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作者 方清明 《汉语学报》 北大核心 2024年第2期38-48,共11页
短语“这种人”高频用于负面评价,且类型丰富,经常与贬义“指人NP”、贬义属性谓语或修饰语共现。从立场表达三角理论来看,“人称+这种人”是立场表达者对特定主体或客体的负面评价。“语境吸收”“礼貌原则”和“概括机制”是“这种人... 短语“这种人”高频用于负面评价,且类型丰富,经常与贬义“指人NP”、贬义属性谓语或修饰语共现。从立场表达三角理论来看,“人称+这种人”是立场表达者对特定主体或客体的负面评价。“语境吸收”“礼貌原则”和“概括机制”是“这种人”负面评价倾向形成的主要机制。 展开更多
关键词 “这种人” 负面评价 规约化 概括
作者 王洪林 《外国语文研究》 2024年第2期51-60,共10页
文章选取外宣纪录片《美丽浙江》中英文LOGO及图文视觉符号,从多模态翻译视角切入,考察文化符号的跨媒介与跨模态符号表意行为。研究发现,英文LOGO有效融合汉字偏旁、拼音等视听语言符号及英文书写视觉符号共同构成的多模态符号整体体... 文章选取外宣纪录片《美丽浙江》中英文LOGO及图文视觉符号,从多模态翻译视角切入,考察文化符号的跨媒介与跨模态符号表意行为。研究发现,英文LOGO有效融合汉字偏旁、拼音等视听语言符号及英文书写视觉符号共同构成的多模态符号整体体现多模态意义聚集,以增强意义传播效能。此外,还发现图文视觉符号之间形成跨模态与跨媒介意义互指关系,尤其借助像似符和转喻手段完成跨媒介与跨模态符号表意。基于如上分析,文章最后对具有浙江标识的中华文化国际传播提出对策建议。 展开更多
关键词 《美丽浙江》 文化符号 多模态翻译 符际表意 国际传播
作者 温晓芳 《吉林师范大学学报(人文社会科学版)》 2024年第3期85-91,共7页
汉语是一种分析性语言,缺乏严格意义上的形态变化。语法形式和语法意义并不是一一对应的,同一种语法意义可由多种语法形式来体现。现代汉语中的“正V着”与“在V着”均可表达“进行”或者“持续”的语法意义,而二者在表达“进行—持续... 汉语是一种分析性语言,缺乏严格意义上的形态变化。语法形式和语法意义并不是一一对应的,同一种语法意义可由多种语法形式来体现。现代汉语中的“正V着”与“在V着”均可表达“进行”或者“持续”的语法意义,而二者在表达“进行—持续”的语法意义的时候,在语义、句法和语用方面均存在差异。文章以北京大学现代汉语语料库中检索到的2886条“正V着”句子和3180条“在V着”句子为对象,展开定量的统计分析,在此基础上对“正V着”与“在V着”的区别作了定性的分析。 展开更多
关键词 进行持续 时体标记 “正V着” “在V着” 对比
作者 宋可达 《浙江师范大学学报(社会科学版)》 2024年第3期42-54,共13页
有明一代,随着行省制度的成熟及诸省份省域范围的固定,在省级政区和科举制度的双重规整下,一种立足于特定地域文化认同和地域利益的省域意识开始形成。作为这种省域意识的现实反映,晚明政坛上出现了若干个以省为认同单位的地域性政治派... 有明一代,随着行省制度的成熟及诸省份省域范围的固定,在省级政区和科举制度的双重规整下,一种立足于特定地域文化认同和地域利益的省域意识开始形成。作为这种省域意识的现实反映,晚明政坛上出现了若干个以省为认同单位的地域性政治派别,浙党即为其中的典型代表。浙党兴起的基础,是浙江士大夫基于本省同乡的群体意识以及相似的文化认同和价值取向。在其发展过程中,又集中体现了浙江士大夫集团的相互帮衬、扶持及对异派的倾轧。晚明浙党的兴起与发展,折射出省域意识在明代政治生活中有着不可忽视的作用和影响。 展开更多
关键词 省域意识 省域认同 明代 党争 浙党
作者 段清钒 《汉语学习》 北大核心 2024年第3期51-61,共11页
将有“在”与无“在”的“V着”存在句视为相同的结构无法解释存在句中有无“在”造成的合法与非法。考察有无“在”“V着”的存在结构发现:(1)“LocP_(1)+VP”与“P+LocP_(2)+VP”是两个不同的句法结构,前者是口语体,后者是正式体,内... 将有“在”与无“在”的“V着”存在句视为相同的结构无法解释存在句中有无“在”造成的合法与非法。考察有无“在”“V着”的存在结构发现:(1)“LocP_(1)+VP”与“P+LocP_(2)+VP”是两个不同的句法结构,前者是口语体,后者是正式体,内含体原子不同。(2)“P+LocP_(2)+VP”的合法与否是由“三维语法”中的语体之法决定,只有“P+LocP_(2)”满足双步平衡律,结构才能合法。同时,这也是“在”后音节数较多的本质原因。 展开更多
关键词 “V着”存在句 (在)+LocP+VP 语体语法 三维语法
作者 赵燕 李良松 《浙江中医药大学学报》 CAS 2024年第6期704-712,共9页
[目的]探析明代浙江医家张景岳对朱丹溪治郁证经验的继承与发展。[方法]采用文献研究和数据挖掘法,以《朱丹溪医学全书》《景岳全书》为蓝本,构建“郁证方药数据库”,探究用药规律,并研读整理郁证相关内容,从理法方药各角度归纳比较二... [目的]探析明代浙江医家张景岳对朱丹溪治郁证经验的继承与发展。[方法]采用文献研究和数据挖掘法,以《朱丹溪医学全书》《景岳全书》为蓝本,构建“郁证方药数据库”,探究用药规律,并研读整理郁证相关内容,从理法方药各角度归纳比较二者临证经验。[结果]二者均认同气血结聚、升降失职的病机理论,然丹溪以脾胃为要,景岳以气机为关键。在临床辨证中,丹溪以病理因素为依据,将郁证分为气血湿食痰热六者;景岳吸收“六郁”理论,将郁证分为五气之郁和情志之郁。在用药上,丹溪从脾、肝、肺经入手,祛邪为要,理气为主,并辅以甘缓养阴;景岳用药,温补为主,又采丹溪之则,尤重滋阴,并以祛邪,故其用药攻补兼施,补益为主。[结论]朱丹溪与张景岳均认同致郁关键为气血怫郁。丹溪分郁证为六郁,以祛邪为要;景岳分郁证为五气之郁、情志之郁二类,攻补兼施,尤重滋阴。景岳在继承丹溪理论之外,形成了独具特色的辨证论治体系。二者的郁证诊疗经验,可为当今郁证治疗提供范本。 展开更多
关键词 郁证 张景岳 朱丹溪 理法方药 临证经验 浙派中医
作者 孙永波 《湖北工程学院学报》 2024年第4期23-27,共5页
上博简第二册《昔者君老》简4之“ ”字,当隶定为“ ”,分析为从学省声、从丂声的双声省声字,在此应读为“孝”。从字形上看,“ ”字上部与常见的“学”字上部一致,下部与古文字中某些“丂”字写法相同;从语音上看,学、丂、孝三者声韵... 上博简第二册《昔者君老》简4之“ ”字,当隶定为“ ”,分析为从学省声、从丂声的双声省声字,在此应读为“孝”。从字形上看,“ ”字上部与常见的“学”字上部一致,下部与古文字中某些“丂”字写法相同;从语音上看,学、丂、孝三者声韵地位相近,可通假;从文意上看,《昔者君老》与《内礼》为同一篇简文,内容为曾子学派讨论“孝”,读为“唯邦之大孝是敬”契合简文主旨;从辞例上看,虽然“大孝”、“大务”二者文献中均常见,但简文相关的“悲思”、“哀思”、“孝敬”等辞例文献中常见,而“务敬”则不辞。从各方面考虑,此字学者一般认为读为“务”字,很可能是不对的。 展开更多
