Distributions of the universe horizon distance and universe horizon volume were investigated in the light of five general cosmic models which were constructed in a previous study. Both distributions increase so slowly...Distributions of the universe horizon distance and universe horizon volume were investigated in the light of five general cosmic models which were constructed in a previous study. Both distributions increase so slowly up to t ≈ 21.5444 Myr, then they start raising very fast up to t ≈ 60 Gyr. Afterwards, they increase again very slowly until t ≈ 124 Gyr. Distributions of mass of radiation, matter and dark energy within the horizon volume of the universe were also studied in the five general cosmic models. The masses of both radiation and matter decrease gradually with time while the mass of dark energy increases. The mass of radiation prevailed in the early universe up to t ≈ 34627.5 - 55916.2 yr, where it becomes equal to the mass of matter. Then the mass of matter dominated until t ≈ 9.4525 - 10.0632 Gyr, where it becomes equal to the mass of dark energy. Thenceforward, the mass of dark energy prevails the universe. The cosmic space becomes approximately matter empty in the so far future of the universe.展开更多
This paper introduces a cosmic expansion model with constant speed of cosmic spatial expansion via derivation and simulations, where the speed of cosmic spatial expansion equals the speed of light <em>c</em&g...This paper introduces a cosmic expansion model with constant speed of cosmic spatial expansion via derivation and simulations, where the speed of cosmic spatial expansion equals the speed of light <em>c</em>. Simulation results show that the earliest observable universe time is <em>t</em> = 5.084 Gyrs where the current universe time <em>T</em> = 13.82 Gyrs, and the furthest observable distance at the earliest observable universe time <em>t</em> is <em>S</em> = 0.632<em>R</em>, where <em>R</em> is the cosmic radius at current universe time <em>T</em>. The above constant cosmic expansion model does not consider the inflation period in the early universe according to the Big Bang model, nor does it considered the cosmic acceleration in recent universe time. However, this simplified cosmic expansion model could be a benchmark that will be helpful to understand the cosmic expansion and the observable universe. Based on the derivation and simulation of the constant cosmic expansion model, the threshold of observable universe for the accelerated cosmic expansion model can also be calculated similarly, as far as the speed of cosmic spatial expansion at any universe time t can be provided.展开更多
We study the cosmic constraint to the wCDM (cold dark matter with a constant equation of state w) model via 118 strong gravitational lensing systems which are compiled from SLA CS, BELLS, LSD and SL2S surveys, where...We study the cosmic constraint to the wCDM (cold dark matter with a constant equation of state w) model via 118 strong gravitational lensing systems which are compiled from SLA CS, BELLS, LSD and SL2S surveys, where the ratio between two angular diameter distances Dobs =DA(Zl, Zs ) / D A ( O, Zs ) is taken as a cosmic observable. To obtain this ratio, we adopt two strong tensing models: one is the singular isothermal sphere model (SIS) and the other one is the power-law density profile (PLP) model. Via the Markov chain Monte Carlo method, the posterior distribution of the cosmological model parameters space is obtained. The results show that the cosmological model parameters are not sensitive to the parameterized forms of the power-law index γ. Furthermore, the PLP model gives a relatively tighter constraint to the cosmological parameters than that of the SIS model. The predicted value of Ωm = 0.31+0.44 -0.24 by the SIS model is compatible with that obtained by P1anck2015: Ωm = 0.313 ± 0.013. However, the value of Ωm =0.15+0.13 -0.11 based on the PLP model is smaller and has 1.25σ tension with that obtained by Planck2015.展开更多
<span style="font-family:Verdana;">A successful single parameter model has be</span><span style="font-family:Verdana;">en </span><span style="font-family:Verdana;&qu...<span style="font-family:Verdana;">A successful single parameter model has be</span><span style="font-family:Verdana;">en </span><span style="font-family:Verdana;">formulated to match the observations of photons from type 1a supernovae which were previously used to corroborate the standard </span><span style="font-family:Verdana;"><span style="white-space:nowrap;"><span style="white-space:nowrap;">𝛬</span></span></span><span style="font-family:;" "=""><span style="font-family:Verdana;"> cold dark matter model. The new single parameter model extrapolates all the way back to the cosmic background radiation (CMB) without requiring a separate model to describe inflation of the space dimensions after the Big Bang. This single parameter model assumes that spacetime forms a finite symmetrical manifold with positive curvature. For the spacetime manifold to be finite, the time dimension must also have positive curvature. This model was formulated to consider whether the curvature of the time dimension may be related to the curvature of the space dimensions. This possibility is not considered in the more complex models previously used to fit the available redshift data. The