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China and ASEAN: Heading Toward a Win-Win Future 被引量:1
作者 Ruan Zongze is Vice President and Senior Research Fellow of China Institute of International Studies. He writes this paper in his personal capacity.Dr. 《China International Studies》 2006年第2期122-138,共17页
关键词 china and asean ASIA Heading Toward a Win-Win Future
作者 郑执浩 《南海学刊》 2025年第1期65-76,共12页
“南海行为准则”是中国与东盟国家基于《南海各方行为宣言》,为妥善处理南海问题而进行的一项自主规则探索,也是“中国-东盟”合作探索区域海洋治理制度的重要尝试。“准则”谈判的案文分歧主要围绕空间与范围适用、法律约束力和争端... “南海行为准则”是中国与东盟国家基于《南海各方行为宣言》,为妥善处理南海问题而进行的一项自主规则探索,也是“中国-东盟”合作探索区域海洋治理制度的重要尝试。“准则”谈判的案文分歧主要围绕空间与范围适用、法律约束力和争端机制设立、自我克制三个层面展开。在潜在的对话、合作和争端解决三层机制基础上,以“准则”谈判磋商为代表的“中国-东盟”框架将进一步常态化、稳定化与实体化,也将反过来推动“准则”等南海议题的国际制度效力更加提升,认同更加扩大,功能更加拓展。未来“准则”治理方案需要坚持“中国-东盟”合作框架,小步快跑推动机制集合与新制度生成,创新具体分歧解决途径。 展开更多
关键词 南海行为准则 “中国-东盟”合作框架 南海命运共同体 治理方案 自主知识
《China Report ASEAN》 2019年第4期8-8,共1页
Total volume of trade between China and ASEAN countries hit a record high of US$587.87 billion in 2018,up 14.1 percent year on year,an official with the Ministry of Commerce said on March 13.China-ASEAN trade maintain... Total volume of trade between China and ASEAN countries hit a record high of US$587.87 billion in 2018,up 14.1 percent year on year,an official with the Ministry of Commerce said on March 13.China-ASEAN trade maintained strong upward momentum last year,with two-way investments amounting to US$205.71 billion,said Yang Weiqun,deputy head of the Department of Asian Affairs,Ministry of Commerce. 展开更多
关键词 china asean HIT
Embracing a Promising Future--Views of ASEAN national leaders on bilateral relations with China
《China Report ASEAN》 2019年第9期82-85,共4页
In adherence to basic policy of diplomacy with neighboring countries characterized by friendship, sincerity, reciprocity and inclusiveness, China has exerted sustained efforts to expand and deepen its cooperation with... In adherence to basic policy of diplomacy with neighboring countries characterized by friendship, sincerity, reciprocity and inclusiveness, China has exerted sustained efforts to expand and deepen its cooperation with ASEAN member states over the past few decades and has achieved fruitful results in both bilateral and multilateral arenas as manifested by frequent highlevel exchanges between the two sides. To mark the 70th birthday of the People’s Republic of China, national leaders of ASEAN countries shared their views on the development of bilateral relations between China and their respective nations. 展开更多
