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桃实蝇在西藏的适生性分析 被引量:7
作者 余慧 文艺 +3 位作者 张俊华 次仁桑珠 杨定 陈乃中 《植物保护》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2011年第2期76-80,共5页
[目的]明确桃实蝇在西藏的适生性,为科学制定检疫措施,防止其入侵和扩散,保护西藏水果的安全生产提供依据。[方法]以中国760个(西藏39个)气象站点的气象数据和桃实蝇生物学数据为基础,运用CLIMEX模型和ArcGIS分析相结合的方法对桃实蝇... [目的]明确桃实蝇在西藏的适生性,为科学制定检疫措施,防止其入侵和扩散,保护西藏水果的安全生产提供依据。[方法]以中国760个(西藏39个)气象站点的气象数据和桃实蝇生物学数据为基础,运用CLIMEX模型和ArcGIS分析相结合的方法对桃实蝇在中国,尤其是西藏的适生性进行分析。[结果]桃实蝇在我国具有较高的适生性,适生范围包括34个省、市(区),其中海南、广东的南部、福建的南部、广西、云南、四川、陕西南部、河南和湖北的北部以及台湾的大部分地区属于高度适生区。而桃实蝇在西藏有3个适生站点。[结论]我国很多地区是桃实蝇的适生区,并且高度和中度适生区的范围相对较大。存在桃实蝇入侵西藏并定殖危害的可能性。 展开更多
关键词 桃实蝇 适生性分析 CLIMEX ARCGIS
Effect of Mixed Orchards on Population Dynamics and Dominant on Tephritid Flies in the New Valley Governorate, Egypt
作者 Abdellah Said Hussein Abdel-Moniem Magdy Youssef El-Kholy 《Journal of Life Sciences》 2016年第8期375-385,共11页
Peach Fruit Fly (PFF) Bactrocera zonata (Saunders) and of the Mediterranean fruit fly (MFF) Ceratitis capitata (Wiedemann) are the most of dominant and destructive key pests in fruit orchards in different agro... Peach Fruit Fly (PFF) Bactrocera zonata (Saunders) and of the Mediterranean fruit fly (MFF) Ceratitis capitata (Wiedemann) are the most of dominant and destructive key pests in fruit orchards in different agro-ecosystem in Egypt. Population fluctuations of the Mediterranean fruit fly Ceratitis capitata (Wiedemann) and the peach fly Bactrocera zonata (Saunders) was monitored with lure traps collections in three provinces in the New Valley oases, Western Desert, Egypt. Results showed marked temporal differences in peak trap catches of the two flies in the selected sites all over the entire studied areas. One annual peak of C. capitata was recorded during both October and February and coincided with the ripening period of citrus trees in Kharga oases. However, two annual peaks were recorded during June and September in Bodkholow province and coincided with the ripening period of apple and mango. On the other hand, two annual peaks of B. zonata were recorded in Kharga oases throughout May and September and coincided with the ripening periods of apricot, mango and guava. One annual peak only was recorded round up of September and/or October in both of Moot and Bodkholow in Dakhla oases and coincided with the ripening period of mango, guava and citrus. Occurrence of C. capitata was very limited in comparison with B. zonata. Population fluctuations of the two pests in the studied sites were significantly different. The ability of the used traps in capturing both of C. capitata and B. zonata indicated that the yellow sticky trap was more effective in capturing C. capitata. However, Abdel-Kawi trap was significantly efficient in trapping B. zonata. Occurrence of B. zontata in high numbers all over the study period than C. capitata is considered as a good proof that this invading fly may be consider a vigor competitive tephritid fly to the native fly C. capitata. 展开更多
关键词 Mixed orchards Population fluctuations Ceratitis capitata (Wiedemann) bactrocera zonata (Saunders) lure traps yellow sticky trap.
