis of the Electric Locomotives Neutral-section Passing Harmonic Resonance 被引量:1
作者 Xiaofeng Jiang Zhengyou He +1 位作者 Haitao Hu Yangfan Zhang 《Energy and Power Engineering》 2013年第4期546-551,共6页
For the further analysis and suppression of the electric locomotives neutral-section passing overvoltage, on the basis of theoretical analysis of the neutral-section passing harmonic resonance conditions, this paper e... For the further analysis and suppression of the electric locomotives neutral-section passing overvoltage, on the basis of theoretical analysis of the neutral-section passing harmonic resonance conditions, this paper establishes simplified harmonic resonance simulation models of the electric locomotives neutral-section passing using MATLAB/Simulink, and makes the overvoltage simulation analysis of the existing electric locomotives neutral-section passing system in the event of a harmonic resonance. Results show that when the system harmonic resonance occurs, the operating overvoltage of the neutral-section passing is serious intensified by the overvoltage of the harmonic resonance, which will make the voltage of the pantograph collector head exceeding 100kV. This amplitude of the overvoltage will breakdown the air gap, which will be a serious threat to the safety operation of the electric railway. However, this kind of neutral-section passing overvoltage hasn’t cause the attention in the field and theoretical studies, which need more analysis and verification in the further study. 展开更多
关键词 neutral-section PASSING Harmonic Resonance OVERVOLTAGE EQUIVALENT modeling Simulation ANALYSIS
气候变化与碳中和 被引量:4
作者 周天军 陈晓龙 +1 位作者 张文霞 张丽霞 《自然杂志》 CAS 2024年第1期1-11,共11页
工业化以来化石燃料的广泛使用使大气中的二氧化碳浓度急剧升高,造成全球气候变暖、极端天气气候事件频发。为有效应对和减缓气候变化,国际社会通过《巴黎协定》设定了2℃和1.5℃温控目标,由此提出了碳中和的概念。文章介绍了全球变暖... 工业化以来化石燃料的广泛使用使大气中的二氧化碳浓度急剧升高,造成全球气候变暖、极端天气气候事件频发。为有效应对和减缓气候变化,国际社会通过《巴黎协定》设定了2℃和1.5℃温控目标,由此提出了碳中和的概念。文章介绍了全球变暖的基本事实、人类碳排放对工业化以来全球变暖的作用,归纳了关于未来气候变化的主要结果,阐释了1.5/2℃温升阈值与碳中和的关系,概述了国际社会为有效应对全球变暖而在减少碳排放方面的努力。 展开更多
关键词 气候变化 碳中和 极端气候事件 气候模拟 气候预估
Plasma-Neutral Gas Structure in a Magnesium Cathodic Arc Operating at Oxygen Gas with Experimental Comparison
作者 朱道云 郑昌喜 +1 位作者 陈弟虎 何振辉 《Plasma Science and Technology》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2013年第11期1116-1121,共6页
The plasma-neutral gas structure generated in a magnesium cathodic arc operated with oxygen gas at a constant current of 50 A has been investigated by employing a simplified one-dimensional fluid model. The model incl... The plasma-neutral gas structure generated in a magnesium cathodic arc operated with oxygen gas at a constant current of 50 A has been investigated by employing a simplified one-dimensional fluid model. The model includes elastic collisions and charge-exchange reactions between metallic particles and gas molecules, and also generation and recombination of gaseous ions by electron impact. The distribution profiles of density and velocity of species along the axial direction were obtained at different background gas pressures (in the range of 0.7-3.0 Pa) by this model. A comparison with the experiments was made. At lower gas pressures, the depositing particles were mainly the metallic ions with a larger kinetic energy. As the gas pressure increased, the magnesium atoms with smaller kinetic energy acted as the dominant depositing species. Determined by the minimization of the system's total energy, MgO(100) or/and MgO(110) orientation appeared easily in the MgO films at lower gas pressures, and at higher gas pressures, the film preferred orientation was MgO(111). 展开更多