关键词 上博简 《昔者君老》 《内礼》
作者 武建雄 《浙江海洋大学学报(人文科学版)》 2024年第3期23-29,共7页
苏轼一生三次仕宦两浙,知杭州期间频繁上书宋廷,奏请赈灾恤患、修缮官舍、减免赋税等事。在两浙治理策略上,苏轼采取了轻税薄赋以宽减民力、浚湖开河以恤吏便民、纠贪刺恶以礼刑平等的措施,表现出勤政务实的政治品格。苏轼两浙治策体现... 苏轼一生三次仕宦两浙,知杭州期间频繁上书宋廷,奏请赈灾恤患、修缮官舍、减免赋税等事。在两浙治理策略上,苏轼采取了轻税薄赋以宽减民力、浚湖开河以恤吏便民、纠贪刺恶以礼刑平等的措施,表现出勤政务实的政治品格。苏轼两浙治策体现出民本、均平与豫立的治政理念。其勤政爱民的儒家人格与治政业绩,赢得两浙士民高度赞誉。 展开更多
关键词 苏轼 两浙 奏议 治政策略 理念
作者 孙雅平 《石家庄学院学报》 CAS 2024年第2期90-97,共8页
中古汉语条件句结果标记类型丰富,常见的七个结果标记“乃、即、必、辄、便、当、皆”在条件句中句法功能和语义特征表达有很大差异,由此说明结果标记对条件句之间同样存在着互动关系。结果标记的粘合功能强弱与条件句小句融合程度成正... 中古汉语条件句结果标记类型丰富,常见的七个结果标记“乃、即、必、辄、便、当、皆”在条件句中句法功能和语义特征表达有很大差异,由此说明结果标记对条件句之间同样存在着互动关系。结果标记的粘合功能强弱与条件句小句融合程度成正相关,并形成“[皆>便>辄]>[当/必/即/乃]”的粘合功能连续统。结果标记主观性强弱与条件句小句连接的语义层次分布密切相关,七个结果标记所在条件句主要分布在主观性较低的情状层和态度层,并形成一个主观性连续统“必、当>乃>皆、便>辄、即”。 展开更多
关键词 条件句 结果标记 “乃、即、必、辄、便、当、皆” 粘合功能 小句连接的五个层次
作者 易均 《绵阳师范学院学报》 2024年第1期147-156,共10页
苏辙的《诗集传》是《诗经》学史上由汉学向宋学转变过程中的关键性著作。此书上承欧阳修《诗本义》,下启朱熹《诗集传》,具有非常重要的地位。尤其是它从整体上“腰斩”《诗序》的做法,更是对《诗经》的研究开辟了新途径。因此,此书也... 苏辙的《诗集传》是《诗经》学史上由汉学向宋学转变过程中的关键性著作。此书上承欧阳修《诗本义》,下启朱熹《诗集传》,具有非常重要的地位。尤其是它从整体上“腰斩”《诗序》的做法,更是对《诗经》的研究开辟了新途径。因此,此书也被后世学者频繁称引。但在具体的称引过程中,学者对苏辙此书的称谓却各凭己意,互有出入,以致有十几种之多。更有甚者,例如朱熹、王应麟等学者称引苏辙此书时,就曾因名实不副,犯下张冠李戴,难证其引的错误。这样繁乱的现象已造成学术上的严重困扰,并且仍继续影响着现今学界的研究。但学界对于这一现象却并未引起重视,偶有一二学者讨论到这个问题,却也含糊不清。厘清前人对苏辙《诗集传》的误称并探析其初名具有重要意义。 展开更多
关键词 苏辙 《诗集传》 “三苏”经学
作者 沙莎 《四川工商学院学术新视野》 2024年第1期13-17,共5页
北宋文人好交游,因各自志向、理想或是政治倾向组成了不同的文人集团。苏辙为北宋官员,“唐宋八大家”之一,性格深沉,感情细腻。王巩出身官宦世家,性格洒脱,潇洒恣意。二人因较高的道德水平、相似的仕途经历、相同的兴趣爱好等因素交游... 北宋文人好交游,因各自志向、理想或是政治倾向组成了不同的文人集团。苏辙为北宋官员,“唐宋八大家”之一,性格深沉,感情细腻。王巩出身官宦世家,性格洒脱,潇洒恣意。二人因较高的道德水平、相似的仕途经历、相同的兴趣爱好等因素交游长达数十年。二人互相扶持,彼此成就,是古代知识分子君子之交的典范。本文以苏辙诗文为例,探讨二人友谊的发端及发展过程并简要总结二人交谊密切的成因。 展开更多
关键词 苏辙 王巩 交谊 诗文
Upwelling and anthropogenic forcing on phytoplankton productivity and community structure changes in the Zhejiang coastal area over the last 100 years 被引量:6
作者 DUAN Shanshan XING Lei +3 位作者 ZHANG Hailong FENG Xuwen YANG Haili ZHAO Meixun 《Acta Oceanologica Sinica》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2014年第10期1-9,共9页
Phytoplankton productivity and community structure in marginal seas have been altered significantly during the past three decades, but it is still a challenge to distinguish the forcing mechanisms between climate chan... Phytoplankton productivity and community structure in marginal seas have been altered significantly during the past three decades, but it is still a challenge to distinguish the forcing mechanisms between climate change and anthropogenic activities. High time-resolution biomarker records of two 210Pb-dated sediment cores(#34: 28.5°N, 122.272°E; CJ12-1269: 28.861 9°N, 122.515 3°E) from the Min-Zhe coastal mud area were compared to reveal changes of phytoplankton productivity and community structure over the past 100 years. Phytoplankton productivity started to increase gradually from the 1970 