Due to global warming, the general circulation, underlying surfaces characteristics, and geophysical and meteorological elements all show evident secular trends. This paper points out that when calculating the correla...Due to global warming, the general circulation, underlying surfaces characteristics, and geophysical and meteorological elements all show evident secular trends. This paper points out that when calculating the correlation of two variables containing their own obvious secular trends, the interannual correlation characteristics between the two variables may be distorted (overestimated or underestimated). Numerical experiments in this paper show that if two variables have opposite secular trends, the correlation coefficient between the two variables is reduced (the positive correlation is underestimated, or the negative correlation is overestimated); and if the two variables have the same sign of secular trends, the correlation coefficient between the two variables is increased (the positive correlation is overestimated, or the negative correlation is underestimated). Numerical experiments also suggest that the effect of secular trends on the interannual correlation of the two variables is interchangeable, that is to say, as long as the values of the two trends are not changed, the two variables interchange their positions, and the effect of the secular trends on the interannual correlation coefficient of the two variables remains the same. If the two variables have the same-(opposite-) sign trends, the effect of secular trends on the interannal correlation coefficient is more (less) distinctive. A meteorological example is given.展开更多
In this paper, the summer climate of 1991 in North China is simulated by using the high-resolution regional climate model (RegCM2) and the effects of the grassland desertification on summer drought in the central and ...In this paper, the summer climate of 1991 in North China is simulated by using the high-resolution regional climate model (RegCM2) and the effects of the grassland desertification on summer drought in the central and the northern parts of North China as well as Mongolia are studied. It shows that the regional climate model essentially catches the characteristics on distribution and seasonal variation of the precipitation that keep good agreement with the observation. The desertification makes precipitation in the central part of North China during its flood period decrease obviously in July. The border of the precipitation or the soil moisture reduction in the desertification region extends about one latitude southeastward and beyond the southeast edge of the desertification. Thus, vegetation in the border region approaches desertification further. However, there appears evident difference of variation of precipitation over the whole desertification region. The grassland desertification greatly changes the transfers of fluxes between land and atmosphere. The secondary circulation or secondary circulation cells in the desertification region are excited and as a result moisture transport is changed. The variation of flux transfers between land and atmosphere as well as the vertical motion of atmosphere is closely related to that of precipitation.展开更多
This paper further explores the estimating and expressing of dynamic balance constraints using statistical methods in GRAPES-3DVAR(Version GM). Unlike the single-level scheme which only considers the coupling between ...This paper further explores the estimating and expressing of dynamic balance constraints using statistical methods in GRAPES-3DVAR(Version GM). Unlike the single-level scheme which only considers the coupling between mass and wind at one level, the multi-level scheme considers the coupling between their vertical profiles and calculates the balanced mass field at each layer using the rotational wind at all model levels. A reformed ridge regression method is used in the new scheme to avoid the multicollinearity problem and reduce the noises caused by unbalanced mesoscale disturbances. The results of numerical experiments show that the new scheme can get more reasonable vertical mass field, reduce the magnitude of the adjustment by the initialization, and improve the potential temperature analysis performance. Furthermore, the results of forecast verification in January(winter) and July(summer) both confirm that the new scheme can significantly improve the temperature forecast accuracy and bring slight positive effects to the pressure and wind forecast.展开更多
This paper puts forward a new rock fragmentation loading method of dual-cutter head combined dynamic and static loads. By applying the numerical simulation software - RFPA2D, we have done numerical experiment about th...This paper puts forward a new rock fragmentation loading method of dual-cutter head combined dynamic and static loads. By applying the numerical simulation software - RFPA2D, we have done numerical experiment about the sihstone' s crushing effect by dynamic load on single cutter head without confining pressure, dynamic load on single cut- ter head with confining pressure 10 MPa and different dual-cutter heads spacing by combined dynamic and static loads with confining pressure 10 MPa. Experimental results show that the confining pressure can obviously affect the rock frag- mentation effect. Combined dynamic and static loads can greatly improve the rock fragmentation effect. There exists an optimal spacing of dual-cutter head that can make the rock fragmentation achieve the desired effect. Through analyzing the acoustic emission accumulative energy and quantity, the authors make a conclusion that the optimum spacing is 30 mm.展开更多
