Cretaceous volcanism in the coastal region of southeastern China was characteristized by occurrenceof bimodal volcanics consisting of basalts and rhyolites, the geneses of which are still controversial. Based on the f...Cretaceous volcanism in the coastal region of southeastern China was characteristized by occurrenceof bimodal volcanics consisting of basalts and rhyolites, the geneses of which are still controversial. Based on the factthat their isotopic compositions are similar but the Sr content of the former is much higher than that of the latter, thispaper discusses the respective sources of the two end-member rocks, and concludes that basalts were derived fromthe subduction-related enriched upper mantle wedge and their isotopic compositions had not been affected by crustalassimilation, whereas rhyolites were formed by remelting of the old metamorphic basement, but they were mixed upwith the underplating basaltic magmas to various degrees so that their Sr isotopic compositions varied significantlyfrom the sources and tended to be homogeneous to the latter.展开更多
It is yet unclear whether large-scale segregation of immiscibile liquids and eruption of high-Si lavas exist in nature(Charlier et al.,2013).We present a possible case of segregation of immscible liquids in the 1780 M...It is yet unclear whether large-scale segregation of immiscibile liquids and eruption of high-Si lavas exist in nature(Charlier et al.,2013).We present a possible case of segregation of immscible liquids in the 1780 Ma Taihang展开更多
The Middle Devonian volcanic rocks in the northern area of East Junggar, located between the Ertix andUlungur rivers of northern Xinjiang, may be divided into basic and acid ones. It is evident that a compositionalgap...The Middle Devonian volcanic rocks in the northern area of East Junggar, located between the Ertix andUlungur rivers of northern Xinjiang, may be divided into basic and acid ones. It is evident that a compositionalgap exists between the two groups so that the volcanic rocks are not in line with a calc-alkaline series becausethe intermediate rocks are absent in the area. The fact shows that the volcanic rocks are a typical bimodal asso-ciation. The formation of the bimodal association of volcanic rocks in the area was closely related to continen-tal rifting or continental extension in the Middle Devonian. In such a tectonic setting, magmas were first pro-duced by partial melting of the mantle. Where crustal thinning was greater, the magmas ascended and eruptedon the surface directly so that the basic volcanic rocks formed, but olivine and/or partial pyroxenefractionation occurred in the magmas during their ascent through the thinning crust. On the other hand, wherecrustal thinning was less, ascending mantle-derived magmas reached the lower crust and accumulated there, re-sulting in partial melting of the lower crust and thus giving rise to the contaminated magma which was consoli-dated as acid volcanic rocks on the surface.展开更多
The Early Jurassic bimodal volcanic rocks in the Yeba Formation, situated between Lhasa, Dagze and Maizhokunggar, composed of metabasalt, basaltic ignimbrite, dacite, silicic tuff and volcanic breccia, are an importan...The Early Jurassic bimodal volcanic rocks in the Yeba Formation, situated between Lhasa, Dagze and Maizhokunggar, composed of metabasalt, basaltic ignimbrite, dacite, silicic tuff and volcanic breccia, are an important volcanic suite for the study of the tectonic evolution of the Gangdise magmatic arc and the Mesozoic Tethys. Based on systematic field investigations, we carried out geochemical studies on representative rock samples. Major and trace element compositions were analyzed for these rock samples by XRF and ICP-MS respectively, and an isotope analysis of Rb-Sr and Sm-Nd was carried out by a MAT 262 mass spectrograph. The results show that the SiO2 contents in lava rocks are 41 %-50.4% and 64 % -69 %, belonging to calc-alkaline basalt and dacite. One notable feature of the basalt is its low TiO2 content, 0.66%-1.01%, much lower than those of continental tholeiite. The ∑REE contents of basalt and dacite are 60.3-135 μg/g and 126, 4--167.9μg/ g respectively. Both rocks have similar REE and other trace element characteristics, with enriched LREE and LILE relative to HREE and HFS, similar REE patterns without Eu anomaly. The basalts have depleted Ti, Ta and Nb and slightly negative Nb and Ta anomalies, with Nb = 0.54--1.17 averaging 0. 84. The dacites have depleted P and Ti and also slightly negative Nb and Ta anomalies, with Nb= 0. 74 -1. 06 averaging 0. 86. Major and trace elemental and isotopic studies suggest that both basalt and dacite originated from the partial melting of the mantle wedge at different degrees above the subduction zone. The spinal Iherzolite in the upper mantle is likely to be their source rocks, which might have been affected by the selective metasomatism of fluids with crustal geochemistry. The LILE contents of both rocks were affected by metamorphism at later stages. The Yeba bimodal volcanic rocks formed in a temporal extensional situation in a mature island arc resulting from the Indosinian Gangdise magmatic arc.展开更多
