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Exploration Potential of Atectonic Oil-gas Pools in the Northern Shelf Basin of the South China Sea 被引量:1
作者 ZhuWeilin WangZhenfeng LvMing 《Petroleum Science》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2004年第2期22-30,共9页
Large-scale oil exploration has been done and large quantities of oil-gas fields have been found in the northern shelf basin of the South China Sea for more than 20 years. The tectonic oil-gas pools are the main type.... Large-scale oil exploration has been done and large quantities of oil-gas fields have been found in the northern shelf basin of the South China Sea for more than 20 years. The tectonic oil-gas pools are the main type. With the exploration to be deepened, looking for atectonic oil-gas pools is listed in China's exploration strategy. There are advantages for the forming of atectonic oil-gas pools in the northern shelf basin of the South China Sea. Because the level of water has been frequently changing within all historical periods, lithozones are changed alternately in both vertical and lateral directions and formed lithologic deposition especially at low water level stages, such as the low-lying fans of basin-floor fans and slope fans. Due to frequent tectonic movement within all historical periods, many structural surfaces and structural unconformities were formed. At the same time, they also formed many kinds of structural unconformity oil-gas pools. According to our exploration and research, the promising areas of atectonic reservoirs within marine basins include: (1) the basin-floor fan of the deep water district, such as the central depression of the Southeast Qiong basin and Baiyun sag in the Zhujiangkou basin; (2) the frontal area of the large ancient delta, such as the Lingao structural belt in the Yingge Sea basin and Huizhou sag in the Zhujiangkou basin; (3) the unconformity pinchout belt or denudation belt in the slope area and the uplift area, for instance, the Yingdong slope belt in the Yingge Sea basin and Yacheng 13-1 structural belt in the southeast Qiong basin. All this proves that the prospects for atectonic oil-gas pools in the northern shelf basin of the South China Sea are very broad. 展开更多
关键词 Shelf basin atectonic oil-gas pool exploration potential
坳陷湖盆坡折带特征及其对非构造圈闭的控制 被引量:67
作者 刘豪 王英民 王媛 《石油学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2004年第2期30-35,共6页
对准噶尔盆地西北缘地区侏罗系层序地层学的研究表明 ,在该地区发育多级坡折带。按其成因机制可分为断裂和挠曲坡折带 ,根据自然地理位置又可将坡折带分为盆缘坡折带和盆内坡折带两大类。构造运动是坡折带发育的主控因素 ,而且其规模与... 对准噶尔盆地西北缘地区侏罗系层序地层学的研究表明 ,在该地区发育多级坡折带。按其成因机制可分为断裂和挠曲坡折带 ,根据自然地理位置又可将坡折带分为盆缘坡折带和盆内坡折带两大类。构造运动是坡折带发育的主控因素 ,而且其规模与构造运动大小相关。多级坡折带对非构造圈闭的控制主要表现为 :①非构造圈闭紧邻多级坡折带发育 ,沿着坡折带呈串珠状展布 ;②非构造圈闭在纵向上发育具有继承性 ;③非构造圈闭发育的类型随着坡折带和坡折带所处的地理位置的不同而有所不同 ;④同一个坡折带在横向上存在较大的变化 ,可形成不同类型的非构造圈闭 ;⑤多级坡折带的存在导致了在盆地的不同地理位置发生不同的沉积剥蚀响应 ,非构造圈闭的生、储、盖组合较好 ; 展开更多
关键词 准噶尔盆地 侏罗系 坳陷湖盆 层序地层学 坡折带 非构造圈闭
用高分辨率层序地层学进行非构造圈闭研究 被引量:1
作者 刘豪 王英民 +2 位作者 王媛 张哨楠 雷开强 《西安石油学院学报(自然科学版)》 CAS 2001年第6期1-4,共4页
