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《China Standardization》 2023年第5期2-3,共2页
Firmly upholding the belief that lucid waters and lush mountains are invaluable asset s, proposed by Chinese President Xi Jinping, China has prioritized eco-environmental protection and green development, making great... Firmly upholding the belief that lucid waters and lush mountains are invaluable asset s, proposed by Chinese President Xi Jinping, China has prioritized eco-environmental protection and green development, making great strides in building a beautiful China. 展开更多
关键词 MOUNTAINS China. beautiful
Landscape Design of Rural Courtyards under the Background of Beautiful Countryside Construction:A Case Study of Bajiao Village,Jingmen City
作者 WU Jiayi WANG Zhifang 《Journal of Landscape Research》 2023年第1期73-75,78,共4页
Under the background of beautiful countryside construction,with the continuous development of rural construction,the countryside has ushered in opportunities and challenges.People pay more and more attention to the de... Under the background of beautiful countryside construction,with the continuous development of rural construction,the countryside has ushered in opportunities and challenges.People pay more and more attention to the development of landscape,environmental protection,and courtyards.In order to promote rural optimization and environment improvement,taking Bajiao Village,Jingmen City as an example,the effect of courtyard landscape on the overall rural development and the strategy of improving rural courtyard landscape were discussed through field investigations. 展开更多
关键词 beautiful countryside Rural landscape Red culture
Planning and Design of Beautiful Countryside Based on the Concept of Stormwater Resilience: A Case Study of Shanbei Village, Yunfu City, Guangdong Province
作者 ZHONG Guoqing 《Journal of Landscape Research》 2023年第6期13-19,共7页
Shanbei Village is a village in Yunfu of Guangdong,which has been seriously affected by flood disasters.In the context of the construction of beautiful countryside,utilizing the concept of resilience stormwater,constr... Shanbei Village is a village in Yunfu of Guangdong,which has been seriously affected by flood disasters.In the context of the construction of beautiful countryside,utilizing the concept of resilience stormwater,construction ideas of beautiful countryside of combining the prevention and control of village flood disasters with economic and social development and cultural heritage are proposed.The planning methods of adjusting the planting way of crops,demolition of dwellings in submerged areas and development and utilization of ancient dwellings,sorting out drainage systems and planning“large,medium and small sponges”,and improving the drainage capacity of culverts are summarized. 展开更多
关键词 Stormwater resilience beautiful countryside Planning and design
“美丽”、“漂亮”和“beautiful”、“pretty”的对比分析 被引量:2
作者 殷梅 孟繁杰 《青岛科技大学学报(社会科学版)》 2003年第2期91-96,共6页
语言中存在的同义词,在句法结构和语义范围上存在着差异,它们的区别使用也仅靠母语的语感,因此对外汉语中留学生的误用情况很普遍。就误用较普遍的一组汉英对应同义词"美丽"、"漂亮"与"beautiful"、"... 语言中存在的同义词,在句法结构和语义范围上存在着差异,它们的区别使用也仅靠母语的语感,因此对外汉语中留学生的误用情况很普遍。就误用较普遍的一组汉英对应同义词"美丽"、"漂亮"与"beautiful"、"pretty",以《人民日报》和近现代英文版小说为自然语料进行随机检索、计量统计和对比分析,既对"美丽"、"漂亮"进行汉语内部的横向对比,又同"beautiful"、"pretty"进行汉英纵向对比,通过辨析它们充当不同句子成分的频率和与不同类型名词的搭配使用等,找出它们的内在区别和联系,为对外教学中可能出现的类似问题找出一种解决方法。 展开更多
关键词 美丽 漂亮 beautiful PRETTY 句法结构 语义范围 英语 汉语
谈Beautiful Smile and Love的文体特征
作者 张军历 《新乡学院学报(社会科学版)》 2010年第5期165-167,共3页
Beautiful Smile and Love是特蕾莎嬷嬷于1979年领取诺贝尔和平奖时所做的演讲词,行文简洁质朴,随意自然,感人至深。文章结合演讲词的性质,基于文学文体学理论,从词汇、句法、语篇三个层面探讨BeautifulSmile and Love的文体特征。通过... Beautiful Smile and Love是特蕾莎嬷嬷于1979年领取诺贝尔和平奖时所做的演讲词,行文简洁质朴,随意自然,感人至深。文章结合演讲词的性质,基于文学文体学理论,从词汇、句法、语篇三个层面探讨BeautifulSmile and Love的文体特征。通过分析各个层面凸显的文体特色,阐释其蕴涵的文体意义和评价所产生的文体效果,以便更好地理解和鉴赏这篇演讲词的文学文体意义和美学价值,进而领悟特蕾莎嬷嬷所呼吁倡导的beautifulsmile和beautiful love的真谛。 展开更多
关键词 beautiful Smileand LOVE 演讲词 文体特征
Carry forw ard Soil and Water Ecological Culture and Build Rich and Beautiful Home 被引量:12
作者 Sun Yuan Sun Fazheng 《Meteorological and Environmental Research》 CAS 2014年第10期11-14,共4页
