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基于SSD与FaceNet的人脸识别系统设计 被引量:1
作者 李政林 吴志运 +1 位作者 熊禹 尹希庆 《广西科技大学学报》 CAS 2024年第1期94-99,共6页
人脸识别技术广泛应用于考勤管理、移动支付等智慧建设中。伴随着常态化的口罩干扰,传统人脸识别算法已无法满足实际应用需求,为此,本文利用深度学习模型SSD以及FaceNet模型对人脸识别系统展开设计。首先,为消除现有数据集中亚洲人脸占... 人脸识别技术广泛应用于考勤管理、移动支付等智慧建设中。伴随着常态化的口罩干扰,传统人脸识别算法已无法满足实际应用需求,为此,本文利用深度学习模型SSD以及FaceNet模型对人脸识别系统展开设计。首先,为消除现有数据集中亚洲人脸占比小造成的类内间距变化差距不明显的问题,在CAS-IA Web Face公开数据集的基础上对亚洲人脸数据进行扩充;其次,为解决不同口罩样式对特征提取的干扰,使用SSD人脸检测模型与DLIB人脸关键点检测模型提取人脸关键点,并利用人脸关键点与口罩的空间位置关系,额外随机生成不同的口罩人脸,组成混合数据集;最后,在混合数据集上进行模型训练并将训练好的模型移植到人脸识别系统中,进行检测速度与识别精度验证。实验结果表明,系统的实时识别速度达20 fps以上,人脸识别模型准确率在构建的混合数据集中达到97.1%,在随机抽取的部分LFW数据集验证的准确率达99.7%,故而该系统可满足实际应用需求,在一定程度上提高人脸识别的鲁棒性与准确性。 展开更多
关键词 类内间距 人脸检测 人脸识别
作者 刘乔寿 皮胜文 原炜锡 《计算机应用研究》 CSCD 北大核心 2024年第7期2093-2097,共5页
联邦学习作为一种具有隐私保护的新兴分布式计算范式,在一定程度上保护了用户隐私和数据安全。然而,由于联邦学习系统中客户端与服务器需要频繁地交换模型参数,造成了较大的通信开销。在带宽有限的无线通信场景中,这成为了限制联邦学习... 联邦学习作为一种具有隐私保护的新兴分布式计算范式,在一定程度上保护了用户隐私和数据安全。然而,由于联邦学习系统中客户端与服务器需要频繁地交换模型参数,造成了较大的通信开销。在带宽有限的无线通信场景中,这成为了限制联邦学习发展的主要瓶颈。针对这一问题,提出了一种基于Z-Score的动态稀疏压缩算法。通过引入Z-Score,对局部模型更新进行离群点检测,将重要的更新值视为离群点,从而将其挑选出来。在不需要复杂的排序算法以及原始模型更新的先验知识的情况下,实现模型更新的稀疏化。同时随着通信轮次的增加,根据全局模型的损失值动态地调整稀疏率,从而在保证模型精度的前提下最大程度地减少总通信量。通过实验证明,在I.I.D.数据场景下,该算法与联邦平均(FedAvg)算法相比可以降低95%的通信量,精度损失仅仅为1.6%,与FTTQ算法相比可以降低40%~50%的通信量,精度损失仅为1.29%,证明了该方法在保证模型性能的同时显著降低了通信成本。 展开更多
关键词 联邦学习 Z-score 稀疏化 动态稀疏率
作者 惠康华 刘畅 《计算机仿真》 2024年第3期206-213,共8页
针对复杂场景下小尺度人脸检测精度较低的问题,提出了一种基于YOLO5Face重分布的小尺度人脸检测方法。方法以YOLO5Face为基础,在网络浅层引入改进的CBAM注意力并对模型计算重分布,提升复杂场景下小尺度人脸检测精度的同时降低模型参数量... 针对复杂场景下小尺度人脸检测精度较低的问题,提出了一种基于YOLO5Face重分布的小尺度人脸检测方法。方法以YOLO5Face为基础,在网络浅层引入改进的CBAM注意力并对模型计算重分布,提升复杂场景下小尺度人脸检测精度的同时降低模型参数量;采用融合mixup的数据增强方法,充分训练模型小尺度人脸检测分支;依据人脸检测特性,将softmax损失作为分类损失以最大化类间特征的差异。在WiderFace各个子集上的实验结果表明,与主流人脸检测方法相比,改进后的模型满足实时性的同时,小尺度人脸检测精度较高,其中Hard子集检测精度比YOLO5Face提升2个百分点。 展开更多
关键词 人脸检测 小尺度 计算重分布 分类损失
作者 靳聪 周满玲 +3 位作者 林美秀 张佳一 王晶 刘淼 《中国传媒大学学报(自然科学版)》 2024年第4期55-63,共9页
随着VR/AR技术的迅猛发展,用户对于沉浸式体验的需求日益增长。同时,虚拟人脸技术亦趋成熟。基于此,本文探索将高度拟真的虚拟人脸融入VR/AR,以增强用户体验的自然度与沉浸感。然而,在虚拟数字人领域,图像生成及换脸技术在VR/AR环境下... 随着VR/AR技术的迅猛发展,用户对于沉浸式体验的需求日益增长。同时,虚拟人脸技术亦趋成熟。基于此,本文探索将高度拟真的虚拟人脸融入VR/AR,以增强用户体验的自然度与沉浸感。然而,在虚拟数字人领域,图像生成及换脸技术在VR/AR环境下仍遇诸多挑战,尤其是唇形合成模型在动态场景及多语言环境下的性能需进一步优化。为解决上述问题,本文提出VR/AR-AdaptFace模型,一个面向虚拟现实与增强现实的自适应多模态面部替换方案。该模型由两大模块构成:“文颜绘真”模块,采用先进的文本至图像转换技术和特定类别先验保存策略,优化虚拟人脸生成,并通过注意力机制大幅提升图像质量;“语唇映生”模块,依托强大的生成器、唇形同步判别器及视觉质量判别器,实现语音与唇形的精准同步,为VR/AR场景中的动态交互带来更加逼真的体验。 展开更多
关键词 人脸合成 细节增强模型 动态视频唇形合成 虚拟现实 增强现实
作者 穆晓霞 郑李婧 《南京师大学报(自然科学版)》 CAS 北大核心 2024年第1期111-120,共10页
针对肿瘤基因数据维度高、噪声多、冗余性高的现状,结合Spearman相关系数改进F-score算法,在此基础上优化二进制灰狼算法,提出了一种基于改进F-score和二进制灰狼算法的肿瘤基因选择算法.首先,考虑特征之间的相关性,计算每个特征的F-sc... 针对肿瘤基因数据维度高、噪声多、冗余性高的现状,结合Spearman相关系数改进F-score算法,在此基础上优化二进制灰狼算法,提出了一种基于改进F-score和二进制灰狼算法的肿瘤基因选择算法.首先,考虑特征之间的相关性,计算每个特征的F-score值和特征之间的Spearman相关系数的绝对值;然后,计算权重系数得出各个特征的权重值,依据重要性进行排序,选出初选特征子集;最后,通过收敛因子的衰减曲线和初始化方法优化二进制灰狼算法,调整全局搜索和局部搜索所占比例,增强全局搜索能力并提高局部搜索速度,有效节省时间开销,提升特征选择的分类性能和效率,得到最优特征子集.在9个肿瘤基因数据集上测试所提算法,在分类准确率和筛选特征数目两个指标上进行仿真实验,并与4种其他算法进行对比,实验结果证明所提算法表现良好,可有效降低基因数据维度,并具有较好的分类精度. 展开更多
关键词 肿瘤基因 Fisher-score Spearman 相关系数 二进制灰狼优化算法 特征选择
基于改进YOLOv5s-face的Face5系列人脸检测算法 被引量:1
作者 徐铭 李华 《重庆理工大学学报(自然科学)》 CAS 北大核心 2024年第6期194-202,共9页
