The major and trace elemental compositions of clinopyroxene from basalt were used to characterize the nature of the primitive magma and structural environment beneath the southern Okinawa Trough(SOT),which is an initi...The major and trace elemental compositions of clinopyroxene from basalt were used to characterize the nature of the primitive magma and structural environment beneath the southern Okinawa Trough(SOT),which is an initial back-arc basin at a continental margin.The clinopyroxenes in the basalt were augite with variable Mg^(#)contents(73.37-78.22).The regular variations in major oxide contents(i.e.,CaO,FeO,TiO_(2),and Cr)with decreasing Mg#implied that the clinopyroxenes evolved from being enriched in Mg,Ca,and Cr to being enriched in Fe and Ti.The clinopyroxenes had relatively low rare earth element concentrations(7.51×10^(-6) to 12.68×10^(-6))and negative Eu anomalies(δEu=0.67-0.95).The Kd_(cpx) values of clinopyroxenes(0.2-0.26),which were used to examine whether the clinopyroxene was equilibrated with its host basalt,demonstrate that these clinopyroxene phenocrysts were not captured crystals but were instead produced by crystallization differentiation of the magma.The calculated clinopyroxene crystallization temperatures showed a narrow range of 990-1061℃,and their crystallization pressures ranged from 2.0 to 3.2 kbar.The geochemistry features of these clinopyroxenes indicated that the parent magma belonged to the subalkaline tholeiitic magma series and suggested that the magma experienced crystallization differentiation of olivine,plagioclase,and clinopyroxene,where the crystallization of plagioclase occurred earlier than that of clinopyroxene.Combined with geophysical data,this research on primitive magma and its crystallization differentiation from clinopyroxene indicates that the SOT is in the stage of‘seafloor spreading’and that basaltic rocks produced from tholeiitic magma represent the generation of oceanic crust.展开更多
Mid-ocean ridge basalts (MORBs) from East Pacific Rise (EPR) 13°N are analysed for major and trace elements, both of which show a continuous evolving trend. Positive MgO-Al2O3 and negative MgO-Sc relationship...Mid-ocean ridge basalts (MORBs) from East Pacific Rise (EPR) 13°N are analysed for major and trace elements, both of which show a continuous evolving trend. Positive MgO-Al2O3 and negative MgO-Sc relationships manifest the cotectic crystallization of plagioclase and olivine, which exist with the presence of plagioclase and olivine phenocrysts and the absence of clinopyroxene phenoerysts. However, the fractionation of clinopyroxene is proven by the positive correlation of MgO and CaO. Thus, MORB samples are believed to show a “clinopyroxene paradox”. The highest magnesium-bearing MORB sample E13-3B (MGO=9.52%) is modelled for isobaric crystallization with COMAGMAT at different pressures. Observed CaO/Al2O3 ratios can be derived from E13-3B only by fractional crystallization at pressure 〉4±1 kbar, which necessitates clinopyroxene crystallization and is not consistent with cotectic crystallization of olivine plus plagioclase in the magma chamber (at pressure -1 kbar). The initial compositions of the melt inclusions, which could represent potential parental magmas, are reconstructed by correcting for post-entrapment crystallization (PEC). The simulated crystallization of initial melt inclusions also produce observed CaO/Al2O3 ratios only at 〉4±1 kbar, in which clinopyroxene takes part in crystallization. It is suggested that MORB magmas have experienced clinopyroxene fractionation in the lower crust, in and below the Moho transition zone. The MORB magmas have experienced transition from clinopyroxene+plagioclase+olivine crystallization at 〉4±1 kbar to mainly olivine+plagioclase crystallization at 〈1 kbar, which contributes to the explanation of the “clinopyroxene paradox”.展开更多
The Taohekou Formation is a volcanic-sedimentary terrane formed in the early Silurian in the northern Daba Mountains, China. The volcanic rocks, with dominant alkali basalts and minor mantle xenoliths, are enriched in...The Taohekou Formation is a volcanic-sedimentary terrane formed in the early Silurian in the northern Daba Mountains, China. The volcanic rocks, with dominant alkali basalts and minor mantle xenoliths, are enriched in clinopyroxene phenocrysts. Geochemical analysis shows that the composition of clinopyroxenes from different lithofacies has a close affinity. There is a liner correlation present in composition of clinopyroxenes (including phenocryst, microcrystal and xenocryst) from coarse porphyritic basalts, pillow or fine porphyritic basalts to amygdaloidal basalts. All the cllnopyroxenes, except the clinopyroxenes in mantle xenoliths, show a similar pattern of trace elements and REE, which indicates that they are likely products of successive fractional crystallization from cognate magma. Clinopyroxenes in mantle xenoliths, however, are mantle xenocrysts. The crystallization pressure of clinopyroxenes gradually decreases from mantle xenolith, deep-seated xenocryst, coarse porphritic basalts, pillow or fine porphritic basalts, to amygdaloidal basalts, which are 1.92-4.41 GPa, 1.18-2.36 GPa, 1.13-2.05 GPa, 0.44-0.62 GPa and 0.14-0.28 GPa respectively. Calculation results suggest that the primary magma originated from a mantle region deeper than 68 km and stagnates in intervals of 37-68 kin, 15-20 km and 5-9 km during its ascent. The alkali basalts are characterized by increasing concentrations of Si and alkaline with the magmatic evolution. Meanwhile, they are markedly enriched in LREE, and the patterns of trace elements and REE are similar to those of oceanic island basalts.展开更多
The mineral chemistry and texture of clinopyroxenes in peridotite from the Kingkong tectonic zone of the Southwest Indian Ridge segment in an effort to constrain mantle melting beneath this slow-spreading ridge are re...The mineral chemistry and texture of clinopyroxenes in peridotite from the Kingkong tectonic zone of the Southwest Indian Ridge segment in an effort to constrain mantle melting beneath this slow-spreading ridge are reported. There are three types of clinopyroxenes in the abyssal peridotites: coarse-grained, intergranu- lar and exsolved. The compositional variations among these three types suggest that the coarse-grained clinopyroxene is a mantle-derived source. The A1, Na and Ti contents and the Na/Ti ratio of the coarse- grained clinopyroxene may be used to monitor the degree of partial melting, combined with the contradis- tinction with Spinel Cr#, which is calculated to be between 7.9% and 14.9%, and may represent low degrees of melting in the global ocean ridge system. The along-axis compositional variations in the coarse-grained clinopyroxene suggest that the degree of partial melting is primarily controlled by the transform faults on both sides of the ridge. Nonetheless, the northwestern side of the ridge may be affected by a hypothesised detachment fault as documented by the calculated P-T conditions. Simultaneously high Na and low Ti con- tents in the coarse-grained clinoovroxene points to mantle heterogeneities along the ridge axis.展开更多
