Introduction The East Kunlun Orogenic Belt is located in the northeastern part of the Qinghai–Tibet Plateau(Li et al.,2007),stretching from the East Kunlun to the Elashan area in an east–west direction(Guo et al.,20...Introduction The East Kunlun Orogenic Belt is located in the northeastern part of the Qinghai–Tibet Plateau(Li et al.,2007),stretching from the East Kunlun to the Elashan area in an east–west direction(Guo et al.,2018).It is an important part of the Central Orogenic Belt(Xiong et al.,2023).It is considered one of the important gold mineralization regions in the Tethys tectonic domain(Norbu et al.,2023)and an essential potential base for mineral resources in China.Wulonggou and Gouli gold mines have been discovered successively,earning the reputation of the"Golden Belt of Qinghai Province"(Feng et al.,2004;He et al.,2023).展开更多
The superlarge Baguamiao, large Liba and Xiaogouli gold deposits represent three typical gold deposits different from the Carlin type in the western Qinling Orogenic Belt. Based on Ar-Ar dating of quartz from ores, U-...The superlarge Baguamiao, large Liba and Xiaogouli gold deposits represent three typical gold deposits different from the Carlin type in the western Qinling Orogenic Belt. Based on Ar-Ar dating of quartz from ores, U-Pb dating of single zircon from granite, tracing of H and O isotopes and studies on the mineralogy and texture of spots and bleached alteration developed in wall rocks, this paper focuses the relations between gold deposits and granite to clarify the origin of gold deposits and the metallogenesis in the tectonic evolution of the Qinling Orogenic Belt. The comprehensive studies show that the age of the granite (148.1-244 Ma) is identical with that of the gold deposits (131.91-232.56 Ma). It is suggested that the granite has close temporal, spatial and genetic relationship with the gold deposits. The granite provides a heat source, water source and considerable amount of ore-forming material. Finally, it is concluded that the orogeny by collision, emplacement of the granite and positioning of the gold deposits represent a successive process. Both the granite and gold deposits resulted from the syn-orogeny and post-orogeny tectonic evolution.展开更多
The Wutai greenstone belt in central North China Craton(NCC) hosts a number of Precambrian gold deposits and ore occurrences. Based on the host rock association, these can be divided into Banded Iron Formation(BIF), m...The Wutai greenstone belt in central North China Craton(NCC) hosts a number of Precambrian gold deposits and ore occurrences. Based on the host rock association, these can be divided into Banded Iron Formation(BIF), meta-volcano-sedimentary and meta-conglomerate types. The two former types formed during ~2.5-2.3 Ga and the third one at ~1.85 Ga. The characteristics of these Precambrian gold deposits are broadly similar with those of the orogenic gold deposits. Based on available geochronological data, here we reconstruct the major tectonic events and their relationship with gold mineralization in the Wutai-Hengshan-Fuping region during Neoarchean to Paleoproterozoic as follows.(1)~2.6-2.5 Ga: widespread intrusion of tonalite-trondhjemite-granodiorite(TTG) magmas in the Hengshan terrane and Fuping continental arc, formation of the Wutai volcanic arc in the southern margin of Hengshan terrane with granitoids emplacement, and the Hengshan-Wutai intra-oceanic arc accretion to the Fuping arc at the end of Neoarchean.(2) ~ 2.5-2.3 Ga: the subduction of Hengshan arc from north leading to persistent magmatism and orogenic gold mineralization.(3)~2.2-2.1 Ga:extension leading to the formation of graben structure in the Wutai and Fuping region, deposition of the Hutuo and Wanzi Group sediments, formation of placer gold through erosion of the orogenic gold deposits.(4)~2.2-2.0 Ga: widespread magmatism in the Wutai-Hengshan-Fuping region.(5)~1.95-1.8 Ga: regional metamorphism associated with collision of the Western and Eastern Blocks of the NCC and associated orogenic gold deposits. The multiple subduction-accretion-collision history and subsequent deep erosion has significantly affected most of the Precambrian gold deposits in the Wutai greenstone belt.展开更多
The newly discovered Yangchongli gold deposit is a unique independent gold deposit in the Tongling ore-cluster region controlled by the tectonic alteration firstly discovered in the Lower Yangtze Metallogenic Belt (L...The newly discovered Yangchongli gold deposit is a unique independent gold deposit in the Tongling ore-cluster region controlled by the tectonic alteration firstly discovered in the Lower Yangtze Metallogenic Belt (LYMB). The host magmatic rocks mainly consist of monzodiorite and K-feldspar granite. The LA-ICP-MS U-Pb zircons dating yielded weighted mean 206pb/23SU ages of 140.7 ± 1.8 Ma and 126.4 ±1.2 Ma for the monzodiorite and K-feldspar granite, respectively. Monzodiorites are enriched in Sr, Ba, Rb, and depleted in Y, Yb with high Sr/Y and La/Yb ratios, similar to the geochemical features of adakite, considered as products of differentiation of mafic magmas originating from lithospheric mantle melt/fluids caused by metasomatism during paleo-Pacific Plate subduction in the Mesozic. In contrast, the compositions of K-feldspar granites are A-type granites, indicating an extensional tectonic background. Gold ores hosted in the fracture zone occurred as quartz vein within cataclastic rock. Sulfur and lead isotopes from pyrites show crust-mantle mixing characteristics. Metal components from strata also took part in the gold mineralization, and resulted from two episodes of magmatism that were probably related to tectonic transition from a compressive to an extensional setting between 140-126 Ma, which led to the Mesozoic large-scale polymetallic mineralization events in eastern China.展开更多
This paper focuses on the heavy metal enrichment and heavy metal pollution degree associated with mining activities in some crops and the soils of different parent materials in the Xiaoqinling Gold Belt.According to t...This paper focuses on the heavy metal enrichment and heavy metal pollution degree associated with mining activities in some crops and the soils of different parent materials in the Xiaoqinling Gold Belt.According to the geochemical analysis results of the soils observed in the gold belt,the soils are most highly enriched in Pb,followed by Cr,Cu,and Zn.Furthermore,they are relatively poor in Hg,Cd,and As.It is also shown that the heavy metals in all kinds of soils have the same geochemical characteristics in the gold belt.As for the crops(such as corn and wheat)in the gold belt,Zn and Cu are the most abundant elements,followed by Pb and Cr.Meanwhile,Hg,Cd,and As were found to have relatively low concentrations in the crops.The heavy metals in wheat and corn have the same geochemical characteristics in the gold belt in general.Compared to the aeolian loess soils and the crops therein,heavy metals are more enriched in diluvial and alluvial soils and the crops therein.As shown by relevant studies,the Hg,Pb,Cd,Cu,and Zn pollution are mainly caused by mining activities.Corn and wheat in the gold belt have a high tendency of risk exposure to heavy metal pollution since they are mostly affected by mining activities and feature high background values of heavy metal concentrations.Furthermore,wheat is more liable to be enriched in heavy metals than corn is grown in all types of soils.The Hg pollution in soils leads to Hg accumulation,increasing the risk of Hg uptake in crops,and further affecting human health.This study will provide a scientific basis for the control and management of heavy metals in farmland soils of mining areas.展开更多
