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作者 李晶 王妍玮 《安徽农业科学》 CAS 2024年第1期236-240,244,共6页
介绍了一种基于.NET平台的番茄果园视觉特征管理系统,旨在提高番茄果实的检测和识别效率,促进农业生产的智能化发展。随着信息技术的发展与普及,越来越多的农业生产活动开始向数字化、智能化的方向转变。同时,随着人口增长和城市化进程... 介绍了一种基于.NET平台的番茄果园视觉特征管理系统,旨在提高番茄果实的检测和识别效率,促进农业生产的智能化发展。随着信息技术的发展与普及,越来越多的农业生产活动开始向数字化、智能化的方向转变。同时,随着人口增长和城市化进程的加速,人们对蔬菜和水果的需求越来越大,对水果品质的要求也越来越高。而作为现代农业中重要的经济作物之一,番茄的种植和管理对于果农们来说至关重要。为了提高番茄种植的生产效率和品质,帮助果农实现对番茄种植全过程的管理。以位于辽宁省大连市旅顺口区某番茄果园为例,对系统框架的搭建,包括系统的数据结果和框架,同时对传感器数据和图像数据进行处理和数据分析,实现对果园内番茄的生长状态和品质的实时监测和管理,提高番茄果园的生产效率和品质,增加果农的生产效益和经济效益。 展开更多
关键词 .net平台 番茄果园 管理系统 分类识别
作者 崔庆雄 《江西电力职业技术学院学报》 CAS 2024年第2期14-16,共3页
由分解网络、增强网络和图像重建构建而成的改进Retinex-Net神经网络模型,在电力系统网络入侵检测过程中,将图片从RGB空间域中转换至HSV空间域,利用V分量对其进行处理,之后在分解、强化、降噪的操作下,从RGB中输出增强后的图片,将其作... 由分解网络、增强网络和图像重建构建而成的改进Retinex-Net神经网络模型,在电力系统网络入侵检测过程中,将图片从RGB空间域中转换至HSV空间域,利用V分量对其进行处理,之后在分解、强化、降噪的操作下,从RGB中输出增强后的图片,将其作为实现电力设备状态感知的重要条件,为后续的电力系统网络入侵检测奠定坚实的基础。以改进Retinex-Net为基础进行电力系统网络入侵检测方法研究,旨在通过利用Retinex-Net端到端的可训练低亮度图像,达到增强网络的目的,提高电力系统网络的故障检测能力,从而形成高效的电力系统网络入侵检测方法。 展开更多
关键词 改进Retinex-net 电力系统 网络入侵检测
作者 徐懿 《黎明职业大学学报》 2024年第1期81-88,共8页
针对教师教学创新团队建设和管理过程中存在的问题,研究并设计了采用.NET技术的教师教学创新团队管理系统,系统包含项目申报模块、项目建设模块、建设成效模块、绩效管理模块、总体评价模块五大模块。该系统实现了教师教学创新团队精细... 针对教师教学创新团队建设和管理过程中存在的问题,研究并设计了采用.NET技术的教师教学创新团队管理系统,系统包含项目申报模块、项目建设模块、建设成效模块、绩效管理模块、总体评价模块五大模块。该系统实现了教师教学创新团队精细化管理和信息共享,提升了教师教学创团队的建设管理成效,对于高职院校教育教学项目精细管理系统的设计与实现具有借鉴和指导意义。 展开更多
关键词 教师教学创新团队 .net技术 管理系统 高职院校
作者 杨志才 《智能建筑与智慧城市》 2024年第8期41-43,共3页
针对广西村庄规划编制成果数据人工检查效率低、缺乏自动化质量检查的问题,文章提出基于.Net Framework开发架构,研发广西壮族自治区村庄规划编制成果质检系统,实现广西村庄规划编制成果数据自动化检查。研究表明,该系统可以提高数据库... 针对广西村庄规划编制成果数据人工检查效率低、缺乏自动化质量检查的问题,文章提出基于.Net Framework开发架构,研发广西壮族自治区村庄规划编制成果质检系统,实现广西村庄规划编制成果数据自动化检查。研究表明,该系统可以提高数据库质检工作的效率和准确性,确保数据能够顺利调入自治区级数据库,有效保证数据成果的完整性、准确性、规范性。 展开更多
关键词 村庄规划 .net 质检系统 OGR技术 自动化检查
作者 杨慧洁 《信息与电脑》 2024年第1期1-3,共3页
高校竞赛管理系统是高校教育教学工作中的重要信息化工具,主要用于组织、监督和评估各类校内校外竞赛。系统通常包括复杂的数据处理、多用户协作和严格的安全性要求。.NET平台因其跨语言互操作性、高效的内存管理、稳健的安全机制等优... 高校竞赛管理系统是高校教育教学工作中的重要信息化工具,主要用于组织、监督和评估各类校内校外竞赛。系统通常包括复杂的数据处理、多用户协作和严格的安全性要求。.NET平台因其跨语言互操作性、高效的内存管理、稳健的安全机制等优势在构建平台性应用程序时展现出极大价值。基于此,文章将分析基于.NET平台的高校竞赛管理系统需求,将其划分为竞赛管理、服务需求和用户权限需求,设计竞赛管理系统的系统架构,实现平台功能、竞赛开启功能、竞赛报名功能、成绩查询功能,旨在为构建高效、稳定且安全的竞赛管理平台提供实践参考。 展开更多
关键词 .net 平台设计 高校 竞赛管理 系统设计
作者 骆文亮 陈伟 《信息技术》 2010年第1期85-86,107,共3页
针对在.NET平台下对COM组件进行交互编程时,遇到调用函数返回值的类型是System._ComObject而无法得到其真正类型的问题,以.NET框架与COM接口之间的通讯机制为出发点,研究和总结了System._ComObject产生的原因,最后给出了解决办法和应用... 针对在.NET平台下对COM组件进行交互编程时,遇到调用函数返回值的类型是System._ComObject而无法得到其真正类型的问题,以.NET框架与COM接口之间的通讯机制为出发点,研究和总结了System._ComObject产生的原因,最后给出了解决办法和应用实例。 展开更多
关键词 .net框架 组件对象模型 运行时可调用包装 COM对象类型
基于U-Net网络的柱面透镜视觉定位策略 被引量:3
作者 陈逢军 吕继阳 +1 位作者 胡天 梁小生 《中国机械工程》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2023年第5期505-514,共10页
针对柱面透镜定位在摆盘工艺过程中产品良率低、生产作业时间长的问题,研究了一种基于U-Net网络的柱面透镜视觉定位策略。该策略结合柱面透镜摆盘工艺及特点,开发了柱面透镜视觉摆盘系统。将Blob分析和模板匹配作为前期视觉定位方法,通... 针对柱面透镜定位在摆盘工艺过程中产品良率低、生产作业时间长的问题,研究了一种基于U-Net网络的柱面透镜视觉定位策略。该策略结合柱面透镜摆盘工艺及特点,开发了柱面透镜视觉摆盘系统。将Blob分析和模板匹配作为前期视觉定位方法,通过高精度匹配获取工件点位信息以生成分割图对采集的原图进行标注,选取损失值最优的学习率对U-Net网络进行模型训练,以实现实际工件的分割定位。经过U-Net网络与高精度模板匹配针对不同型号的工件定位对比发现,相较于高精度模板匹配,U-Net网络可实现亚像素级别的定位误差。实践应用结果表明,该柱面透镜视觉摆盘系统视觉定位精度高,具有较强的产品适应能力,产品偏心合格率可达96%以上,满足工业摆盘任务要求。 展开更多
关键词 U-net网络 柱面透镜 视觉定位 摆盘系统
Modeling and simulations of orbital capture with space tether-net system 被引量:2
作者 翟光 仇越 +1 位作者 梁斌 李成 《Journal of Harbin Institute of Technology(New Series)》 EI CAS 2009年第2期172-178,共7页
A new flexible tether-net space robotic system used to capture space debris is presented in this paper. With a mass point assumption, a dynamic model of the tether-net system was established in orbital frame by applyi... A new flexible tether-net space robotic system used to capture space debris is presented in this paper. With a mass point assumption, a dynamic model of the tether-net system was established in orbital frame by applying Lagrange Equations. In order to investigate the net in-plane trajectories after being cast, the non-controlled R-bar and V-bar captures were simulated with ignoring the out-of-plane libration, and the effect of in-plane libration on the trajectories of the capture net was demonstrated by simulation results. With an effort to damp the in-plane libration, the control scheme based on tether tension was investigated, then an integrated control scheme was proposed by introducing thrusters into the system, and the nonlinear close-loop dynamics was linearised by feedforward strategy. Simulation results show that the feedforward controller is effective for in-plane libration damping and enables the capture net to track an expected trajectory. 展开更多
