为研究声脉冲辐射力超声技术(acoustic radiation force impulse,ARFI)无创定量评价肝纤维化的应用价值。应用ARFI技术定量检测158例部分乙肝患者和志愿者的肝实质剪切波速度,同时所有的慢性乙肝患者均在ARFI检查后随访穿刺活检病理学...为研究声脉冲辐射力超声技术(acoustic radiation force impulse,ARFI)无创定量评价肝纤维化的应用价值。应用ARFI技术定量检测158例部分乙肝患者和志愿者的肝实质剪切波速度,同时所有的慢性乙肝患者均在ARFI检查后随访穿刺活检病理学检查结果。结果显示,研究显示S0与S1期的弹性参数没有明显的差异,但对于评价S2级以上程度的肝纤维化,ARFI技术均有较高的准确性,特别是对S4期肝纤维化,ROC曲线下面积达0.942,且超声弹性成像评分与肝纤维化病理学分期之间呈正相关(r=0.875,P=0.000)。由此可知,应用ARFI技术检测各期慢性乙肝肝纤维化横向剪切波速的佳截断值可能成为诊断肝纤维化各分期的重要依据。展开更多
目的制备一种具有磁共振显像功能的Fe3O4纳米粒子,通过声脉冲辐射成像(acoustic radiation force impulse,ARFI)辐照脂质微泡(microbubbles,MBs),探讨ARFI辐照微泡对Fe3O4纳米粒子在肿瘤组织分布的影响。方法采用高温水热法制备Fe3O...目的制备一种具有磁共振显像功能的Fe3O4纳米粒子,通过声脉冲辐射成像(acoustic radiation force impulse,ARFI)辐照脂质微泡(microbubbles,MBs),探讨ARFI辐照微泡对Fe3O4纳米粒子在肿瘤组织分布的影响。方法采用高温水热法制备Fe3O4纳米粒子,检测其形态、大小、分布等,观察其体外磁共振显像效果。选取60只SD雌性大鼠,体质量为170~200 g,制备Walker256皮下移植瘤模型,分为6组(n=10):单纯ARFI辐照组、单纯MBs组、ARFI辐照MBs组、单纯Fe3O4纳米粒子组、ARFI辐照Fe3O4纳米粒子组、ARFI辐照MBs和Fe3O4纳米粒子组。微泡0.2 m L及5 mg/kg Fe3O4纳米粒子经大鼠尾静脉推注,ARFI辐照条件为探头间隔5 s辐照肿瘤部位,累计辐照5 min。将处理后的SD大鼠肿瘤部位行MRI扫描观察肿瘤组织信号变化;处死SD大鼠,取组织标本行病理学分析。结果制备的Fe3O4纳米粒子形态规则,粒径分布均匀,具有磁共振显像功能。SD大鼠肿瘤组织普鲁士蓝染色结果为单纯Fe3O4纳米粒子组、ARFI辐照Fe3O4纳米粒子组、ARFI辐照MBs和Fe3O4纳米粒子组均可见点状蓝染颗粒。其中ARFI辐照MBs和Fe3O4纳米粒子组蓝染颗粒计数明显多于其余2组(P〈0.05)。SD大鼠肿瘤部位磁共振成像结果为单纯Fe3O4纳米粒子组、ARFI辐照Fe3O4纳米粒子组、ARFI辐照MBs和Fe3O4纳米粒子组经相应处理后T2*WI均可见肿瘤内部低信号部分增加。结论 ARFI辐照MBs能够有效地提高Fe3O4纳米粒子在SD大鼠皮下移植瘤组织的分布,增强Fe3O4纳米粒子在活体肿瘤内的靶向递送效果。展开更多
This study aimed to evaluate the diagnostic value of measuring the shear wave velocities (Vs) of thyroid nodules in diagnosis of the thyroid carcinoma. Using Virtual Touch Tissue Quantification (VTTQ) of acoustic radi...This study aimed to evaluate the diagnostic value of measuring the shear wave velocities (Vs) of thyroid nodules in diagnosis of the thyroid carcinoma. Using Virtual Touch Tissue Quantification (VTTQ) of acoustic radiation force impulse (ARFI) elastography (ACUSON S2000®, Siemens Medical Solutions, Mountain View, CA, USA), we measured the Vs of thyroid nodules in 39 nodules from 34 patients (four males and 30 females) before surgery. Elasticity itself was also estimated by VTTI (Virtual Touch Tissue Imaging) using ARFI. The average Vs of normal thyroid tissue was 2.24 ± 0.68 m/s. Twenty-three out of 39 nodules showed an average 2.52 ± 1.33 m/s. However, 16 other nodules showed “X.XX m/s”. These 16 nodules showed either “black” or “honeycomb” patterns of elasticity in VTTI. This value suggested that the Vs of these nodules were too fast or heterogenous