Bayan Obo ore deposit is endowed with and lie hidden in the Proterozoic strata. The localities and occurrences of the minerals in the ore deposit were described. It is obviously that some minerals are strata minerals ...Bayan Obo ore deposit is endowed with and lie hidden in the Proterozoic strata. The localities and occurrences of the minerals in the ore deposit were described. It is obviously that some minerals are strata minerals and some are post strata minerals. The rare earths, niobium and tantalum minerals are exactly the post strata minerals. In these minerals the hydrothermal metasomatic phenomena distinctly reveal their metallogenic characteristics. According to tectonic movement, magma activity, mineral paragenesis, hydrothermal metasomatism, geological age and lasting time scale of metallogenesis, and some other factors, it is supposed that genesis of rare earths, niobium and tantalum minerals in Bayan Obo ore deposit are closely related with hydrothermal metallogenic solution which is differentiated from silica acid and carbonic acid magma and derived from deep seated source, and then intruded into Proterozoic strata and metasomatized. It is recognized that the metallogenesis of Bayan Obo ore deposit is undergoing a long geological period and many episodes.展开更多
Geochemical study on trace and rare earth element geochemistry was carried out for different carbonates including the very REE-rich ones in the main ore bodies, a carbonatite dyke and two micrite mounds from Heilaobao...Geochemical study on trace and rare earth element geochemistry was carried out for different carbonates including the very REE-rich ones in the main ore bodies, a carbonatite dyke and two micrite mounds from Heilaobao far away from the Bayan Obo ore deposit, and Xishan in west Beijing. The results show that both carbonatite dyke and REE mineralized carbonates (dolomite and marble) in the main ore bodies and outside ore bodies have similarities to each other, with very extreme positive anomaly of Ba, Th, Nb, La, Ce, Nd, Sm, Pb, medium positive anomaly of Y, Ho, Tb, Er, Yb and negative anomaly of Sc, Ti and Cu. The REE concentration in the mineralized carbonates changes greatly, the total REE content changes from 262×10^(-6) in both east and west ore deposits to 104562 ×10^(-6) (10.46%), which is relatively lower than those samples of carbonatite dyke, whose REE contents vary greatly, from 1% up to 20 % of mass fraction. Light REE in the carbonatites are enriched and highly fractionated relative to heavy REE and there is no Eu anomaly. The REE distribution patterns of both mineralized carbonate and carbonatite dyke are of some similarities. However, the sedimentary carbonate micrite of Salinhudong Group in Heilaobao far outside the ore bodies and the pure carbonates from Xishan in Beijing, central part of North China plate, have the similarities in REE distributions with much lower REE contents, which are significantly different from those of carbonatite dyke and REE mineralized carbonate. In Bayan Obo district, both carbonates in the ore deposit and micrite mound outside the ore deposit underwent widespread metasomatism by fluids that resulted in formation of the superlager Fe-Nb-REE mineralization. It appears that the carbonates represent the evolution products of different geological stages.展开更多
The whole-rock geochemistry of a rare earths rich carbonatite dykes that locates at Dulahala and lies 3 km north-east to the East Ore body of the giant Bayan Obo RE-Nb-Fe deposit was analysed. The dyke cuts cross H1 c...The whole-rock geochemistry of a rare earths rich carbonatite dykes that locates at Dulahala and lies 3 km north-east to the East Ore body of the giant Bayan Obo RE-Nb-Fe deposit was analysed. The dyke cuts cross H1 coarse quartz sandstone and H2 fine quartzite of the Proterozoic Bayan Obo group. RE content in the dyke varies greatly up to 20% (mass fraction), which comprises rich RE ores. Light RE in carbonatites are extremely enriched and strongly fractionated relative to heavy RE, but no Eu anomaly. The carbonatite may be produced by mechanisms as follows: the carbonatite mana is directly formed by very low degree (F <1%) partial melting of enriched lithospheric mantle, leaving residual minerals characterized by abundant garnet; then the magma arises into a chamber within the crust where they will undergo fractional crystallization, which makes RE further concentrated in carbonatite. The RE patterns and spider diagrams of the carbonatite are identical to those fine-grained dolomite marble that is the ore-host rock for the Bayan Obo deposit. However, the carbonatite is calcic, which is different from the fine-grained dolomite marble in major element geochemistry. The difference is suggested to be resulted from that the carbonatite dyke is not affected by a large scale dolomitization, while the fine-grained dolomite marble might be the product of dolomitized carbonatite intrusive body that might set up a hydrothermal system in the region, which transported Mg from the Bayan Obo sediments, especially form the shales to the carbonatite intrusion.展开更多