s and increased rapidly after the late 1990 s at Site #34; and it started to increase gradually from the middle 1960 s and increased rapidly after the late 1980 s at Site CJ12-1269. Productivity of Core CJ12-1269 was higher than that of Core #34. Phytoplankton community structure variations displayed opposite patterns in the two cores. The decreasing D/B(dinosterol/brassicasterol) ratio of Core #34 since the 1960 s revealed increased diatom contribution to total productivity. In contrast, the increasing D/B ratio of Core CJ12-1269 since the 1950 s indicated increased dinoflagellate contribution to total productivity. Both the productivity increase and the increased dinoflagellate contribution in Core CJ12-1269 since the 1950–1960s were mainly caused by anthropogenic activities, as the location was closer to the Changjiang River Estuary with higher nutrient concentration and decreasing Si/N ratios. However, increased diatom contribution in Core #34 is proposed to be caused by increased coastal upwelling, with higher nutrient concentration and higher Si/N ratios. 展开更多
关键词 biomarkers phytoplankton community structure Min-zhe coastal mud area Changjiang Diluted Water UPWELLING
Deformation Stages and Ar-Ar Age Data of the Wan-Zhe-Gan Tectonic Zone,Southeast China,and Their Tectonic Significance 被引量:10
作者 YU Xinqi WANG De'en +3 位作者 JIANG Dazhi JIANG Laili ZHOU Xiang LI Chunlin 《Acta Geologica Sinica(English Edition)》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2011年第6期1373-1389,共17页
The major tectonic zone that passes through the border regions of the Anhui, Zhejiang, and Jiangxi Provinces in southeast China has been commonly referred to as the Wan-Zhe-Gan fault zone. Geologically, this zone cons... The major tectonic zone that passes through the border regions of the Anhui, Zhejiang, and Jiangxi Provinces in southeast China has been commonly referred to as the Wan-Zhe-Gan fault zone. Geologically, this zone consists of several regional fault belts of various ages and orientations. We have categorized the faults into four age groups based on field investigations. The Neoproterozoic faults are northeast striking. They start from the northeast Jiangxi Province and extend northeastward to Fuchuan in Anhui Province, the same location of the northeast Jiangxi-Fuchuan ophiolite belt. The faults probably acted during the Neoproterozoic as a boundary fault zone of a plate or a block suture with melange along the faults. The nearly east-west- or east-northeast-striking faults are of Silurian ages (40Ar/39Ar age 429 Ma). This group includes the Qimen-Shexian fault and the Jiangwang-Jiekou ductile shear belt. They represent a major tectonic boundary in the basement because the two sides of the fault have clear dissimilarities. The third group of faults is north-northeast striking, having formed since the early-middle Triassic with 40Ar/39Ar ages of 230-254 Ma. They form a fault belt starting