The most directly expressions of the relationships between human and nature lie in the relationships between human and water,human and soil( stone),human and vegetation( plant). Water,soil and vegetation are inter... The most directly expressions of the relationships between human and nature lie in the relationships between human and water,human and soil( stone),human and vegetation( plant). Water,soil and vegetation are interdependent,restricted coexisted and developed from one another,which are integrated and correlated. The history of human's survival and development on the earth is one related continuously with water,soil( stone),vegetation( plant),which involves with the protection and reasonable utilization of water,soil and vegetation resources( also known as soil and water ecological resources),and it has summarized and accumulated abundant culture concerned with the harmonious coexistence of human with water,soil and vegetation,which is the soil and water ecological culture. All peoples of China have accumulated rich soil and water ecological culture in the long term,such as integrated view of nature,nature admiring,nature praising,nature protection and reasonable utilization of nature. It is especially important and urgent in the current times to carry forward soil and water ecological culture. 展开更多
关键词 Soil and water ecological culture Ecological civilization beautiful home China
Promoting the Construction of Beautiful and Rich China with the Theory of Soil and Water Ecology 被引量:4
作者 Fazheng SUN 《Meteorological and Environmental Research》 CAS 2020年第2期20-24,共5页
Started from the problems and perplexities of ecological environment in China,the scientific principle and value of the theory of soil and water ecology are discussed. It is thought that the theory of soil and water e... Started from the problems and perplexities of ecological environment in China,the scientific principle and value of the theory of soil and water ecology are discussed. It is thought that the theory of soil and water ecology clarifies the complicated problems of ecological environment. Environmental pollution can be controlled,but it is only a matter of time and cost. Soil and water ecology is the root of ecological environment problems. The clean water and green mountain are destroyed,which cannot be restored. With the theory of soil and water ecology,the idea that clean water and green mountain are golden and silver mountains is read,as well as the way of turning clean water and green mountain into golden and silver mountains and its different impacts on eco-environment. The developed and underdeveloped areas should treat the idea that clean water and green mountain are golden and silver mountains. The application of the theory of soil and water ecology in soil and water conservation broadens the space of soil and water conservation,and it is necessary to establish a national commission for the conservation of soil and water ecology. The theory of soil and water ecology is the golden key to solve the problems of contemporary ecological environment and the theoretical basis for building a beautiful and rich China. 展开更多
关键词 Ecological environment SOIL and WATER ecology Clean WATER and green mountain GOLDEN and silver MOUNTAINS beautiful and RICH
Necessities and Practical Approaches for Beautiful Countryside Construction 被引量:1
作者 Yan XU Xiaogang CHEN 《Asian Agricultural Research》 2016年第11期36-38,48,共4页
The beautiful countryside construction should combine the external beauty and inner beauty. According to macro background of the beautiful countryside construction,this paper elaborated basic content of the beautiful ... The beautiful countryside construction should combine the external beauty and inner beauty. According to macro background of the beautiful countryside construction,this paper elaborated basic content of the beautiful countryside construction,analyzed the necessities for the beautiful countryside construction. On this basis,it came up with practical approaches for the beautiful countryside construction,so as to build ecological and harmonious beautiful countryside. 展开更多
关键词 beautiful countryside Necessities Practical approaches
以教材为载体,培养师生文化品格——以人教版英语教材Go for it!九年级Unit 9“Sad but beautiful”为例 被引量:1
作者 陈红 《中小学英语教学与研究》 北大核心 2018年第8期59-62,共4页