针对人脸检测中小尺度人脸和遮挡人脸的漏检问题,提出了一种基于改进YOLOv5s-face(you only look once version 5 small-face)的Face5系列人脸检测算法Face5S(face5 small)和Face5M(face5 medium)。使用马赛克(mosaic)和图像混合(mixup... 针对人脸检测中小尺度人脸和遮挡人脸的漏检问题,提出了一种基于改进YOLOv5s-face(you only look once version 5 small-face)的Face5系列人脸检测算法Face5S(face5 small)和Face5M(face5 medium)。使用马赛克(mosaic)和图像混合(mixup)数据增强方法,提升算法在复杂场景下检测人脸的泛化性和稳定性;通过改进C3的网络结构和引入可变形卷积(DCNv2)降低算法的参数量,提高算法提取特征的灵活性;通过引入特征的内容感知重组上采样算子(CARAFE),提高多尺度人脸的检测性能;引入损失函数WIoUV3(wise intersection over union version 3),提升算法的小尺度人脸检测性能。实验结果表明,在WIDER FACE验证集上,相较于YOLOv5s-face算法,Face5S算法的平均mAP@0.5提升了1.03%;相较于先进的人脸检测算法ASFD-D3(automatic and scalable face detector-D3)和TinaFace,Face5M算法的平均mAP@0.5分别提升了1.07%和2.11%,提出的Face5系列算法能够有效提升算法对小尺度和部分遮挡人脸的检测性能,同时具有实时性。 展开更多
关键词 人脸检测 损失函数 目标检测 密集小尺度人脸 YOLOv5
中医药团体标准评价体系(SCORE-TCM)解读 被引量:1
作者 宗星煜 王丁熠 +15 位作者 王丽颖 赵学尧 林甲昊 刘斌 虞雪云 郭旸 梁宁 车前子 蒋寅 张海力 龚照元 李安 王巍力 李慧珍 史楠楠 王燕平 《中国中医基础医学杂志》 CAS CSCD 2024年第4期622-626,共5页
本文全面解读了中医药团体标准评价体系(System of Consortium Standards Rating and Evaluation of Traditional Chinese Medicine,SCORE-TCM)。SCORE-TCM是结合定性与定量评价,全面评估中医药团体标准在制定主体、文本编写、技术内容... 本文全面解读了中医药团体标准评价体系(System of Consortium Standards Rating and Evaluation of Traditional Chinese Medicine,SCORE-TCM)。SCORE-TCM是结合定性与定量评价,全面评估中医药团体标准在制定主体、文本编写、技术内容、推广应用和实施效益等几方面特征的综合评价工具。文中详述了SCORE-TCM的构建目的、定义和构建过程,解释了评价指标体系中的各项指标,并对每项指标的评价材料进行介绍。本文旨在帮助中医药团体标准的制定者、第三方评价机构和其他相关方更好地理解SCORE-TCM各评价条目的含义,更有效地运用于中医药团体标准的自评价或第三方评价,SCORE-TCM将为《中医药团体标准管理办法》的贯彻实施,以及中医药团体标准的高质量发展提供技术支持。 展开更多
关键词 中医药 团体标准 score-TCM 评价工具 解读
Gustave Roussy Immune Score——结直肠癌患者的新型预后评分 被引量:1
作者 韦珊珊 胡文蔚 耿一婷 《临床肿瘤学杂志》 CAS 2024年第1期43-49,共7页
目的探讨Gustave Roussy Immune Score(GRIm评分)在结直肠癌(CRC)根治术后患者预后评估中的价值。方法本研究共纳入2004年6月至2019年8月271例CRC根治术后患者。分析GRIm评分与CRC临床病理特征的关系。采用Kaplan-Meier法绘制CRC患者无... 目的探讨Gustave Roussy Immune Score(GRIm评分)在结直肠癌(CRC)根治术后患者预后评估中的价值。方法本研究共纳入2004年6月至2019年8月271例CRC根治术后患者。分析GRIm评分与CRC临床病理特征的关系。采用Kaplan-Meier法绘制CRC患者无病生存时间(DFS)曲线,生存差异行Log-rank检验;Cox风险比例回归模型分析影响CRC患者预后的因素;校准曲线和受试者工作特征(ROC)曲线检验基于GRIm评分的列线图的预测效能。结果GRIm评分与性别、肿瘤部位、神经侵犯、N分期、美国癌症联合委员会(AJCC)分期、白蛋白(ALB)评分和乳酸脱氢酶(LDH)评分有关(P<0.05);GRIm简化评分与肿瘤部位、肿瘤直径、癌栓、ALB评分和LDH评分有关(P<0.05)。Cox风险比例回归模型显示,GRIm评分是影响CRC患者DFS的独立因素(HR=2.546,95%CI:1.644~3.943,P<0.05)。包括GRIm评分的列线图对CRC患者DFS的预测能力优于第8版AJCC分期系统。结论GRIm评分是影响CRC患者DFS的独立因素,基于GRIm评分的列线图可以帮助临床医师有效评估CRC患者的预后,制定个体化治疗方案。 展开更多
关键词 结直肠癌 GRIm评分 列线图 预后
基于中心偏移的Fisher score与直觉邻域模糊熵的多标记特征选择 被引量:1
作者 孙林 马天娇 《计算机科学》 CSCD 北大核心 2024年第7期96-107,共12页
现有多标记Fisher score模型中边缘样本会影响算法分类效果。鉴于邻域直觉模糊熵处理不确定信息时具有更强的表达能力与分辨能力的优势,文中提出了一种基于中心偏移的Fisher score与邻域直觉模糊熵的多标记特征选择方法。首先,根据标记... 现有多标记Fisher score模型中边缘样本会影响算法分类效果。鉴于邻域直觉模糊熵处理不确定信息时具有更强的表达能力与分辨能力的优势,文中提出了一种基于中心偏移的Fisher score与邻域直觉模糊熵的多标记特征选择方法。首先,根据标记将多标记论域划分为多个样本集,计算样本集的特征均值作为标记下样本的原始中心点,以最远样本的距离乘以距离系数,去除边缘样本集,定义了新的有效样本集,计算中心偏移处理后的标记下每个特征的得分以及标记集的特征得分,进而建立了基于中心偏移的多标记Fisher score模型,预处理多标记数据。然后,引入多标记分类间隔作为自适应模糊邻域半径参数,定义了模糊邻域相似关系和模糊邻域粒,由此构造了多标记模糊邻域粗糙集的上、下近似集;在此基础上提出了多标记邻域粗糙直觉隶属度函数和非隶属度函数,定义了多标记邻域直觉模糊熵。最后,给出了特征的外部和内部重要度的计算公式,设计了基于邻域直觉模糊熵的多标记特征选择算法,筛选出最优特征子集。在多标记K近邻分类器下、9个多标记数据集上的实验结果表明,所提算法选择的最优子集具有良好的分类性能。 展开更多
关键词 多标记学习 特征选择 Fisher score 多标记模糊邻域粗糙集 邻域直觉模糊熵
Role of albumin-bilirubin score in non-malignant liver disease 被引量:2
作者 Shi-Xue Xu Fan Yang +2 位作者 Nan Ge Jin-Tao Guo Si-Yu Sun 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS 2024年第9期999-1004,共6页