在建立起区域层序地层格架的基础之上 ,以高分辨率层序地层学为主线 ,以三维高分辨率地震、岩心和测井资料为基础 ,以高频基准面旋回的识别和对比为关键 ,从各种地质因素上对高频层序的形成机理和相域的演化规律进行研究 ,结合地震参数... 在建立起区域层序地层格架的基础之上 ,以高分辨率层序地层学为主线 ,以三维高分辨率地震、岩心和测井资料为基础 ,以高频基准面旋回的识别和对比为关键 ,从各种地质因素上对高频层序的形成机理和相域的演化规律进行研究 ,结合地震参数提取、井间约束反演和其他数学方法等手段 ,对高频层序内部骨架砂体作平面和三维空间展布 ,为非构造圈闭的最终确定和进一步精细油藏描述提供可靠的依据 .以某盆地某坳陷渐新世晚期珠海组二段地层为例 ,共划分了 7个准层序组 ,其中在准层序组 PSS6 ,PSS7中共识别出 5个不同规模的非构造圈闭 。 展开更多
关键词 高分辨率层序地层学 基准面 非构造圈闭 一维地震 参数提取 油气地质
中国当代实验性建筑的拼图——从理论话语到实践策略 被引量:33
作者 彭怒 支文军 《时代建筑》 2002年第5期20-25,共6页
本文从建筑“实验性”的基本内涵和当代中国实验性建筑针对的主流实践和学术意识形态入手,把上世纪90年代以来的中国实验性建筑的发展理解为一幅拼图,而没有建构关于中国实验性建筑发展的整体历史。作者不仅从时间线索上回顾了中国实验... 本文从建筑“实验性”的基本内涵和当代中国实验性建筑针对的主流实践和学术意识形态入手,把上世纪90年代以来的中国实验性建筑的发展理解为一幅拼图,而没有建构关于中国实验性建筑发展的整体历史。作者不仅从时间线索上回顾了中国实验性建筑发展的重要标志,而且从共时性的角度,分析了不同的理论话语及其对应的建筑设计策略。比如建构、建造、非建构,建筑的地域性,都市主义,观念建筑等。 展开更多
关键词 建构 建造 非建构 建筑的地域性 都市主义 观念建筑
Lacustrine Basin Slope Break — A New Domain of Strata and Lithological Trap Exploration 被引量:16
作者 WangYingmin LiuHao +3 位作者 XinRenchen JinWudi WangYuan LiWeiguo 《Petroleum Science》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2004年第2期55-61,共7页
Based on the studies of the Songliao Basin characterized by Cretaceous down-warping, of the Jurassic compressional flexural Junggar basin and of the Bohai Bay Basin characterized by Paleogene rifting, the multiple-gra... Based on the studies of the Songliao Basin characterized by Cretaceous down-warping, of the Jurassic compressional flexural Junggar basin and of the Bohai Bay Basin characterized by Paleogene rifting, the multiple-grades slope break has developed in lacustrine basins of different origins. Their genetic types can be divided into tectonic slope break, depositional slope break and erodent slope break. The dominant agent of the slope break is tectogenesis, and the scale of slope breaks relates with the size of tectogenesis. The results of the study show that control of mutual grades slope breaks on atectonic traps mainly represent: 1) Atectonic traps develop close to mutual grades slope breaks, with beads-shaped distribution along the slope breaks. 2) In the longitudinal direction, the development of atectonic traps is characterized by the inheritance. 3) Different slope breaks and their different geographical positions can lead to different development types of atectonic traps. 4) A slope break can form different kinds of atectonic traps because of its great lateral variation. 5) The existence of mutual-grade slope breaks leads to different responses of erosion and deposition at different geographical positions in the basin. The oil source bed, reservoir and cap rock combination of atectonic traps is fine. 6) The oil-bearing condition of atectonic traps controlled by slope breaks is very favorable. 展开更多
关键词 Slope break lacustrine basin sequence stratigraphy atectonic trap
覆层的表观 被引量:5
作者 戴维.莱瑟巴罗 穆赫辛.穆斯塔法维 +1 位作者 史永高 华正阳 《时代建筑》 2010年第5期146-157,共12页
和《表面建筑》全书一致,文章对于包裹住建筑的外表皮提出了诸多不同的概念,同时显示建筑表皮既是一个"覆面"也是一个"表观",它既包裹建筑同时又被人所视。自19世纪下半叶至20世纪70年代,文章考察了部分美国建筑师... 和《表面建筑》全书一致,文章对于包裹住建筑的外表皮提出了诸多不同的概念,同时显示建筑表皮既是一个"覆面"也是一个"表观",它既包裹建筑同时又被人所视。自19世纪下半叶至20世纪70年代,文章考察了部分美国建筑师和欧洲建筑师,同时还包括了一些奥地利和法国画家的作品。尽管如此,文章却是从赫尔佐格和德梅隆的近期作品入手,并对此提出问题,随后在历史向度中加以研究,从而加深对当代境况及其可能性的理解。作者从一些全然不同的角度描述了建筑"表面":是"非建构"建造方式的结果,是对于结构和空间状况的遮蔽,是对于建筑起源的象征,是刻写在建筑材料上的记号,是画面般的印象,它还是营造过程本身,或是现代工业的产物。尽管这些概念之间矛盾重重,当今的理论和实践还是继承了所有这些。对于这些概念理解得越好,就更懂得今天的可能性所在。 展开更多
