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Application of neutron activation analysis in geochemistry and cosmochemistry 被引量:1
作者 G.M. Kolesov(Vernadsky Institute of Geochem & Anal Chem.,Russian Academy of Sciences),Kosygin) st.19.117975、Moscow,V-334,Russian 《Journal of Environmental Sciences》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 1994年第3期337-346,共10页
Generalized the use of neutron activation analysis(NAA)in the investigations of unique processes occurring in early stages of formations and evolution of bodies in solar system Out of them the formation of chondrules,... Generalized the use of neutron activation analysis(NAA)in the investigations of unique processes occurring in early stages of formations and evolution of bodies in solar system Out of them the formation of chondrules,emergence of ultra refractory inclusions in carbonaceous chondrites,formation of metallic and silicate phases of iron and stone meteorites,and formation of iron meteorites of different chemical groups Changes in regolite and lunar rock contents,differentiation in the upper mantle matter, identification of earthly meteoritic craters,transportation of cosmic(meteoritic)materials on to the Earth, investigations of unique events like Tunguska fall of the year 1908 and also ore formation studies and processes taking place on geochemical barrier type river-sea,ocean-atmosphere and so on Prospectives of NAA are pointed out 展开更多
关键词 neutron activation analysis GEOCHEMISTRY cosmochemistry solar system
Days of “Zero” level geomagnetic activity accompanied by the high neutron activity and dynamics of some medical events—Antipodes to geomagnetic storms 被引量:1
作者 E. Stoupel E. S. Babayev +1 位作者 E. Abramson J. Sulkes 《Health》 2013年第5期855-861,共7页
The links of many medical-biological events with high levels of geomagnetic activity (GMA) are widely discussed. In recent years, several medical phenomena were described in inverse distribution by time with GMA. Also... The links of many medical-biological events with high levels of geomagnetic activity (GMA) are widely discussed. In recent years, several medical phenomena were described in inverse distribution by time with GMA. Also a concurrent to GMA and solar activity force-cosmic ray activity (CRA) and closely related high energy neutron and proton fluxes are studied as a forces dominating at low GMA and solar activity in relation to considered medical events. The aim of this study was to explore the distribution of some important medical events on days with “Zero” GMA levels, accompanied by high CRA (neutron activity). Medical event data of the Grand Baku region (more than 3 mln inhabitants), Azerbaijan, with daily distribution on the time 1 Dec. 2002-31 Dec. 2007 was compared to daily GMA Kp indices in general (Kp > 0, 1837 days) and 34 days daily GMA indices Kp = 0. Daily CRA data was also compared using neutron monitoring data from two stations. Daily averaged data and their standard deviations on the mentioned GMA levels were compared and statistical significance was established. Results revealed a significant rise in the number of emergencies (n = 1,567,576) and total deaths number (n = 46,360) at the days of “Zero” GMA level. These days were accompanied by significant rise of CRA (neutron activity). For Sudden Cardiac Deaths (SCD, n = 1615) and cerebral stroke (CVA, n =10,054) the increase achieved strong trend to significance level. Acute Myocardial Infarction occurrence (morbidity) and trauma were also absolutely more registered at days with “Zero” GMA level, despite the small number