geometry for the finite spacetime manifold was selected to be compatible with the Friedmann equation with positive curvature. The manifold shape was motivated by an assumption that there exists a matter hemisphere (when considering time together with a single space dimension) and an antimatter hemisphere to give a symmetrical and spherical overall spacetime manifold. Hence, the space dimension expands from a pole to the equator, at a maximum value for the time dimension. This is analogous to the expansion of a circle of latitude on a globe from a pole to the equator. The three space dimensions are identical so that any arbitrary single space direction may be selected. The initial intention was to modify the assumed geometry for the spacetime manifold to account for the presence of matter. It was surprisingly found that, within the error of the reported measurements, no further modification was necessary to fit the data. The Friedmann equation reduces to the Schwarzschild equation at the equator so this can be used to predict the total amount of mass in the Universe. The resulting prediction is of the order of 10</span><sup><span style="font-family:Verdana;">51</span></sup><span style="font-family:Verdana;"> kg. The corresponding density of matter at the current time is approxima</span></span><span style="font-family:;" "=""><span style="font-family:Verdana;">tely 1.6 × 10</span><sup><span style="font-family:Verdana;">-28</span></sup><span style="font-family:Verdana;"> kg<span style="color:#636363;"><span style="font-size:13.3333px;"><span style="white-space:nowrap;">·</span></span></span>m</span><sup><span style="font-family:Verdana;">-3</span></sup><span style="font-family:Verdana;">.</span></span>展开更多
Studying the cosmic ray transport in the Galaxy, we deal with two interacting substances: charged particles and interstellar magnetic field. Two coupled local equations describe this complicated system, but eliminatio...Studying the cosmic ray transport in the Galaxy, we deal with two interacting substances: charged particles and interstellar magnetic field. Two coupled local equations describe this complicated system, but elimination of one of them (say, the magnetic field equation) transforms remaining one (the cosmic rays equation) into the nonlocal form. The most popular nonlocal operators in the cosmic ray physics are integro-differential operators of fractional order. This report contains review of recent works in this direction, including original results of the author. In the last section, some specific problems are discussed: fractional operators with soft truncation of their kernels, nonlocal properties of fractional Laplacian, and a true form of the fractional material derivative.展开更多
This brief note brings the reader up-to-date with the recent successes of the new Haug-Tatum cosmology model. In particular, the significance of recent proof that the Stefan-Boltzmann law applies to such a model is em...This brief note brings the reader up-to-date with the recent successes of the new Haug-Tatum cosmology model. In particular, the significance of recent proof that the Stefan-Boltzmann law applies to such a model is emphasized and a rationale for this is given. Remarkably, the proposed solutions of this model have incorporated all 580 supernova redshifts in the Union2 database. Therefore, one can usefully apply this thermodynamic law in the form of a continually expanding black-body universe model. To our knowledge, no other cosmological model has achieved such high-precision observational correlation.展开更多
We present a Quantum Space Model (QSM) of cosmic evolution based on the theory that space consists of energy quanta from which our universe came about. We used the Friedmann equations to trace its history and predict ...We present a Quantum Space Model (QSM) of cosmic evolution based on the theory that space consists of energy quanta from which our universe came about. We used the Friedmann equations to trace its history and predict its ultimate fate. Results provide further support to our recent proposal that the accelerating expansion of the universe is due to a scalar space field which has become known as Dark Energy. In our model, the universe started from high energy space quanta which were triggered by quantum fluctuations that caused the Big Bang. It then expanded and cooled undergoing phase transitions to radiation, fundamental particles, and matter. Matter agglomerated and grew into stars, galaxies, etc. and was eventually consolidated by gravity into Black Holes, which finally ended in a Big Crunch in a state of deep freeze inside the Black hole at 1.380 trillion years. Fluctuations, quantum tunneling, or some other mechanisms caused a new Bang to start another cycle in its life. Our results are in good agreement with the theoretical predictions of a cyclic universe by Steinhardt and his associates, and by Penrose. Space and energy are equivalent as embodied in the Planck energy equation. They give rise to the two principal long range forces in the universe: the gravitational force and the space force. The latter may be the fifth force in the universe. The two forces could provide the clockwork mechanism operating our cyclic universe. If the Law of Conservation of Energy is universal, then the cosmos is eternal.展开更多