PENN STATE/NCAR MM5 is used to simulate precipitation of the heavy rain process during 12-13 July 1994.The effects of different PBL parameterizations,resolvable scale moisture schemes and cumulus parameterization on t...PENN STATE/NCAR MM5 is used to simulate precipitation of the heavy rain process during 12-13 July 1994.The effects of different PBL parameterizations,resolvable scale moisture schemes and cumulus parameterization on the process rainfall simulation are investigated.By comparing the results of hydrostatic and nor.hydrostatic experiments,the nonhydrostatic impact upon precipitation is also examined.It is found in this study thai PENN STATE/NCAR MM5 has advantage not only in theory but also in simulating results with real data.In MM5.however,the selection of physical processes,especially water-cycle process,is very important and crucial to precipitation forecast of the case.It is concluded that the model with Grell (1993) scheme for convection and condensation method for resolvable scale precipitation captured the rainstorm during 12-13 July 1994 in Beijing area more successfully展开更多
In order to improve and enhance the numerical modeling methods and its application on debris flow problems,a preliminary study has been proposed in accordance with the corrected water-sediment numerical model on the p...In order to improve and enhance the numerical modeling methods and its application on debris flow problems,a preliminary study has been proposed in accordance with the corrected water-sediment numerical model on the premise of revised resistance and sediment capacity equations.Firstly,an overview the recent re- search achievements on numerical simulation of debris flow has been conducted,the results shown that a gener- al numerical model for debris flow can not be existed at all because the complex rheol...展开更多
A new remote sensing method is described to determine the vertical distribution and total content of atmospheric ozone. The method combines surface infrared, satellite infrared and ultraviolet channels. The width of t...A new remote sensing method is described to determine the vertical distribution and total content of atmospheric ozone. The method combines surface infrared, satellite infrared and ultraviolet channels. The width of the infrared channels is 0.01 cm-1, less than Lorentz half-width at the earth's surface, rather than the present width, because these channels can obtain information about variations in the ozone profile below the profile main-peak. The numerical experiments show that the method has a satisfactory precision in determining total ozone content, just about I percent error, and vertical distribution from the earth to 65 km space. In addition, some semi-analysis functions lor calculating backscattered ultraviolet and a relaxation equation are described in this paper.展开更多
In this paper, based on heavy rain numerical forecast model AREM(Advanced Regional Eta Model), two different initialization schemes, LAPS and GRAPES-3DVAR, are used to run assimilation experiments of AREM-LAPS and ARE...In this paper, based on heavy rain numerical forecast model AREM(Advanced Regional Eta Model), two different initialization schemes, LAPS and GRAPES-3DVAR, are used to run assimilation experiments of AREM-LAPS and AREM-3DVAR with the same data source(NCEP forecast field, surface data and radio-soundings) during the period from 21 May to 30 July 2008 to investigate the effect of the two initialization schemes on the rainfall simulation. The result suggests that:(1) the forecast TS score by the AREM-LAPS is higher than that by the AREM-3DVAR for rainfall in different areas, at different valid time and with different intensity, especially for the heavy rain, rainstorm and extremely heavy rain;(2) the AREM-3DVAR can generally simulate the average rainfall distribution, but the forecast area is smaller and rainfall intensity is weaker than the observation, while the AREM-LAPS significantly improves the forecast;(3) the AREM-LAPS gives a better forecast for the south-north shift of rainfall bands and the rainfall intensity variation than the AREM-3DVAR;(4) the AREM-LAPS can give a better reproduction for the daily change in the mean-rainfall-rate of the main rain band, and rainfall intensity changes in the eastern part of Southwest China, the coastal area in South China, the middle-lower valleys of Yangtze river, the Valleys of Huaihe river, and Shandong peninsula, with the rainfall intensity roughly close to the observation, while the rainfall intensity simulated by the AREM-3DVAR is clearly weaker than the observation, especially in the eastern part of Southwest China; and(5) the comparison verification between the AREM-LAPS and AREM-3DVAR for more than 10 typical rainfall processes in the summer of 2008 indicates that the AREM-LAPS gives a much better forecast than AREM-3DVAR in rain-band area, rainfall location and intensity, and in particular, the rainfall intensity forecast is improved obviously.展开更多