to measure by this device. After the surgery, the pathologies of these nodules were revealed to be papillary carcinoma (21 cases), adenomatous goiter (11), follicular carcinoma (4), follicular adenoma (2) and follicular lymphoma (1). Five papillary carcinomas were found within adenomatous goiters. Nodules from four follicular carcinomas showed average Vs of 1.92 ± 0.48 m/s, while two follicular adenomas and follicular lymphoma showed 2.19 ± 0.06 and 2.34 m/s respectively. Nodules of adenomatous goiter showed 2.14 ± 0.60 m/s. On the other hand, nodules from five out of 21 papillary carcinomas showed average Vs of 4.00 ± 2.37 m/s. In the nodules of 16 papillary carcinomas, Vs were measured as “X.XX m/s” and this value was only observed in nodules of papillary carcinoma. These data reflected high and/or heterogenous elasticity of papillary carcinoma, in other words, the tissue of papillary carcinoma was hard and/or heterogenous. It was notable that the Vs value of “X.XX m/s” strongly suggested papillary carcinoma.展开更多
目的探讨声脉冲辐射力成像技术(acoustic radiation force impulse imaging,ARFI)、血清铁、铁蛋白及肝纤维化四项指标(Ⅲ型前胶原、Ⅳ型胶原、层黏蛋白、透明质酸)在诊断肝纤维化及肝硬化中的相关性。方法在2013年6-10月期间,选取20例...目的探讨声脉冲辐射力成像技术(acoustic radiation force impulse imaging,ARFI)、血清铁、铁蛋白及肝纤维化四项指标(Ⅲ型前胶原、Ⅳ型胶原、层黏蛋白、透明质酸)在诊断肝纤维化及肝硬化中的相关性。方法在2013年6-10月期间,选取20例正常者作为对照组和53例肝纤维化、肝硬化作为观察组。所有研究对象均进行上述7项指标的检测,比较对照组和观察组组间测量指标的差异;将观察组ARFI测量值与血清铁、铁蛋白、肝纤维化四项指标进行相关性分析。结果观察组的ARFI、血清铁、铁蛋白、Ⅲ型前胶原、Ⅳ型胶原、层黏蛋白和透明质酸的测值均高于对照组(P均<0.01);观察组的ARFI分别与透明质酸(r=0.48,P<0.01)、层黏蛋白(r=0.44,P<0.01)、Ⅳ型胶原(r=0.41,P<0.01)和血清铁(r=0.33,P<0.05)均存在正相关;但与Ⅲ型前胶原(r=0.07,P>0.05)和铁蛋白(r=0.12,P>0.05)不存在相关性。结论 ARFI技术可无创反映肝组织的弹性硬度,且与透明质酸、层黏蛋白、Ⅳ型胶原、血清铁相关性良好,对肝纤维化及肝硬化的诊断具有一定临床价值。展开更多
目的:探讨声脉冲辐射力弹性成像技术(acoustic radiation force impulse,ARFI)对乳腺良恶性结节鉴别诊断的临床应用价值。方法:选取2015年1月至2017年12月在我院诊治,对有明确病理诊断结果的185例乳腺结节患者(199个病灶)的临床诊断资...目的:探讨声脉冲辐射力弹性成像技术(acoustic radiation force impulse,ARFI)对乳腺良恶性结节鉴别诊断的临床应用价值。方法:选取2015年1月至2017年12月在我院诊治,对有明确病理诊断结果的185例乳腺结节患者(199个病灶)的临床诊断资料进行回顾性分析。分别应用VTI、VTQ技术对乳腺结节进行诊断,对比分析诊断结果。结果:VTQ鉴别诊断乳腺良恶性结节正确162个,误诊37个,诊断准确率81%;绘制ROC曲线分析得出AUC为0.86,良、恶性结节最佳截断值为4.6 m/s,此时诊断敏感度82%,特异度84%。VTI诊断乳腺结节正确149个,误诊50个,诊断准确率75%;进行ROC曲线分析,AUC为0.76,以VTI分级≥Ⅳ级作为乳腺良恶性结节的鉴别诊断点,其敏感度78%,特异度74%。结论:声脉冲辐射力弹性成像技术为乳腺良、恶性结节的鉴别诊断提供了一种新的诊断方法,具有很高的临床应用价值。展开更多
文摘为研究声脉冲辐射力超声技术(acoustic radiation force impulse,ARFI)无创定量评价肝纤维化的应用价值。应用ARFI技术定量检测158例部分乙肝患者和志愿者的肝实质剪切波速度,同时所有的慢性乙肝患者均在ARFI检查后随访穿刺活检病理学检查结果。结果显示,研究显示S0与S1期的弹性参数没有明显的差异,但对于评价S2级以上程度的肝纤维化,ARFI技术均有较高的准确性,特别是对S4期肝纤维化,ROC曲线下面积达0.942,且超声弹性成像评分与肝纤维化病理学分期之间呈正相关(r=0.875,P=0.000)。由此可知,应用ARFI技术检测各期慢性乙肝肝纤维化横向剪切波速的佳截断值可能成为诊断肝纤维化各分期的重要依据。