The REE patterns of primitive ore soutions in the Ailaoshan gold belt are char-acterized by significant enrichment of LREE, a weak negative anomaly of Eu and a ratherstrong negative anomaly of Ce. In conjunction with ...The REE patterns of primitive ore soutions in the Ailaoshan gold belt are char-acterized by significant enrichment of LREE, a weak negative anomaly of Eu and a ratherstrong negative anomaly of Ce. In conjunction with the tension crust in the region, the ore so-lutions are thought to be originated from a CO2-rich fluid as a result of mantle degassing.展开更多
The Xinlong gold deposit is located in Niyma County,Naqu area of Tibet and was discovered by the Institute of Mineral Resources,Chinese Academy of Geological Sciences through the 1∶50000 mineral geological survey.The...The Xinlong gold deposit is located in Niyma County,Naqu area of Tibet and was discovered by the Institute of Mineral Resources,Chinese Academy of Geological Sciences through the 1∶50000 mineral geological survey.The ore bodies occur in the Zenong Group volcanic rocks in the middle section of the central Lhasa subterrane and are structurally controlled by the NNW-striking faults.Four ore bodies have been found,exhibiting cloddy,dense-sparse,disseminated,and breccia structures.The ore minerals are mainly tetrahedrite group minerals,and other ore minerals include pyrite,chalcopyrite,nevskite,bornite,anglesite,native gold,and silver-gold bearing selenide,etc.The types of alteration are dominated by silicification,as well as middle-and high-graded argillization.The alteration mineral assemblages contain quzrtz,pyrophyllite,and kaolinite.The Zaliela Formation volcanic rocks of Zenong Group are silicified by later hydrothermal fluid with vuggy quartz in some fractured zones.The middle-and high-graded argillization are characterized by pyrophyllitization and kaolinization.The Xinlong gold deposit shows great metallogenetic potentiality and has been revealed by 1∶10000 geological mapping,IP sounding,and trial trenching in the mining area.Combined with the regional metallogenic geological setting,we suppose that a potential epithermal gold belt probably exists in the middle of the Lhasa terrane.The discovery of the Xinlong gold deposit opens a new chapter for the gold prospecting in Northern Tibet.展开更多
The Jinlongshan gold ore belt in southern Shaanxi Province contains a number of Carlin-type gold deposits in the Qinling collisional orogenic belt. Their fluid inclusions are of the Na-Cl- type. From the main metallog...The Jinlongshan gold ore belt in southern Shaanxi Province contains a number of Carlin-type gold deposits in the Qinling collisional orogenic belt. Their fluid inclusions are of the Na-Cl- type. From the main metallogenic stage to later stages, the total quantity of anions and cations, temperature and deoxidation parameter (R) for fluid inclusions all gradually decreased, suggesting the gradual intensification of fluid oxidation, the reduction of metallogenic depth and the input of meteoric water and organic components. The deposits were formed during crustal uplifting and hence had similar tectonic settings to orogenic gold deposits. The CO-2 contents and CO-2/H-2O values of the ore fluid increased from early to late stages, and the wall-rock alteration is represented by decarbonation, which is inconsistent with the characteristics of orogenic gold deposits. It is also discovered that Na, K, SO{2-}-4, Cl- and the total amounts of anions and cations in the inclusions in quartz are higher than those in the coexisting calcite. The H, O and C isotope ratios indicate that the ore fluid was sourced from meteoric water and metamorphic devolatilisation of the sedimentary rocks that host the ores. The high background {δ{}{18}O} and {δ{}{13}C} values of wall rocks resulted in high {δ{}{18}O} and {δ{}{13}C} values of ore fluid and also high {δ{}{18}O} and {δ{}{13}C} values of hydrothermal minerals such as quartz and carbonate. The carbon in ore fluid stemmed largely from the hosting strata. The {δ{}{18}O} and {δ{}{13}C} values of Fe-calcite and the δD values of fluid inclusions are lower than those of calcite and quartz. In terms of the theory of coordination chemistry, all these differences can be ascribed to water-rock interaction in the same fluid system, instead, to the multi-source of ore fluid.展开更多
The Central Africa Fold Belt(CAFB)is a collision belt endowed with gold deposits in Eastern Cameroon area mined for about 50 years.However,favorable areas for gold exploration are poorly known.This paper presents(1)th...The Central Africa Fold Belt(CAFB)is a collision belt endowed with gold deposits in Eastern Cameroon area mined for about 50 years.However,favorable areas for gold exploration are poorly known.This paper presents(1)the kinematics of the brittle deformation in the Kékem area in the SW portion of the Central Cameroon Shear Zone and(2)constraints gold mineralization events with respect to the collisional evolution of the CAFB.The authors interpret that the conjugate ENE to E and NNW to NW trending lineament corresponds to the synthetic(R)and the antithetic(R’)shears,which accompanied the dextral slip along the NE to ENE striking shear.The latter coincides with the last 570-552 Ma D3 dextral simple shear-dominated transpression,which is parallel to the BétaréOya shear zone hosting gold deposits.Gold mineralizations,which mainly occurred during the last dextral shearing,are disseminated within quartz veins associated to Riedel’s previous structures reactivated due to late collisional activities of the CAFB as brittle deformation.Gold mineralizations occurred mainly during the 570-552 Ma D3 event.The reactivation,which might be due to dextral simple shear during mylonitzation,plausibly remobilized the early gold deposits hosted in syn-compressional rocks and/or possibly focused deep-sourced fluid mixed with those released by dehydration.Therefore,the Central Cameroon Shear Zone where Kékem is located,and which shows similar petrographical and structural features to those controling Batouri gold district,is a target area for gold exploration in Cameroon.展开更多