The impact of anomalous sea surface temperature (SST) warming in the Kuroshio Extension in the previous winter on the East Asian summer monsoon (EASM) was investigated by performing simulation tests using NCAR CAM3.Th...The impact of anomalous sea surface temperature (SST) warming in the Kuroshio Extension in the previous winter on the East Asian summer monsoon (EASM) was investigated by performing simulation tests using NCAR CAM3.The results show that anomalous SST warming in the Kuroshio Extension in winter causes the enhancement and northward movement of the EASM.The monsoon indexes for East Asian summer monsoon and land-sea thermal difference,which characterize the intensity of the EASM,show an obvious increase during the onset period of the EASM.Moreover,the land-sea thermal difference is more sensitive to warmer SST.Low-level southwesterly monsoon is clearly strengthened meanwhile westerly flows north (south) of the subtropical westerly jet axis are strengthened (weakened) in northern China,South China Sea,and the Western Pacific Ocean to the east of the Philippines.While there is an obvious decrease in precipitation over the Japanese archipelago and adjacent oceans and over the area from the south of the Yangtze River in eastern China to the Qinling Mountains in southern China,precipitation increases notably in northern China,the South China Sea,the East China Sea,the Yellow Sea,and the Western Pacific to the east of the Philippines.North China is the key area where the response of the EASM to the SST anomalous warming in the Kuroshio Extension is prominent.The surface air temperature shows a warming trend.The warming in the entire troposphere between 30oN and 50oN increases the land-sea thermal contrast,which plays an important role in the enhancement of the EASM.Atmospheric circulation and precipitation anomalies in China and its adjacent regions have a close relationship with the enhancement of the Western Pacific subtropical high and its northward extension.展开更多
This paper proposed several new types of finite-difference methods for the shallow water equation in absolute coordinate system and put forward an effective two-step predictor-corrector method, a compact and iterative...This paper proposed several new types of finite-difference methods for the shallow water equation in absolute coordinate system and put forward an effective two-step predictor-corrector method, a compact and iterative algorithm for five diagonal matrix. Then the iterative method was used for a multi-grid procedure for shallow water equation. A t last, an initial-boundary value problem was considered, and the numerical results show that the linear sinusoidal wave would successively evolve into conoidal wave.展开更多
A numerical experiment on the formation and decay process of a mesolow on the plain east to the Taihang Mountains has been conducted. The dynamical effect of the special topography of the Taihang Mountains and the Yan...A numerical experiment on the formation and decay process of a mesolow on the plain east to the Taihang Mountains has been conducted. The dynamical effect of the special topography of the Taihang Mountains and the Yanshan Mountains on the formation of the mesolow is very important. Namely, the difference of the heating between the Taihang Mountains and the North China plain plays an important role in the formation and decay of the mesolow.展开更多
-Some numerical experiments have been developed to explain dynamically the mechanism of the formation of the wintertime circulation in the Northern Huanghai Sea and the Bohai Sea. From the results of the numerical exp...-Some numerical experiments have been developed to explain dynamically the mechanism of the formation of the wintertime circulation in the Northern Huanghai Sea and the Bohai Sea. From the results of the numerical experiments with Coriolis parameter having positive and negative values respectively, it is found that the current pattern characterized by flowing into the Bohai Sea in the northern part of the Bohai Straits and flowing out of the Bohai Sea in the southern part of the Bohai Straits is controlled basically by the bottom topography with 'the deepness on the northern side and shallowness on the southern side'in the Bohai Straits, and is not related to Coriolis parameter having positive and negative values. It also shows that the Huanghai Warm Current regarded as the inllow condition passing through the in-ports at the water boundary of the numerical experiments only influences the region near the water boundary and the eastern region of the Northern Huanghai Sea. In addition, the mechanism of the formation of several mesoscale eddies and the influence of the bottom topography on the wintertime circulation in the basin have been discussed.展开更多
We investigate equilibrium height of a flux rope, and its internal equilib- rium in a realistic plasma environment by carrying out numerical simulations of the evolution of systems including a current-carrying flux ro...We investigate equilibrium height of a flux rope, and its internal equilib- rium in a realistic plasma environment by carrying out numerical simulations of the evolution of systems including a current-carrying flux rope. We find that the equilib- rium height of a flux rope is approximately described by a power-law function of the relative strength of the background field. Our simulations indicate that the flux rope can escape more easily from a weaker background field. This further confirms that a catastrophe in the magnetic configuration of interest can be triggered by a decrease in strength of the background field. Our results show that it takes some time to reach internal equilibrium depending on the initial state of the flux rope. The plasma flow inside the flux rope due to the adjustment for the internal equilibrium of the flux rope remains small and does not last very long when the initial state of the flux rope com- mences from the stable branch of the theoretical equilibrium curve. This work also confirms the influence of the initial radius of the flux rope in its evolution; the results indicate that a flux rope with a larger initial radius erupts more easily. In addition, by using a realistic plasma environment and a much higher resolution in our simulations, we notice some different characteristics compared to previous studies in Forbes.展开更多