An REE-rich carbonatite dyke was found in Dulahala, close to the Bayan Obo superlarge REE-Nb-Fe mineral deposit in Inner Mongolia, northern China. The REE content in the dyke varies greatly, from 1% up to 20% (wt), wh...An REE-rich carbonatite dyke was found in Dulahala, close to the Bayan Obo superlarge REE-Nb-Fe mineral deposit in Inner Mongolia, northern China. The REE content in the dyke varies greatly, from 1% up to 20% (wt), which might constitute rich REE ores. Light REEs in the carbonatite are enriched and highly fractionated relative to heavy REEs and there is no Eu anomaly. The REE and trace element distribution patterns of the carbonatite are identical to those of fine-grained dolomite marble which is the host rock of the Bayan Obo REE-Nb-Fe superlarge mineral deposit. This indicates a petrogenetic linkage between the REE-rich carbonatite and the mineralizations in this region.展开更多
The Bayan Obo supergiant carbonatite-related rare-earth-element-niobium-iron(REE-Nb-Fe) endogenetic deposit(thereafter as the Bayan Obo deposit), located at 150 km north of Baotou City in the Inner Mongolia Autonomous...The Bayan Obo supergiant carbonatite-related rare-earth-element-niobium-iron(REE-Nb-Fe) endogenetic deposit(thereafter as the Bayan Obo deposit), located at 150 km north of Baotou City in the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, is the largest rare-earth element(REE) resource in the world. Tectonically,this deposit is situated on the northern margin of the North China Craton and adjacent to the Xing’anMongolian orogenic belt to the south. The main strata within the mining area include the Neoarchean Se’ertengshan Group and the Mesoproterozoic Bayan Obo Group. Generally, the rare earth, niobium, and iron mineralization within the deposit are intrinsically related to the dolomite carbonatites and the extensive alteration of the country rocks caused by the carbonatite magma intrusion. The alteration of country rocks can be categorized into three types: contact metasomatism(anti-skarn and skarn alteration), fenitization,and hornfelsic alternation. As indicated by previous studies and summarized in this review, the multielement mineralization at Bayan Obo is closely associated with the metasomatic replacement of siliceous country rocks by carbonatite magmatic-hydrothermal fluids. The metasomatic process is comparable to the conventional skarnification that formed due to the intrusion of intermediate-acid magmatic rocks into limestone strata. However, the migration pattern of Si O2, Ca O, and Mg O in this novel metasomatic process is opposite to the skarn alteration. Accordingly, this review delineates, for the first time, an antiskarn metallogenic model for the Bayan Obo deposit, revealing the enigmatic relationship between the carbonatite magmatic-hydrothermal processes and the related iron and rare earth mineralization.Moreover, this study also contributes to a better understanding of the REE-Nd-Fe metallogenetic processes and the related fluorite mineralization at the Bayan Obo deposit.展开更多
As well as world class Fe and REE resources the Bayan Obo mineral deposits also hosts significant niobium resources(estimated as 2.2 Mt Nb with an average grade of 0.13 wt% Nb).Niobium in this study is primarily hoste...As well as world class Fe and REE resources the Bayan Obo mineral deposits also hosts significant niobium resources(estimated as 2.2 Mt Nb with an average grade of 0.13 wt% Nb).Niobium in this study is primarily hosted in aeschynite-(Ce) and(Nd),but with subsidiary amounts of pyrochlore,fergusonite-(Ce),fersmite and columbite.Here we report on the paragenetic and textural setting of aeschynite,pyrochlore and fergusonite in the main ore bodies and in a carbonatite dyke.Niobium in a carbonatite sample is hosted in a phase tentatively(due