关键词 asean china FRIENDSHIP
“印太经济框架”数字规则:区域合作影响与中国-东盟应对策略 被引量:1
作者 陈喆 王宇函 《东南亚纵横》 2024年第4期91-101,共11页
数字经济业已成为改变全球竞争格局的关键力量,数字规则的制定和推广则成为各国提升国际影响力,抢占全球数字市场的重要手段。美国在亚洲和大洋洲启动“印太经济框架”,期望通过广泛的经济合作框架或合作委员会拓展美式规则影响力,从而... 数字经济业已成为改变全球竞争格局的关键力量,数字规则的制定和推广则成为各国提升国际影响力,抢占全球数字市场的重要手段。美国在亚洲和大洋洲启动“印太经济框架”,期望通过广泛的经济合作框架或合作委员会拓展美式规则影响力,从而主导未来数字经济发展走向,持续数字时代的美式霸权。“印太经济框架”数字经济领域涵盖数字环境、新兴技术、基础设施、监管措施和可持续发展等5个方面的内容,既是对美国此前《印度太平洋战略报告》内容的承继,也是与《美日数字贸易协定》为主的美式高标准数字贸易规则的联动,其倡导高标准合作的同时忽视东盟国家市场准入需求和实际承受能力,实质上是为了坚持贸易保护、阻碍亚太一体化和推广美式规则。“印太经济框架”下美国与东盟数字经济合作的达成,不仅会利用投资和数字技术输出阻碍中国与东盟的数字合作,而且会向东盟输出数字发展理念,加剧中国与东盟的“数字鸿沟”,破坏围绕《区域全面经济伙伴关系协定》形成的数字经济合作伙伴关系。因此,中国应当统筹国内国际两个大局,完善中国数字经济规则;全面对接国际标准,巩固数字合作伙伴关系;细化合作内容,共谋数字发展全球规则,共建数字发展新格局。 展开更多
关键词 “印太经济框架” 数字经济 数字治理 中国-东盟数字经济合作
基于系统理论的中国-东盟网络安全合作系统构建研究 被引量:1
作者 肖军 陈嘉鑫 《情报杂志》 CSSCI 北大核心 2024年第2期33-40,24,共9页
[研究目的]针对中国-东盟网络安全合作在观念、制度、人才、技术等方面存在的问题,构建合作系统框架,提出合作路径及解决方案,旨在提高中国-东盟网络安全合作的水平。[研究方法]通过文献分析,结合系统理论,从系统的要素、结构(功能)、... [研究目的]针对中国-东盟网络安全合作在观念、制度、人才、技术等方面存在的问题,构建合作系统框架,提出合作路径及解决方案,旨在提高中国-东盟网络安全合作的水平。[研究方法]通过文献分析,结合系统理论,从系统的要素、结构(功能)、环境等维度进行研究。[研究结论]中国与东盟在构建网络安全合作系统时可以实施以下路径:在系统要素方面,以网络空间命运共同体理念展开合作、以建立统一的网络安全制度规范框架进行合作、以构建网络安全人才培养培训教育体系保障合作、以创新网络安全技术加强合作;在系统结构(功能)方面,增强系统不同要素间的协同联动、准确把握系统要素最优与结构(功能)最优关系;在系统环境方面,在梳理可供利用的外部环境的基础上,重点利用经济、政治、文化环境优化系统。 展开更多
关键词 中国-东盟 网络安全合作 网络空间命运共同体 网络安全制度 系统理论 系统构建 文献分析法
中国-东盟职业教育合作机制探究 被引量:2
作者 隋亮 刘山陵 《衡水学院学报》 2024年第1期88-93,共6页
中国-东盟互为重要的合作伙伴,也是全球经济最具增长力的区域之一。在“一带一路”的合作倡议下,中国与东盟之间的职业教育合作前景广阔。与此同时,中国-东盟职业教育合作中也存在着政策法律缺失、合作机制不健全等问题,需要通过全面建... 中国-东盟互为重要的合作伙伴,也是全球经济最具增长力的区域之一。在“一带一路”的合作倡议下,中国与东盟之间的职业教育合作前景广阔。与此同时,中国-东盟职业教育合作中也存在着政策法律缺失、合作机制不健全等问题,需要通过全面建立职业教育合作共同体、优化合作机制、完善职业教育合作体系等举措,推动中国-东盟职业教育的融合发展。 展开更多
关键词 “一带一路” 中国-东盟 职业教育 合作机制
作者 李广文 孙浩 石俊杰 《德州学院学报》 2024年第2期71-76,共6页
东盟是“一带一路”建设的重要区域,藤球是与中国蹴鞠有渊源并于当代发展于东南亚的体育项目,也是东南亚具有代表性的民族体育项目。自1987年现代藤球进入中国,1990年成为亚运会正式项目以来,藤球一直是中国与东南亚国家交流的重要载体... 东盟是“一带一路”建设的重要区域,藤球是与中国蹴鞠有渊源并于当代发展于东南亚的体育项目,也是东南亚具有代表性的民族体育项目。自1987年现代藤球进入中国,1990年成为亚运会正式项目以来,藤球一直是中国与东南亚国家交流的重要载体。在中国-东盟全面战略伙伴关系视域下,对藤球文化以及历史渊源进行深入探索,以现代藤球开展比较好的泰国、马来西亚、菲律宾、缅甸等国家的藤球历史和地域文化关系进行溯源研究,深入挖掘藤球项目的文化交融价值;藤球是中国古代“海上丝绸之路”上中国和东南亚诸国非物质文化遗产的碰撞点;藤球的“马六甲起源说”并没有确切的证据,根据现有资料来看,泰国、缅甸的藤球可能要早于“马六甲”的藤球,中国的蹴鞠是否与藤球有关系,还需要更详实的资料证实。“一带一路”建设给藤球带来了发展机遇,鉴于藤球在东南亚的重要地位,对东南亚的藤球文化进行全面实地调查,深层次挖掘藤球文化内涵和价值,全方位研究以藤球为载体的体育文化互鉴交流交融价值,对于推进共建“一带一路”有重要意义。 展开更多
关键词 中国-东盟 藤球 文化 价值
作者 陈秀莲 侯雨欣 《科技管理研究》 CSSCI 2024年第16期23-35,共13页