英语学科核心素养指出:所谓文化品格,是指对中外文化的理解和对优秀文化的认同,是学生在全球化背景下表现出的知识素质、人文修养和行为取向。学生要通过英语课程的学习,获得文化知识,理解文化内涵,比较文化异同,吸收文化精华,... 英语学科核心素养指出:所谓文化品格,是指对中外文化的理解和对优秀文化的认同,是学生在全球化背景下表现出的知识素质、人文修养和行为取向。学生要通过英语课程的学习,获得文化知识,理解文化内涵,比较文化异同,吸收文化精华,形成正确的价值观念和道德情感,从而树立自信、自尊、自强的品质,并具备一定的跨文化沟通和传播中华优秀文化的能力(梅德明、王蔷,2018)。 展开更多
关键词 beautiful 文化品格 英语教材 人教版 for 九年级 SAD BUT
Optimal Design of Earth Landscape Colors Based on Beautiful Countryside 被引量:1
作者 Wei HUANG Hui LIN 《Asian Agricultural Research》 2017年第5期66-68,73,共4页
Through the analysis on the earth landscape colors in the beautiful countryside,this paper stated that the color is the most sensitive element when people touch the countryside. The quality of landscape color directly... Through the analysis on the earth landscape colors in the beautiful countryside,this paper stated that the color is the most sensitive element when people touch the countryside. The quality of landscape color directly influences the people's mood when appreciating the beautiful countryside. Taking respecting natural environment,extending the historical context,and conforming to aesthetic taste as the precondition,this paper made optimal design of earth landscape colors in beautiful countryside using the hue unifying method,color contrast method,and color rhyme balancing method. 展开更多
关键词 beautiful countryside Earth landscape Color optimization
Beautiful Countryside Planning from the Perspective of the Integration of Agriculture and Tourism:A Case Study of Hengfeng Shangguanlong Village,Yongxiu County,Jiangxi Province 被引量:1
作者 Liwen ZHANG 《Asian Agricultural Research》 2022年第2期14-16,22,共4页
This paper introduces the related concepts and current situation of the development of agriculture and tourism in China,analyzes the current situation of the development of Hengfeng Shangguanlong Village,Yongxiu Count... This paper introduces the related concepts and current situation of the development of agriculture and tourism in China,analyzes the current situation of the development of Hengfeng Shangguanlong Village,Yongxiu County,Jiangxi Province,and analyzes the existing problems from the perspective of the integration of agriculture and tourism.The corresponding development strategies are further put forward to promote the construction of beautiful countryside. 展开更多
关键词 Integration of agriculture and tourism beautiful countryside Development strategy
Construction of a Beautiful Village under the Concept of “the Integration of Scenic Spots and Villages”:A Case Study of Nanmen Branch in Wanli District,Nanchang City 被引量:1
作者 ZHANG Yu 《Journal of Landscape Research》 2018年第3期116-119,共4页
Under the background of building a beautiful China,the integration of beautiful rural construction and rural tourism is one of the effective ways to build a sustainable village that is livable,suitable for industry an... Under the background of building a beautiful China,the integration of beautiful rural construction and rural tourism is one of the effective ways to build a sustainable village that is livable,suitable for industry and suitable for tourism.Nanmen branch in Wanli District,Nanchang City is based on the development concept of "the integration of scenic spots and villages",and carries out comprehensive regulation and develops complex tourism in six aspects:defining functional orientation,optimizing spatial distribution,deepening the theme image,innovating tourism products,creating advantageous industries,and improving service packages,so as to promote the beautiful rural construction. 展开更多
关键词 The INTEGRATION of scenic spots and VILLAGES beautiful VILLAGE Rural tourism WANLI DISTRICT
基于Beautiful Soup爬虫招聘信息查询系统的设计与实现 被引量:1
作者 文斌 《电脑编程技巧与维护》 2020年第10期107-109,共3页
随着网络数字时代的到来,网络已成为人们获取信息的重要手段,然而因特网是一个信息的海洋,爬虫的出现就解决了在这个浩瀚的海洋中获取招聘信息的问题,为大学生求职就业提供便捷的途径和通道。系统主要是通过Python和网络爬虫来实现从网... 随着网络数字时代的到来,网络已成为人们获取信息的重要手段,然而因特网是一个信息的海洋,爬虫的出现就解决了在这个浩瀚的海洋中获取招聘信息的问题,为大学生求职就业提供便捷的途径和通道。系统主要是通过Python和网络爬虫来实现从网络中抓取招聘信息并清洗,输入职位、地点信息即可获得全网的招聘信息,从而帮助毕业大学生快速查询高效信息的爬虫系统。 展开更多
关键词 网络爬虫 PYTHON语言 beautiful Soup技术 招聘信息查询
作者 Li Bingyi(Dept. of Urban Planning & ArchitectureWuhan Urban Construction Institute, Wuhan 430074People’s Republic of China) 《Journal of Geographical Sciences》 SCIE CSCD 1995年第1期31-40,共10页