The universe’s horizon distance and volume are constructed in the closed cosmic model. The universe horizon distance distribution increases constantly for t tme and decreases for t > tme. However, the universe’s ...The universe’s horizon distance and volume are constructed in the closed cosmic model. The universe horizon distance distribution increases constantly for t tme and decreases for t > tme. However, the universe’s horizon volume shows a sudden reduction in the range t = 0.5 Gyr - tme due to the change of the universe space from flat to curved then closed in the interval 15.1261 Gyr ≤ t ≤ tme. On the other hand, this distribution exhibits an abrupt rise in the range t = tme - t* due to the change of the universe space from closed then curved to flat in the interval 39.3822 ≤ t ≤ 40.7521 Gyr. The mass of radiation, matter and dark energy within the horizon volume of the universe are also investigated. These distributions reveal similar noticeable changes as the universe’s horizon volume distribution for the same reasons. The mass of radiation dominates up to t = 53221.5 yr, then the mass of matter becomes larger. Afterwards, both distributions of radiation and matter decrease while the distribution of dark energy rises until t = 10.1007 Gyr, where the mass of dark energy prevails up to t = tme. Hence, the distribution of dark energy reduces until t = 40.2892 Gyr, where the mass of matter becomes prominent again. At t = 53.6246 Gyr the masses of both matter and radiation become appreciably high such that the intercluster space will vanish and clusters of galaxies interfere with each other. Furthermore, not only the intergalactic medium will disappear, but also galaxies will collide and merge with each other to form extremely dense and close cosmological bodies. These very dense bodies will undergo further successive collisions and mergers under the action of central gravity, where the interstellar medium will vanish and the universe would develop to big crunch at tbc = 53.6251 Gyr. It is interesting to note that the horizon distance of the universe in the closed model at t = tme is in very good agreement with the maximum horizon distances in the five general cosmic models.展开更多
This paper introduces three cosmic expansion models with constant, decelerating and accelerating speed of expansion respectively. Then characters of these cosmic expansion models are compared. Based on these cosmic ex...This paper introduces three cosmic expansion models with constant, decelerating and accelerating speed of expansion respectively. Then characters of these cosmic expansion models are compared. Based on these cosmic expansion models, the thresholds of observable universe are calculated via simulations, where the earliest observable cosmic radius <i>R</i>(<i>t<sub>earliest</sub></i>) is always 0.368<i>R</i> (<i>R</i> is cosmic radius at current universe time) for any cosmic expansion models.展开更多
电离层foF2是短波通信、天波超视距雷达系统所需的关键环境参数,使用2006—2014年COMSIC(constellation observing system for meteorology,ionosphere,and climate)掩星电离层数据和多项式方法,自主构建了高精度全球电离层foF2经验模型...电离层foF2是短波通信、天波超视距雷达系统所需的关键环境参数,使用2006—2014年COMSIC(constellation observing system for meteorology,ionosphere,and climate)掩星电离层数据和多项式方法,自主构建了高精度全球电离层foF2经验模型,并使用2015—2019年观测数据进行独立检验。本模型结果与建模及独立检验时段电离层foF2观测数据的相关系数分别为0.948和0.937,平均偏差分别为2.38%和3.08%,相对误差分别为11.72%和12.69%。利用该模型研究了电离层foF2时空变化特征,结果表明电离层foF2日夜变化幅度随纬度增加而变大,春秋分季期间南半球日夜变化幅度显著高于北半球,而夏季半球则远低于冬季半球。电离层foF2季节变化幅度随纬度增加而变大,夜间电离层foF2的季节变化以年特征为主,白天则包含了显著的年、半年特征,夜间季节变化幅度明显高于白天,南半球显著高于北半球。电离层foF2中纬槽现象主要出现在春秋分季夜间,经度方向四波结构主要出现在太阳活动低年和春秋分季期间。展开更多
Cosmic inflation is considered assuming a cosmologically varying Newtonian gravitational constant, <em>G.</em> Utilizing two specific models for, <em>G</em><sup>-1</sup>(a), where, ...Cosmic inflation is considered assuming a cosmologically varying Newtonian gravitational constant, <em>G.</em> Utilizing two specific models for, <em>G</em><sup>-1</sup>(a), where, a, is the cosmic scale parameter, we find that the Hubble parameter, <em>H</em>, at inception of <em style="white-space:normal;">G</em><sup style="white-space:normal;">-1</sup>, may be as high as 7.56 E53 km/(s Mpc) for model A, or, 8.55 E53 km/(s Mpc) for model B, making these good candidates for inflation. The Hubble parameter is inextricably linked to <em>G</em> by Friedmanns’ equation, and if <em>G</em> did not exist prior to an inception temperature, then neither did expansion. The CBR temperatures at inception of <em style="white-space:normal;">G</em><sup style="white-space:normal;">-1</sup> are estimated to equal, 6.20 E21 Kelvin for model A, and 7.01 E21 for model B, somewhat lower than CBR temperatures usually associated with inflation. These temperatures would fix the size of Lemaitre universe in the vicinity of 3% of the Earths’ radius at the beginning of expansion, thus avoiding a singularity, as is the case in the ΛCDM model. In the later universe, a variable<em> G </em>model cannot be dismissed based on SNIa events. In fact, there is now some compelling astronomical evidence, using rise times and luminosity, which we discuss, where it could be argued that SNIa events can only be used as good standard candles if a variation in <em>G</em> is taken into account. Dark energy may have more to do with a weakening <em>G</em> with increasing cosmological time, versus an unanticipated acceleration of the universe, in the late stage of cosmic evolution.展开更多