Volcanic detrital sediments are a unique indicator for reconstructing the petrogenetic evolution of submarine volcanic terrains. Volcanic ash in surficial sediments around the Zhongsha Islands includes three kinds of ...Volcanic detrital sediments are a unique indicator for reconstructing the petrogenetic evolution of submarine volcanic terrains. Volcanic ash in surficial sediments around the Zhongsha Islands includes three kinds of volcanogenic detritus, i.e., brown volcanic glass, colorless volcanic glass and volcanic scoria. The major element characteristics show that bimodal volcanic activity may have taken place in the northern margin of the South China Sea, with brown volcanic glass and colorless volcanic glass repre- senting the mafic end-member and felsic end-member, respectively. Fractional crystallization is the main process for magma evolu- tion. The nature of the volcanic activity implies that the origin of volcanic activity was related to extensional tectonic settings, which is corresponding to an extensional geodynamic setting in the Xisha Trench, and supports the notion, which is based on geophysical data and petrology, that there may exist a mantle plume around the Hainan Island.展开更多
The Northern Junggar Basin experienced extensive subduction and a complex tectono-magmatic evolution during the Late Paleozoic,resulting in a heterogeneous distribution of volcanic rocks in the Junggar Basin.In this s...The Northern Junggar Basin experienced extensive subduction and a complex tectono-magmatic evolution during the Late Paleozoic,resulting in a heterogeneous distribution of volcanic rocks in the Junggar Basin.In this study,the Carboniferous tectono-magmatic evolution of the northern Luliang arc was described by exploring the petrography and geochemistry of Carboniferous volcanic rocks collected from well Y-2 and outcrop WW' in the northern Luliang Uplift.The distribution,types,and formation ages of these volcanic rocks were characterized and the volcanic sequence in well Y-1 was divided into upper and lower parts according to vertical variations in selected geochemical data.Then the petrogenesis and tectonic settings of different volcanic rocks were evaluated and this was used to infer the tectonomagmatic evolution of the northern Luliang arc during the Carboniferous.The results indicate that:(1) Carboniferous high-K calc-alkali andesite-dacite associations are distributed in the west of the northern Luliang Uplift,and Lower Carboniferous calc-alkali basalt-dacite-rhyolite assemblages are preserved in its east.(2) The intermediateacid volcanic rocks in wells Y-1 and Y-2 were derived from calc-alkali basaltic magma through melting of the juvenile lower crust,and geochemical variations indicate increasing addition of slab melting in a subduction-related arc environment.The bimodal volcanic rocks from outcrop WW' were derived from lithospheric underplating of basaltic magma in an intra-arc extensional setting.(3) The closure of the eastern Keramaili Oceanic basin occurred before the Early Carboniferous,and the tectono-magmatic difference between the east and the west of the northern Luliang Uplift appeared before the Carboniferous period.展开更多
Early Cambrian and Mid--Late Neoproterozoic volcanic rocks in China are widespread on several Precambrian continental blocks, which had aggregated to form part of the Rodinia supercon- tinent by ca. 900 Ma. On the bas...Early Cambrian and Mid--Late Neoproterozoic volcanic rocks in China are widespread on several Precambrian continental blocks, which had aggregated to form part of the Rodinia supercon- tinent by ca. 900 Ma. On the basis of petrogeochemical data, the basic lavas can be classified into two major magma types: HT (Ti/Y 〉 500) and LT (Ti/Y 〈 500) that can be further divided into HT1 (Nb/La 〉 0.85) and HT2 (Nb/La ≤ 0.85), and LT1 (Nb/La 〉 0.85) and LT2 (Nb/La ≤ 0.85) subtypes, respectively. The geochemical variation of the