In the context of a model of tropical cyclone intensity based on an improved meso-scale atmospheric model, numerical simulation is performed of the track and intensity variation of tropical cyclones (TC) arising from ...In the context of a model of tropical cyclone intensity based on an improved meso-scale atmospheric model, numerical simulation is performed of the track and intensity variation of tropical cyclones (TC) arising from sea surface temperature (SST) variation over a specified sea region. Evidence suggests that the model is capable of modeling quite welt the track and intensity of TC: SST variation leads to an abrupt change in the cyclone intensity: the response of the cyclone to the abrupt SST change lasts 8—12 h.展开更多
Fixed-point continuation (FPC) is an approach, based on operator-splitting and continuation, for solving minimization problems with l1-regularization:min ||x||1+uf(x).We investigate the application of this a...Fixed-point continuation (FPC) is an approach, based on operator-splitting and continuation, for solving minimization problems with l1-regularization:min ||x||1+uf(x).We investigate the application of this algorithm to compressed sensing signal recovery, in which f(x) = 1/2||Ax-b||2M,A∈m×n and m≤n. In particular, we extend the original algorithm to obtain better practical results, derive appropriate choices for M and u under a given measurement model, and present numerical results for a variety of compressed sensing problems. The numerical results show that the performance of our algorithm compares favorably with that of several recently proposed algorithms.展开更多
A series of numerical sensitivity experiments on Chongqing fog are made using the 3D fog model over complex terrain.Some factors affecting Chongqing fog are studied.
We verify the accuracy of the curvature-based potential.By means of the idealized numerical experiment,we show that the curvature-based potential is in good agreement with the numerical experiment,and the errors are w...We verify the accuracy of the curvature-based potential.By means of the idealized numerical experiment,we show that the curvature-based potential is in good agreement with the numerical experiment,and the errors are within a reasonable range.Based on the curvature-based potential,the equipotential surfaces of particles are derived,and the intrinsic relations between the equipotential surfaces and Weingarten helicoids are shown.展开更多
Based on diagnostic results,a numerical study is made of the processes of Australian cold air activity affecting East Asian summer monsoon by using Kuo-Qian P-σ incorporated coordinate five-layer primitive equation s...Based on diagnostic results,a numerical study is made of the processes of Australian cold air activity affecting East Asian summer monsoon by using Kuo-Qian P-σ incorporated coordinate five-layer primitive equation spherical band model.Analysis is done of the response to the Southern Hemisphere circulation with and without cold air activity in Australia of the flow,rainfall and diabatic heating fields in the monsoon area of Asia,especially,East Asia,with special attention to the intensification and northward march of the monsoon due to the activity.It is found that the processes for the effect transmission are very analogous to the meridional propagation of quasi-40-day oscillation,together with the meridional wind disturbance showing south-north travel and the flow/rainfall fields exhibitirg corresponding movement in this direction,only with a 12-day lag.展开更多
A marine fog event that occurred near the Pearl River Estuary region on 26March 2002 was investigated with the fifth-generation Pennsylvania State University/National Centerfor Atmospheric Research Mesoscale Model (MM...A marine fog event that occurred near the Pearl River Estuary region on 26March 2002 was investigated with the fifth-generation Pennsylvania State University/National Centerfor Atmospheric Research Mesoscale Model (MM5). The results of numerical experiment are veryconsistent with the surface observations, especially in the processes of marine fog formation andevolution. Besides, a series of sensitivity numerical experiments were performed by varying thedistribution of landuse type and the turbulence exchange process. It is shown that the marine fogforms along the coastal line. Tests have indicated that when the distribution of landuse type ismodified, the regions where the marine fog can intrude into are obviously different. The turbulenceprocess in the model is important for fog formation and evolution. If the influence of turbulenceprocess is ignored in numerical simulation experiment, the simulated maximum of the cloud liquidwater content and the height of fog top will be decreased greatly.展开更多
In this study,a coupled tide-surge-wave model was developed and applied to the South Yellow Sea.The coupled model simulated the evolution of storm surges and waves caused by extreme weather events,such as tropical cyc...In this study,a coupled tide-surge-wave model was developed and applied to the South Yellow Sea.The coupled model simulated the evolution of storm surges and waves caused by extreme weather events,such as tropical cyclones,cold waves,extratropical cyclones coupled with a cold wave,and tropical cyclones coupled with a cold wave.The modeled surge level and significant wave height matched the measured data well.Simulation results of the typhoon with different intensities revealed that the radius to the maximum wind speed of a typhoon with 1.5 times wind speed decreased,and its influence range was farther away from the Jiangsu coastal region;moreover,the impact on surge levels was weakened.Thereafter,eight hypothetical typhoons based on Typhoon Chan-hom were designed to investigate the effects of varying typhoon tracks on the extreme value and spatial distribution of storm surges in the offshore area of Jiangsu Province.The typhoon along path 2 mainly affected the Rudong coast,and the topography of the Rudong coast was conducive to the increase in surge level.Therefore,the typhoon along path 2 induced the largest surge level,which reached up to 2.91 m in the radial sand ridge area.The maximum surge levels in the Haizhou Bay area and the middle straight coastline area reached up to 2.37 and 2.08 m,respectively.In terms of typhoons active in offshore areas,the radial sand ridge area was most likely to be threatened by typhoon-induced storm surges.展开更多