This paper studies an interdisciplinary subject of aesthetics andgeography-beautiful geography .Firsly,it expounds and proves theobjective existence of the beautiful geography from the aims and tasks,objects and cont... This paper studies an interdisciplinary subject of aesthetics andgeography-beautiful geography .Firsly,it expounds and proves theobjective existence of the beautiful geography from the aims and tasks,objects and contents of study in aesthetics and geography in relation totheir branch sciences.Secondly, it discusses the study objects and studycontents and nature of the beautiful geography.It concludes that studyobjects of beautiful geography is the beautifolness of geographic objects.The contents of study contain:1) aesthetic laws and principles of thegeographic objects and human experience to the geographic objects,2)aesthetic value and appraisal of the geographic objects, use of aestheticvalue of the geographic objects; 3) perceptional and behavior effction of the beatiful geographic objects along with its uses; and 4) beautification ofthe geographic objects and constructing beautiful geographic objects.Lastly, it investigates the significance and use of the beautiful geography,especially in distribution of production,urban planning, the appraisal ofresources and regionalization and planning and the construction of tourism. 展开更多
关键词 beautiful geography AESTHETICS distribution of production landscape geographic objects life
Development of Rural Characteristic Industries under the Background of Beautiful Countryside——A Case Study of Wanan County of Jiangxi Province
作者 Ying YU Ling MENG Peng ZHONG 《Asian Agricultural Research》 2019年第2期44-46,共3页
In this paper,Wanan County of Jiangxi Province was taken as an example to analyze the achievements and difficulties in the process of rural characteristic industries. In the context of beautiful countryside,it is nece... In this paper,Wanan County of Jiangxi Province was taken as an example to analyze the achievements and difficulties in the process of rural characteristic industries. In the context of beautiful countryside,it is necessary to maintain development advantages,transform development disadvantages,strengthen rural infrastructure construction,attract investment,vigorously introduce professional talents,explore more industrial models with the support of the government,and promote the stable and healthy development of characteristic industries. 展开更多
关键词 beautiful COUNTRYSIDE Characteristic INDUSTRIES Wanan County of JIANGXI Province
Thinking on Beautiful Countryside Construction Based on Land Consolidation in Hefei City
作者 Wei WANG Zhongxiang YU 《Asian Agricultural Research》 2013年第10期133-137,共5页
This paper stated the background under which beautiful countryside construction was proposed;reviewed the new countryside construction profile of Hefei City before beautiful countryside construction was proposed;analy... This paper stated the background under which beautiful countryside construction was proposed;reviewed the new countryside construction profile of Hefei City before beautiful countryside construction was proposed;analyzed the practices of beautiful countryside construction of Hefei City from the perspective of the land consolidation when considering the development of new-type urbanization conjunctively;then,on the basis of the analysis,it proposed a consideration that the land consolidation and beautiful countryside construction practices of Hefei City should be used for reference,that is to say,the city should focus on beautiful countryside construction planning and comprehensively promote the land consolidation.And it also indicated that there were three kinds of relations needed to be treated well and"five combinations"needed to be done well in land consolidation. 展开更多
关键词 Hefei CITY LAND CONSOLIDATION beautiful countrysid
Operation Modes for Land Consolidation in Central Anhui Based on Beautiful Countryside Construction
作者 Lan WANG Zhongxiang YU 《Asian Agricultural Research》 2015年第3期70-74,共5页
