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Premodern Intercultural Communication by Reanalyzing the Phrase“Da Yi Jing Cheng(大医精诚)”
作者 Jing Su 《Chinese Medicine and Culture》 2021年第1期1-11,共11页
Culture is fluid,not static.When one culture meets and blends with another,Westerm academic circles tend to use cultural hybridity to express a mixed state of culture.By reanalyzing the classic texts in relation to“D... Culture is fluid,not static.When one culture meets and blends with another,Westerm academic circles tend to use cultural hybridity to express a mixed state of culture.By reanalyzing the classic texts in relation to“Da Yi Jing Cheng(大医精诚)”,tracing the evolution of traditional medical ethics in history,and combining the knowledge of cultural hybridity,this paper suggests that cultural hybridity is not applicable to the discussion on the phenomenon of intercultural communication in the era before the rise of national states and modernity.A new discourse is needed to express intercultural integration,one that breaks through Western values and embodies the characteristics of Asian civilization.Civilization exchange and mutual learning can become the ideal model of intercultural communication under the background of the“Belt and Road Initiative”. 展开更多
关键词 Cultural hybridity Da yi jing Cheng(大医精诚) intercultural communication medical ethics mutual learming between different civilizations
From Zi Wei (滋味) to Qi Yun(氣韵), and Yi Jing (意境): Rethinking of Chinese Traditional Artistic Category System
作者 Y1 Cun-guo 《Journal of Literature and Art Studies》 2015年第3期196-205,共10页
The Chinese traditional aesthetic culture not only pay attention to the overall sense of He Xie (Harmony, 和谐), and pay attention to a kind of artistic conception as Zi Wei (滋味), Qi Yun (氣韵), and YiJing (... The Chinese traditional aesthetic culture not only pay attention to the overall sense of He Xie (Harmony, 和谐), and pay attention to a kind of artistic conception as Zi Wei (滋味), Qi Yun (氣韵), and YiJing (意境) as well. Mr. JI Xian-lin had tried to start from Zi Wei (滋味), a new comprehension to open a new understanding on Chinese aesthetics. Hence, we embark from the Chinese aesthetic culture and its basic spirit, the humanistic connotation of Zi Wei (滋味), which sounds with the basis, put forward it into a Music-Dance Spirit (乐舞精神) in Chinese art through this unique view, has made a new thinking to the Chinese traditional aesthetic artistic category system. 展开更多
关键词 aesthetic culture He Xie (Harmony 和谐) Zi Wei (滋味) Qi Yun (氣韵) yi jing (意境). Music-DanceSpirit (乐舞精神)