to significant Ca,Mn and Ti contents) identified as fergusonite-(Ce).Aeschynite occurs overgrowing foliation in banded ores,in fractures and vugs in aegirine-rich rocks and in calcite veins.The composition in all settings is similar,but some examples in banded ores develop significant zonation in Y,Th and the REE,inferred to relate to buffering of halogen acid species to low levels by dissolution and fluoritisation of calcite,and the preferential precipitation of LREE from solution due to lower mineral solubility products compared to the HREE.Although lower in total concentration the ratios of REE in pyrochlore are similar to those of aeschynite and suggest the same metal source.The crystallisation of pyrochlore probably relates to growth in paragenetic settings where carbonates had already been eliminated and hence the buffering of F-species activities in the hydrothermal fluid was reduced.Both aeschynite and pyrochlore show evidence of alteration.Primary alteration of aeschynite resulted in leaching of A-site cations(Ca,REE,Th) and Nb,addition of Fe,and ultimately replacement by Ba-Ti phases(baotite and bafertisite).Secondary,metamictisation enhanced,possibly supergene alteration of pyrochlore resulted in hydration,leaching of A-site cations leading to the development of lattice vacancies and increases in Si.The presence of hydrothermal Nb resources at Bayan Obo suggests there may be potential for further Nb discoveries in the area,whilst the trends in element mobility during alteration have significant implications for the utility of A-B oxides as components of materials for immobilisation of radionuclides.展开更多
The recovery of iron and enrichment of rare earths from Bayan Obo railings were investigated using Coal Ca(OH) 2 NaOH roasting followed by magnetic separation. The influences of roasting temperature, roasting time, ...The recovery of iron and enrichment of rare earths from Bayan Obo railings were investigated using Coal Ca(OH) 2 NaOH roasting followed by magnetic separation. The influences of roasting temperature, roasting time, coal content, milling time, Ca(OH)2 dosage and NaOH dosage on the iron and rare earths recovery were explored. The results showed that the magnetic concentrate containing 70.01 wt. % Fe with the iron recovery of 94.34G and the tailings of magnetic separation containing 11.46 wt. % rare earth oxides (REO) with the REO recovery of 98. 19% were obtained under the optimum conditions (i. e. , roasting temperature of 650℃, roasting time of 60 min, coal content of 2.0%, milling time of 5 min, and NaOH dosage of 2.0%). The Ca(OH)2 dosage had no effect on the separation of iron and rare earths. According to the mineralogical and morphologic analysis, the iron and rare earths of Bayan Obo tailings could be utilized in subsequent ironmaking process and hydrometallurgy process.展开更多
To resolve the issue of rotary kiln agglomeration during the sodium carbonate roasting of dolomite rare earth ore,this study introduces an oxidation-sodization pellet roasting method for decomposing mixed rare earth c...To resolve the issue of rotary kiln agglomeration during the sodium carbonate roasting of dolomite rare earth ore,this study introduces an oxidation-sodization pellet roasting method for decomposing mixed rare earth concentrates.The focus of this paper lies in understanding the bonding and roasting mechanism of sodium polyacrylate as a binder to dolomite ore and examining the process index of Na_(2)CO_(3)pellets roasting-acid leaching using X-ray diffraction(XRD),scanning ele ctron microscopy with energy dispersive spectroscopy(SEM-EDS),and zeta potential analysis,The results indicate that sodium polyacrylate facilitates the bonding of sodium carbonate to monazite via adsorption of positive and negative charges,and upon roasting at 750℃for 1.5 h to obtain rare earth oxides.Under conditions of a hydrochloric acid(HCl)concentration of 9 mol/L,a reaction for 60 min,a solid-to-liquid ratio(g:mL)of 1:5,and reaction temperature of 90℃,the leaching rates of rare earth elements and thorium(Th)reached maxima of 85.14%and 95.53%,respectively.The process results in a yield of 47.61%for fluorine(F)and89.25%for phosphorus(P).This research forms a foundation for the sodium carbonate roasting decomposition of mixed rare earth concentrates.展开更多