In this study,an electron microprobe analyzer(EMPA) was used to map the spatial distribution and the occurrence of invisible gold in pyrite from the Liulincha gold ore belt.EPMA data show that gold mainly occurs as su...In this study,an electron microprobe analyzer(EMPA) was used to map the spatial distribution and the occurrence of invisible gold in pyrite from the Liulincha gold ore belt.EPMA data show that gold mainly occurs as submicroscopic-microscopic inclusions.From the contrast of the major guide elements of pyrite from the Liulincha gold ore belt and those from four hydrothermal-type gold deposits in the Jiaodong region,we can see the pyrites were formed in two stages:the pyrite from wall rock is mainly sedimentogenic,with simple structure;and the pyrite from ore body experienced early sedimentary process to late hydrothermal activity,the pyrite is regular in crystal form and exhibits fractured structure.展开更多
Observations made in different superlarge\|large gold deposits in Ailaoshan gold metallogenic belts, Yunnan Province, China, on the eastern margin of the Qingzang (Himalayas—Karakoram—Tibet) were investigated. Geote...Observations made in different superlarge\|large gold deposits in Ailaoshan gold metallogenic belts, Yunnan Province, China, on the eastern margin of the Qingzang (Himalayas—Karakoram—Tibet) were investigated. Geotectonically, the study area is situated in the conjoint between the Tethys and Himalayas tectonic domain, characterized by very complex geological structure, with strongly influenced by the Himalayas in late development.1\ Regional geology and gold deposits\;Ailaoshan gold metallogenic belts is localized between Ailaoshan super lithospheric faults and Jiujia—Anding brittle\|ductile shear zone, with NNW\|trending about 250km long. To southward, Zhenyuan supergiant gold deposits, Mojiang large gold deposits, and Daping giant gold deposits hosted in low metamorphic volcanic\|sedimentary rocks (D—C). Ore types include gold\|bearing quartz veins, gold\|bearing altered rocks, and the mixing of the two types. Most of gold orebodies took their positions in the substructures of the brittle\|ductile shear zone.展开更多
Objective“Orogenic gold deposits,”which account for 30%of global gold resources(Frimmel and Hennigh,2015),is one of the most important types of gold deposits in the world.This kind of gold deposit is supposed to hav...Objective“Orogenic gold deposits,”which account for 30%of global gold resources(Frimmel and Hennigh,2015),is one of the most important types of gold deposits in the world.This kind of gold deposit is supposed to have spatial and temporal distribution association with the accretionary orogenic belt.The Ailaoshan Gold Belt,where there are many large orogenic gold deposits including Jinchang,Daping,Laowangzhai,Donggualing,and Changan,contribute substantially to Chinese gold resources.The Himalayan orogen and Ailaoshan Orogen,both have experienced the early accretionary orogenesis and the subsequent collisional orogenesis are one of the biggest orogenic belts on the earth.Gold mineralization can be divided into that the earlier Yarlung Zangbo suture zone(59–44 Ma)and the later Ailaoshan Orogen(35–26 Ma)(Li et al.,2017),based on previous geochronological studies.In order to find out if there are any connections between these two gold events,we present 40Ar/39Ar data of hydrothermal sericite collected from the Xiachahe gold deposit in the northwest of the Ailaoshan Gold Belt.However,our new geochronology data regards this as a continuous gold mineralization event resulting from the India–Eurasia collision.展开更多
The depth is important for ore finding in Jiaodong gold deposit. However, many geologists are still discussing how to confirm the depth for the tectonic and metallogenesis formation. The authors of this paper propose ...The depth is important for ore finding in Jiaodong gold deposit. However, many geologists are still discussing how to confirm the depth for the tectonic and metallogenesis formation. The authors of this paper propose a new method-the correction of metallogenic depth via its structure to calculate the depth. This method, based on the crust rock in a solid stress state, emphasizes the elastic pattern rather than the static fluid pattern. In addition, this method is more appropriate to the actual situation in the crust than the method of weight/special weight. The authors of this paper illustrating, with the Jiaodong gold deposit as an example, the metallogenic depth correction via structure conclude that the depth of the most deposits, lower than 4-6 km, is often 2.5 km. Therefore, the authors suggest that there exists a second enrichment belt and that ore resources are more potential at the belt of Jiaodong area. These results have been demonstrated by years of exploration.展开更多
The ore-bearing belts, specialized for precious metals, are substantia ted to exist in the south Far East of Russia. The longest of which is the Amursk y gold-bearing belt extended from the Amur River mouth to the Uss...The ore-bearing belts, specialized for precious metals, are substantia ted to exist in the south Far East of Russia. The longest of which is the Amursk y gold-bearing belt extended from the Amur River mouth to the Ussuri River lowe r course and further to the southwest on China territory, probably, to the Sungar i River head. The fact that we have distinguished the Amursky and other gold-be a ring belts, make it possible to reevaluate the perspectives of the South Far Eas t of Russia and North-East China for new deposits of precious metals.展开更多
This studied gold ore belt is giant and very important in China. Its regional tectonics and evolutional process are complicated. There are a few of view points on its geotec-tonic attribute in the Mesozoic and Cenozoi...This studied gold ore belt is giant and very important in China. Its regional tectonics and evolutional process are complicated. There are a few of view points on its geotec-tonic attribute in the Mesozoic and Cenozoic eras and on the type of its some gold ore deposits, especially, on one hosted in the pre-diwa geological bodies. On the basis of the diwa theory, the author discussed the regionalization, and its evolutional process, and some features of diwa tectono-magmatism and diwa type of gold mineralization in this belt. The author proposed that(1)the main body zone is a part of the diwa regime in the Mesozoic and Cenozoic eras, and(2)the diwa tectono-magmatism had a series of features such as universalism and violence, newborn, reform and superimposition, joining, inheritance, multiperiodic activity, complica-tion and so on. The gold mineralization formed in the diwa regime are called diwa type of golddeposits.In this paper the diwa type of endogenetic gold mineralization products hosted in the pre-diwa geological bodies in this zone is discussed in detail.展开更多
