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交互式数字叙事:加拿大Writing New Body Worlds阅读治疗新探索
作者 牟晓青 于志涛 《图书馆论坛》 CSSCI 北大核心 2024年第4期222-230,F0003,共10页
文章基于相关研究文献与语料,对加拿大WNB阅读治疗实践进行梳理与归纳。WNB首次使用交互式数字叙事技术,构建面向公众的阅读治疗平台,以其交互式特征,融合了阅读和治疗引导两个过程,提供可访问的非临床方式,可面向大规模人群实现预防性... 文章基于相关研究文献与语料,对加拿大WNB阅读治疗实践进行梳理与归纳。WNB首次使用交互式数字叙事技术,构建面向公众的阅读治疗平台,以其交互式特征,融合了阅读和治疗引导两个过程,提供可访问的非临床方式,可面向大规模人群实现预防性健康干预。基于数据与计算的精准化阅读治疗是数字人文视角下的新变革,更具推广应用价值;以在线阅读平台建设为依托,推进实施平台化的阅读和治疗应成为未来发展方向之一;基于阅读形态与体验因技术赋能而改变的现状,图书馆应发挥引领作用,积极收集、创建或协助创建数字故事,推进阅读推广、服务与治疗的融合性发展,成为社区建设促进者、历史欣赏者和社区参与倡导者,也使阅读借助交互式数字叙事这一新载体,更好地发挥变革的力量,促进健康与幸福。 展开更多
关键词 交互式数字叙事 阅读治疗 Writing new Body Worlds 加拿大
网络新媒体视阈下客家议题在日传播特征分析——基于日本Google News的考察
作者 李晓霞 周巍 《肇庆学院学报》 2024年第1期116-123,共8页
以日本Google News中的客家相关日文报道为语料,通过文本挖掘工具KH Coder进行文本数据挖掘,发现日本网络新闻媒体的客家议题日文报道具有分布零散性及以图片报道为主的特点。报道关注的客家区域主要涉及台湾地区、福建、香港地区、广... 以日本Google News中的客家相关日文报道为语料,通过文本挖掘工具KH Coder进行文本数据挖掘,发现日本网络新闻媒体的客家议题日文报道具有分布零散性及以图片报道为主的特点。报道关注的客家区域主要涉及台湾地区、福建、香港地区、广东等地,其中,台湾地区的客家关注度最高。报道聚焦客家的观光旅游、产业振兴、客家书籍出版等相关内容,形成了客家传统建筑类、台湾地区客家文化交流类、客家文学作品推介类、客家观光旅游类等四大主要议题。本文提出要充分运用Google News等网络新媒体强大的技术功能和传播优势加大客家文化的传播力度。 展开更多
关键词 网络新媒体 客家文化 日本传播 Google news KH Coder
新质生产力的运行机理、生成逻辑与模式建构——基于生产力与生产关系辩证统一的视角 被引量:6
作者 李勇坚 张海汝 《新疆师范大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 北大核心 2025年第1期89-97,共9页
新质生产力是创新发挥主导作用,摆脱传统经济增长方式、生产力发展路径,具有高科技、高效能、高质量特征,符合新发展理念的先进生产力质态。纵观三次科技革命变革生产力的历程,新质生产力的产生和发展是生产力与生产关系相互作用的结果... 新质生产力是创新发挥主导作用,摆脱传统经济增长方式、生产力发展路径,具有高科技、高效能、高质量特征,符合新发展理念的先进生产力质态。纵观三次科技革命变革生产力的历程,新质生产力的产生和发展是生产力与生产关系相互作用的结果,具有生产力与生产关系的双重内涵和发展要求。新质生产力以新型劳动者、新型劳动资料、新型劳动对象及其组合模式和新型生产关系为架构要素与发展基础,其生成逻辑与运行机理是由技术革命性突破引发,在催生新型生产力要素、新型要素组合模式的基础上促使与新质生产力相适应的新型生产关系变革形成,新型生产关系的反作用促进新质生产力进一步生成的过程。发展新质生产力要以实施创新驱动战略、加快产业深度转型、构建要素生态系统和全面深化改革为基本模式和关键路径。亟须加快实现高水平科技自立自强,加快技术革命性创新;促进产业深度转型,构建现代化产业体系;促进生产要素创新配置,构建新质生产要素系统;全面深化改革,加快建立健全与新质生产力相适应的新型生产关系,促进新质生产力加快形成发展。 展开更多
关键词 新质生产力 新型生产关系 技术革命性突破 全面深化改革
新质生产力的理论框架、体制机制与未来图景 被引量:1
作者 周文 何雨晴 《新疆师范大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 北大核心 2025年第1期78-88,F0002,共12页
新质生产力本质上是一种先进生产力,新质生产力的理论框架是在生产力理论发展演进中形成的。古典政治经济学家对生产力理论的早期探索为马克思主义生产力理论的建立提供了有益借鉴,马克思对生产力理论的系统阐述为新质生产力的提出奠定... 新质生产力本质上是一种先进生产力,新质生产力的理论框架是在生产力理论发展演进中形成的。古典政治经济学家对生产力理论的早期探索为马克思主义生产力理论的建立提供了有益借鉴,马克思对生产力理论的系统阐述为新质生产力的提出奠定了坚实的理论基础。新质生产力是马克思主义生产力理论中国化时代化的最新成果。新质生产力的运行只有在与之相适应的新型生产关系中才能实现,必须进一步全面深化改革,形成与之相适应的新型生产关系。一是更好实现市场和政府有机结合,激发新质生产力的创新活力;二是健全完善新型举国体制,为加快培育发展新质生产力提供体制保障;三是扩大高水平对外开放,为新质生产力营造良好的国际环境。产业是新质生产力的载体,新质生产力的未来图景必然在现代化产业体系中展现。因此,要促进数实融合,推动传统产业深度转型;要引领产业变革新浪潮,持续壮大战略性新兴产业;要积极开辟发展新赛道,推动未来产业蓬勃发展。 展开更多
关键词 新质生产力 马克思主义生产力理论 全面深化改革 新型举国体制 现代化产业体系
人工智能视域下的新质生产力生成路径 被引量:5
作者 王珏 《新疆师范大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 北大核心 2025年第1期98-107,共10页
随着人类从信息时代进入数字时代,以科技创新为关键核心的新质生产力正在与人工智能形成“互嵌”。基于高深知识生产、技术元素整合以及产业技术突破,人工智能在新质生产力的劳动者层面催生智能生产力,在劳动资料层面提供高效数字化的... 随着人类从信息时代进入数字时代,以科技创新为关键核心的新质生产力正在与人工智能形成“互嵌”。基于高深知识生产、技术元素整合以及产业技术突破,人工智能在新质生产力的劳动者层面催生智能生产力,在劳动资料层面提供高效数字化的劳动工具,在劳动对象层面促发以产业生态化为特征的新型生产体系。以人工智能加快推动新质生产力发展,需要从四个方面着力:一是形成政产学研一体的人工智能人才生态;二是建立协同开放的人工智能科技创新生态;三是培育协调互嵌的人工智能产业生态;四是构建规范高效的人工智能治理制度生态。 展开更多