We find an azimuthal-angle dependent approximate wave like solution to second order on a warped five-dimensional manifold with a self-gravitating U(1) scalar gauge field (cosmic string) on the brane using the multiple...We find an azimuthal-angle dependent approximate wave like solution to second order on a warped five-dimensional manifold with a self-gravitating U(1) scalar gauge field (cosmic string) on the brane using the multiple-scale method. The spectrum of the several orders of approximation show maxima of the energy distribution dependent on the azimuthal-angle and the winding numbers n of the subsequent orders of scalar field. This breakup of the quantized flux quanta does not lead to instability of the asymptotic wavelike solution, due to the suppression of the n-dependency in the energy mo-mentum tensor components by the warp factor. This effect is triggered by the contribution of the five dimensional Weyl tensor on the brane. This con-tribution can be understood as dark energy and can trigger the self-acceleration of the universe without the need of a cosmological constant. There is a striking relation between the symmetry breaking of the Higgs field described by the winding number and the SO(2) breaking of the axially symmetric configuration into a discrete subgroup of rotations about 180°. The discrete sequence of non-axially symmetric deviations, cancelled by the emission of gravitational waves in order to restore the SO(2) symmetry, triggers the pressure Tzz for discrete values of the azimuthal-angle. There can be a possible relation between the recently discovered angle-preferences of polarization axes of quasars on large scales and our theoretical predicted angle-dependency and can be an evidence for the existence of cosmic strings. The discovery of the increase of polarization rate in smaller subgroups of the several large-quasar groups (LQGs), the red shift dependency and the relative orientation of the spin axes with respect to the major axes of their host LQGs, point at a fractional azimuthal structure, were also found in our cosmic string model. This peculiar discontinuous large scale structure, i.e., polarizations directions of multiples of, for example, π/2 orπ/4, can be explained by the spectrum of azimuthal-angle dependent wavelike modes without the need of conventional density perturbations in standard 4D cosmological models. Carefully com-parison of the spectrum of extremal values of the first and second order φ-dependency and the distribution of the alignment of the quasar polarizations is necessary. This can be accomplished when more observational data become available.展开更多
The recently discovered alignment of quasar polarizations on very large scales could possibly be explained by considering cosmic strings on a warped five dimensional spacetime. Compact objects, such as cosmic strings,...The recently discovered alignment of quasar polarizations on very large scales could possibly be explained by considering cosmic strings on a warped five dimensional spacetime. Compact objects, such as cosmic strings, could have tremendous mass in the bulk, while their warped manifestations in the brane can be consistent with general relativity in 4D. The self-gravitating cosmic string induces gravitational wavelike disturbances which could have effects felt on the brane, i.e., the massive effective 4D modes (Kaluza-Klein modes) of the perturbative 5D graviton. This effect is amplified by the time dependent part of the warp factor. Due to this warp factor, disturbances don’t fade away during the expansion of the universe. From a nonlinear perturbation analysis it is found that the effective Einstein 4D equations on an axially symmetric spacetime, contain a “back-reaction” term on the righthand side caused by the projected 5D Weyl tensor and can act as a dark energy term. The propagation equations to first order for the metric components and scalar-gauge fields contain -dependent terms, so the approximate wave solutions are no longer axially symmetric. The disturbances, amplified by the warp factor, can possess extremal values for fixed polar angles. This could explain the two preferred polarization vectors mod .展开更多
Purpose: The cosmic microwave background radiation, CMB, is fundamental to observational cosmology, and is believed to be a remnant from the Big Bang. The CMB, Planck time, t<sub>P</sub>, and the Hubble co...Purpose: The cosmic microwave background radiation, CMB, is fundamental to observational cosmology, and is believed to be a remnant from the Big Bang. The CMB, Planck time, t<sub>P</sub>, and the Hubble constant, H<sub>0</sub>, are important cosmologic constants. The goal is to accurately derive and demonstrate the inter-relationships of the CMB peak spectral radiance frequency, t<sub>P</sub>, and H<sub>0</sub> from neutron and hydrogen quantum data only. Methods: The harmonic neutron hypothesis, HNH, evaluates physical phenomena within a finite consecutive integer and exponential power law harmonic fraction series that are scaled by a fundamental frequency of the neutron as the exponent base. The CMB and the H<sub>0</sub> are derived from a previously published method used to derive t<sub>P</sub>. Their associated integer exponents are respectively +1/2, −3/4, and −128/35. Results: Precise mathematical relationships of these three constants are demonstrated. All of the derived values are within their known observational values. The derived and known values are: ν<sub>CMB</sub>, 160.041737 (06) × 10<sup>9</sup> Hz, ~160 × 10<sup>9</sup> Hz;2.72519 K, 2.72548 ± 0.00057 K, H<sub>0</sub> 2.29726666 (11) × 10<sup>−18</sup> s<sup>−1</sup>, ~2.3 × 10<sup>−18</sup> s<sup>−1</sup>;and t<sub>P</sub> 5.3911418 (3) × 10<sup>−44</sup> s, 5.39106 (32) × 10<sup>−44</sup> s. Conclusion: The cosmic fundamental constants t<sub>P</sub>, H<sub>0</sub>, and CMB are mathematically inter-related constants all defined by gravity. They are also directly derivable from the quantum properties of the neutron and hydrogen within a harmonic power law.展开更多
