Heterosis is an important biological phenomenon, and it has been used to increase grain yield, quality and resistance to abiotic and biotic stresses in many crops. However, the genetic mechanism of heterosis remains u...Heterosis is an important biological phenomenon, and it has been used to increase grain yield, quality and resistance to abiotic and biotic stresses in many crops. However, the genetic mechanism of heterosis remains unclear up to now. In this study, a set of 184 chromosome segment substitution lines (CSSLs) population, which derived from two inbred lines Ix9801 (the recurrent parent) and Chang 72 (the donor parent), were used as basal material to construct two test populations with the inbred lines Zheng 58 and Xun 9058. The two test populations were evaluated in two locations over two years, and the heterotic loci for plant height and ear height were identified by comparing the performance of each test hybrid with the corresponding CK at P〈0.05 significant level using one-way ANOVA analysis and Duncan's multiple comparisons. There were 24 and 29 different heterotic loci (HL) identified for plant height and ear height in the two populations at two locations over two years. Three HL (hlPH4a, hlPH7c, hlPHlb) for plant height and three (hlEHld, hlEH6b, hlEHlb) for ear height were identified in the CSSLs×Zheng 58 and CSSLs×Xun 9058 populations as contributing highly to heterosis performance of plant height and ear height across four environments. Among the 29 HL identified for ear height, 12 HL (41.4%) shared the same chromosomal region associated with the HL (50.0%) identified for plant height in the same test population and environment.展开更多
自由空气CO2浓度增加设施(Free air carbon dioxide enrichment,FACE)使得实际地模拟未来植物生长所处的CO2浓度增加环境变为可能.FACE下,作物生长和产量发生不同程度的加速和提高,而分析作物产量因子对CO2浓度增加响应的遗传基础将有...自由空气CO2浓度增加设施(Free air carbon dioxide enrichment,FACE)使得实际地模拟未来植物生长所处的CO2浓度增加环境变为可能.FACE下,作物生长和产量发生不同程度的加速和提高,而分析作物产量因子对CO2浓度增加响应的遗传基础将有利于对CO2环境变化做出敏感响应的遗传特性的认识,有利于适合未来空气CO2浓度增加环境的高产品种的培育.以粳稻品种Asominori与籼稻品种IR24的杂交组合所衍生的染色体片段置换系(CSSLs)为材料进行田间试验,分别在FACE(约570 μmol CO2/mol)和正常大气(约370 μmol CO2/mol)下对籽粒产量及其构成因子等数量性状位点(QTL)进行了分析.结果表明,在FACE下,Asominori和IR24的有效穗数、穗粒数和单株籽粒产量均显著高于对照下的,并且FACE下,65个置换系的变幅范围均大于对照下的;在第1,2,4,6,7,9和12染色体上检测到LOD值在2.5~5.7范围内的控制上述产量性状的20个QTL,其中有3个可以同时在FACE和正常大气下检测到,其余的则只是在某一种CO2环境下检测到.此外,还检测到2个QTL(qFT12 and qGP4)存在着与环境的加性互作效应.可以推论,空气中CO2浓度的增加诱导了部分对CO2浓度敏感的QTL表达,控制水稻产量性状的QTL与CO2增加的环境发生了互作效应.预计利用分子标记辅助育种途径可以培育出适用于未来CO2浓度增加环境下的高产水稻品种.展开更多
In this study, a population of chromosome segment substitution lines (CSSLs) derived from the cross between 9311 (indica) and Nipponbare (japonica) was employed to map the quantitative trait loci (QTLs) for sa...In this study, a population of chromosome segment substitution lines (CSSLs) derived from the cross between 9311 (indica) and Nipponbare (japonica) was employed to map the quantitative trait loci (QTLs) for salt tolerance under the salt stress simulated with 0.5% NaCI, using survival rate as the index. The data were analyzed by QTL IciMapping v3.1, and the results showed that one QTL (QSsr3) related to salt tolerance was located in the vicinity of the marker RM1350 on chromosome 3, into a genetic interval of 113.2-132.8 cM, with a contribution rate of 17.75%. The additive effect was 10.9, indicating that the QTL derived from the parent Nipponbare improved the salt tolerance of rice at seedling stage. This study will provide a theoretical basis for the selection of salt tolerant rice germplasm.展开更多
