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Soil CH_4 fluxes response to understory removal and N-fixing species addition in four forest plantations in Southern China 被引量:1
作者 李海防 《Journal of Forestry Research》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2010年第3期301-310,397,共11页
CH4 is one of the most important greenhouse gases, and mainly comes from soils in forest ecosystems. The objective of this study was to determine the effects of forest management practices such as understory removal a... CH4 is one of the most important greenhouse gases, and mainly comes from soils in forest ecosystems. The objective of this study was to determine the effects of forest management practices such as understory removal and N-fixing species (Cassia alata) addition, on soil CH4 fluxes in four forest plantations in southern China. Fluxes of CH4 were measured in Eucalyptus urophylla plantation (B1), Acacia crassi-carpa plantation (B2), 10-native-species-mixed plantation (B3), and 30-native-species-mixed plantation (B4) stands using the static chamber method in Southern China. Four forest management treatments, includ-ing (1) understory removal and replacement with C. alata (UR+CA); (2) understory removal only (UR); (3) C. alata addition only (CA); and (4) control without any disturbances (CK), were applied in the four forest plantations. The results showed that plantation types had a significant effect on soil CH4 fluxes. B1 and B2 tended to be CH4 consumers, while B3 and B4 inclined to be CH4 producers. UR decreased CH4 fluxes by providing a more optimal soil temperature and moisture regime for mi-croorganism community and increasing substrate mineralization. How-ever, CA enhanced CH4 fluxes in B1 and B2 for N-fixing function of C. alata while lowered CH4 fluxes in B3 and B4. Soil CH4 flux rate was significantly related to soil temperature and moisture conditions in the top 10-cm soil layer. Furthermore, the quality of substrates, such as Soil Organic Carbon (SOC) and mineral N might also be important driving factors for CH4 fluxes. This study improved our understanding on CH4 fluxes in plantations under different management practices such as UR and CA. 展开更多
关键词 soil ch4 fluxes forest management practices UNDERSTORY
Factors controlling N_2O and CH_4 fluxes in mixed broad-leaved/Korean pine forest of Changbai Mountain, China 被引量:8
作者 徐慧 陈冠雄 +2 位作者 黄国宏 韩士杰 张秀君 《Journal of Forestry Research》 SCIE CAS CSCD 1999年第4期214-218,共5页