The Wulashan-Hademengou gold ore district in Baotou city, Inner Mongolia, is a further newly discovered super-large gold metallogenic belt in northern China. The accumulated proven gold metal amount is 84.46 t, with a...The Wulashan-Hademengou gold ore district in Baotou city, Inner Mongolia, is a further newly discovered super-large gold metallogenic belt in northern China. The accumulated proven gold metal amount is 84.46 t, with an average grade of 3.53 g/t and a gold metal amount of 63.16 t, with an average grade of 3.30 g/t. The potential reserves are over 100 t.展开更多
In the Mangodara area within the Banfora greenstone belts (Baoulé-Mossi domain of the West African Craton), our study focused on geochemical assessment of the mobility of major and trace elements. Gold and base m...In the Mangodara area within the Banfora greenstone belts (Baoulé-Mossi domain of the West African Craton), our study focused on geochemical assessment of the mobility of major and trace elements. Gold and base metal occurrences are hosted in highly metamorphic felsic (metarhyolite) and intermediate (metadacite and metaandesite) formations. Common mineral assemblages made up of staurolite - kyanite - pyrophyllite are interpreted to represent the metamorphosed equivalent of aluminous hydrothermal alteration. Associated felsic and intermediate volcanic rocks are enriched in Fe<sub>2</sub>O<sub>3</sub>, K<sub>2</sub>O (metaandesite, metarhyolite) and depleted in MgO, Al<sub>2</sub>O<sub>3</sub>, CaO, P<sub>2</sub>O<sub>5</sub>, Na<sub>2</sub>O (metarhyolite) and Fe<sub>2</sub>O<sub>3</sub>, MgO, CaO (metaandesite). Al<sub>2</sub>O<sub>3</sub> depletion in mineralized kyanite-staurotide bearing metarhyolites suggests corroded minerals. Mineralized metarhyolites show enrichment in Au, Ag, Ba, Bi, Cr, Cu, Eu, La, Mo, Ni, Pb, S, Sc, V and depletion in As Sb Co, Sn, Zn while mineralized metaandesites show enrichment in Au, Ag, As, Mo, S, Sb and depletion in Co, Sn, Zn, Bi, Cr, Cu, Eu, Ni, Pb, Sc. Ba, La, V are immobile in metaandesites. Finally, Ag, As, Sn appear as geochemical vectors for gold exploration in the study area since gold mineralization is characterized by Au + Ba + Cu + Eu + La + Mo + Ni + S association in metarhyolites and Au + S + Sb + As + Ag + Bi in metaandesites.展开更多
In recent2 0 years,because of the finding ofmany large- superlargegold deposits,we re- new the theories for prospecting and gain many things and conceptions.The current geo- chemical and gold- forming theories underli...In recent2 0 years,because of the finding ofmany large- superlargegold deposits,we re- new the theories for prospecting and gain many things and conceptions.The current geo- chemical and gold- forming theories underline the importance of the early submarine volcano- sedimentation,metamorphic differention,sedimentation of terrigenous clastics,thermal spring and it’s sedimentation,syngenesis process and other hypergene supplying the source for metallogenic materials.According to the study for source bed(rock) and depsitional for- mation of gold,we find that gold will be gradually enriched and mineralized in source bed (rock) ,because of variousgeologicprocesses,such as regional metamorphism ormigmatiza- tion,geothermal bittern,volcanism. The ore- control of deep and giant fault and ductile shear beltand tectono- flash space is emphasized,especially,we should notice the long- term, succession and multistage of the展开更多
Two kinds of mylonite series rocks, felsic and mafic, have been recognized in the NW-striking shear zone of the Jiapigou gold belt. During ductile deformation, a large amount of fluid interacted intensively with the m...Two kinds of mylonite series rocks, felsic and mafic, have been recognized in the NW-striking shear zone of the Jiapigou gold belt. During ductile deformation, a large amount of fluid interacted intensively with the mylonite series rocks: plagioclases were sericitized and the An values declined rapidly, finally all of them were trans formed to albites; dark minerals were gradually replaced by chlorites (mostly ripidolite). Meanwhile, large-scale and extensive carbonation also took place, and the carbonatization minerals varied from calcite to dolomite and ankerite with the development of deformation. The δ13C values of the carbonates are - 3. 0‰--5. 6‰ suggesting a deep source of carbon. The ductile deformation is nearly an iso-volume one (fv=1). With the enhancement of shear deformation, SiO2 in the two mylonite series rocks was depleted, while volatile components such as CO2 and H2O, and some ore-forming elements such as Au and S were obviously enriched. But it is noted that the enrichment of An in both the mylonite series rocks did not reach the paygrade of gold. The released SiO2 from water-rock interactions occurred in the form of colloids and absorbed gold in the fluid. When brittle structures were formed locally in the ductile shear zone, the ore-forming fluids migrated to the structures along micro fractures, and precipitated auriferous quartz because of reduction of pressure and temperature. Fluid inclusion study shows that the temperature and pressure of the ore-forming fluids are 245-292℃ and 95.4-131. 7MPa respectively; the salinity is 12. 88-16. 33 wt% NaCl; the fluid-phase is rich in Ca2+, K+, Na+, Mg2+, F- and Cl-, while the gaseous phases are rich in CO2 and CH4. The δDand δ18 O values of the ore-forming fluid are - 84. 48‰- - 91. 73‰ and - 0. 247‰-+2.715‰ respectively, suggesting that the fluid is composed predominantly of meteoric water.展开更多
The Mibei gold deposit,located in the southwestern part of the Xuefengshan uplift zone,the middle section of the Jiangnan orogenic belt in southern China,has estimated gold resources of approximately seven tons.This d...The Mibei gold deposit,located in the southwestern part of the Xuefengshan uplift zone,the middle section of the Jiangnan orogenic belt in southern China,has estimated gold resources of approximately seven tons.This deposit is primarily a quartz vein-type gold deposit,with ore bodies occurring mainly within Neoproterozoic metasediments.The main metallic minerals in the ore are pyrite,chalcopyrite,and arsenopyrite.In this study,the petrography and microthermometry of ore-forming fluid inclusions,oxygen isotopes of gold-bearing quartz,and sulfur isotopes of goldbearing sulfides and arsenopyrite were analyzed.Three types of fluid inclusions were identified:type Ⅰa three-phase inclusions comprising vapor and two phases of liquids(V_(CO_(2))+L_(CO_(2))+L_(H2O)),type Ⅰb two-phase liquids(L_(CO_(2))+L_(H2O)),typeⅡ two-phase vapor-rich inclusions(V/V+L> 50%),and type Ⅲ pure liquid inclusions.Type Ⅰ inclusions were heated uniformly to the liquid