of such days. The average Infection numbers show an inverse relationship with absolutely high registry at the “Zero” GMA level days. Study linking environmental physical activity levels and the human medical data shows that geomagnetic field variations accompanied by the increased level of cosmic ray activity, can have either direct or indirect adverse effects on human health and physiology, even when the magnitude of the geomagnetic field disturbance is extremely small or even is equal to zero. On days of “Zero” daily Kp indices describing Geomagnetic Activity, accompanied by high Cosmic Ray Activity (neutron activity), more medical emergencies and total death number (daily) occurred. Sudden Cardiac Deaths and Cerebral Stroke numbers show a strong trend to significant rise. Absolute increase of number of Acute Myocardial Infarction and less Infections, not achieving statistical significance, was also observed. These results are additional data for considering Cosmic Ray Activity (neutron activity) as an additional factor involved in time distribution of human medical events. 展开更多
Twenty years study of solar, geomagnetic, cosmic ray activity links with monthly deaths number (n-850304)
作者 Eliyahu Stoupel Ramune Kalediene +4 位作者 Jadviga Petrauskiene Skirmante Starkuviene Evgeny Abramson Peter Israelevich Jaqueline Sulkes 《Journal of Biomedical Science and Engineering》 2011年第6期426-434,共9页
The interrelationship between human life and death at the end of the XX and beginning of the XXI centuries is the topic of this study. The aim of the study is to study links between time, Solar (SA), Geomagnetic (GMA)... The interrelationship between human life and death at the end of the XX and beginning of the XXI centuries is the topic of this study. The aim of the study is to study links between time, Solar (SA), Geomagnetic (GMA) and Cosmic Ray (CRA) (Neutron) activity and monthly deaths distribution from all and six subgroups of death causes in years 1990-2009 for ad-ditional clarification of the role of exogenic factors in human homeostasis. Methods and patients: 850304 deaths (44657 men, 400647 woman) and 6 subgroups were studied in 240 consecutive months in the Re-public of Lithuania in relation to the months of year (1 - 12), 4 indices of SA (Sunspot number and Solar Flux), 3 indices of GMA (planetary and regional for the Middle Latitudes), and CRA described by Neutron activity on the Earth's surface-remains of crushed atoms in the high space levels and measured by Imp/min. The cosmophysical data came from Space Science Institutions in the USA, Russia and Finland. Statistical analysis of the results for monthly comparison are presented. Results: It was a significant and inverse relationship of monthly deaths number for both gender with CRA and SA, less with GMA. It was a significant drop of deaths from IHD and sui-cides. Oncology deaths also show similarity in their timing with other groups. A strong inverse rela-tionship was seen in monthly death number from IHD and Stroke. (r = -0.76, p < 0.0001), woman show more seasonality in death's distribution. Most deaths show annual rhythm with acrophase in February. Only Suicide pick appears in the summer months. Conclusion: at the beginning of the XXI century, in addition to accepted risk factors, environmental physical activity is linked to timing of death. Cosmic Ray (Neutron) activity is one of the main regulators of this relationship. Stroke related deaths are becoming a more prominent cause in the collection of car-diovascular deaths. Suicide related deaths show a drop, possibly related to a massive trend for immi-gration in the high risk group of the population. The precise mechanism of action of the studied physical factors needs additional studies. 展开更多