Using the closed chamber technique, the in situ measurements of N2O and CH4 fluxes was conducted in a broad-leaved Korean pine mixed forest ecosystem in Changbai Mountain, China. from June 1994 to october 1995. The re... Using the closed chamber technique, the in situ measurements of N2O and CH4 fluxes was conducted in a broad-leaved Korean pine mixed forest ecosystem in Changbai Mountain, China. from June 1994 to october 1995. The relationships between fluxes (N2O and CH4) and some major environmental factors (temperature, soil water content and soil availabIe nitrogen) were studied. A significant positive correlation between Nzo emission and air/soil temperature was observed, but no significant correIation was found between N2O emission and soil water content (SWC). This result showed that temperature was an important controlling factor of N2O flux. There was a significant correlation between CH4 uptake and SWC, but no significant correlation was found between CH4 uptake and temperature. This suggested SWC was an important factor controlling CH4 uptake. The very significant negative correlation between logarithmic N2O flux and soil nitrate concentration, significant negative correlation between CH4 flux and soil ammonium content were also found. 展开更多
关键词 Broad-leaved/Korean pine forest N_2O ch_4 flux Environmental factors
Fluxes of CO_2,CH_4 and N_2O from alpine grassland in the Tibetan Plateau 被引量:13
作者 PEI Zhiyong,OUYANG Hua,ZHOU Caiping,XU Xingliang(Inst. of Geographic Science s and Natural Resources Research, CAS, Beijing 100101, China) 《Journal of Geographical Sciences》 SCIE CSCD 2003年第1期27-34,共8页
Using stat ic chamber technique, fluxes of CO 2 , CH 4 and N 2 O were measured in the alpine grassland area from July 2000 to July 2001, d eterminations of mean fluxes showed that CO 2 and N 2 O were gene rally releas... Using stat ic chamber technique, fluxes of CO 2 , CH 4 and N 2 O were measured in the alpine grassland area from July 2000 to July 2001, d eterminations of mean fluxes showed that CO 2 and N 2 O were gene rally released from the soil, while the alpine grassland accounted for a weak CH 4 sink. Fluxes of CO 2 , CH 4 and N 2 O ranged widely. The highest CO 2 emission occurred in August, whereas a lmost 90% of the whole year emission occurred in the growing season. But the variations of CH 4 and N 2 O fluxes did not show any clear patterns over the one-year-experim ent. During a daily variation, the maximum CO 2 emission occurred at 16:00, and then decreased to the minimum emi ssion in the early morning. Daily pattern analyses indicated that the variation in CO 2 fluxes was positively related to air temperatures (R 2 =0.73) and soil temperatures at a depth of 5 cm (R 2 =0.86), whereas daily variations in CH 4 and N 2 O fluxes were poorly explained by soil temperatures and climatic va riables. CO 2 emissions in this area were much lower than other grasslands in plain areas . 展开更多
关键词 CO 2 ch 4 and N 2 O flux alpine grassland Tibetan Plateau