关键词 机器人系统 轨道捕获 空间碎片 仿真结果 绳网 LAGRANGE方程 前馈控制器 建模
作者 Huang Shengguo L Bin Zhong Liang Civil Aviation College, NUAA29 Yudao Street, Nanjing 210016, P.R.China 《Transactions of Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics》 EI 1996年第1期21-25,共5页
关键词 空中交通管制 建模 PETRI网 系统建模
Optimal deadlock avoidance Petri net supervisors for automated manufacturing systems 被引量:7
作者 Keyi XING Feng TIAN Xiaojun YANG 《控制理论与应用(英文版)》 EI 2007年第2期152-158,共7页
Deadlock avoidance problems are investigated for automated manufacturing systems with flexible routings. Based on the Petri net models of the systems, this paper proposes, for the first time, the concept of perfect ma... Deadlock avoidance problems are investigated for automated manufacturing systems with flexible routings. Based on the Petri net models of the systems, this paper proposes, for the first time, the concept of perfect maximal resourcetransition circuits and their saturated states. The concept facilitates the development of system liveness characterization and deadlock avoidance Petri net supervisors. Deadlock is characterized as some perfect maximal resource-transition circuits reaching their saturated states. For a large class of manufacturing systems, which do not contain center resources, the optimal deadlock avoidance Petri net supervisors are presented. For a general manufacturing system, a method is proposed for reducing the system Petri net model so that the reduced model does not contain center resources and, hence, has optimal deadlock avoidance Petri net supervisor. The controlled reduced Petri net model can then be used as the liveness supervisor of the system. 展开更多
关键词 Manufacturing system Petri net Deadlock avoidance SUPERVISOR
作者 JiangZhibin HeJunming 《Chinese Journal of Mechanical Engineering》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2003年第3期272-276,284,共6页
Object-oriented Petri nets (OPNs) is extended into stochastic object-oriented Petri nets (SOPNs) by associating the OPN of an object with stochastic transitions and introducing stochastic places. The stochastic transi... Object-oriented Petri nets (OPNs) is extended into stochastic object-oriented Petri nets (SOPNs) by associating the OPN of an object with stochastic transitions and introducing stochastic places. The stochastic transition of the SOPNs of a production resources can be used to model its reliability, while the SOPN of a production resource can describe its performance with reliability considered. The SOPN model of a case production system is built to illustrate the relationship between the system's performances and the failures of individual production resources. 展开更多
关键词 Stochastic object-oriented Petri nets Modeling Reliability Manufacturing system
Modeling and Analysis of Logistics System Based on Stochastic Petri Net under Supply Chain Circumstances 被引量:2
作者 孙亮 王光臣 孙建镇 《Journal of Southwest Jiaotong University(English Edition)》 2009年第3期253-258,共6页
