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《中华纸业》 CAS 2016年第11期14-14,共1页
本刊讯(中国造纸协会消息)5月6日,环境保护部环境保护对外合作中心在北京组织召开了由中国造纸协会承担的"中国制浆造纸行业应用BAT/BEP的技术经济可行性调研评估子项目"验收会。验收专家组认为项目研究思路清晰,调研全面,数据详实... 本刊讯(中国造纸协会消息)5月6日,环境保护部环境保护对外合作中心在北京组织召开了由中国造纸协会承担的"中国制浆造纸行业应用BAT/BEP的技术经济可行性调研评估子项目"验收会。验收专家组认为项目研究思路清晰,调研全面,数据详实,研究结论客观反映了造纸行业的实际情况,较好地完成了任务大纲的内容,实现了预期目标。环境保护部环境保护对外合作中心同意项目通过验收。 展开更多
关键词 制浆造纸行业 bat/bep 中国造纸协会 评估项目 对外合作 验收专家 制浆造纸企业 最佳环境 全球环境基金 国家行动
我国燃煤部门履行《关于汞的水俣公约》的对策建议 被引量:5
作者 张磊 王书肖 +1 位作者 惠霂霖 郝吉明 《环境保护》 CSSCI 2016年第22期38-42,共5页
我国政府已于2016年8月正式批准《关于汞的水俣公约》,大气汞污染防治是我国履约工作的重中之重,在我国的大气汞排放源中,燃煤部门的排放量占40%以上,是首要的控制对象,优先制定燃煤部门大气汞排放控制对策具有重要意义。本文分析了我... 我国政府已于2016年8月正式批准《关于汞的水俣公约》,大气汞污染防治是我国履约工作的重中之重,在我国的大气汞排放源中,燃煤部门的排放量占40%以上,是首要的控制对象,优先制定燃煤部门大气汞排放控制对策具有重要意义。本文分析了我国燃煤部门的履约要求,并从建立并更新燃煤部门大气汞排放清单、推行最佳可得技术/最佳环境实践(BAT/BEP)、实行全国汞减排总量控制、采用浓度控制和脱汞效率控制相结合的排放标准、强化汞污染防治监管体系五个方面,提出了我国燃煤部门履行《关于汞的水俣公约》的对策建议,为我国大气汞污染防治提供技术支持。 展开更多
关键词 关于汞的水俣公约 大气汞 燃煤 bat/bep
履约背景下医疗废物处置最佳可行技术和最佳环境实践思路探讨 被引量:14
作者 陈扬 丁琼 +2 位作者 姜晨 孙宁 殷国良 《中国护理管理》 2010年第4期75-79,共5页
该文基于POPs公约以及我国在医疗废物处置最佳可行技术和最佳环境实践(BAT/BEP)方面的探索,并结合我国目前医疗废物技术应用现状及处置技术发展趋势,提出了医疗废物最佳可行技术和最佳环境实践的选择方法,并分别针对焚烧技术和非焚烧处... 该文基于POPs公约以及我国在医疗废物处置最佳可行技术和最佳环境实践(BAT/BEP)方面的探索,并结合我国目前医疗废物技术应用现状及处置技术发展趋势,提出了医疗废物最佳可行技术和最佳环境实践的选择方法,并分别针对焚烧技术和非焚烧处置技术提出了我国医疗废物领域最佳可行技术和最佳环境实践的基本思路和实施建议。 展开更多
关键词 医疗废物 焚烧 非焚烧 最佳可行技术和最佳环境实践
作者 宋博宇 任永 +2 位作者 孙阳昭 苏畅 施川 《中国造纸》 CAS 北大核心 2018年第9期70-73,共4页
以竹浆企业为例,在系统梳理总结了最佳可行技术/最佳环境实践(BAT/BEP)改造案例的基础上,核算了企业改造的环境效益及经济效益。结果表明,BAT/BEP改造可为企业带来显著地环境效益和长效经济效益。结合我国当前对于制浆造纸行业相关管理... 以竹浆企业为例,在系统梳理总结了最佳可行技术/最佳环境实践(BAT/BEP)改造案例的基础上,核算了企业改造的环境效益及经济效益。结果表明,BAT/BEP改造可为企业带来显著地环境效益和长效经济效益。结合我国当前对于制浆造纸行业相关管理政策具体落实情况和示范企业BAT/BEP改造效果,从细化政策实施、加强宣传推广、引导市场消费三个方面提出了推动造纸行业二噁英减排的相关建议。 展开更多
关键词 竹桨 bat/bep 二噁英 政策建议
废弃电器电子产品POPs/PTS减排环境管理实践研究 被引量:1
作者 朱静 杨立群 +1 位作者 高鹏 史胜南 《环境科学与管理》 CAS 2017年第1期1-4,共4页
全球环境基金(GEF)"通过环境无害化管理减少电器电子产品的生命周期内持久性有机污染物和持久性有毒化学品(POPs/PTS)的排放全额示范项目"湖北省作为项目示范省之一。三家废弃电器电子产品拆解企业,分别开展了废弃电器电子产... 全球环境基金(GEF)"通过环境无害化管理减少电器电子产品的生命周期内持久性有机污染物和持久性有毒化学品(POPs/PTS)的排放全额示范项目"湖北省作为项目示范省之一。三家废弃电器电子产品拆解企业,分别开展了废弃电器电子产品拆解技术示范、湿法废弃印刷电路板处置BAT/BEP技术示范、利用再生铅连续熔炼炉协同处置阴极射线管含铅锥玻璃项目技术示范。电子废弃物全自动化分类与拆解生产线,为电子废弃物绿色循环与资源化提供了示范模式。 展开更多
关键词 废弃电器电子产品 技术示范 最佳可行技术/最佳环境实践
我国典型非木浆造纸二噁英排放研究 被引量:6
作者 王志芳 丁琼 +3 位作者 王开祥 吴昌敏 曲云欢 赵晓冬 《环境科学》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2012年第2期574-579,共6页
根据《中国履行〈关于持久性有机污染物的斯德哥尔摩公约〉国家实施计划》,制浆造纸行业是我国开展二英履约减排的六大重点行业之一,需要在规定的时间内达到减排要求.非木浆在我国原生纸浆生产和消费中一直占有重要比例,其生产过程中广... 根据《中国履行〈关于持久性有机污染物的斯德哥尔摩公约〉国家实施计划》,制浆造纸行业是我国开展二英履约减排的六大重点行业之一,需要在规定的时间内达到减排要求.非木浆在我国原生纸浆生产和消费中一直占有重要比例,其生产过程中广泛使用的元素氯漂白工艺被认为是造成制浆造纸行业二噁英产生的重要来源.非木纤维制浆将在我国长期存在,摸清该领域二噁英排放情况,对于我国履约和实施二噁英的减排措施有重要意义.通过对竹子、麦草、芦苇和蔗渣这4种非木纤维的典型制浆企业的漂白全过程开展二噁英排放情况的检测,并结合各企业的浆水平衡数据,得到我国应用氯化碱处理次氯酸盐(CEH)三段漂白典型工艺的草浆、苇浆、竹浆及蔗渣浆生产的外排水所含二噁英的浓度(以I-TEQ计,下同)分别为:41.8、72.7、7.46和19.7 pg.L-1,尽管都在国家规定的新排放标准附近(30 pg.L-1),但随着我国对制浆造纸行业吨耗水要求的日益严格和以上新标准的实施,相关浓度很容易超标.为了实现国内、国际环境管理的要求,认为我国有必要尽快推动该行业研究并应用二噁英减排的最佳可行技术和最佳环境实践(best available techniques/best environmental practices,BAT/BEP).同时,结合监测数据,还初步估算了非木浆元素氯漂白相关的二噁英排放因子,可为联合国环境署补充相关因子提供有意义的参考. 展开更多
关键词 二英 非木浆造纸 bat/bep 环境污染 检测
