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Optimal Configuration of Fault Location Measurement Points in DC Distribution Networks Based on Improved Particle Swarm Optimization Algorithm
作者 Huanan Yu Hangyu Li +1 位作者 He Wang Shiqiang Li 《Energy Engineering》 EI 2024年第6期1535-1555,共21页
The escalating deployment of distributed power sources and random loads in DC distribution networks hasamplified the potential consequences of faults if left uncontrolled. To expedite the process of achieving an optim... The escalating deployment of distributed power sources and random loads in DC distribution networks hasamplified the potential consequences of faults if left uncontrolled. To expedite the process of achieving an optimalconfiguration of measurement points, this paper presents an optimal configuration scheme for fault locationmeasurement points in DC distribution networks based on an improved particle swarm optimization algorithm.Initially, a measurement point distribution optimization model is formulated, leveraging compressive sensing.The model aims to achieve the minimum number of measurement points while attaining the best compressivesensing reconstruction effect. It incorporates constraints from the compressive sensing algorithm and networkwide viewability. Subsequently, the traditional particle swarm algorithm is enhanced by utilizing the Haltonsequence for population initialization, generating uniformly distributed individuals. This enhancement reducesindividual search blindness and overlap probability, thereby promoting population diversity. Furthermore, anadaptive t-distribution perturbation strategy is introduced during the particle update process to enhance the globalsearch capability and search speed. The established model for the optimal configuration of measurement points issolved, and the results demonstrate the efficacy and practicality of the proposed method. The optimal configurationreduces the number of measurement points, enhances localization accuracy, and improves the convergence speedof the algorithm. These findings validate the effectiveness and utility of the proposed approach. 展开更多
关键词 Optimal allocation improved particle swarm algorithm fault location compressed sensing dc distribution network
作者 邹政 《水泥技术》 2025年第1期25-30,共6页
DCS系统对水泥生产线的连续稳定运行起着重要作用,其中Com电源为数字量信号输入提供公共端电压,是确保DCS系统正常运作不可或缺的组件。Com电源短路故障是一种典型的DCS现场电气回路故障,多由现场输入的数字量信号回路对地短路引起,易导... DCS系统对水泥生产线的连续稳定运行起着重要作用,其中Com电源为数字量信号输入提供公共端电压,是确保DCS系统正常运作不可或缺的组件。Com电源短路故障是一种典型的DCS现场电气回路故障,多由现场输入的数字量信号回路对地短路引起,易导致DCS控制柜内Com电源保险熔断,进而造成数字量输入信号丢失。分析了速度开关与跑偏开关、限位开关以及直流电源导致的Com电源短路故障案例,通过采取禁止DCS系统Com电源直接通向生产现场、配置合适额定电流的断路器和增加隔离继电器等措施,有效实现了DCS控制柜内Com电源与生产现场的隔离,降低了DCS系统Com电源短路故障对水泥生产造成的影响,消除了故障隐患,提高了生产线运行的稳定性和连续性,为水泥生产的高效运营提供了坚实保障。 展开更多
关键词 dcS系统 Com电源短路故障 速度与跑偏开关 断路器 隔离继电器
作者 刘滨 王舜 +2 位作者 李星瑶 严浩 刘欣璐 《科技创新与应用》 2025年第1期105-109,共5页
针对国产化安全级DCS平台的模拟量调理模块研制过程中,某型国产反激式开关电源曾多次偶发输入端短路失效问题。对该电源内部原理进行剖析,建立故障仿真模型。结合安全级DCS的实际应用场景,对该故障进行定位,明确国产某型反激式开关电源... 针对国产化安全级DCS平台的模拟量调理模块研制过程中,某型国产反激式开关电源曾多次偶发输入端短路失效问题。对该电源内部原理进行剖析,建立故障仿真模型。结合安全级DCS的实际应用场景,对该故障进行定位,明确国产某型反激式开关电源的失效机理,并给出对应的改进优化设计,有效提升国产化安全级DCS平台的可靠性及安全性。 展开更多