南极法尔兹半岛植被土壤CH_4通量特征 被引量:6
作者 孙立广 朱仁斌 +2 位作者 谢周清 赵俊琳 徐华 《环境科学学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2001年第3期296-300,共5页
应用密闭箱法首次测定了南极法尔兹半岛苔藓、地衣植被土壤CH4 排放通量 ,并估算了该半岛植被土壤在夏季 2个月内CH4 的排放总量 .结果表明 :在晴好天气条件下 ,苔藓土壤CH4 排放通量可能呈现双峰型变化特征 ;而在雨、雪等复杂多变的天... 应用密闭箱法首次测定了南极法尔兹半岛苔藓、地衣植被土壤CH4 排放通量 ,并估算了该半岛植被土壤在夏季 2个月内CH4 的排放总量 .结果表明 :在晴好天气条件下 ,苔藓土壤CH4 排放通量可能呈现双峰型变化特征 ;而在雨、雪等复杂多变的天气条件下 ,CH4 通量变化无规则 ,存在较大的时空变化 ,且与温度的响应关系不明显 ;苔藓土壤CH4 通量夏季变化的主要影响因子是温度 ,同时还受降水的影响 .苔藓土壤吸收CH4 总量为 0 6 6 5 3× 10 2 kg ;地衣土壤吸收CH4 总量为 0 76 0 3×10 2 kg .由此可见 ,该半岛苔藓、地衣植被土壤起着大气CH4 展开更多
关键词 南极法尔兹半岛 植被土壤 排放通量 甲烷 温室效应
内蒙古草原生态系统-大气间N_2O和CH_4排放通量研究的初步结果 被引量:16
作者 杜睿 陈冠雄 +1 位作者 吕达仁 王庚辰 《气候与环境研究》 CSCD 1997年第3期67-75,共9页
用密封箱式法,从1995年5~10月首次对我国温带典型草原羊草草原和大针茅草原生态系统与大气间N2O和CH4交换通量的季节变化和日变化以及不同放牧强度对于草原生态系统N2O和CH4排放通量的影响进行了原位观测。结果表... 用密封箱式法,从1995年5~10月首次对我国温带典型草原羊草草原和大针茅草原生态系统与大气间N2O和CH4交换通量的季节变化和日变化以及不同放牧强度对于草原生态系统N2O和CH4排放通量的影响进行了原位观测。结果表明在主要的自然因素影响下羊草草原和大针茅草原生态系统N2O交换通量范围分别为072~969和-054~637μg·m-2·h-1,年平均通量分别为699和306μg·m-2·h-1;CH4交换通量范围分别为-5458~821和-9551~-3247μg·m-2·h-1,年平均通量分别为-2716和-5097μg·m-2·h-1(所有通量数据均分别指N2O中的N和CH4中的C)。对草原生态系统N2O排放和CH4吸收间的互为消长的关系进行了分析。研究了以轮牧为放牧方式的低度放牧率、中度放牧率和重度放牧率对草原生态系统N2O和CH4排放通量的季节变化和日变化的影响。初步结果表明,放牧强度对于草原生态系统N2O和CH4的排放有着一定的影响,不同放牧率的影响结果各不相同。低度放牧、中度放牧和重度放牧以及对照草场N2O通量季节变化范围分别为164~969、007~1805、1? 展开更多
关键词 草原生态系统 放牧强度 一氧化二氮 甲烷 通量
内蒙古羊草草原不同物候期CH_4通量日变化特征与日通量比较 被引量:6
作者 齐玉春 董云社 +4 位作者 耿元波 杨小红 刘立新 李明峰 刘杏认 《地理研究》 CSCD 北大核心 2004年第6期785-794,共10页
利用静态暗箱法对内蒙古半干旱羊草草原不同物候期原状群落与土壤CH4 通量的日变化进行了野外定位试验研究 ,结果表明 :羊草草原土壤为大气CH4 的吸收汇 ,不同观测日CH4 通量的日变化特征存在较大差异 ;气温及表层地温与CH4 吸收通量除... 利用静态暗箱法对内蒙古半干旱羊草草原不同物候期原状群落与土壤CH4 通量的日变化进行了野外定位试验研究 ,结果表明 :羊草草原土壤为大气CH4 的吸收汇 ,不同观测日CH4 通量的日变化特征存在较大差异 ;气温及表层地温与CH4 吸收通量除果后营养期呈显著或极显著正相关外 ,其余观测日两者的相关性不明显 ;原状群落与土壤CH4 吸收通量间除2 0 0 2年果后营养期以及 2 0 0 3年开花期两者差异分别达到 0 10与 0 0 5的显著性水平外 ,两者在其余观测日差异均不显著 ;不同物候期间CH4 日平均通量除原状群落开花期与结实后期间 ,开花期与 2 0 0 1年果后营养期以及结实后期与 2 0 0 2年果后营养期间差异显著外 ,其它不同物候期之间CH4 展开更多
关键词 内蒙古 羊草草原 ch4通量 日变化 环境因子
稻田CO_2、CH_4和N_2O排放通量测定方法研究 被引量:25
作者 邹建文 焦燕 +1 位作者 王跃思 黄耀 《南京农业大学学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2002年第4期45-48,共4页
介绍了经过改装并配有火焰离子检测器 (FID)和电子捕获检测器 (ECD) ,能同步分析稻田CO2 、CH4和N2 O排放通量的气相色谱仪Agilent 4 890D的基本原理、主要配置及性能。该仪器与GC 14A气相色谱仪的分析结果十分接近。对2 0 0 1年南京市... 介绍了经过改装并配有火焰离子检测器 (FID)和电子捕获检测器 (ECD) ,能同步分析稻田CO2 、CH4和N2 O排放通量的气相色谱仪Agilent 4 890D的基本原理、主要配置及性能。该仪器与GC 14A气相色谱仪的分析结果十分接近。对2 0 0 1年南京市江宁区稻田CO2 、CH4和N2 O的季节排放通量的实测结果表明 ,该仪器具有简便易行 ,准确可靠等优点 。 展开更多
关键词 稻田 CO2 ch4 N2O 排放通量 测定方法 气相色谱 同步分析 温室气体
锡林河流域放牧条件下草原CH_4通量研究结果初报 被引量:23
作者 王艳芬 纪宝明 +1 位作者 陈佐忠 Dennis Ojima 《植物生态学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2000年第6期693-696,共4页