Long-term monitoring of PCDD/PCDF and other unintentionally produced POPs-Concepts and case studies from Europe 被引量:8
作者 REINMANN Jürgen WEBER Roland HAAG Roland 《Science China Chemistry》 SCIE EI CAS 2010年第5期1017-1024,共8页
During the start-up and unstable combustion periods,even the state-of-the-art incinerators emit polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins and dibenzofurans(PCDD/PCDF) in stack gases at concentrations that are up to 1000 times... During the start-up and unstable combustion periods,even the state-of-the-art incinerators emit polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins and dibenzofurans(PCDD/PCDF) in stack gases at concentrations that are up to 1000 times higher than normal operation. Therefore,incinerators and other sources with variation of PCDD/PCDF release into air cannot be reliably monitored by the conventional short-term sampling that covers only 0.1%to 0.2%of the yearly operating time.A more comprehensive monitoring regime is required.This paper describes different applications of continuous PCDD/PCDF sampling in some European countries.The cases demonstrate that flexible regimes for continuous sampling can be crafted and applied by governments or regional/local authorities.Such regimes range from a countrywide,continuous requirement for selected facility types(e.g.,waste incinerators) to a facility-specific regime that applies,for example,to new facilities for a defined time period until the facility has demonstrated continuous compliance with regulatory limits. Countries implementing the Stockholm Convention are suggested to evaluate in their Best available technology/Best environmental practice(BAT/BEP) activities the usefulness of long-term sampling by,for example,designating institutes related to the environmental ministry or regional authorities to supervise long-term sampling regimes at relevant facilities in their country/areas,beginning with priority sources(e.g.,facilities used for destruction of persistent organic pollutants(POPs) or hazardous waste processing) . This paper presents and discusses the results of the AMESA long-term monitoring system having demonstrated that in addition to PCDD/PCDF all other unintentionally produced POPs listed in the Stockholm Convention could be supervised. 展开更多
State of art control of dioxins/unintentional POPs in the secondary copper industry: A review to assist policy making with the implementation of the Stockholm Convention 被引量:2
作者 Guanglong Wu Roland Weber +3 位作者 Yong Ren Zheng Peng Alan Watson Jiahong Xie 《Emerging Contaminants》 2020年第1期235-249,共15页
Article 5 of the Stockholm Convention requires that each Party shall take measures to reduce the releases from anthropogenic sources of unintentional persistent organic pollutants(UPOPs),with the goal of their continu... Article 5 of the Stockholm Convention requires that each Party shall take measures to reduce the releases from anthropogenic sources of unintentional persistent organic pollutants(UPOPs),with the goal of their continuing minimization and,where feasible,their ultimate elimination.A major source of polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins and dibenzofurans(PCDD/Fs)and