作者 罗梦曦 胡建鹏 +3 位作者 黄辉 石海平 王瑞 李佩佩 《陕西中医药大学学报》 2024年第1期36-40,共5页
程樑是清代著名新安医家,沉于经典,勤于临床,将所思、所感系统整理、总结,于1873年著成《引经证医》。文章从该书医学理论体系构建的角度出发,探寻其学术思想,包括阴阳四时五行,构建哲学基础;独重脾胃,明确藏象核心;详论六气,阐发病因病... 程樑是清代著名新安医家,沉于经典,勤于临床,将所思、所感系统整理、总结,于1873年著成《引经证医》。文章从该书医学理论体系构建的角度出发,探寻其学术思想,包括阴阳四时五行,构建哲学基础;独重脾胃,明确藏象核心;详论六气,阐发病因病机;形色脉参,形成综合诊断;内外同治,展现多元治疗等五个方面。《引经证医》论理明晰,以经典理论为指归,临证圆活,以审机施治为目标,是理论结合实际的尚佳范例,其学术思想值得后来者研究与学习。 展开更多
关键词 引经证医 程樑 学术思想 新安医家 新安医学
作者 旺多 索巴尖措 《西藏大学学报(藏文版)》 CSSCI 2024年第1期91-103,189,190,共15页
唐代高僧义净所著《南海寄归内法传》作为研究印度佛教史、中国佛教史的重要资料,在汉语词汇史、唐代中外关系、中外医药学交流、古印度及南海地区历史、地理、文化、社会生活等方面都有较高的研究价值。《南海寄归内法传》在较早时期... 唐代高僧义净所著《南海寄归内法传》作为研究印度佛教史、中国佛教史的重要资料,在汉语词汇史、唐代中外关系、中外医药学交流、古印度及南海地区历史、地理、文化、社会生活等方面都有较高的研究价值。《南海寄归内法传》在较早时期便引起了国内外学者的关注,自公元19世纪末以来陆续译成法、俄、英、日等外文。该著作在各类佛教史著中多有引用,是了解公元6世纪佛教历史以及印度四大教派的第一手资料,是研究印度佛教及藏传佛教各教派的综合性资料,是直观了解外器世界的形成、外道观点、佛教源流、各闻道宗派的传播地区、大乘与小乘区别等方面不可多得的珍贵文献。 展开更多
关键词 高僧义净 南海 归内法传
作者 江亦瑶 彭彦琴 《中国矿业大学学报(社会科学版)》 CSSCI 2024年第6期101-112,共12页
当下道家心理学研究多集中在人格、心理健康领域,甚少有关于道家认知心理学方面的研究。道家认知理论不仅展现出中国心性心理学的丰富性,更代表了中国心性心理学的本土特色。集众家之长,援引道家之理义所提出的“虚壹而静”说,实质上是... 当下道家心理学研究多集中在人格、心理健康领域,甚少有关于道家认知心理学方面的研究。道家认知理论不仅展现出中国心性心理学的丰富性,更代表了中国心性心理学的本土特色。集众家之长,援引道家之理义所提出的“虚壹而静”说,实质上是中国本土认知心理学有关认知机制的道家表述。围绕“解蔽”这一认知目标,提供了一条清晰的认知机制与操作路径,即“虚壹而静”。首先,从“虚”“壹”“静”三个概念出发,阐释其内涵。其次,从“解蔽”出发,引出道家的认知发生机制,强调“解蔽”的关键在于心知“道”,“虚壹而静”讲的就是如何知“道”。知“道”须排除感官刺激的干扰,保持主体注意高度专注,进而排除欲望、情绪及已有经验的干扰,启动高级心智机能,最终体认“道”(即精神本体)。“虚壹而静”说完整阐述了道家的认知模式及加工机制——真正的认知是指向“道”、指向心性自身,是对精神本体的体认。 展开更多
关键词 道家 虚壹而静 认知模式 加工机制
作者 黄婕 贾金金 杨忠奇 《广州中医药大学学报》 CAS 2024年第11期3091-3096,共6页
黎庇留与易巨荪是近代岭南著名经方家,分别著有临床医案著作《黎庇留经方医案》和《集思医案》。通过研习此两本医案,发现两位医家均重视阳气、善用温阳法,且学术思想相近,具体表现为:方证辨证,在运用温阳法时尤为突出,不仅据证定方,还... 黎庇留与易巨荪是近代岭南著名经方家,分别著有临床医案著作《黎庇留经方医案》和《集思医案》。通过研习此两本医案,发现两位医家均重视阳气、善用温阳法,且学术思想相近,具体表现为:方证辨证,在运用温阳法时尤为突出,不仅据证定方,还根据方证病机延伸经方的应用范围;注重望神,通过望神辨知脏腑阳气虚损情况;重视胃气,以胃气知阳气、判病势;强调守阳,通过守方、守法以守阳;阴阳两伤,以补阳为要,补阳可化阴,阴分可渐自生。黎庇留与易巨荪两位医家重温阳、善温阳,其有别于岭南多数医家忌用温法的治疗思路,可为现代中医临床提供借鉴。 展开更多
关键词 黎庇留 易巨荪 《黎庇留经方医案》 《集思医案》 温阳法 经方 岭南医家
作者 刘奕呈 王亦菲 +3 位作者 张智博 付双清 张大武 马晓昌 《中西医结合心脑血管病杂志》 2024年第22期4044-4050,共7页
目的:从“汤液经法图”角度探讨《医林改错》22首活血化瘀方剂的组方配伍规律,以期为临床活血化瘀法的应用提供理论依据及《医林改错》的研究提供新思路。方法:运用《辅行诀五脏用药法要》所载“汤液经法图”解析清代王清任所著《医林... 目的:从“汤液经法图”角度探讨《医林改错》22首活血化瘀方剂的组方配伍规律,以期为临床活血化瘀法的应用提供理论依据及《医林改错》的研究提供新思路。方法:运用《辅行诀五脏用药法要》所载“汤液经法图”解析清代王清任所著《医林改错》记载的22首活血化瘀方剂,制成“22首活血化瘀方剂组方配伍分析表”,分别绘制22首活血化瘀方剂的汤液经法分析图,分析药物的配伍结构。结果:9首以补肝为主的方剂,基本以“辛-苦-甘-咸”为组方配伍原则,多以肝为主,五脏同调;7首以泻脾为主的方剂,基本以“甘-辛-苦”为组方配伍原则,多以脾为主,肝心肾同调,不涉及肺脏;4首以泻心为主的方剂,基本以“辛-甘-苦”或“苦-咸”为组方配伍原则,多以脾为主,五脏同调;2首以泻脾为主的方剂,以“辛-苦-甘”为组方配伍原则,多以脾为主,肝心肾同调,不涉及肺脏。结论:22首活血化瘀方剂整体以“辛-苦-甘”为组方配伍原则,多数涉及肝木、脾土和心火。王清任用药频次最高的活血化瘀药是桃仁,其次是红花、赤芍、当归和川芎,补气药是黄芪和甘草,行气药是柴胡和川芎,药物归经频率最高为肝经,五味以辛、甘、苦味为主,符合王清任活血化瘀为主,辅以补气行气的用药特点。王清任多使用“甘辛化苦”五味配伍转化关系,促使作用于脾的辛味药和甘味药入心泻心。王清任善用黄芪,重视活血化瘀同时补气,22首活血化瘀方中有8首使用了黄芪。王清任将活血化瘀药与引经药和不同作用的药物配伍,因势攻邪,引导活血化瘀药直接作用于不同的瘀血部位。 展开更多