The M?ssbauer spectra of natural megacrystal clinopyroxene are usually fitted by 4 sets of symmetric doublets, A-A', B-B', C-C' and D-D', respectively, in terms of increasing Qs value in literature. Bu...The M?ssbauer spectra of natural megacrystal clinopyroxene are usually fitted by 4 sets of symmetric doublets, A-A', B-B', C-C' and D-D', respectively, in terms of increasing Qs value in literature. But the assignments of those doublets are quite different, except the D-D' doublet assigned to Fe3+at the lattice site M***1 in previous papers. Particularly, the assignment and interpretation of the C-C' doublet are diverse.展开更多
The author studied the grain size, shape, colour, altered coat, mineral species, chemical composition,end- member components and infrared spectra of clinopyroxenes occurring as megacryst, macrocryst andgroundmass mine...The author studied the grain size, shape, colour, altered coat, mineral species, chemical composition,end- member components and infrared spectra of clinopyroxenes occurring as megacryst, macrocryst andgroundmass minerals, intergrowths with pyrope and ilmenite and minerals in deep-seated xenoliths and inclu-sions in diamonds in kimberlites of China. The clinopyroxenes under study were compared with megacrystclinopyroxenes in basalts and minerals in their deep-seated xenoliths and clinopyroxenes in lamproites andminettes. The coexisting clinopyroxene-pyrope pair was studied. Besides the author also studied the origin ofclinopyroxenes in kimberlites, P-T conditions for their formation and their reflected tectonic environments ofthe kimberlite formation. He suggests that this mineral is an indicator for diamond exploration.展开更多
New versions of the universal Jd-Di exchange clinopyroxene barometer for peridotites,pyroxenites and eclogites,and also garnet barometer for eclogites and peridotites were developed.They were checked using large exper...New versions of the universal Jd-Di exchange clinopyroxene barometer for peridotites,pyroxenites and eclogites,and also garnet barometer for eclogites and peridotites were developed.They were checked using large experimental data sets for eciogitic(~530) and peridotitic systems(〉650).The precision of the universal Cpx barometer for peridotites based on Jd-Di exchange is close to Cr-Tschermal展开更多
The Ediacarian volcanic series from the Lac Ifni sector are composed of a large variety of rocks from basalts and rhyolites to intermediates facies such as andesites,rhyodacites and pyroclastites.All these rocks are i...The Ediacarian volcanic series from the Lac Ifni sector are composed of a large variety of rocks from basalts and rhyolites to intermediates facies such as andesites,rhyodacites and pyroclastites.All these rocks are intruded by dolerite dikes.Secondary processes are reflected by total serpentinization of olivine within basic andesite and by albitization展开更多
The chemical evolution and pressure-temperature conditions of subduction zone magmatism along ancient suture zones in orogenic belts can provide important information regarding plate convergence processes in paleo-oce...The chemical evolution and pressure-temperature conditions of subduction zone magmatism along ancient suture zones in orogenic belts can provide important information regarding plate convergence processes in paleo-oceans.Carboniferous magmatism in West Junggar is key to understanding the tectonothermal and subduction history of the Junggar Ocean,which was a branch of the Paleo-Asian Ocean,as well as the accretionary processes in the southwestern Central Asian Orogenic Belt(CAOB).We undertook a geochronological,mineralogical,geochemical,and Sr-Nd-Hf-Pb isotopic study of volcanic rocks from the Baikouquan area of West Junggar.We used these data to determine the petrogenesis,mantle source,and pressure-temperature conditions of these magmas,and further constrain the subduction and tectonic history of the Junggar Ocean.The studied volcanic rocks yielded zircon U-Pb ages of 342-337 Ma and are characterized by enrichments of large-ion lithophile elements(LILEs),and depletions in high-field-strength elements(HFSEs),indicative of an island arc affinity.The volcanic rocks have positiveƐNd(t)(5.83-7.04)andƐHf(t)(13.47-15.74)values,87Sr/86Sr(t)ratios of 0.704023-0.705658,and radiogenic 207Pb/204Pb(t)and 208Pb/204Pb(t)ratios at a given 206Pb/204Pb(t)ratio,indicative of a depleted mantle source contaminated by subduction-related materials.Geochemical modeling calculations indicate that≤1%of a subduction component comprising fluid and sediment melt could have generated the source of the parental melts of the Baikouquan volcanic rocks.Clinopyroxene phenocrysts in the volcanic rocks are classified as high-and low-Ti clinopyroxene,and pressure-temperature calculations suggest the host rocks formed at high temperatures(~1300℃)and shallow to moderate depths(<2 GPa).The magma was probably generated by hot and hydrous melting in a mantle wedge in response to subduction of young,hot oceanic lithosphere.The present results,combined with published data,suggest that the Baikouquan volcanic rocks record a transition in tectonic setting from normal cold to anomalous hot subduction of young oceanic lithosphere close to a mid-ocean ridge.This indicates ridge subduction began shortly after 337 Ma.Our results provide new insights into the tectonomagmatic evolution during intra-oceanic subduction prior to ridge subduction.展开更多
The exsolution of clinopyroxene and rutile in coarse-grain garnet is found in the gneissic K-feldspar(-bearing) garnet clinopyroxenite from Yinggelisayi in the Altyn Tagh, NW China. The maximum content of the exsolved...The exsolution of clinopyroxene and rutile in coarse-grain garnet is found in the gneissic K-feldspar(-bearing) garnet clinopyroxenite from Yinggelisayi in the Altyn Tagh, NW China. The maximum content of the exsolved clinopyroxene in the garnet is up to >5% by volume. The reconstructed precursor garnet (Grt1) before exsolution has a maximum Si content of 3.061 per formula uint, being of supersilicic or majoritic garnet. The peak-stage metamorphic pressure of >7 GPa is estimated using the geobarometer for volume percentage of exsolved pyroxene in garnet and the Si-(Al+Cr) geobarometer for majoritic garnet, and the temperature of about 1000℃ using the ternary alkali-feldspar geothermometer and the experimental data of ilmen- ite-magnetite solid solution. The protoliths of the rocks are intra-plate basic and intermediate ig- neous rocks, of which the geochemical features indicate that they are probably the products of the evolution of basic magma deriving from the continental lithosphere mantle. The rocks are in outcrops associated with ultrahigh pressure garnet-bearing lherzolite and ultrahigh pressure garnet granitoid gneiss. All of these data suggest that the ultrahigh pressure metamorphic rocks in the Altyn Tagh are the products of deep-subduction of the continental crust, and such deep- subduction probably reaches to >200 km in depth. This may provide new evidence for further discussion of the dynamic mechanism of the formation and evolvement of the Altyn Tagh and the other collision orogenic belts in western China.展开更多