The albumin-bilirubin(ALBI)score,which was proposed to assess the prognosis of patients with hepatocellular carcinoma,has gradually been extended to other liver diseases in recent years,including primary biliary chola... The albumin-bilirubin(ALBI)score,which was proposed to assess the prognosis of patients with hepatocellular carcinoma,has gradually been extended to other liver diseases in recent years,including primary biliary cholangitis,liver cirrhosis,hepatitis,liver transplantation,and liver injury.The ALBI score is often compared with classical scores such as the Child-Pugh and model for end-stage liver disease scores or other noninvasive prediction models.It is widely employed because of its immunity to subjective evaluation indicators and ease of obtaining detection indicators.An increasing number of studies have confirmed that it is highly accurate for assessing the prognosis of patients with chronic liver disease;additionally,it has demonstrated good predictive performance for outcomes beyond survival in patients with liver diseases,such as decompensation events.This article presents a review of the application of ALBI scores in various non-malignant liver diseases. 展开更多
关键词 Albumin-bilirubin score Liver cirrhosis Primary biliary cholangitis Hepatitis Liver transplantation Liver injury
Current status of magnetic resonance imaging radiomics in hepatocellular carcinoma:A quantitative review with Radiomics Quality Score 被引量:2
作者 Valentina Brancato Marco Cerrone +2 位作者 Nunzia Garbino Marco Salvatore Carlo Cavaliere 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS 2024年第4期381-417,共37页
BACKGROUND Radiomics is a promising tool that may increase the value of magnetic resonance imaging(MRI)for different tasks related to the management of patients with hepatocellular carcinoma(HCC).However,its implement... BACKGROUND Radiomics is a promising tool that may increase the value of magnetic resonance imaging(MRI)for different tasks related to the management of patients with hepatocellular carcinoma(HCC).However,its implementation in clinical practice is still far,with many issues related to the methodological quality of radiomic studies.AIM To systematically review the current status of MRI radiomic studies concerning HCC using the Radiomics Quality Score(RQS).METHODS A systematic literature search of PubMed,Google Scholar,and Web of Science databases was performed to identify original articles focusing on the use of MRI radiomics for HCC management published between 2017 and 2023.The methodological quality of radiomic studies was assessed using the RQS tool.Spearman’s correlation(ρ)analysis was performed to explore if RQS was correlated with journal metrics and characteristics of the studies.The level of statistical significance was set at P<0.05.RESULTS One hundred and twenty-seven articles were included,of which 43 focused on HCC prognosis,39 on prediction of pathological findings,16 on prediction of the expression of molecular markers outcomes,18 had a diagnostic purpose,and 11 had multiple purposes.The mean RQS was 8±6.22,and the corresponding percentage was 24.15%±15.25%(ranging from 0.0% to 58.33%).RQS was positively correlated with journal impact factor(IF;ρ=0.36,P=2.98×10^(-5)),5-years IF(ρ=0.33,P=1.56×10^(-4)),number of patients included in the study(ρ=0.51,P<9.37×10^(-10))and number of radiomics features extracted in the study(ρ=0.59,P<4.59×10^(-13)),and time of publication(ρ=-0.23,P<0.0072).CONCLUSION Although MRI radiomics in HCC represents a promising tool to develop adequate personalized treatment as a noninvasive approach in HCC patients,our study revealed that studies in this field still lack the quality required to allow its introduction into clinical practice. 展开更多