关键词 DEATHS GEOMAGNETIC solar COSMIC RAY neutron Activity
作者 唐光海 周银行 +3 位作者 李盟 刘珉强 艾尔肯·阿不都瓦衣提 马腾 《电源技术》 CAS 北大核心 2024年第9期1846-1852,共7页
研究了金属有机气相外延(MOCVD)方法制备的晶格匹配(LM)和正向晶格失配(UMM)砷化镓三结太阳电池在1 MeV中子辐照后的电学和光学性能衰退情况。结果表明:在中子辐照下,电池电学性能,包括短路电流(J_(sc))、开路电压(V_(oc))、最大功率(P_... 研究了金属有机气相外延(MOCVD)方法制备的晶格匹配(LM)和正向晶格失配(UMM)砷化镓三结太阳电池在1 MeV中子辐照后的电学和光学性能衰退情况。结果表明:在中子辐照下,电池电学性能,包括短路电流(J_(sc))、开路电压(V_(oc))、最大功率(P_(max))、填充因子(FF)均发生明显衰降,且衰降幅度随注量增加;电池串联电阻Rs随注量增加,并联电阻Rsh随注量减小。在相同注量下,LM和UMM的P_(max)退化情况相近,当中子注量达到6×10^(12)n/cm^(2)时,LM和UMM电池的最大输出功率Pmax分别下降至初始值的72.9%和72.3%。由外量子效率(EQE)光谱退化曲线和子电池积分电流密度可知,两种电池的中电池光电流退化均最明显且为电池的限流子电池。 展开更多
关键词 三结太阳电池 晶格匹配 正向晶格失配 中子辐照 性能衰退
羊八井宇宙线观测数据实时传输及处理系统 被引量:7
作者 聂思敏 张吉龙 +2 位作者 谭有恒 卢红 王辉 《核电子学与探测技术》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2007年第1期14-17,共4页
羊八井宇宙线观测数据的实时传输及处理系统,利用羊八井至北京高能所的8MB光纤数据传输线路,实现了中子探测设备的宇宙线观测数据每小时从羊八井向北京的传输及对数据的实时处理。数据处理结果通过Internet向全球发布,用于太阳物理和日... 羊八井宇宙线观测数据的实时传输及处理系统,利用羊八井至北京高能所的8MB光纤数据传输线路,实现了中子探测设备的宇宙线观测数据每小时从羊八井向北京的传输及对数据的实时处理。数据处理结果通过Internet向全球发布,用于太阳物理和日地空间环境的研究及开展近地空间辐射暴发的预警研究。 展开更多
关键词 中子监测器 太阳中子 太阳耀斑
羊八井太阳中子望远镜 被引量:2
作者 张吉龙 卢红 +2 位作者 谭有恒 王辉 张慧敏 《核电子学与探测技术》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2003年第5期397-400,共4页
关键词 太阳中子望远镜 中子监测器 太阳耀斑 中子事件 羊八井 太阳活动
羊八井宇宙线强度观测数据的气压修正 被引量:5
作者 唐云秋 卢红 +2 位作者 乐贵明 谭有恒 张吉龙 《空间科学学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2004年第3期219-225,共7页
分析了羊八井宇宙线强度的气压修正,分析表明,气压修正不仅与气压有关,而且与太阳活动有关。太阳活动最高的年,气压修正系数的绝对值最大。此外,计数率的修正值还与数据采样的时间间隔有关,即使是同一时间段,不同时间间隔采用率得到的... 分析了羊八井宇宙线强度的气压修正,分析表明,气压修正不仅与气压有关,而且与太阳活动有关。太阳活动最高的年,气压修正系数的绝对值最大。此外,计数率的修正值还与数据采样的时间间隔有关,即使是同一时间段,不同时间间隔采用率得到的修正值是不同的。本文最后分析了西藏羊八井中子监测器观测数据的气压修正,得到单路及八道多重计数的气压修正系数。 展开更多
关键词 宇宙线强度 中子堆 太阳活动 气压修正系数 数据分析
GaAs太阳能电池中子辐照效应研究 被引量:1
作者 朱小锋 刘珉强 许献国 《现代应用物理》 2023年第2期187-190,共4页
针对中子对太阳能电池性能的影响,设计研制了GaInP/InGaAs/Ge三结太阳能电池试验样品,在西安脉冲反应堆上开展了不同中子注量条件下中子位移损伤试验研究,采用太阳模拟器测试系统对太阳能电池单元最大输出功率、开路电压及短路电流等参... 针对中子对太阳能电池性能的影响,设计研制了GaInP/InGaAs/Ge三结太阳能电池试验样品,在西安脉冲反应堆上开展了不同中子注量条件下中子位移损伤试验研究,采用太阳模拟器测试系统对太阳能电池单元最大输出功率、开路电压及短路电流等参数进行了测试。实验结果表明,随着受辐照中子注量逐渐增加,太阳能电池电参数逐渐退化。实验结果与不同少数载流子寿命下太阳能电池I-V曲线仿真结果趋势一致。该研究对认识太阳能电池的中子位移损伤规律和建模仿真研究具有重要意义。 展开更多
关键词 太阳能电池 中子辐射 位移损伤
作者 陈善强 刘四清 +3 位作者 陈东 林瑞淋 师立勤 曹勇 《空间科学学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2019年第3期342-348,共7页
为实时评估0~100km高度范围内的大气中子全球分布,对宇宙线在地磁场和大气中的传输过程进行了分析.利用蒙特卡罗方法工具包Geant 4,预先计算不同能量的粒子在大气层中产生的次级粒子能谱分布,形成大气次级粒子数据库,并与相关模型进行对... 为实时评估0~100km高度范围内的大气中子全球分布,对宇宙线在地磁场和大气中的传输过程进行了分析.利用蒙特卡罗方法工具包Geant 4,预先计算不同能量的粒子在大气层中产生的次级粒子能谱分布,形成大气次级粒子数据库,并与相关模型进行对比,验证了该数据库的有效性和可靠性.以实测或预报的空间环境参数作为输入,计算同步轨道银河宇宙线和太阳质子事件能谱以及100 km高度上的地磁垂直截止刚度,最终得到大气层顶上的粒子能谱.通过对大气次级粒子数据库的线性插值,实现1h分辨率的大气中子能谱和辐射剂量全球分布的实时计算. 展开更多
关键词 银河宇宙线 太阳质子事件 大气中子 GEANT 4 有效剂量
Monthly admissions for heart failure (HF)— Environmental links 被引量:1
作者 Eliyahu Stoupel Evgeny Abramson Moshe Shapiro 《Health》 2014年第5期442-447,共6页
In recent years the role of HF in the outcomes, cost of treatment in cardiology is raising. Concomitantly a number of studies were published demonstrating connections of many cardiac events with Space Weather Activity... In recent years the role of HF in the outcomes, cost of treatment in cardiology is raising. Concomitantly a number of studies were published demonstrating connections of many cardiac events with Space Weather Activity-Solar, Geomagnetic, Cosmic Ray (Neutron) activity levels. The aim of this study was to study links of timing of hospital admissions for HF with season and space weather components. Patients and Methods: monthly admissions of male and female patients for HF in two hospitals of Rabin Medical Center for years 2000-2012 were the subject of the study. 