关键词 活血化瘀方剂 《医林改错》 汤液经法图 王清任
Effect of Yi Jin Jing(Sinew-transforming Qigong Exercises) plus tuina on scapulohumeral periarthritis 被引量:11
作者 沈志方 朱高峰 +3 位作者 沈清河 吴银君 许佳 贾一凡(译) 《Journal of Acupuncture and Tuina Science》 CSCD 2017年第4期285-289,共5页
Objective: To investigate the effect of Yi Jin Jing(Sinew-transforming Qigong Exercises) plus tuina on scapulohumeral periarthritis(SP).Methods: A total of 30 cases with SP were randomized into an observation gr... Objective: To investigate the effect of Yi Jin Jing(Sinew-transforming Qigong Exercises) plus tuina on scapulohumeral periarthritis(SP).Methods: A total of 30 cases with SP were randomized into an observation group and a control group. Those in the observation group practiced Yi Jin Jing(Sinew-transforming Qigong Exercises) plus tuina therapy; whereas those in the control group received only tuina therapy. Tuina therapy was conducted every other day, 20 min every time for 1 month and Yi Jin Jing(Sinew-transforming Qigong Exercises) was conducted once a day for 1 month. The therapeutic effects were assessed by visual analogue scale(VAS) and Constant-Murley scale.Results: After treatment, the VAS score and Constant-Murley scale were substantially improved, showing statistical significances(P〈0.01); the Constant-Murley scale in the observation group was better than that in the control group,showing a statistical significance(P〈0.01); the effective rate in the observation group was higher than that in the control group, between-group comparison showed a statistical significance(P〈0.01).Conclusion: Yi Jin Jing(Sinew-transforming Qigong Exercises) plus tuina and tuina alone have a verified effect in treating SP,and the former can achieve a better effect than the later. 展开更多
关键词 TUINA Massage yi Jin jing Frozen Shoulder PERIARTHRITIS Shoulder Pain Pain Measurement Visual Analogue Scale
Yi Jin Jing (Sinew-transforming Qigong Exercises) for primary osteoporosis in the elderly: a clinical trial 被引量:10
作者 Shen Zhi-fang Zhu Gao-feng +1 位作者 Qian Li-feng Fu Yuan-xin 《Journal of Acupuncture and Tuina Science》 CSCD 2018年第2期104-108,共5页