The clinopyroxene amphibolite from the Bailang terrane is located in the central section of the Yarlung Zangbo suture zone(YZSZ),southern Tibet.The study of it is expected to provide important clues for the subduction...The clinopyroxene amphibolite from the Bailang terrane is located in the central section of the Yarlung Zangbo suture zone(YZSZ),southern Tibet.The study of it is expected to provide important clues for the subduction of the Neo-Tethyan Ocean below the Asian Plate and thus for better understanding of the development of the India-Asia collision zone.Based on integrated textural,mineral compositional,metamorphic reaction history and geothermobarometric studies of the clinopyroxene amphibolite within a serpentinite mélange,four overprinted metamorphic stages are established.They are the first metamorphic record of M1 stage indicated by a relict assemblage of plagioclase+clinopyroxene+amphibole,an early M2 stage characterized by an assemblage of medium-grained clinopyroxene+amphibole+plagioclase+quartz as well as rutile inclusion in titanite,which is formed during burial process,an isobaric cooling M3 stage which is characterized by an assemblage of clinopyroxene+amphibole+plagioclase+titanite,and a decomposing retrograde stage M4,which is represented by the amphibolite+plagioclase symplectite+titanite+rutile+quartz.By applying the THERMOCALC(versions 6.2 and 6.3)technique in the NCFMASHTO system,the P-T conditions estimated from M1 to M4 stages are ca.8.6 kbar/880℃,10.8–13.4 kbar/800–840℃,12.7–13.2 kbar/650–660℃ and<11.2 kbar/640℃,respectively.The mineral assemblages and their P-T conditions define a counterclockwise P-T path for the clinopyroxene amphibolite of the Xigaze ophiolite,suggesting that the rocks underwent a cooling process during burial from magmatic protolith,and a decompressing stage after the pressure peak metamorphic conditions,which implies that the Bailang terrane of the Xigaze ophiolite may have experienced subduction/collision-related tectonic processes.The peak metamorphism reaches to the transitional P-T conditions among amphibolite facies,granulite facies and eclogite facies with a burial depth of 30–40 km.After exhumation of the ophiolitic unit to the shallow crustal levels,the clinopyroxene amphibolite exposes to a high fO2 condition on the basis of the stable epidotebearing assemblage in the T-MO2 diagrams.A late subgreenschist facies overprinting subsequently occurs,the relevant mineral assemblage is prehnite+albite+chlorite+epidote+quartz.展开更多
Modal composition and mineral composition of harzburgites from the southern Mariana fore-arc show that they are highly refractory. There are a few modals of clinopyroxene (0.7 vol %) in harzburgites. Two types of amph...Modal composition and mineral composition of harzburgites from the southern Mariana fore-arc show that they are highly refractory. There are a few modals of clinopyroxene (0.7 vol %) in harzburgites. Two types of amphibole are found in these harzburgites: magnesiohornblende accompanied by clinopy-roxene with higher Al2O3 content (>7%) and lower Mg#; tremolite around orthopyroxene with lower Al2O3 content (< 2%) and higher Mg#. Trace element of clinopyroxene and two types of amphibole are ana-lyzed. Primitive mantle-normalised REE patterns for clinopyroxene and magnesio hornblende are very similar and both show HREE enrichment relative to LREE,while magnesiohornblende has higher con-tent of trace element than clinopyroxene. The contents of trace element of tremolite are much lower than those of magnesiohornblende. Clinopyroxene shows enrichment of most of the trace element except HREE and Ti relative to clinopyroxene in abyssal peridotites. Petrology and trace element characteristic of clinopyroxene and two types of amphibole indicate that southern Mariana fore-arc harzburgites underwent two stages of metasomatism. The percolation of a hydrous melt led to mobility of Al,Ca,Fe,Mg,Na,and large amounts of trace element. LILE and LREE can be more active in hydrous melt than HREE and Ti,and the activities of most of the trace element except some of LILE are influ-enced by temperature and pressure.展开更多
The evolution history of the Yangtze River attracted increasing attention in recent years. Comparison of the properties of the floodplain sediments between the upper and lower reaches of the Three Gorges is of signifi...The evolution history of the Yangtze River attracted increasing attention in recent years. Comparison of the properties of the floodplain sediments between the upper and lower reaches of the Three Gorges is of significance to identify the material detrital sources for the Yangtze River Basin. Clinopyroxene (Cpx) is the typical mineral widely distributed in the sediments of the Yangtze River Ba- sin. Cpx was extracted from the fine sediments with the grain size ranging from 0.063 to 0.125 mm in the upper and lower reaches of the Three Gorges. The sediments, from which the Cpx was extracted, were taken from the floodplains of the catchments of both the Yangtze River and the Hanjiang River, as well as from the surface of the Zhoulao Core drilled in the center of the Jianghan Basin where the two rivers flow through. Geochemistry of these Cpx was investigated, concerning the contents of major elements measured by electron probe microanalysis (EPMA) and the contents of trace elements analyzed by laser ablation inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (LA-ICP-MS). The Cpx in the Yangtze River contains titaniferous augite which is sourced from the Panzhihua-Xichang region in South Sichuan Province, whereas the Cpx in the Hanjiang River is mainly from the surroundings without any titanif- erous augite. The REE analysis infers that the titaniferous augite is the diagnostic mineral of the upper Yangtze River, and thus could be used as a tracer mineral to identify the detrital sources for the sedi- ments formed during the evolution of the Yangtze River. The Cpx from the surface sediments of the Jianghan Plain (Zhoulao Core) shows comparable geochemical nature with that of the Yangtze River, but is different in geochemistry from that of the Hanjiang River, implying that the modern sediments in the Jianghan Plain are mainly sourced from the upper Yangtze River.展开更多