关键词 cathodic arc plasma-neutral gas structure one-dimensional model MgO films
三电平辅助变流器寿命优化控制 被引量:2
作者 向超群 杜京润 +3 位作者 孙士杰 李佳怡 范子寅 于天剑 《铁道科学与工程学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2024年第1期328-341,共14页
辅助变流系统是动车组车辆上关键的电气组成部分,主要为空调机组、风机、照明等交流负载提供稳定的三相电源。结温是影响动车组三电平辅助变流器IGBT(Insulated-gate Bipolar Transistor)模块寿命的主要因素。为了提高动车组三电平中点... 辅助变流系统是动车组车辆上关键的电气组成部分,主要为空调机组、风机、照明等交流负载提供稳定的三相电源。结温是影响动车组三电平辅助变流器IGBT(Insulated-gate Bipolar Transistor)模块寿命的主要因素。为了提高动车组三电平中点钳位(Neutral-Point Clamped,NPC)型辅助变流器寿命,提出一种降低结温的模型预测电流控制(Model Predictive Current Control,MPCC)策略。首先,考虑传统MPCC在每个采样周期需要代入27个电压矢量循环计算,计算量较大,因此将三电平基本电压矢量划分在间隔60°的6个扇区中,通过计算电压矢量在两相静止坐标下的相角,进而判断参考电压矢量所处扇区,将备选矢量数目从27缩减至10,减少了计算量;其次,传统MPCC直接应用于动车组辅助变流器会使IGBT模块的结温较高,老化速度加快,对变流器安全稳定运行产生不可预测的损害,本文对IGBT模块的开关损耗和导通损耗进行近似等效,得到了和集射极电压、集电极电流相关的功率损耗因子。通过预测每相电流的方向,进而预测IGBT模块的开关和导通情况,动态加入功率损耗因子,并在代价函数中约束每相IGBT及其续流二极管(Free Wheeling Diode,FWD)的功率损耗,使得最优电压矢量在降低功率损耗的同时保证一定的控制性能。通过仿真与实验验证,本文所提方法相比传统MPCC策略降低了功率器件的结温,提高了变流器寿命。 展开更多
关键词 三电平中点钳位型辅助变流器 功率损耗 模型预测电流控制 损耗因子 变流器寿命
作者 雷育红 谢歆鑫 《造纸科学与技术》 2024年第3期53-56,共4页
为有效应对造纸机水针移动惯性所造成的定位偏差,确保水针精准且快速移动,以拟合优化方法构建了造纸机水针移动控制数学模型。采取变速双控制中性区方法,以反复测试寻找控制中性区数值的合理范围,并针对性建立水针移动与中性区数值的数... 为有效应对造纸机水针移动惯性所造成的定位偏差,确保水针精准且快速移动,以拟合优化方法构建了造纸机水针移动控制数学模型。采取变速双控制中性区方法,以反复测试寻找控制中性区数值的合理范围,并针对性建立水针移动与中性区数值的数学模型,以求解控制中性区数值。实际应用验证结果表明,变速双控制中性区方法的引进使造纸机水针移动曲线变化趋向于平缓,且终止位置与设定位置误差控制于0.79%,精确度非常高;相比传统变速单控制中性区方法,水针移动响应时间缩短了25s。 展开更多
关键词 水针 移动控制 中性区数值 数学模型 精确度
Estimation of Neutral Density in Edge Plasma with Double Null Configuration in EAST
作者 张凌 徐国盛 +10 位作者 丁斯晔 高伟 吴振伟 陈颖杰 黄娟 刘晓菊 臧庆 常加峰 张炜 李颖颖 钱金平 《Plasma Science and Technology》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2011年第4期431-434,共4页
In this work, population coefficients of hydrogen's n = 3 excited state from the hydrogen collisional-radiative (CR) model, from the data file of DEGAS 2, are used to calculate the photon emissivity coefficients (... In this work, population coefficients of hydrogen's n = 3 excited state from the hydrogen collisional-radiative (CR) model, from the data file of DEGAS 2, are used to calculate the photon emissivity coefficients (PECs) of hydrogen Balmer-α (n = 3 →n = 2) (Hα). The results are compared with the PECs from Atomic Data and Analysis Structure (ADAS) database, and a good agreement is found. A magnetic surface-averaged neutral density profile of typical double-null (DN) plasma in EAST is obtained by using FRANTIC, the 1.5-D fluid transport code. It is found that the sum of integral Dα and Hα emission intensity calculated via the neutral density agrees with the measured results obtained by using the absolutely calibrated multi-channel poloidal photodiode array systems viewing the lower divertor at the last closed flux surface (LCFS). It is revealed that the typical magnetic surface-averaged neutral density at LCFS is about 3.5×10^16 m^-3 . 展开更多
关键词 neutral density photon emissivity coefficients collisional-radiative (CR) model edge plasma