Thermal decomposition and phase transformation for the mixture of Bayan Obo rare earth concentrate(BORC)and sodium carbonate(Na2CO3)roasted at different temperatures with weight ratio of 100:20 were studied in detail ...Thermal decomposition and phase transformation for the mixture of Bayan Obo rare earth concentrate(BORC)and sodium carbonate(Na2CO3)roasted at different temperatures with weight ratio of 100:20 were studied in detail in our study.The aim of our study is to reveal the nature of roasting reaction between BORC and Na2CO3 and thus providing a new method for processing BORC.The results indicate that BORC can be decomposed completely with Na2CO3 at around 600℃after 3 h.During the calcination process,Ce0.5Nd0.5O1.75,NaF,Na3PO4,and a rare earth double phosphate phase Na3RE(PO4)2 are formed after the decomposition of BORC with Na2CO3.In addition,the thermal decomposition mechanism is determined in the paper.Based on these facts,a clean technique processing BORC was developed.And a CeF3 powder,whose composition was measured and stability was also evaluated,was obtained for some potential application from the new technique.This research is of significance in terms of the Na2CO3-roasting BORC solid reaction study and sheds a light on a potential clean technique for BORC.展开更多
In this study,the Bayan Obo rare earth concentrates mixed with Na_(2)CO_(3)were used for roasting research.The phase change process of each firing stage was analyzed.The kinetic mechanism model of the continuous heati...In this study,the Bayan Obo rare earth concentrates mixed with Na_(2)CO_(3)were used for roasting research.The phase change process of each firing stage was analyzed.The kinetic mechanism model of the continuous heating process was calculated.This study aims to recover valuable elements and optimize the production process to provide a certain theoretical basis.Using X-ray diffraction(XRD),Fourier infrared spectroscopy,scanning electron microscopy with energy dispersive spectrometry,the reaction process and the existence of mineral phases were analyzed.The variable temperature XRD and thermogravimetric method were used to calculate the roasting kinetics.The phase transition results show that carbonate-like substances first decompose into fine mineral particles,and CaO,MgO,and SiO_(2)react to form silicates,causing hardening.Further,REPO_(4)and NaF can directly generate CeF_(3) and CeF_(4)at high temperatures,and a part of CeF_(4)and NaF forms a solid solution substance Na_(3)CeF_(7).Rare earth oxides calcined at a high temperature of 750℃were separated to produce Ce_(0.6)Nd_(0.4)O_(1.8),Ce_(4)O_(7),and LaPrO_(3+x).Then,BaSO_(4),Na_(2)CO_(3),and Fe_(2)O_(3)react to form barium ferrite BaFe_(12)O_(19);the kinetic calculation results show that during the continuous heating process,the apparent activation energy E reaches the minimum in the entire reaction stage in the temperature range of 440-524℃,and the reaction order n reaches the maximum,which indicates that the decomposition product REFO significantly impacts the reaction system and reduces the activation energy.The mechanism function is F(α)=[-In(1-α)]^(1/3).The reaction order n reaches the minimum in the temperature range of 680-757℃,and the apparent activation energy E is large.The difficulty of the reaction increases during the final stage.The reaction mechanism function is F(α)=[1-(1-α)^(1/3)]^(2).Observing the entire reaction stage,the step of controlling the reaction rate changes from random nucleation to three-dimensional diffusion(spherical symmetry).展开更多
文摘Bayan Obo ore deposit is endowed with and lie hidden in the Proterozoic strata. The localities and occurrences of the minerals in the ore deposit were described. It is obviously that some minerals are strata minerals and some are post strata minerals. The rare earths, niobium and tantalum minerals are exactly the post strata minerals. In these minerals the hydrothermal metasomatic phenomena distinctly reveal their metallogenic characteristics. According to tectonic movement, magma activity, mineral paragenesis, hydrothermal metasomatism, geological age and lasting time scale of metallogenesis, and some other factors, it is supposed that genesis of rare earths, niobium and tantalum minerals in Bayan Obo ore deposit are closely related with hydrothermal metallogenic solution which is differentiated from silica acid and carbonic acid magma and derived from deep seated source, and then intruded into Proterozoic strata and metasomatized. It is recognized that the metallogenesis of Bayan Obo ore deposit is undergoing a long geological period and many episodes.
