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Credit Default Swaps (CDSs) and Systemic Risks
作者 Eliana Angelini 《Journal of Modern Accounting and Auditing》 2012年第6期880-890,共11页
The use of credit default swaps (CDSs) has become increasingly popular over time. Between 2002 and 2007, gross notional amounts outstanding grew from below S2 trillion to nearly S60 trillion. The recent crisis has r... The use of credit default swaps (CDSs) has become increasingly popular over time. Between 2002 and 2007, gross notional amounts outstanding grew from below S2 trillion to nearly S60 trillion. The recent crisis has revealed several shortcomings in CDS market practices and structure. In addition, management of counterparty risk has proved insufficient, as has in some instances the settlement of contracts following a credit event. However, past problems should not distract from the potential benefits of these instruments. In particular, CDSs help complete markets, as they provide an effective means to hedge and trade credit risk. CDSs allow financial institutions to better manage their exposures, and investors benefit from an enhanced investment universe. The purpose of this paper is to present a complete and practical exposition of the CDS market and to explore how the development of the CDS market has played an important role in the credit risk markets. Currently, the CDS market is transforming into a more stable system. Various measures are being put in place to help enhance market transparency and mitigate operational and systemic risk. In particular, central counterparties have started to operate, which will eventually lead to an improved management of individual as well as system-wide risks. 展开更多
关键词 credit derivatives credit default swap (cds credit risk counterpart risk systemic risk
A model for dependent default with hyperbolic attenuation effect and valuation of credit default swap 被引量:3
作者 白云芬 胡新华 叶中行 《Applied Mathematics and Mechanics(English Edition)》 SCIE EI 2007年第12期1643-1649,共7页
A hyperbolic function is introduced to reflect the attenuation effect of one firm's default to its partner. If two firms are competitors (copartners), the default intensity of one firm will decrease (increase) ab... A hyperbolic function is introduced to reflect the attenuation effect of one firm's default to its partner. If two firms are competitors (copartners), the default intensity of one firm will decrease (increase) abruptly when the other firm defaults. As time goes on, the impact will decrease gradually until extinct. In this model, the joint distribution and marginal distributions of default times are derived by employing the change of measure, and the fair swap premium of a credit default swap (CDS) can be valued. 展开更多
关键词 dependent default hyperbolic attenuation function change of measure credit default swap (cds
具有CDS的动态多层网络银行系统性风险研究 被引量:1
作者 汤淼 范宏 《复杂系统与复杂性科学》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2024年第3期55-61,68,共8页