采用静态箱法 ,于 1998年 7月至 2 0 0 0年 2月对放牧条件下锡林河流域冷蒿 (Artemisia frigida) -小禾草草原甲烷地 -气交换通量进行了野外原位测定。研究结果表明 :锡林河流域草原是甲烷的弱汇 ,其吸收通量变幅较大 ,在0~ 499.6 8μg... 采用静态箱法 ,于 1998年 7月至 2 0 0 0年 2月对放牧条件下锡林河流域冷蒿 (Artemisia frigida) -小禾草草原甲烷地 -气交换通量进行了野外原位测定。研究结果表明 :锡林河流域草原是甲烷的弱汇 ,其吸收通量变幅较大 ,在0~ 499.6 8μg.m- 2 .h- 1之间 ,且具有明显的季节变化特征 ,表现为甲烷通量随温度的降低而逐渐降低。分析揭示了甲烷通量与温度和降水之间的关系 ,尤其是与地温之间的定量关系。两年的研究结果还表明 ,不同放牧率处理在一定的时间尺度上对土壤 -植被系统吸收甲烷没有显著影响。 展开更多
关键词 静态箱法 草原 放牧率 甲烷通量 锡林河流域
广州地区晚季稻田CH_4、N_2O排放研究初报 被引量:8
作者 杨军 贺丽萍 +3 位作者 杨崇 陈玉芬 吕雪娟 伍时照 《华南农业大学学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 1997年第3期62-66,共5页
采用广州地区农民常用施肥类型(1化肥;2有机肥+化肥)和灌溉方式(间歇灌溉),研究晚季稻田CH4、N2O排放规律及排放量。试验初步表明,在一定的施肥量及气候条件下,灌溉水管理是决定CH4、N2O排放量的较主要因素... 采用广州地区农民常用施肥类型(1化肥;2有机肥+化肥)和灌溉方式(间歇灌溉),研究晚季稻田CH4、N2O排放规律及排放量。试验初步表明,在一定的施肥量及气候条件下,灌溉水管理是决定CH4、N2O排放量的较主要因素,而这一因素对CH4、N2O排放量的影响互为相反,即施肥后稻田处于灌溉淹水状态有利于CH4排放而不利于N2O排放;稻田处于干湿状态有利于N2O排放,但非常不利于CH4排放;研究初步结果:施纯化肥水稻田所排放的CH4、N2O总量对温室效应及地球臭氧层破坏的综合影响强度大于施有机肥加化肥水稻田。广州地区晚季稻田CH4排放通量为7.8mg/m2·h;N2O排放通量为226μg/m2·h。 展开更多
关键词 ch_4 N_2O 排放通量 施肥 水稻田
基于不同模型的河口区水产养殖塘水-气界面CH_4气体传输速率及扩散通量研究 被引量:2
作者 杨平 张逸飞 +2 位作者 金宝石 谭立山 仝川 《湖泊科学》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2019年第1期268-281,共14页
模型估算法是水-气界面甲烷(CH_4)通量监测的主要方法.本研究选择6种不同的参数化模型方法估算了2015年6、8和10月两个亚热带河口养殖塘水-气界面CH_4传输速率(kx)及其扩散通量,探讨了河口养殖塘kx及CH_4扩散通量的变化特征和影响因子.... 模型估算法是水-气界面甲烷(CH_4)通量监测的主要方法.本研究选择6种不同的参数化模型方法估算了2015年6、8和10月两个亚热带河口养殖塘水-气界面CH_4传输速率(kx)及其扩散通量,探讨了河口养殖塘kx及CH_4扩散通量的变化特征和影响因子.结果表明:研究期间,不同模型估算下的kx及其扩散通量均值在闽江河口养殖塘变化范围分别为1.60±0.75~6.29±1.30 cm/h和9.19±2.67~30.64±6.28μmol/(m2·h),在九龙江河口养殖塘的变化范围分别为0.89±0.19~6.07±0.61 cm/h和3.18±0.48~21.03±2.13μmol/(m2·h); kx及其扩散通量在两个河口区均呈现随时间推移而升高的特征;整个养殖期间,养殖塘水-气界面平均CH_4传输速率kx呈现闽江河口略高于九龙江河口(P>0.05),但水-气界面平均CH_4扩散通量呈现闽江河口显著高于九龙江河口的特征(P<0.05);风速、水体溶解CH_4浓度和盐度是调控河口区养殖塘水-气界面CH_4扩散通量变化的重要因子;不同模型估算出的河口养殖塘水-气界面CH_4传输速率kx存在差异,表明模型估算法获得的水-气界面CH_4扩散通量存在一定的不确定性. 展开更多
关键词 甲烷 气体传输速率 扩散通量 环境因素 水产养殖塘 亚热带河口
青藏高原冷湿地生态系统CH_4排放量估算(英文) 被引量:5
作者 金会军 吴杰 +1 位作者 程国栋 孙广友 《冰川冻土》 CSCD 北大核心 1999年第4期339-350,共12页
The areal extent of cold freshwater wetlands on the Tibetan Plateau is estimated to be 0.133×10 6 km 2, suggesting a significant methane potential. Methane fluxes from wet alpine meadows, peatlands, Hippuris vulg... The areal extent of cold freshwater wetlands on the Tibetan Plateau is estimated to be 0.133×10 6 km 2, suggesting a significant methane potential. Methane fluxes from wet alpine meadows, peatlands, Hippuris vulgaris mires and secondary marshes were 43.18,12.96,-0.28 and 45.90 mg·m -2 ·d -1 , respectively, based on the transection studies at the Huashixia Permafrost Station from July to August 1996. Average CH 4 flux in the thaw season was extrapolated to be 5.68 g·m -2 according to the areal percentage of wetland areas in the Huashixia region. CH 4 fluxes at four fixed sites, representative of similar ecosystems, ranged from -19.384 to 347.15 mg·m -2 ·d -1 , and the average CH 4 fluxes varied from 6.54 to 71.97 mg·m -2 ·d -1 at each site from April to September 1997. CH 4 emissions at each site during the entire thaw season was estimated from 1.21 to 10.65 g·m -2 , displaying strong spatial variations. Seasonal variations of CH 4 fluxes were also observed at the four sites. It is found that CH 4 bursted in the early thaw season, and increased afterwards with rising soil temperatures. Episodic fluxes were observed in summer, which influenced the average CH 4 flux considerably. Annual CH 4 emissions from cold wetlands on the plateau were estimated at about 0.7~0.9 Tg based on the distribution of wetlands, representative CH 4 fluxes, and number of thaw days. The centers of CH 4 releasing are located in the sources of the Yangtze and Yellow Rivers, and Zoige Peatlands. 展开更多
关键词 青藏高原 冷湿地 生态系统 ch4 排放量 估算
青藏高原冷湿地生态系统CH4排放量估算(英文) 被引量:3
作者 金会军 吴杰 +1 位作者 程国栋 孙广友 《冰川冻土》 CSCD 北大核心 1999年第4期339-350,共页
关键词 Tibetan Plateau WETLAND ECOSYSTEMS ch 4 emission ch 4 fluxES
Response of Rice Cultivars to Elevated Air Temperature and Soil Amendments: Implications towards Climate Change Adaptations and Mitigating Global Warming Potentials
作者 Muhammad Aslam Ali S. K. Md. Fazlay Rabbi +8 位作者 Md. Abdul Baten Hafsa Jahan Hiya Shah Tasdika Auyon Md. Shamsur Rahman Deboki Kundu Khairul Amin Sanjit Chandra Barman Tanver Hossain Fariha Binte Nobi 《American Journal of Climate Change》 2024年第3期406-426,共21页
Global mean surface air temperature is expected to increase 1.1˚C - 6.4˚C by the end of 21st century which may affect rice productivity and methane emissions in the future climate. This experiment was conducted to inv... Global mean surface air temperature is expected to increase 1.1˚C - 6.4˚C by the end of 21st century which may affect rice productivity and methane emissions in the future climate. This experiment was conducted to investigate the response of rice cultivars to elevated air temperature (+1.5˚C higher than ambient) and soil amendments in regards to rice yield, yield scaled methane emissions and global warming potentials. The experimental findings revealed that replacement of inorganic fertilizers (20% - 40% of recommended NPKS) with Vermicompost, Azolla biofertilizer, enriched sugarcane pressmud, rice husk biochar and silicate fertilization increased rice yield 13.0% - 23.0%, and 11.0% - 19.0% during wet aman and dry boro season, respectively. However, seasonal cumulative CH4 fluxes were decreased by 9.0% - 25.0% and 5.0% - 19.0% during rainfed wet aman and irrigated dry boro rice cultivation, respectively with selected soil amendments. The maximum reduction in seasonal cumulative CH4 flux (19.0% - 25.0%) was recorded with silicate fertilization and azolla