关键词 形象化 饰面 面具(遮蔽) 图案 透明/不透明 建构/非建构
三峡库区巴东马鬃山地振动观测与成因讨论 被引量:13
作者 李峰 薛军蓉 韩晓光 《大地测量与地球动力学》 CSCD 2004年第2期78-82,共5页
在长江三峡巴东库段马鬃山村开展地振动现场仪器监测和宏观调查的基础上 ,着重对其形成条件及成因机理进行了分析。初步认为 ,该村近半年来持续发生的地振动、地声及民宅破坏等地质灾害 ,部分来自近邻构造地震的影响 。
关键词 三峡库区 地振动 地震波形 岩溶塌陷 非构造地震
约瑟夫·霍夫曼的斯托克莱府邸 被引量:6
作者 爱德华.F.塞克勒 徐菁 《时代建筑》 2009年第3期100-111,共12页
关键词 斯托克勒府邸 约瑟夫·霍夫曼 “非建构/构造”
作者 倪连宇 张敏 《天津城建大学学报》 2017年第1期1-5,共5页
首先将基于结构与建造两个重要的建构元素,从词意、概念界定两方面对建构的基本概念进行简要概括、阐释,并通过简述评判建构的标准以及对比说明"非建构"使建构更为具象.通过解析一些成功大师的建筑案例,具体地解析了基于结构... 首先将基于结构与建造两个重要的建构元素,从词意、概念界定两方面对建构的基本概念进行简要概括、阐释,并通过简述评判建构的标准以及对比说明"非建构"使建构更为具象.通过解析一些成功大师的建筑案例,具体地解析了基于结构与建造的建构表达形式以及方法.通过以上方法对基于结构与建造的建构理论进行简要、具体的解释,以期拓展建筑建构相关的研究视野,为建筑设计提供一种不同的思路. 展开更多
关键词 建构 非建构 结构 建造 视觉呈现
Anthropogenic Pseudokarstic Depressions on Mount Bocskor(Bakony Region, Hungary)
作者 Márton Veress Zoltán Unger Szilárd Vetési-Foith 《Journal of Earth Science》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2023年第1期214-231,共18页
Surface forms above the mine(ármin mine) of Mount Bocskor(Southern Bakony, Hungary) were examined. We made contour maps, plan maps, morphological maps and atectonic grike(cave) maps of some of the forms and their... Surface forms above the mine(ármin mine) of Mount Bocskor(Southern Bakony, Hungary) were examined. We made contour maps, plan maps, morphological maps and atectonic grike(cave) maps of some of the forms and their surroundings. We examined the distribution of the depth, length, elongation ratio in case of some depressions, the relation between the depth and the diameter of some depressions, the relationship between depression group directions and mine cut directions, the standard deviation of the direction differences of depression groups and of their depressions. The forms of the mountain related to surface mining can be separated to open and closed. The former are trenches and stairs, the latter are circular, elongated, and complex depressions. The formation of these forms can be related to the balancing movements of the vault over the mountain’s mine. At thin vault, stairs develop by collapses, while at the atectonic fissures of thicker vault, trenches and depressions are formed at the surface. In areas bordered by sinking(subsidence through) and downwardly cohesive faults, depression groups of diverse features are arranged in the marginal bands. Elongated depressions are formed at atectonic blocks bounded by dispersing faults in non-banded distribution. Where there is a superficial deposit, atectonic fissures can also be inherited directly by collapse to the surface and form depressions. They can also form indirectly over atectonic fissures by compaction, subsequent collapse and/or suffosion of the superficial deposit. The results of the study make it possible to analyse the material loss due to mining on the vault if the atectonic structures of the vault are partly or completely covered by superficial deposit. 展开更多
关键词 mining pseudokarstic depression atectonic fissure atectonic block COLLAPSE suffosion
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