关键词 安全级dcS 模拟量调理模块 反激式开关电源 故障仿真模型 失效机理
Simulation Research of Fault Model of Detecting Rotor Dynamic Eccentricity in Brushless DC Motor Based on Motor Current Signature Analysis 被引量:12
作者 赵向阳 葛文韬 《中国电机工程学报》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2011年第36期I0011-I0011,共1页
基于Ansoft/Maxwell设置动态偏心故障,建立求解电机电感和磁链的有限元模型,通过仿真,证明了将感应电机动态偏心故障的特征频率经过简化后,同样适用于无刷直流电动机。基于Ansoft/Simplorer建立无刷直流电动机系统的仿真模型。在... 基于Ansoft/Maxwell设置动态偏心故障,建立求解电机电感和磁链的有限元模型,通过仿真,证明了将感应电机动态偏心故障的特征频率经过简化后,同样适用于无刷直流电动机。基于Ansoft/Simplorer建立无刷直流电动机系统的仿真模型。在电机稳态运行下,对定子电流进行傅里叶分析,研究并建立基于定子电流监测动态偏心故障的仿真模型:动态偏心故障与特征频率的关系、动态偏心故障程度与特征频率幅值的关系。进而研究了无刷直流电动机稳态运行时转速波动对偏心故障监测的影响。仿真结果表明,转子偏心程度加大,特征频率的幅值增加。 展开更多
关键词 电机转子 故障检测 电流特征 偏心 直流 仿真 模型 机械故障
基于电磁时间反演的VSC-HVDC系统架空线-电缆混合线路故障定位方法 被引量:1
作者 张艳霞 李婷 《电力自动化设备》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2024年第3期180-186,224,共8页
针对传统故障定位方法无法应用于架空线-电缆混合直流线路的问题,提出了一种架空线-电缆混合直流线路的故障定位方法,该方法采用先确定故障点所在区段、后在区段中定位的原理。利用故障附加网络的直流分量定义了故障区段判别函数,通过... 针对传统故障定位方法无法应用于架空线-电缆混合直流线路的问题,提出了一种架空线-电缆混合直流线路的故障定位方法,该方法采用先确定故障点所在区段、后在区段中定位的原理。利用故障附加网络的直流分量定义了故障区段判别函数,通过该判别函数在不同区段发生故障时数值不同实现故障区段的判定。然后,分析了电磁时间反演理论在故障定位中的可行性,分析确定了故障特征谐波。利用线路两端特征谐波的电流行进波作为时间反演电路的电流源,设置与原线路拓扑结构镜像的线路,利用时间反演电流源与镜像线路构建时间反演电路。在此基础上,根据时间反演的能量聚焦特性列写故障区段内的故障定位方程并实现区段内故障定位。利用PSCAD/EMTDC搭建的电压源型换流器高压直流输电(VSC-HVDC)系统仿真证明了所提方法能实现线缆混合直流输电线路的故障定位。 展开更多
关键词 架空线-电缆混合直流线路 故障定位 故障区段判别函数 时间反演 能量聚焦
基于限流电抗器两侧特定频段暂态能量比的MTDC电网单端量保护方案 被引量:2
作者 刘晓军 金小东 +2 位作者 刘迎迎 赵冠雄 刘亚东 《智慧电力》 北大核心 2024年第1期87-94,共8页
柔性直流输电技术有利于未来大量分布式能源接入电网,而配置快速、可靠的保护方案是柔性直流技术发展的关键。基于直流电网等效模型,提出一种基于限流电抗器两侧电压特定频段暂态能量比差异性的单端量故障区域识别方法。该方法依据贝瑞... 柔性直流输电技术有利于未来大量分布式能源接入电网,而配置快速、可靠的保护方案是柔性直流技术发展的关键。基于直流电网等效模型,提出一种基于限流电抗器两侧电压特定频段暂态能量比差异性的单端量故障区域识别方法。该方法依据贝瑞隆等效模型计算出限流电抗器两侧电压比,通过广义S变换提取限流电抗器两侧特定频段电压,根据故障时正负极限流电抗器的电压幅值差的差异性实现故障选极。最后在PSCAD/EMTDC平台搭建仿真模型,分析出发生区内外故障时差异性明显,具备较强的耐过渡电阻与抗噪声干扰能力。 展开更多
关键词 多端柔性直流电网 暂态能量比 单端量保护 线路保护 故障选极
作者 王福忠 任淯琳 +1 位作者 张丽 王丹 《河南理工大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS 北大核心 2024年第5期118-126,共9页
目的为了解决双向DC-DC电力变换器的软故障诊断精度不高的问题,方法提出基于改进LSTM-SVM的双向DC-DC电力变换器故障诊断模型。首先,分析双向DC-DC电力变换器中电容、电感和MOSFET管的故障机理,通过仿真实验模拟各元件失效后变换器的输... 目的为了解决双向DC-DC电力变换器的软故障诊断精度不高的问题,方法提出基于改进LSTM-SVM的双向DC-DC电力变换器故障诊断模型。首先,分析双向DC-DC电力变换器中电容、电感和MOSFET管的故障机理,通过仿真实验模拟各元件失效后变换器的输出电气参数变化,从而确定变换器不同元件故障时对应的故障特征参数;其次,构建改进的LSTM-SVM双向DC-DC电力变换器故障诊断组合模型,在LSTM中添加Mogrifier门机制,提高LSTM提取时间序列原始数据中微弱特征的能力;最后,由于传统LSTM的末端分类器为Softmax,其主要解决单一元件诊断问题,变换器故障类型较多,维数较高,所以采用麻雀搜索算法优化的SVM代替原有的Softmax函数,对LSTM输出的数据进行故障分类,提高故障诊断的准确率。设置双向DC-DC电力变换器充放电两种状态下,包含电解电容、电感和MOSFET单双管故障在内的24组故障,分别采用本文构建的改进的LSTM-SVM和原始的LSTM-SVM双向DC-DC变换器故障诊断模型进行诊断。结果结果表明,改进的LSTM-SVM故障诊断模型诊断准确率平均值为99.71%,原始的LSTM-SVM故障诊断模型诊断准确率平均值为88.48%,改进的LSTM-SVM故障诊断模型对各元件的故障诊断正确率均高于原始的LSTM-SVM故障诊断模型的。结论基于改进LSTM-SVM的双向DC-DC电力变换器故障诊断模型实现了对双向DC-DC电力变换器中的电解电容、电感和MOSFET单双管故障的准确诊断。 展开更多
关键词 双向dc-dc变换器 软故障 改进长短期记忆网络 麻雀搜索 支持向量机 故障诊断
DC System Modeling and AC/DC System Harmonic Calculation under Asymmetric Faults 被引量:1
作者 Haifeng Li Junlei Liu +1 位作者 Fengjiao Wang Gang Wang 《Energy and Power Engineering》 2013年第4期1202-1208,共7页