HT2 and LT2 lavas can be accounted for by lithospheric contamination of asthenosphere- (or plume-) derived magmas, whereas the parental magmas of the HT1 and LT1 lavas did not undergo, during their ascent, pronounced lithospheric contamination. These volcanics exhibit at least three characteristics: (1) most have a compositional bimodality; (2) they were formed in an intracontinental rift setting; and (3) they are genetically linked with mantle plumes or a mantle surperplume. This rift-related volcanism at end of the Mid-- Neoproterozoic and Early Cambrian coincided temporally with the separation between Australia-- East Antarctica, South China and Laurentia and between Australia and Tarim, respectively.展开更多
Petrogeochemical data are reported for silicic volcanic rocks from the Tianshan Carboniferous rift, with the aim of discussing the petrogenesis of silicic magmas. Incompatible element vs. incompatible element diagrams...Petrogeochemical data are reported for silicic volcanic rocks from the Tianshan Carboniferous rift, with the aim of discussing the petrogenesis of silicic magmas. Incompatible element vs. incompatible element diagrams display smooth positive trends for the Tianshan Carboniferous rift-related volcanic rocks; the isotope ratios of the silicic lavas [^87Sr/^86S(t)=0.699880.70532; eNd(t)=4.76-8.00; ^206pb/^204pb(t)=17.435-18.017; ^207Pb/^204Pb(t)=15.438-15.509; ^208Pb/^204Pb(t) = 37.075-37.723] encompass those of the basic lavas. These data suggest a genetic link between rhyolites and basalts, but are not definitive in establishing whether silicic rocks are related to basalts through fractional crystallization or partial melting. Geochemical modeling of incompatible vs. compatible elements excludes the possibility that silicic melts are generated by the melting of basaltic rocks, and indicates a derivation by fractional crystallization plus moderate assimilation of wall rocks (AFC) starting from intermediate rocks to silicic rocks. Continuous AFC from basalt to rhyolite, with small rates of crustal assimilation, best explains the geochemical data. The presence or absence of bimodal volcanism (the "Daly Gap") might be related to cooling rates of magma chambers. In central and eastern Tianshan, the crust was thinner and the cooling rates of the magma chamber within the crust were greater. These conditions resulted in a rapid fall in temperature within the magma reservoir and caused a narrow temperature interval over which intermediate melts formed, effectively reducing the volume of the intermediate melts.展开更多
Regional surface gravity data and global satellite magnetic data have been utilized to generate a preliminary model of the crustal structure along a southwest-northeast profile (Gadra-Fatehpur) through western Rajas...Regional surface gravity data and global satellite magnetic data have been utilized to generate a preliminary model of the crustal structure along a southwest-northeast profile (Gadra-Fatehpur) through western Rajasthan.The study area represents the western part of the Indian continental landmass which has undergone several major episodes of repeated subduction/collision,plume traces and rifting from Archaean to recent times.The temporal and spatial relationship between the various geotectonic provinces is quite complex,thereby limiting the emergence of a suitable crustal structure model for this region.Exposures of the Malani Igneous Suite (MIS),a product of bimodal volcanism (~780 Ma),and considered to be the third largest felsic magmatic province of the world,is evident along the profile and also to the southwest of the study area.The easternmost part of the profile is close to the DAFB (Delhi Aravalli Fold Belt),a Proterozoic orogenic belt.This study probes the geometry of the different crustal units in terms of density and susceptibility variations in order to decipher the imprints of the major tectonic processes the region has undergone.In order to decipher the crustal geometry of the Gadra-Fatehpur profile,two NW-SE gravity and magnetic profile vertical sections (A-A' in the south and B-B' in the north) are modelled on the basis of the constraints provided from previous seismic models.The crustal model of the Gadra-Fatehpur profile is composed of alluvium,Tertiary sediments,MIS,Marwar Supergroup,low-density layers (LDLs) and the middle-lower crustal layers,with a distinct change in configuration from the southwest to northeast.The Moho dips from SW to NE,the MIS in the SW gives way to the thick pile of the Marwar Supergroup to the NE.The evolution of MIS has been suggested to have occurred as a consequence of delamination of the upper mantle.LDLs are incorporated in Gadra-Fatehpur model.In the SW,LDL (2550 kg/m3) lies below the MIS in the NE,another LDL (2604 kg/m3) is depicted below the mid-crustal layer.展开更多