from Yiyang in northern Jiangxi and connect with the Wucheng as well as the Ningguo-Jixi faults. This fault belt is a key fault-magmatic belt controlling the formation of Jurassic-Cretaceous red basins, ore distribution, magmatic activity, and mineralization. When it reactivated during the late Cretaceous, the belt behaved as a series of reverse faults from southeast to northwest and composed the fourth fault group. Therefore, classifying the Wan-Zhe-Gan fault zone into four fault groups will help in the analysis of the tectonic evolution of the eastern segment of the Jiangnan orogen since the Neoproterozoic era. 展开更多
关键词 The Wan-zhe-Gan fault zone changes of orientations different evolution stages 40Ar/39Ar geochronology the border region of zhejiang Jiangxi and Anhui Provinces
Rates and fluxes of centennial-scale carbon storage in the fine-grained sediments from the central South Yellow Sea and Min-Zhe belt, East China Sea 被引量:2
作者 王江海 肖曦 +4 位作者 周芊至 徐小明 张晨曦 刘金钟 袁东亮 《Journal of Oceanology and Limnology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2018年第1期139-152,共14页
The global carbon cycle has played a key role in mitigating global warming and climate change.Long-term natural and anthropogenic processes influence the composition,sources,burial rates,and fluxes of carbon in sedime... The global carbon cycle has played a key role in mitigating global warming and climate change.Long-term natural and anthropogenic processes influence the composition,sources,burial rates,and fluxes of carbon in sediments on the continental shelf of China.In this study,the rates,fluxes,and amounts of carbon storage at the centennial scale were estimated and demonstrated using the case study of three fine-grained sediment cores from the central South Yellow Sea area(SYSA) and Min-Zhe belt(MZB),East China Sea.Based on the high-resolution temporal sequences of total carbon(TC)and total organic carbon(TOC)contents,we reconstructed the annual variations of historical marine carbon storage,and explored the influence of terrestrial and marine sources on carbon burial at the centennial scale.The estimated TC storage over 100 years was 1.18×10~8 t in the SYSA and 1.45×10~9 t in the MZB.The corrected TOC storage fluxes at the centennial scale ranged from 17 to 28 t/(km^2·a)in the SYSA and from 56 to 148 t/(km^2·a)in the MZB.The decrease of terrestrial materials and the increase of marine primary production suggest that the TOC buried in the sediments in the SYSA and MZB was mainly derived from the marine autogenetic source.In the MZB,two depletion events occurred in TC and TOC storage from 1985 to 1987 and 2003 to 2006,which were coeval with the water impoundment in the Gezhouba and Three Gorges dams,respectively.The high-resolution records of the carbon storage rates and fluxes in the SYSA and MZB reflect the synchronous responses to human activities and provide an important reference for assessing the carbon sequestration capacity of the marginal seas of China. 展开更多