The accurate DC system model is the key to fault analysis and harmonic calculation of AC/DC system. In this paper, a frequency domain analysis model of DC system is established, and based on it a unified fundamental f... The accurate DC system model is the key to fault analysis and harmonic calculation of AC/DC system. In this paper, a frequency domain analysis model of DC system is established, and based on it a unified fundamental frequency and harmonic iterative calculation method is proposed. The DC system model is derived considering the dynamic switching characteristic of converter and the steady-state response features of dc control system synchronously. And the proposed harmonic calculation method fully considers the AC/DC harmonic interaction and fault interaction under AC asymmetric fault condition. The method is used to the harmonic analysis and calculation of CIGRE HVDC system. Compared with those obtained by simulation using PSCAD/EMTDC software, the results show that the proposed model and method are accurate and effective, and provides the analysis basis of harmonic suppression, filter configuration and protection analysis in AC/DC system. 展开更多
Application of DC component to select fault branch in arc suppression coil grounding system 被引量:2
作者 Zhi-Jie WANG Yan-Wen WANG 《Journal of Coal Science & Engineering(China)》 2013年第3期396-401,共6页
When single phase earth fault occurs in the arc suppression coil grounding system, the amplitude of the transient capacitance current is high and decays fast, but the attenuation of the transient inductance current is... When single phase earth fault occurs in the arc suppression coil grounding system, the amplitude of the transient capacitance current is high and decays fast, but the attenuation of the transient inductance current is much slower. This paper analyses the DC component of fault branch, and has found it is much bigger than that of the normal branches in transient state. All the simulation results obtained from three compensation types, different fault time and different wave cycles show that the DC component of fault branch is much higher than that of those normal branches. These results verify the effectiveness of taking the DC component as the method of fault line selection in the arc suppression coil grounding system. 展开更多
关键词 dc component arc suppression coil fault line selection transient state
Fault detection and diagnosis of permanent-magnetic DC motors based on current analysis and BP neural networks 被引量:1
作者 刘曼兰 朱春波 王铁成 《Journal of Harbin Institute of Technology(New Series)》 EI CAS 2005年第3期266-270,共5页