文摘Cretaceous volcanism in the coastal region of southeastern China was characteristized by occurrenceof bimodal volcanics consisting of basalts and rhyolites, the geneses of which are still controversial. Based on the factthat their isotopic compositions are similar but the Sr content of the former is much higher than that of the latter, thispaper discusses the respective sources of the two end-member rocks, and concludes that basalts were derived fromthe subduction-related enriched upper mantle wedge and their isotopic compositions had not been affected by crustalassimilation, whereas rhyolites were formed by remelting of the old metamorphic basement, but they were mixed upwith the underplating basaltic magmas to various degrees so that their Sr isotopic compositions varied significantlyfrom the sources and tended to be homogeneous to the latter.
文摘It is yet unclear whether large-scale segregation of immiscibile liquids and eruption of high-Si lavas exist in nature(Charlier et al.,2013).We present a possible case of segregation of immscible liquids in the 1780 Ma Taihang
文摘The Middle Devonian volcanic rocks in the northern area of East Junggar, located between the Ertix andUlungur rivers of northern Xinjiang, may be divided into basic and acid ones. It is evident that a compositionalgap exists between the two groups so that the volcanic rocks are not in line with a calc-alkaline series becausethe intermediate rocks are absent in the area. The fact shows that the volcanic rocks are a typical bimodal asso-ciation. The formation of the bimodal association of volcanic rocks in the area was closely related to continen-tal rifting or continental extension in the Middle Devonian. In such a tectonic setting, magmas were first pro-duced by partial melting of the mantle. Where crustal thinning was greater, the magmas ascended and eruptedon the surface directly so that the basic volcanic rocks formed, but olivine and/or partial pyroxenefractionation occurred in the magmas during their ascent through the thinning crust. On the other hand, wherecrustal thinning was less, ascending mantle-derived magmas reached the lower crust and accumulated there, re-sulting in partial melting of the lower crust and thus giving rise to the contaminated magma which was consoli-dated as acid volcanic rocks on the surface.
文摘The Early Jurassic bimodal volcanic rocks in the Yeba Formation, situated between Lhasa, Dagze and Maizhokunggar, composed of metabasalt, basaltic ignimbrite, dacite, silicic tuff and volcanic breccia, are an important volcanic suite for the study of the tectonic evolution of the Gangdise magmatic arc and the Mesozoic Tethys. Based on systematic field investigations, we carried out geochemical studies on representative rock samples. Major and trace element compositions were analyzed for these rock samples by XRF and ICP-MS respectively, and an isotope analysis of Rb-Sr and Sm-Nd was carried out by a MAT 262 mass spectrograph. The results show that the SiO2 contents in lava rocks are 41 %-50.4% and 64 % -69 %, belonging to calc-alkaline basalt and dacite. One notable feature of the basalt is its low TiO2 content, 0.66%-1.01%, much lower than those of continental tholeiite. The ∑REE contents of basalt and dacite are 60.3-135 μg/g and 126, 4--167.9μg/ g respectively. Both rocks have similar REE and other trace element characteristics, with enriched LREE and LILE relative to HREE and HFS, similar REE patterns without Eu anomaly. The basalts have depleted Ti, Ta and Nb and slightly negative Nb and Ta anomalies, with Nb = 0.54--1.17 averaging 0. 84. The dacites have depleted P and Ti and also slightly negative Nb and Ta anomalies, with Nb= 0. 74 -1. 06 averaging 0. 86. Major and trace elemental and isotopic studies suggest that both basalt and dacite originated from the partial melting of the mantle wedge at different degrees above the subduction zone. The spinal Iherzolite in the upper mantle is likely to be their source rocks, which might have been affected by the selective metasomatism of fluids with crustal geochemistry. The LILE contents of both rocks were affected by metamorphism at later stages. The Yeba bimodal volcanic rocks formed in a temporal extensional situation in a mature island arc resulting from the Indosinian Gangdise magmatic arc.