biofertilizer amendments (9.0% - 13.0%), whereas maximum grain yield increment 10.0 % - 14.0% was found with Vermicompost and Sugarcane pressmud amendments compared to chemical fertilization (100% NPKS) treated soils at ambient air temperature. However, rice grain yield decreased drastically 43.0% - 50.0% at elevated air temperature (3˚C higher than ambient air temperature), eventhough accelerated the total cumulative CH4 flux as well as GWPs in all treatments. Maximum seasonal mean GWPs were calculated at 391.0 kg CO2 eq·ha−1 in rice husk biochar followed by sugarcane pressmud (mean GWP 387.0 kg CO2 eq·ha−1), while least GWPs were calculated at 285 - 305 kg CO2 eq·ha−1 with silicate fertilizer and Azolla biofertilizer amendments. Rice cultivar BRRI dhan 87 revealed comparatively higher seasonal cumulative CH4 fluxes, yield scaled CH4 flux and GWPs than BRRI dhan 71 during wet aman rice growing season;while BRRI dhan 89 showed higher cumulative CH4 flux and GWPs than BINA dhan 10 during irrigated boro rice cultivation. Conclusively, inorganic fertilizers may be partially (20% - 40% of the recommended NPKS) replaced with Vermicompost, azolla biofertilizer, silicate fertilizer and enriched sugarcane pressmud compost for sustainable rice production and decreasing GWPs under elevated air temperature condition. 展开更多
关键词 Rice Paddy Soil Amendments ch4 flux GWPs Elevated Air Temperature
Development of Environment Friendly Paddy Ecosystem for Sustainable Rice Farming through Soil Amendments with Biochar and Alternate Wetting-Drying Irrigations
作者 Muhammad Aslam Ali Md. Rajib Hassan +5 位作者 Zubair Al Islam Sanjit Chandra Barman Badiuzzaman Khan Rehana Khatun Hafsa Jahan Hiya Md. Touhidul Islam 《American Journal of Climate Change》 2021年第4期581-596,共16页
Climate change may badly affect the availability of water and soil nutrients to rice plant. Research experiments were conducted at the Environmental Science Departmental field, Bangladesh Agricultural University, Myme... Climate change may badly affect the availability of water and soil nutrients to rice plant. Research experiments were conducted at the Environmental Science Departmental field, Bangladesh Agricultural University, Mymensingh during July 2017 to June 2019, to find out the suitable combination of biochar with inorganic fertilizers for minimizing seasonal yield scaled CH<sub>4</sub> emissions, reducing global warming potentials (GWPs) and sustainable rice farming under feasible irrigation practices. There were ten experimental treatments with different combinations of inorganic NPKS fertilizers and biochar (15 - 30 t/ha) under conventional flooding (CF) and alternate wetting-drying irrigations (AWDI). This study revealed that NPKS