76,601 patient were included, 42,293 men, 34,308 woman. The cosmophysical data from USA, Russia and Finland were used. Results: Monthly average number of admissions for HF: 491.0 ± 82.4, 271.1 ± 46.75 for men and 219.9 ± 39.8 for woman. Gender admissions strongly correlated. Monthly admission for HF number differed by 2.2 - 2.5 times. Minimal admissions were in August, September;maximal—in January, February, December and March (according to numbers). It was a significant inverse correlation of monthly HF admissions with monthly solar activity and GMA indices and correlation with CRA (neutron) activity. Conclusion: Monthly admissions number for HF is fluctuated by season of the year, depending on gender and related to monthly solar and Cosmic Ray (Neutron) activity level. Gender differences in HF exacerbation may be a component explaining gender differences in longevity. 展开更多
关键词 MONTHLY ADMISSIONS Heart Failure Male Female solar GEOMAGNETIC COSMIC RAY neutron Activity
High Energy Emission from Magnetar Due to Giant Flare
作者 A. Kader K. Duorah 《International Journal of Astronomy and Astrophysics》 2013年第2期174-179,共6页
We propose a theoretical model for magnetar giant flare to explain the flaring activity on 2004 December 27 from SGR1806-20 comprehensively. A global rearrangement is expected by the magnetic reconnection that require... We propose a theoretical model for magnetar giant flare to explain the flaring activity on 2004 December 27 from SGR1806-20 comprehensively. A global rearrangement is expected by the magnetic reconnection that requires explaining the giant SGR flares. In this paper we propose two regions of flares: preflare on the surface of magnetar and main burst at a distance of light cylinder radius. Acquiring the maximum potential drop on the magnetar surface, adopting space charge limited flow model, and using magnetic field B ≈ 1015 G, the luminosities of flare energies release for the preflare phase and main burst phase are found to be in the order of 1041 erg·sˉ1 and 1044 erg·sˉ1 respectively, conforming to magnetar burst energy and flare temperature is determined by considering black body radiation. 展开更多
关键词 solar FLARES MAGNETIC RECONNECTION GAMMA-RAYS Observations—neutron Stars MAGNETIC Fields—Magnetars
用羊八井太阳宇宙线探测装置对太阳耀斑中子的初步探测 被引量:5
作者 张吉龙 鲍克智 +31 位作者 丁林恺 才东 丹增罗布 戴本忠 冯振勇 傅宇 郭宏伟 何瑁 黄庆 霍安祥 贾焕玉 李金玉 卢红 陆穗玲 罗光宣 孟宪茹 木钧 彭朝然 任敬儒 施志政 谭有恒 王承瑞 王辉 许贤武 余光策 袁爱芳 张春生 张慧敏 张乃健 张学尧 扎西桑珠 扎西次仁 《高能物理与核物理》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2000年第12期1081-1087,共7页
羊八井的地理优势特别适合于对太阳耀斑中子的观测.中日双方合作在 羊八井建造了太阳中子望远镜和中子监测器,准备在第23太阳活动周的峰年到 来之际,对太阳耀斑中子进行观测.设备于1998年10月开始采集数据,并在 1998... 羊八井的地理优势特别适合于对太阳耀斑中子的观测.中日双方合作在 羊八井建造了太阳中子望远镜和中子监测器,准备在第23太阳活动周的峰年到 来之际,对太阳耀斑中子进行观测.设备于1998年10月开始采集数据,并在 1998年11月28日观察到伴随一次X3.3级耀斑的计数超出.本文报道初步的 展开更多
关键词 宇宙线 太阳耀斑 太阳中子 宇宙线探测装置
作者 祝凤荣 王瑞光 +12 位作者 唐云秋 卢红 陈松战 程宁 冯朝阳 郭义庆 石峰 王云冈 汪越 谭有恒 张慧敏 张吉龙 张毅 《高能物理与核物理》 CSCD 北大核心 2007年第4期341-344,共4页
西藏羊八井位于东经90.53°,北纬30.11°,海拔4310m,垂直地磁截止刚度14.1GV.2005年1月20日羊八井太阳中子望远镜和中子监测器探测到与X7.1/2b太阳耀斑相关的GLE事件,其中太阳中子望远镜能量>40MeV的能道在5min(07:00-... 西藏羊八井位于东经90.53°,北纬30.11°,海拔4310m,垂直地磁截止刚度14.1GV.2005年1月20日羊八井太阳中子望远镜和中子监测器探测到与X7.1/2b太阳耀斑相关的GLE事件,其中太阳中子望远镜能量>40MeV的能道在5min(07:00-07:05UT)和20min(07:00-07:20UT)的时间间隔内计数率增长的统计显著性分别是3.7σ和6.0σ,同时羊八井中子监测器也探测到计数率的增长,初始时间为06:51-06:52UT.观测表明在这次GLE事件中太阳质子可被加速到能量大于10GeV. 展开更多
关键词 太阳耀斑 GLE事件 Forbush下降 中子监测器 太阳中子望远镜
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