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A Resolution of the Black Hole Information Paradox via Transfinite Set Theory
作者 Mohamed S. El Naschie 《World Journal of Condensed Matter Physics》 2015年第4期249-260,共12页
A black hole is essentially a relativistic as well as a quantum object. Therefore the information paradox of black holes is a consequence of the clash between these two most fundamental theories of modern physics. It ... A black hole is essentially a relativistic as well as a quantum object. Therefore the information paradox of black holes is a consequence of the clash between these two most fundamental theories of modern physics. It is logical to conclude that a resolution of the problem requires some form of a quantum gravity theory. The present work proposes such a resolution using set theory and pointless spacetime geometry. 展开更多
关键词 information paradox Black HOLEs s. Hawking G. 't Hooft L. susskind Transfinite set Theory NONCOMMUTATIVE Geometry Measure Concentration Dvoretzky’s Theorem DARK Energy CAsIMIR Effect Nano CAsIMIR Reactor
The Counterintuitive Increase of Information Due to Extra Spacetime Dimensions of a Black Hole and Dvoretzky’s Theorem 被引量:2
作者 Mohamed S. El Naschie 《Natural Science》 2015年第10期483-487,共5页
As per Hawking and Bekenstein’s work on black holes, information resides on the surface and there is a limit on it amounting to a bit for every Planck area. It would seem therefore that extra dimensions would logical... As per Hawking and Bekenstein’s work on black holes, information resides on the surface and there is a limit on it amounting to a bit for every Planck area. It would seem therefore that extra dimensions would logically lead to a hyper-surface for a black hole and consequently a reduction of the corresponding information density due to the dilution effect of these additional dimensions. The present paper argues that the counterintuitive opposite of the above is what should be expected. This surprising result is a consequence of a well known theorem on measure concentration due to I. Dvoretzky. 展开更多
关键词 Higher Dimensional BLACK HOLEs Dvoretzky’s THEOREM information paradox E-INFINITY Theory Counterintuitive Geometry Bekenstein Limit Hawking Radiation 'tHooft-susskind BLACK HOLEs
Bayesian Analysis of the Behrens-Fisher Problem under a Gamma Prior
作者 Nengak Emmanuel Goltong Sani Ibrahim Doguwa 《Open Journal of Statistics》 2018年第6期902-914,共13页
Yin [1] has developed a new Bayesian measure of evidence for testing a point null hypothesis which agrees with the frequentist p-value thereby, solving Lindley’s paradox. Yin and Li [2] extended the methodology of Yi... Yin [1] has developed a new Bayesian measure of evidence for testing a point null hypothesis which agrees with the frequentist p-value thereby, solving Lindley’s paradox. Yin and Li [2] extended the methodology of Yin [1] to the case of the Behrens-Fisher problem by assigning Jeffreys’ independent prior to the nuisance parameters. In this paper, we were able to show both analytically and through the results from simulation studies that the methodology of Yin?[1] solves simultaneously, the Behrens-Fisher problem and Lindley’s paradox when a Gamma prior is assigned to the nuisance parameters. 展开更多