Modeling the Prospects of Plug-In Electric Buses to Reduce GHG Emissions and Cost While Meeting Route Demands: A Case Study of the “Unitrans” Bus Fleet Serving the Davis, California Urbanized Area
作者 Kurt Kornbluth Colin Mickle Kelley Hestmark 《Smart Grid and Renewable Energy》 2016年第5期164-173,共10页
As university campuses look to decrease their greenhouse gas emissions, plug-in electric buses may provide a low carbon alternative to conventionally fossil-powered buses. This study investigates the viability for Uni... As university campuses look to decrease their greenhouse gas emissions, plug-in electric buses may provide a low carbon alternative to conventionally fossil-powered buses. This study investigates the viability for Unitrans, the bus service for the greater Davis area and the university campus, to replace current compressed natural gas buses with plug-in electric versions. This study presents an inventory of market available electric buses, their associated costs, incentives, and infrastructure concerns, and compares projected energy use, net present cost, and greenhouse gas emissions with their CNG counterparts. ADVISOR vehicle simulation software is used to estimate the energy use of a typical electric bus (New Flyer Xcelsior XE40 300 kW) and compare to the current CNG model (Orion V) along an actual Unitrans route. The model estimates that the selected bus can travel 146 miles on a single charge, with a fuel economy of 1.75 kWh per mile, which meets the service requirements. Results for bus replacement schedules between 5 and 49 in the 12-year analysis period indicate that between 1600 and 22,000 MT of carbon can be avoided. The net present cost analysis indicates that the potential savings from the replacement of a single CNG bus with an electric bus (with available incentives) ranges from $146,000 - $211,000 per bus over its lifetime, depending on infrastructure costs. 展开更多
关键词 Electric Vehicles Electric Bus Economic Analysis Greenhouse Gas Battery Capacity ADVISOR model Carbon neutrality Net Present Cost
中国经济增长与煤炭消费脱钩及影响因素分析 被引量:2
作者 庞军 梁宇超 +1 位作者 孙可可 石媛昌 《中国环境科学》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2024年第2期1144-1157,共14页
结合中国各省(区、市)2005~2019年的煤炭消费数据及社会经济发展数据,借助Tapio脱钩模型分析了各省(区、市)煤炭消费与经济增长之间的脱钩情况及时空演变.结果表明:各省(区、市)煤炭消费脱钩状态总体呈现出从增长负脱钩、增长联结向弱... 结合中国各省(区、市)2005~2019年的煤炭消费数据及社会经济发展数据,借助Tapio脱钩模型分析了各省(区、市)煤炭消费与经济增长之间的脱钩情况及时空演变.结果表明:各省(区、市)煤炭消费脱钩状态总体呈现出从增长负脱钩、增长联结向弱脱钩、强脱钩转变的较好趋势,大部分地区处于弱脱钩状态.从空间分布来看,东部地区煤炭消费与经济增长脱钩情况明显优于中部地区与西部地区,强脱钩省(区、市)呈现出由北京市、上海市和四川省这3个省(区、市)向外扩张的趋势,而宁夏与新疆的脱钩状态尚不理想,在增长联结与增长负脱钩之间波动.在此基础上,通过拓展的STIRPAT模型和空间杜宾模型分析了影响各省(区、市)脱钩情况的主要因素,并发现能源结构、能源强度、R&D强度、人口密度、对外开放水平、新造林面积、产业结构因素对煤炭消费脱钩指数具有显著影响.未来应加强减煤工作的顶层设计、技术投入与研发和调整能源结构来促进煤炭消费脱钩. 展开更多
关键词 碳达峰 碳中和 煤炭消费脱钩 Tapio脱钩分析 STIRPAT模型 空间杜宾模型
双碳背景下居民快递包装回收行为研究 被引量:1
作者 郑湘明 陈丽娜 《包装学报》 2024年第3期8-17,共10页
在“双碳”背景下,针对目前中国快递包装回收率低的问题,利用湖南省高校学生家庭的308份调研数据,研究居民快递包装回收行为影响因素。以拓展的计划行为理论为基础,通过构建结构方程模型(structural equation model,SEM)进行验证分析,... 在“双碳”背景下,针对目前中国快递包装回收率低的问题,利用湖南省高校学生家庭的308份调研数据,研究居民快递包装回收行为影响因素。以拓展的计划行为理论为基础,通过构建结构方程模型(structural equation model,SEM)进行验证分析,并替换不同模型,用线性回归对结果进行稳健性检验。研究结果表明:感知行为控制和低碳自我认同感对居民快递包装回收意愿的影响程度明显高于回收态度、主观规范;实施垃圾分类会显著正向调节回收意愿与回收行为之间的关系,并且实施垃圾分类的程度越高,发生快递包装回收实际行为的可能性越大。 展开更多
关键词 双碳 快递包装 回收 结构方程模型 调节效应 稳健性检验
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