other unintentional POPs releases,both in China and worldwide,is the metal industry in particular secondary metal industries such as copper smelting.More than 50%of the global secondary copper production is now in China and high levels of PCDD/Fs are released from these operations with the national inventory of China reporting a total of 1133.8 g toxic equivalents(TEQ)yr1.Consequently the Global Environment Facility(GEF)is supporting the project‘UPOPs Reduction through best available techniques and best environmental practices(BAT/BEP)in the secondary copper production sector’in China compromising>50%of the global secondary copper production.As part of this project,information on relevant UPOPs from the metal industry have been reviewed and is presented here.This information should also be useful for other(developing)countries for controlling UPOPs releases from metal industries.This review and the information it contains provides a robust resource for policy makers,the industry and researchers to improve secondary copper production to BAT/BEP standards in relation to the reduction of PCDD/Fs and other UPOPs release.The contents include the details required to assist the understanding of the formation of chlorinated UPOPs along with their brominated and brominated-chlorinated analogues.It reviews the international sources of information on BAT/BEP,including the integrated approach considered in the European BAT Reference document,and shows how this can be used to achieve an overall reduction of pollutant releases from the industry.The current national standards of PCDD/F limits to air,water and solid residues have been compiled and are also included.Challenges which need to be addressed,such as the current international lack to consider brominated and mixed bromo-chloro PXDD/Fs which might be more environmentally significant than PCDD/Fs in some facilities e are also discussed.The study includes a brief description of the steps China has taken to change the national regulatory framework and to improve the sustainability of its secondary metal industry.The Stockholm Convention BAT/BEP guidelines recommend consideration of integrated pollution prevention and control and sustainable production as general principles which parties may incorporate when applying the BAT/BEP guidelines and guidance.This holistic approach is considered in the current project and in the improvement of the pilot facilities and will also be considered in the replication of experiences in other facilities.Using this approach ensures the implementation of the Stockholm Convention can contribute to integrated pollution prevention and control,the development of a circular economy and consequently to genuinely sustainable development thus contributing to different sustainable development goals(SDGs).It is hoped this approach will be adopted in other developing and transition economies and thus help to achieve improvements of the secondary metal industry globally. 展开更多
关键词 bat/bep Emission control PCDD/PCDF PBDD/PBDF Regulatory limits Circular economy Stockholm convention
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