美国次贷危机表明CDS对银行系统性风险有很大影响,但CDS如何影响银行系统性风险的机理还未明。因此,构建了一个具有CDS交互作用的动态多层银行网络模型,研究两种经济环境下的CDS对银行系统的双重影响。研究结果表明:经济平稳时期,CDS有... 美国次贷危机表明CDS对银行系统性风险有很大影响,但CDS如何影响银行系统性风险的机理还未明。因此,构建了一个具有CDS交互作用的动态多层银行网络模型,研究两种经济环境下的CDS对银行系统的双重影响。研究结果表明:经济平稳时期,CDS有风险吸收作用,降低银行系统性风险;经济波动时期,银行因CDS释放的超额风险资产会转变为新的系统性风险;CDS的规模与银行系统性风险呈负相关关系,且规模存在临界值。 展开更多
关键词 信用违约互换(cds) 系统性风险 银企间信用风险 风险转移
Valuing Credit Default Swap under a double exponential jump diffusion model 被引量:2
作者 YANG Rui-cheng PANG Maooxiu JIN Zhuang 《Applied Mathematics(A Journal of Chinese Universities)》 SCIE CSCD 2014年第1期36-43,共8页
This paper discusses the valuation of the Credit Default Swap based on a jump market, in which the asset price of a firm follows a double exponential jump diffusion process, the value of the debt is driven by a geomet... This paper discusses the valuation of the Credit Default Swap based on a jump market, in which the asset price of a firm follows a double exponential jump diffusion process, the value of the debt is driven by a geometric Brownian motion, and the default barrier follows a continuous stochastic process. Using the Gaver-Stehfest algorithm and the non-arbitrage asset pricing theory, we give the default probability of the first passage time, and more, derive the price of the Credit Default Swap. 展开更多
关键词 credit default swap Brownian motion double exponential jump diffusion model
Risk-Neutral Dynamic of Forward-Looking Default Probabilities and Recovery Rates: Evidence From Credit Default Swap Prices of DOW30 Companies
作者 Chavalit Kitjakarnlertudom Sira Suchintabandid 《Chinese Business Review》 2011年第10期811-843,共33页
In modem financial markets, the credit default swap (CDS) market has supplanted the bond market as the industry gauge for a borrower's credit quality. Therefore, it is very important to value CDS accurately by gett... In modem financial markets, the credit default swap (CDS) market has supplanted the bond market as the industry gauge for a borrower's credit quality. Therefore, it is very important to value CDS accurately by getting closer to more realistic pricing models. So far there have been no models for extracting forward-looking credit information to value CDS. In current practice, historical data is used in a credit default swap pricing model. One of the reasons was the difficulty when the market for credit derivatives was small, to extract forward-looking credit information such as recovery rates and default probabilities from traded securities. Since the CDS market has undergone rapid expansion in recent years, the possibilities of extracting forward-looking credit information have increased. Our work significantly extends Das and Hanouma (2009) where a flexible jump-to-default model was introduced to obtain implied recovery rates. We improve the flexible jump-to-default model where forecasted forward-looking hazard rates and recovery rates can be extracted using stock prices, stock volatilities and data from credit default markets to forecast CDS spreads. Instead of using exogenously assumed constant recovery rates and default probabilities from a credit rating agency, we use forward-looking hazard rates and recovery rates to price and forecast CDS spreads. We also compare out-of-sample market CDS spreads with our forecasted CDS spreads to check how well our model performs. Our model fit the market CDS spreads very well across all time to maturity CDS contracts except in some extreme cases when there is a big jump in CDS spreads. 展开更多