5D World-Universe Model is based on the decisive role of the Medium of the World composed of massive particles: protons, electrons, photons, neutrinos, and dark matter particles. In this manuscript we discuss differen...5D World-Universe Model is based on the decisive role of the Medium of the World composed of massive particles: protons, electrons, photons, neutrinos, and dark matter particles. In this manuscript we discuss different aspects of the gravitation: measured values of the Newtonian parameter of Gravitation and different Gravitational effects (gravitational lensing, cosmological redshift, gravitational deflection of light and gravitational refraction, proposed in the present paper). We show inter-connectivity of all cosmological parameters and provide a mathematical framework that allows direct calculation of them based on the value of the gravitational parameter. We analyze the difference between Electromagnetism and Gravitoelectromagnetism and make a conclusion about the mandatory existence of the Medium of the World. This paper aligns the World-Universe Model with the Le Sage’s theory of gravitation and makes a deduction on Gravity, Space and Time be emergent phenomena.展开更多
文摘Distributions of the universe horizon distance and universe horizon volume were investigated in the light of five general cosmic models which were constructed in a previous study. Both distributions increase so slowly up to t ≈ 21.5444 Myr, then they start raising very fast up to t ≈ 60 Gyr. Afterwards, they increase again very slowly until t ≈ 124 Gyr. Distributions of mass of radiation, matter and dark energy within the horizon volume of the universe were also studied in the five general cosmic models. The masses of both radiation and matter decrease gradually with time while the mass of dark energy increases. The mass of radiation prevailed in the early universe up to t ≈ 34627.5 - 55916.2 yr, where it becomes equal to the mass of matter. Then the mass of matter dominated until t ≈ 9.4525 - 10.0632 Gyr, where it becomes equal to the mass of dark energy. Thenceforward, the mass of dark energy prevails the universe. The cosmic space becomes approximately matter empty in the so far future of the universe.
文摘This paper introduces a cosmic expansion model with constant speed of cosmic spatial expansion via derivation and simulations, where the speed of cosmic spatial expansion equals the speed of light <em>c</em>. Simulation results show that the earliest observable universe time is <em>t</em> = 5.084 Gyrs where the current universe time <em>T</em> = 13.82 Gyrs, and the furthest observable distance at the earliest observable universe time <em>t</em> is <em>S</em> = 0.632<em>R</em>, where <em>R</em> is the cosmic radius at current universe time <em>T</em>. The above constant cosmic expansion model does not consider the inflation period in the early universe according to the Big Bang model, nor does it considered the cosmic acceleration in recent universe time. However, this simplified cosmic expansion model could be a benchmark that will be helpful to understand the cosmic expansion and the observable universe. Based on the derivation and simulation of the constant cosmic expansion model, the threshold of observable universe for the accelerated cosmic expansion model can also be calculated similarly, as far as the speed of cosmic spatial expansion at any universe time t can be provided.
基金Supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China under Grant No 11275035
文摘We study the cosmic constraint to the wCDM (cold dark matter with a constant equation of state w) model via 118 strong gravitational lensing systems which are compiled from SLA CS, BELLS, LSD and SL2S surveys, where the ratio between two angular diameter distances Dobs =DA(Zl, Zs ) / D A ( O, Zs ) is taken as a cosmic observable. To obtain this ratio, we adopt two strong tensing models: one is the singular isothermal sphere model (SIS) and the other one is the power-law density profile (PLP) model. Via the Markov chain Monte Carlo method, the posterior distribution of the cosmological model parameters space is obtained. The results show that the cosmological model parameters are not sensitive to the parameterized forms of the power-law index γ. Furthermore, the PLP model gives a relatively tighter constraint to the cosmological parameters than that of the SIS model. The predicted value of Ωm = 0.31+0.44 -0.24 by the SIS model is compatible with that obtained by P1anck2015: Ωm = 0.313 ± 0.013. However, the value of Ωm =0.15+0.13 -0.11 based on the PLP model is smaller and has 1.25σ tension with that obtained by Planck2015.
