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作者 叶奕翔 《武陵学刊》 2025年第1期103-111,共9页
“背叛”,是鲁迅小说的一种叙事策略,亦是读者进入鲁迅小说世界的渠道之一。鲁迅小说的背叛叙事主要有四种类型:其一,“农夫与蛇”类,即小说中的背叛者和被背叛者的关系,类似于蛇与农夫的关系;其二,“终于活成了自己讨厌的样子”类,即... “背叛”,是鲁迅小说的一种叙事策略,亦是读者进入鲁迅小说世界的渠道之一。鲁迅小说的背叛叙事主要有四种类型:其一,“农夫与蛇”类,即小说中的背叛者和被背叛者的关系,类似于蛇与农夫的关系;其二,“终于活成了自己讨厌的样子”类,即背叛者和被背叛者都是人物自己,背叛叙事表现为人物对自己理想的背弃;其三,“梦醒之后无路可走”类,即背叛者和被背叛者之间,同时也是启蒙者和被启蒙者的关系,启蒙者唤醒了被启蒙者之后,自己却陷入无路可走的境地;其四,其他模式。在结构上,“背叛”是动力性要素,打破了原有的平衡,推动小说叙事的前进;在主旨上,背叛叙事是鲁迅小说反思启蒙的重要方式,表达了鲁迅对“唤醒世界之难”和进化论的反思,以及对启蒙者与民众关系的思考。 展开更多
关键词 鲁迅小说 背叛叙事 结构 启蒙
作者 宋杰 《南都学坛》 2025年第1期1-12,共12页
“军师”是为君主将帅谋划作战事务的文职官员,周代尊称为“师”,两汉之际始称“军师”。汉末三国曹操的首位军师是周㬂,后来荀攸作为军师跟随他征伐中原,屡立奇功。曹操被封魏公后,设立有中军师、前军师、左右军师等,文帝以降又在中军... “军师”是为君主将帅谋划作战事务的文职官员,周代尊称为“师”,两汉之际始称“军师”。汉末三国曹操的首位军师是周㬂,后来荀攸作为军师跟随他征伐中原,屡立奇功。曹操被封魏公后,设立有中军师、前军师、左右军师等,文帝以降又在中军和边防外军都督属下置军师,参赞军务,代表朝廷监督主将。蜀汉刘备先后任命诸葛亮为军师中郎将、军师将军,有带兵的权力。诸葛亮执政后设前军师、中军师等荣誉官衔,到他死后逐渐取消。孙吴长期未设军师,曾经颁授的也只是荣誉性的附加职衔,起不到为君主参议军事的作用。吴、蜀军师的虚设与消亡,与其人才匮乏有密切关系。 展开更多
关键词 军师 祭酒 周㬂 荀攸 诸葛亮
作者 蔡秋培 宋剑华 《广州大学学报(社会科学版)》 2025年第1期119-128,共10页
关于鲁迅与传统文化的关系问题,更多的学者认为鲁迅对待传统文化呈现二重态度。然而,学界关于鲁迅对待传统文化二重态度的分析,多集中在鲁迅后期而相对忽视了对其早期阶段的剖析。其实,鲁迅在绍兴成长期间,由于其在家庭与私塾中阅读文... 关于鲁迅与传统文化的关系问题,更多的学者认为鲁迅对待传统文化呈现二重态度。然而,学界关于鲁迅对待传统文化二重态度的分析,多集中在鲁迅后期而相对忽视了对其早期阶段的剖析。其实,鲁迅在绍兴成长期间,由于其在家庭与私塾中阅读文化典籍和其他各类作品的二重体验,浸染于传统文化的周围人对鲁迅予以的不同影响以及家庭变故之后鲁迅对传统文化负面性的认知,加上绍兴民俗给予鲁迅的二元化体悟,使鲁迅在对待传统文化的态度上逐渐呈现出二重性的特点。 展开更多
关键词 鲁迅 绍兴 成长经验 传统文化二重态度
作者 范丽君 渠淑洁 王缙 《亚太传统医药》 2025年第2期181-184,共4页
《集验背疽方》为中医外科学早期的一部重要专著,其书虽仅存一卷,但却是宋代以前外科成就的重要载体。从分期论治、遣药考究、重症有法三个方面剖析《集验背疽方》的诊疗特色,并探讨其与后世外科著作的源流关系。重视药材选备、善用香... 《集验背疽方》为中医外科学早期的一部重要专著,其书虽仅存一卷,但却是宋代以前外科成就的重要载体。从分期论治、遣药考究、重症有法三个方面剖析《集验背疽方》的诊疗特色,并探讨其与后世外科著作的源流关系。重视药材选备、善用香类药物是《集验背疽方》外科用药的重要特色,同时又特别重视背疽并发呕逆与渴疾等疑难重症的诊治方法。 展开更多
关键词 《集验背疽方》 李迅 陈自明 《外科精要》 诊疗特色
作者 蒋永国 《浙江师范大学学报(社会科学版)》 2025年第1期55-65,共11页
片山智行用“现实主义”来论证鲁迅生平和创作,并通过文本细读、社会历史批评和比较文学的方法对《野草》进行“全释”,以把握鲁迅对中国社会“马马虎虎”现象的批判和鲁迅文学的总体特征。在继承和推进日本鲁迅研究传统的基础上,片山... 片山智行用“现实主义”来论证鲁迅生平和创作,并通过文本细读、社会历史批评和比较文学的方法对《野草》进行“全释”,以把握鲁迅对中国社会“马马虎虎”现象的批判和鲁迅文学的总体特征。在继承和推进日本鲁迅研究传统的基础上,片山智行纲领性地总括了鲁迅文学的“现实主义”,提出了“原鲁迅”,最终建构了日本鲁迅学史上又一“鲁迅像”。 展开更多
关键词 片山智行 “现实主义” “全释” “原鲁迅”
作者 杨伟忠 《浙江师范大学学报(社会科学版)》 2025年第1期85-94,共10页
20世纪初的文学革命同时也是一场语言革命,一面为中国文学开新启昧,一面建成现代汉语的基本形态。然而,以胡适为代表的理论家于五四时期颁发的“由文言趋于白话”的主流汉语史理论并没有充分阐明汉语的发展规律。作为新文学最具分量的... 20世纪初的文学革命同时也是一场语言革命,一面为中国文学开新启昧,一面建成现代汉语的基本形态。然而,以胡适为代表的理论家于五四时期颁发的“由文言趋于白话”的主流汉语史理论并没有充分阐明汉语的发展规律。作为新文学最具分量的创作家,鲁迅因而着手重建新的汉语史。鲁迅发现,汉字之初即与汉语分而治之,在汉字居于中心地位的话语结构中,汉语长期为汉字所遮蔽,发展十分缓慢。“由文言趋于白话”的汉语史理论本质上只是文字学视角下显现出来的幻象,真正的汉语仍有待发掘。鲁迅晚年加入新兴的大众语运动,并非被动接受。事实上,主要是由鲁迅重建的汉语史为大众语运动架设了坚固的理论基础。鲁迅分别从拉丁化、方言化和欧化等方面为大众语运动指明了发展方向,接续文学革命遗留的汉语改革任务。 展开更多
关键词 鲁迅 汉语史 文学革命 大众语 白话文学
作者 张敏 《鞋类工艺与设计》 2025年第1期33-35,共3页
黄河泥埙最初起源于新石器时代,其历史久远,文化底蕴深厚,是中国最古老的民族乐器之一。其制作原材料主要采用黄河流域的泥土,因此与黄河文化紧密相连,也是黄河文化不可分割的一部分。黄河泥埙的声音识别性强,极具特色,具有低沉悠扬的... 黄河泥埙最初起源于新石器时代,其历史久远,文化底蕴深厚,是中国最古老的民族乐器之一。其制作原材料主要采用黄河流域的泥土,因此与黄河文化紧密相连,也是黄河文化不可分割的一部分。黄河泥埙的声音识别性强,极具特色,具有低沉悠扬的特点。在古代,泥埙的演奏主要在宫廷及民间的庆典活动中,这也是其得以传承的重要的方式之一。与此同时,泥埙悠长的乐曲也展现了黄河流域人民对生活的热爱以及对大自然及生命的敬畏。在近千年的历史长河中黄河泥埙就像其悠扬的乐曲一般生生不息。 展开更多
关键词 黄河泥埙 文创产品设计 文化传播 经济发展
Zhao Xun Obituary 被引量:1
《Acta Geologica Sinica(English Edition)》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2012年第6期1315-1315,共1页