为深化“中国-东盟自贸区3.0版”升级下中国与东盟的产业合作,梳理评估双方制造业服务化的现状和差异,比较各自的优势和劣势,采用服务化水平指数,基于亚洲开发银行2008—2020年的数据,从不同研发密度分析中国与东盟的制造业服务化水平,... 为深化“中国-东盟自贸区3.0版”升级下中国与东盟的产业合作,梳理评估双方制造业服务化的现状和差异,比较各自的优势和劣势,采用服务化水平指数,基于亚洲开发银行2008—2020年的数据,从不同研发密度分析中国与东盟的制造业服务化水平,指出在低水平、中低水平、中高水平和高水平4种技术类型的制造业中,中国的投入和产出服务化水平均远超东盟整体,且双方差距在增大,但从国别来看具有较明显的异质性:投入服务化水平方面,低技术制造业上中国与泰国等水平相当,中低技术制造业上新加坡等国赶超中国,高技术制造业上泰国表现最为突出;产出服务化水平方面,中国均处于中等水平,且在中低技术和高技术制造业上低于不少东盟国家。基于上述分析,针对中国4种技术类型制造业的投入和产出服务化水平的提高分别提出相关政策建议,强调要学习东盟国家在服务业国际化方面的经验,培养更具国际竞争力的服务业企业。 展开更多
关键词 制造业服务化 研发密度 投入和产出服务化 服务业企业 中国 东盟
作者 朱文玉 房啸晗 《山东工商学院学报》 2024年第3期54-61,共8页
中国与东盟山水相连、隔海相望、命运相系。在知识产权区域一体化的过程中,地理标志产品合作既顺应新现实主义思想的发展趋势,又符合全球FTA贸易规则的时代潮流。当前,RCEP协定的全面实施不仅可以有效简化申请注册流程、规范通用名称标... 中国与东盟山水相连、隔海相望、命运相系。在知识产权区域一体化的过程中,地理标志产品合作既顺应新现实主义思想的发展趋势,又符合全球FTA贸易规则的时代潮流。当前,RCEP协定的全面实施不仅可以有效简化申请注册流程、规范通用名称标准、明确冲突适用原则,更可以进一步优化现代多元互促的发展环境,为中国与东盟深化地理标志产品合作创造崭新的机遇。但目前由于缺乏正式的法律文件、法律治理环境薄弱、名称使用标准欠缺、确权范围出现分歧等问题突出,给双方深层次开展地理标志产品合作带来严峻挑战。未来,双方可以从完善顶层制度框架、创新保护机制、统一名称规则、趋同确权标准等方面入手,推动地理标志产品合作行稳致远。 展开更多
关键词 地理标志 RCEP 中国-东盟
Future Changes in Extreme High Temperature over China at 1.5℃-5℃ Global Warming Based on CMIP6 Simulations 被引量:13
作者 Guwei ZHANG Gang ZENG +1 位作者 Xiaoye YANG Zhihong JIANG 《Advances in Atmospheric Sciences》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2021年第2期253-267,共15页
Extreme high temperature(EHT)events are among the most impact-related consequences related to climate change,especially for China,a nation with a large population that is vulnerable to the climate warming.Based on the... Extreme high temperature(EHT)events are among the most impact-related consequences related to climate change,especially for China,a nation with a large population that is vulnerable to the climate warming.Based on the latest Coupled Model Intercomparison Project Phase 6(CMIP6),this study assesses future EHT changes across China at five specific global warming thresholds(1.5℃-5℃).The results indicate that global mean temperature will increase by 1.5℃/2℃ before 2030/2050 relative to pre-industrial levels(1861-1900)under three future scenarios(SSP1-2.6,SSP2-4.5,and SSP5-8.5),and warming will occur faster under SSP5-8.5 compared to SSP1-2.6 and SSP2-4.5.Under SSP5-8.5,global warming will eventually exceed 5℃ by 2100,while under SSP1-2.6,it will stabilize around 2℃ after 2050.In China,most of the areas where warming exceeds global average levels will be located in Tibet and northern China(Northwest China,North China and Northeast China),covering 50%-70%of the country.Furthermore,about 0.19-0.44 billion people(accounting for 16%-41%of the national population)will