文摘Due to global warming, the general circulation, underlying surfaces characteristics, and geophysical and meteorological elements all show evident secular trends. This paper points out that when calculating the correlation of two variables containing their own obvious secular trends, the interannual correlation characteristics between the two variables may be distorted (overestimated or underestimated). Numerical experiments in this paper show that if two variables have opposite secular trends, the correlation coefficient between the two variables is reduced (the positive correlation is underestimated, or the negative correlation is overestimated); and if the two variables have the same sign of secular trends, the correlation coefficient between the two variables is increased (the positive correlation is overestimated, or the negative correlation is underestimated). Numerical experiments also suggest that the effect of secular trends on the interannual correlation of the two variables is interchangeable, that is to say, as long as the values of the two trends are not changed, the two variables interchange their positions, and the effect of the secular trends on the interannual correlation coefficient of the two variables remains the same. If the two variables have the same-(opposite-) sign trends, the effect of secular trends on the interannal correlation coefficient is more (less) distinctive. A meteorological example is given.
文摘In this paper, the summer climate of 1991 in North China is simulated by using the high-resolution regional climate model (RegCM2) and the effects of the grassland desertification on summer drought in the central and the northern parts of North China as well as Mongolia are studied. It shows that the regional climate model essentially catches the characteristics on distribution and seasonal variation of the precipitation that keep good agreement with the observation. The desertification makes precipitation in the central part of North China during its flood period decrease obviously in July. The border of the precipitation or the soil moisture reduction in the desertification region extends about one latitude southeastward and beyond the southeast edge of the desertification. Thus, vegetation in the border region approaches desertification further. However, there appears evident difference of variation of precipitation over the whole desertification region. The grassland desertification greatly changes the transfers of fluxes between land and atmosphere. The secondary circulation or secondary circulation cells in the desertification region are excited and as a result moisture transport is changed. The variation of flux transfers between land and atmosphere as well as the vertical motion of atmosphere is closely related to that of precipitation.
基金China Special Fund for Meteorological Research in the Public Interest(GYHY201106008,GYHY201506003)China Meteorological Administration Special Fund for the Development of Numerical Weather Prediction(GRAPES)Research Innovation Program for College Graduates of Jiangsu Province(CXZZ13_0497)
文摘This paper further explores the estimating and expressing of dynamic balance constraints using statistical methods in GRAPES-3DVAR(Version GM). Unlike the single-level scheme which only considers the coupling between mass and wind at one level, the multi-level scheme considers the coupling between their vertical profiles and calculates the balanced mass field at each layer using the rotational wind at all model levels. A reformed ridge regression method is used in the new scheme to avoid the multicollinearity problem and reduce the noises caused by unbalanced mesoscale disturbances. The results of numerical experiments show that the new scheme can get more reasonable vertical mass field, reduce the magnitude of the adjustment by the initialization, and improve the potential temperature analysis performance. Furthermore, the results of forecast verification in January(winter) and July(summer) both confirm that the new scheme can significantly improve the temperature forecast accuracy and bring slight positive effects to the pressure and wind forecast.
基金National Science Foundation of China (No.50974059No.50934006)
文摘This paper puts forward a new rock fragmentation loading method of dual-cutter head combined dynamic and static loads. By applying the numerical simulation software - RFPA2D, we have done numerical experiment about the sihstone' s crushing effect by dynamic load on single cutter head without confining pressure, dynamic load on single cut- ter head with confining pressure 10 MPa and different dual-cutter heads spacing by combined dynamic and static loads with confining pressure 10 MPa. Experimental results show that the confining pressure can obviously affect the rock frag- mentation effect. Combined dynamic and static loads can greatly improve the rock fragmentation effect. There exists an optimal spacing of dual-cutter head that can make the rock fragmentation achieve the desired effect. Through analyzing the acoustic emission accumulative energy and quantity, the authors make a conclusion that the optimum spacing is 30 mm.