Firstly,the background of beautiful countryside construction was elaborated.The operation modes for land consolidation in central Anhui were divided into five areas:northern Anhui,central Anhui,area along Yangtze Rive... Firstly,the background of beautiful countryside construction was elaborated.The operation modes for land consolidation in central Anhui were divided into five areas:northern Anhui,central Anhui,area along Yangtze River,western Anhui,and southern Anhui.Through empirical analysis of land consolidation in Changfeng County,it came up with recommendations with reference to practice in Changfeng County and discussed the beautiful countryside construction in central Anhui. 展开更多
Recommendations and Countermeasures for Building Beautiful Countryside in Jiangsu Province in the New Period
作者 Yongxiang GUAN Yonghong LIANG +1 位作者 Hao WU Zichen WANG 《Asian Agricultural Research》 2014年第3期26-30,共5页
This paper firstly introduced overall condition of agricultural and rural economic development in Jiangsu Province,and analyzed restrictive factors and bottleneck in the process of new socialist countryside constructi... This paper firstly introduced overall condition of agricultural and rural economic development in Jiangsu Province,and analyzed restrictive factors and bottleneck in the process of new socialist countryside construction from policy,fund and understanding. There are many problems in the process of new socialist countryside construction,including no supply and management system for rural public service products,no agricultural ecological compensation mechanism,increasingly prominent rural hollowing and decline of passing on economic culture,lack of funds and technologies for new socialist countryside construction,and inadequate understanding of new socialist countryside construction. In line with these problems,it came up with recommendations and countermeasures for beautiful countryside construction in Jiangsu Province in the new period from government guidance,plan leading,industrial support,environmental improvement,innovation management and cultural cultivation. 展开更多
Study on Beautiful Countryside Construction in Xihu Lijia Village, Qianfang Town, Jinxian County
作者 SUN Hailan LIU Xiaodong HONG Liang 《Journal of Landscape Research》 2015年第3期28-30,共3页
By reviewing the beautiful countryside construction in Xihu Lijia Village, Qianfang Town, Jinxian County, this paper further explored the concept of building happy and harmonious countryside, provided theoretical and ... By reviewing the beautiful countryside construction in Xihu Lijia Village, Qianfang Town, Jinxian County, this paper further explored the concept of building happy and harmonious countryside, provided theoretical and technical instruction for the construction of "ecological settlement", "ecological environment", "ecological economy", "ecological culture", in order to instruct the construction of beautiful countryside. 展开更多
关键词 beautiful countryside Ecological industry Characteristic culture Harmonious society
Experience of Overseas Countryside Development and Construction of “Beautiful Countryside” in Zhejiang
作者 HUANG Shan WU Qianbo XU Ming 《Journal of Landscape Research》 2014年第3期26-30,34,共6页
Countryside development paths and phase characters of typical developed countries and regions were analyzed,such as the East Asian Model(Japan and South Korea),and Western European Model(Germany and the Netherlands).T... Countryside development paths and phase characters of typical developed countries and regions were analyzed,such as the East Asian Model(Japan and South Korea),and Western European Model(Germany and the Netherlands).The former is based on the big gap between urban and rural development,and the latter is based on the balanced development of urban and rural areas,both of them achieved the world’s leading level of countryside construction.In Zhejiang Province,"China’s Beautiful Countryside"represented by Anji,and"Zhejiang Green Agricultural Product Base"represented by Xianju emerged in the county level.Motivation mechanisms for countryside development in China and abroad were analyzed,including industrial system,infrastructure,ecological environment,and local culture. 展开更多
关键词 Overseas countryside Balanced urban and rural development beautiful countryside ZHEJIANG
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