experience warming above the global average.Compared to present-day(1995-2014),the warmest day(TXx)will increase most notably in northern China,while the number of warm days(TX90p)and warm spell duration indicator(WSDI)will increase most profoundly in southern China.For example,relative to the present-day,TXx will increase by 1℃-5℃ in northern China,and TX90p(WSDI)will increase by 25-150(10-80)days in southern China at 1.5℃-5℃ global warming.Compared to 2℃-5℃,limiting global warming to 1.5℃ will help avoid about 36%-87%of the EHT increases in China. 展开更多
关键词 extreme high temperature china CMIP6 1.5℃-5℃global warming
Tectono-Sedimentary History of Southeastern Coast Region,China:a Synthesis 被引量:3
作者 Wu Chonglong Zhou Jiangyu Wang Gengfa Li ShaohuFaculty of Earth Resources, China University of Geosciencex, Wuhan 430074Liu Pide Beijing 173 High School, Beijing 100008 《Journal of Earth Science》 SCIE CAS CSCD 1995年第2期38-53,共16页
According to the ideas and concepts of systems dynamic of continent structure, using previous information related to the study area, combining analyses on orogenic belt, basin and magmatic rock, the present paper synt... According to the ideas and concepts of systems dynamic of continent structure, using previous information related to the study area, combining analyses on orogenic belt, basin and magmatic rock, the present paper synthesizes the tectono - sedimentary development of southeastern coast region, China, with special emphasis on the mountain making, basining and magmatic activity. The tectonic evolution after Late Caledonian orogeny was dominated by alternating rifting and converging, subsiding and uplifting, mountain making and basining in central and southern parts of southeastern China and the adjacent regions to the east and west. Seventeen geologic events , nine events of plate or terrain convergence , and continental crust accretion , as well as eight events of intracontinental rifting and basin faulting , are closely related to the tectonic and sedimentary evolution of the study area . The accompanied intense and frequent sedimentation , folding , faulting , magmatism and ore- forming process allowed huge coal , multimetal and potential petroleum source rocks to form in local depressions throughout the Caledonian to Himalavan time . 展开更多
关键词 tectono - sedimentary history basin-orogen analysis Cathaysia subplate ac-tive continental margin. Fujian - Guangdong superimposed basin southeastern coast of china.