fertilization (50% of the recommended doze) with 15 t/ha biochar amendments under AWD irrigation maximized rice yield 6750 kg/ha and 4380 kg/ha in dry boro and wet aman seasons respectively, while the lowest rice yield 1850 kg/ha and 1550 kg/ha were recorded in continuously irrigated control treatment (T<sub>1</sub>) during the dry and wet seasons respectively. Seasonal cumulative CH<sub>4</sub> emission, yield scaled CH<sub>4 </sub>emission and GWPs were suppressed significantly with biochar amendments 15 - 30 t/ha under both conventional and AWDI irrigation systems during the wet and dry seasons of rice cultivation. Significant interactions were observed among biochar amendments and irrigation practices during the dry boro rice cultivation. Dry seasonal cumulative CH<sub>4</sub> emissions were decreased by 14.7%, 18.9% and 24.8% with biochar amendments at 15 t/ha, 20 t/ha and 30 t/ha respectively under conventional irrigation;while cumulative CH<sub>4</sub> emissions were reduced by 10.6%, 26% and 41.6% respectively, under AWDI system. Finally, total global warming potentials (GWPs) were decreased by 6% - 15%, 13% - 30% with biochar amendments under conventional and AWDI irrigations respectively, in wet season;while global warming potentials (GWPs) also decreased by 14% - 25%, 11% - 42% with biochar amendments under conventional and AWDI irrigations, respectively, in the dry boro season. Biochar amendments increased water productivity index to some extent, but AWD irrigations significantly increased water productivity over the conventional irrigation in both wet and dry seasons. After experimental period, it was found that soil porosity, redox status, soil organic carbon (SOC) as well as overall soil properties were improved significantly with biochar amendments and AWD irrigations. Conclusively, biochar amendments @15 - 20 t/ha with half of the recommended inorganic (NPKS) fertilizers under alternate wetting-drying irrigations revealed an environment friendly integrated package approach to reduce seasonal cumulative CH<sub>4</sub> emissions as well as GWPs, while improving rice rhizosphere environment and rice productivity to meet the national food security. 展开更多
关键词 ch4 flux GWPs AWDI Yield Scaled ch4 Emission Dry Boro Rice Rainfed Aman Rice
长白山阔叶红松林土壤氮化亚氮和甲烷的通量研究 被引量:30
作者 肖冬梅 王淼 +2 位作者 姬兰柱 韩士杰 王跃思 《应用生态学报》 CAS CSCD 2004年第10期1855-1859,共5页
采用静态箱 /气相色谱分析方法对长白山阔叶红松林两个处理的N2 O和CH4通量进行了研究 .结果表明 ,凋落物对土壤N2 O排放和CH4吸收的影响是显著的 ,影响程度分别是 36 9%和 2 3 4 % .两个处理的N2 O排放通量季节变化趋势相似 :夏季 (6... 采用静态箱 /气相色谱分析方法对长白山阔叶红松林两个处理的N2 O和CH4通量进行了研究 .结果表明 ,凋落物对土壤N2 O排放和CH4吸收的影响是显著的 ,影响程度分别是 36 9%和 2 3 4 % .两个处理的N2 O排放通量季节变化趋势相似 :夏季 (6~ 8月 )的排放通量最高 ,春季 (3~ 5月 )次之 ,秋 (9~ 11月 )冬 (12~ 1月 )两季较低 .其日变化趋势也相似 :最大值都出现在 18:0 0 ,最小值都出现在 12∶0 0和 14 :0 0 .CH4吸收通量的季节变化趋势也很相似 :夏秋两季的吸收通量明显高于春冬两季的吸收通量 .其日变化趋势也相似 :从 14∶0 0开始持续上升到 18:0 0达到最大值 ,然后持续下降到早晨 6 :0 0达到通量的最小值 .研究还发现 ,长白山阔叶红松林土壤的N2 O排放和CH4吸收间存在着一种负线性相关关系 . 展开更多