Volcanic glass compositions and tephra layer age are critical for anchoring their sources and correlating among different sites; however, such work may be imprecise when the tephra has varied compositions. The ash fro...Volcanic glass compositions and tephra layer age are critical for anchoring their sources and correlating among different sites; however, such work may be imprecise when the tephra has varied compositions. The ash from Changbaishan Millennium eruption(940s AD), a widely distributed tephra layer, has been detected in the far-east areas of Russia, the Korean Peninsula, Japan, and in Greenland ice cores. There are some debates on the presence of this tephra from sedimentary archives to the west of Changbaishan volcano, such as lake and peat sediments in the Longgang volcanic field. In this paper, major element compositions for clinopyroxene and Fe-Ti oxides were performed on proximal tephra from Changbaishan and the Millennium eruption ash record in Lake Sihailongwan. Clinopyroxene and Fe-Ti oxides microlites from Sihailongwan show augite-ferroaugite and titanmagnetite compositions, similar to those from dark pumice in Changbaishan proximal tephra, but different from the light grey pumice, which has ferrohedenbergite and ilmenite microlite compositions. This result implies that the tephra recorded in Sihailongwan was mainly from the trachytic eruptive phase of the Millennium eruption, and the rhyolitic eruptive phase made a relatively small contribution to this area. Analyzing clinopyroxene and Fe-Ti oxides microlites is a new method for correlating tephra layers from Changbaishan Millennium eruption.展开更多
There are a lot of anominally anhydrous rock-forming minerals with various occurrences, in which the existence of OH or H<sub>2</sub>O has been demonstrated so far.Researches on the structural OH in abyssa...There are a lot of anominally anhydrous rock-forming minerals with various occurrences, in which the existence of OH or H<sub>2</sub>O has been demonstrated so far.Researches on the structural OH in abyssal or mantle-derived minerals are of展开更多
Knowledge of the trace element distributions and concentrations in main mineral phases of mantle-derived rocks is particularly useful for understanding the partial melting, depletion and enrichment processes, and meta...Knowledge of the trace element distributions and concentrations in main mineral phases of mantle-derived rocks is particularly useful for understanding the partial melting, depletion and enrichment processes, and metasomatism in the earth’s mantle. Trace element data on mantle peridotites were usually obtained with large uncertainty by neutron activation analysis in China previously. We have determined trace element concentration of 173 grains of clinopyroxene (cpx) in 50 peridotite xenoliths from different areas in China using the pro-展开更多
Hydrogen diffusivity of one clinopyroxene megacryst from Nüshan, eastern China parallel to [001]* crystallographic direction was measured by high-temperature sequential dehydration experiments at 950üC and 8...Hydrogen diffusivity of one clinopyroxene megacryst from Nüshan, eastern China parallel to [001]* crystallographic direction was measured by high-temperature sequential dehydration experiments at 950üC and 850üC, which was (6.5ü1.5)×10-12(m2/s) and (1.8×0.7)×10-12(m2/s) respectively. From these results and the previous published data, it seems that the correlation between hydrogen diffusivity and Fe content suggested by Dyar et al. (1996) possibly does not exist. Clinopyroxene megacrysts from alkali basalts appear to be possible reliable samples for the study of the water evolution and hydrogen isotope compositions of the upper mantle.展开更多
Thirteen clinopyroxene megacrysts from Nushan Cenozoic basalts have been investigated by Fourier transform infrared spectrometer(FTIR). The results demonstrate that all samples contain trace amount of structural OH. C...Thirteen clinopyroxene megacrysts from Nushan Cenozoic basalts have been investigated by Fourier transform infrared spectrometer(FTIR). The results demonstrate that all samples contain trace amount of structural OH. Clinopyroxenes from Nushan show four groups of absorption bands, in which, 3 472-3 506 cm -1 is the major characteristic one. It is suggested that the position of major band is probably related to Al content: the position of major characteristic band for high_Al samples is around 3 470 cm -1 , whereas that for low_Al samples around 3 620 cm -1 .展开更多
The debate regarding whether the Yarlung-Zangbo ophiolite(YZO)on the south of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau,formed in a mid-ocean ridge(MOR)or a supra-subduction zone(SSZ)setting has remained unresolved.Here we present pe...The debate regarding whether the Yarlung-Zangbo ophiolite(YZO)on the south of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau,formed in a mid-ocean ridge(MOR)or a supra-subduction zone(SSZ)setting has remained unresolved.Here we present petrological,mineralogical,and geochemical data associated with modeling melting geodynamics of the mantle peridotites from the Purang ophiolite in the western segment of the Yarlung-Zangbo Suture Zone(YZSZ)to explore its tectonic environment.The Purang lherzolites are characterized by the protogranular texture and have abyssal-peridotite-like mineral compositions,including low Cr^(#)(20-30)and TiO_(2) contents(<0.1wt%)in spinel,high Al_(2)O_(3)(2.9wt%-4.4wt%)and CaO(1.9wt%-3.7wt%)contents in orthopyroxene and LREE-depletion in clinopyroxene.Compositions of these lherzolites can be modeled by~11%dynamic melting of the DMM source with a small fraction of melt(~0.5%)entrapped within the source,a similar melting process to typical abyssal peridotites.The Purang harzburgites are characterized by the porphyroclastic texture and exhibit highly refractory mineral compositions such as high spinel Cr^(#)(40-68),low orthopyroxene Al_(2)O_(3)(<2.2wt%)and CaO(<1.1wt%)contents.Clinopyroxenes in these harzburgites are enriched in Sr(up to 6.0 ppm)and LREE[(Ce)N=0.02-0.4],but depleted in Ti(200 ppm,on average)and HREE[(Yb)N<2].Importantly,the more depleted samples tend to have higher clinopyroxene Sr and LREE contents.These observations indicate an open-system hydrous melting with a continuous influx of slab fluid at a subduction zone.The modeled results show that these harzburgites could be formed by 19%-23%hydrous melting with the supply rate of slab fluid at 0.1%-1%.The lower clinopyroxene V/Sc ratios in harzburgites than those in lherzolites suggest a high oxidation stage of the melting system of harzburgites,which is consistent with a hydrous melting environment for these harzburgites.It is therefore concluded that the Purang ophiolite has experienced a transformation of tectonic setting from MOR to SSZ.展开更多
基金supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China(No.42276085)the National Basic Research Program of China(No.2013CB429702).
