本文对《Annals of Tourism Research》、《Tourism Management》和《Journal of Travel Research》三大权威旅游期刊上发表的有关中国旅游研究的51篇文献进行了综述,确认了现状分析、旅游政策、旅游开发与规划、基础研究、出境旅游以...本文对《Annals of Tourism Research》、《Tourism Management》和《Journal of Travel Research》三大权威旅游期刊上发表的有关中国旅游研究的51篇文献进行了综述,确认了现状分析、旅游政策、旅游开发与规划、基础研究、出境旅游以及旅游与政治等六大研究主题,并对每一主题进行了回顾与总结,探讨了未来研究的重点和方向。展开更多
文化遗产旅游是国外旅游研究的热点领域之一。为了掌握国外近十年的研究动态与趋势,本文通过检索2001—2010年期间国际公认的两大旅游研究权威期刊《Annals of Tourism Research》与《Tourism Management》上发表的文化遗产旅游的相关文...文化遗产旅游是国外旅游研究的热点领域之一。为了掌握国外近十年的研究动态与趋势,本文通过检索2001—2010年期间国际公认的两大旅游研究权威期刊《Annals of Tourism Research》与《Tourism Management》上发表的文化遗产旅游的相关文献,分别从文化遗产旅游者研究、文化遗产旅游目的地研究、文化遗产旅游开发与管理研究、文化遗产旅游解说与原真性研究四方面进行了分类与述评,发现国外近十年来主要集中于原真性与旅游者研究,普遍采用案例研究与模型构建,注重定性研究与定量研究相结合,多学科渗透与融合趋势明显;认为未来的工作应在坚持文化遗产旅游可持续发展的同时融合绿色理念与低碳发展观,注重实践基础之上的理论创新,并加强对濒危文化遗产的研究。展开更多
旅游影响研究是旅游学研究的重要领域,包括旅游的经济影响、社会文化影响、环境影响、居民对旅游影响的感知等内容。以1995年~2005年期间在《Annals of Tourism Research》上发表的有关旅游影响研究的76篇论文为样本,从研究内容、研究...旅游影响研究是旅游学研究的重要领域,包括旅游的经济影响、社会文化影响、环境影响、居民对旅游影响的感知等内容。以1995年~2005年期间在《Annals of Tourism Research》上发表的有关旅游影响研究的76篇论文为样本,从研究内容、研究区域、研究方法与特点等方面对国外研究进行了系统综述,可以看出国外旅游影响研究非常注重模型的构建、运用和使用数理统计方法,并且对欠发达地区较为关注,但在旅游的环境影响以及对旅游影响的调控等方面的研究也存在不足。展开更多
随着旅游业的发展,旅游业相关研究受到越来越多学着的重视,相关的研究文章日渐繁多,研究角度和侧重点也日新月异。《Annals of tourism research》作为国外旅游研究的重要刊物,其刊登的文章在一定程度上反映了目前国际旅游相关研究的主...随着旅游业的发展,旅游业相关研究受到越来越多学着的重视,相关的研究文章日渐繁多,研究角度和侧重点也日新月异。《Annals of tourism research》作为国外旅游研究的重要刊物,其刊登的文章在一定程度上反映了目前国际旅游相关研究的主要关注点。总结该刊物2005~2009年的239篇文章,其主要研究的国家为美国、英国、西班牙等11个,研究主体主要为旅游目的地、旅游者、旅游吸引物等11个。展开更多
文章以1998-2007年近十年来发表在《Annals of Tourism Research》、《Tourism Management》和《Journal of Travel Research》国外三大权威旅游期刊上发表的1500多篇文献为研究样本,分析了国外旅游研究的现状和学术动态情况。研究表明...文章以1998-2007年近十年来发表在《Annals of Tourism Research》、《Tourism Management》和《Journal of Travel Research》国外三大权威旅游期刊上发表的1500多篇文献为研究样本,分析了国外旅游研究的现状和学术动态情况。研究表明国外旅游研究侧重于旅游心理和行为、旅游市场、旅游管理、目的地研究和旅游业等方面;节庆旅游和探险旅游、数字网络应用、旅游从业人员心理和行为、旅游政策和利益相关者及旅游影响研究成为其所关注的新方向。展开更多
本文以2002—2017年间收录在Web of Science数据库中来自Annals of Tourism Research中的1 657篇旅游学术文献为样本,借助Citespace可视化知识图谱分析软件进行分析,研究发现英国、美国等发达国家对旅游研究前沿的探索位居前列,亚洲地...本文以2002—2017年间收录在Web of Science数据库中来自Annals of Tourism Research中的1 657篇旅游学术文献为样本,借助Citespace可视化知识图谱分析软件进行分析,研究发现英国、美国等发达国家对旅游研究前沿的探索位居前列,亚洲地区的发展中国家越来越多地参与到旅游研究中。旅游研究类型更加多样化,研究对象更加丰富,从传统的教条式研究逐渐转向批判反思性的视角,从庞大的"宏观叙事"研究不断转向"微观日常生活实践"视角,从宏观的现象描述逐渐转向对旅游个体的深层解析,呈现出显著的跨学科和交叉学科特征,为旅游学科体系完善和创新提供了契机。展开更多
Both domestic and overseas researches in tourism land use have been analyzed,summarized and commented in detail,and the research characteristics have been compared respectively.
