目的:汉化Cumberland踝关节不稳定评价问卷(Cumberland anklei nstabilitytool,CAIT)并进行测量学特性评价,为中文版CAIT在汉语系人群中的推广应用提供有力依据。方法:依据自评量表跨文化调试流程指南(Guidelines for the proces...目的:汉化Cumberland踝关节不稳定评价问卷(Cumberland anklei nstabilitytool,CAIT)并进行测量学特性评价,为中文版CAIT在汉语系人群中的推广应用提供有力依据。方法:依据自评量表跨文化调试流程指南(Guidelines for the process of cross-cultural adaptation of self report measures)汉化CAIT,并从内部一致性(internal consistency)、重测信度(testretest reliability)、天花板效应和地板效应(ceiling and flooreffects)、以及问卷的响应性(responsiveness)等4个方面对汉化版CAIT进行测量学特性评价。选择两组受试者:一组为普通受试组(n=138),从本院医护人员中招募;一组为接受治疗组(n=43),来自因急性踝关节扭伤而来医院就诊的患者。结果:中文版CAIT具备较高的内部一致性(左踝克朗巴哈(Cronbach)系数=0.815,右踝克朗巴哈系数=0.814)、重测信度(ICC=0.99,95%CI=0.986~0.992)和响应性(效应量系数=1.8),且未观察到天花板效应和地板效应。本研究为在汉语系人群中开展踝关节功能性不稳的评价提供了一种确切有效的问卷工具。展开更多
2013年,中国提出“一带一路”倡议,逐渐加强与沿线国家的交流往来及经济文化活动,因而对于口译人才的需求日趋紧迫。近年来,计算机辅助口译教学不断发展,为培养“一带一路”口译人才提供了新方法、新思路。通过实证研究及调查访谈,以国...2013年,中国提出“一带一路”倡议,逐渐加强与沿线国家的交流往来及经济文化活动,因而对于口译人才的需求日趋紧迫。近年来,计算机辅助口译教学不断发展,为培养“一带一路”口译人才提供了新方法、新思路。通过实证研究及调查访谈,以国内某语言学习平台作为本研究的具体对象,选取24名口译学员作为平台的用户,以技术接受模型为理论支撑,探索口译学员对于计算机辅助口译教学软件的接受程度。根据实验数据分析,发现学员认为实验中采用的计算机辅助教学软件具有好用性(Perceived Usefulness),但是对于该软件的易用性(Perceived Ease of Use)存在一定的消极态度。研究结果为计算机辅助口译学习的设计和维护提出针对性建议。展开更多
Background'. Up to 74% of people with a history of ankle sprain develop chronic ankle instability (CAI). One commonly reported residualimpairment is ankle pain;however, it has not been included in models or inclus...Background'. Up to 74% of people with a history of ankle sprain develop chronic ankle instability (CAI). One commonly reported residualimpairment is ankle pain;however, it has not been included in models or inclusion criteria for CAL We investigated the prevalence of pain inpeople with CAI and the association between presence of pain and other CAI characteristics.Methods'. Retrospective data from 1147 participants with CAI (age 26.6 ± 10.7 years, 59% female) were collated from previous studies that usedthe Cumberland Ankle Instability Tool as an assessment tool. Pain was assessed from Item 1 of the Cumberland Ankle Instability Tool, whichasks participants about ankle pain. Responses were divided into 3 categories: pain during daily activities, pain during moderate/vigorous physicalactivities, and no pain. The presence of pain was analyzed with descriptive statistics, the correlation between pain category and CAI characteris・tics was analyzed by /2 tests and factors associated with each pain category were analyzed by logistic regression.Results'. Among the participants, 60.1% (n = 689) reported ankle pain. Of all participants, 12.4% (n = 142) reported pain during daily activities,47.7% (n = 547) reported pain during moderate/vigorous physical activities, and 39.9% (n = 458) reported no pain. There was a strong associationbetween ankle instability and ankle pain (/2 = 122.2, p < 0.001, OR = 53& 95% confidence interval (CI): 3.84—7.53). Perceived ankle instability,age and unilateral ankle sprains were independently associated with pain (ankle instability: /2 = 43.29, p < 0.001;age: /2 = 30.37,p < 0.001;unilateral ankle sprains: /2 = 6.25, p < 0.05). There was no significant difference in the presence of pain between genders.Conclusion-. The prevalence of pain in people with CAI was high and was related to perceived ankle instability. Number of sprains, age, genderand unilateral or bilateral sprain did not modify this result except for the first pain category (pain during daily activities). There is large gap incurrent knowledge about the impact of pain in people with CAI, and this topic needs further investigation.展开更多