Zhao Xun, Research Fellow and Editor-in-Chief of Acta Geologica Sinica (English edition) passed away at 0:30 on November 29, 2012 alter suffering from severe illness. He was 72. Born in Daxian County, Sichuan Prov... Zhao Xun, Research Fellow and Editor-in-Chief of Acta Geologica Sinica (English edition) passed away at 0:30 on November 29, 2012 alter suffering from severe illness. He was 72. Born in Daxian County, Sichuan Province on 12 November 1940 and a graduate of Chengdu College of Geology (now the Chengdu University of Technology) in 1966, Zhao Xun further studied in Britain at Birmingham University and Cambridge University from 1983 to 1987. He held the posts, chronologically, of Deputy Chief Engineer and Deputy Director in Guangxi Bureau of Geology and Mineral Prospecting & Exploitation, Secretary- General of the Geological Society of Guangxi, Deputy Director of The Ministry of Land and Resources of People's Republic of China Science and Technology Sector, Vice-President of the Chinese Academy of Geological Sciences, Secretary-General of the Geological Society of China, Vice-Secretary-General of the 30th International Geological Conference in 1996, and executive member of the UNESCO: IUGS IGCP Science Board. He was selected as a judge and consultant of UNESCO Geoparks, as well as Vice-Chairman and Office Director of the National Geopark Judge Panel of China. Zhao Xun promoted the building and development of the National Geoparks of China and the UNESCO Network of Geoparks, started and prepared the world's first Geopark Conference in 2004, and became one of the founders for Global geoparks. He made great contributions to the cause of geoparks, and was thus internationally honored as the father of geoparks in China. 展开更多
关键词 Zhao xun Obituary
Similarities in Mark Twain and Lu Xun's Writing Styles——The Employment of Sharp Contrast
作者 靳婧 《海外英语》 2014年第17期301-302,共2页
Both Mark Twain and Lu Xun were the most well-known writers in the world literature. They were famous for biting style of writing and the way of using humor and irony,which won high praise of public. Although they liv... Both Mark Twain and Lu Xun were the most well-known writers in the world literature. They were famous for biting style of writing and the way of using humor and irony,which won high praise of public. Although they lived in different countries and even different times,they shared certain similarities. This thesis will compare the likeness in their writing styles,especially their employment of sharp contrast. As for language,they were all the leaders in literature. It seemed that their works were just for fun. Actually there was light of thoughts in them that were used to satirize,to disclose,to laugh and eventually to cure people's soul. Therefore,after reading their works,people would laugh with tears and come to examine themselves. Naturally the glorification and organization of translating Mark Twain's works may result in the similarities of writing styles between the two men of letters. 展开更多
On Lu Xun’s Responsibility Consciousness in Literary Translation
作者 Gan Lu Luo Xianfeng 《学术界》 CSSCI 北大核心 2019年第7期208-213,共6页