基金This work was supported by LASGthe National Natural Science Foundation of China
文摘PENN STATE/NCAR MM5 is used to simulate precipitation of the heavy rain process during 12-13 July 1994.The effects of different PBL parameterizations,resolvable scale moisture schemes and cumulus parameterization on the process rainfall simulation are investigated.By comparing the results of hydrostatic and nor.hydrostatic experiments,the nonhydrostatic impact upon precipitation is also examined.It is found in this study thai PENN STATE/NCAR MM5 has advantage not only in theory but also in simulating results with real data.In MM5.however,the selection of physical processes,especially water-cycle process,is very important and crucial to precipitation forecast of the case.It is concluded that the model with Grell (1993) scheme for convection and condensation method for resolvable scale precipitation captured the rainstorm during 12-13 July 1994 in Beijing area more successfully
基金Supported by National Scientific Foundation of China(Study on of Basis Theory and Prediction of Debris Flow,40025103)
文摘In order to improve and enhance the numerical modeling methods and its application on debris flow problems,a preliminary study has been proposed in accordance with the corrected water-sediment numerical model on the premise of revised resistance and sediment capacity equations.Firstly,an overview the recent re- search achievements on numerical simulation of debris flow has been conducted,the results shown that a gener- al numerical model for debris flow can not be existed at all because the complex rheol...
文摘A new remote sensing method is described to determine the vertical distribution and total content of atmospheric ozone. The method combines surface infrared, satellite infrared and ultraviolet channels. The width of the infrared channels is 0.01 cm-1, less than Lorentz half-width at the earth's surface, rather than the present width, because these channels can obtain information about variations in the ozone profile below the profile main-peak. The numerical experiments show that the method has a satisfactory precision in determining total ozone content, just about I percent error, and vertical distribution from the earth to 65 km space. In addition, some semi-analysis functions lor calculating backscattered ultraviolet and a relaxation equation are described in this paper.
基金Scientific Research Projects Specially for Public Welfare Industries(GYHY200906010)National Natural Science Foundation of China(41075034)Project 1009 for Wuhan Heavy Rain Institute
文摘In this paper, based on heavy rain numerical forecast model AREM(Advanced Regional Eta Model), two different initialization schemes, LAPS and GRAPES-3DVAR, are used to run assimilation experiments of AREM-LAPS and AREM-3DVAR with the same data source(NCEP forecast field, surface data and radio-soundings) during the period from 21 May to 30 July 2008 to investigate the effect of the two initialization schemes on the rainfall simulation. The result suggests that:(1) the forecast TS score by the AREM-LAPS is higher than that by the AREM-3DVAR for rainfall in different areas, at different valid time and with different intensity, especially for the heavy rain, rainstorm and extremely heavy rain;(2) the AREM-3DVAR can generally simulate the average rainfall distribution, but the forecast area is smaller and rainfall intensity is weaker than the observation, while the AREM-LAPS significantly improves the forecast;(3) the AREM-LAPS gives a better forecast for the south-north shift of rainfall bands and the rainfall intensity variation than the AREM-3DVAR;(4) the AREM-LAPS can give a better reproduction for the daily change in the mean-rainfall-rate of the main rain band, and rainfall intensity changes in the eastern part of Southwest China, the coastal area in South China, the middle-lower valleys of Yangtze river, the Valleys of Huaihe river, and Shandong peninsula, with the rainfall intensity roughly close to the observation, while the rainfall intensity simulated by the AREM-3DVAR is clearly weaker than the observation, especially in the eastern part of Southwest China; and(5) the comparison verification between the AREM-LAPS and AREM-3DVAR for more than 10 typical rainfall processes in the summer of 2008 indicates that the AREM-LAPS gives a much better forecast than AREM-3DVAR in rain-band area, rainfall location and intensity, and in particular, the rainfall intensity forecast is improved obviously.