关键词 新质生产力 人工智能 科技创新 智能生产力
Evaluation of New Graduate Nursing Orientation Program
作者 Elizabeth Arroyo 《Open Journal of Nursing》 2024年第8期433-446,共14页
The study site is a holistic patient-centered organization that has developed a 16-week long orientation program for new graduate nurses entering the hospital setting. The purpose of the program is for new graduate nu... The study site is a holistic patient-centered organization that has developed a 16-week long orientation program for new graduate nurses entering the hospital setting. The purpose of the program is for new graduate nurses to gain the confidence, competence, and critical thinking skills for providing safe patient care. The issue occurring within the organization is that there is an increasing rise in the number of turnover rates of new graduates leaving the hospital, thus making evaluating the program a necessity to problem-solving. There has been no evaluation of the program in the past five years to reveal why the increase in the recent turnover rates. The data collected during the interview process was coded and categorized into three main sections: organizational, substantive, and theoretical. The evaluator used an organizational category to investigate for board areas or issues within the problem attempting to be solved. The evaluator concluded from the results and findings that the issue, a poor preceptor-preceptee relationship was seen by all stakeholders involved. The literature presented concludes that continuous evaluation of orientation programs is crucial for the professional and personal growth of new graduate nurses in the hospital. 展开更多
作者 赵春燕 李莉 《海南医学》 2024年第2期206-210,共5页
目的 探讨国家早期预警评分(NEWS)联合血清白蛋白对急性胰腺炎(AP)严重程度的早期评估价值。方法 回顾性选取2018年11月至2022年11月就诊于徐州医科大学附属医院的271例AP患者,按病情严重程度分为非重症急性胰腺炎组204例(N-SAP组)和重... 目的 探讨国家早期预警评分(NEWS)联合血清白蛋白对急性胰腺炎(AP)严重程度的早期评估价值。方法 回顾性选取2018年11月至2022年11月就诊于徐州医科大学附属医院的271例AP患者,按病情严重程度分为非重症急性胰腺炎组204例(N-SAP组)和重症急性胰腺炎组67例(SAP组)。比较两组患者的一般资料、生化指标及NEWS;采用多因素二元Logistic回归分析AP患者病情严重程度的影响因素;绘制受试者工作特征曲线(ROC)评估NEWS、血清白蛋白及两者联合对AP严重程度的早期评估价值。结果 SAP组患者的NEWS为9 (7,11)分,明显高于N-SAP组的2 (1,6)分,差异具有显著统计学意义(P<0.01);SAP组患者的血清白蛋白水平为(34.8±6.5) g/L,明显低于N-SAP组的(41.3±4.9) g/L,差异具有显著统计学意义(P<0.01);经多因素二元Logistic回归分析结果显示,高NEWS、低血清白蛋白是评估AP患者病情严重程度的独立危险因素(P<0.01);NEWS、血清白蛋白评估AP严重程度的灵敏度分别为92.5%、70.2%,特异度分别为70.6%、76.0%,联合评估AP严重程度的灵敏度为89.6%,特异度为78.4%;经ROC分析结果显示,NEWS、血清白蛋白及两者联合评估AP严重程度的曲线下面积(AUC)分别为0.898、0.779、0.912,两者联合评估优于NEWS或血清白蛋白的单独评估(P<0.01)。结论 NEWS及血清白蛋白均能较好评估AP严重程度,且两者联合对AP病情的早期评估价值更高。 展开更多
关键词 急性胰腺炎 国家早期预警评分 血清白蛋白 严重程度 评估价值
Contribution to the Knowledge of the Afrotropical Spilomelinae (Lepidoptera, Crambidae): A New Genus in the Tribe Nomophilini Kuznetzov & Stekolnikov 1979 Based on Morphology and DNA Barcoding
作者 Michael Seizmair 《Advances in Entomology》 2024年第3期155-169,共15页