phase,type Ⅱ inclusions were heated uniformly to the gas phase,and type Ⅲ inclusions were heated without change.In general,the temperature range of homogenization to liquid phase of fluid inclusions in the Mibei gold deposit is 204-227℃.The salinity of the inclusion ranges from 4.6 to 12.2 wt% NaCl equiv.The δ~(18)O_(SMOW) of gold-bearing quartz varies from 16.9‰ to 17.5‰.The δ~(18)O_(H2O) of gold-bearing quartz are varied from 6.5‰ to 7.5‰.The δ~(34)S values of gold-bearing pyrite range from 1.7‰ to 6.8‰.The δ~(34)S values of gold-bearing arsenopy rite range from 5.6%o to 5.9‰.Theδ~(34)S values of pyrite from wall rocks slate range from 6.4‰ to 11.6‰.This evidence implies that the ore-forming fluids of the Mibei gold deposit originated from magmatic-hydrothermal processes,mixing with minor S from the surrounding metasediments.Combined with the evolution of the Jiangnan orogenic belt,due to the magmatic and tectonic activities of the Xuefengshan uplift during the Caledonian period,the fault seal mechanism controlled the ore-forming process.Overall,the Mibei gold deposit is more akin to a magmatic-hydrothermal gold deposit.展开更多
基金supported by Qinghai Provincial Association for Science and Technology Youth Science and Technology Talent Support Project(Grant No.2023QHSKXRCTJ47)Exploration Foundation of Qinghai Province(Grant No.2023085029ky004)。
文摘Introduction The East Kunlun Orogenic Belt is located in the northeastern part of the Qinghai–Tibet Plateau(Li et al.,2007),stretching from the East Kunlun to the Elashan area in an east–west direction(Guo et al.,2018).It is an important part of the Central Orogenic Belt(Xiong et al.,2023).It is considered one of the important gold mineralization regions in the Tethys tectonic domain(Norbu et al.,2023)and an essential potential base for mineral resources in China.Wulonggou and Gouli gold mines have been discovered successively,earning the reputation of the"Golden Belt of Qinghai Province"(Feng et al.,2004;He et al.,2023).
文摘The superlarge Baguamiao, large Liba and Xiaogouli gold deposits represent three typical gold deposits different from the Carlin type in the western Qinling Orogenic Belt. Based on Ar-Ar dating of quartz from ores, U-Pb dating of single zircon from granite, tracing of H and O isotopes and studies on the mineralogy and texture of spots and bleached alteration developed in wall rocks, this paper focuses the relations between gold deposits and granite to clarify the origin of gold deposits and the metallogenesis in the tectonic evolution of the Qinling Orogenic Belt. The comprehensive studies show that the age of the granite (148.1-244 Ma) is identical with that of the gold deposits (131.91-232.56 Ma). It is suggested that the granite has close temporal, spatial and genetic relationship with the gold deposits. The granite provides a heat source, water source and considerable amount of ore-forming material. Finally, it is concluded that the orogeny by collision, emplacement of the granite and positioning of the gold deposits represent a successive process. Both the granite and gold deposits resulted from the syn-orogeny and post-orogeny tectonic evolution.
基金supported by the Ministry of Science and Technology of China for the National Key Research and Development Program(Grand No.2016YFC0600106)the National Natural Science Foundation of China(Grand Nos.41602028 and 90914002)contributed to the 1000 Talent Award to M.Santosh from the Chinese Government
文摘The Wutai greenstone belt in central North China Craton(NCC) hosts a number of Precambrian gold deposits and ore occurrences. Based on the host rock association, these can be divided into Banded Iron Formation(BIF), meta-volcano-sedimentary and meta-conglomerate types. The two former types formed during ~2.5-2.3 Ga and the third one at ~1.85 Ga. The characteristics of these Precambrian gold deposits are broadly similar with those of the orogenic gold deposits. Based on available geochronological data, here we reconstruct the major tectonic events and their relationship with gold mineralization in the Wutai-Hengshan-Fuping region during Neoarchean to Paleoproterozoic as follows.(1)~2.6-2.5 Ga: widespread intrusion of tonalite-trondhjemite-granodiorite(TTG) magmas in the Hengshan terrane and Fuping continental arc, formation of the Wutai volcanic arc in the southern margin of Hengshan terrane with granitoids emplacement, and the Hengshan-Wutai intra-oceanic arc accretion to the Fuping arc at the end of Neoarchean.(2) ~ 2.5-2.3 Ga: the subduction of Hengshan arc from north leading to persistent magmatism and orogenic gold mineralization.(3)~2.2-2.1 Ga:extension leading to the formation of graben structure in the Wutai and Fuping region, deposition of the Hutuo and Wanzi Group sediments, formation of placer gold through erosion of the orogenic gold deposits.(4)~2.2-2.0 Ga: widespread magmatism in the Wutai-Hengshan-Fuping region.(5)~1.95-1.8 Ga: regional metamorphism associated with collision of the Western and Eastern Blocks of the NCC and associated orogenic gold deposits. The multiple subduction-accretion-collision history and subsequent deep erosion has significantly affected most of the Precambrian gold deposits in the Wutai greenstone belt.
基金supported by the DREAM project of MOST China (No.2016YFC0600404)the Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant Nos.41372087, 41673040)the Project of Geological Science and Technology of Anhui Province (2015-K-01)
文摘The newly discovered Yangchongli gold deposit is a unique independent gold deposit in the Tongling ore-cluster region controlled by the tectonic alteration firstly discovered in the Lower Yangtze Metallogenic Belt (LYMB). The host magmatic rocks mainly consist of monzodiorite and K-feldspar granite. The LA-ICP-MS U-Pb zircons dating yielded weighted mean 206pb/23SU ages of 140.7 ± 1.8 Ma and 126.4 ±1.2 Ma for the monzodiorite and K-feldspar granite, respectively. Monzodiorites are enriched in Sr, Ba, Rb, and depleted in Y, Yb with high Sr/Y and La/Yb ratios, similar to the geochemical features of adakite, considered as products of differentiation of mafic magmas originating from lithospheric mantle melt/fluids caused by metasomatism during paleo-Pacific Plate subduction in the Mesozic. In contrast, the compositions of K-feldspar granites are A-type granites, indicating an extensional tectonic background. Gold ores hosted in the fracture zone occurred as quartz vein within cataclastic rock. Sulfur and lead isotopes from pyrites show crust-mantle mixing characteristics. Metal components from strata also took part in the gold mineralization, and resulted from two episodes of magmatism that were probably related to tectonic transition from a compressive to an extensional setting between 140-126 Ma, which led to the Mesozoic large-scale polymetallic mineralization events in eastern China.