关键词 Hepatocellular carcinoma Systematic review Magnetic resonance imaging Radiomics Radiomics quality score
Are we ready to use new endoscopic scores for ulcerative colitis? 被引量:1
作者 Rodrigo Quera Paulina Núñez F 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS 2024年第10期1466-1469,共4页
For ulcerative colitis(UC),the variability in inflammatory activity along the colon poses a challenge in management.The focus on achieving endoscopic healing in UC is evident,where the UC Endoscopic Index of Severity ... For ulcerative colitis(UC),the variability in inflammatory activity along the colon poses a challenge in management.The focus on achieving endoscopic healing in UC is evident,where the UC Endoscopic Index of Severity and Mayo Endoscopic Subscore are commonly used for evaluation.However,these indices primarily consider the most severely affected region.Liu et al recent study validates the Toronto Inflammatory Bowel Disease Global Endoscopic Reporting(TIGER)score offering a comprehensive assessment of inflammatory activity across diverse segments of the colon and rectum and a reliable index correlating strongly with UC Endoscopic Index of Severity and moderately with Mayo Endoscopic Subscore(MES).Despite recommendation,certain aspects warrant further invest-igation.Fecal calprotectin,an intermediate target,correlates with TIGER and should be explored.Determining TIGER scores defining endoscopic remission and response,evaluating agreement with histological activity,and assessing inter-endoscopist agreement for TIGER require scrutiny.Exploring the correlation between TIGER and intestinal ultrasound,akin to MES,adds value. 展开更多
关键词 Ulcerative colitis SIGMOIDOSCOPY COLONOSCOPY score index
Probabilistic analysis of tunnel face seismic stability in layered rock masses using Polynomial Chaos Kriging metamodel 被引量:2
作者 Jianhong Man Tingting Zhang +1 位作者 Hongwei Huang Daniel Dias 《Journal of Rock Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering》 SCIE CSCD 2024年第7期2678-2693,共16页
Face stability is an essential issue in tunnel design and construction.Layered rock masses are typical and ubiquitous;uncertainties in rock properties always exist.In view of this,a comprehensive method,which combines... Face stability is an essential issue in tunnel design and construction.Layered rock masses are typical and ubiquitous;uncertainties in rock properties always exist.In view of this,a comprehensive method,which combines the Upper bound Limit analysis of Tunnel face stability,the Polynomial Chaos Kriging,the Monte-Carlo Simulation and Analysis of Covariance method(ULT-PCK-MA),is proposed to investigate the seismic stability of tunnel faces.A two-dimensional analytical model of ULT is developed to evaluate the virtual support force based on