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Rare earth market analysis in August 2016
《China Rare Earth Information》 2016年第9期6-8,共3页
Nearly all listed rare earth companies have released their semi-annual report by the end of August, 2016. The weak market imposes heavy strain on these rare earth enterprises. In the international market, Honda Motors... Nearly all listed rare earth companies have released their semi-annual report by the end of August, 2016. The weak market imposes heavy strain on these rare earth enterprises. In the international market, Honda Motors, working with Daido Steel, has made a major breakthrough in hybrid technology in developing the first magnet suitable for use in automotive drive applications that does not make use of heavy rare earth elements. 展开更多
关键词 COMPANIES HAVE RELEASED their semi-annual report by the end of august 2016
2016年“8·17”暴雨西柳沟土壤侵蚀产沙量分析 被引量:5
作者 杨吉山 史学建 +1 位作者 侯素珍 李莉 《人民黄河》 CAS 北大核心 2020年第1期82-85,90,共5页
内蒙古“十大孔兑”之一的西柳沟流域土壤侵蚀十分严重,是黄河粗泥沙的重要来源区。发生在2016年8月的“8·17”暴雨的中心区域在西柳沟流域中上游,为了解“8·17”暴雨洪水过程中的土壤侵蚀和产沙情况,利用淤地坝实测淤积资料... 内蒙古“十大孔兑”之一的西柳沟流域土壤侵蚀十分严重,是黄河粗泥沙的重要来源区。发生在2016年8月的“8·17”暴雨的中心区域在西柳沟流域中上游,为了解“8·17”暴雨洪水过程中的土壤侵蚀和产沙情况,利用淤地坝实测淤积资料和通用土壤流失方程分析计算了西柳沟龙头拐水文站以上流域的坡面侵蚀产沙量、沟道侵蚀产沙量和土壤侵蚀强度等。结果表明:“8·17”暴雨洪水中流域侵蚀产沙总量为893.80万t,其中坡面产沙量为477.56万t、沟道产沙量为416.24万t,平均侵蚀强度为7672.10 t/km^2,淤地坝拦沙量380.80万t,龙头拐水文站输沙量为539.00万t。该次暴雨洪水的侵蚀强度和侵蚀产沙量与历史典型暴雨洪水的相比明显变小,说明近年来西柳沟流域水土保持措施取得了显著效果。分析表明,沟道是西柳沟流域侵蚀产沙的重要地貌部位,淤地坝在该次暴雨洪水中发挥了重要的拦沙作用。 展开更多
关键词 “8·17”暴雨 土壤侵蚀 坡面侵蚀 沟道侵蚀 产沙量 通用土壤流失方程 西柳沟流域
A Numerical Study on Forecasting the Henan Extraordinarily Heavy Rainfall Event in August 1975 被引量:1
作者 蔡则怡 王作述 潘在桃 《Advances in Atmospheric Sciences》 SCIE CAS CSCD 1992年第1期53-62,共10页
This study is essentially an experiment on the control experiment in the August 1975 catastrophe which was the heaviest rainfall in China's Mainland with a maximum 24-h rainfall of 1060.3 mm, and it significantly ... This study is essentially an experiment on the control experiment in the August 1975 catastrophe which was the heaviest rainfall in China's Mainland with a maximum 24-h rainfall of 1060.3 mm, and it significantly demonstrates that the limited area model can still skillfully give reasonable results even only the conventional data are available. For such a heavy rainfall event, a grid length of 90 km is too large while 45 km seems acceptable. Under these two grid sizes, the cumulus parameterization scheme is evidently superior to the explicit scheme since it restricts instabilities such as CISK to limited extent. The high resolution scheme for the boundary treatment does not improve forecasts significantly.The experiments also revealed some interesting phenomena such as the forecast rainfall being too small while affecting synoptic system so deep as compared with observations. Another example is the severe deformation of synoptic systems both in initial conditions and forecast fields in the presence of complicated topography. Besides, the fixed boundary condition utilized in the experiments along with current domain coverage set some limitations to the model performances. 展开更多