Objective:To observe the clinical efficacy of Yi Jin Jing (Sinew-transforming Qigong Exercises) for primary osteoporosis in the elderly.Methods:Eighty old patients with primary osteoporosis were randomized into a ... Objective:To observe the clinical efficacy of Yi Jin Jing (Sinew-transforming Qigong Exercises) for primary osteoporosis in the elderly.Methods:Eighty old patients with primary osteoporosis were randomized into a Yi Jin Jing group and a medication group,40 cases in each group.The Yi Jin Jing group was intervened by Yi Jin Jing (Sinew-transforming Qigong Exercises) training,while the medication group was intervened by oral administration of alendronate sodium tablet.Prior to and after 6-month intervention,the bone mineral density (BMD) of the proximal femur,visual analog scale (VAS) and activities of daily living (ADL) were estimated.Results:There were no significant differences in the BMD of the proximal femur,and VAS and ADL scores between the two groups before the intervention (P〉0.05).After 6-month intervention,the above items all improved significantly in both groups (both P〈0.01);the improvements in VAS and ADL scores in Yi Jin Jing group were more significant than those in the medication group (P〈0.01),while the between-group difference in the BMD of the proximal femur was statistically insignificant (P〉0.05).Conclusion:Practice of Yi Jin Jing (Sinew-transforming Qigong Exercises) can effectively ameliorate the BMD in the elderly with primary osteoporosis,and it can reduce the pain and improve ADL,with a better general effect compared to oral administration of alendronate sodium tablet. 展开更多
关键词 yi Jin jing Physical and Breathing Exercises Exercise Osteoporosis Bone Density Pain Activities of Daily Living Aged
作者 张若水 陈婷 《中国中医药图书情报杂志》 2024年第2期215-220,共6页
明代熊宗立所撰《勿听子俗解八十一难经》是首部通俗化《难经》注本。全书语言通俗,浅显易懂,为学习《难经》的门径书。其四卷本系统囊括国内诸传本,六卷本始于原书。本文通过综合考查历代史志、书目著录,结合《勿听子俗解八十一难经》... 明代熊宗立所撰《勿听子俗解八十一难经》是首部通俗化《难经》注本。全书语言通俗,浅显易懂,为学习《难经》的门径书。其四卷本系统囊括国内诸传本,六卷本始于原书。本文通过综合考查历代史志、书目著录,结合《勿听子俗解八十一难经》国内外馆藏情况,对其版本源流进行梳理,发现该书国内传本有四仁堂本、富春堂本、种德堂本及存德堂本,上述传本均源自同一四卷本,且与原刻本分卷不同,阙误较多,整体质量较差,皆非善本。日本传本始于谷野一柏所刊天文五年(1536年)本,又有元和三年(1617年)、宽永四年(1627年)、宽永十年(1633年)、正保二年(1645年)刻本,及以和刻本为基础的活字本、抄本。日本传本内容完整,版面清朗,极大程度地保留了该书原貌。此外,该书尚有朝鲜刻本传世。 展开更多
关键词 勿听子俗解八十一难经 版本 熊宗立 中日韩医学交流
Clinical observation on Yi Jin Jing(Sinew-transforming Qigong Exercises)plus tuina on the neck for stiff neck 被引量:2
作者 Wu Yin-jun Zhu Gao-feng Xu Jia 《Journal of Acupuncture and Tuina Science》 CSCD 2020年第5期374-378,共5页