the upper bound limit analysis.An efficient probabilistic analysis method PCK-MA based on the adaptive Polynomial Chaos Kriging metamodel is then implemented to investigate the parameter uncertainty effects.Ten input parameters,including geological strength indices,uniaxial compressive strengths and constants for three rock formations,and the horizontal seismic coefficients,are treated as random variables.The effects of these parameter uncertainties on the failure probability and sensitivity indices are discussed.In addition,the effects of weak layer position,the middle layer thickness and quality,the tunnel diameter,the parameters correlation,and the seismic loadings are investigated,respectively.The results show that the layer distributions significantly influence the tunnel face probabilistic stability,particularly when the weak rock is present in the bottom layer.The efficiency of the proposed ULT-PCK-MA is validated,which is expected to facilitate the engineering design and construction. 展开更多
关键词 Tunnel face stability Layered rock masses Polynomial Chaos Kriging(PCK) Sensitivity index Seismic loadings
Fecal calprotectin and endoscopic scores: The cornerstones in clinical practice for evaluating mucosal healing in inflammatory bowel disease 被引量:1
作者 Marcia Henriques de Magalhães Costa Ligia Yukie Sassaki Júlio Maria Fonseca Chebli 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS 2024年第24期3022-3035,共14页
Managing inflammatory bowel disease(IBD)is becoming increasingly complex and personalized,considering the advent of new advanced therapies with distinct mechanisms of action.Achieving mucosal healing(MH)is a pivotal t... Managing inflammatory bowel disease(IBD)is becoming increasingly complex and personalized,considering the advent of new advanced therapies with distinct mechanisms of action.Achieving mucosal healing(MH)is a pivotal therapeutic goal in IBD management and can prevent IBD progression and reduce flares,hospitalization,surgery,intestinal damage,and colorectal cancer.Employing proactive disease and therapy assessment is essential to achieve better control of intestinal inflammation,even if subclinical,to alter the natural course of IBD.Periodic monitoring of fecal calprotectin(FC)levels and interval endoscopic evaluations are cornerstones for evaluating response/remission to advanced therapies targeting IBD,assessing MH,and detecting subclinical recurrence.Here,we comment on the article by Ishida et al Moreover,this editorial aimed to review the role of FC and endoscopic scores in predicting MH in patients with IBD.Furthermore,we intend to present some evidence on the role of these markers in future targets,such as histological and transmural healing.Additional prospective multicenter studies with a stricter MH criterion,standardized endoscopic and histopathological analyses,and virtual chromoscopy,potentially including artificial intelligence and other biomarkers,are desired. 展开更多
关键词 Fecal calprotectin Endoscopic scores Mucosal healing Histological healing Ulcerative colitis Inflammatory bowel diseases
Rock mass quality prediction on tunnel faces with incomplete multi-source dataset via tree-augmented naive Bayesian network 被引量:1