关键词 financial derivatives derivatives pricing credit default swaps
关于双曲衰减的违约相关模型及CDS定价 被引量:18
作者 白云芬 胡新华 叶中行 《应用数学和力学》 CSCD 北大核心 2007年第12期1468-1474,共7页
引进一个双曲类型的衰减函数来表示一方违约对另一方违约强度的影响.若交易双方为竞争对手(合作公司),当一方的违约时,另一方的违约强度将减小(增大).随着时间的推移,这种影响将逐渐减小,直至为零.在这个模型下,通过测度变换,可以得到... 引进一个双曲类型的衰减函数来表示一方违约对另一方违约强度的影响.若交易双方为竞争对手(合作公司),当一方的违约时,另一方的违约强度将减小(增大).随着时间的推移,这种影响将逐渐减小,直至为零.在这个模型下,通过测度变换,可以得到两公司违约时间的联合分布及各自的边际分布,从而可以对违约互换进行定价. 展开更多
关键词 违约相关 双曲衰减函数 测度变换 信用违约互换
信用贷款风险中反向CDS协议设计与定价模型 被引量:8
作者 庞素琳 王立 《管理科学学报》 CSSCI 北大核心 2016年第6期114-124,共11页
在信用违约互换(CDS协议)的基础上,提出了反向信用违约互换(RCDS)协议,以规避信用贷款风险.首先定义反向CDS协议,然后对反向CDS协议的定价合约进行设计,探讨反向CDS协议的风险"囚禁"原理;并在无套利的原则下,建立了含有未知... 在信用违约互换(CDS协议)的基础上,提出了反向信用违约互换(RCDS)协议,以规避信用贷款风险.首先定义反向CDS协议,然后对反向CDS协议的定价合约进行设计,探讨反向CDS协议的风险"囚禁"原理;并在无套利的原则下,建立了含有未知违约概率的反向CDS协议定价模型;再进一步通过假设贷款企业的资产价值运动由一个布朗运动和若干个互相独立的泊松过程合成的复合泊松过程,在风险中性测度下,建立了资产价值运动的布朗运动和复合泊松过程随机微分方程,以此求出违约概率,并最终求出反向CDS协议定价公式.最后,通过数值分析,讨论了信用贷款利率、反向CDS价格、贷款期限、违约概率以及初始资产与违约边界之比等因素之间的相互影响关系,给出了相应风险规避方法的结论和建议.本文研究对实际应用具有很好的参考价值. 展开更多
关键词 信用违约互换(cds) 反向cds协议 定价模型 违约概率 布朗运动 复合泊松过程
考虑交易对手间三种违约相关情景下的CDS定价——基于单因子Copula模型的模拟 被引量:7
作者 陈正声 秦学志 《系统管理学报》 CSSCI CSCD 北大核心 2017年第3期512-517,共6页
2008年金融危机中暴露出的交易对手违约相关风险,不仅使作为信用违约互换(CDS)交易对手方的Lehman Brothers,Bear Sterns和AIG等金融机构遭受了巨额损失,而且增加了金融市场的系统性风险。因此,考虑交易对手违约相关风险对合理定价CDS... 2008年金融危机中暴露出的交易对手违约相关风险,不仅使作为信用违约互换(CDS)交易对手方的Lehman Brothers,Bear Sterns和AIG等金融机构遭受了巨额损失,而且增加了金融市场的系统性风险。因此,考虑交易对手违约相关风险对合理定价CDS至关重要。基于单因子Copula模型框架,数值模拟分析了交易对手间3种不同违约相关情景下的CDS定价,在统一的框架内创新性地解决了信用保护卖方、买方和参考资产方的违约相关情况、违约强度、支付频率及回收率等因素对CDS定价的影响。结果表明:(1)保护卖方和参考资产方形成的违约相关对CDS定价的影响要强于交易三方违约相关的影响,各情景下的CDS价格明显不同;(2)随着保护买方支付频率的增加,3种情景下的CDS价格均逐渐降低;(3)参考资产方回收率的增加,会降低不同情景下的CDS价格且差异明显。 展开更多
关键词 违约相关 交易对手风险 因子Copula 信用违约互换 蒙特卡洛模拟
基于BFT和CDS的集成供应链避险机制研究 被引量:2
作者 姜继娇 杨乃定 《中国软科学》 CSSCI 北大核心 2004年第5期135-139,共5页
本文从决策者的有限理性角度,指出了集成供应链风险管理者的金字塔式心理账户结构;据此,构建了基于BFT和CDS、以多心理账户行为证券组合理论为核心的集成供应链避险模型;因有限理性符合风险管理者实际情景,决定了本研究较传统避险分析... 本文从决策者的有限理性角度,指出了集成供应链风险管理者的金字塔式心理账户结构;据此,构建了基于BFT和CDS、以多心理账户行为证券组合理论为核心的集成供应链避险模型;因有限理性符合风险管理者实际情景,决定了本研究较传统避险分析更为逼近集成供应链的现实避险决策。 展开更多
关键词 集成供应链 行为金融理论 信用违约互换 避险
人民币CDS产品的初步设计、定价及相关思考 被引量:5
作者 翟晨曦 《中国货币市场》 2008年第9期46-51,共6页
该文立足人民币市场,以信用类债券作为参考债务设计单一名字债券信用违约互换,并以Jarrow-Turnbull模型为基础,结合中国信用类债券市场现实情况提出具体假设,采用国债、央票、掉期等多种曲线分别作为无风险收益率曲线,测算AAA至A-各信... 该文立足人民币市场,以信用类债券作为参考债务设计单一名字债券信用违约互换,并以Jarrow-Turnbull模型为基础,结合中国信用类债券市场现实情况提出具体假设,采用国债、央票、掉期等多种曲线分别作为无风险收益率曲线,测算AAA至A-各信用评级债券的CDS价格,在测算分析基础上提出基础债务、监管、法律、信用等关键问题的思考。 展开更多
关键词 信用衍生产品 信用违约互换 信用风险 无风险收益率
作者 梁进 王涛 杨晓丽 《同济大学学报(自然科学版)》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2013年第6期945-952,共8页
分析了贷款信用违约互换(LCDS)的主要风险并建立了其定价模型.在约化方法框架下,利用单因子反CIR(Cox-Ingersoll-Ross)模型来刻画早偿和违约的负相关性和非负性,并在此假定下得到定价公式的封闭解.在此基础上考虑了交易对手可违约的单名... 分析了贷款信用违约互换(LCDS)的主要风险并建立了其定价模型.在约化方法框架下,利用单因子反CIR(Cox-Ingersoll-Ross)模型来刻画早偿和违约的负相关性和非负性,并在此假定下得到定价公式的封闭解.在此基础上考虑了交易对手可违约的单名LCDS的信用价值调整(CVA)的计算模型,在模型中加入LCDS卖方即交易对手的违约强度,并通过一个非线性偏微分方程对模型进行求解.最后,基于CVA计算模型和数值结果,讨论了错位风险.结果表明:考虑交易对手违约的LCDS价格将低于普通LCDS,且价差(CVA)随LCDS合约期限、利率和参考贷款与交易对手违约相关性的增大而增大;考虑交易对手违约的LCDS公平保费率也低于普通LCDS;当参考贷款与交易对手负相关时,CVA的值随负相关程度的增大而减小. 展开更多