The new genus Parathrausta gen.n. in the subfamily Spilomelinae (Lepidoptera, Crambidae) is erected based on a series of specimens collected in the Afrotropical region of Saudi Arabia. The new genus is monotypical, wi... The new genus Parathrausta gen.n. in the subfamily Spilomelinae (Lepidoptera, Crambidae) is erected based on a series of specimens collected in the Afrotropical region of Saudi Arabia. The new genus is monotypical, with Parathrausta internervalis sp.n. its type species. The adults of the type species, the male genitalia, the female genitalia and the tympanal organs are described and figured. The new genus is recognized as related by characters in the male and female genitalia with genera in the tribes Steniini Guine, 1854 and Nomophilini Kuznetzov & Stekolnikov, 1979, namely with Bradina Lederer, 1863, Perisyntrocha Meyrick, 1894, Diathrausta Lederer, 1863, Diasemiopsis Munroe, 1957, Diasemiodes Munroe, 1957 and with the genera in the Duponchelia Zeller, 1847 group comprising Duponchelia Zeller, 1847, Penestola Mschler, 1890, Tatobotys Butler, 1880 and Hymenoptychis Zeller, 1852. The character states differentiating the new genus from the comparative genera are discussed. Potential autapomorphies of the new genus are listed. The tribal assignment of the new genus to the Nomophilini Kuznetzov & Stekolnikov, 1979 based on morphological characters is discussed. The support of the tribal and cladistic assignment of the new genus as a sister clade to Diathrausta Lederer, 1863 based phylogenetic analyses (NJ, MP and ML) is shown. An unusually strong genetic divergence of the genus in the COI segment of the mt-DNA based on the Tamura-Nei distance measure from the morphologically related genera is recognized and addressed. 展开更多
关键词 PYRALOIDEA Taxonomy MORPHOLOGY COI new Genus new Species Arabian Peninsula
低空经济的内涵、特征和运行模式 被引量:2
作者 沈映春 《新疆师范大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 北大核心 2025年第1期108-117,F0002,共11页
低空经济作为低空飞行活动与产业融合的新型综合性经济形态,具有空间立体性、区域依赖性、数字生态性、产业融合性以及辐射带动性等特征。党和政府高度重视发展低空经济,将其确定为国家战略性新兴产业,各地加紧布局,发展势头良好。但具... 低空经济作为低空飞行活动与产业融合的新型综合性经济形态,具有空间立体性、区域依赖性、数字生态性、产业融合性以及辐射带动性等特征。党和政府高度重视发展低空经济,将其确定为国家战略性新兴产业,各地加紧布局,发展势头良好。但具体实践中仍存在发展低空经济的体制机制不畅、技术创新支持不足、新型基础设施不全、产业领域需不断拓展等问题。针对上述问题,文本依据螺旋理论,提出“政产学研金服用”的低空经济开放式创新生态模式。 展开更多
关键词 低空经济 新质生产力 战略性新兴产业 开放式创新生态 运行模式
New Approach to Synchronize General Relativity and Quantum Mechanics with Constant “K”-Resulting Dark Matter as a New Fundamental Force Particle
作者 Siva Prasad Kodukula 《Journal of High Energy Physics, Gravitation and Cosmology》 CAS 2024年第1期292-302,共11页
Planck scale plays a vital role in describing fundamental forces. Space time describes strength of fundamental force. In this paper, Einstein’s general relativity equation has been described in terms of contraction a... Planck scale plays a vital role in describing fundamental forces. Space time describes strength of fundamental force. In this paper, Einstein’s general relativity equation has been described in terms of contraction and expansion forces of