文摘Geochemical study on trace and rare earth element geochemistry was carried out for different carbonates including the very REE-rich ones in the main ore bodies, a carbonatite dyke and two micrite mounds from Heilaobao far away from the Bayan Obo ore deposit, and Xishan in west Beijing. The results show that both carbonatite dyke and REE mineralized carbonates (dolomite and marble) in the main ore bodies and outside ore bodies have similarities to each other, with very extreme positive anomaly of Ba, Th, Nb, La, Ce, Nd, Sm, Pb, medium positive anomaly of Y, Ho, Tb, Er, Yb and negative anomaly of Sc, Ti and Cu. The REE concentration in the mineralized carbonates changes greatly, the total REE content changes from 262×10^(-6) in both east and west ore deposits to 104562 ×10^(-6) (10.46%), which is relatively lower than those samples of carbonatite dyke, whose REE contents vary greatly, from 1% up to 20 % of mass fraction. Light REE in the carbonatites are enriched and highly fractionated relative to heavy REE and there is no Eu anomaly. The REE distribution patterns of both mineralized carbonate and carbonatite dyke are of some similarities. However, the sedimentary carbonate micrite of Salinhudong Group in Heilaobao far outside the ore bodies and the pure carbonates from Xishan in Beijing, central part of North China plate, have the similarities in REE distributions with much lower REE contents, which are significantly different from those of carbonatite dyke and REE mineralized carbonate. In Bayan Obo district, both carbonates in the ore deposit and micrite mound outside the ore deposit underwent widespread metasomatism by fluids that resulted in formation of the superlager Fe-Nb-REE mineralization. It appears that the carbonates represent the evolution products of different geological stages.
基金the National Natural Science Foundation of China!4987203 a Grant from China Ministry of Education
文摘The whole-rock geochemistry of a rare earths rich carbonatite dykes that locates at Dulahala and lies 3 km north-east to the East Ore body of the giant Bayan Obo RE-Nb-Fe deposit was analysed. The dyke cuts cross H1 coarse quartz sandstone and H2 fine quartzite of the Proterozoic Bayan Obo group. RE content in the dyke varies greatly up to 20% (mass fraction), which comprises rich RE ores. Light RE in carbonatites are extremely enriched and strongly fractionated relative to heavy RE, but no Eu anomaly. The carbonatite may be produced by mechanisms as follows: the carbonatite mana is directly formed by very low degree (F <1%) partial melting of enriched lithospheric mantle, leaving residual minerals characterized by abundant garnet; then the magma arises into a chamber within the crust where they will undergo fractional crystallization, which makes RE further concentrated in carbonatite. The RE patterns and spider diagrams of the carbonatite are identical to those fine-grained dolomite marble that is the ore-host rock for the Bayan Obo deposit. However, the carbonatite is calcic, which is different from the fine-grained dolomite marble in major element geochemistry. The difference is suggested to be resulted from that the carbonatite dyke is not affected by a large scale dolomitization, while the fine-grained dolomite marble might be the product of dolomitized carbonatite intrusive body that might set up a hydrothermal system in the region, which transported Mg from the Bayan Obo sediments, especially form the shales to the carbonatite intrusion.
基金supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China(grant No.49872032)for YXMthe Ministry of Science and Technology of China(grant No.G1999043204)for ZYF
文摘An REE-rich carbonatite dyke was found in Dulahala, close to the Bayan Obo superlarge REE-Nb-Fe mineral deposit in Inner Mongolia, northern China. The REE content in the dyke varies greatly, from 1% up to 20% (wt), which might constitute rich REE ores. Light REEs in the carbonatite are enriched and highly fractionated relative to heavy REEs and there is no Eu anomaly. The REE and trace element distribution patterns of the carbonatite are identical to those of fine-grained dolomite marble which is the host rock of the Bayan Obo REE-Nb-Fe superlarge mineral deposit. This indicates a petrogenetic linkage between the REE-rich carbonatite and the mineralizations in this region.
基金jointly funded by the National Key Research and Development Program of China (2022YFC2905301)the National Natural Science Foundation of China (42072114)+1 种基金geological survey projects (DD20230366, DD202211695)the scientific research projects supported by the Baotou Steel (Group) Co., Ltd. (HE2224, HE2228, and HE2313)。
文摘The Bayan Obo supergiant carbonatite-related rare-earth-element-niobium-iron(REE-Nb-Fe) endogenetic deposit(thereafter as the Bayan Obo deposit), located at 150 km north of Baotou City in the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, is the largest rare-earth element(REE) resource in the world. Tectonically,this deposit is situated on the northern margin of the North China Craton and adjacent to the Xing’anMongolian orogenic belt to the south. The main strata within the mining area include the Neoarchean Se’ertengshan Group and the Mesoproterozoic Bayan Obo Group. Generally, the rare earth, niobium, and iron mineralization within the deposit are intrinsically related to the dolomite carbonatites and the extensive alteration of the country rocks caused by the carbonatite magma intrusion. The alteration of country rocks can be categorized into three types: contact metasomatism(anti-skarn and skarn alteration), fenitization,and hornfelsic alternation. As indicated by previous studies and summarized in this review, the multielement mineralization at Bayan Obo is closely associated with the metasomatic replacement of siliceous country rocks by carbonatite magmatic-hydrothermal fluids. The metasomatic process is comparable to the conventional skarnification that formed due to the intrusion of intermediate-acid magmatic rocks into limestone strata. However, the migration pattern of Si O2, Ca O, and Mg O in this novel metasomatic process is opposite to the skarn alteration. Accordingly, this review delineates, for the first time, an antiskarn metallogenic model for the Bayan Obo deposit, revealing the enigmatic relationship between the carbonatite magmatic-hydrothermal processes and the related iron and rare earth mineralization.Moreover, this study also contributes to a better understanding of the REE-Nd-Fe metallogenetic processes and the related fluorite mineralization at the Bayan Obo deposit.