关键词 centennial-scale carbon storage sediment Min-zhe belt South Yellow Sea area East China Sea
The difference analysis of physical-mechanical properties of sediments in the central South Yellow Sea and Zhe-Min coastal area in China 被引量:1
作者 XU Yuanqin LI Ping +4 位作者 LI Peiying DU Jun LIU Lejun GAO Wei LIU Jie 《Acta Oceanologica Sinica》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2017年第7期77-85,共9页
The difference analysis of physical-mechanical properties of muddy sediments is made in the central South Yellow Sea and the Zhe-Min(Zhejiang Province to Fujian Province of China) coastal area. The results show that... The difference analysis of physical-mechanical properties of muddy sediments is made in the central South Yellow Sea and the Zhe-Min(Zhejiang Province to Fujian Province of China) coastal area. The results show that sediments in the two regions are both dominated by mud. There are perfect negative power function correlations between the water content and the density, the compression coefficient and the compression modulus; a good positive power function correlation between the liquid limit and the plastic limit, a perfect positive linear correlation between the water content and the void ratio, and a perfect polynomial function correlation between the miniature vane shear strength and the pocket penetration resistance. In general, compared with sediments in the Zhe-Min coastal area, sediments in the central South Yellow Sea possess high water content, high void ratio,low density, high plasticity, high compressibility, low shear strength. The causes of the differences between physical-mechanical properties of sediments are analyzed from the topographic features, material sources,hydrodynamic conditions, deposition rate, and material composition. Compared with the Zhe-Min coastal area,the central South Yellow Sea is far from the Mainland and low-lying; has poor hydrodynamic condition; the materials diffused to the area are less and dominated by fine clay, have the high content of smectite and organic matters. These factors lead to sediments of the central South Yellow Sea has the higher water content, the higher plasticity, the lower density, and the lower strength than sediments in the Zhe-Min coastal area. 展开更多
关键词 sediment zhe-Min coastal area central South Yellow Sea physical-mechanical properties difference analysis
The Industrial Capital of the Chinese Traditional Culture - A Case Study of Li Yu's Zhe School
作者 Song Xiaoli 《学术界》 CSSCI 北大核心 2015年第7期264-268,共5页