The 30–60-day Intraseasonal Variability of Sea Surface Temperature in the South China Sea during May–September 被引量:3
作者 Jiangyu MAO Ming WANG 《Advances in Atmospheric Sciences》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2018年第5期550-566,共17页
This study investigates the structure and propagation of intraseasonal sea surface temperature(SST) variability in the South China Sea(SCS) on the 30-60-day timescale during boreal summer(May-September). TRMM-ba... This study investigates the structure and propagation of intraseasonal sea surface temperature(SST) variability in the South China Sea(SCS) on the 30-60-day timescale during boreal summer(May-September). TRMM-based SST, GODAS oceanic reanalysis and ERA-Interim atmospheric reanalysis datasets from 1998 to 2013 are used to examine quantitatively the atmospheric thermodynamic and oceanic dynamic mechanisms responsible for its formation. Power spectra show that the 30-60-day SST variability is predominant, accounting for 60% of the variance of the 10-90-day variability over most of the SCS. Composite analyses demonstrate that the 30-60-day SST variability is characterized by the alternate occurrence of basin-wide positive and negative SST anomalies in the SCS, with positive(negative) SST anomalies accompanied by anomalous northeasterlies(southwesterlies). The transition and expansion of SST anomalies are driven by the monsoonal trough-ridge seesaw pattern that migrates northward from the equator to the northern SCS. Quantitative diagnosis of the composite mixed-layer heat budgets shows that, within a strong 30-60-day cycle, the atmospheric thermal forcing is indeed a dominant factor, with the mixed-layer net heat flux(MNHF) contributing around 60% of the total SST tendency, while vertical entrainment contributes more than 30%. However, the entrainment-induced SST tendency is sometimes as large as the MNHF-induced component, implying that ocean processes are sometimes as important as surface fluxes in generating the30-60-day SST variability in the SCS. 展开更多
关键词 sea surface temperature 30-60-day intraseasonal variability South china Sea vertical entrainment
Prevalence and Years Lived with Disability for Dental Caries among Children Aged 0-14 Years in China, 1990-2016 被引量:6
作者 LIU Wen Zhao SU Ling Yu +3 位作者 XIE Xu Dong XIANG Xue Rong HUANG Jiao JI Ping 《Biomedical and Environmental Sciences》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2018年第5期376-381,共6页
The estimate of dental caries among Chinese children at the microscale level using standard methodology remains unclear. In this study, we assessed and analyzed the disease burden of childhood dental caries in China b... The estimate of dental caries among Chinese children at the microscale level using standard methodology remains unclear. In this study, we assessed and analyzed the disease burden of childhood dental caries in China by extracting data from the Global Burden of Disease, Injuries, and Risk Factors Study 2016 (GBD 2016). In 2016, the number of cases, prevalence, years lived with disability (YLD), and age-standardized YLD rate of dental caries was 93.0 million, 43.0%, 32,200 person years, and 14.8 per 100,000, respectively. Across 33 provincial units, the disease burden was highest in Hubei (YLD rate 28.6 per 100,000), lowest in Macao (9.1 per 100,000), while geographical clustering was not observed. Compared with 1990, the prevalence in 2016 decreased from 46.8% to 43.0%, and the YLD rate decreased from 16.5 per 100,000 to 14.8 per 100,000. Given the slight decrease in dental caries burden, the prevalence and disease burden remained high among Chinese children. Strategies for addressing the spatial inequity of childhood dental caries require geographical targeting. 展开更多