文摘Volcanic detrital sediments are a unique indicator for reconstructing the petrogenetic evolution of submarine volcanic terrains. Volcanic ash in surficial sediments around the Zhongsha Islands includes three kinds of volcanogenic detritus, i.e., brown volcanic glass, colorless volcanic glass and volcanic scoria. The major element characteristics show that bimodal volcanic activity may have taken place in the northern margin of the South China Sea, with brown volcanic glass and colorless volcanic glass repre- senting the mafic end-member and felsic end-member, respectively. Fractional crystallization is the main process for magma evolu- tion. The nature of the volcanic activity implies that the origin of volcanic activity was related to extensional tectonic settings, which is corresponding to an extensional geodynamic setting in the Xisha Trench, and supports the notion, which is based on geophysical data and petrology, that there may exist a mantle plume around the Hainan Island.
基金financially supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Nos.41802182 and 42072192)Open fund of Key Laboratory of Coalbed Methane Resources and Reservoir Formation Process of the Ministry of Education,China University of Mining and Technology (No.2018-004)+1 种基金A Project Funded by the Priority Academic Program Development of Jiangsu Higher Education Institution (PAPD)China Scholarship Council。
文摘The Northern Junggar Basin experienced extensive subduction and a complex tectono-magmatic evolution during the Late Paleozoic,resulting in a heterogeneous distribution of volcanic rocks in the Junggar Basin.In this study,the Carboniferous tectono-magmatic evolution of the northern Luliang arc was described by exploring the petrography and geochemistry of Carboniferous volcanic rocks collected from well Y-2 and outcrop WW' in the northern Luliang Uplift.The distribution,types,and formation ages of these volcanic rocks were characterized and the volcanic sequence in well Y-1 was divided into upper and lower parts according to vertical variations in selected geochemical data.Then the petrogenesis and tectonic settings of different volcanic rocks were evaluated and this was used to infer the tectonomagmatic evolution of the northern Luliang arc during the Carboniferous.The results indicate that:(1) Carboniferous high-K calc-alkali andesite-dacite associations are distributed in the west of the northern Luliang Uplift,and Lower Carboniferous calc-alkali basalt-dacite-rhyolite assemblages are preserved in its east.(2) The intermediateacid volcanic rocks in wells Y-1 and Y-2 were derived from calc-alkali basaltic magma through melting of the juvenile lower crust,and geochemical variations indicate increasing addition of slab melting in a subduction-related arc environment.The bimodal volcanic rocks from outcrop WW' were derived from lithospheric underplating of basaltic magma in an intra-arc extensional setting.(3) The closure of the eastern Keramaili Oceanic basin occurred before the Early Carboniferous,and the tectono-magmatic difference between the east and the west of the northern Luliang Uplift appeared before the Carboniferous period.
基金financial support from the Land and Resources Survey Project of China(Grants # 1212010611804, 121201120133)the National Natural Science Foundation of China(Grant # 40472044)
文摘Early Cambrian and Mid--Late Neoproterozoic volcanic rocks in China are widespread on several Precambrian continental blocks, which had aggregated to form part of the Rodinia supercon- tinent by ca. 900 Ma. On the basis of petrogeochemical data, the basic lavas can be classified into two major magma types: HT (Ti/Y 〉 500) and LT (Ti/Y 〈 500) that can be further divided into HT1 (Nb/La 〉 0.85) and HT2 (Nb/La ≤ 0.85), and LT1 (Nb/La 〉 0.85) and LT2 (Nb/La ≤ 0.85) subtypes, respectively. The geochemical variation of the HT2 and LT2 lavas can be accounted for by lithospheric contamination of asthenosphere- (or plume-) derived magmas, whereas the parental magmas of the HT1 and LT1 lavas did not undergo, during their ascent, pronounced lithospheric contamination. These volcanics exhibit at least three characteristics: (1) most have a compositional bimodality; (2) they were formed in an intracontinental rift setting; and (3) they are genetically linked with mantle plumes or a mantle surperplume. This rift-related volcanism at end of the Mid-- Neoproterozoic and Early Cambrian coincided temporally with the separation between Australia-- East Antarctica, South China and Laurentia and between Australia and Tarim, respectively.