In order to describe the impacts of adjustment ability of logistics system on the profit and cost of logistics system, we constructed a model of logistics system based on stochastic Petri net ( SPN), and proposed a ... In order to describe the impacts of adjustment ability of logistics system on the profit and cost of logistics system, we constructed a model of logistics system based on stochastic Petri net ( SPN), and proposed a theorem for the adjustment ability of logistics system under supply chain circumstances on condition that the payoff of supply chain is a steadily increasing process. Then we put forward that a sequence of MGF ( moment generating function ) of out-of-goods risk process for logistics system is a martingale. The model we proposed can overcome shortcomings of the previous ones that can not describe the characteristics of the adjustment ability of logistics system. The results of simulation experiments are consistent with theoretical analysis. 展开更多
关键词 Logistics engineering Logistics system Stochastic Petri net
A Method for Modeling the Virtual Instrument Automatic Test System Based on the Petri Net 被引量:1
作者 马敏 陈光 《Journal of Electronic Science and Technology of China》 2005年第2期157-160,共4页
Virtual instrument is playing the important role in automatic test system. This paper introduces a composition of a virtual instrument automatic test system and takes the VXIbus based a test software platform which is... Virtual instrument is playing the important role in automatic test system. This paper introduces a composition of a virtual instrument automatic test system and takes the VXIbus based a test software platform which is developed by CAT lab of the UESTC as an example. Then a method to model this system based on Petri net is proposed. Through this method, we can analyze the test task scheduling to prevent the deadlock or resources conflict. At last, this paper analyzes the feasibility of this method. 展开更多
关键词 virtual instrument automatic test system VXIBUS Petri net model system
Hybrid Petri Nets for Modeling and Analysis of Microgrid Systems 被引量:2
作者 Xiaoyu Lu MengChu Zhou +1 位作者 Ahmed Chiheb Ammari Jingchu Ji 《IEEE/CAA Journal of Automatica Sinica》 SCIE EI 2016年第4期349-356,共8页
Hybrid Petri nets(HPNs) are widely used to describe and analyze various industrial hybrid systems that have both discrete-event and continuous discrete-time behaviors. Recently,many researchers attempt to utilize them... Hybrid Petri nets(HPNs) are widely used to describe and analyze various industrial hybrid systems that have both discrete-event and continuous discrete-time behaviors. Recently,many researchers attempt to utilize them to characterize power and energy systems. This work proposes to adopt an HPN to model and analyze a microgrid that consists of green energy sources. A reachability graph for such a model is generated and used to analyze the system properties. 展开更多
关键词 Hybrid Petri nets(HPNs) MICROGRID reachability graph system simulation
Study on Guidance Law of UAV Net Recovery System
作者 张怡 赵少松 +1 位作者 王永生 张玉琢 《Defence Technology(防务技术)》 SCIE EI CAS 2007年第1期64-67,共4页
The design and realization of a net recovery system is introduced, which can recover UAV (unmanned aerial vehicle) reliably and safely. The mathematical model is built, and the horizontal and vertical guidance law is ... The design and realization of a net recovery system is introduced, which can recover UAV (unmanned aerial vehicle) reliably and safely. The mathematical model is built, and the horizontal and vertical guidance law is studied based on the aerodynamic parameters and actual flying trial data of a certain UAV. The simulation result shows that this system can realize the recovery safely, stably and accurately. 展开更多
关键词 无人飞行器 立网回收系统 制导律 模拟 气动力学
Petri net model for diagnosis of permanent faults of a hydraulic system
作者 张博 窦丽华 +1 位作者 马韬 李鹏 《Journal of Beijing Institute of Technology》 EI CAS 2011年第2期227-232,共6页
Petri net model is applied to diagnose the permanent fault of hydraulic system within the framework of interpreted Petri net. The permanent fault is described as redundant structure of the model. A definition and a th... Petri net model is applied to diagnose the permanent fault of hydraulic system within the framework of interpreted Petri net. The permanent fault is described as redundant structure of the model. A definition and a theorem are proposed to determine the diagnosability of the hydraulic system. The relations bwtween the diagnosability and other structure properties are also discussed. An example of actual hydraulic system is presented and its permanent fault can be diagnosed by the proposed method efficiently. 展开更多