关键词 Behrens-Fisher PROBLEM Lindley’s paradox METROPOLIs-HAsTINGs Algorithm informATIVE PRIORs
Application of Dvoretzky’s Theorem of Measure Concentration in Physics and Cosmology
作者 Mohamed S. El Naschie 《Open Journal of Microphysics》 2015年第2期11-15,共5页
Using Dvoretzky’s theorem in conjunction with Bohm’s picture of a quantum particle inside a guiding quantum wave akin to De Broglie-Bohm pilot wave we derive Einstein’s famous formula E = mc2 as the sum of two part... Using Dvoretzky’s theorem in conjunction with Bohm’s picture of a quantum particle inside a guiding quantum wave akin to De Broglie-Bohm pilot wave we derive Einstein’s famous formula E = mc2 as the sum of two parts E(O) = mc2/22 of the quantum particle and E(D) = m c2 (21/22) of the quantum wave where m is the mass, c is the speed of light and E is the energy. In addition we look at the problem of black holes information in the presence of extra dimensions where it seems initially that extra dimensions would logically lead to a hyper-surface for a black hole and consequently a reduction of the corresponding information density due to the dilution effect of these additional dimensions. The present paper argues that the counterintuitive opposite of the above is what should be expected. Again this surprising result is a consequence of the same well known theorem on measure concentration due to I. Dvoretzky. We conclude that there are only two real applications of the theorem and we expect that many more applications in physics and cosmology will be found in due course. 展开更多
关键词 sPACETIME Extra Dimensions Dvoretzky’s THEOREM information paradox E-INFINITY Theory Counterintuitive Geometry Dark Energy of the Quantum WAVE 'tHooft-susskind Black Holes Wave-Particle Duality De Broglie-Bohm Pilot WAVE
数据交易如何破局——数据要素市场中的阿罗信息悖论与法律应对 被引量:105
作者 丁晓东 《东方法学》 CSSCI 北大核心 2022年第2期144-158,共15页
数据交易已经成为数据要素市场建设的难题,各地纷纷建立大数据交易所,但交易规模与额度非常低。数据交易面临阿罗信息悖论:交易需要披露信息,但披露信息即意味着数据价值的丧失。有观点认为,应通过数据产权保护消解阿罗信息悖论,避免相... 数据交易已经成为数据要素市场建设的难题,各地纷纷建立大数据交易所,但交易规模与额度非常低。数据交易面临阿罗信息悖论:交易需要披露信息,但披露信息即意味着数据价值的丧失。有观点认为,应通过数据产权保护消解阿罗信息悖论,避免相关的公地悲剧、"搭便车"与激励问题。但数据具有价值不确定、一定程度的非竞争性与非排他性,数据产权并不能解决阿罗信息悖论,也不会克服公地悲剧,反而可能造成公共资源私有化、溢出效应丧失等问题。数据交易与产品流通型交易不同,具有服务合作型特征。大数据交易应以婚姻介绍所为模型,成为撮合数据交易、提供安全认证的机构,而非以商场或证券交易所为模型。法律应设置大数据交易所的安全保障义务,积极利用知识产权、合同制度,同时审慎应用反不正当竞争制度保护数据交易。 展开更多
关键词 数据要素市场 数据交易 阿罗信息悖论 数据产权 反不正当竞争 信用品
作者 汪东丽 《特区经济》 北大核心 2011年第7期251-253,共3页
关键词 创意产业 艾诺信息悖论 知识产权保护 合同保护 延伸保护
网络化对知识产权出口的影响——基于阿罗信息悖论的分析 被引量:3
作者 代明 姜寒 陈霄 《财贸经济》 CSSCI 北大核心 2016年第11期97-109,共13页
我国知识产权产销之间存在巨大反差,其中网络化对知识产权出口的影响值得关注。"阿罗信息悖论"揭示了知识市场上信息披露存在两难困境。据此建模分析发现网络化存在增加匹配概率、降低交易成本和改善信息不对称的正向效应与... 我国知识产权产销之间存在巨大反差,其中网络化对知识产权出口的影响值得关注。"阿罗信息悖论"揭示了知识市场上信息披露存在两难困境。据此建模分析发现网络化存在增加匹配概率、降低交易成本和改善信息不对称的正向效应与增大侵权可能的负向效应,知识产权保护则通过抑制后者发挥门槛效应。采用知识产权出口国别数据进行实证分析表明:出口国网络化程度的提高显著促进了知识产权出口,且在知识产权保护强度较高的出口国网络化的作用更佳。说明随知识产权保护的加强,网络化可以更好地改善阿罗信息悖论情境下的信息不对称问题。因此,提升网络化并与提升知识产权保护水平相结合不失为促进我国知识产权出口的重要对策。 展开更多
关键词 网络化 知识产权出口 阿罗信息悖论 门槛效应
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