文摘The major and trace elemental compositions of clinopyroxene from basalt were used to characterize the nature of the primitive magma and structural environment beneath the southern Okinawa Trough(SOT),which is an initial back-arc basin at a continental margin.The clinopyroxenes in the basalt were augite with variable Mg^(#)contents(73.37-78.22).The regular variations in major oxide contents(i.e.,CaO,FeO,TiO_(2),and Cr)with decreasing Mg#implied that the clinopyroxenes evolved from being enriched in Mg,Ca,and Cr to being enriched in Fe and Ti.The clinopyroxenes had relatively low rare earth element concentrations(7.51×10^(-6) to 12.68×10^(-6))and negative Eu anomalies(δEu=0.67-0.95).The Kd_(cpx) values of clinopyroxenes(0.2-0.26),which were used to examine whether the clinopyroxene was equilibrated with its host basalt,demonstrate that these clinopyroxene phenocrysts were not captured crystals but were instead produced by crystallization differentiation of the magma.The calculated clinopyroxene crystallization temperatures showed a narrow range of 990-1061℃,and their crystallization pressures ranged from 2.0 to 3.2 kbar.The geochemistry features of these clinopyroxenes indicated that the parent magma belonged to the subalkaline tholeiitic magma series and suggested that the magma experienced crystallization differentiation of olivine,plagioclase,and clinopyroxene,where the crystallization of plagioclase occurred earlier than that of clinopyroxene.Combined with geophysical data,this research on primitive magma and its crystallization differentiation from clinopyroxene indicates that the SOT is in the stage of‘seafloor spreading’and that basaltic rocks produced from tholeiitic magma represent the generation of oceanic crust.
基金supported in part by the Pilot Project of Knowledge Innovation Project,Chinese Academy of Sciences(n.:KZCX3-SW-223 and KZCX2-YW-211)the Special Foundation for the Eleventh Five Plan of COMRA(no.:DYXM-115-02-1-03).
文摘Mid-ocean ridge basalts (MORBs) from East Pacific Rise (EPR) 13°N are analysed for major and trace elements, both of which show a continuous evolving trend. Positive MgO-Al2O3 and negative MgO-Sc relationships manifest the cotectic crystallization of plagioclase and olivine, which exist with the presence of plagioclase and olivine phenocrysts and the absence of clinopyroxene phenoerysts. However, the fractionation of clinopyroxene is proven by the positive correlation of MgO and CaO. Thus, MORB samples are believed to show a “clinopyroxene paradox”. The highest magnesium-bearing MORB sample E13-3B (MGO=9.52%) is modelled for isobaric crystallization with COMAGMAT at different pressures. Observed CaO/Al2O3 ratios can be derived from E13-3B only by fractional crystallization at pressure 〉4±1 kbar, which necessitates clinopyroxene crystallization and is not consistent with cotectic crystallization of olivine plus plagioclase in the magma chamber (at pressure -1 kbar). The initial compositions of the melt inclusions, which could represent potential parental magmas, are reconstructed by correcting for post-entrapment crystallization (PEC). The simulated crystallization of initial melt inclusions also produce observed CaO/Al2O3 ratios only at 〉4±1 kbar, in which clinopyroxene takes part in crystallization. It is suggested that MORB magmas have experienced clinopyroxene fractionation in the lower crust, in and below the Moho transition zone. The MORB magmas have experienced transition from clinopyroxene+plagioclase+olivine crystallization at 〉4±1 kbar to mainly olivine+plagioclase crystallization at 〈1 kbar, which contributes to the explanation of the “clinopyroxene paradox”.
基金supported by the National Science Foundation of China (project 40872147/40472119)the basic outlay of scientific research work from the Ministry of Science and Technology of China(project 2006BAB01A11)the Geological Survey Project of China(project 12120100782003-13)
文摘The Taohekou Formation is a volcanic-sedimentary terrane formed in the early Silurian in the northern Daba Mountains, China. The volcanic rocks, with dominant alkali basalts and minor mantle xenoliths, are enriched in clinopyroxene phenocrysts. Geochemical analysis shows that the composition of clinopyroxenes from different lithofacies has a close affinity. There is a liner correlation present in composition of clinopyroxenes (including phenocryst, microcrystal and xenocryst) from coarse porphyritic basalts, pillow or fine porphyritic basalts to amygdaloidal basalts. All the cllnopyroxenes, except the clinopyroxenes in mantle xenoliths, show a similar pattern of trace elements and REE, which indicates that they are likely products of successive fractional crystallization from cognate magma. Clinopyroxenes in mantle xenoliths, however, are mantle xenocrysts. The crystallization pressure of clinopyroxenes gradually decreases from mantle xenolith, deep-seated xenocryst, coarse porphritic basalts, pillow or fine porphritic basalts, to amygdaloidal basalts, which are 1.92-4.41 GPa, 1.18-2.36 GPa, 1.13-2.05 GPa, 0.44-0.62 GPa and 0.14-0.28 GPa respectively. Calculation results suggest that the primary magma originated from a mantle region deeper than 68 km and stagnates in intervals of 37-68 kin, 15-20 km and 5-9 km during its ascent. The alkali basalts are characterized by increasing concentrations of Si and alkaline with the magmatic evolution. Meanwhile, they are markedly enriched in LREE, and the patterns of trace elements and REE are similar to those of oceanic island basalts.