作者 Muhammad ARIF Muhammad SIDDIQUE AASI +5 位作者 Muhammad FAROOQ Habib ALI Saif UL ISLAM Muhammad ASAD Muhammad SHAKEEL 吴祖建 《昆虫学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2017年第12期1457-1466,共10页
【目的】本研究旨在监测2009-2011年Tehsil Sargodha 7个地点(Sargodha-Ⅰ,Sargodha-Ⅱ,Bhagtanwala,Sakessar,Chak#75-SB,Chak#46-SB和Chak#104-NB)中桃实蝇Bactrocera zonata优势种的种群变化情况。【方法】通过甲基丁香酚信息素诱捕... 【目的】本研究旨在监测2009-2011年Tehsil Sargodha 7个地点(Sargodha-Ⅰ,Sargodha-Ⅱ,Bhagtanwala,Sakessar,Chak#75-SB,Chak#46-SB和Chak#104-NB)中桃实蝇Bactrocera zonata优势种的种群变化情况。【方法】通过甲基丁香酚信息素诱捕器诱捕桃实蝇,每周统计记录桃实蝇种群发生情况,诱捕器每两周加药一次。【结果】结果表明,在调查的3年(2009-2011)中,Sargodha-Ⅰ的桃实蝇种群多度最高(分别为53.67,45.82和45.47头/诱捕器),其次为Sakessar(分别为41.13,33.87和35.75头/诱捕器),而Chak#75-SB的种群多度最低(分别为15.78,19.18和19.15头/诱捕器)。每年桃实蝇发生最高峰出现在4月(分别为76.08,71.94和61.51头/诱捕器),其次为5月(分别为60.74,52.63和64.00头/诱捕器),而在2月和10月发生量最低。另外,桃实蝇种群多度与最高和最低气温呈较强的正相关,而与相对湿度和降雨量呈负相关。同样,回归系数表明,最高气温是影响桃实蝇种群发生的主要因素,而降雨量的影响最小。【结论】应当全年对桃实蝇进行定期监测,由于气象因子严重影响桃实蝇的种群发生情况,因此尤其应监测其在4-5月温度开始上升时的发生情况。 展开更多
关键词 实蝇科 桃实蝇 种群动态 气象因子 柑橘 信息素诱捕器
番石榴果实蝇与桃实蝇的形态区别 被引量:1
作者 赵菊鹏 梁帆 +3 位作者 梁广勤 胡学难 马骏 林莉 《昆虫知识》 CSCD 北大核心 2007年第6期904-905,共2页
介绍我国口岸截获频率较高的2种形态相似的实蝇---番石榴果实蝇Bactrocera (Bactrocera) correcta(Bezzi) 和桃实蝇Bactrocera zonata Saunders的鉴别特征。两者主要区别在于桃实蝇具1对卵圆形黑色颜斑,中胸背板红褐色。
关键词 番石榴果实蝇 桃实蝇 形态特征 分布
作者 张岳 Sandeep Singh +1 位作者 Simranpreet Kaur 李志红 《植物检疫》 北大核心 2019年第5期17-21,共5页
桃实蝇(Bactrocera zonata)严重危害桃、番石榴、番荔枝等经济作物,被我国列为进境植物检疫性有害生物。为明确桃实蝇各虫态的重要形态鉴定特征,并将DNA条形码技术应用于桃实蝇的鉴定,本研究针对采自于印度旁遮普邦的桃实蝇卵、幼虫、... 桃实蝇(Bactrocera zonata)严重危害桃、番石榴、番荔枝等经济作物,被我国列为进境植物检疫性有害生物。为明确桃实蝇各虫态的重要形态鉴定特征,并将DNA条形码技术应用于桃实蝇的鉴定,本研究针对采自于印度旁遮普邦的桃实蝇卵、幼虫、蛹和成虫样品进行了形态观察和分子鉴定。结果表明:桃实蝇成虫整体呈红褐色,头部具一对卵圆形黑色颜面斑。翅除前缘带和臀条外几乎透明,r2+3室端部具“痣状”小褐斑,延伸至r4+5室端部。实蝇成虫及蛹样品的COI条形码序列与GenBank中收录的桃实蝇序列相似度在99.24%~100%之间;基于COI条形码构建的系统发育树显示本研究所有样品和桃实蝇聚在一个分支上。本研究表明DNA条形码技术可有效应用于桃实蝇的准确鉴定。 展开更多
关键词 桃实蝇 形态特征 DNA条形码技术 鉴定
Validation of degree-day models for predict!ng the emergence of two fruit flies (Diptera: lephritidae) in northeast Egypt
作者 Mohamed HBayoumy J.P.Michaud +1 位作者 Faten AABadr Nabil MGhanim 《Insect Science》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2021年第1期153-164,共12页
We estimated thermal developmental thresholds(7o)and degree-day(DD)constants for the immature stages of two tephritid pests,Bcictrocera zonata(Saunders)and Ceratitis capitata(Weidenmann).Males of both species were tra... We estimated thermal developmental thresholds(7o)and degree-day(DD)constants for the immature stages of two tephritid pests,Bcictrocera zonata(Saunders)and Ceratitis capitata(Weidenmann).Males of both species were trapped in an Egyptian guava orchard during the fruiting seasons of 2016 and 2017 and trap catches were compared with peak flights predicted by the DD model based on local weather data.Ceratitis capitata had faster development than B.zonata at 20 and 25°C,but their overall developmental rate was similar at 30 and 35°C.The thermal threshold of development(7o)of B.zonata was higher than that of C.capitata,indicating greater sensitivity to cold.Although 35°C yielded the fastest development of both species,survival was higher at 30°C,with B.zonata experiencing a slight advantage,suggesting better tropical adaptation.Immature development of B.zonata and C.capitata was estimated to require 338 and 373 d,respectively,and 616 and 424 DD for a complete generation.Trap catches over both seasons showed good correspondence to peaks of fly activity predicted by the DD models;deviations from expectation ranged from 0 to 7 d for both fly species.Both species had four overlapping generations per season,with B.zonata abundance peaking in the first generation in both years,but only in 2016 for C.capitata.The models predict about eight and 12 generations per year in northeast Egypt for B.zonata and C.capitata,respectively.These models should be useful for timing pest control measures to coincide with periods of peak fly activity in fruit orchards. 展开更多
关键词 bactrocera zonata Ceratitis capitata development forecasting thermal threshold
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