关键词 A Numerical Study on Forecasting the Henan Extraordinarily Heavy Rainfall Event in august 1975
作者 赵思文 李祥明 +6 位作者 刘超杰 李俊乐 张昱 全美兰 马骁颖 张启霖 田琳 《现代农业科技》 2017年第23期209-210,共2页
本文利用NCEP/NCAR 2.5°×2.5°资料、常规观测资料以及自动站资料,对2016年7月31日至8月1日的降水天气过程进行分析。结果表明,一方面由于冷空气较弱,主要是暖性系统带来降水,故没有强对流天气发生;另一方面由于温压场配... 本文利用NCEP/NCAR 2.5°×2.5°资料、常规观测资料以及自动站资料,对2016年7月31日至8月1日的降水天气过程进行分析。结果表明,一方面由于冷空气较弱,主要是暖性系统带来降水,故没有强对流天气发生;另一方面由于温压场配置中,温度场紧随高度场,暖平流、正涡度明显,导致系统东移较快,低值系统填塞。因此,降水实况偏小,仅局部地区出现暴雨。 展开更多
关键词 降水 温带气旋 辽宁抚顺 2016年8月1
Abstracts(No.4.August 1999)
《Chinese Journal of Polymer Science》 SCIE CAS CSCD 1999年第6期611-617,共7页
A STUDY OF DYNAMIC BEHAVIOR AND PHASE SEPARATION OF POLYACRYLIC GELS Ju Zuo , Fa-jun Zhang, Ying-li An, Ai-zhen Niu, Zhi-guang Zhang, Fang-xing Li, Chang-ying Zhu and Bing-lin HeThe State Key Laboratory of Functional ... A STUDY OF DYNAMIC BEHAVIOR AND PHASE SEPARATION OF POLYACRYLIC GELS Ju Zuo , Fa-jun Zhang, Ying-li An, Ai-zhen Niu, Zhi-guang Zhang, Fang-xing Li, Chang-ying Zhu and Bing-lin HeThe State Key Laboratory of Functional Polymeric Materials for Adsorption and Separation, Department of Chemistry, Nankai University, Tianjin 300071Dynamic behavior and phase separation sensitive to temperature of a series of polyacrylic gels was studied by dynamic light scattering. The dynamic behavior of the gels is characterized in terms of the correlation lengthξand diffusion coefficient D. The rules of the influence of cross-linking degree, concentration of polymer and amount of initiator on ξand D were obtained. When cross-linking degree increases, ξdecreases and D 展开更多
关键词 No.4.august 1999 ABSTRACTS
WORLD NEWS IN BRIEF August 1-15, 1996
《国际展望》 北大核心 1996年第16期32-32,共1页
On August 5, US President Bill Clinton signed into law a bill to punish foreign companies that invest in oil and gas projects in Iran or Libya. The law, which sparked vehement protests from European countries, was des... On August 5, US President Bill Clinton signed into law a bill to punish foreign companies that invest in oil and gas projects in Iran or Libya. The law, which sparked vehement protests from European countries, was designed to discourage investment in Iran and Libya. On August 14, Iran’s Parliament Speaker Ali Akbar Nateq-nouri vowed to take stance against US domination 展开更多
WORLD NEWS IN BRIEF(August 1-15, 1989)
《国际展望》 北大核心 1989年第16期32-32,共1页
The international conference on Kampuchea declded on August 1 in Paris to send a UN fact-finding mission to the country to arrange a peace settlement. The Fatah Movement, the mainstream group in the Palestine Liberati... The international conference on Kampuchea declded on August 1 in Paris to send a UN fact-finding mission to the country to arrange a peace settlement. The Fatah Movement, the mainstream group in the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO), opened its fifth general congress on August 3 in Tunis. PLO Chairman and President of the State of Palestine Yasser Arafat and Tunisian President Zine E1 Abidine Ben All addressed the opening ceremony. 展开更多