In order to guarantee quality during mass serial production of motors, a convenient approach on how to detect and diagnose the faults of a permanent-magnetic DC motor based on armature current analysis and BP neural n... In order to guarantee quality during mass serial production of motors, a convenient approach on how to detect and diagnose the faults of a permanent-magnetic DC motor based on armature current analysis and BP neural networks was presented in this paper. The fault feature vector was directly established by analyzing the armature current. Fault features were extracted from the current using various signal processing methods including Fourier analysis, wavelet analysis and statistical methods. Then an advanced BP neural network was used to finish decision-making and separate fault patterns. Finally, the accuracy of the method in this paper was verified by analyzing the mechanism of faults theoretically. The consistency between the experimental results and the theoretical analysis shows that four kinds of representative faults of low power permanent-magnetic DC motors can be diagnosed conveniently by this method. These four faults are brush fray, open circuit of components, open weld of components and short circuit between armature coils. This method needs fewer hardware instruments than the conventional method and whole procedures can be accomplished by several software packages developed in this paper. 展开更多
关键词 dc motor current analysis BP neural networks fault detection fault diagnosis
基于CRS-LMD和SVD的MMC-HVDC线路故障测距方法 被引量:3
作者 贺宇阳 马千里 +1 位作者 于飞 刘喜梅 《电力系统保护与控制》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2024年第1期121-132,共12页
直流输电线路故障行波波速不确定、波头提取困难以及噪声干扰等因素制约了直流电网中故障测距技术的应用。为了降低上述因素对定位准确性的影响,提出一种基于局部特征有理样条插值均值分解(LMD based on characteristic rational spline... 直流输电线路故障行波波速不确定、波头提取困难以及噪声干扰等因素制约了直流电网中故障测距技术的应用。为了降低上述因素对定位准确性的影响,提出一种基于局部特征有理样条插值均值分解(LMD based on characteristic rational spline,CRS-LMD)和奇异值分解(singular value decomposition,SVD)的故障测距方法。首先,利用特征尺度选取最优极点系数,结合有理样条插值调节拟合曲线的松紧程度,实现对故障电压行波的局部均值分解。其次,采用奇异值分解对故障行波波头进行准确提取。最后,在PSCAD/EMTDC中搭建了张北±500 kV柔性直流电网的仿真模型,模拟各种故障情况并输出故障数据,利用Matlab对故障数据进行处理并验证定位算法。最后,仿真结果表明,所提故障测距算法在不同故障距离和故障类型下均能实现故障测距,且在叠加噪声和过渡电阻的情况下也能保障较高的精确性。 展开更多
关键词 串柔性直流电网 有理样条插值 局部均值分解 奇异值分解 行波提取 故障测距
Fault Analysis of DC Voltage Dividers in Xiangjiaba--Shanghai ±800 kV UHVDC Project 被引量:8
作者 LI Fengqi SHE Zhengqiu +2 位作者 LOU Dianqiang Rajendra Iyer Urban Astrom 《高电压技术》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2012年第12期3244-3248,共5页
关键词 直流分压器 故障分析 特高压直流输电 向家坝 上海 直流输电工程 直流电压 测量误差
A Fault Current Limiting Hybrid DC Circuit Breaker 被引量:1
作者 Lei Huang Qian Zhang +1 位作者 Wenlei Liu Ruixue Liu 《Energy Engineering》 EI 2022年第2期621-636,共16页
Due to the low impedance characteristic of the high voltage direct current(HVDC)grid,the fault current rises extremely fast after a DC-side fault occurs,and this phenomenon seriously endangers the safety of the HVDC g... Due to the low impedance characteristic of the high voltage direct current(HVDC)grid,the fault current rises extremely fast after a DC-side fault occurs,and this phenomenon seriously endangers the safety of the HVDC grid.In order to suppress the rising speed of the fault current and reduce the current interruption requirements of the main breaker(MB),a fault current limiting hybrid DC circuit breaker(FCL-HCB)has been proposed in this paper,and it has the capability of bidirectional fault current limiting and fault current interruption.After the occurrence of the overcurrent