文摘As well as world class Fe and REE resources the Bayan Obo mineral deposits also hosts significant niobium resources(estimated as 2.2 Mt Nb with an average grade of 0.13 wt% Nb).Niobium in this study is primarily hosted in aeschynite-(Ce) and(Nd),but with subsidiary amounts of pyrochlore,fergusonite-(Ce),fersmite and columbite.Here we report on the paragenetic and textural setting of aeschynite,pyrochlore and fergusonite in the main ore bodies and in a carbonatite dyke.Niobium in a carbonatite sample is hosted in a phase tentatively(due to significant Ca,Mn and Ti contents) identified as fergusonite-(Ce).Aeschynite occurs overgrowing foliation in banded ores,in fractures and vugs in aegirine-rich rocks and in calcite veins.The composition in all settings is similar,but some examples in banded ores develop significant zonation in Y,Th and the REE,inferred to relate to buffering of halogen acid species to low levels by dissolution and fluoritisation of calcite,and the preferential precipitation of LREE from solution due to lower mineral solubility products compared to the HREE.Although lower in total concentration the ratios of REE in pyrochlore are similar to those of aeschynite and suggest the same metal source.The crystallisation of pyrochlore probably relates to growth in paragenetic settings where carbonates had already been eliminated and hence the buffering of F-species activities in the hydrothermal fluid was reduced.Both aeschynite and pyrochlore show evidence of alteration.Primary alteration of aeschynite resulted in leaching of A-site cations(Ca,REE,Th) and Nb,addition of Fe,and ultimately replacement by Ba-Ti phases(baotite and bafertisite).Secondary,metamictisation enhanced,possibly supergene alteration of pyrochlore resulted in hydration,leaching of A-site cations leading to the development of lattice vacancies and increases in Si.The presence of hydrothermal Nb resources at Bayan Obo suggests there may be potential for further Nb discoveries in the area,whilst the trends in element mobility during alteration have significant implications for the utility of A-B oxides as components of materials for immobilisation of radionuclides.
基金supports by the National Key Basic Research Program of China (No.2012CBA01205)
文摘The recovery of iron and enrichment of rare earths from Bayan Obo railings were investigated using Coal Ca(OH) 2 NaOH roasting followed by magnetic separation. The influences of roasting temperature, roasting time, coal content, milling time, Ca(OH)2 dosage and NaOH dosage on the iron and rare earths recovery were explored. The results showed that the magnetic concentrate containing 70.01 wt. % Fe with the iron recovery of 94.34G and the tailings of magnetic separation containing 11.46 wt. % rare earth oxides (REO) with the REO recovery of 98. 19% were obtained under the optimum conditions (i. e. , roasting temperature of 650℃, roasting time of 60 min, coal content of 2.0%, milling time of 5 min, and NaOH dosage of 2.0%). The Ca(OH)2 dosage had no effect on the separation of iron and rare earths. According to the mineralogical and morphologic analysis, the iron and rare earths of Bayan Obo tailings could be utilized in subsequent ironmaking process and hydrometallurgy process.