关键词 MAINSTREAM CEREMONY ARRANGE addressed CONGRESS Chairman finding august 1-15 peace FIFTH
WORLD NEWS IN BRIEF (August 1-15, 1991)
《国际展望》 北大核心 1991年第16期32-32,共1页
On Aug. 8, UN Security Council unanimously adopted a resolution on the applications of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea and South Korea for full membership of the United Nations. The two at present have obse... On Aug. 8, UN Security Council unanimously adopted a resolution on the applications of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea and South Korea for full membership of the United Nations. The two at present have observer status in the UN and submitted their separate applications for membership on July 8 and August 5 this year. The DPRK and South Korea are expected to be separately admitted by the UN General Assembly when its annual session opens on September 17. 展开更多
关键词 MEMBERSHIP separate OBSERVER august 1-15 submitted NEWS Korea admitted REPUBLIC SESSION
作者 马潇祎 范可 杨洪卿 《大气科学学报》 CSCD 北大核心 2024年第4期541-556,共16页
2021年7—8月中国东部雨带演变特征与气候平均季风北推进程存在显著差异。其中,7月降水正异常中心位于江淮-华北地区,8月则南移至华中地区。2021年中国东部降水异常偏多且存在月际差异主要与7(8)月西北太平洋副热带高压(西太副高)偏北偏... 2021年7—8月中国东部雨带演变特征与气候平均季风北推进程存在显著差异。其中,7月降水正异常中心位于江淮-华北地区,8月则南移至华中地区。2021年中国东部降水异常偏多且存在月际差异主要与7(8)月西北太平洋副热带高压(西太副高)偏北偏东(偏南偏西)、东亚副热带西风急流偏北(偏南)以及南亚高压持续东伸相关联。进一步研究表明,热带对流的活跃位置和北大西洋的增暖加强是影响其降水中心南移的主要原因。2021年7月热带大气低频振荡(MJO)在海洋性大陆地区活跃对应其热带海洋性大陆对流异常偏强,激发北传的类太平洋-日本(PJ)型遥相关波列,使得西太副高偏北偏东,有利于西北太平洋水汽在江淮-华北地区辐合,导致其降水偏多。8月,新发展MJO在热带印度洋上空对流异常持续偏强,加强局地经向环流,使得中国35°N以南至西北太平洋地区出现异常下沉运动,有利于西太副高南移西伸。此外,2021年8月北大西洋海温(SST)异常偏暖激发对流层高层向东南传播的Rossby波,有利于南亚高压加强和东亚副热带西风急流加强南移。因此,8月降水中心南移至华中地区。CFSv2预测系统(6月起报)结果能预测7月江淮-华北大部分地区降水偏多,但预测的8月华中南部地区降水偏少与实况相反。这可能是由于模式能够较好再现7月海洋性大陆热带对流活动影响江淮-华北地区降水的过程,但不能预测2021年8月热带印度洋对流活动和北大西洋海温异常偏暖对华中地区降水的影响。 展开更多
关键词 7—8月中国东部极端降水 月际演变和差异 CFSv2可预测性 环流异常 热带对流和MJO 北大西洋海温
2016年8月24日意大利佩鲁贾MW 6.2级地震同震位移场估计和震源滑动模型反演 被引量:1
作者 黎朕灵 金明培 缪素秋 《地球物理学进展》 CSCD 北大核心 2020年第1期32-39,共8页
利用改进的自动经验基线校正方法SMBLOC,对2016年8月24日意大利佩鲁贾MW 6.2级地震震中周围约60 km内的近场强震记录进行基线校正并尝试给出同震位移场,与GPS观测结果进行对比分析,分别独立和联合两种资料反演震源滑动模型,并根据震源... 利用改进的自动经验基线校正方法SMBLOC,对2016年8月24日意大利佩鲁贾MW 6.2级地震震中周围约60 km内的近场强震记录进行基线校正并尝试给出同震位移场,与GPS观测结果进行对比分析,分别独立和联合两种资料反演震源滑动模型,并根据震源模型进一步给出全空间预测位移场分布.研究结果表明:(1)两种不同的资料给出的水平位移场幅值均为cm级,且均表明断层的错动以正断为主.(2)两种同震位移场分别独立和联合反演所得的震源静态滑动范围基本一致,最大滑动均发生在震中东北侧,强震模型表现出明显的双事件特征,较大滑动分布在震中东北侧和东南侧,GPS模型在震中东南侧的滑动相对较小,其双事件特征不明显.两种模型的最大滑动量分别为0.96 m和0.86 m,较为一致,反演的矩震级均在MW 6.3左右.(3)根据震源滑动模型计算所得的佩鲁贾地震全空间预测的水平同震位移场中最大位移分布区域与震后报告中受灾严重的地区基本一致.表明在一定的条件下,利用SMBLOC方法解算震级较小的MW 6.0左右地震强震记录的同震位移场,并反演震源滑动模型具有一定的可行性,且其同震位移场和滑动模型可为震后灾害快速评估、救援力量分配、余震趋势判定等快速应急响应工作提供参考依据. 展开更多
关键词 近场强震记录 自动经验基线校正 同震位移场 震源滑动模型 2016年8月24日意大利MW 6.2级地震
Record Flood-Producing Rainstorms of July 2021 and August 1975 in Henan of China:Comparative Synoptic Analysis Using ERA5 被引量:3
作者 Jian RAO Jin XIE +2 位作者 Yong CAO Suxing ZHU Qian LU 《Journal of Meteorological Research》 SCIE CSCD 2022年第6期809-823,共15页
