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The Philosophy of He(和):Examined from the Perspectives of Technology and Culture
作者 HUA Jueming 《Chinese Annals of History of Science and Technology》 2024年第1期1-34,共34页
Pre-modern Chinese crafts,such as iron smelting,cookery,medicine,and the production of vehicles,bows,and arrows indicate the traditional Chinese view of technology as being organic,holistic,and comprehensive.This view... Pre-modern Chinese crafts,such as iron smelting,cookery,medicine,and the production of vehicles,bows,and arrows indicate the traditional Chinese view of technology as being organic,holistic,and comprehensive.This view of technology is guided by the concept of he(和)and employs the means and methods of he,thus achieving the purport of he.In Chinese,the character he(和)possesses positive connotations.It originated from the meaning of"to season;to add flavoring to"(调和)and that of flavors being"perfectly harmonious"(和美).From this sensory experience,he gradually extended to the abstract levels of materiality,humanity,sociality,"order"(wei位),and "power,situation,force"(shi势).Finally,he was elevated to the supreme level of"qi of great harmony"(taihe zhi qi太和之气),which is comparable to the concept of dao(道).The philosophy of he has exerted wide impact on such areas as technology,art,national character,cultural psychology,and behavior patterns,and has become an integral part of China's inherent culture.The paradoxes and deviations of he hold their own profound philosophical implications that merit further exploration.As humanity confronts significant challenges,such as how we can coexist with others,with technology,and with nature,the ancient Eastern wisdom embodied in he continues to possess practical characteristics and value. 展开更多
关键词 philosophy of he(和) TECHNOLOGY CULTURE
Chinese Culture,Classical Philosophy,and the Cultivation of Life
作者 PU Jingxin Zhang Xiaotian 《Cultural and Religious Studies》 2024年第6期395-400,共6页
This paper explores the intricate relationship between Chinese culture and the nation’s rise,emphasizing the indispensable role of cultural education in fostering a robust national spirit and civilization.Drawing fro... This paper explores the intricate relationship between Chinese culture and the nation’s rise,emphasizing the indispensable role of cultural education in fostering a robust national spirit and civilization.Drawing from classical Chinese texts and contemporary philosophical insights,the study examines how cultural virtues and educational practices can lead to societal harmony,national rejuvenation,and global contributions.The analysis highlights the enduring relevance of Confucian principles and their potential to address modern challenges,advocating for a renewed focus on cultural education to achieve a prosperous and peaceful world.Additionally,it underscores the necessity of integrating traditional values with modern educational practices to create a holistic approach that fosters ethical leadership and global cooperation. 展开更多
关键词 classical philosophy cultural education Confucian principles national rejuvenation societal harmony
“Systematic Rival”From the Perspective of Philosophy of Property System
作者 CHANG Qing 《Journalism and Mass Communication》 2024年第5期267-278,共12页