关键词 In Prevalence and Years Lived with Disability for Dental Caries among Children Aged 0-14 Years in china 1990-2016
Intact Polar and Core Tetraether Lipids in Sediments from the Haiyang 4 Cold-seep of the Northern South China Sea and their Implications 被引量:1
作者 LI Yuejiao SU Xin +2 位作者 JIAO Lu CHEN Fang CHENG Sihai 《Acta Geologica Sinica(English Edition)》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2022年第2期691-700,共10页
A number of cold seeps have been discovered in the northern South China Sea(SCS) including the Haiyang 4 cold-seep area where Core 973-5 was collected. Intact polar lipids(IPLs) and core lipids(CLs) were analyzed sepa... A number of cold seeps have been discovered in the northern South China Sea(SCS) including the Haiyang 4 cold-seep area where Core 973-5 was collected. Intact polar lipids(IPLs) and core lipids(CLs) were analyzed separately in sediments from Core 973-5. The most abundant lipid biomarkers were isoprenoidal GDGTs(iso GDGTs), with Crenarchaeol and GDGT-0 predominating. IPL-iso GDGTs and CL-iso GDGTs were mainly derived from Thaumarchaeota. IPL-iso GDGTs were mainly produced and retained in situ thus containing most of the in situ microbiological information. Branched GDGTs were predominantly derived from generated in marine production, and mixed with some terrestrial inputs. All IPLs groups presented a high value in the sulfate-methane transition zone(SMTZ). Furthermore, IPL and CL-MI, IPL-R;showed the highest values within the SMTZ, while IPL and CL-R;had the lowest values at the SMTZ, suggesting that the contribution of Methanophila and methanogenic to GDGTs increased, while the contribution of ammonia-oxidizing Archaea to GDGTs decreased at the SMTZ. 展开更多
关键词 GDGTs IPLs SMTZ source Core 973-5 Haiyang 4 Cold-seep South china Sea
中国-东盟跨境数据流动治理合作:现实与路径选择 被引量:1
作者 赵祺 《南洋问题研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2024年第3期85-98,共14页
跨境数据治理是中国与东盟深化数字经济合作的关键议题。基于文本分析法,可以发现东盟国家的跨境数据治理模式大体上有3种类型,同时东盟正努力打造相对统一的跨境数据治理规范体系。从“政策-市场-规则”的框架出发,中国与东盟跨境数据... 跨境数据治理是中国与东盟深化数字经济合作的关键议题。基于文本分析法,可以发现东盟国家的跨境数据治理模式大体上有3种类型,同时东盟正努力打造相对统一的跨境数据治理规范体系。从“政策-市场-规则”的框架出发,中国与东盟跨境数据治理合作,虽然存在数字合作逐渐制度化、数字企业不断深耕东南亚市场、数据治理理念趋同等有利条件,但也面临东盟国家跨境数据治理规则相对复杂、美国对东盟国家的说服和拉拢、地区跨境数据治理“规则拥堵”等制约因素。未来双方应深化跨境数据治理合作,致力于打造中国—东盟网络空间命运共同体。 展开更多
关键词 数字经济 跨境数据 治理 中国—东盟关系
作者 李景文 高井祥 +2 位作者 李增科 高二涛 钱妮佳 《现代测绘》 2024年第3期79-84,共6页
测绘地理信息是重要的战略性数据资源和新型生产要素。近年来,随着经济全球化的快速发展,中国和东盟国家对测绘地理信息产业的技术创新、升级提档、服务方式等提出诸多新需求。为加快推进测绘地理信息事业转型升级和产业发展,深化人才... 测绘地理信息是重要的战略性数据资源和新型生产要素。近年来,随着经济全球化的快速发展,中国和东盟国家对测绘地理信息产业的技术创新、升级提档、服务方式等提出诸多新需求。为加快推进测绘地理信息事业转型升级和产业发展,深化人才培养模式改革,促进人才培养供给侧和产业发展需求侧深度融合已经成为中国-东盟合作的首要任务。然而,受到经济发展不平衡、教育水平落后等因素的制约,东盟国家在高质量测绘类专业人才培养方面仍面临一系列挑战和困难。在此背景下,围绕“互利合作,中国-东盟测绘类人才培养模式探索”的主题,以国家战略和地方经济快速发展为引领优化教学资源,依托广西空间信息与测绘重点实验室、测绘工程专业国家虚拟教研室等开展教学改革与实践,为进一步加强中国-东盟在测绘地理信息领域的合作与人才培养提供理论支持和实践指导,全面赋能区域高质量发展。 展开更多
关键词 中国-东盟 互利合作 测绘地理信息 人才培养
On Condition and Path of the Regionalization of China Yuan from the Perspective of ASEAN
作者 Gou Dongning Xiang Jingyu 《学术界》 CSSCI 北大核心 2015年第8期267-271,共5页