关键词 fault diagnosis Petri nets hydraulic system DIAGNOSABILITY
Liveness Problem of Petri Nets Supervisory Control Theory for Discrete Event Systems 被引量:1
作者 Hong-YeSU Wei-MinWU JianCHU 《自动化学报》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2005年第1期143-150,共8页
A quite great progress of the supervisory control theory for discrete event systems (DES)has been made in the past nearly twenty years, and now, automata, formal language and Petri nets become the main research tools.... A quite great progress of the supervisory control theory for discrete event systems (DES)has been made in the past nearly twenty years, and now, automata, formal language and Petri nets become the main research tools. This paper focus on the Petri nets based supervisory control theory of DES. Firstly, we review the research results in this field, and claim that there generally exists a problem in Petri nets based supervisory control theory of DES, that is, the deadlock caused by the controller introduced to enforce the given specification occurs in the closed-loop systems, especially the deadlock occurs in the closed-loop system in which the original plant is live. Finally, a possible research direction is presented for the solution of this problem. 展开更多
关键词 PETRI网 监视控制 离散事件系统 回响度
Application of the Constrained Predicated Nets and Interval Logic to Production Systems
作者 徐林 吴智铭 曹木亮 《Journal of Systems Engineering and Electronics》 SCIE EI CSCD 2003年第2期74-81,共8页
A method to model and analyze the hybrid systems is presented. The time to be considered in the plant is taken as an explicit parameter through the constrained predicated net (CPN). The CPN's basic structure is a ... A method to model and analyze the hybrid systems is presented. The time to be considered in the plant is taken as an explicit parameter through the constrained predicated net (CPN). The CPN's basic structure is a Petri net with predicated transition. All components of the net are expressed by annotation which is defined on rational set Q. The analysis method for the plant is interval temporal logic represented by Petri nets. This paper combines the above two methods to synthesize the hybrid system, gives a simple and clear expression of the expected action of the studied plant. 展开更多
关键词 Temporal constrained predicated nets Temporal logic Hybrid systems Petri nets.
Research on the Hybrid Energy Storage based Photovoltaic Piconets and the Isolated Net Running Comprehensive Control System in the Campus Environment
作者 Xuejin Chen Dongyang Hu Huijing Cao Zhen Sha Sichen Xiong 《International Journal of Technology Management》 2015年第9期74-76,共3页
关键词 综合控制系统 孤网运行 储能系统 校园环境 微网 混合 光伏 电力系统控制
A Study on Reliability of Manufacturing System Based on Petri Net
作者 蒋昌俊 《High Technology Letters》 EI CAS 1995年第2期25-30,共6页
Petri net has been used in system modeling and analyzing in many practical systems, but the system reliability has never been considered before, that is, system modeling and analysis were done based on supposing that ... Petri net has been used in system modeling and analyzing in many practical systems, but the system reliability has never been considered before, that is, system modeling and analysis were done based on supposing that there were no faults and no need to repair in system resources (equipment). Actually, a practical system is often at fault and needs repairs, so Petri net model does not really represent the action of the system to a certain extent. In this paper, theory of reliability is introduced to Petri net, Petri net model of repairable system is built, and the analysis method of system model is given. The importance is illustrated by imitating a product system. 展开更多
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