关键词 贷款信用违约互换(Lcds) 约化模型 单因子反CIR(Cox-Ingersoll-Ross)模型 信用价值调整(CVA)计算 错位风险
基于分层Copula的CDS定价研究 被引量:2
作者 郁农欣 李晋枝 《中央民族大学学报(自然科学版)》 2017年第3期91-96,共6页
本文研究了基于双边交易对手风险的信用违约互换(CDS)的定价问题,建立了以分层Copula为核心的CDS定价公式.分析了不同变量间违约相关性变化对CDS票息率的影响,并且通过与一般多元copula模型进行比较,展示了分层Copula在刻画多变量不同... 本文研究了基于双边交易对手风险的信用违约互换(CDS)的定价问题,建立了以分层Copula为核心的CDS定价公式.分析了不同变量间违约相关性变化对CDS票息率的影响,并且通过与一般多元copula模型进行比较,展示了分层Copula在刻画多变量不同违约相关性情况下的优势,对如何建立更合理的CDS定价公式进行一定的探究. 展开更多
关键词 信用违约互换 双边交易对手风险 分层Copula 违约相关性
多层次市场中场外CDS工具发展与监管 被引量:3
作者 潘峰 何荣天 余建军 《证券市场导报》 CSSCI 北大核心 2012年第3期56-63,77,共9页
券商经营活动中,在信用、市场规则、融资者与投资者等议题上面临特殊困境,核心体现在多层次资本市场建设的重要环节之一:即信用风险转移和分散功能难以实现,信用债券市场发展迟缓。基于对已有信用风险缓释工具现状的分析,券商从实务角... 券商经营活动中,在信用、市场规则、融资者与投资者等议题上面临特殊困境,核心体现在多层次资本市场建设的重要环节之一:即信用风险转移和分散功能难以实现,信用债券市场发展迟缓。基于对已有信用风险缓释工具现状的分析,券商从实务角度出发构建了涉及场外CDS业务市场准入、做市商交易、风险控制、会计、产品线、定价和业务监管等一系列制度。CDS具有不可替代的功能,并在海外成熟的多层次资本市场中与场内股票、债券交易一并构成基础性市场。盲目对CDS的抵触对我国多层次资本市场建设并无益处。 展开更多
关键词 信用违约互换 信用风险缓释工具 多层次资本市场 场外市场
中国CDS衍生品的监管争议及其路径选择:国际经验借鉴 被引量:1
作者 孙兆航 杨立民 《金融理论探索》 2023年第2期64-74,共11页
场外衍生品因为其特征模糊,面临着监管路径不清晰的问题。在信用违约互换(CDS)监管的法理中,证券类监管与保险类监管具有较大的区别,CDS符合证券类监管的定义与涵盖范围,应该定位在证券类监管中。在美国与欧洲的实践中,证券类监管的实... 场外衍生品因为其特征模糊,面临着监管路径不清晰的问题。在信用违约互换(CDS)监管的法理中,证券类监管与保险类监管具有较大的区别,CDS符合证券类监管的定义与涵盖范围,应该定位在证券类监管中。在美国与欧洲的实践中,证券类监管的实践表现更加符合CDS的定位与预期。中国应该充分借鉴相关经验,建立以证监会为主导的监管体系,引导保险资金审慎开展业务,扩大二级市场合约规模并尝试建立监管沙盒体制。 展开更多
关键词 信用违约互换 金融衍生品 金融风险 证券式监管 保险式监管
Model of counterparty risk with geometric attenuation and valuation of CDS
作者 Bai Yunfen1,2 Hu Xinhua3,4 Ye Zhongxing1(1 Department of Mathematics, Shanghai Jiaotong University, Shanghai 200240, China)(2 Department of Mathematics, Shijiazhuang College, Shijiazhuang 050035, China)(3 Guanghua Institute of Management, Peking University, Beijing 100032, China)(4 Postdoctoral Workstation of ICBC, Beijing 100036, China) 《Journal of Southeast University(English Edition)》 EI CAS 2008年第S1期196-198,共3页
To investigate the impact of microstructure interdependency of a counterparty explicitly, a geometric function is introduced in one firm's default intensity to reflect the attenuation behavior of the impact of its... To investigate the impact of microstructure interdependency of a counterparty explicitly, a geometric function is introduced in one firm's default intensity to reflect the attenuation behavior of the impact of its counterparty firm's default. The general joint distribution and marginal distributions of default times are derived by employing the change of measure. The fair premium of a vanilla CDS (credit default swap) is obtained in continuous and discrete contexts, respectively. The swap premium in a discrete context is similar to the accumulated interest during the period between two payment days, and the short rate is the swap rate in a continuous context. 展开更多
关键词 counterparty risk dependent default attenuation function change of measure credit default swap
CDS的法律性质探讨--兼谈中国版CDS的本土化 被引量:1
作者 叶诚豪 《浙江万里学院学报》 2017年第3期31-37,共7页