基金The National Basic Research Program of China under contract No.2013CB429705the Public Science and Technology Research Funds Projects of Ocean,the State Oceanic Administration of the People's Republic of China under contract No.201005003+1 种基金the National Natural Science Foundation of China under contract Nos 41106051,40906037 and 41176045the Fundamental Research Funds of the State Oceanic Administration of the People's Republic of China under contract No.JT1001
文摘The mineral chemistry and texture of clinopyroxenes in peridotite from the Kingkong tectonic zone of the Southwest Indian Ridge segment in an effort to constrain mantle melting beneath this slow-spreading ridge are reported. There are three types of clinopyroxenes in the abyssal peridotites: coarse-grained, intergranu- lar and exsolved. The compositional variations among these three types suggest that the coarse-grained clinopyroxene is a mantle-derived source. The A1, Na and Ti contents and the Na/Ti ratio of the coarse- grained clinopyroxene may be used to monitor the degree of partial melting, combined with the contradis- tinction with Spinel Cr#, which is calculated to be between 7.9% and 14.9%, and may represent low degrees of melting in the global ocean ridge system. The along-axis compositional variations in the coarse-grained clinopyroxene suggest that the degree of partial melting is primarily controlled by the transform faults on both sides of the ridge. Nonetheless, the northwestern side of the ridge may be affected by a hypothesised detachment fault as documented by the calculated P-T conditions. Simultaneously high Na and low Ti con- tents in the coarse-grained clinoovroxene points to mantle heterogeneities along the ridge axis.
基金supported by the National Natural Science Foundation Grant 49673186.
文摘The M?ssbauer spectra of natural megacrystal clinopyroxene are usually fitted by 4 sets of symmetric doublets, A-A', B-B', C-C' and D-D', respectively, in terms of increasing Qs value in literature. But the assignments of those doublets are quite different, except the D-D' doublet assigned to Fe3+at the lattice site M***1 in previous papers. Particularly, the assignment and interpretation of the C-C' doublet are diverse.
文摘The author studied the grain size, shape, colour, altered coat, mineral species, chemical composition,end- member components and infrared spectra of clinopyroxenes occurring as megacryst, macrocryst andgroundmass minerals, intergrowths with pyrope and ilmenite and minerals in deep-seated xenoliths and inclu-sions in diamonds in kimberlites of China. The clinopyroxenes under study were compared with megacrystclinopyroxenes in basalts and minerals in their deep-seated xenoliths and clinopyroxenes in lamproites andminettes. The coexisting clinopyroxene-pyrope pair was studied. Besides the author also studied the origin ofclinopyroxenes in kimberlites, P-T conditions for their formation and their reflected tectonic environments ofthe kimberlite formation. He suggests that this mineral is an indicator for diamond exploration.
基金supported by RBRF (Grant Nos.11-05-00060a,16-05-00860a)
文摘New versions of the universal Jd-Di exchange clinopyroxene barometer for peridotites,pyroxenites and eclogites,and also garnet barometer for eclogites and peridotites were developed.They were checked using large experimental data sets for eciogitic(~530) and peridotitic systems(〉650).The precision of the universal Cpx barometer for peridotites based on Jd-Di exchange is close to Cr-Tschermal
文摘The Ediacarian volcanic series from the Lac Ifni sector are composed of a large variety of rocks from basalts and rhyolites to intermediates facies such as andesites,rhyodacites and pyroclastites.All these rocks are intruded by dolerite dikes.Secondary processes are reflected by total serpentinization of olivine within basic andesite and by albitization
基金supported financially by funds from the National Natural Science Foundation of China (92055208,41888101)the Guangxi Science Innovation Base Construction Foundation (GuikeZY21195031)+2 种基金the Fifth Bagui Scholar Innovation Project of Guangxi Province (to XU Jifeng)Gansu Province Youth Science and Technology Fund Project (23JRRG0017)Guangxi Young and Middle-aged Teachers'Basic Competence Enhancement Program (2023KY0270).
文摘The chemical evolution and pressure-temperature conditions of subduction zone magmatism along ancient suture zones in orogenic belts can provide important information regarding plate convergence processes in paleo-oceans.Carboniferous magmatism in West Junggar is key to understanding the tectonothermal and subduction history of the Junggar Ocean,which was a branch of the Paleo-Asian Ocean,as well as the accretionary processes in the southwestern Central Asian Orogenic Belt(CAOB).We undertook a geochronological,mineralogical,geochemical,and Sr-Nd-Hf-Pb isotopic study of volcanic rocks from the Baikouquan area of West Junggar.We used these data to determine the petrogenesis,mantle source,and pressure-temperature conditions of these magmas,and further constrain the subduction and tectonic history of the Junggar Ocean.The studied volcanic rocks yielded zircon U-Pb ages of 342-337 Ma and are characterized by enrichments of large-ion lithophile elements(LILEs),and depletions in high-field-strength elements(HFSEs),indicative of an island arc affinity.The volcanic rocks have positiveƐNd(t)(5.83-7.04)andƐHf(t)(13.47-15.74)values,87Sr/86Sr(t)ratios of 0.704023-0.705658,and radiogenic 207Pb/204Pb(t)and 208Pb/204Pb(t)ratios at a given 206Pb/204Pb(t)ratio,indicative of a depleted mantle source contaminated by subduction-related materials.Geochemical modeling calculations indicate that≤1%of a subduction component comprising fluid and sediment melt could have generated the source of the parental melts of the Baikouquan volcanic rocks.Clinopyroxene phenocrysts in the volcanic rocks are classified as high-and low-Ti clinopyroxene,and pressure-temperature calculations suggest the host rocks formed at high temperatures(~1300℃)and shallow to moderate depths(<2 GPa).The magma was probably generated by hot and hydrous melting in a mantle wedge in response to subduction of young,hot oceanic lithosphere.The present results,combined with published data,suggest that the Baikouquan volcanic rocks record a transition in tectonic setting from normal cold to anomalous hot subduction of young oceanic lithosphere close to a mid-ocean ridge.This indicates ridge subduction began shortly after 337 Ma.Our results provide new insights into the tectonomagmatic evolution during intra-oceanic subduction prior to ridge subduction.
基金the National Key Basic Research Program of China(Grant No. 1999075508) the National Natural Science Foundation of China(Grant Nos.40372088,49972063 , 140032010-c)+1 种基金the Cadreman Teacher Foundation of the Ministry of Education of China (Grant No. 40133020) the Open Foundation of the Laboratory of Orogen and Basin of the Ministry of Education of Peking University.