At present,the world is undergoing accelerating changes unseen in a century.With the United States regarding China as a strategic competitor,China-EU relations have become the core of national and global governance.Fo... At present,the world is undergoing accelerating changes unseen in a century.With the United States regarding China as a strategic competitor,China-EU relations have become the core of national and global governance.For this reason,we use the basic theory and tools of Philosophy of Property System to clarify the EU’s characterization of China and accordingly propose the method of judgment and the principle of response.From this,we can get three basic cognitions of“systematic rivalry”,namely mutual exclusion of common cognition(Model A),mutual exclusion and cooperation of personality cognition(Model B),and cooperation of historical cognition(Model C).In order to steadily grasp the nature of“systematic rival”and make it operable,three basic cognitive models(AB,AC,BC,ABC,etc.)are combined,and a comprehensive judgment(ABC+model)is made to adapt to the supranational sovereignty characteristics of the EU.It is believed that the nature of“systematic rivalry”in the“trinity”refers to the main aspects of competition between China and Europe.Therefore,there are three principles for the Philosophy of Property System of“systematic rival”:first,maintain the situation of competition and cooperation;second,there is no fixed mode of competition and cooperation;and third,temporary confrontation and complementarity will lead to new competition and cooperation. 展开更多
关键词 systemic rival national governance global governance philosophy of property system
ASSURE理念下思政教育走进大学英语翻转课堂 被引量:1
作者 韩智玲 《湖北开放职业学院学报》 2024年第3期123-125,共3页
随着课程思政走进大学英语课堂,英语教师要改变传统的教学模式,在ASSURE教学理念的指导下,以山东科技职业学院思政版PPT为研究对象,从分析学习者、陈述教学目标、选择教学方法、媒体和材料、使用媒体和材料、要求学习者参与、评价和修... 随着课程思政走进大学英语课堂,英语教师要改变传统的教学模式,在ASSURE教学理念的指导下,以山东科技职业学院思政版PPT为研究对象,从分析学习者、陈述教学目标、选择教学方法、媒体和材料、使用媒体和材料、要求学习者参与、评价和修正等六个方面分析其思政素材对于大学英语课程思政的意义。探讨了大学英语课程思政的不足之处,以便更好地在该理念的指导下让课程思政走进翻转课堂。 展开更多
关键词 AssURE教学理念 翻转课堂 课程思政
作者 彭琦 杨超辉 +2 位作者 刘锋 林乙龙 高南 《应用化学》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2024年第8期1202-1211,共10页
STSE是科学(Science)、技术(Technology)、社会(Society)和环境(Environment)的英文缩写,强调科学、技术、社会和生态环境之间的关联性和相互作用。高职化学教学应重视STSE内容主题的选择与组织,紧密联系生产生活实际,让学生能综合运用... STSE是科学(Science)、技术(Technology)、社会(Society)和环境(Environment)的英文缩写,强调科学、技术、社会和生态环境之间的关联性和相互作用。高职化学教学应重视STSE内容主题的选择与组织,紧密联系生产生活实际,让学生能综合运用所学知识解释STSE相关问题。基于此,本文采用文献资料、内容分析和问卷调查等研究方法,以A高职院校一、二、三年级学生和化学教师为研究对象,对STSE教育理念在高职院校化学教学中的应用现状和问题进行调查分析,并提出积极创设有效的STSE教学情境和选择适当的STSE题材进行科学探究的教学策略,以期为教师在化学课堂中渗透STSE教育理念提供指导和借鉴。 展开更多
关键词 高职化学 sTsE教育理念 教学策略
作者 胡丽芳 吕毅 骞爱荣 《教育教学论坛》 2024年第31期69-72,共4页
“细胞工程”是生物技术、生物工程等生物专业的核心基础课程之一。面向新工科建设背景下对人才培养的新要求,基于STEAM教育理念,结合“细胞工程”课程特点,坚持立德树人根本任务,以学生为中心,面向生物医药产业的发展需求,对课程的教... “细胞工程”是生物技术、生物工程等生物专业的核心基础课程之一。面向新工科建设背景下对人才培养的新要求,基于STEAM教育理念,结合“细胞工程”课程特点,坚持立德树人根本任务,以学生为中心,面向生物医药产业的发展需求,对课程的教学目标、教学设计、教学体系、教学理念、教学方法、教学考核评价等进行改革,旨在激发学生的求知欲,培养学生多学科交叉融合理念,使学生善于从多学科角度思考问题、提出问题、分析问题和解决问题,提高学生创新思维,提高课程教学效果。 展开更多
关键词 sTEAM教育理念 细胞工程 教学改革
作者 连凡 《北京社会科学》 CSSCI 北大核心 2024年第2期44-54,共11页
冯友兰在美国留学期间(1920-1923)使用并阐发了西方创造的“Neo-Confucian(ism)”概念,回国后(1924-1926)首次将其翻译为中文“新儒家(学)”概念。其后由于建构宋明儒学史的需要,加上“新儒学”概念意义的不确定性,1932年底以后,冯友兰... 冯友兰在美国留学期间(1920-1923)使用并阐发了西方创造的“Neo-Confucian(ism)”概念,回国后(1924-1926)首次将其翻译为中文“新儒家(学)”概念。其后由于建构宋明儒学史的需要,加上“新儒学”概念意义的不确定性,1932年底以后,冯友兰在其中论著中转而使用包括程朱理学与陆王心学在内的传统“道学”概念来指称宋明新儒学。但李石岑(1926)、谢扶雅(1928)、陈寅恪(1934)等人都在冯友兰的影响下使用了这一概念。20世纪40年代以后,“新儒家(学)”概念又被用来指称现当代等其他时代的新儒家(学),标志着这一概念在当时国内学术界通行起来。20世纪50年代前后,卜德翻译冯友兰的《中国哲学简史》《中国哲学史》等论著的流行,又促进了“Neo-Confucian(ism)”概念的普及。在“Neo-Confucian(ism)”概念的传播及阐发过程中,继承宋明新儒学并倡导返本开新的海内外现代新儒家(以冯友兰、狄百瑞为代表)起到了关键作用。 展开更多
关键词 宋明新儒家 道学 冯友兰 《中国哲学史》