基金support from the Land and Resources Survey Project of China(Grant nos.20011000022,200313000063)the National Natural Science Foundation of China(Grant No.40472044).
文摘Petrogeochemical data are reported for silicic volcanic rocks from the Tianshan Carboniferous rift, with the aim of discussing the petrogenesis of silicic magmas. Incompatible element vs. incompatible element diagrams display smooth positive trends for the Tianshan Carboniferous rift-related volcanic rocks; the isotope ratios of the silicic lavas [^87Sr/^86S(t)=0.699880.70532; eNd(t)=4.76-8.00; ^206pb/^204pb(t)=17.435-18.017; ^207Pb/^204Pb(t)=15.438-15.509; ^208Pb/^204Pb(t) = 37.075-37.723] encompass those of the basic lavas. These data suggest a genetic link between rhyolites and basalts, but are not definitive in establishing whether silicic rocks are related to basalts through fractional crystallization or partial melting. Geochemical modeling of incompatible vs. compatible elements excludes the possibility that silicic melts are generated by the melting of basaltic rocks, and indicates a derivation by fractional crystallization plus moderate assimilation of wall rocks (AFC) starting from intermediate rocks to silicic rocks. Continuous AFC from basalt to rhyolite, with small rates of crustal assimilation, best explains the geochemical data. The presence or absence of bimodal volcanism (the "Daly Gap") might be related to cooling rates of magma chambers. In central and eastern Tianshan, the crust was thinner and the cooling rates of the magma chamber within the crust were greater. These conditions resulted in a rapid fall in temperature within the magma reservoir and caused a narrow temperature interval over which intermediate melts formed, effectively reducing the volume of the intermediate melts.
文摘Regional surface gravity data and global satellite magnetic data have been utilized to generate a preliminary model of the crustal structure along a southwest-northeast profile (Gadra-Fatehpur) through western Rajasthan.The study area represents the western part of the Indian continental landmass which has undergone several major episodes of repeated subduction/collision,plume traces and rifting from Archaean to recent times.The temporal and spatial relationship between the various geotectonic provinces is quite complex,thereby limiting the emergence of a suitable crustal structure model for this region.Exposures of the Malani Igneous Suite (MIS),a product of bimodal volcanism (~780 Ma),and considered to be the third largest felsic magmatic province of the world,is evident along the profile and also to the southwest of the study area.The easternmost part of the profile is close to the DAFB (Delhi Aravalli Fold Belt),a Proterozoic orogenic belt.This study probes the geometry of the different crustal units in terms of density and susceptibility variations in order to decipher the imprints of the major tectonic processes the region has undergone.In order to decipher the crustal geometry of the Gadra-Fatehpur profile,two NW-SE gravity and magnetic profile vertical sections (A-A' in the south and B-B' in the north) are modelled on the basis of the constraints provided from previous seismic models.The crustal model of the Gadra-Fatehpur profile is composed of alluvium,Tertiary sediments,MIS,Marwar Supergroup,low-density layers (LDLs) and the middle-lower crustal layers,with a distinct change in configuration from the southwest to northeast.The Moho dips from SW to NE,the MIS in the SW gives way to the thick pile of the Marwar Supergroup to the NE.The evolution of MIS has been suggested to have occurred as a consequence of delamination of the upper mantle.LDLs are incorporated in Gadra-Fatehpur model.In the SW,LDL (2550 kg/m3) lies below the MIS in the NE,another LDL (2604 kg/m3) is depicted below the mid-crustal layer.