文摘The exsolution of clinopyroxene and rutile in coarse-grain garnet is found in the gneissic K-feldspar(-bearing) garnet clinopyroxenite from Yinggelisayi in the Altyn Tagh, NW China. The maximum content of the exsolved clinopyroxene in the garnet is up to >5% by volume. The reconstructed precursor garnet (Grt1) before exsolution has a maximum Si content of 3.061 per formula uint, being of supersilicic or majoritic garnet. The peak-stage metamorphic pressure of >7 GPa is estimated using the geobarometer for volume percentage of exsolved pyroxene in garnet and the Si-(Al+Cr) geobarometer for majoritic garnet, and the temperature of about 1000℃ using the ternary alkali-feldspar geothermometer and the experimental data of ilmen- ite-magnetite solid solution. The protoliths of the rocks are intra-plate basic and intermediate ig- neous rocks, of which the geochemical features indicate that they are probably the products of the evolution of basic magma deriving from the continental lithosphere mantle. The rocks are in outcrops associated with ultrahigh pressure garnet-bearing lherzolite and ultrahigh pressure garnet granitoid gneiss. All of these data suggest that the ultrahigh pressure metamorphic rocks in the Altyn Tagh are the products of deep-subduction of the continental crust, and such deep- subduction probably reaches to >200 km in depth. This may provide new evidence for further discussion of the dynamic mechanism of the formation and evolvement of the Altyn Tagh and the other collision orogenic belts in western China.
基金financially supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (No. 41572044)the SDUST Research Fund (No. 2015TDJH101)
文摘The clinopyroxene amphibolite from the Bailang terrane is located in the central section of the Yarlung Zangbo suture zone(YZSZ),southern Tibet.The study of it is expected to provide important clues for the subduction of the Neo-Tethyan Ocean below the Asian Plate and thus for better understanding of the development of the India-Asia collision zone.Based on integrated textural,mineral compositional,metamorphic reaction history and geothermobarometric studies of the clinopyroxene amphibolite within a serpentinite mélange,four overprinted metamorphic stages are established.They are the first metamorphic record of M1 stage indicated by a relict assemblage of plagioclase+clinopyroxene+amphibole,an early M2 stage characterized by an assemblage of medium-grained clinopyroxene+amphibole+plagioclase+quartz as well as rutile inclusion in titanite,which is formed during burial process,an isobaric cooling M3 stage which is characterized by an assemblage of clinopyroxene+amphibole+plagioclase+titanite,and a decomposing retrograde stage M4,which is represented by the amphibolite+plagioclase symplectite+titanite+rutile+quartz.By applying the THERMOCALC(versions 6.2 and 6.3)technique in the NCFMASHTO system,the P-T conditions estimated from M1 to M4 stages are ca.8.6 kbar/880℃,10.8–13.4 kbar/800–840℃,12.7–13.2 kbar/650–660℃ and<11.2 kbar/640℃,respectively.The mineral assemblages and their P-T conditions define a counterclockwise P-T path for the clinopyroxene amphibolite of the Xigaze ophiolite,suggesting that the rocks underwent a cooling process during burial from magmatic protolith,and a decompressing stage after the pressure peak metamorphic conditions,which implies that the Bailang terrane of the Xigaze ophiolite may have experienced subduction/collision-related tectonic processes.The peak metamorphism reaches to the transitional P-T conditions among amphibolite facies,granulite facies and eclogite facies with a burial depth of 30–40 km.After exhumation of the ophiolitic unit to the shallow crustal levels,the clinopyroxene amphibolite exposes to a high fO2 condition on the basis of the stable epidotebearing assemblage in the T-MO2 diagrams.A late subgreenschist facies overprinting subsequently occurs,the relevant mineral assemblage is prehnite+albite+chlorite+epidote+quartz.
基金Supported in part by the Pilot Project of Knowledge Innovation Project,Chinese Academy of Sciences (Grant No.KZCX3-SW-223)the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant Nos. 40376020 and 40176020)the Special Founda-tion for the Tenth Five Plan of COMRA (Grant No. DY105-01-03-1)
文摘Modal composition and mineral composition of harzburgites from the southern Mariana fore-arc show that they are highly refractory. There are a few modals of clinopyroxene (0.7 vol %) in harzburgites. Two types of amphibole are found in these harzburgites: magnesiohornblende accompanied by clinopy-roxene with higher Al2O3 content (>7%) and lower Mg#; tremolite around orthopyroxene with lower Al2O3 content (< 2%) and higher Mg#. Trace element of clinopyroxene and two types of amphibole are ana-lyzed. Primitive mantle-normalised REE patterns for clinopyroxene and magnesio hornblende are very similar and both show HREE enrichment relative to LREE,while magnesiohornblende has higher con-tent of trace element than clinopyroxene. The contents of trace element of tremolite are much lower than those of magnesiohornblende. Clinopyroxene shows enrichment of most of the trace element except HREE and Ti relative to clinopyroxene in abyssal peridotites. Petrology and trace element characteristic of clinopyroxene and two types of amphibole indicate that southern Mariana fore-arc harzburgites underwent two stages of metasomatism. The percolation of a hydrous melt led to mobility of Al,Ca,Fe,Mg,Na,and large amounts of trace element. LILE and LREE can be more active in hydrous melt than HREE and Ti,and the activities of most of the trace element except some of LILE are influ-enced by temperature and pressure.
基金supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Nos. 40971008, 40771213)
文摘The evolution history of the Yangtze River attracted increasing attention in recent years. Comparison of the properties of the floodplain sediments between the upper and lower reaches of the Three Gorges is of significance to identify the material detrital sources for the Yangtze River Basin. Clinopyroxene (Cpx) is the typical mineral widely distributed in the sediments of the Yangtze River Ba- sin. Cpx was extracted from the fine sediments with the grain size ranging from 0.063 to 0.125 mm in the upper and lower reaches of the Three Gorges. The sediments, from which the Cpx was extracted, were taken from the floodplains of the catchments of both the Yangtze River and the Hanjiang River, as well as from the surface of the Zhoulao Core drilled in the center of the Jianghan Basin where the two rivers flow through. Geochemistry of these Cpx was investigated, concerning the contents of major elements measured by electron probe microanalysis (EPMA) and the contents of trace elements analyzed by laser ablation inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (LA-ICP-MS). The Cpx in the Yangtze River contains titaniferous augite which is sourced from the Panzhihua-Xichang region in South Sichuan Province, whereas the Cpx in the Hanjiang River is mainly from the surroundings without any titanif- erous augite. The REE analysis infers that the titaniferous augite is the diagnostic mineral of the upper Yangtze River, and thus could be used as a tracer mineral to identify the detrital sources for the sedi- ments formed during the evolution of the Yangtze River. The Cpx from the surface sediments of the Jianghan Plain (Zhoulao Core) shows comparable geochemical nature with that of the Yangtze River, but is different in geochemistry from that of the Hanjiang River, implying that the modern sediments in the Jianghan Plain are mainly sourced from the upper Yangtze River.