基金Project supported by the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region Natural Science Foundation(2022QN05017)the National Natural Science Foundation of China(51964040)National Key Research and Development Program of China(2022YFC2905800)。
文摘To resolve the issue of rotary kiln agglomeration during the sodium carbonate roasting of dolomite rare earth ore,this study introduces an oxidation-sodization pellet roasting method for decomposing mixed rare earth concentrates.The focus of this paper lies in understanding the bonding and roasting mechanism of sodium polyacrylate as a binder to dolomite ore and examining the process index of Na_(2)CO_(3)pellets roasting-acid leaching using X-ray diffraction(XRD),scanning ele ctron microscopy with energy dispersive spectroscopy(SEM-EDS),and zeta potential analysis,The results indicate that sodium polyacrylate facilitates the bonding of sodium carbonate to monazite via adsorption of positive and negative charges,and upon roasting at 750℃for 1.5 h to obtain rare earth oxides.Under conditions of a hydrochloric acid(HCl)concentration of 9 mol/L,a reaction for 60 min,a solid-to-liquid ratio(g:mL)of 1:5,and reaction temperature of 90℃,the leaching rates of rare earth elements and thorium(Th)reached maxima of 85.14%and 95.53%,respectively.The process results in a yield of 47.61%for fluorine(F)and89.25%for phosphorus(P).This research forms a foundation for the sodium carbonate roasting decomposition of mixed rare earth concentrates.
基金Project supported by the National Basic Research Program of China(2012CBA1202)the National Natural Science Foundation of China(51174184)the Key Research Program of the Chinese Academy of Sciences(KGZD-EW-201-1)。
文摘Thermal decomposition and phase transformation for the mixture of Bayan Obo rare earth concentrate(BORC)and sodium carbonate(Na2CO3)roasted at different temperatures with weight ratio of 100:20 were studied in detail in our study.The aim of our study is to reveal the nature of roasting reaction between BORC and Na2CO3 and thus providing a new method for processing BORC.The results indicate that BORC can be decomposed completely with Na2CO3 at around 600℃after 3 h.During the calcination process,Ce0.5Nd0.5O1.75,NaF,Na3PO4,and a rare earth double phosphate phase Na3RE(PO4)2 are formed after the decomposition of BORC with Na2CO3.In addition,the thermal decomposition mechanism is determined in the paper.Based on these facts,a clean technique processing BORC was developed.And a CeF3 powder,whose composition was measured and stability was also evaluated,was obtained for some potential application from the new technique.This research is of significance in terms of the Na2CO3-roasting BORC solid reaction study and sheds a light on a potential clean technique for BORC.
基金Project supported by the Inner Mongolia Natural Science Foundation of China(2020MS05048,2020BS05029)。
文摘In this study,the Bayan Obo rare earth concentrates mixed with Na_(2)CO_(3)were used for roasting research.The phase change process of each firing stage was analyzed.The kinetic mechanism model of the continuous heating process was calculated.This study aims to recover valuable elements and optimize the production process to provide a certain theoretical basis.Using X-ray diffraction(XRD),Fourier infrared spectroscopy,scanning electron microscopy with energy dispersive spectrometry,the reaction process and the existence of mineral phases were analyzed.The variable temperature XRD and thermogravimetric method were used to calculate the roasting kinetics.The phase transition results show that carbonate-like substances first decompose into fine mineral particles,and CaO,MgO,and SiO_(2)react to form silicates,causing hardening.Further,REPO_(4)and NaF can directly generate CeF_(3) and CeF_(4)at high temperatures,and a part of CeF_(4)and NaF forms a solid solution substance Na_(3)CeF_(7).Rare earth oxides calcined at a high temperature of 750℃were separated to produce Ce_(0.6)Nd_(0.4)O_(1.8),Ce_(4)O_(7),and LaPrO_(3+x).Then,BaSO_(4),Na_(2)CO_(3),and Fe_(2)O_(3)react to form barium ferrite BaFe_(12)O_(19);the kinetic calculation results show that during the continuous heating process,the apparent activation energy E reaches the minimum in the entire reaction stage in the temperature range of 440-524℃,and the reaction order n reaches the maximum,which indicates that the decomposition product REFO significantly impacts the reaction system and reduces the activation energy.The mechanism function is F(α)=[-In(1-α)]^(1/3).The reaction order n reaches the minimum in the temperature range of 680-757℃,and the apparent activation energy E is large.The difficulty of the reaction increases during the final stage.The reaction mechanism function is F(α)=[1-(1-α)^(1/3)]^(2).Observing the entire reaction stage,the step of controlling the reaction rate changes from random nucleation to three-dimensional diffusion(spherical symmetry).