作者 杨琳 徐开泰 盛继丹 《对外经贸》 2024年第9期107-110,共4页
突出学生中心地位,以培养高阶能力为核心目标,将STEAM教育理念植入本土化课堂教学,并运用5E教学模式,通过分组讨论和实践探究相结合的方法,引导学生运用所学知识解决实际问题,不仅有助于实现知识的迁移应用,更能培养学生的创新精神、合... 突出学生中心地位,以培养高阶能力为核心目标,将STEAM教育理念植入本土化课堂教学,并运用5E教学模式,通过分组讨论和实践探究相结合的方法,引导学生运用所学知识解决实际问题,不仅有助于实现知识的迁移应用,更能培养学生的创新精神、合作能力和实践能力。在课程实施过程中,教师充分发挥主导作用,结合线上教学资源,将课堂延伸至更广阔的领域,充分调动学生学习的主动性和参与度。同时,注重将思政元素融入课堂教学,使学生在学习知识的同时,真正实现全面发展。 展开更多
关键词 sTEAM教育理念 汽车保险课程 5E教学模式 思政元素
从ChatGPT到Sora:生成逻辑、哲学本质及世界图景 被引量:12
作者 黄欣荣 《新疆师范大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2024年第6期72-80,共9页
ChatGPT和Sora的出现是人工智能发展史上的两件轰动性事件,共同展现了基于大模型的生成式、通用性人工智能的强大功能。ChatGPT和Sora在生成逻辑、哲学本质及世界图景上既有共性和继承,又有突破和创新。从生成逻辑看,二者从演绎推理式... ChatGPT和Sora的出现是人工智能发展史上的两件轰动性事件,共同展现了基于大模型的生成式、通用性人工智能的强大功能。ChatGPT和Sora在生成逻辑、哲学本质及世界图景上既有共性和继承,又有突破和创新。从生成逻辑看,二者从演绎推理式转向学习生成式,均基于大模型的学习生成,是生成式人工智能的杰出代表,ChatGPT主要生成静态文本和图像,Sora能够生成复杂的动态视频。从哲学本质看,二者均涉及学习、理解、意识和思维等哲学本质问题,ChatGPT主要是因果、语义、语境的理解和生成,Sora能够理解时间和空间等复杂关系并生成动态时空视频。从世界图景看,二者都可能带来创新创造的广阔未来,ChatGPT主要生成静态的语义世界,Sora则带来更加复杂的元宇宙世界,甚至能够重演创世造物的动态过程。 展开更多
关键词 sORA ChatGPT 生成式人工智能 生成逻辑 哲学本质 世界图景
Muslim Confucian Philosophy:Islamic-Confucian Dialogue and the Integration of Civilizations
作者 Alimtohte Shiho 《Cultural and Religious Studies》 2023年第4期155-158,共4页
At the end of the Ming Dynasty and at the beginning of the Qing Dynasty,a new theory of learning was created-Muslim Confucian Study(Chinese Islamic Philosophy)-on the basis of Islamic philosophy and under the influenc... At the end of the Ming Dynasty and at the beginning of the Qing Dynasty,a new theory of learning was created-Muslim Confucian Study(Chinese Islamic Philosophy)-on the basis of Islamic philosophy and under the influence of Confucianism.Wang Daiyu(1570-1660)and Liu Zhi(1660-1739)were two great Huiru(Muslim Confucian)scholars at that time.They published Zhengjiao zhenquan(The real commentary on the tire teaching),Tianfang xingli(Nature and principle in Islam)major books.Their approach is distinguished from that of other Muslim scholars in that they addressed the basic articles of Islamic thought with Confucian terminology and categories.The study deals with the Islamic worldview,and with the practices that make it possible for people to bring themselves into conformity with that worldview.However,the teaching of the Muslim Confucian was continuous with those of Mainstream Islam.In my research,I attempted to answer two questions:(a)How did Muslim Confucian Study Inherit the Mainstream Islamic Thought?(b)What is the value and contribution of the World Islamic philology and civilization? 展开更多
关键词 Muslim Confucian Islamic philosophy CONFUCIANIsM DIALOGUE INTEGRATION
Reflections on the Three Controversies in Economic Methodology by Virtue of the Philosophy of Science
作者 Shaozhong Cui 《Economics World》 2023年第1期20-30,共11页
The philosophical foundation of the mainstream neoclassical economics is empirical philosophy.The controversies of economic methodology over inductive and deductive methods,over verificationistic and falsificationisti... The philosophical foundation of the mainstream neoclassical economics is empirical philosophy.The controversies of economic methodology over inductive and deductive methods,over verificationistic and falsificationistic approaches,and over positive and normative analyses in the evolution of economics are associated with those in the philosophy of science.The evolution of philosophy of science suggests that the above-mentioned pairs of economic methodologies should be appropriately combined when used in economics.It is not sensible to overemphasize either one inside each pair of economic methodologies. 展开更多