基金supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant Nos. 41472320, 41320104006 and 41272369)
文摘Volcanic glass compositions and tephra layer age are critical for anchoring their sources and correlating among different sites; however, such work may be imprecise when the tephra has varied compositions. The ash from Changbaishan Millennium eruption(940s AD), a widely distributed tephra layer, has been detected in the far-east areas of Russia, the Korean Peninsula, Japan, and in Greenland ice cores. There are some debates on the presence of this tephra from sedimentary archives to the west of Changbaishan volcano, such as lake and peat sediments in the Longgang volcanic field. In this paper, major element compositions for clinopyroxene and Fe-Ti oxides were performed on proximal tephra from Changbaishan and the Millennium eruption ash record in Lake Sihailongwan. Clinopyroxene and Fe-Ti oxides microlites from Sihailongwan show augite-ferroaugite and titanmagnetite compositions, similar to those from dark pumice in Changbaishan proximal tephra, but different from the light grey pumice, which has ferrohedenbergite and ilmenite microlite compositions. This result implies that the tephra recorded in Sihailongwan was mainly from the trachytic eruptive phase of the Millennium eruption, and the rhyolitic eruptive phase made a relatively small contribution to this area. Analyzing clinopyroxene and Fe-Ti oxides microlites is a new method for correlating tephra layers from Changbaishan Millennium eruption.
文摘There are a lot of anominally anhydrous rock-forming minerals with various occurrences, in which the existence of OH or H<sub>2</sub>O has been demonstrated so far.Researches on the structural OH in abyssal or mantle-derived minerals are of
文摘Knowledge of the trace element distributions and concentrations in main mineral phases of mantle-derived rocks is particularly useful for understanding the partial melting, depletion and enrichment processes, and metasomatism in the earth’s mantle. Trace element data on mantle peridotites were usually obtained with large uncertainty by neutron activation analysis in China previously. We have determined trace element concentration of 173 grains of clinopyroxene (cpx) in 50 peridotite xenoliths from different areas in China using the pro-
文摘Hydrogen diffusivity of one clinopyroxene megacryst from Nüshan, eastern China parallel to [001]* crystallographic direction was measured by high-temperature sequential dehydration experiments at 950üC and 850üC, which was (6.5ü1.5)×10-12(m2/s) and (1.8×0.7)×10-12(m2/s) respectively. From these results and the previous published data, it seems that the correlation between hydrogen diffusivity and Fe content suggested by Dyar et al. (1996) possibly does not exist. Clinopyroxene megacrysts from alkali basalts appear to be possible reliable samples for the study of the water evolution and hydrogen isotope compositions of the upper mantle.
文摘Thirteen clinopyroxene megacrysts from Nushan Cenozoic basalts have been investigated by Fourier transform infrared spectrometer(FTIR). The results demonstrate that all samples contain trace amount of structural OH. Clinopyroxenes from Nushan show four groups of absorption bands, in which, 3 472-3 506 cm -1 is the major characteristic one. It is suggested that the position of major band is probably related to Al content: the position of major characteristic band for high_Al samples is around 3 470 cm -1 , whereas that for low_Al samples around 3 620 cm -1 .
基金supported by the Second Tibetan Plateau Scientific Expedition and Research(SETP)(2019QZKK0806-02)the National Natural Science Foundation of China(42121003,42122024)+2 种基金CAS“Light of West China”Program(xbzg-zdsys-202310)Guizhou Provincial High level Innovation Talent program(GCC[2023]057)Guizhou Provincial 2021 Science and Technology Subsidies(No.GZ2021SIG)
文摘The debate regarding whether the Yarlung-Zangbo ophiolite(YZO)on the south of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau,formed in a mid-ocean ridge(MOR)or a supra-subduction zone(SSZ)setting has remained unresolved.Here we present petrological,mineralogical,and geochemical data associated with modeling melting geodynamics of the mantle peridotites from the Purang ophiolite in the western segment of the Yarlung-Zangbo Suture Zone(YZSZ)to explore its tectonic environment.The Purang lherzolites are characterized by the protogranular texture and have abyssal-peridotite-like mineral compositions,including low Cr^(#)(20-30)and TiO_(2) contents(<0.1wt%)in spinel,high Al_(2)O_(3)(2.9wt%-4.4wt%)and CaO(1.9wt%-3.7wt%)contents in orthopyroxene and LREE-depletion in clinopyroxene.Compositions of these lherzolites can be modeled by~11%dynamic melting of the DMM source with a small fraction of melt(~0.5%)entrapped within the source,a similar melting process to typical abyssal peridotites.The Purang harzburgites are characterized by the porphyroclastic texture and exhibit highly refractory mineral compositions such as high spinel Cr^(#)(40-68),low orthopyroxene Al_(2)O_(3)(<2.2wt%)and CaO(<1.1wt%)contents.Clinopyroxenes in these harzburgites are enriched in Sr(up to 6.0 ppm)and LREE[(Ce)N=0.02-0.4],but depleted in Ti(200 ppm,on average)and HREE[(Yb)N<2].Importantly,the more depleted samples tend to have higher clinopyroxene Sr and LREE contents.These observations indicate an open-system hydrous melting with a continuous influx of slab fluid at a subduction zone.The modeled results show that these harzburgites could be formed by 19%-23%hydrous melting with the supply rate of slab fluid at 0.1%-1%.The lower clinopyroxene V/Sc ratios in harzburgites than those in lherzolites suggest a high oxidation stage of the melting system of harzburgites,which is consistent with a hydrous melting environment for these harzburgites.It is therefore concluded that the Purang ophiolite has experienced a transformation of tectonic setting from MOR to SSZ.