This study compares two rainstorms that swept through Henan Province of China in July 2021 and August 1975.The heavy rainfall and related synoptic systems and processes are diagnosed based on hourly ERA5 reanalysis da... This study compares two rainstorms that swept through Henan Province of China in July 2021 and August 1975.The heavy rainfall and related synoptic systems and processes are diagnosed based on hourly ERA5 reanalysis data and precipitation observations from the China Meteorological Administration.It is estimated that most of the daily rainfall in Henan was caused by synoptic-scale precipitation,with the sub-synoptic convective rainfall intermittently dominating some of the hourly total rainfall.The rainband moved at about 2 m s^(-1) during the July 2021 rainstorm,whereas it was almost stationary during the August 1975 rainstorm when the heavy rainfall was concentrated in southern Henan.A double-typhoon circulation pattern with a subtropical high over the Bohai and Yellow Seas was observed during both rainstorms.The heavy rainfall during the July 2021 event was controlled remotely by Typhoons Cempaka and In-Fa,which provided a path for the transport of moisture via the southerly jet associated with Typhoon Cempaka and the easterly(or southeasterly)jet associated with Typhoon In-Fa.The rainstorm in August1975 was caused more directly by Typhoon Nina,which made landfall in Fujian Province and moved toward Henan Province.The rainfall around the inverted trough of the motionless Typhoon Nina produced a cumulative effect.The two rainstorms also differed in their circulation patterns in the upper troposphere.The intrusion of high potential vorticity air over Central China occurred in the July 2021 extreme rainstorm,whereas the South Asian high was enhanced and biased further north during the August 1975 rainstorm.Further analysis showed that the northward and westward transport of moisture took place during the July 2021 rainstorm,whereas the westward transport of moisture from the east of Henan dominated near the inverted trough of Typhoon Nina during the August 1975 rainstorm. 展开更多
关键词 august 1975(“75.8”)rainstorm July 2021(“21.7”)rainstorm Henan rainstorms double-typhoon circulation patterns
作者 季国良 蒲明 《Acta meteorologica Sinica》 SCIE 1989年第2期228-241,共14页
The surface and atmospheric heating fields over the Qinghai-Xizang Plateau are computed by using the observational data of solar radiation during 1982—1983.The mian results are as follows:The central and northern par... The surface and atmospheric heating fields over the Qinghai-Xizang Plateau are computed by using the observational data of solar radiation during 1982—1983.The mian results are as follows:The central and northern parts of the Plateau act as heat sinks in winter from November to January.Both eastern and south- ern parts of the Plateau are of heat sources.In summer,the main part of the Plateau acts as a strong heat source,and the center of the heating field is in the southeastern Plateau.However the main part of the Plateau acts as a heat sink for the atmospheric heating fields from October to March.The maximum intensity of the atmospheric heat sink over the central Plateau appears in December and January.From April to September,the main part of the Plateau acts as a heat source for the atmospheric heating fields. 展开更多