In this study, a population of 119 chromosome segment substitution lines (CSSLs) derived from backcross between indica 9311 and japonica Nipponbare was employed to map quantitative trait loci (QTL) associated with...In this study, a population of 119 chromosome segment substitution lines (CSSLs) derived from backcross between indica 9311 and japonica Nipponbare was employed to map quantitative trait loci (QTL) associated with sheath blight resis-tance in rice with toothpick inoculation method. A total of three sheath blight resis-tance-associated QTLs (qsb8-1, qsb8-2 and qsb8-3) were identified, which were lo-cated on adjacent molecular markers RM3262, RM5485 and RM3496 of chromo-some 8; the genetic interval was 81.7cM-91.7cM, 91.7cM-108.1cM and 108.1cM-119.6cM, respectively. The additive effect of qsb8-2 was negative, indicating that sheath blight resistance of susceptible parent harboring qsb8-2 fragment was en-hanced; additive effects of qsb8-1 and qsb8-3 were positive, indicating that sheath blight resistance of susceptible parent harboring qsb8-1 and qsb8-3 fragments was reduced.展开更多
【目的】改进染色体片段代换系群体,挖掘野生大豆(Glycine soja Sieb.et Zucc.)中蕴藏的农艺性状优异等位变异,为拓宽栽培大豆(Glycine max(L.)Merr.)的遗传基础提供材料和依据。【方法】通过标记加密和剔除部分单标记型片段的方法,改...【目的】改进染色体片段代换系群体,挖掘野生大豆(Glycine soja Sieb.et Zucc.)中蕴藏的农艺性状优异等位变异,为拓宽栽培大豆(Glycine max(L.)Merr.)的遗传基础提供材料和依据。【方法】通过标记加密和剔除部分单标记型片段的方法,改进以野生大豆N24852为供体,栽培大豆NN1138-2为受体的染色体片段代换系(CSSL)群体Soja CSSLP1;对改进后的群体(Soja CSSLP2)进行3年2点田间试验,通过单标记分析、区间作图、完备复合区间作图和基于混合线性模型的复合区间作图等4种定位方法,结合与轮回亲本有显著差异的染色体片段代换系间相互比对,检测与大豆开花期、株高、主茎节数、单株荚数、百粒重和单株粒重相关的野生片段。【结果】改进后的群体(Soja CSSLP2)由150个CSSL构成,其中,有130个家系与Soja CSSLP1相同;在原遗传图谱上,新增40个SSR标记,相邻标记间平均遗传距离由16.15 c M变为12.91 c M,大于20 c M的区段由32个减少至17个,标记覆盖遗传距离总长度较原图谱(2 063.04 c M)增加103.52 c M;群体NN1138-2背景回复率变幅为79.45%—99.70%,平均为94.62%。利用Soja CSSLP2群体,分别鉴定到与开花期、株高、主茎节数、单株荚数、百粒重和单株粒重相关的4、5、5、7、14和3个工作QTL(working QTL)/片段,其中有15个工作QTL/片段能在多个环境下检测到,属共性工作QTL(joint working QTL);除片段Sct_190—Sat_293上的主茎节数位点外,野生等位变异具有的加性效应方向与双亲表型差异方向一致;单个位点分别能解释5%—64%的表型变异;同时,分别检测到3、2和2个与地点存在互作的株高、主茎节数和单株荚数QTL/片段,其中与凤阳环境的互作均具有增加表型的效应,这可能与凤阳较南京所处纬度高有关;这些位点/片段分布在26个染色体片段上,其中有7个片段与2个及以上性状相关,可能是性状相关的遗传基础;与前人结果比较,有3个开花期、3个株高、2个主茎节数、2个单株荚数、8个百粒重、2个单株粒重位点能在其他遗传背景栽培大豆中检测到,说明在这些位点上野生大豆和栽培大豆间及栽培大豆间均存在遗传差异;另外18个位点(片段)为本研究利用野生大豆的新发现。【结论】大豆开花期、株高和主茎节数的遗传基础较百粒重简单,前者均存在效应较大位点/片段,后者多由小效应位点控制,遗传基础极为复杂;野生大豆中蕴藏着新的等位变异,能拓宽栽培大豆遗传基础。展开更多
基金supported by the National Basic Research Program of China (2014CB138203)the National Natural Science Foundation of China (31271732)
文摘Heterosis is an important biological phenomenon, and it has been used to increase grain yield, quality and resistance to abiotic and biotic stresses in many crops. However, the genetic mechanism of heterosis remains unclear up to now. In this study, a set of 184 chromosome segment substitution lines (CSSLs) population, which derived from two inbred lines Ix9801 (the recurrent parent) and Chang 72 (the donor parent), were used as basal material to construct two test populations with the inbred lines Zheng 58 and Xun 9058. The two test populations were evaluated in two locations over two years, and the heterotic loci for plant height and ear height were identified by comparing the performance of each test hybrid with the corresponding CK at P〈0.05 significant level using one-way ANOVA analysis and Duncan's multiple comparisons. There were 24 and 29 different heterotic loci (HL) identified for plant height and ear height in the two populations at two locations over two years. Three HL (hlPH4a, hlPH7c, hlPHlb) for plant height and three (hlEHld, hlEH6b, hlEHlb) for ear height were identified in the CSSLs×Zheng 58 and CSSLs×Xun 9058 populations as contributing highly to heterosis performance of plant height and ear height across four environments. Among the 29 HL identified for ear height, 12 HL (41.4%) shared the same chromosomal region associated with the HL (50.0%) identified for plant height in the same test population and environment.