基金National Program on Key Basic Research Project of China (973 Program) (2007CB411805 2010CB428505)National Natural Science Foundation of China (40830958)
文摘The impact of anomalous sea surface temperature (SST) warming in the Kuroshio Extension in the previous winter on the East Asian summer monsoon (EASM) was investigated by performing simulation tests using NCAR CAM3.The results show that anomalous SST warming in the Kuroshio Extension in winter causes the enhancement and northward movement of the EASM.The monsoon indexes for East Asian summer monsoon and land-sea thermal difference,which characterize the intensity of the EASM,show an obvious increase during the onset period of the EASM.Moreover,the land-sea thermal difference is more sensitive to warmer SST.Low-level southwesterly monsoon is clearly strengthened meanwhile westerly flows north (south) of the subtropical westerly jet axis are strengthened (weakened) in northern China,South China Sea,and the Western Pacific Ocean to the east of the Philippines.While there is an obvious decrease in precipitation over the Japanese archipelago and adjacent oceans and over the area from the south of the Yangtze River in eastern China to the Qinling Mountains in southern China,precipitation increases notably in northern China,the South China Sea,the East China Sea,the Yellow Sea,and the Western Pacific to the east of the Philippines.North China is the key area where the response of the EASM to the SST anomalous warming in the Kuroshio Extension is prominent.The surface air temperature shows a warming trend.The warming in the entire troposphere between 30oN and 50oN increases the land-sea thermal contrast,which plays an important role in the enhancement of the EASM.Atmospheric circulation and precipitation anomalies in China and its adjacent regions have a close relationship with the enhancement of the Western Pacific subtropical high and its northward extension.
文摘This paper proposed several new types of finite-difference methods for the shallow water equation in absolute coordinate system and put forward an effective two-step predictor-corrector method, a compact and iterative algorithm for five diagonal matrix. Then the iterative method was used for a multi-grid procedure for shallow water equation. A t last, an initial-boundary value problem was considered, and the numerical results show that the linear sinusoidal wave would successively evolve into conoidal wave.
文摘A numerical experiment on the formation and decay process of a mesolow on the plain east to the Taihang Mountains has been conducted. The dynamical effect of the special topography of the Taihang Mountains and the Yanshan Mountains on the formation of the mesolow is very important. Namely, the difference of the heating between the Taihang Mountains and the North China plain plays an important role in the formation and decay of the mesolow.
文摘-Some numerical experiments have been developed to explain dynamically the mechanism of the formation of the wintertime circulation in the Northern Huanghai Sea and the Bohai Sea. From the results of the numerical experiments with Coriolis parameter having positive and negative values respectively, it is found that the current pattern characterized by flowing into the Bohai Sea in the northern part of the Bohai Straits and flowing out of the Bohai Sea in the southern part of the Bohai Straits is controlled basically by the bottom topography with 'the deepness on the northern side and shallowness on the southern side'in the Bohai Straits, and is not related to Coriolis parameter having positive and negative values. It also shows that the Huanghai Warm Current regarded as the inllow condition passing through the in-ports at the water boundary of the numerical experiments only influences the region near the water boundary and the eastern region of the Northern Huanghai Sea. In addition, the mechanism of the formation of several mesoscale eddies and the influence of the bottom topography on the wintertime circulation in the basin have been discussed.
基金Supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China
文摘We investigate equilibrium height of a flux rope, and its internal equilib- rium in a realistic plasma environment by carrying out numerical simulations of the evolution of systems including a current-carrying flux rope. We find that the equilib- rium height of a flux rope is approximately described by a power-law function of the relative strength of the background field. Our simulations indicate that the flux rope can escape more easily from a weaker background field. This further confirms that a catastrophe in the magnetic configuration of interest can be triggered by a decrease in strength of the background field. Our results show that it takes some time to reach internal equilibrium depending on the initial state of the flux rope. The plasma flow inside the flux rope due to the adjustment for the internal equilibrium of the flux rope remains small and does not last very long when the initial state of the flux rope com- mences from the stable branch of the theoretical equilibrium curve. This work also confirms the influence of the initial radius of the flux rope in its evolution; the results indicate that a flux rope with a larger initial radius erupts more easily. In addition, by using a realistic plasma environment and a much higher resolution in our simulations, we notice some different characteristics compared to previous studies in Forbes.
基金This study was supported by the China National Key Project under Contract 85-906-07-03-05
文摘In the context of a model of tropical cyclone intensity based on an improved meso-scale atmospheric model, numerical simulation is performed of the track and intensity variation of tropical cyclones (TC) arising from sea surface temperature (SST) variation over a specified sea region. Evidence suggests that the model is capable of modeling quite welt the track and intensity of TC: SST variation leads to an abrupt change in the cyclone intensity: the response of the cyclone to the abrupt SST change lasts 8—12 h.