文摘<span style="font-family:Verdana;">A successful single parameter model has be</span><span style="font-family:Verdana;">en </span><span style="font-family:Verdana;">formulated to match the observations of photons from type 1a supernovae which were previously used to corroborate the standard </span><span style="font-family:Verdana;"><span style="white-space:nowrap;"><span style="white-space:nowrap;">𝛬</span></span></span><span style="font-family:;" "=""><span style="font-family:Verdana;"> cold dark matter model. The new single parameter model extrapolates all the way back to the cosmic background radiation (CMB) without requiring a separate model to describe inflation of the space dimensions after the Big Bang. This single parameter model assumes that spacetime forms a finite symmetrical manifold with positive curvature. For the spacetime manifold to be finite, the time dimension must also have positive curvature. This model was formulated to consider whether the curvature of the time dimension may be related to the curvature of the space dimensions. This possibility is not considered in the more complex models previously used to fit the available redshift data. The geometry for the finite spacetime manifold was selected to be compatible with the Friedmann equation with positive curvature. The manifold shape was motivated by an assumption that there exists a matter hemisphere (when considering time together with a single space dimension) and an antimatter hemisphere to give a symmetrical and spherical overall spacetime manifold. Hence, the space dimension expands from a pole to the equator, at a maximum value for the time dimension. This is analogous to the expansion of a circle of latitude on a globe from a pole to the equator. The three space dimensions are identical so that any arbitrary single space direction may be selected. The initial intention was to modify the assumed geometry for the spacetime manifold to account for the presence of matter. It was surprisingly found that, within the error of the reported measurements, no further modification was necessary to fit the data. The Friedmann equation reduces to the Schwarzschild equation at the equator so this can be used to predict the total amount of mass in the Universe. The resulting prediction is of the order of 10</span><sup><span style="font-family:Verdana;">51</span></sup><span style="font-family:Verdana;"> kg. The corresponding density of matter at the current time is approxima</span></span><span style="font-family:;" "=""><span style="font-family:Verdana;">tely 1.6 × 10</span><sup><span style="font-family:Verdana;">-28</span></sup><span style="font-family:Verdana;"> kg<span style="color:#636363;"><span style="font-size:13.3333px;"><span style="white-space:nowrap;">·</span></span></span>m</span><sup><span style="font-family:Verdana;">-3</span></sup><span style="font-family:Verdana;">.</span></span>
文摘Studying the cosmic ray transport in the Galaxy, we deal with two interacting substances: charged particles and interstellar magnetic field. Two coupled local equations describe this complicated system, but elimination of one of them (say, the magnetic field equation) transforms remaining one (the cosmic rays equation) into the nonlocal form. The most popular nonlocal operators in the cosmic ray physics are integro-differential operators of fractional order. This report contains review of recent works in this direction, including original results of the author. In the last section, some specific problems are discussed: fractional operators with soft truncation of their kernels, nonlocal properties of fractional Laplacian, and a true form of the fractional material derivative.
文摘This brief note brings the reader up-to-date with the recent successes of the new Haug-Tatum cosmology model. In particular, the significance of recent proof that the Stefan-Boltzmann law applies to such a model is emphasized and a rationale for this is given. Remarkably, the proposed solutions of this model have incorporated all 580 supernova redshifts in the Union2 database. Therefore, one can usefully apply this thermodynamic law in the form of a continually expanding black-body universe model. To our knowledge, no other cosmological model has achieved such high-precision observational correlation.
文摘We present a Quantum Space Model (QSM) of cosmic evolution based on the theory that space consists of energy quanta from which our universe came about. We used the Friedmann equations to trace its history and predict its ultimate fate. Results provide further support to our recent proposal that the accelerating expansion of the universe is due to a scalar space field which has become known as Dark Energy. In our model, the universe started from high energy space quanta which were triggered by quantum fluctuations that caused the Big Bang. It then expanded and cooled undergoing phase transitions to radiation, fundamental particles, and matter. Matter agglomerated and grew into stars, galaxies, etc. and was eventually consolidated by gravity into Black Holes, which finally ended in a Big Crunch in a state of deep freeze inside the Black hole at 1.380 trillion years. Fluctuations, quantum tunneling, or some other mechanisms caused a new Bang to start another cycle in its life. Our results are in good agreement with the theoretical predictions of a cyclic universe by Steinhardt and his associates, and by Penrose. Space and energy are equivalent as embodied in the Planck energy equation. They give rise to the two principal long range forces in the universe: the gravitational force and the space force. The latter may be the fifth force in the universe. The two forces could provide the clockwork mechanism operating our cyclic universe. If the Law of Conservation of Energy is universal, then the cosmos is eternal.