基金funded by the survey projects initiated by the Ministry of Natural and Resources of the People’s Republic of China(DD20189220,1212010741003,1212011220224,and 121201011000150022)the Public Welfare Scientific Research Project launched by the Ministry of Natural and Resources of the People’s Republic of China(201111020)+1 种基金the project of 2015 Natural Science Basic Research Program of Shaanxi(2015JM4129)the project of 2016 Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities(open fund)(310829161128).
文摘This paper focuses on the heavy metal enrichment and heavy metal pollution degree associated with mining activities in some crops and the soils of different parent materials in the Xiaoqinling Gold Belt.According to the geochemical analysis results of the soils observed in the gold belt,the soils are most highly enriched in Pb,followed by Cr,Cu,and Zn.Furthermore,they are relatively poor in Hg,Cd,and As.It is also shown that the heavy metals in all kinds of soils have the same geochemical characteristics in the gold belt.As for the crops(such as corn and wheat)in the gold belt,Zn and Cu are the most abundant elements,followed by Pb and Cr.Meanwhile,Hg,Cd,and As were found to have relatively low concentrations in the crops.The heavy metals in wheat and corn have the same geochemical characteristics in the gold belt in general.Compared to the aeolian loess soils and the crops therein,heavy metals are more enriched in diluvial and alluvial soils and the crops therein.As shown by relevant studies,the Hg,Pb,Cd,Cu,and Zn pollution are mainly caused by mining activities.Corn and wheat in the gold belt have a high tendency of risk exposure to heavy metal pollution since they are mostly affected by mining activities and feature high background values of heavy metal concentrations.Furthermore,wheat is more liable to be enriched in heavy metals than corn is grown in all types of soils.The Hg pollution in soils leads to Hg accumulation,increasing the risk of Hg uptake in crops,and further affecting human health.This study will provide a scientific basis for the control and management of heavy metals in farmland soils of mining areas.
文摘The REE patterns of primitive ore soutions in the Ailaoshan gold belt are char-acterized by significant enrichment of LREE, a weak negative anomaly of Eu and a ratherstrong negative anomaly of Ce. In conjunction with the tension crust in the region, the ore so-lutions are thought to be originated from a CO2-rich fluid as a result of mantle degassing.
基金funded by the National Natural Science Foundation of China(41902099)the China Geological Survey Project(DD20230054)Fundamental Research Funds from the Institute of Mineral Resources and Chinese Academy of Geological Sciences(No.KK2215).
文摘The Xinlong gold deposit is located in Niyma County,Naqu area of Tibet and was discovered by the Institute of Mineral Resources,Chinese Academy of Geological Sciences through the 1∶50000 mineral geological survey.The ore bodies occur in the Zenong Group volcanic rocks in the middle section of the central Lhasa subterrane and are structurally controlled by the NNW-striking faults.Four ore bodies have been found,exhibiting cloddy,dense-sparse,disseminated,and breccia structures.The ore minerals are mainly tetrahedrite group minerals,and other ore minerals include pyrite,chalcopyrite,nevskite,bornite,anglesite,native gold,and silver-gold bearing selenide,etc.The types of alteration are dominated by silicification,as well as middle-and high-graded argillization.The alteration mineral assemblages contain quzrtz,pyrophyllite,and kaolinite.The Zaliela Formation volcanic rocks of Zenong Group are silicified by later hydrothermal fluid with vuggy quartz in some fractured zones.The middle-and high-graded argillization are characterized by pyrophyllitization and kaolinization.The Xinlong gold deposit shows great metallogenetic potentiality and has been revealed by 1∶10000 geological mapping,IP sounding,and trial trenching in the mining area.Combined with the regional metallogenic geological setting,we suppose that a potential epithermal gold belt probably exists in the middle of the Lhasa terrane.The discovery of the Xinlong gold deposit opens a new chapter for the gold prospecting in Northern Tibet.
文摘The Jinlongshan gold ore belt in southern Shaanxi Province contains a number of Carlin-type gold deposits in the Qinling collisional orogenic belt. Their fluid inclusions are of the Na-Cl- type. From the main metallogenic stage to later stages, the total quantity of anions and cations, temperature and deoxidation parameter (R) for fluid inclusions all gradually decreased, suggesting the gradual intensification of fluid oxidation, the reduction of metallogenic depth and the input of meteoric water and organic components. The deposits were formed during crustal uplifting and hence had similar tectonic settings to orogenic gold deposits. The CO-2 contents and CO-2/H-2O values of the ore fluid increased from early to late stages, and the wall-rock alteration is represented by decarbonation, which is inconsistent with the characteristics of orogenic gold deposits. It is also discovered that Na, K, SO{2-}-4, Cl- and the total amounts of anions and cations in the inclusions in quartz are higher than those in the coexisting calcite. The H, O and C isotope ratios indicate that the ore fluid was sourced from meteoric water and metamorphic devolatilisation of the sedimentary rocks that host the ores. The high background {δ{}{18}O} and {δ{}{13}C} values of wall rocks resulted in high {δ{}{18}O} and {δ{}{13}C} values of ore fluid and also high {δ{}{18}O} and {δ{}{13}C} values of hydrothermal minerals such as quartz and carbonate. The carbon in ore fluid stemmed largely from the hosting strata. The {δ{}{18}O} and {δ{}{13}C} values of Fe-calcite and the δD values of fluid inclusions are lower than those of calcite and quartz. In terms of the theory of coordination chemistry, all these differences can be ascribed to water-rock interaction in the same fluid system, instead, to the multi-source of ore fluid.
文摘The Central Africa Fold Belt(CAFB)is a collision belt endowed with gold deposits in Eastern Cameroon area mined for about 50 years.However,favorable areas for gold exploration are poorly known.This paper presents(1)the kinematics of the brittle deformation in the Kékem area in the SW portion of the Central Cameroon Shear Zone and(2)constraints gold mineralization events with respect to the collisional evolution of the CAFB.The authors interpret that the conjugate ENE to E and NNW to NW trending lineament corresponds to the synthetic(R)and the antithetic(R’)shears,which accompanied the dextral slip along the NE to ENE striking shear.The latter coincides with the last 570-552 Ma D3 dextral simple shear-dominated transpression,which is parallel to the BétaréOya shear zone hosting gold deposits.Gold mineralizations,which mainly occurred during the last dextral shearing,are disseminated within quartz veins associated to Riedel’s previous structures reactivated due to late collisional activities of the CAFB as brittle deformation.Gold mineralizations occurred mainly during the 570-552 Ma D3 event.The reactivation,which might be due to dextral simple shear during mylonitzation,plausibly remobilized the early gold deposits hosted in syn-compressional rocks and/or possibly focused deep-sourced fluid mixed with those released by dehydration.Therefore,the Central Cameroon Shear Zone where Kékem is located,and which shows similar petrographical and structural features to those controling Batouri gold district,is a target area for gold exploration in Cameroon.