Objective:To observe the effect of Yi Jin Jing(Sinew-transforming Qigong Exercises)plus tuina on the neck for stiff neck.Methods:A total of 60 patients with stiff neck who met the screening criteria were selected and ... Objective:To observe the effect of Yi Jin Jing(Sinew-transforming Qigong Exercises)plus tuina on the neck for stiff neck.Methods:A total of 60 patients with stiff neck who met the screening criteria were selected and randomly divided into two groups,with 30 cases in each group.Patients in the control group received tuina on the neck,30 min every time,once a day,while patients in the observation group practiced Yi Jin Jing(Sinew-transforming Qigong Exercises)plus the same tuina therapy as the control group,and Yi Jin Jing(Sinew-transforming Qigong Exercises)was conducted for more than 30 min every time,once a day.Visual analog scale(VAS)scores were observed before treatment,and after 1 time,3 times and 5 times of treatment to evaluate the degree of neck pain.Results:During the treatment,each group had 2 dropouts.After treatment,the total effective rate was 92.9%in the observation group versus 82.1%in the control group,showing a statistical significance(P<0.05).The VAS scores in the observation group at the three time points were significantly lower than those in the control group(all P<0.05).Conclusion:Yi Jin Jing(Sinew-transforming Qigong Exercises)plus tuina on the neck can effectively relieve neck pain and improve cervical range of motion in patients with stiff neck,and can achieve a better effect than tuina alone. 展开更多
关键词 TUINA MASSAGE yi Jin jing Physical and Breathing Exercises Exercise Visual Analog Scale Stiff Neck Neck Pain
Clinical observation on electroacupuncture plus Yi Jin Jing(Sinew-transforming Qigong Exercises)for knee osteoarthritis 被引量:1
作者 Ding Jia-yan Ju Zi-yong +3 位作者 Zhu Yi-jun Jiang Xu Wang Yue-hua Cui Hua-shun 《Journal of Acupuncture and Tuina Science》 CSCD 2020年第5期396-402,共7页
Objective:To observe the efficacy of electroacupuncture(EA)plus Yi Jin Jing(Sinew-transforming Qigong Exercises)for knee osteoarthritis(KOA).Methods:A total of 60 patients with KOA were divided into an observation gro... Objective:To observe the efficacy of electroacupuncture(EA)plus Yi Jin Jing(Sinew-transforming Qigong Exercises)for knee osteoarthritis(KOA).Methods:A total of 60 patients with KOA were divided into an observation group and a control group according to the random number table method,with 30 cases in each group.Patients in the observation group received the treatment of EA plus Yi Jin Jing(Sinew-transforming Qigong Exercises),while patients in the control group only received EA treatment.Both groups were treated for 5 weeks.The changes of Western Ontario and McMaster Universities Osteoarthritis Index(WOMAC)and visual analog