August 13-Global Families Get Ready for Summer Fun——100 families will be invited to enjoy the pleasure of the luxury cruise ship Costa Allegra
《Beijing Review》 2007年第27期37-37,共1页
Italian liner Costa Allegra will start its maiden voyage on the northern route this August.China Merchants International Travel,the general agent for Costa Allegra in north China,has made a block booking of the most p... Italian liner Costa Allegra will start its maiden voyage on the northern route this August.China Merchants International Travel,the general agent for Costa Allegra in north China,has made a block booking of the most popu- 展开更多
关键词 august 13-Global Families Get Ready for Summer Fun families will be invited to enjoy the pleasure of the luxury cruise ship Costa Allegra
Three Children's Wear Standards Become Effective in August 1st.
《纺织服装周刊》 2009年第19期6-6,共1页
According to National Garment Standardization Technology Committee,three children’s wear standards are going into effect by August 1<sup>st</sup>.Those three standards are as following:Safety Requirementf... According to National Garment Standardization Technology Committee,three children’s wear standards are going into effect by August 1<sup>st</sup>.Those three standards are as following:Safety Requirementfor Rope&Drawstring on Children’s Wear,Safety Requirement forDrawstring on Children’s Upper Outer Garment。 展开更多
关键词 Design Three Children’s Wear Standards Become Effective in august 1st
作者 刘劲松 邓通棚 《苏区研究》 2023年第2期53-64,共12页
“八一”是中共中央创设的重要纪念日,在新民主主义革命的不同阶段,内涵并不相同。1929-1932年,具有纪念一战爆发和南昌起义两大含义;1933年,被赋予中国工农红军成立意义;1934-1945年,“八一”纪念与抗日紧密联系,从1937年起又为“八一... “八一”是中共中央创设的重要纪念日,在新民主主义革命的不同阶段,内涵并不相同。1929-1932年,具有纪念一战爆发和南昌起义两大含义;1933年,被赋予中国工农红军成立意义;1934-1945年,“八一”纪念与抗日紧密联系,从1937年起又为“八一宣言”发表周年纪念日;1947年开始,建军成为“八一”纪念的唯一内涵。“八一”纪念内涵的历史演变,反映了新民主主义革命的曲折发展过程,而建军内涵的最终确立,标志着中国式革命道路取得成功。 展开更多
关键词 “八一”纪念 中国共产党 建军
作者 孙卫国 《廊坊师范学院学报(社会科学版)》 2023年第4期32-42,共11页
1832年2月26日,东印度公司广东商馆职员林德赛受命化名为胡夏米并假称船主,以普鲁士籍传教士郭士立为翻译和医师,一行67人乘坐“阿美士德”号从澳门地区出发,经中国东南沿海,一路北上,到了山东威海卫。接着东行,到达朝鲜半岛,这是朝鲜... 1832年2月26日,东印度公司广东商馆职员林德赛受命化名为胡夏米并假称船主,以普鲁士籍传教士郭士立为翻译和医师,一行67人乘坐“阿美士德”号从澳门地区出发,经中国东南沿海,一路北上,到了山东威海卫。接着东行,到达朝鲜半岛,这是朝鲜王朝在本土首次正式接触的、前来要求通商的英国人。胡夏米致函朝鲜国王,要求自由贸易,未得回复。他们滞留一月无果离开,经琉球、中国台湾回到中国澳门。朝鲜王朝当即向清朝汇报事情原委,受到道光皇帝嘉奖。朝鲜王朝留下了第一手资料《英吉利国漂船记》,在朝鲜官方史书《承政院日记》与《朝鲜王朝实录》中,也记载了朝鲜君臣商讨如何处理这批洋人。在胡夏米的《“阿美士德”号货船来华经过报告》等书中,详细记载了他们与朝鲜官员的交涉。通过朝、英两方中英文史料的对照,既可以厘清事实真相,又能借此考察东西方在近代前夕交流的观感,为我们考察彼时东西方交流提供一个具体而微的实例。 展开更多
关键词 胡夏米 郭士立 “阿美士德”号 韩英关系史 “问情”
Strong earthquake activity all over the world and strong-moderate earthquake activity within and near China (August,1998~September,1998)
作者 陈培善 《Acta Seismologica Sinica(English Edition)》 CSCD 1999年第1期125-127,共3页