关键词 N2O和ch4 通量 季节变化 日变化
青藏高原高寒草原碳排放及其迁移过程研究 被引量:70
作者 裴志永 欧阳华 周才平 《生态学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2003年第2期231-236,共6页
采用箱式法通过对青海省五道梁地区高寒草原生态系统表层土壤含碳温室气体的研究发现 ,该地区高寒草原系统表层土壤 CO2 和 CH4 在 7~ 8月份的平均排放通量分别为 0 .46μmol· m- 2 · s- 1和 - 0 .43× 1 0 - 3μmol... 采用箱式法通过对青海省五道梁地区高寒草原生态系统表层土壤含碳温室气体的研究发现 ,该地区高寒草原系统表层土壤 CO2 和 CH4 在 7~ 8月份的平均排放通量分别为 0 .46μmol· m- 2 · s- 1和 - 0 .43× 1 0 - 3μmol·m- 2 ·s- 1,此两种气体的排放通量随时间都有明显的变化特征 ,它们的日变化均为明显的单峰型 ,而且其中 CO2 排放通量的变化明显受大气温度变化的影响。地下土壤中 CO2 和 CH4 气体浓度随深度的增加呈递减趋势 ,进一步的分析表明这两种气体浓度在土壤中与相邻层次的气体浓度有很明显的相关关系 ,尤以永久冻土上层边界附近最为显著。 展开更多
关键词 青藏高原 高寒草原 碳排放 迁移过程 CO2 ch4
广州地区早稻品种与施肥对稻田甲烷排放通量的影响研究 被引量:3
作者 吕雪娟 杨军 +3 位作者 陈玉芬 杨崇 刘剑虹 伍时照 《华南农业大学学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 1998年第4期87-91,共5页
研究了广州地区早稻2个稻种(A粳籼89;B汕优63)在2种施肥处理(1有机肥+化肥;2化肥)下,各个试区的甲烷排放通量与排放规律研究表明:“粳籼89”在处理1和处理2的CH4排放通量分别为81和12mg... 研究了广州地区早稻2个稻种(A粳籼89;B汕优63)在2种施肥处理(1有机肥+化肥;2化肥)下,各个试区的甲烷排放通量与排放规律研究表明:“粳籼89”在处理1和处理2的CH4排放通量分别为81和12mg/(m2·h);“汕优63”在处理1和处理2的CH4排放通量分别为46和25mg/(m2·h)2个稻种在同种施肥及常规间歇灌溉管理条件下,CH4排放通量有一定差异在施肥处理1,“粳籼89”与“汕优63”CH4排放通量之比为176∶1;在施肥处理2,两者之比为1∶21;处理1的2个稻种在水稻生长前期、中期和后期都有1个CH4排放高峰; 展开更多
关键词 广州地区 早稻 施肥 排放通量 甲烷 粳籼
种稻盆钵土壤甲烷排放通量变化的研究 被引量:7
作者 徐华 蔡祖聪 《农村生态环境》 CSCD 1999年第1期10-13,36,共5页
通过温室盆栽试验,研究了不同冬作处理时后茬水稻生长期甲烷排放通量及土壤温度、土壤Eh的日变化规律。结果表明:连续晴天甲烷排放通量和土壤温度存在明显的昼夜变化,最大值出现在下午4时左右,最小值出现在凌晨4时左右,符合余... 通过温室盆栽试验,研究了不同冬作处理时后茬水稻生长期甲烷排放通量及土壤温度、土壤Eh的日变化规律。结果表明:连续晴天甲烷排放通量和土壤温度存在明显的昼夜变化,最大值出现在下午4时左右,最小值出现在凌晨4时左右,符合余弦函数变化规律;连续阴雨天甲烷排放通量有逐日降低的趋势,但其昼夜变化缺乏规律性。种稻盆钵土壤甲烷排放通量昼夜变化主要受0~10cm深土壤温度的影响,而与土壤氧化还原电位无关。 展开更多
关键词 甲烷 排放通量 土壤温度 土壤 氧化还原电位
中亚热带人工幼林土壤甲烷通量月动态及影响因素 被引量:2
作者 崔莹莹 何露露 +4 位作者 肖好燕 邹秉章 王思荣 万晓华 黄志群 《亚热带资源与环境学报》 2023年第2期41-49,共9页
亚热带森林土壤是重要的大气甲烷(CH_(4))汇。本研究以中亚热带人工幼林为研究对象,采用静态箱-气相色谱法对土壤CH_(4)通量进行为期1年的野外原位观测,并探究其与环境因子、土壤理化性质及土壤微生物的关系。结果表明:研究区内人工幼... 亚热带森林土壤是重要的大气甲烷(CH_(4))汇。本研究以中亚热带人工幼林为研究对象,采用静态箱-气相色谱法对土壤CH_(4)通量进行为期1年的野外原位观测,并探究其与环境因子、土壤理化性质及土壤微生物的关系。结果表明:研究区内人工幼林土壤为甲烷汇,土壤CH_(4)月均吸收通量变化范围为10~75.6μg·m^(-2)·h^(-1)。土壤CH_(4)吸收通量呈显著的月动态,最高值出现在3月,最低值是5月。土壤含水率、林内气温和空气湿度是控制甲烷吸收的重要环境因子,能解释土壤CH_(4)月吸收通量变化的36.4%,土壤CH_(4)月吸收通量与土壤含水率呈负相关关系,与林内气温和空气湿度呈正相关关系。土壤pH值、土壤可溶性有机氮、铵态氮与土壤CH_(4)吸收通量为显著的正相关,能解释其变异的23%;土壤CH_(4)吸收通量与甲烷氧化菌(18∶1ω7c)浓度无显著的相关性。此外,土壤微生物生物量氮是影响甲烷氧化菌(18∶1ω7c)的主要因子。研究结果证实了亚热带人工幼林具有重要的土壤甲烷吸收作用,土壤CH_(4)吸收通量主要受环境因子和土壤理化的影响(约占60%)。本研究对中亚热带森林土壤甲烷汇的估算具有重要意义,也为森林碳循环和固碳潜力的发展提供理论支持。 展开更多
关键词 土壤ch 4通量 温室气体 人工幼林 甲烷氧化菌
中国棉花遥感估产最佳时相的选择 被引量:14
作者 李明霞 千怀遂 《河南大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS 1997年第2期73-78,共6页
关键词 中国 棉花 遥感估产 最佳时相
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