文摘In this study,an electron microprobe analyzer(EMPA) was used to map the spatial distribution and the occurrence of invisible gold in pyrite from the Liulincha gold ore belt.EPMA data show that gold mainly occurs as submicroscopic-microscopic inclusions.From the contrast of the major guide elements of pyrite from the Liulincha gold ore belt and those from four hydrothermal-type gold deposits in the Jiaodong region,we can see the pyrites were formed in two stages:the pyrite from wall rock is mainly sedimentogenic,with simple structure;and the pyrite from ore body experienced early sedimentary process to late hydrothermal activity,the pyrite is regular in crystal form and exhibits fractured structure.
文摘Observations made in different superlarge\|large gold deposits in Ailaoshan gold metallogenic belts, Yunnan Province, China, on the eastern margin of the Qingzang (Himalayas—Karakoram—Tibet) were investigated. Geotectonically, the study area is situated in the conjoint between the Tethys and Himalayas tectonic domain, characterized by very complex geological structure, with strongly influenced by the Himalayas in late development.1\ Regional geology and gold deposits\;Ailaoshan gold metallogenic belts is localized between Ailaoshan super lithospheric faults and Jiujia—Anding brittle\|ductile shear zone, with NNW\|trending about 250km long. To southward, Zhenyuan supergiant gold deposits, Mojiang large gold deposits, and Daping giant gold deposits hosted in low metamorphic volcanic\|sedimentary rocks (D—C). Ore types include gold\|bearing quartz veins, gold\|bearing altered rocks, and the mixing of the two types. Most of gold orebodies took their positions in the substructures of the brittle\|ductile shear zone.
基金supported by the National Science Foundation of China(grant No.41772075)the National Key R&D Program of China,Deep Resources Exploration and Mining(grant No.2018YFC0604105).
文摘Objective“Orogenic gold deposits,”which account for 30%of global gold resources(Frimmel and Hennigh,2015),is one of the most important types of gold deposits in the world.This kind of gold deposit is supposed to have spatial and temporal distribution association with the accretionary orogenic belt.The Ailaoshan Gold Belt,where there are many large orogenic gold deposits including Jinchang,Daping,Laowangzhai,Donggualing,and Changan,contribute substantially to Chinese gold resources.The Himalayan orogen and Ailaoshan Orogen,both have experienced the early accretionary orogenesis and the subsequent collisional orogenesis are one of the biggest orogenic belts on the earth.Gold mineralization can be divided into that the earlier Yarlung Zangbo suture zone(59–44 Ma)and the later Ailaoshan Orogen(35–26 Ma)(Li et al.,2017),based on previous geochronological studies.In order to find out if there are any connections between these two gold events,we present 40Ar/39Ar data of hydrothermal sericite collected from the Xiachahe gold deposit in the northwest of the Ailaoshan Gold Belt.However,our new geochronology data regards this as a continuous gold mineralization event resulting from the India–Eurasia collision.
文摘The depth is important for ore finding in Jiaodong gold deposit. However, many geologists are still discussing how to confirm the depth for the tectonic and metallogenesis formation. The authors of this paper propose a new method-the correction of metallogenic depth via its structure to calculate the depth. This method, based on the crust rock in a solid stress state, emphasizes the elastic pattern rather than the static fluid pattern. In addition, this method is more appropriate to the actual situation in the crust than the method of weight/special weight. The authors of this paper illustrating, with the Jiaodong gold deposit as an example, the metallogenic depth correction via structure conclude that the depth of the most deposits, lower than 4-6 km, is often 2.5 km. Therefore, the authors suggest that there exists a second enrichment belt and that ore resources are more potential at the belt of Jiaodong area. These results have been demonstrated by years of exploration.
文摘The ore-bearing belts, specialized for precious metals, are substantia ted to exist in the south Far East of Russia. The longest of which is the Amursk y gold-bearing belt extended from the Amur River mouth to the Ussuri River lowe r course and further to the southwest on China territory, probably, to the Sungar i River head. The fact that we have distinguished the Amursky and other gold-be a ring belts, make it possible to reevaluate the perspectives of the South Far Eas t of Russia and North-East China for new deposits of precious metals.
文摘This studied gold ore belt is giant and very important in China. Its regional tectonics and evolutional process are complicated. There are a few of view points on its geotec-tonic attribute in the Mesozoic and Cenozoic eras and on the type of its some gold ore deposits, especially, on one hosted in the pre-diwa geological bodies. On the basis of the diwa theory, the author discussed the regionalization, and its evolutional process, and some features of diwa tectono-magmatism and diwa type of gold mineralization in this belt. The author proposed that(1)the main body zone is a part of the diwa regime in the Mesozoic and Cenozoic eras, and(2)the diwa tectono-magmatism had a series of features such as universalism and violence, newborn, reform and superimposition, joining, inheritance, multiperiodic activity, complica-tion and so on. The gold mineralization formed in the diwa regime are called diwa type of golddeposits.In this paper the diwa type of endogenetic gold mineralization products hosted in the pre-diwa geological bodies in this zone is discussed in detail.
文摘The Wulashan-Hademengou gold ore district in Baotou city, Inner Mongolia, is a further newly discovered super-large gold metallogenic belt in northern China. The accumulated proven gold metal amount is 84.46 t, with an average grade of 3.53 g/t and a gold metal amount of 63.16 t, with an average grade of 3.30 g/t. The potential reserves are over 100 t.