关键词 philosophy of science economic methodology INDUCTION DEDUCTION verification FALsIFICATION positive analysis normative analysis
On the Possible Structures of Electron and Proton
作者 Wei-Xing Xu 《Journal of High Energy Physics, Gravitation and Cosmology》 CAS 2024年第4期1734-1742,共9页
In this work, the possible structures of electron and proton have been explored. Based on the potential expressions of electron and proton, we found that the electron and proton share the similar structure inside re a... In this work, the possible structures of electron and proton have been explored. Based on the potential expressions of electron and proton, we found that the electron and proton share the similar structure inside re and rn. And within re and rn, the conventional charge concept stops working, the same charge repelling force doesn’t exist anymore and as a result, the requirement of charge conservation is automatically removed. Whereas beyond re and rn, the potential expressions of electron and proton obey the point charge potentials as we normally understand. Therefore, the conventional charge concept can be applied and the requirement of charge conservation takes effect. Furthermore, a possible mechanism for the creations of electric monopole and magnetic monopole is discussed. In addition, to compare the particle size in micro-world, the balloon criterion is proposed. By this balloon criterion, the proton is determined about 10 times bigger than electron. From the physical picture about electron and proton described above, the stabilities of electron and proton can be explained quite well. 展开更多
关键词 Electromagnetic spacetime Quantum Mechanics ELECTRON PROTON standard Model Particle Physics “Yin-Yang” philosophy Electric Monopole Magnetic Monopole Charge Conservation
Neutral Territory:Cultural Space in Hawthorne’s Travel Writing
作者 LI Fan PENG Shi-yu 《Cultural and Religious Studies》 2024年第7期428-433,共6页
The emphasis on the combination of physical space and metaphorical space is a major feature of Hawthorne’s narrative.This paper analyzes cultural space in Hawthorne’s travel writing,centering on his works The Old Ma... The emphasis on the combination of physical space and metaphorical space is a major feature of Hawthorne’s narrative.This paper analyzes cultural space in Hawthorne’s travel writing,centering on his works The Old Manse and The Marble Faun from the perspective of neutral territory.The old manse and Rome carry different cultural metaphors,each reflecting a complex and subtle narrative space.Individually,Hawthorne transforms the old manse into Thoreauesque cabin,where American is affected by“sleepiness”and gains spiritual healing.At the national level,Hawthorne creates an allegorical Italy as borderland to explore the existence of American civilization. 展开更多
关键词 Nathaniel Hawthorne neutral philosophy cultural space travel writing
The Enlightenment of Tai Chi Philosophical World View on Human Peace
作者 ZHANG Lihua 《International Relations and Diplomacy》 2024年第3期91-97,共7页