Concept of agricultural heritage systems was introduced. As a new heritage type, agricultural heritage systems focus on agricultural systems and its related biodiversity, landscape, land use system, traditional agricu...Concept of agricultural heritage systems was introduced. As a new heritage type, agricultural heritage systems focus on agricultural systems and its related biodiversity, landscape, land use system, traditional agricultural knowledge and experience, practices, and also the relative cultural diversity which make it the best expression of "agricultural heritage systems are not about the past, it is about the future". Studies about agricultural systems are mainly concentrating on pilot systems, about biodiversity conservation, eco-mechanism and ecological values of the systems, traditional knowledge conservation, community involvement, policies and regulations about the dynamic conservation and adaptive management, and also ways of dynamic conservation and exploration. Being considered as a dynamic approach of protecting agricultural heritage systems, agricultural heritage tourism was compared with rural tourism, agricultural tourism and "farm-stay". Agricultural heritage tourism is actually a type of heritage tourism, and one of its important functions is to build cultural identity of the heritage site and enhance awareness of the local community to conserve their assets. And the studies show that agricultural heritage systems as a kind of tourist resources have great development potentials.展开更多
Through studying 83 dissertations about ancient village tourism listed in CJFD(Chinese Journal Full-text Database) in 2001-2008,including classification,sorting and thematic analysis,research progress and current situ...Through studying 83 dissertations about ancient village tourism listed in CJFD(Chinese Journal Full-text Database) in 2001-2008,including classification,sorting and thematic analysis,research progress and current situation of domestic ancient village tourism in the past 8 years were summarized,which mainly involved with tourism resources,tourism development and protection,tourism products,operation and management,sustainable development,community interests,social and cultural influence of ancient village tourism,ancient village tourism study.In this way,it can provide certain theoretical guidance for the future research and development of ancient village tourism in China.展开更多
On the basis of tourism authenticity theory and field investigation and analysis of Lijiang ancient city, the paper had explored tourists' tourism authenticity, and further revealed the inner relation between tour...On the basis of tourism authenticity theory and field investigation and analysis of Lijiang ancient city, the paper had explored tourists' tourism authenticity, and further revealed the inner relation between tourism authenticity and tourism motivation of ancient cultural cities. It was found that ancient cultural cities generally had the highest objective authenticity, followed by existential, constructive and post-modern authenticity. As for tourism motivation, motivation of knowledge function, of reward maximization, of punishment minimization, of self-esteem and of self-fulfillment presented to diminish progressively. Relationships between four types of tourism authenticity and five types of tourism motivations also varied from each other. It had enriched empirical quantitative research results of domestic tourism authenticity in theory, and provided application value for the research on realistic tourism market and planning activity based on tourists in practice.展开更多
Based on CNKI database,the paper takes journal literatures with the theme of “sports tourism” as the research objects to draw knowledge map through bibliometrics method and CiteSpace software.Moreover,the paper draw...Based on CNKI database,the paper takes journal literatures with the theme of “sports tourism” as the research objects to draw knowledge map through bibliometrics method and CiteSpace software.Moreover,the paper draws knowledge map and analyses for 1,208 periodical literatures with the theme of “sports tourism” in CNKI from 2002 to 2022.The results show that the sports tourism research from 2002 to 2022 can be divided into three stages:The first is the accelerated development stage,which focuses on the industrialization development of sports tourism;The second is the rapid prosperity stage,which focuses on how to promote economic development,and constantly deepen and enrich the connotation of sports tourism industry;The third is the rising stage of fluctuation,which begins to explore new development opportunities of sports tourism from multiple perspectives.Based on keywords co-occurrence analysis and cluster analysis,the research hotspots and changes of sports tourism in China are obtained.Five key research hotspots and three main directions are extracted to provide reference for the development of sports tourism research hotspots in the future.展开更多