space time. According to this, the space time with Planck diameter is a flat space time. This is the only diameter of space time that can be used as signal transformation in special relativity. This space time diameter defines the fundamental force which belongs to that space time. In quantum mechanics, this space time diameter is only the quantum of space which belongs to that particular fundamental force. Einstein’s general relativity equation and Planck parameters of quantum mechanics have been written in terms of equations containing a constant “K”, thus found a new equation for transformation of general relativity space time in to quantum space time. In this process of synchronization, there is a possibility of a new fundamental force between electromagnetic and gravitational forces with Planck length as its space time diameter. It is proposed that dark matter is that fundamental force carrying particle. By grand unification equation with space-time diameter, we found a coupling constant as per standard model “α<sub>s</sub>” for that fundamental force is 1.08 × 10<sup>-23</sup>. Its energy calculated as 113 MeV. A group of experimental scientists reported the energy of dark matter particle as 17 MeV. Thorough review may advance science further. 展开更多
关键词 General Relativity Quantum Mechanics Space Time Dark Matter A new Fundamental Constant “K”
It’s Time for New Insights into Renovascular Hypertension at the Molecular Level
作者 Ljiljana Fodor Duric 《Journal of Biosciences and Medicines》 2024年第2期180-201,共22页
At the cellular level, reduced kidney perfusion in atherosclerotic renal arthery disease (ARVD), induces hypoxia, activation of the renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system (RAAS) and cytokine activation. Impaired blood f... At the cellular level, reduced kidney perfusion in atherosclerotic renal arthery disease (ARVD), induces hypoxia, activation of the renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system (RAAS) and cytokine activation. Impaired blood flow in the kidneys creates a microenvironment triggering significant cytokine production, contributing to vascular damage and endothelial disfunction. Interactions between cytokines and endothelial, glomerular, and tubular cells often result in increased vessel permeability, and fibrosis, and contribute to the development of chronic kidney disease (CKD). Molecules such as endothelins, prostaglandins, and nitric oxide play a crucial role at the molecular level. The imbalance between vasoconstrictor and vasodilator factors contributes to vascular dysfunction. Oxidative stress and inflammatory processes at the cellular level contribute to endothelial damage and structural changes in blood vessels. Mineralocorticoid receptor antagonists (MRAs) therapy in the context of ARVD holds promise in reducing fibrosis, promoting angiogenesis and enhancing overall outcomes in patients with this pathology. Recent data also indicates the