作者 Hongwei Huang Chen Wu +3 位作者 Mingliang Zhou Jiayao Chen Tianze Han Le Zhang 《International Journal of Mining Science and Technology》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2024年第3期323-337,共15页
Rock mass quality serves as a vital index for predicting the stability and safety status of rock tunnel faces.In tunneling practice,the rock mass quality is often assessed via a combination of qualitative and quantita... Rock mass quality serves as a vital index for predicting the stability and safety status of rock tunnel faces.In tunneling practice,the rock mass quality is often assessed via a combination of qualitative and quantitative parameters.However,due to the harsh on-site construction conditions,it is rather difficult to obtain some of the evaluation parameters which are essential for the rock mass quality prediction.In this study,a novel improved Swin Transformer is proposed to detect,segment,and quantify rock mass characteristic parameters such as water leakage,fractures,weak interlayers.The site experiment results demonstrate that the improved Swin Transformer achieves optimal segmentation results and achieving accuracies of 92%,81%,and 86%for water leakage,fractures,and weak interlayers,respectively.A multisource rock tunnel face characteristic(RTFC)dataset includes 11 parameters for predicting rock mass quality is established.Considering the limitations in predictive performance of incomplete evaluation parameters exist in this dataset,a novel tree-augmented naive Bayesian network(BN)is proposed to address the challenge of the incomplete dataset and achieved a prediction accuracy of 88%.In comparison with other commonly used Machine Learning models the proposed BN-based approach proved an improved performance on predicting the rock mass quality with the incomplete dataset.By utilizing the established BN,a further sensitivity analysis is conducted to quantitatively evaluate the importance of the various parameters,results indicate that the rock strength and fractures parameter exert the most significant influence on rock mass quality. 展开更多
关键词 Rock mass quality Tunnel faces Incomplete multi-source dataset Improved Swin Transformer Bayesian networks
广角SS-OCT En Face结构投射图揭示未成年人玻璃体早期液化特征
作者 邓飞 周立军 +3 位作者 陶梦颖 林英 黄创新 罗燕 《眼科学报》 CAS 2024年第10期533-540,共8页
目的:应用广角扫频源光学相干断层扫描成像(swept-source optical coherence tomography,SS-OCT)的en face结构投射图研究玻璃体早期液化特征。方法:使用SS-OCT进行18 mm×18 mm的容积(Cube)扫描,创建并分析健康未成年人(年龄5~18岁... 目的:应用广角扫频源光学相干断层扫描成像(swept-source optical coherence tomography,SS-OCT)的en face结构投射图研究玻璃体早期液化特征。方法:使用SS-OCT进行18 mm×18 mm的容积(Cube)扫描,创建并分析健康未成年人(年龄5~18岁)70眼的系列玻璃体en face结构投射图。结果:在未成年人中,视网膜前的玻璃体包含4种液化结构,分别为后皮质前玻璃体囊袋(posterior precortical vitreous pocket,PPVP)、视盘前Martegiani区(the area of Martegiani,AM)、血管前液化裂隙(prevascular vitreous fissures,PVF)和液化池(cistern)。所有研究眼均能检出PPVP、AM和PVF,其中22眼(31.4%)的PPVP和AM连通。41眼(58.6%)可检出液化池,且其年龄大于未检出液化池的个体(P=0.01),液化池的发生与年龄呈正相关(r_(s)=0.315,P=0.008)。液化池的象限空间分布频率依次为颞上(90.2%)、鼻上(58.5%)、颞下(36.6%)、鼻下(24.4%),最常累及颞上象限(P<0.001)。结论:PPVP、AM和PVF是健康人群视网膜前玻璃体早期液化过程中均出现的特征。液化池的发生与年龄呈正相关,最常出现在颞上象限,可能是年龄相关性玻璃体液化变性的结果。 展开更多
关键词 扫频源光学相干断层扫描成像 en face结构投射图 玻璃体液化 液化池 玻璃体后脱离
Preoperative albumin-bilirubin score and liver resection percentage determine postoperative liver regeneration after partial hepatectomy 被引量:1