Background:It is imperative that researchers studying medical tourism connect their work with policy,so that its real-world challenges can be better understood,and more effectively addressed.This article gauges the sc...Background:It is imperative that researchers studying medical tourism connect their work with policy,so that its real-world challenges can be better understood,and more effectively addressed.This article gauges the scope and evolution of policy thinking in medical tourism research through a bibliometric review of published academic literature,to establish the extent to which researchers apply public policy theories and frameworks in their investigation of medical tourism,or consider the policy imperatives of their work.Methods:A Boolean search of the Web of Science(WoS)Core Collection was performed to identify policy-related publications on medical tourism.We analyzed the results using bibliometrics and a data visualization software called VOSviewer to identify patterns in knowledge production and underlying network linkages in policy research on the subject.Results:Our findings suggest that only a small proportion of medical tourism research explicitly addresses policy issues or applies policy paradigms in their study approach.Field-specialized journals serving practitioners publish less research as compared to interdisciplinary social and health policy journals.Moreover,there are significant geographical and disciplinary disparities in the policy-orientation of research,and a predilection towards select policy areas such as reproductive and transplant tourism to the neglect of more holistic governance and health system considerations.Conclusion:This article is a call to action for greater engagement by policy scholars on medical tourism,and for health researchers to more explicitly consider how their research might contribute to the understanding and resolution of contemporary policy challenges of medical tourism.Failure to clearly and consistently make the policy connection is a lost opportunity for researchers to frame the public debate,and influence policy thinking on medical tourism.展开更多
文摘本文对《Annals of Tourism Research》、《Tourism Management》和《Journal of Travel Research》三大权威旅游期刊上发表的有关中国旅游研究的51篇文献进行了综述,确认了现状分析、旅游政策、旅游开发与规划、基础研究、出境旅游以及旅游与政治等六大研究主题,并对每一主题进行了回顾与总结,探讨了未来研究的重点和方向。
文摘文化遗产旅游是国外旅游研究的热点领域之一。为了掌握国外近十年的研究动态与趋势,本文通过检索2001—2010年期间国际公认的两大旅游研究权威期刊《Annals of Tourism Research》与《Tourism Management》上发表的文化遗产旅游的相关文献,分别从文化遗产旅游者研究、文化遗产旅游目的地研究、文化遗产旅游开发与管理研究、文化遗产旅游解说与原真性研究四方面进行了分类与述评,发现国外近十年来主要集中于原真性与旅游者研究,普遍采用案例研究与模型构建,注重定性研究与定量研究相结合,多学科渗透与融合趋势明显;认为未来的工作应在坚持文化遗产旅游可持续发展的同时融合绿色理念与低碳发展观,注重实践基础之上的理论创新,并加强对濒危文化遗产的研究。
文摘旅游影响研究是旅游学研究的重要领域,包括旅游的经济影响、社会文化影响、环境影响、居民对旅游影响的感知等内容。以1995年~2005年期间在《Annals of Tourism Research》上发表的有关旅游影响研究的76篇论文为样本,从研究内容、研究区域、研究方法与特点等方面对国外研究进行了系统综述,可以看出国外旅游影响研究非常注重模型的构建、运用和使用数理统计方法,并且对欠发达地区较为关注,但在旅游的环境影响以及对旅游影响的调控等方面的研究也存在不足。
文摘随着旅游业的发展,旅游业相关研究受到越来越多学着的重视,相关的研究文章日渐繁多,研究角度和侧重点也日新月异。《Annals of tourism research》作为国外旅游研究的重要刊物,其刊登的文章在一定程度上反映了目前国际旅游相关研究的主要关注点。总结该刊物2005~2009年的239篇文章,其主要研究的国家为美国、英国、西班牙等11个,研究主体主要为旅游目的地、旅游者、旅游吸引物等11个。
文摘文章以1998-2007年近十年来发表在《Annals of Tourism Research》、《Tourism Management》和《Journal of Travel Research》国外三大权威旅游期刊上发表的1500多篇文献为研究样本,分析了国外旅游研究的现状和学术动态情况。研究表明国外旅游研究侧重于旅游心理和行为、旅游市场、旅游管理、目的地研究和旅游业等方面;节庆旅游和探险旅游、数字网络应用、旅游从业人员心理和行为、旅游政策和利益相关者及旅游影响研究成为其所关注的新方向。
文摘本文以2002—2017年间收录在Web of Science数据库中来自Annals of Tourism Research中的1 657篇旅游学术文献为样本,借助Citespace可视化知识图谱分析软件进行分析,研究发现英国、美国等发达国家对旅游研究前沿的探索位居前列,亚洲地区的发展中国家越来越多地参与到旅游研究中。旅游研究类型更加多样化,研究对象更加丰富,从传统的教条式研究逐渐转向批判反思性的视角,从庞大的"宏观叙事"研究不断转向"微观日常生活实践"视角,从宏观的现象描述逐渐转向对旅游个体的深层解析,呈现出显著的跨学科和交叉学科特征,为旅游学科体系完善和创新提供了契机。
文摘Both domestic and overseas researches in tourism land use have been analyzed,summarized and commented in detail,and the research characteristics have been compared respectively.