scale(VAS)scores in the two groups were observed after treatment.Results:After treatment,the total effective rate in the observation group(92.3%)was significantly higher than that in the control group(70.0%),(P<0.05);the WOMAC and VAS scores in both groups were significantly lower than those before treatment,showing statistical significance(all P<0.01);there were significant differences in the post-treatment changes in the WOMAC and VAS scores between the two groups(P<0.05,P<0.01).Conclusion:EA plus Yi Jin Jing(Sinew-transforming Qigong Exercises)is clinically effective for KOA.This combined treatment can alleviate clinical symptoms. 展开更多
关键词 Acupuncture Therapy ELECTROACUPUNCTURE yi Jin jing Physical and Breathing Exercises Exercise Visual Analog Scale Pain Measurement Osteoarthritis Knee
作者 季品锋 《中国文学研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2024年第1期36-42,共7页
本文以《古史辨》第三册《诗经》部分的经典案例——《静女》篇的相关论辩文字为出发点,集中讨论解决《静女》篇公案的三个核心问题。笔者积极汲取古史辨学者们的研究成果,如“彤”字的语用条件、《诗经》语篇结构与叙述逻辑的关联等;... 本文以《古史辨》第三册《诗经》部分的经典案例——《静女》篇的相关论辩文字为出发点,集中讨论解决《静女》篇公案的三个核心问题。笔者积极汲取古史辨学者们的研究成果,如“彤”字的语用条件、《诗经》语篇结构与叙述逻辑的关联等;同时尝试结合出土文物,对“彤管”进行名物考证,得出“彤管为笔筒”的新论;进而理顺了《静女》第二、第三章的叙述逻辑。最后,笔者尝试对《静女》本事情境进行了还原。 展开更多
关键词 古史辨 《静女》 彤管
作者 漆德文 《图书馆研究》 2024年第3期103-107,共5页
关键词 《经义考》 《经义考新校》 经学史 江西文献
作者 吴冬莉 《贵州文史丛刊》 2024年第3期33-41,共9页
《经义模范》是研究明清时期科举时文演变的重要文献,成书于明朝嘉靖年间,多为其时之士子、塾师和考官使用。清朝乾隆年间,因其收录了大量宋代经义文,被著录于《四库全书》。该书现存诸本皆自四库本而来,四库馆臣对其评价甚高。光绪年间... 《经义模范》是研究明清时期科举时文演变的重要文献,成书于明朝嘉靖年间,多为其时之士子、塾师和考官使用。清朝乾隆年间,因其收录了大量宋代经义文,被著录于《四库全书》。该书现存诸本皆自四库本而来,四库馆臣对其评价甚高。光绪年间,《经义模范》曾有多次重刻,然其编刻情况历来存疑。通过查阅相关文献,考证此书编者应为明代学者杨慎,编选此书的背景与明朝嘉靖后期时文写作的风格演变有关。同时,杨慎编选此书的意图,应是为其时之士子撰写科举应试文章提供参考。 展开更多
关键词 《经义模范》 杨慎 科举 时文
作者 李博灵 赵永烈 +1 位作者 王丹萍 周晓卿 《湖南中医药大学学报》 CAS 2024年第4期623-627,共5页
任、督、冲脉理论为奇经八脉理论的重要内容。王冰提出任、督、冲脉“一源三歧”“异名同体”学说,体现三脉之间的密切联系。以《黄帝内经》《难经》《脉经》《针灸甲乙经》为基础,分析以上两种认识。认为“一源三歧”为任、督、冲脉同... 任、督、冲脉理论为奇经八脉理论的重要内容。王冰提出任、督、冲脉“一源三歧”“异名同体”学说,体现三脉之间的密切联系。以《黄帝内经》《难经》《脉经》《针灸甲乙经》为基础,分析以上两种认识。认为“一源三歧”为任、督、冲脉同起于小腹深处肾下胞中,三脉浅出体表位置不同,受《针灸甲乙经》影响,针灸学教材认为三脉同出于会阴。《黄帝内经》认为任脉上循脊里、督脉少腹直上,故王冰认为任脉、督脉命名实为区别腹背阴阳,但冲脉与任脉、督脉循行并未重合。任、督、冲脉“异名同体”包含任、督脉的循行重合与冲、督脉生理病理密切联系两层含义。 展开更多
关键词 任脉 督脉 冲脉 一源三歧 异名同体 《黄帝内经》 《难经》 《脉经》 《针灸甲乙经》
作者 唐小媛 《开封文化艺术职业学院学报》 2024年第1期39-44,共6页
“宗经”是中国古代文学批评中的一条重要原则。原道、征圣、宗经这一理论路径自刘勰在《文心雕龙》中正式确立后,对后世产生了深远影响。《文则》和《文章精义》是宋代理论性文话的代表著作,体现了宋代古文批评家在文章学体系构建和理... “宗经”是中国古代文学批评中的一条重要原则。原道、征圣、宗经这一理论路径自刘勰在《文心雕龙》中正式确立后,对后世产生了深远影响。《文则》和《文章精义》是宋代理论性文话的代表著作,体现了宋代古文批评家在文章学体系构建和理论总结方面所作出的努力。两书中的宗经观,在经典与道的关系方面呈现出一致性,认为经典与道合一;而在经典与文的关系方面体现出差异性,其中《文则》侧重分析经典的艺术特性,《文章精义》侧重挖掘经典的精神内涵。二者在各自侧重的方向上进行了深入研究,共同论述了宗经观的内涵。宗经观在宋代文话中的基本成熟,以及由此展开的文话理论建构,也是文章学在宋代成立的一个重要标志。 展开更多