antioxidative, anti-inflammatory, and antifibrotic effects of SGLT2 inhibitors. They reduce oxidative stress caused by hypoxic conditions and enhance renal perfusion, contributing to the preservation of cellular function. Studies employing Blood Oxygen Level-Dependent (BOLD) imaging have identified adaptations to reduced blood flow, volume, and glomerular filtration rate in post-stenotic kidneys that preserve oxygenation in the medulla and cortex during medical therapy. Data from the literature indicate that despite the partial recovery of renal hypoxia and restoration of blood flow after revascularization, inflammatory cytokines and injury biomarkers remain elevated, and the glomerular filtration rate (GFR) does not recover in ARVD. Restoration of vascular patency alone has failed to reverse tubulointerstitial damage and partially explains the limited clinical benefit of renal stenting. Considering these findings, BOLD MR imaging emerges as a technique capable of providing insights into the critical juncture of irreversibility in ARVD. However, further research is needed to monitor renal hypoxia following renal artery stenting and the inflammatory response over an extended period in conjunction with optimal therapy involving MRAs and SGLT2 agonists. The aim of research at the molecular level enables the identification of potential therapeutic modalities targeting specific molecular pathways, opening the door to innovative approaches in treating renovascular hypertension. 展开更多
关键词 Renovascular Hypertension Renal Hypoxia Inflammatory Cytokines BOLD MR Imaging new Therapeutic Modalities
作者 王曙光 梁爽 《新疆师范大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 北大核心 2025年第2期30-38,F0002,共10页
培育新质生产力需要形成与之相适应的新型生产关系,深化金融体制改革,形成与科技创新相适应的科技金融体系尤为关键。当前,中国科技金融发展面临诸多挑战,存在金融资源分配不均、耐心资本短缺、金融服务创新不足等问题。要充分发挥我国... 培育新质生产力需要形成与之相适应的新型生产关系,深化金融体制改革,形成与科技创新相适应的科技金融体系尤为关键。当前,中国科技金融发展面临诸多挑战,存在金融资源分配不均、耐心资本短缺、金融服务创新不足等问题。要充分发挥我国社会主义制度优势,寻找政府引导、市场运作与科技型企业创新之间的最佳契合点,以壮大耐心资本为核心,服务初创期及中小规模科技型企业为重点,依托新型举国体制和社会主义市场经济体制,深化科技型企业的投融资体制变革。未来,要着力构建“股贷债保”联动、覆盖全生命周期、全链条、接力式的科技金融体系,为发展新质生产力提供坚实的金融支撑。 展开更多
关键词 新质生产力 科技金融 投融资体制 耐心资本 新型举国体制
Developments of Computing in Papua New Guinea in the Post-Independence Era
作者 Zhaohao Sun Xuehui Wei Francisca Pambel 《Journal of Computer and Communications》 2024年第8期141-160,共20页
This article looks at the developments of computing in Papua New Guinea (PNG) in the post-independence era. More specifically, this article examines the development of national policies on Information and Communicatio... This article looks at the developments of computing in Papua New Guinea (PNG) in the post-independence era. More specifically, this article examines the development of national policies on Information and Communications Technology (ICT), digital technologies in PNG, and the development of computing education in PNG since 1975. The research findings reveal that PNG has made solid progress in computing, ICT, national ICT policies, digital technologies, and computing education at universities in the post-independence era. The proposed approach in this article might facilitate the research and development of computing, ICT, digital technologies, and big data analytics in PNG, and beyond. 展开更多