作者 Kazuhiro Takahashi Masahiko Gosho +11 位作者 Yoshihiro Miyazaki Hiromitsu Nakahashi Osamu Shimomura Kinji Furuya Manami Doi Yohei Owada Koichi Ogawa Yusuke Ohara Yoshimasa Akashi Tsuyoshi Enomoto Shinji Hashimoto Tatsuya Oda 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS 2024年第14期2006-2017,共12页
BACKGROUND The success of liver resection relies on the ability of the remnant liver to regenerate.Most of the knowledge regarding the pathophysiological basis of liver regeneration comes from rodent studies,and data ... BACKGROUND The success of liver resection relies on the ability of the remnant liver to regenerate.Most of the knowledge regarding the pathophysiological basis of liver regeneration comes from rodent studies,and data on humans are scarce.Additionally,there is limited knowledge about the preoperative factors that influence postoperative regeneration.AIM To quantify postoperative remnant liver volume by the latest volumetric software and investigate perioperative factors that affect posthepatectomy liver regenera-tion.METHODS A total of 268 patients who received partial hepatectomy were enrolled.Patients were grouped into right hepatectomy/trisegmentectomy(RH/Tri),left hepa-tectomy(LH),segmentectomy(Seg),and subsegmentectomy/nonanatomical hepatectomy(Sub/Non)groups.The regeneration index(RI)and late rege-neration rate were defined as(postoperative liver volume)/[total functional liver volume(TFLV)]×100 and(RI at 6-months-RI at 3-months)/RI at 6-months,respectively.The lower 25th percentile of RI and the higher 25th percentile of late regeneration rate in each group were defined as“low regeneration”and“delayed regeneration”.“Restoration to the original size”was defined as regeneration of the liver volume by more than 90%of the TFLV at 12 months postsurgery.RESULTS The numbers of patients in the RH/Tri,LH,Seg,and Sub/Non groups were 41,53,99 and 75,respectively.The RI plateaued at 3 months in the LH,Seg,and Sub/Non groups,whereas the RI increased until 12 months in the RH/Tri group.According to our multivariate analysis,the preoperative albumin-bilirubin(ALBI)score was an independent factor for low regeneration at 3 months[odds ratio(OR)95%CI=2.80(1.17-6.69),P=0.02;per 1.0 up]and 12 months[OR=2.27(1.01-5.09),P=0.04;per 1.0 up].Multivariate analysis revealed that only liver resection percentage[OR=1.03(1.00-1.05),P=0.04]was associated with delayed regeneration.Furthermore,multivariate analysis demonstrated that the preoperative ALBI score[OR=2.63(1.00-1.05),P=0.02;per 1.0 up]and liver resection percentage[OR=1.02(1.00-1.05),P=0.04;per 1.0 up]were found to be independent risk factors associated with volume restoration failure.CONCLUSION Liver regeneration posthepatectomy was determined by the resection percentage and preoperative ALBI score.This knowledge helps surgeons decide the timing and type of rehepatectomy for recurrent cases. 展开更多
关键词 Liver regeneration Albumin-bilirubin score Liver resection percentage Partial hepatectomy Human Regeneration index
作者 栾浩天 齐咏生 +2 位作者 刘利强 王朝霞 李永亭 《农业工程学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2024年第18期120-131,共12页