In literary translation,Lu Xun shouldered the mission and responsibility to his motherland,the people,education,language,literature and art.In his opinion,foreign literature and culture would bring “fire and light” ... In literary translation,Lu Xun shouldered the mission and responsibility to his motherland,the people,education,language,literature and art.In his opinion,foreign literature and culture would bring “fire and light” to current society,provide Chinese children and youngsters with valuable readings and enhance the development of Chinese literature,language and characters.In his career of literary translation,Lu Xun fulfilled his long-cherished dream of being a “Spiritual Warrior” in China. 展开更多
引进台湾蟹Xun笼捕捞技术 被引量:2
作者 游克仁 《技术开发与引进》 1995年第3期17-18,共2页
关键词 台湾 xun 海洋捕捞
Characterization of Intellectuals in Short Stories ofNam Cao (Viemam) and Lu Xun (China)
作者 Van-Dau Quach 《Journal of Literature and Art Studies》 2016年第8期895-900,共6页
Nam Cao and Lu Xun are among high-profile writers who gain wide appreciation. The movements of literary assert this over the latter half of recent century in our country. That reality persistently points us to an urge... Nam Cao and Lu Xun are among high-profile writers who gain wide appreciation. The movements of literary assert this over the latter half of recent century in our country. That reality persistently points us to an urgent need for researches on Nam Cao and Lu Xun. Tints of literary worldviews of Nam Cao and Lu Xun, though upon which numberless research works, both domestic and foreign, have provided multi-directional insights and exploration of artistic creativities, remain misevaluated. B ich Thu, the author of Nam Cao, His Life and Legacies, counted out 191 articles and books themed Nam Cao. They were edited by writers of Nam Cao's generation namely Nguyen Huy Tuong, Nguyen Dinh Thi, To Hoai and Nguyen Hong, and even distinguished scholars such as Ha Minh Duc, Phong Le and Nguyen Dang Manh, so on. Regarding Lu Xun, there is no denying the fact of his brilliant artistic ideology. Although Vietnamese readers have gained a late knowledge of him for just a half of century, his name is laid somewhere in the heart of our people, integrally and consistently. Vietnam's reader generations restlessly learn about and research on Lu Xun. A pioneering merit badge should be rewarded to the renowned literary critic Dang Thai Mai, for his introduction and translation of Lu Xun to Vietnamese readers since 1943. The most interesting coincidence of Nam Cao and Lu Xun is that their profiles are imbued with the characters in their compositions. Mentioning Lu Xun cannot help a reference to AQ, meanwhile the name ofNam Cao apparently recalls a Philistine Chi. AQ as well as Philistine Chi have become characters of the society's spiritual life and long live with the eternal brilliance of their two creators. That coincidence draws countless number of researchers. The "matching point", referring to the subject of farmers and intellectuals, between Nam Cao and Lu Xun's works has been explored to some certain extent. This elicitly invites us for deeper studies. The author of this article, in response to such invitation, delves into the subject with respect to characterization of intellectuals in Nam Cao and Lu Xun's short stories. 展开更多
Beijing Guo Xun International Consultants Co., Ltd.
《China's Foreign Trade》 1994年第5期41-41,共1页