关键词 COMPUTING Digital Technologies ICT Computing Education Papua new Guinea
作者 陈敏 王雷春 +2 位作者 徐瑞 史含笑 徐渺 《郑州大学学报(理学版)》 CAS 北大核心 2025年第2期16-23,共8页
新闻主题文本内容简短却含义丰富,传统方法通常只考虑词粒度或句粒度向量中的一种进行研究,未能充分利用新闻主题文本不同粒度向量之间的关联信息。为深入挖掘文本的词向量和句向量间的依赖关系,提出一种基于XLNet和多粒度特征对比学习... 新闻主题文本内容简短却含义丰富,传统方法通常只考虑词粒度或句粒度向量中的一种进行研究,未能充分利用新闻主题文本不同粒度向量之间的关联信息。为深入挖掘文本的词向量和句向量间的依赖关系,提出一种基于XLNet和多粒度特征对比学习的新闻主题分类方法。首先,利用XLNet对新闻主题文本进行特征提取获得文本中词、句粒度的特征表示和潜在空间关系;然后,通过对比学习R-Drop策略生成不同粒度特征的正负样本对,以一定权重对文本的词向量-词向量、词向量-句向量和句向量-句向量进行特征相似度学习,使模型深入挖掘出字符属性和语句属性之间的关联信息,提升模型的表达能力。在THUCNews、Toutiao和SHNews数据集上进行实验,实验结果表明,与基准模型相比,所提方法在准确率和F 1值上都有更好的表现,在三个数据集上的F 1值分别达到了93.88%、90.08%、87.35%,验证了方法的有效性和合理性。 展开更多
关键词 自然语言处理 文本分类 新闻主题 XLNet 对比学习
作者 张成凤 谢治国 李洁 《西北农林科技大学学报(社会科学版)》 北大核心 2025年第1期140-150,共11页
乡村振兴战略的总目标是农业农村现代化,涉农高校肩负着为国家发展战略提供人才支持的重要使命。基于563份问卷数据和30份访谈资料,运用层次分析法与Matlab软件对涉农高校大学生成长为新型职业农民影响因素进行建模并求解。结果显示,涉... 乡村振兴战略的总目标是农业农村现代化,涉农高校肩负着为国家发展战略提供人才支持的重要使命。基于563份问卷数据和30份访谈资料,运用层次分析法与Matlab软件对涉农高校大学生成长为新型职业农民影响因素进行建模并求解。结果显示,涉农高校大学生成长为新型职业农民影响因素一级指标相关性排序为:社会因素>个体因素>家庭因素>学校因素;二级指标分析结果表明,职业收入、职业发展、家庭经济状况、职业人格特征、职业兴趣、职业价值观与专业背景对涉农高校大学生成长为新型职业农民的影响较大。基于此,提出建议。一是政府和社会要营造良好的舆论,改善工作环境及生产条件,提高新型职业农民经济收入;二是涉农高校应转变教育理念,以学生“个性发展”为取向,精准培养新型职业农民;三是家庭应优化教育环境,提升对乡村振兴战略的认识,支持大学生追求自己的职业理想;四是个人要提升乡村就业认识,存储就业创业知识,提高服务乡村振兴的能力。 展开更多
关键词 涉农高校大学生 新型职业农民 影响因素 评价
Progressive Collapse Resistance of a New Staggered Story Isolated System
作者 Yutong Yang Yuancheng Mi +4 位作者 Hong Li Zhongfa Guo Dewen Liu Weiwei Sun Min Lei 《Open Journal of Applied Sciences》 2024年第3期643-659,共17页
A new staggered isolated system developed from the mid-story isolated system is the new staggered story isolated system. There are not many studies on this structure currently. In this study, an 18-story new staggered... A new staggered isolated system developed from the mid-story isolated system is the new staggered story isolated system. There are not many studies on this structure currently. In this study, an 18-story new staggered story isolated system model is established using SAP2000. The dynamic nonlinear dynamic alternate method is used to analyze the structure against progressive collapse. Results show that the structure has good resistance to progressive collapse, and there is no progressive collapse under each working condition. The progressive collapse does not occur for the case of removing only one vertical structural member of the new staggered of isolated system. The side column has big influence on this isolated structures’ progressive collapse;the removal of vertical structural member of the isolation layer has less impact on the structure than the removal of the bottom vertical structural member. After the removing of the member, the internal force of the structure will be redistributed, and the axial force of the adjacent columns will change obviously, showing a trend of “near large and far small”. 展开更多