文摘目的:汉化Cumberland踝关节不稳定评价问卷(Cumberland anklei nstabilitytool,CAIT)并进行测量学特性评价,为中文版CAIT在汉语系人群中的推广应用提供有力依据。方法:依据自评量表跨文化调试流程指南(Guidelines for the process of cross-cultural adaptation of self report measures)汉化CAIT,并从内部一致性(internal consistency)、重测信度(testretest reliability)、天花板效应和地板效应(ceiling and flooreffects)、以及问卷的响应性(responsiveness)等4个方面对汉化版CAIT进行测量学特性评价。选择两组受试者:一组为普通受试组(n=138),从本院医护人员中招募;一组为接受治疗组(n=43),来自因急性踝关节扭伤而来医院就诊的患者。结果:中文版CAIT具备较高的内部一致性(左踝克朗巴哈(Cronbach)系数=0.815,右踝克朗巴哈系数=0.814)、重测信度(ICC=0.99,95%CI=0.986~0.992)和响应性(效应量系数=1.8),且未观察到天花板效应和地板效应。本研究为在汉语系人群中开展踝关节功能性不稳的评价提供了一种确切有效的问卷工具。
文摘2013年,中国提出“一带一路”倡议,逐渐加强与沿线国家的交流往来及经济文化活动,因而对于口译人才的需求日趋紧迫。近年来,计算机辅助口译教学不断发展,为培养“一带一路”口译人才提供了新方法、新思路。通过实证研究及调查访谈,以国内某语言学习平台作为本研究的具体对象,选取24名口译学员作为平台的用户,以技术接受模型为理论支撑,探索口译学员对于计算机辅助口译教学软件的接受程度。根据实验数据分析,发现学员认为实验中采用的计算机辅助教学软件具有好用性(Perceived Usefulness),但是对于该软件的易用性(Perceived Ease of Use)存在一定的消极态度。研究结果为计算机辅助口译学习的设计和维护提出针对性建议。
基金supported by a Ph.D.scholarship from Najran University in Najran,Saudi Arabia
文摘Background'. Up to 74% of people with a history of ankle sprain develop chronic ankle instability (CAI). One commonly reported residualimpairment is ankle pain;however, it has not been included in models or inclusion criteria for CAL We investigated the prevalence of pain inpeople with CAI and the association between presence of pain and other CAI characteristics.Methods'. Retrospective data from 1147 participants with CAI (age 26.6 ± 10.7 years, 59% female) were collated from previous studies that usedthe Cumberland Ankle Instability Tool as an assessment tool. Pain was assessed from Item 1 of the Cumberland Ankle Instability Tool, whichasks participants about ankle pain. Responses were divided into 3 categories: pain during daily activities, pain during moderate/vigorous physicalactivities, and no pain. The presence of pain was analyzed with descriptive statistics, the correlation between pain category and CAI characteris・tics was analyzed by /2 tests and factors associated with each pain category were analyzed by logistic regression.Results'. Among the participants, 60.1% (n = 689) reported ankle pain. Of all participants, 12.4% (n = 142) reported pain during daily activities,47.7% (n = 547) reported pain during moderate/vigorous physical activities, and 39.9% (n = 458) reported no pain. There was a strong associationbetween ankle instability and ankle pain (/2 = 122.2, p < 0.001, OR = 53& 95% confidence interval (CI): 3.84—7.53). Perceived ankle instability,age and unilateral ankle sprains were independently associated with pain (ankle instability: /2 = 43.29, p < 0.001;age: /2 = 30.37,p < 0.001;unilateral ankle sprains: /2 = 6.25, p < 0.05). There was no significant difference in the presence of pain between genders.Conclusion-. The prevalence of pain in people with CAI was high and was related to perceived ankle instability. Number of sprains, age, genderand unilateral or bilateral sprain did not modify this result except for the first pain category (pain during daily activities). There is large gap incurrent knowledge about the impact of pain in people with CAI, and this topic needs further investigation.