文摘This study aimed to evaluate the diagnostic value of measuring the shear wave velocities (Vs) of thyroid nodules in diagnosis of the thyroid carcinoma. Using Virtual Touch Tissue Quantification (VTTQ) of acoustic radiation force impulse (ARFI) elastography (ACUSON S2000®, Siemens Medical Solutions, Mountain View, CA, USA), we measured the Vs of thyroid nodules in 39 nodules from 34 patients (four males and 30 females) before surgery. Elasticity itself was also estimated by VTTI (Virtual Touch Tissue Imaging) using ARFI. The average Vs of normal thyroid tissue was 2.24 ± 0.68 m/s. Twenty-three out of 39 nodules showed an average 2.52 ± 1.33 m/s. However, 16 other nodules showed “X.XX m/s”. These 16 nodules showed either “black” or “honeycomb” patterns of elasticity in VTTI. This value suggested that the Vs of these nodules were too fast or heterogenous to measure by this device. After the surgery, the pathologies of these nodules were revealed to be papillary carcinoma (21 cases), adenomatous goiter (11), follicular carcinoma (4), follicular adenoma (2) and follicular lymphoma (1). Five papillary carcinomas were found within adenomatous goiters. Nodules from four follicular carcinomas showed average Vs of 1.92 ± 0.48 m/s, while two follicular adenomas and follicular lymphoma showed 2.19 ± 0.06 and 2.34 m/s respectively. Nodules of adenomatous goiter showed 2.14 ± 0.60 m/s. On the other hand, nodules from five out of 21 papillary carcinomas showed average Vs of 4.00 ± 2.37 m/s. In the nodules of 16 papillary carcinomas, Vs were measured as “X.XX m/s” and this value was only observed in nodules of papillary carcinoma. These data reflected high and/or heterogenous elasticity of papillary carcinoma, in other words, the tissue of papillary carcinoma was hard and/or heterogenous. It was notable that the Vs value of “X.XX m/s” strongly suggested papillary carcinoma.
文摘目的:探讨声脉冲辐射力弹性成像技术(acoustic radiation force impulse,ARFI)对乳腺良恶性结节鉴别诊断的临床应用价值。方法:选取2015年1月至2017年12月在我院诊治,对有明确病理诊断结果的185例乳腺结节患者(199个病灶)的临床诊断资料进行回顾性分析。分别应用VTI、VTQ技术对乳腺结节进行诊断,对比分析诊断结果。结果:VTQ鉴别诊断乳腺良恶性结节正确162个,误诊37个,诊断准确率81%;绘制ROC曲线分析得出AUC为0.86,良、恶性结节最佳截断值为4.6 m/s,此时诊断敏感度82%,特异度84%。VTI诊断乳腺结节正确149个,误诊50个,诊断准确率75%;进行ROC曲线分析,AUC为0.76,以VTI分级≥Ⅳ级作为乳腺良恶性结节的鉴别诊断点,其敏感度78%,特异度74%。结论:声脉冲辐射力弹性成像技术为乳腺良、恶性结节的鉴别诊断提供了一种新的诊断方法,具有很高的临床应用价值。