关键词 The new Staggered Story Isolated System Alternative Load Path Method Collapse Resistance
Study on the Influence of Aspect Ratio on the Seismic Response and Overturning Resistance of a New Staggered Story Isolated Structure
作者 Tiange Zhao Dewen Liu 《World Journal of Engineering and Technology》 2024年第3期617-634,共18页
The aspect ratio of the structure has a significant impact on the overall stability of the ultra high-rise building. A large aspect ratio of the structure increases the risk of overturning and reduces the lateral stif... The aspect ratio of the structure has a significant impact on the overall stability of the ultra high-rise building. A large aspect ratio of the structure increases the risk of overturning and reduces the lateral stiffness of the structure, leading to significant tensile and compressive stresses in the isolated bearings. To study the effect of aspect ratio on the seismic response and overturning resistance of a new staggered story isolated structure, three models with different aspect ratios were established. Nonlinear time-history analysis of the three models was conducted using ETABS finite element software. The results indicate that the overturning moment and overturning resistance moment of the superstructure in the new staggered story isolated structure increase with an increasing aspect ratio. However, the increase in the overturning moment of the superstructure is much greater than the increase in the overturning resistance moment, resulting in a decrease in the overturning resistance ratio of the superstructure with an increasing aspect ratio. The overturning moment and overturning resistance moment of the substructure in the new staggered story isolated structure decrease with an increasing aspect ratio. However, the decrease in the overturning moment of the substructure is greater than the decrease in the overturning resistance moment, leading to an increase in the overturning resistance ratio of the substructure with an increasing aspect ratio. The decrease in the overturning resistance ratio of the superstructure in the new staggered story isolated structure is much greater than the increase in the overturning resistance ratio of the substructure. Therefore, as the aspect ratio of the overall structure increases, the overturning resistance ratio of the superstructure and the entire structure decreases. 展开更多
关键词 Aspect Ratio A new Staggered Story Isolated Structure Seismic Response Overturning Resistance Ratio Isolated Bearing
作者 邓蓉敬 陈宏彩 《河南社会科学》 北大核心 2025年第1期25-36,共12页
新民主主义革命时期党的自我革命遵循了“革命”的基本原理和一般规律,是价值管理、组织变革、行动再造三个因素相互作用、良性互动的结果,也是实践和制度相互转化的结果。根据这一规律,可以从新的视角出发,建立党的自我革命的阐释性分... 新民主主义革命时期党的自我革命遵循了“革命”的基本原理和一般规律,是价值管理、组织变革、行动再造三个因素相互作用、良性互动的结果,也是实践和制度相互转化的结果。根据这一规律,可以从新的视角出发,建立党的自我革命的阐释性分析框架,并运用这一框架对新民主主义革命时期党的自我革命进行梳理和反思。新民主主义革命时期党在自我革命中形成的原创性、初始性制度安排和实践经验,对深入推进党的自我革命、建设长期执政的马克思主义政党具有奠基意义和示范价值。 展开更多