关键词 《文则》 《文章精义》 宗经 文话
作者 陈一凡 杨东方 王翠翠 《中医药导报》 2024年第11期5-9,共5页
明代刊行的医论集《医经溯洄集》不仅在国内广为流传,更早于16世纪便东传日本,为日本学者相继抄刻、赋序、作跋、注解、评析,形成了延伸《医经溯洄集》原文本,与海外读者遥相对话的“副文本”特殊场域。作为阅读与接受《医经溯洄集》之... 明代刊行的医论集《医经溯洄集》不仅在国内广为流传,更早于16世纪便东传日本,为日本学者相继抄刻、赋序、作跋、注解、评析,形成了延伸《医经溯洄集》原文本,与海外读者遥相对话的“副文本”特殊场域。作为阅读与接受《医经溯洄集》之基础,日本人所抄刻的各版本之中既有名家旧藏、旧抄,亦有较特殊的鳌头本;日本汉方医家为之所作序跋,又初步反映出是书流播之原因与价值;多种批注本直观呈现出日本学者释字词、考出处、说人物、疏源流、示异议等注解之道,日本医家著述对《医经溯洄集》之评论则更体现了不同读者关于是书之争鸣。日本汉方医学后世方派、后世别派、古方派、折衷考据派等各学派医家,乃至非业医者,共同构建了《医经溯洄集》“副文本”空间,推动了其在日流播并产生深远影响,而“副文本”理念也为现代更好地研究、利用中医古籍提供了新的视角与启发。 展开更多
关键词 《医经溯洄集》 副文本 日本 汉方医学 海外传播
Textual research on Xu Chunfu's life
作者 Ju-Yi Wang Hui Huang +1 位作者 Lin-Na Wu Wen-Qing Wu 《History & Philosophy of Medicine》 2024年第3期9-15,共7页
Xu Chunfu was a famous medical expert in the Ming Dynasty, who authored the Gu Jin Yi Tong Da Quan and the Yi Xue Zhi Nan Jie Jing Liu Shu. This paper uses the Xu family genealogy, literature catalog, historical recor... Xu Chunfu was a famous medical expert in the Ming Dynasty, who authored the Gu Jin Yi Tong Da Quan and the Yi Xue Zhi Nan Jie Jing Liu Shu. This paper uses the Xu family genealogy, literature catalog, historical records to study the Xu family’s life and deeds. Xu Chunfu was born in the second year of the Jiajing reign of the Ming Dynasty (1523) and passed away in the 24th year of the Wanli reign of the Ming Dynasty (1596). He served as an official in the Tai Hospital for about 20 years. His work Gu Jin Yi Tong Da Quan was written around the 43rd year of the Jiajing reign of the Ming Dynasty (1556), with a lower limit of the fifth year of the Longqing reign of the Ming Dynasty (1571), and the initial engraving time was not earlier than the eighth year of the Wanli reign of the Ming Dynasty (1580). This paper corrects the shortcomings and errors in previous research, and provides a comprehensive and systematic examination of Xu Chunfu’s life and works. 展开更多
关键词 Xu Chunfu life history biographical verification Gu Jin yi Tong Da Quan yi Xue Zhi Nan Jie jing Liu Shu Genealogy of the Xu Clan in Qimen Tangtou yinan and Chiling
作者 谢志明 《景德镇学院学报》 2024年第5期42-49,共8页
通过运用Python数据处理技术,本文采集了美国亚马逊和好读网平台里《易经》英译本Top 10的读者评论数据,分析并呈现了读者对它们的星级评价、情感取向、评论数量、主题词云图和影响力指数等接受度数据;同时还对读者评论文本进行质性研究... 通过运用Python数据处理技术,本文采集了美国亚马逊和好读网平台里《易经》英译本Top 10的读者评论数据,分析并呈现了读者对它们的星级评价、情感取向、评论数量、主题词云图和影响力指数等接受度数据;同时还对读者评论文本进行质性研究,探究其阅读体会所产生的情感态度、思想价值认同、译本质量和词语审美取向的读者取舍状态,以期从以上分析中获得中华典籍外译翻译方向和传播定位的些许启发。 展开更多
关键词 《易经》 海外传播 读者评论 PYTHON
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