文摘The universe’s horizon distance and volume are constructed in the closed cosmic model. The universe horizon distance distribution increases constantly for t tme and decreases for t > tme. However, the universe’s horizon volume shows a sudden reduction in the range t = 0.5 Gyr - tme due to the change of the universe space from flat to curved then closed in the interval 15.1261 Gyr ≤ t ≤ tme. On the other hand, this distribution exhibits an abrupt rise in the range t = tme - t* due to the change of the universe space from closed then curved to flat in the interval 39.3822 ≤ t ≤ 40.7521 Gyr. The mass of radiation, matter and dark energy within the horizon volume of the universe are also investigated. These distributions reveal similar noticeable changes as the universe’s horizon volume distribution for the same reasons. The mass of radiation dominates up to t = 53221.5 yr, then the mass of matter becomes larger. Afterwards, both distributions of radiation and matter decrease while the distribution of dark energy rises until t = 10.1007 Gyr, where the mass of dark energy prevails up to t = tme. Hence, the distribution of dark energy reduces until t = 40.2892 Gyr, where the mass of matter becomes prominent again. At t = 53.6246 Gyr the masses of both matter and radiation become appreciably high such that the intercluster space will vanish and clusters of galaxies interfere with each other. Furthermore, not only the intergalactic medium will disappear, but also galaxies will collide and merge with each other to form extremely dense and close cosmological bodies. These very dense bodies will undergo further successive collisions and mergers under the action of central gravity, where the interstellar medium will vanish and the universe would develop to big crunch at tbc = 53.6251 Gyr. It is interesting to note that the horizon distance of the universe in the closed model at t = tme is in very good agreement with the maximum horizon distances in the five general cosmic models.
文摘This paper introduces three cosmic expansion models with constant, decelerating and accelerating speed of expansion respectively. Then characters of these cosmic expansion models are compared. Based on these cosmic expansion models, the thresholds of observable universe are calculated via simulations, where the earliest observable cosmic radius <i>R</i>(<i>t<sub>earliest</sub></i>) is always 0.368<i>R</i> (<i>R</i> is cosmic radius at current universe time) for any cosmic expansion models.
文摘电离层foF2是短波通信、天波超视距雷达系统所需的关键环境参数,使用2006—2014年COMSIC(constellation observing system for meteorology,ionosphere,and climate)掩星电离层数据和多项式方法,自主构建了高精度全球电离层foF2经验模型,并使用2015—2019年观测数据进行独立检验。本模型结果与建模及独立检验时段电离层foF2观测数据的相关系数分别为0.948和0.937,平均偏差分别为2.38%和3.08%,相对误差分别为11.72%和12.69%。利用该模型研究了电离层foF2时空变化特征,结果表明电离层foF2日夜变化幅度随纬度增加而变大,春秋分季期间南半球日夜变化幅度显著高于北半球,而夏季半球则远低于冬季半球。电离层foF2季节变化幅度随纬度增加而变大,夜间电离层foF2的季节变化以年特征为主,白天则包含了显著的年、半年特征,夜间季节变化幅度明显高于白天,南半球显著高于北半球。电离层foF2中纬槽现象主要出现在春秋分季夜间,经度方向四波结构主要出现在太阳活动低年和春秋分季期间。
文摘Cosmic inflation is considered assuming a cosmologically varying Newtonian gravitational constant, <em>G.</em> Utilizing two specific models for, <em>G</em><sup>-1</sup>(a), where, a, is the cosmic scale parameter, we find that the Hubble parameter, <em>H</em>, at inception of <em style="white-space:normal;">G</em><sup style="white-space:normal;">-1</sup>, may be as high as 7.56 E53 km/(s Mpc) for model A, or, 8.55 E53 km/(s Mpc) for model B, making these good candidates for inflation. The Hubble parameter is inextricably linked to <em>G</em> by Friedmanns’ equation, and if <em>G</em> did not exist prior to an inception temperature, then neither did expansion. The CBR temperatures at inception of <em style="white-space:normal;">G</em><sup style="white-space:normal;">-1</sup> are estimated to equal, 6.20 E21 Kelvin for model A, and 7.01 E21 for model B, somewhat lower than CBR temperatures usually associated with inflation. These temperatures would fix the size of Lemaitre universe in the vicinity of 3% of the Earths’ radius at the beginning of expansion, thus avoiding a singularity, as is the case in the ΛCDM model. In the later universe, a variable<em> G </em>model cannot be dismissed based on SNIa events. In fact, there is now some compelling astronomical evidence, using rise times and luminosity, which we discuss, where it could be argued that SNIa events can only be used as good standard candles if a variation in <em>G</em> is taken into account. Dark energy may have more to do with a weakening <em>G</em> with increasing cosmological time, versus an unanticipated acceleration of the universe, in the late stage of cosmic evolution.