文摘Concept of agricultural heritage systems was introduced. As a new heritage type, agricultural heritage systems focus on agricultural systems and its related biodiversity, landscape, land use system, traditional agricultural knowledge and experience, practices, and also the relative cultural diversity which make it the best expression of "agricultural heritage systems are not about the past, it is about the future". Studies about agricultural systems are mainly concentrating on pilot systems, about biodiversity conservation, eco-mechanism and ecological values of the systems, traditional knowledge conservation, community involvement, policies and regulations about the dynamic conservation and adaptive management, and also ways of dynamic conservation and exploration. Being considered as a dynamic approach of protecting agricultural heritage systems, agricultural heritage tourism was compared with rural tourism, agricultural tourism and "farm-stay". Agricultural heritage tourism is actually a type of heritage tourism, and one of its important functions is to build cultural identity of the heritage site and enhance awareness of the local community to conserve their assets. And the studies show that agricultural heritage systems as a kind of tourist resources have great development potentials.
基金Supported by National Social Science Foundation (08CJY0510 )Natural Science Fundamental Researches of Jiangsu Universities(07KJD170102)~~
文摘Through studying 83 dissertations about ancient village tourism listed in CJFD(Chinese Journal Full-text Database) in 2001-2008,including classification,sorting and thematic analysis,research progress and current situation of domestic ancient village tourism in the past 8 years were summarized,which mainly involved with tourism resources,tourism development and protection,tourism products,operation and management,sustainable development,community interests,social and cultural influence of ancient village tourism,ancient village tourism study.In this way,it can provide certain theoretical guidance for the future research and development of ancient village tourism in China.
文摘On the basis of tourism authenticity theory and field investigation and analysis of Lijiang ancient city, the paper had explored tourists' tourism authenticity, and further revealed the inner relation between tourism authenticity and tourism motivation of ancient cultural cities. It was found that ancient cultural cities generally had the highest objective authenticity, followed by existential, constructive and post-modern authenticity. As for tourism motivation, motivation of knowledge function, of reward maximization, of punishment minimization, of self-esteem and of self-fulfillment presented to diminish progressively. Relationships between four types of tourism authenticity and five types of tourism motivations also varied from each other. It had enriched empirical quantitative research results of domestic tourism authenticity in theory, and provided application value for the research on realistic tourism market and planning activity based on tourists in practice.
文摘Based on CNKI database,the paper takes journal literatures with the theme of “sports tourism” as the research objects to draw knowledge map through bibliometrics method and CiteSpace software.Moreover,the paper draws knowledge map and analyses for 1,208 periodical literatures with the theme of “sports tourism” in CNKI from 2002 to 2022.The results show that the sports tourism research from 2002 to 2022 can be divided into three stages:The first is the accelerated development stage,which focuses on the industrialization development of sports tourism;The second is the rapid prosperity stage,which focuses on how to promote economic development,and constantly deepen and enrich the connotation of sports tourism industry;The third is the rising stage of fluctuation,which begins to explore new development opportunities of sports tourism from multiple perspectives.Based on keywords co-occurrence analysis and cluster analysis,the research hotspots and changes of sports tourism in China are obtained.Five key research hotspots and three main directions are extracted to provide reference for the development of sports tourism research hotspots in the future.
文摘Background:It is imperative that researchers studying medical tourism connect their work with policy,so that its real-world challenges can be better understood,and more effectively addressed.This article gauges the scope and evolution of policy thinking in medical tourism research through a bibliometric review of published academic literature,to establish the extent to which researchers apply public policy theories and frameworks in their investigation of medical tourism,or consider the policy imperatives of their work.Methods:A Boolean search of the Web of Science(WoS)Core Collection was performed to identify policy-related publications on medical tourism.We analyzed the results using bibliometrics and a data visualization software called VOSviewer to identify patterns in knowledge production and underlying network linkages in policy research on the subject.Results:Our findings suggest that only a small proportion of medical tourism research explicitly addresses policy issues or applies policy paradigms in their study approach.Field-specialized journals serving practitioners publish less research as compared to interdisciplinary social and health policy journals.Moreover,there are significant geographical and disciplinary disparities in the policy-orientation of research,and a predilection towards select policy areas such as reproductive and transplant tourism to the neglect of more holistic governance and health system considerations.Conclusion:This article is a call to action for greater engagement by policy scholars on medical tourism,and for health researchers to more explicitly consider how their research might contribute to the understanding and resolution of contemporary policy challenges of medical tourism.Failure to clearly and consistently make the policy connection is a lost opportunity for researchers to frame the public debate,and influence policy thinking on medical tourism.