China has become a "hot spot" of foreign investment based on sustained development of its economy and huge potential market since implementing the reform and opening policy. In order to offer quality profess... China has become a "hot spot" of foreign investment based on sustained development of its economy and huge potential market since implementing the reform and opening policy. In order to offer quality professional consultant service to foreign businessmen, the Beijing Guo Xun International Consultants Co., Ltd. was established in October 1993 by 展开更多
关键词 Beijing Guo xun International Consultants Co LTD
A Glimpse into Lu Xun and Chinese Medicine
作者 Jin Ye 龙堃(译) 《Chinese Medicine and Culture》 2018年第2期71-73,共3页
The criticism against Chinese medicine by Lu Xun at the early stage is often taken as a sharp weapon to attack Chinese medicine.However,through a horizontal and sequential analysis of the relevant material,it can be s... The criticism against Chinese medicine by Lu Xun at the early stage is often taken as a sharp weapon to attack Chinese medicine.However,through a horizontal and sequential analysis of the relevant material,it can be seen that Lu has experienced a process of learning,practicing,and objectively assessing Chinese medicine,which is closely related to the social background of the period,personal experience,and changes of thoughts. 展开更多
关键词 ASSESSMENT Chinese medicine Lu xun(鲁迅)
Study on the medication rule of Wang Xun in the treatment of dysentery based on Data Mining
作者 Wang Wan-li Zhang Meng-jing +2 位作者 Yang Shu-guang Kai Fei Wang Peng 《Journal of Hainan Medical University》 2020年第1期39-44,共6页
Objective: Based on data mining, Wang Xun's medication rule in the treatment of dysentery was discussed. Methods: the traditional Chinese medicine used in the prescriptions for dysentery in Wang Xun's "Tz... Objective: Based on data mining, Wang Xun's medication rule in the treatment of dysentery was discussed. Methods: the traditional Chinese medicine used in the prescriptions for dysentery in Wang Xun's "Tzu hang Ji Sanyuan Puji Fang" was counted, the names of the drugs were standardized, and their properties, taste, efficacy and meridian tropism were investigated respectively. The database was established with the help of Microsoft Excel 2016, SPSS statistic 24.0 and SPSS modeler 18.0 computer software, and the frequency analysis and high-frequency drug association rules were carried out Analysis, cluster analysis. Results: 44 prescriptions of Wang Xun's dysentery were sorted out and 64 traditional Chinese medicines were used, of which 22 were high-frequency drugs (drugs with frequency ≥ 5%). The top ten drugs were Cheqianzi, Danggui, liquorice, Muxiang, white peony, Fructus aurantii, areca, Poria cocos, radish and rhubarb. The correlation analysis produced "Raphanus seed→Plantago asiatica, Bitter orange→liquorice, tangerine peel→Fructus aurantii, Fructus aurantii→Cheqianzi, areca There are 15 associations of 2 kinds of drugs, such as hammer, Cheqianzi, Fructus aurantii, Muxiang, and so on. Cluster analysis shows that there are 4 cluster formulas: Angelica, Cheqianzi, Raphani, Fructus aurantii, white peony, liquorice, areca, red peony, tangerine peel, rhubarb, Fructus aurantii, Magnolia officinalis and Coptis. Conclusion: the method of data mining is to study the rule of Wang's prescription in the treatment of dysentery, so as to summarize the characteristics of Wang's prescription in the treatment of dysentery, which has guiding significance for clinical treatment of dysentery. 展开更多