It is the crucial for the development of cultural industry to transform cultural resources into cultural industry for which cultural creativity serves only as means,while cultural resources play the essential role.As ... It is the crucial for the development of cultural industry to transform cultural resources into cultural industry for which cultural creativity serves only as means,while cultural resources play the essential role.As a result,exploring the Chinese traditional culture can promote the development of China' s cultural industry.Li Yu,the inheritor of the Zhe School integrates the spirit of the Zhe School into poetic drama and novels further realizing the social value of the Confucianism and historiography.Comparing Li Yu with Lu Xun and Shao Yifu,we can see the capital value of the cultural industry of the Zhe School.And the well-known "Li Yu phenomenon" also provides a new horizon for researching upon the Chang' an School,the Hui School as well as the Zhe School today. 展开更多
关键词 中国传统文化 产业资本 文化产业 文化资源 社会价值 资本价值 地平线 学校
Impact Assessment of Diesel Oil on the Zhe Oyster (Crassostrea plicatula) Using RAPD Analysis
作者 Anglv Shen Chunyan Ma Liu Shao 《Journal of Life Sciences》 2013年第2期97-104,共8页
关键词 RAPD分析 柴油污染 褶牡蛎 随机扩增多态性DNA 影响评估 检测程序 DNA多态性 水生生物
The Functions of the Durative Aspect Markers "Zai" and "-Zhe"
作者 李红兵 《海外英语》 2012年第5X期7-8,共2页
Previous literature shows that scholars differ considerably on what zai and-zhe indicate.By making use of an oral speech corpus,we analyzed and tested the data with regard to the functions of "zai" and "... Previous literature shows that scholars differ considerably on what zai and-zhe indicate.By making use of an oral speech corpus,we analyzed and tested the data with regard to the functions of "zai" and "-zhe" and found that zai indicates the action is in progress,and it is narrative,while-zhe expresses the ongoing state of an action and is descriptive;-zhe can be used after the first verb in a serial verbal con struction to indicate the accompanying action,while zai does not have this function;in complex sentences,the zai clause is temporal in na ture while-zhe clause is treated as a manner adverbial. 展开更多
关键词 FUNCTIONS durative ASPECT MARKERS zai -zhe
汉语时体标记“了”“着”的语义演变方向 被引量:1
作者 梁银峰 《南京师范大学文学院学报》 2023年第2期12-21,共10页
汉语时体标记“了”“着”的语义演变方向问题至今尚未得到完全解决。关于时体标记“了”的语义演变方向,主要涉及“完毕”义动词“了”、完成体标记“了1”和完成体标记“了2”三者之间的关系以及完成体标记“了1”和完成体标记“了2... 汉语时体标记“了”“着”的语义演变方向问题至今尚未得到完全解决。关于时体标记“了”的语义演变方向,主要涉及“完毕”义动词“了”、完成体标记“了1”和完成体标记“了2”三者之间的关系以及完成体标记“了1”和完成体标记“了2”是否会进一步发展为完整体标记;关于时体标记“着”的语义演变方向,主要涉及“附着、放置”义动词“着”和表持续的“着”、表进行的“着”三者之间的关系,尤其是后两者之间是否存在演变关系。汉语史的事实表明,“完毕”义动词“了”虚化为完成体标记“了1”以后进而发展为完整体标记,“完毕”义动词“了”虚化为完成体标记“了2”,但汉语中尚无充足的证据表明完成体标记“了2”可以进一步发展为完整体标记。“附着、放置”义的动词“著”同时虚化为持续体标记“着”和进行体标记“着”,但没有充足的证据表明后两者之间存在演变关系。 展开更多
关键词 完成体标记 完整体标记 持续体标记 进行体标记
作者 徐馥琼 林华勇 《汉语学报》 北大核心 2023年第3期95-104,共10页
粤东饶平方言的“着”具有多功能性,可以做表示多种意义的动词、情态动词和情态助词,并进一步虚化为补语标记、兼表完成和主观大量的标记,语音上以读本调为标记。连读变调模式的改变与“着”语义或功能的转变存在对应关系,不单表现在共... 粤东饶平方言的“着”具有多功能性,可以做表示多种意义的动词、情态动词和情态助词,并进一步虚化为补语标记、兼表完成和主观大量的标记,语音上以读本调为标记。连读变调模式的改变与“着”语义或功能的转变存在对应关系,不单表现在共时平面的语义分化上,还表现在语义和功能的历时演变过程中。将饶平方言跟其他闽南方言进行比较,可发现粤东跟闽台的闽南方言之间的“着”存在差异,粤东闽方言内部不同方言之间的差异也不可忽视。方言的差异性,为重构多功能词的演化路径提供了可能性。 展开更多
关键词 饶平方言 “着” 多功能性 模式 连读变调
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