This paper discusses the worldview of classical Chinese Tai Chi philosophy:the holistic view,the view of Yin and Yang,view of change,view of no change,and view of harmony and their enlightenment to human peace.The hol... This paper discusses the worldview of classical Chinese Tai Chi philosophy:the holistic view,the view of Yin and Yang,view of change,view of no change,and view of harmony and their enlightenment to human peace.The holistic view inspires people to look at human society from the height of the whole earth,and consider not only national interests,but also the interests of all mankind.The view of yin-yang tells people that when analyzing problems,they should look at the two aspects of yin-yang integration,not only to consider their own national interests,but also the interests of other countries,not only to see the contradictions and conflicts between countries,but also to see mutual benefits,to develop positive factors and to overcome negative factors;The view of change tells people that national leaders should adjust their foreign relations according to the changes of the times and the situation on the premise of abiding by objective laws;The view of no change tells us to act in accordance with the laws of nature and society,and that countries should respect each other,benefit each other,and cooperate for win-win results.The view of harmony enlightens us that in international relations,we should advocate the idea of living in harmony,harmony in diversity and harmonious coexistence,and oppose hegemonism and power politics. 展开更多
关键词 Taiji philosophy the worldview the enlightenment positive significance human peace
Revisiting Educational Issues in the Age of Generative Artificial Intelligence
作者 Zhengyu Yang 《Journal of Contemporary Educational Research》 2024年第1期159-164,共6页
The emergence of generative artificial intelligence(AI)has had a huge impact on all areas of life,including the field of education.AI can assist teachers in cultivating talents and promoting personalized learning and ... The emergence of generative artificial intelligence(AI)has had a huge impact on all areas of life,including the field of education.AI can assist teachers in cultivating talents and promoting personalized learning and teaching,but it also prevents individuals from thinking independently and creatively.In the era of generative AI,the rapid development of technology and its significant impact on the field of education are inevitable.There are many educational issues related to it,such as teaching methods,student training goals,teaching philosophy and purposes,and other educational issues,that require re-conceptualization and review. 展开更多
关键词 Generative artificial intelligence Educational philosophy Training objectives Creative thinking Personalized learning
China’s Perspectives on the Modern Educational Value of Critical Information Literacy
作者 Min Liao 《Journal of Contemporary Educational Research》 2024年第7期174-181,共8页
Critical information literacy is a new and important direction of information literacy education for university students in the new media era.By comparing critical information literacy between China and the West,combi... Critical information literacy is a new and important direction of information literacy education for university students in the new media era.By comparing critical information literacy between China and the West,combining with the research on information literacy education in China in the past 20 years,and based on the three major relationships that Chinese philosophy is concerned about that people need to face in the world of life,i.e.,the individual and the self,the individual and nature,and the individual and the society,this paper defines critical information literacy as that individuals,as information subjects,discover,select,confirm,and evaluate the information they are exposed to by obtaining and discriminating