lustrationAlthedatainthiscataloguearechosenfromthe″PreliminarySeismologicalReportofChineseSeismicStations″(I... lustrationAlthedatainthiscataloguearechosenfromthe″PreliminarySeismologicalReportofChineseSeismicStations″(Itsabbreviationis″... 展开更多
关键词 MODERATE China September 1998 august 1998 ACTIVITY all and EARTHQUAKE NEAR over
Strong earthquake activity all over the world and strong-moderate earthquake activity within and near China(August,1997~September,1997)
作者 陈培善 《Acta Seismologica Sinica(English Edition)》 CSCD 1998年第1期127-128,共2页
StrongearthquakeactivityalovertheworldandstrongmoderateearthquakeactivitywithinandnearChina(August,1997~Sept... StrongearthquakeactivityalovertheworldandstrongmoderateearthquakeactivitywithinandnearChina(August,1997~September,1997)PEI?.. 展开更多
关键词 MODERATE China September 1997 august 1997 ACTIVITY all and EARTHQUAKE NEAR over
Regional Characteristics of Temperature Anomalies in Pakistan with Emphasis on Spatial Distribution at Decadal Scale: A Case Study of August (1950s-2000s)
作者 Iftikhar Ahmad Romana Ambreen +2 位作者 Shahzad Sultan Zhaobo Sun Muhammad Nawaz 《Atmospheric and Climate Sciences》 2014年第4期721-726,共6页
In this paper the month of August was assessed from 1950s-2000s based on the temperature data from 53 stations that covers almost all Pakistan. The temperature coefficient has been calculated by making use of linear r... In this paper the month of August was assessed from 1950s-2000s based on the temperature data from 53 stations that covers almost all Pakistan. The temperature coefficient has been calculated by making use of linear regression. The results have been mapped that show considerable variability of temperature at decadal scale in different areas of Pakistan. The rugged terrains especially and rest of Pakistan generally reflect significant temperature variability in the decades of 1950s, 1960s, 1970s, 1980s, 1990s and 2000s as well. This change in temperature varies from region to region and decade to decade in Pakistan. The temperature anomalies achieved in the country are complicated at local level and did not follow the simple perception that winter months are warming and summer months are cooling. In this study, a geographical approach has been adopted to explain the spatial-temporal dynamics of temperature variation over the study period in Pakistan with emphasis on regional detail. 展开更多
关键词 Temperature ANOMALIES august DECADAL SCALE Spatial Distribution Pakistan
Strong earthquake activity all over the world and strong-moderate earthquake activity within and near China(June,1996~August,1996)
作者 陈培善 《Acta Seismologica Sinica(English Edition)》 CSCD 1997年第1期134-136,共3页
StrongearthquakeactivityalovertheworldandstrongmoderateearthquakeactivitywithinandnearChina(June,1996~August... StrongearthquakeactivityalovertheworldandstrongmoderateearthquakeactivitywithinandnearChina(June,1996~August,1996)PEISHANCH... 展开更多
关键词 MODERATE China June 1996 august 1996 ACTIVITY all and EARTHQUAKE NEAR over
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