文摘In the Mangodara area within the Banfora greenstone belts (Baoulé-Mossi domain of the West African Craton), our study focused on geochemical assessment of the mobility of major and trace elements. Gold and base metal occurrences are hosted in highly metamorphic felsic (metarhyolite) and intermediate (metadacite and metaandesite) formations. Common mineral assemblages made up of staurolite - kyanite - pyrophyllite are interpreted to represent the metamorphosed equivalent of aluminous hydrothermal alteration. Associated felsic and intermediate volcanic rocks are enriched in Fe<sub>2</sub>O<sub>3</sub>, K<sub>2</sub>O (metaandesite, metarhyolite) and depleted in MgO, Al<sub>2</sub>O<sub>3</sub>, CaO, P<sub>2</sub>O<sub>5</sub>, Na<sub>2</sub>O (metarhyolite) and Fe<sub>2</sub>O<sub>3</sub>, MgO, CaO (metaandesite). Al<sub>2</sub>O<sub>3</sub> depletion in mineralized kyanite-staurotide bearing metarhyolites suggests corroded minerals. Mineralized metarhyolites show enrichment in Au, Ag, Ba, Bi, Cr, Cu, Eu, La, Mo, Ni, Pb, S, Sc, V and depletion in As Sb Co, Sn, Zn while mineralized metaandesites show enrichment in Au, Ag, As, Mo, S, Sb and depletion in Co, Sn, Zn, Bi, Cr, Cu, Eu, Ni, Pb, Sc. Ba, La, V are immobile in metaandesites. Finally, Ag, As, Sn appear as geochemical vectors for gold exploration in the study area since gold mineralization is characterized by Au + Ba + Cu + Eu + La + Mo + Ni + S association in metarhyolites and Au + S + Sb + As + Ag + Bi in metaandesites.
文摘In recent2 0 years,because of the finding ofmany large- superlargegold deposits,we re- new the theories for prospecting and gain many things and conceptions.The current geo- chemical and gold- forming theories underline the importance of the early submarine volcano- sedimentation,metamorphic differention,sedimentation of terrigenous clastics,thermal spring and it’s sedimentation,syngenesis process and other hypergene supplying the source for metallogenic materials.According to the study for source bed(rock) and depsitional for- mation of gold,we find that gold will be gradually enriched and mineralized in source bed (rock) ,because of variousgeologicprocesses,such as regional metamorphism ormigmatiza- tion,geothermal bittern,volcanism. The ore- control of deep and giant fault and ductile shear beltand tectono- flash space is emphasized,especially,we should notice the long- term, succession and multistage of the
文摘Two kinds of mylonite series rocks, felsic and mafic, have been recognized in the NW-striking shear zone of the Jiapigou gold belt. During ductile deformation, a large amount of fluid interacted intensively with the mylonite series rocks: plagioclases were sericitized and the An values declined rapidly, finally all of them were trans formed to albites; dark minerals were gradually replaced by chlorites (mostly ripidolite). Meanwhile, large-scale and extensive carbonation also took place, and the carbonatization minerals varied from calcite to dolomite and ankerite with the development of deformation. The δ13C values of the carbonates are - 3. 0‰--5. 6‰ suggesting a deep source of carbon. The ductile deformation is nearly an iso-volume one (fv=1). With the enhancement of shear deformation, SiO2 in the two mylonite series rocks was depleted, while volatile components such as CO2 and H2O, and some ore-forming elements such as Au and S were obviously enriched. But it is noted that the enrichment of An in both the mylonite series rocks did not reach the paygrade of gold. The released SiO2 from water-rock interactions occurred in the form of colloids and absorbed gold in the fluid. When brittle structures were formed locally in the ductile shear zone, the ore-forming fluids migrated to the structures along micro fractures, and precipitated auriferous quartz because of reduction of pressure and temperature. Fluid inclusion study shows that the temperature and pressure of the ore-forming fluids are 245-292℃ and 95.4-131. 7MPa respectively; the salinity is 12. 88-16. 33 wt% NaCl; the fluid-phase is rich in Ca2+, K+, Na+, Mg2+, F- and Cl-, while the gaseous phases are rich in CO2 and CH4. The δDand δ18 O values of the ore-forming fluid are - 84. 48‰- - 91. 73‰ and - 0. 247‰-+2.715‰ respectively, suggesting that the fluid is composed predominantly of meteoric water.
基金financially supported by National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 42273063)the Young Elite Scientists Sponsorship (YESS) Program of the China Association for Science and Technology (Grant No. YESS20220661)。
文摘The Mibei gold deposit,located in the southwestern part of the Xuefengshan uplift zone,the middle section of the Jiangnan orogenic belt in southern China,has estimated gold resources of approximately seven tons.This deposit is primarily a quartz vein-type gold deposit,with ore bodies occurring mainly within Neoproterozoic metasediments.The main metallic minerals in the ore are pyrite,chalcopyrite,and arsenopyrite.In this study,the petrography and microthermometry of ore-forming fluid inclusions,oxygen isotopes of gold-bearing quartz,and sulfur isotopes of goldbearing sulfides and arsenopyrite were analyzed.Three types of fluid inclusions were identified:type Ⅰa three-phase inclusions comprising vapor and two phases of liquids(V_(CO_(2))+L_(CO_(2))+L_(H2O)),type Ⅰb two-phase liquids(L_(CO_(2))+L_(H2O)),typeⅡ two-phase vapor-rich inclusions(V/V+L> 50%),and type Ⅲ pure liquid inclusions.Type Ⅰ inclusions were heated uniformly to the liquid phase,type Ⅱ inclusions were heated uniformly to the gas phase,and type Ⅲ inclusions were heated without change.In general,the temperature range of homogenization to liquid phase of fluid inclusions in the Mibei gold deposit is 204-227℃.The salinity of the inclusion ranges from 4.6 to 12.2 wt% NaCl equiv.The δ~(18)O_(SMOW) of gold-bearing quartz varies from 16.9‰ to 17.5‰.The δ~(18)O_(H2O) of gold-bearing quartz are varied from 6.5‰ to 7.5‰.The δ~(34)S values of gold-bearing pyrite range from 1.7‰ to 6.8‰.The δ~(34)S values of gold-bearing arsenopy rite range from 5.6%o to 5.9‰.Theδ~(34)S values of pyrite from wall rocks slate range from 6.4‰ to 11.6‰.This evidence implies that the ore-forming fluids of the Mibei gold deposit originated from magmatic-hydrothermal processes,mixing with minor S from the surrounding metasediments.Combined with the evolution of the Jiangnan orogenic belt,due to the magmatic and tectonic activities of the Xuefengshan uplift during the Caledonian period,the fault seal mechanism controlled the ore-forming process.Overall,the Mibei gold deposit is more akin to a magmatic-hydrothermal gold deposit.