in the HVDC grid,the current limiting circuit(CLC)of FCL-HCB is put into operation immediately,and whether the protected line is cut off or resumed to normal operation is decided according to the fault detection result.Compared with the traditional hybrid DC circuit breaker(HCB),the required number of semiconductor switches and the peak value of fault current after fault occurs are greatly reduced by adopting the proposed device.Extensive simulations also verify the effectiveness of the proposed FCL-HCB. 展开更多
关键词 fault current limiting hybrid dc circuit breaker(FCL-HCB) high voltage direct current(HVdc)grid fault current limiting fault current interruption dc circuit breaker
Study on the Detection Methods of DC Series Arc Fault 被引量:3
作者 JI Shengchang LIU Yuan ZHU Yeye ZHU Lingyu 《高电压技术》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2013年第9期2131-2137,共7页
It is difficult to detect and extinguish direct current(DC)arc in power electronics systems,and the arc could easily lead to a fire and cause great damage to surrounding equipment.A DC arc generation simulation unit i... It is difficult to detect and extinguish direct current(DC)arc in power electronics systems,and the arc could easily lead to a fire and cause great damage to surrounding equipment.A DC arc generation simulation unit is established,in which DC series arcs are generated by dragging the moving electrode away from the fixed one with the help of the stepper motor.In addition,a ferrite rod antenna is used to receive the electromagnetic radiation signals induced by the arcs.Based on experiments using the unit,the general characteristics of DC arc,including the pulse characteristics of arc current and source output in corresponding time window,and the frequency-domain characteristics of arc current,are studied.With discussion on three detection methods,it is concluded that the variation of current and voltage of arc,the spectrum of the arc current during the discontinuous intervals and the radiating electromagnetic signal are all features that can be adopted for detecting DC series arc.Therefore,a synthetic judgment method is suggested for further study. 展开更多
关键词 故障检测方法 直流电弧 dc 电磁辐射信号 电力电子系统 电弧电流 模拟单元 脉冲特性
含主动限流控制的MMC-HVDC电网直流短路故障电流解析计算 被引量:5
作者 吴丽丽 茆美琴 施永 《电工技术学报》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2024年第3期785-797,共13页
传统的MMC-HVDC电网直流短路故障电流计算一般采用等效RLC电路方法。但是该方法没有考虑主动限流控制(ACLC)对等效电路RLC参数的影响,因此无法直接用于含ACLC的MMC-HVDC电网的直流短路故障电流的解析计算问题。该文通过将ACLC的控制效... 传统的MMC-HVDC电网直流短路故障电流计算一般采用等效RLC电路方法。但是该方法没有考虑主动限流控制(ACLC)对等效电路RLC参数的影响,因此无法直接用于含ACLC的MMC-HVDC电网的直流短路故障电流的解析计算问题。该文通过将ACLC的控制效果等效为虚拟阻抗产生的压降,建立了体现ACLC的控制影响的等效RLC电路,以包含电流变化率限流环节的典型ACLC算法为例,推导了直流双极短路故障条件下ACLC的控制参数与虚拟阻抗的映射关系以及相应的直流故障电流解析表达式。最后,以基于含ACLC的半桥型四端MMC-HVDC电网为例,建立PSCAD/EMTDC仿真模型,对采用ACLC的直流双极短路故障电流解析计算结果进行了验证。结果表明:故障后10ms内直流短路故障电流的PSCAD仿真结果与所提出的含ACLC的等效RLC电路解析计算结果的平均误差在8.29%以内,最大误差在10.99%。因此,使用所提出的方法具有工程实用性。 展开更多
关键词 模块化多电平换流器 主动限流控制 虚拟阻抗 RLC电路 直流短路故障电流计算
Fault Tolerant Neuro-Robust Position Control of DC Motors 被引量:1
作者 Ran Zhang Marwan Bikdash 《Journal of Electromagnetic Analysis and Applications》 2011年第10期412-415,共4页