文摘In this study, a population of chromosome segment substitution lines (CSSLs) derived from the cross between 9311 (indica) and Nipponbare (japonica) was employed to map the quantitative trait loci (QTLs) for salt tolerance under the salt stress simulated with 0.5% NaCI, using survival rate as the index. The data were analyzed by QTL IciMapping v3.1, and the results showed that one QTL (QSsr3) related to salt tolerance was located in the vicinity of the marker RM1350 on chromosome 3, into a genetic interval of 113.2-132.8 cM, with a contribution rate of 17.75%. The additive effect was 10.9, indicating that the QTL derived from the parent Nipponbare improved the salt tolerance of rice at seedling stage. This study will provide a theoretical basis for the selection of salt tolerant rice germplasm.
基金Supported by Specific Fund for the Independent Innovation of Agricultural Science and Technology[CX(11)1020]~~
文摘In this study, a population of 119 chromosome segment substitution lines (CSSLs) derived from backcross between indica 9311 and japonica Nipponbare was employed to map quantitative trait loci (QTL) associated with sheath blight resis-tance in rice with toothpick inoculation method. A total of three sheath blight resis-tance-associated QTLs (qsb8-1, qsb8-2 and qsb8-3) were identified, which were lo-cated on adjacent molecular markers RM3262, RM5485 and RM3496 of chromo-some 8; the genetic interval was 81.7cM-91.7cM, 91.7cM-108.1cM and 108.1cM-119.6cM, respectively. The additive effect of qsb8-2 was negative, indicating that sheath blight resistance of susceptible parent harboring qsb8-2 fragment was en-hanced; additive effects of qsb8-1 and qsb8-3 were positive, indicating that sheath blight resistance of susceptible parent harboring qsb8-1 and qsb8-3 fragments was reduced.
文摘【目的】改进染色体片段代换系群体,挖掘野生大豆(Glycine soja Sieb.et Zucc.)中蕴藏的农艺性状优异等位变异,为拓宽栽培大豆(Glycine max(L.)Merr.)的遗传基础提供材料和依据。【方法】通过标记加密和剔除部分单标记型片段的方法,改进以野生大豆N24852为供体,栽培大豆NN1138-2为受体的染色体片段代换系(CSSL)群体Soja CSSLP1;对改进后的群体(Soja CSSLP2)进行3年2点田间试验,通过单标记分析、区间作图、完备复合区间作图和基于混合线性模型的复合区间作图等4种定位方法,结合与轮回亲本有显著差异的染色体片段代换系间相互比对,检测与大豆开花期、株高、主茎节数、单株荚数、百粒重和单株粒重相关的野生片段。【结果】改进后的群体(Soja CSSLP2)由150个CSSL构成,其中,有130个家系与Soja CSSLP1相同;在原遗传图谱上,新增40个SSR标记,相邻标记间平均遗传距离由16.15 c M变为12.91 c M,大于20 c M的区段由32个减少至17个,标记覆盖遗传距离总长度较原图谱(2 063.04 c M)增加103.52 c M;群体NN1138-2背景回复率变幅为79.45%—99.70%,平均为94.62%。利用Soja CSSLP2群体,分别鉴定到与开花期、株高、主茎节数、单株荚数、百粒重和单株粒重相关的4、5、5、7、14和3个工作QTL(working QTL)/片段,其中有15个工作QTL/片段能在多个环境下检测到,属共性工作QTL(joint working QTL);除片段Sct_190—Sat_293上的主茎节数位点外,野生等位变异具有的加性效应方向与双亲表型差异方向一致;单个位点分别能解释5%—64%的表型变异;同时,分别检测到3、2和2个与地点存在互作的株高、主茎节数和单株荚数QTL/片段,其中与凤阳环境的互作均具有增加表型的效应,这可能与凤阳较南京所处纬度高有关;这些位点/片段分布在26个染色体片段上,其中有7个片段与2个及以上性状相关,可能是性状相关的遗传基础;与前人结果比较,有3个开花期、3个株高、2个主茎节数、2个单株荚数、8个百粒重、2个单株粒重位点能在其他遗传背景栽培大豆中检测到,说明在这些位点上野生大豆和栽培大豆间及栽培大豆间均存在遗传差异;另外18个位点(片段)为本研究利用野生大豆的新发现。【结论】大豆开花期、株高和主茎节数的遗传基础较百粒重简单,前者均存在效应较大位点/片段,后者多由小效应位点控制,遗传基础极为复杂;野生大豆中蕴藏着新的等位变异,能拓宽栽培大豆遗传基础。
基金This work was supported by Chinese National Programs for High Technology Research and Development (863 Project) (No. 2003AA207010), Chinese Ministry of Agriculture (948 Project) (No. 2001-101) and Shanghai Municipal Science and Technology Commission (No. 03DJ14014, 02ZC14082).