文摘We find an azimuthal-angle dependent approximate wave like solution to second order on a warped five-dimensional manifold with a self-gravitating U(1) scalar gauge field (cosmic string) on the brane using the multiple-scale method. The spectrum of the several orders of approximation show maxima of the energy distribution dependent on the azimuthal-angle and the winding numbers n of the subsequent orders of scalar field. This breakup of the quantized flux quanta does not lead to instability of the asymptotic wavelike solution, due to the suppression of the n-dependency in the energy mo-mentum tensor components by the warp factor. This effect is triggered by the contribution of the five dimensional Weyl tensor on the brane. This con-tribution can be understood as dark energy and can trigger the self-acceleration of the universe without the need of a cosmological constant. There is a striking relation between the symmetry breaking of the Higgs field described by the winding number and the SO(2) breaking of the axially symmetric configuration into a discrete subgroup of rotations about 180°. The discrete sequence of non-axially symmetric deviations, cancelled by the emission of gravitational waves in order to restore the SO(2) symmetry, triggers the pressure Tzz for discrete values of the azimuthal-angle. There can be a possible relation between the recently discovered angle-preferences of polarization axes of quasars on large scales and our theoretical predicted angle-dependency and can be an evidence for the existence of cosmic strings. The discovery of the increase of polarization rate in smaller subgroups of the several large-quasar groups (LQGs), the red shift dependency and the relative orientation of the spin axes with respect to the major axes of their host LQGs, point at a fractional azimuthal structure, were also found in our cosmic string model. This peculiar discontinuous large scale structure, i.e., polarizations directions of multiples of, for example, π/2 orπ/4, can be explained by the spectrum of azimuthal-angle dependent wavelike modes without the need of conventional density perturbations in standard 4D cosmological models. Carefully com-parison of the spectrum of extremal values of the first and second order φ-dependency and the distribution of the alignment of the quasar polarizations is necessary. This can be accomplished when more observational data become available.
文摘The recently discovered alignment of quasar polarizations on very large scales could possibly be explained by considering cosmic strings on a warped five dimensional spacetime. Compact objects, such as cosmic strings, could have tremendous mass in the bulk, while their warped manifestations in the brane can be consistent with general relativity in 4D. The self-gravitating cosmic string induces gravitational wavelike disturbances which could have effects felt on the brane, i.e., the massive effective 4D modes (Kaluza-Klein modes) of the perturbative 5D graviton. This effect is amplified by the time dependent part of the warp factor. Due to this warp factor, disturbances don’t fade away during the expansion of the universe. From a nonlinear perturbation analysis it is found that the effective Einstein 4D equations on an axially symmetric spacetime, contain a “back-reaction” term on the righthand side caused by the projected 5D Weyl tensor and can act as a dark energy term. The propagation equations to first order for the metric components and scalar-gauge fields contain -dependent terms, so the approximate wave solutions are no longer axially symmetric. The disturbances, amplified by the warp factor, can possess extremal values for fixed polar angles. This could explain the two preferred polarization vectors mod .
文摘Purpose: The cosmic microwave background radiation, CMB, is fundamental to observational cosmology, and is believed to be a remnant from the Big Bang. The CMB, Planck time, t<sub>P</sub>, and the Hubble constant, H<sub>0</sub>, are important cosmologic constants. The goal is to accurately derive and demonstrate the inter-relationships of the CMB peak spectral radiance frequency, t<sub>P</sub>, and H<sub>0</sub> from neutron and hydrogen quantum data only. Methods: The harmonic neutron hypothesis, HNH, evaluates physical phenomena within a finite consecutive integer and exponential power law harmonic fraction series that are scaled by a fundamental frequency of the neutron as the exponent base. The CMB and the H<sub>0</sub> are derived from a previously published method used to derive t<sub>P</sub>. Their associated integer exponents are respectively +1/2, −3/4, and −128/35. Results: Precise mathematical relationships of these three constants are demonstrated. All of the derived values are within their known observational values. The derived and known values are: ν<sub>CMB</sub>, 160.041737 (06) × 10<sup>9</sup> Hz, ~160 × 10<sup>9</sup> Hz;2.72519 K, 2.72548 ± 0.00057 K, H<sub>0</sub> 2.29726666 (11) × 10<sup>−18</sup> s<sup>−1</sup>, ~2.3 × 10<sup>−18</sup> s<sup>−1</sup>;and t<sub>P</sub> 5.3911418 (3) × 10<sup>−44</sup> s, 5.39106 (32) × 10<sup>−44</sup> s. Conclusion: The cosmic fundamental constants t<sub>P</sub>, H<sub>0</sub>, and CMB are mathematically inter-related constants all defined by gravity. They are also directly derivable from the quantum properties of the neutron and hydrogen within a harmonic power law.
文摘5D World-Universe Model is based on the decisive role of the Medium of the World composed of massive particles: protons, electrons, photons, neutrinos, and dark matter particles. In this manuscript we discuss different aspects of the gravitation: measured values of the Newtonian parameter of Gravitation and different Gravitational effects (gravitational lensing, cosmological redshift, gravitational deflection of light and gravitational refraction, proposed in the present paper). We show inter-connectivity of all cosmological parameters and provide a mathematical framework that allows direct calculation of them based on the value of the gravitational parameter. We analyze the difference between Electromagnetism and Gravitoelectromagnetism and make a conclusion about the mandatory existence of the Medium of the World. This paper aligns the World-Universe Model with the Le Sage’s theory of gravitation and makes a deduction on Gravity, Space and Time be emergent phenomena.