the content elements of the information world(information sources,information,and information assets)and using critical thinking skills and methods,creatively interpret or solve the relevant problems arising from the interaction between individuals and self,individuals and nature,individuals and society,and form the literacy that represents the knowledge,ability,attitude,habit,and level of the information subject through continuous reflection and practice.In order for human beings to better understand the world and construct it responsibly,critical information literacy can play a greater role and educational value.It not only helps contemporary college students build knowledge of“good questioning”and enhance their“reasoning”skills,but also encourages them to maintain a“firm standpoint,”cultivate a habit of“healthy skepticism,”and enhance their“decision-making”skills. 展开更多
关键词 New media University students Critical information literacy Educational value Chinese philosophy
A Few Important and Original Aspects of Carlo Cattaneo’s Philosophical-Linguistic Ideas
作者 Alessandro Prato 《Philosophy Study》 2024年第2期66-72,共7页
The essay has two main purposes.The first is a general reconstruction of Cattaneo’s linguistic thought,highlighting the most important aspects of both his reflections on the connection between language and the commun... The essay has two main purposes.The first is a general reconstruction of Cattaneo’s linguistic thought,highlighting the most important aspects of both his reflections on the connection between language and the community of speakers,and his study of the functions and properties of language.The latter includes an analysis of the influence Cattaneo’s philosophy had on the sphere of Italian linguistics at the turn of the 20th century. 展开更多
关键词 LINGUIsTICs philosophy of language connection between language and nation linguistics and anthropology
基于新课标的小学科学课程STEAM理念教学实施探讨——以小学科学物理部分“自制弹簧测力计”为例 被引量:1
作者 杨怿 颜小芳 +3 位作者 边杨婷 张若谷 陈苏娜 刘家琳 《湖北师范大学学报(自然科学版)》 2024年第2期114-118,共5页
在STEAM教育逐渐推广发展的背景下,在实践中却面临不少难题:STEAM教育大多为独立的项目开发课程,以活动为主,未与日常教学课程充分融合,对学生的培养缺乏针对性;教师未改变传统教学方法,由于升学等方面压力学校支持度不高,该课程受众不... 在STEAM教育逐渐推广发展的背景下,在实践中却面临不少难题:STEAM教育大多为独立的项目开发课程,以活动为主,未与日常教学课程充分融合,对学生的培养缺乏针对性;教师未改变传统教学方法,由于升学等方面压力学校支持度不高,该课程受众不多;学生认为小学科学课程内容中物理部分知识枯燥、琐碎,产生惧怕的心理,缺乏学习兴趣和创造能力。而2022年版《义务教育科学课程标准》的落实实施,为优化课堂实践提供了动力。因此,在新课标的基础上,以小学科学物理课堂的具体课程设计“自制弹簧测力计”为基础,探究在小学科学物理课堂中应用STEAM理念的具体策略。 展开更多
关键词 新课标 小学科学 物理教学 sTEAM理念
OBE教学理念与BOPPPS教学模式下药理学课程思政“金课”教学设计探索——以药品生产技术专业为例 被引量:1
作者 陈晶 杨吟宇 +1 位作者 伍雅倩 邓凤君 《广东化工》 CAS 2024年第16期219-221,共3页
随着教育改革的不断深化,OBE教学理念和BOPPPS教学模式在职业教育中日益受到关注并得到广泛应用。在医药学教学改革中,思想政治教育的重要性不容忽视,课程思政建设是培养德技兼备的医药学人才的必要途径。药理学作为药品生产技术专业的... 随着教育改革的不断深化,OBE教学理念和BOPPPS教学模式在职业教育中日益受到关注并得到广泛应用。在医药学教学改革中,思想政治教育的重要性不容忽视,课程思政建设是培养德技兼备的医药学人才的必要途径。药理学作为药品生产技术专业的必修课程,也需采用新的教学理念和教学模式,注重学生的成果产出和综合素质的培养。本文将基于OBE教学理念及BOPPPS教学模式,探讨药理学课程思政“金课”教学设计,旨在为提高药理学教学质量和学生综合素质提供有益的参考,培养具有高技能和高素养的药品生产技术人才。 展开更多
关键词 OBE教学理念 BOPPPs教学模式 药品生产技术专业 药理学 课程思政
作者 喻国明 滕文强 李钒 《广州大学学报(社会科学版)》 CSSCI 2024年第6期52-63,共12页
AIGC时代,在人工智能奇点到来之前,人机关系更为复杂,人机矛盾比其发展的其他任何阶段都更为突出。人工智能技术既给社会带来了福利与生机,同时也引发了价值重组的危机。如何准确把握人机关系之间的模糊地带,是将“危机”转化为“生机... AIGC时代,在人工智能奇点到来之前,人机关系更为复杂,人机矛盾比其发展的其他任何阶段都更为突出。人工智能技术既给社会带来了福利与生机,同时也引发了价值重组的危机。如何准确把握人机关系之间的模糊地带,是将“危机”转化为“生机”的重要课题。从机体哲学的视角出发,人机关系是生命机体、社会机体、精神机体和人工机体之间相互促进、相互塑造、相互制约的关系,四种机体关系在不断协调、不断发展的过程中寻求稳定、适宜、恰当的协同关系。在此基础上,借用WSR(物理—事理—人理)方法论探索人机同构与生机转化的通路,为构建AIGC时代的人机同构、探索人与技术之间的和谐统一提供新的思维视角与逻辑路径。 展开更多
关键词 AIGC 机体哲学 人机关系 WsR方法论
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