DC motors are widely used in industry such as mechanics, robotics, and aerospace engineering. In this paper, we present a high performance control method for position control of DC motors. Fault-tolerant control model... DC motors are widely used in industry such as mechanics, robotics, and aerospace engineering. In this paper, we present a high performance control method for position control of DC motors. Fault-tolerant control model are also addressed to combine with neuro-robust control approach. It is shown that with the proposed control algorithms, external disturbances and coupled dynamics inherent in the system are effectively compensated using neural network unit in which no analytical estimation on the upper bound of the reconstruction error and uncertainties is needed. Simulations on various flight conditions also confirm the effectiveness of the proposed methods. 展开更多
关键词 fault-TOLERANT Neuro-Robust POSITION Control dc Motors
Research on DC Fault of Multi-Terminal Direct Current System
作者 S. Y. Fan J. Liu +2 位作者 E. M. Bian H. T. Xu C. L. Kang 《Energy and Power Engineering》 2017年第4期756-764,共9页
This paper introduces the characteristics of VSC and MMC-MTDC and discusses the effects of different kinds of faults in HVDC systems. Special attention is given to the comparison between a pole-to-pole fault and a pol... This paper introduces the characteristics of VSC and MMC-MTDC and discusses the effects of different kinds of faults in HVDC systems. Special attention is given to the comparison between a pole-to-pole fault and a pole-to-ground fault occurring in the middle of the line or at the terminal of a VSC. Simulations using MATLAB are provided in this article which show the difference effects clearly when faults occur in a VSC-MTDC system or in a MMC-MTDC system. Understanding of such fault characteristics and the influence of the control system on them are important prerequisites on the way to MTDC systems. 展开更多
关键词 VSC-MTdc MMC-MTdc dc fault
Research on Parameter Collaborative Configuration of DC Circuit Breaker and DC Fault Current Limiter
作者 Lu Qu Zhanqing Yu Zhichang Yuan 《Journal of Power and Energy Engineering》 2019年第9期80-93,共14页
Fault current suppression is the key technology to ensure the safe operation of the DC power distribution system. In order to realize the parameter collabora-tive configuration of the DC circuit breaker and the DC cur... Fault current suppression is the key technology to ensure the safe operation of the DC power distribution system. In order to realize the parameter collabora-tive configuration of the DC circuit breaker and the DC current limiter and improve the fault current suppression capability, the fault current suppression mechanism of the DC power distribution system is revealed based on the circuit model. Then, based on the mathematical model of the DC breaker, the characteristic parameters of DC breaking are extracted, and then the influence of different characteristic parameters on the breaking characteristics of fault