CDS设计了一种特殊的法律结构,使其不同于传统的保险、保证、赌博或者其他现有的法律形式。CDS嵌入了现代金融技术,是一种具有复杂衍生品特征的非典型法律合同。研究CDS的法律性质有助于了解其在我国法律体系下所面临的困境与挑战,从合... CDS设计了一种特殊的法律结构,使其不同于传统的保险、保证、赌博或者其他现有的法律形式。CDS嵌入了现代金融技术,是一种具有复杂衍生品特征的非典型法律合同。研究CDS的法律性质有助于了解其在我国法律体系下所面临的困境与挑战,从合约买方与卖方的角度探析CDS在我国的本土化。 展开更多
关键词 cds 信用违约互换 信用风险 金融衍生品 法律性质
参数不确定性环境下的CDS定价模型 被引量:1
作者 张茂军 柴过 《汕头大学学报(自然科学版)》 2022年第3期58-68,共11页
由于信息不对称、市场不完备以及数据不精确的原因,信用违约互换(CDS)定价的违约概率和回收率都具有不确定性.为了分析参数不确定性对CDS价格的影响,本文利用三角模糊数刻画这些参数的不确定性,构建了CDS模糊定价模型,研究CDS的定价问题... 由于信息不对称、市场不完备以及数据不精确的原因,信用违约互换(CDS)定价的违约概率和回收率都具有不确定性.为了分析参数不确定性对CDS价格的影响,本文利用三角模糊数刻画这些参数的不确定性,构建了CDS模糊定价模型,研究CDS的定价问题.通过计算CDS买方预期支付的贴现值和预期收益的贴现值,利用风险中性定价原理和三角模糊数的运算法则,得到了CDS均衡溢价的解析表达式是一个三角模糊数,这不仅刻画了CDS价格的不确定性而且其隶属函数描述了决策者对不确定性的偏好程度.为了说明本文提出的CDS定价的不确定性方法比经典确定性方法更加合理,进行了相应数值算例比较. 展开更多
关键词 信用违约互换 三角模糊数 资产定价 不确定性
作者 郑静 《现代物业(中旬刊)》 2012年第9期67-69,共3页
关键词 信用违约互换 信用衍生品 拍卖结算
Valuation of CDS counterparty risk under a reduced-form model with regime-switching shot noise default intensities
作者 Yinghui DONG Kam Chuen YUEN Guojing WANG 《Frontiers of Mathematics in China》 SCIE CSCD 2017年第5期1085-1112,共28页
We study the counterparty risk for a credit default swap (CDS) in a regime-switching market driven by an underlying continuous-time Markov chain. We model the default dependence via some correlated Cox processes wit... We study the counterparty risk for a credit default swap (CDS) in a regime-switching market driven by an underlying continuous-time Markov chain. We model the default dependence via some correlated Cox processes with regime-switching shot noise intensities containing common shock. Under the proposed model, the general bilateral counterparty risk pricing formula for CDS contracts with the possibility of joint defaults is presented. Based on some expressions for the conditional Laplace transform of the integrated intensity processes, semi-analytical solution for the bilateral credit valuation adjustment (CVA) is derived. When the model parameters satisfy some conditions, explicit formula for the bilateral CVA at time 0 is also given. 展开更多
关键词 credit default swap (cds bilateral credit valuation adjustment Markov chain common shock regime-switching shot noise process
Pricing Credit Default Swap with Contagious Risk and Simulation 被引量:1
作者 郝瑞丽 张金清 +1 位作者 刘永辉 胡周红 《Journal of Shanghai Jiaotong university(Science)》 EI 2016年第1期57-62,共6页
This paper mainly studies the pricing of credit default swap(CDS) with the loan as the reference asset,and gives a model based on the obtained conclusions. In the contract of CDS, we consider that the default of the p... This paper mainly studies the pricing of credit default swap(CDS) with the loan as the reference asset,and gives a model based on the obtained conclusions. In the contract of CDS, we consider that the default of the protection's seller is correlated with the stochastic interest rate following Vasicek model and the default state of the reference firm. We give the pricing formula of CDS and analyze the effect of the contagious risk between the counterparties on the pricing of CDS. 展开更多
关键词 credit default swap(cds) contagious RISK Vasicek INTEREST rate
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