关键词 党的自我革命基因 新民主主义革命 分析框架 制度建构
作者 李庚香 《河南社会科学》 北大核心 2025年第1期1-12,共12页
读懂中国,关键要读懂中国式现代化。从世界现代化历史来看,西方率先开启了以资本主义制度为基石的现代化探索,推动生产方式、生活方式等发生深刻变革,形塑了以资本逻辑、工具理性为核心的现代性特征。但与此同时,西方现代性悖论导致了... 读懂中国,关键要读懂中国式现代化。从世界现代化历史来看,西方率先开启了以资本主义制度为基石的现代化探索,推动生产方式、生活方式等发生深刻变革,形塑了以资本逻辑、工具理性为核心的现代性特征。但与此同时,西方现代性悖论导致了资源的过度消耗和环境的破坏、传统价值与现代价值的冲突、个体与共同体以及主体性与主体间性之间的张力等问题。在反思资本主义带来的现代性悖论的基础上,中国式现代化将价值理性同工具理性、历史理性、理论理性、实践理性有机统一起来,不断创造人民向往的美好生活,在实践中具体地解决促进人的全面发展、全体人民共同富裕所面临的价值难题,从而实现对资本主义现代化模式的历史性超越。中国式现代化是实现国家富强和民族复兴的唯一途径。推进中国式现代化,必须有新的现代性理论框架作为支撑,这样才能确保在现代化建设的道路上既能稳固中华文明根基,又不偏离人类文明发展的共同方向。深入探索新现代性的理论逻辑和实践逻辑,全面而多维度地解读中国式现代化,不仅具有重要的理论意义和现实意义,而且对于促进世界现代化进程和构建人类文明新形态,也具有深远的世界意义。 展开更多
关键词 中国式现代化 现代性 新现代性 人类文明新形态
Principles for Designing New Types of Housing for a Strong and Resilient Local Economy in the Republic of Congo
作者 Alain Symphorien Ndongo Destin Gemetone Etou Christian Tathy 《Open Journal of Civil Engineering》 2024年第1期82-95,共14页
The Congolese population is organised into households, which are thus headed by a chief who ensures the social well-being, development and integration into working life of the individuals in his charge. This study exa... The Congolese population is organised into households, which are thus headed by a chief who ensures the social well-being, development and integration into working life of the individuals in his charge. This study examines the functional principles of new housing design as an instrument for transforming the (current) failing economy into a strong and resilient one. Accordingly, a literature review of the practice of designing and building housing in human settlements in the Congo revealed the state of the art on this subject. An analysis of the existing housing stock from a demographic, social and economic point of view made it possible to identify the most common household sizes and numbers, as well as the lifestyle processes that determine the need for developed space. To this end, the experimental method was used to propose configuration plans for various new types of dwelling. To this end, the study highlighted the link between people’s standard of living and the effectiveness of their involvement in the local economy. To achieve the aims of the National Development Plan (NDP), particular attention must be paid to solving the housing problem. The existing housing stock actively contributes to the problems associated with unemployment and insecurity. Functional principles for the design of new types of housing have been developed. Four model types are proposed in line with the demographic structure of the population, their socio-economic characteristics and their lifestyle. 展开更多
关键词 Congolese Households new Types of Lodging Human Settlements Resilient Local Economy Households Resilient Endogenous Economy Logement CONCEPTION
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