current is studied. Finally, the mathematical model of the collaborative process between DC circuit breaker and DC current limiter is established. The charac-teristic parameters of fault current collaborative suppression are extracted. The coupling effects of different characteristic parameters on the fault current col-laborative suppression are studied. The principle of collaborative configuration of DC circuit breaker and DC current limiter is proposed, and the collaborative suppression ability of DC circuit breaker and DC current limiter to fault current is fully exploited to ensure the safe and reliable operation of the DC power distribution system. 展开更多
关键词 dc Power Distribution System fault CURRENT dc Circuit BREAKER dc CURRENT LIMITER
作者 刘思奇 胡鹏飞 +1 位作者 王栋 江道灼 《电力系统自动化》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2024年第10期192-202,共11页
直流故障保护是柔性直流输电系统发展面临的主要挑战之一,利用模块化多电平换流器(MMC)的灵活控制实现限流已成为当前研究的热点。MMC的主动限流降低了故障电流变化率和故障电流幅值,易引起故障判断以及保护选择困难。文中以对称单极接... 直流故障保护是柔性直流输电系统发展面临的主要挑战之一,利用模块化多电平换流器(MMC)的灵活控制实现限流已成为当前研究的热点。MMC的主动限流降低了故障电流变化率和故障电流幅值,易引起故障判断以及保护选择困难。文中以对称单极接线的柔性直流系统为研究对象,采用控保协同思想,将主动限流控制与故障识别相结合,提出了基于主动限流因子的故障区域识别与区分方法实现双极短路故障的区域识别与切除。首先,通过在MMC电流内环控制器中附加故障电流目标预设控制器,在故障发生后可快速跟踪故障电流的变化,自适应地调整MMC输出的直流电压将故障电流控制在预设目标参考值附近;其次,根据不同故障位置时故障电流目标预设控制器输出的限流因子快速确定故障区域。最后,在PSCAD/EMTDC中对四端柔性直流输电系统的不同故障场景进行了仿真分析,验证了所提控保协同策略的可行性和有效性。 展开更多
关键词 柔性直流输电 模块化多电平换流器 故障电流限制 控保协同 短路故障
Line Fault Detection of DC Distribution Networks Using the Artificial Neural Network
作者 Xunyou Zhang Chuanyang Liu Zuo Sun 《Energy Engineering》 EI 2023年第7期1667-1683,共17页
ADC distribution network is an effective solution for increasing renewable energy utilization with distinct benefits,such as high efficiency and easy control.However,a sudden increase in the current after the occurren... ADC distribution network is an effective solution for increasing renewable energy utilization with distinct benefits,such as high efficiency and easy control.However,a sudden increase in the current after the occurrence of faults in the network may adversely affect network stability.This study proposes an artificial neural network(ANN)-based fault detection and protection method for DC distribution networks.The ANN is applied to a classifier for different faults ontheDC line.The backpropagationneuralnetwork is used to predict the line current,and the fault detection threshold is obtained on the basis of the difference between the predicted current and the actual current.The proposed method only uses local signals,with no requirement of a strict communication link.Simulation experiments are conducted for the proposed algorithm on a two-terminal DC distribution network modeled in the PSCAD/EMTDC and developed on the MATLAB platform.The results confirm that the proposed method can accurately detect and classify line faults within a few milliseconds and is not affected by fault locations,fault resistance,noise,and communication delay. 展开更多
关键词 Artificial neural network dc distribution network fault detection
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