快速精准确定牛只身份对于牛只活体贷款,改善牛只骗保等问题具有重要意义。针对不同牛只面部差异小,FaceNet网络层数深,推理速度较慢,模型分类精度不足等问题,该研究提出了基于FaceNet的牛脸识别方法-VanillaFaceNet。该方法首先将Face... 快速精准确定牛只身份对于牛只活体贷款,改善牛只骗保等问题具有重要意义。针对不同牛只面部差异小,FaceNet网络层数深,推理速度较慢,模型分类精度不足等问题,该研究提出了基于FaceNet的牛脸识别方法-VanillaFaceNet。该方法首先将FaceNet的主干特征提取网络替换为极简网络VanillaNet-13并提出动态激活和增强型线性变换的激活函数两种方法提高网络的非线性;然后,提出一种新的DBCA(dual-branch coordinate attention)注意力模块,能够更好地反映不同牛只面部特征之间的差异,从而提高网络的识别精度;最后,针对triplet loss仅能减小牛只类间差异的问题,采用center-triplet loss联合监督来减少牛只类内差异,从而提高了相同牛只身份比对的准确性。基于自建的牛脸数据集对该模型进行训练和测试,试验结果表明,VanillaFaceNet对牛只识别的准确率达到88.21%,每秒传输帧数为26.23帧。与FaceNet、MobileFaceNet、CenterFace、CosFace和ArcFace算法相比,本文算法的识别准确率分别提高了2.99、9.58、6.26、3.85和4.49个百分点,推理速度分别提升了2.67、0.77、0.10、1.28和0.94帧/s。该模型对牛只有较为优秀的识别效果,适于在嵌入式设备上部署,实现了牛只面部识别精度和推理速度之间的平衡。 展开更多
关键词 识别 特征 提取 牛脸 faceNet 注意力机制
作者 宗星煜 李慧珍 +13 位作者 赵学尧 程瑾瑞 李军 王丁熠 林甲昊 陈琳 王晶亚 梁宁 张海力 王梦琪 车前子 王丽颖 王燕平 史楠楠 《中国中医基础医学杂志》 CAS CSCD 2024年第1期66-70,共5页
目前,各社会团体积极参与中医药标准的制定和发布,特别是“十四五”以来,中医药团体标准化工作更是迎来了提质增效的关键阶段。深入评估社会团体发布的中医药标准质量,是推进中医药团体标准工作的关键环节和重点任务。前期已研制并形成... 目前,各社会团体积极参与中医药标准的制定和发布,特别是“十四五”以来,中医药团体标准化工作更是迎来了提质增效的关键阶段。深入评估社会团体发布的中医药标准质量,是推进中医药团体标准工作的关键环节和重点任务。前期已研制并形成了中医药团体标准评价体系(System of Consortium Standards Rating and Evaluation of Traditional Chinese Medicine, SCORETCM)。在上述背景下,本研究通过专家共识法,设计了一套基于SCORE-TCM的中医药团体标准抽样评价方案,应用场景为对于特定社会团体发布的标准,或各团体发布的特定技术类别的标准进行快速评估。该方案涵盖了标准抽样、材料收集、标准评价、结果解读的完整流程,为中医药团体标准的抽样评价工作提供了参考方案。 展开更多
关键词 中医药 团体标准 抽样 中医药团体标准评价体系 评价方案
Stability analysis of tunnel face reinforced with face bolts
作者 TIAN Chongming JIANG Yin +3 位作者 YE Fei OUYANG Aohui HAN Xingbo SONG Guifeng 《Journal of Mountain Science》 SCIE CSCD 2024年第7期2445-2461,共17页
Face bolting has been widely utilized to enhance the stability of tunnel face,particularly in soft soil tunnels.However,the influence of bolt reinforcement and its layout on tunnel face stability has not been systemat... Face bolting has been widely utilized to enhance the stability of tunnel face,particularly in soft soil tunnels.However,the influence of bolt reinforcement and its layout on tunnel face stability has not been systematically studied.Based on the theory of linear elastic mechanics,this study delved into the specific mechanisms of bolt reinforcement on the tunnel face in both horizontal and vertical dimensions.It also identified the primary failure types of bolts.Additionally,a design approach for tunnel face bolts that incorporates spatial layout was established using the limit equilibrium method to enhance the conventional wedge-prism model.The proposed model was subsequently validated through various means,and the specific influence of relevant bolt design parameters on tunnel face stability was analyzed.Furthermore,design principles for tunnel face bolts under different geological conditions were presented.The findings indicate that bolt failure can be categorized into three stages:tensile failure,pullout failure,and comprehensive failure.Increasing cohesion,internal friction angle,bolt density,and overlap length can effectively enhance tunnel face stability.Due to significant variations in stratum conditions,tailored design approaches based on specific failure stages are necessary for bolt design. 展开更多
关键词 Highway tunnels Tunnel face face bolts Limit equilibrium method Slice method
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