A General Analysis of Lu Xun’s Short Stories
作者 GUO Yu 《Sino-US English Teaching》 2019年第8期321-328,共8页
Father of modern Chinese literature,Lu Xun,is the first writer to use the vernacular to write fiction.In his short stories,he exposes the crimes of feudalism and describes the plight of the peasants,who have been econ... Father of modern Chinese literature,Lu Xun,is the first writer to use the vernacular to write fiction.In his short stories,he exposes the crimes of feudalism and describes the plight of the peasants,who have been economically exploited and spiritually enslaved.He also depicts the fate of the intellectuals who struggle in the intense social contradictions.His fiction has laid a solid foundation for the development of modern Chinese fiction.Lu Xun has created almost all the new forms for Chinese new literature,and enjoys the most prominent status in the Chinese literary development in the 20th century.His writings reflect the great achievements of the literary reform since the May Fourth Movement. 展开更多
关键词 LU xun’s short STORIES modern Chinese LITERATURE THEME structure style ACHIEVEMENTS
Literature and Time:On Jiao Xun’s Concept of Literary Transformation
作者 TAN FEI 《Cultural and Religious Studies》 2023年第7期308-313,共6页
Jiao Xun’s concept of the succession of literary genres according to each generation’s strengths clearly establishes the interrelationship between historical time and literary genres.Jiao Xun’s idea of the transfor... Jiao Xun’s concept of the succession of literary genres according to each generation’s strengths clearly establishes the interrelationship between historical time and literary genres.Jiao Xun’s idea of the transformation of literary styles differs from the prevailing notion at that time,which advocated prioritizing poetry and prose that conveyed aspirations and ideals while considering other literary genres such as ci(a form of lyric poetry),qu(drama),and novels as inferior.Instead,Jiao Xun advocated using the“nature”and“events”of objects as criteria and awakened a more traditional“poetic teaching tradition”characterized by metaphorical expression and emotional resonance,which aligned with the concept of literature conveying aspirations and ideals.This enabled the standard of“nature”to transcend the boundaries of literary genres,establishing new criteria for the hierarchy of genres and encapsulating Jiao Xun’s intention to summon emerging literary genres that were in harmony with the“present”. 展开更多
关键词 Jiao xun literary transformation literary genres
Rectifying Names Is a Must——Xun Zi's Linguistic Ideas in Zhengming
作者 易兰 《海外英语》 2012年第2X期251-252,共2页
In China, Warring States Period was imbued with chaos of wars and the whole society was in a state of ferment. The disordered phase in ideological area, as the most direct reflection of the change, was characterized b... In China, Warring States Period was imbued with chaos of wars and the whole society was in a state of ferment. The disordered phase in ideological area, as the most direct reflection of the change, was characterized by that all the old ethical standard had been badly weaken, even failed to explain the moral facts. In terms of common people, they were confused and puzzled by the questions as "what is language?" and "what is the standard of speaking and behavior?" Some ancient scholars pinned these problems upon the reversal of "ming" (名) and "shi" (实). As a result, to rectify names and to clarify the name of ethics became a must for reconstructing the old proprieties and system. Among those scholars and thinkers, Xun Zi firstly proposed Zhengming to state the relationship between a name and the thing it represents in a systematical way. This essay only sheds light upon the reason of rectifying names: to distinguish the rank and differentiate the similarities and differences("明贵贱,辨同异")which is the must of "rectifying names". 展开更多
关键词 LINGUISTIC ideas xun Zi Zhengming "ming" (名) and "
A Comparative Study on the Two English Versions of Lu Xun's Stories
作者 周世培 《海外英语》 2015年第2期143-144,共2页
The two English versions of Lu Xun's stories, translated by Julia Lovell and the Rangs, are to be studied from the ecotranslatological perspective. A comparative study of the two English versions is made to figure... The two English versions of Lu Xun's stories, translated by Julia Lovell and the Rangs, are to be studied from the ecotranslatological perspective. A comparative study of the two English versions is made to figure out how the two translators linguistically and culturally make adaptive selections in the process of translation of Lu Xun's stories—In other words, how the eco-environment has greatly influenced the two translators' decisions to make adaptations and choices in linguistic and cultural aspects.The thesis discovers that the eco-environment has greatly influenced the process of translating Lu Xun's stories into English and eco-translatology is feasible to analyze the two translations, that both the Yangs and Lovell have offered successful translations by making adaptive selections and selective transformations. Therefore, neither of the two translations is superior or inferior to one another in different translational eco- environments. Hopefully, the thesis may enrich current researches on the Yang's and Lovell's translations and may be useful for the further study of applying eco-translatology to studies on other translators and their works. 展开更多
关键词 LU xun s STORIES Yang Xianyi Julia Lovell the eco-translatological perspective Adaptive SELECTIONS
The Idea of Edification in Jiao Xun’s Conception of Drama
作者 Tan Fei 《Cultural and Religious Studies》 2022年第8期431-437,共7页
Jiao Xun’s drama edification concept emphasizes“morality”and“emotion”at the same time,which expresses his tendency for drama conception to move closer to classics.Jiao Xun thinks that drama creation values the au... Jiao Xun’s drama edification concept emphasizes“morality”and“emotion”at the same time,which expresses his tendency for drama conception to move closer to classics.Jiao Xun thinks that drama creation values the audience’s acceptance,which also makes drama an effective testing ground for re-processing the relationship between“morality”and“emotion”in Confucianism;and Jiao Xun respects folk daily life in popular literary forms to promote moral enlightenment,which shows that drama research has become one of his practical methods of“changing customs”. 展开更多
关键词 Jiao xun Huabu drama EDIFICATION “morality”and“emotion”
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