基金supported by an NSF VIGRE grant (DMS-0240058)supported in part by NSF CAREER Award DMS-0748839 and ONR Grant N00014-08-1-1101supported in part by NSF Grant DMS-0811188 and ONR Grant N00014-08-1-1101
文摘Fixed-point continuation (FPC) is an approach, based on operator-splitting and continuation, for solving minimization problems with l1-regularization:min ||x||1+uf(x).We investigate the application of this algorithm to compressed sensing signal recovery, in which f(x) = 1/2||Ax-b||2M,A∈m×n and m≤n. In particular, we extend the original algorithm to obtain better practical results, derive appropriate choices for M and u under a given measurement model, and present numerical results for a variety of compressed sensing problems. The numerical results show that the performance of our algorithm compares favorably with that of several recently proposed algorithms.
文摘A series of numerical sensitivity experiments on Chongqing fog are made using the 3D fog model over complex terrain.Some factors affecting Chongqing fog are studied.
基金supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant Nos. 11072125 and 10872114)the Natural Science Foundation of Jiangsu Province (Grant No. SBK201140044)
文摘We verify the accuracy of the curvature-based potential.By means of the idealized numerical experiment,we show that the curvature-based potential is in good agreement with the numerical experiment,and the errors are within a reasonable range.Based on the curvature-based potential,the equipotential surfaces of particles are derived,and the intrinsic relations between the equipotential surfaces and Weingarten helicoids are shown.
基金National Natural Science Foundation of ChinaState Meteorological Administration Monsoon Research Funds
文摘Based on diagnostic results,a numerical study is made of the processes of Australian cold air activity affecting East Asian summer monsoon by using Kuo-Qian P-σ incorporated coordinate five-layer primitive equation spherical band model.Analysis is done of the response to the Southern Hemisphere circulation with and without cold air activity in Australia of the flow,rainfall and diabatic heating fields in the monsoon area of Asia,especially,East Asia,with special attention to the intensification and northward march of the monsoon due to the activity.It is found that the processes for the effect transmission are very analogous to the meridional propagation of quasi-40-day oscillation,together with the meridional wind disturbance showing south-north travel and the flow/rainfall fields exhibitirg corresponding movement in this direction,only with a 12-day lag.
基金Sponsored by the Doctoral Research Foundation of Guangdong Province and the Chinese Academy of Sciences "973" sub-project "Observation research on meteorological conditions and boundary characteristics in atmospheric pollution process in the Pearl River Delta region "(2002CB410801).
文摘A marine fog event that occurred near the Pearl River Estuary region on 26March 2002 was investigated with the fifth-generation Pennsylvania State University/National Centerfor Atmospheric Research Mesoscale Model (MM5). The results of numerical experiment are veryconsistent with the surface observations, especially in the processes of marine fog formation andevolution. Besides, a series of sensitivity numerical experiments were performed by varying thedistribution of landuse type and the turbulence exchange process. It is shown that the marine fogforms along the coastal line. Tests have indicated that when the distribution of landuse type ismodified, the regions where the marine fog can intrude into are obviously different. The turbulenceprocess in the model is important for fog formation and evolution. If the influence of turbulenceprocess is ignored in numerical simulation experiment, the simulated maximum of the cloud liquidwater content and the height of fog top will be decreased greatly.
基金funded by the Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities(No.B210202031)the National Natural Science Foundation of China(No.41606042)the Marine Renewable Energy Foundation,State Oceanic Administration,China(No.GHME2017YY01).
文摘In this study,a coupled tide-surge-wave model was developed and applied to the South Yellow Sea.The coupled model simulated the evolution of storm surges and waves caused by extreme weather events,such as tropical cyclones,cold waves,extratropical cyclones coupled with a cold wave,and tropical cyclones coupled with a cold wave.The modeled surge level and significant wave height matched the measured data well.Simulation results of the typhoon with different intensities revealed that the radius to the maximum wind speed of a typhoon with 1.5 times wind speed decreased,and its influence range was farther away from the Jiangsu coastal region;moreover,the impact on surge levels was weakened.Thereafter,eight hypothetical typhoons based on Typhoon Chan-hom were designed to investigate the effects of varying typhoon tracks on the extreme value and spatial distribution of storm surges in the offshore area of Jiangsu Province.The typhoon along path 2 mainly affected the Rudong coast,and the topography of the Rudong coast was conducive to the increase in surge level.Therefore,the typhoon along path 2 induced the largest surge level,which reached up to 2.91 m in the radial sand ridge area.The maximum surge levels in the Haizhou Bay area and the middle straight coastline area reached up to 2.37 and 2.08 m,respectively.In terms of typhoons active in offshore areas,the radial sand ridge area was most likely to be threatened by typhoon-induced storm surges.