With the development of the economy in China,the regionalization of China Yuan is accelerated. This paper analyzes the existing conditions of the regionalization of China Yuan in ASEAN theoretically and practically,po... With the development of the economy in China,the regionalization of China Yuan is accelerated. This paper analyzes the existing conditions of the regionalization of China Yuan in ASEAN theoretically and practically,points out the restricting factors and puts forward the path of the regionalization of China Yuan in ASEAN — with Singapore,Thailand,Malaysia and Indonesia being the pilot countries and realizing regionalization of China Yuan in ASEAN gradually. 展开更多
关键词 人民币 区域化 东盟 路径 印度尼西亚 中国 新加坡
Antimicrobial Resistance,Virulence Profile,and Molecular Characterization of Listeria monocytogenes Isolated from Ready-to-eat Food in China,2013-2014 被引量:3
作者 YAN Shao Fei WANG Wei +4 位作者 BAI Li HU Yu Jie DONG Yin Ping XU Jin LI Feng Qin 《Biomedical and Environmental Sciences》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2016年第6期448-452,共5页
We aimed to investigate the potential pathogenic profile and antibiotic resistance of Listeria monocytogenes isolated from ready-to-eat food in China.Antimicrobial resistance was determined by broth microdilution foll... We aimed to investigate the potential pathogenic profile and antibiotic resistance of Listeria monocytogenes isolated from ready-to-eat food in China.Antimicrobial resistance was determined by broth microdilution following the Clinical and Laboratory Standards Institute protocol Molecular serotyping,virulence,and resistance genes were identified using PCR.Multi-locus 展开更多
关键词 MLST gene Antimicrobial Resistance Virulence Profile and Molecular Characterization of Listeria monocytogenes Isolated from Ready-to-eat Food in china 2013-2014 SMZ CLSI
Reconstruction of Sub-Decadal Winter Half-Year Temperature during 1651-2010 for the North China Plain Using Records of Frost Date 被引量:2
作者 Junhui Yan Quansheng Ge +2 位作者 Haolong Liu Jingyun Zheng Hui Fu 《Atmospheric and Climate Sciences》 2014年第2期211-218,共8页
We extracted 374 pieces of records of frost date from historical documents. Using these records, we reconstructed winter half-year (October to next April) temperature series, with a resolution of 5-year, for the North... We extracted 374 pieces of records of frost date from historical documents. Using these records, we reconstructed winter half-year (October to next April) temperature series, with a resolution of 5-year, for the North China Plain during 1651-2010. The results show that the temperature changes in the North China Plain were divided into four phases. With the reference period of 1951-1980, two cold phases, 1651-1700 and 1781-1900, have cold anomaly of 0.83°C and 0.60°C respectively. However, between the two cold phases, 1701-1780 was a relative warm phase with the cold anomaly of 0.36°C referring to the mean of 1951-1980. After the 1900, the climate came into a warm phase. The mean temperature of 1901-2010 was 0.11°C higher than the mean of 1951-1980. During 1651-2010, the 1996-2000 is the warmest 5-year with the warm anomaly of 1.25°C than that of the reference period of 1951-1980. 展开更多
关键词 Historical CLIMATOLOGY TEMPERATURE RECONSTRUCTION WINTER Half-Year The North china Plain 1651-2010
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