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作者 王鹏 焦阳 +1 位作者 李昕钰 张扬华 《自动化与仪表》 2024年第1期98-101,106,共5页
由于DCS控制器中电表传感器在计量检测过程中,传统的B-MAC-DCS协议能耗和丢包率较高,无法缓解汇聚节点的漏斗效应,导致在远程抄表过程中传感器计量误差增大。提出一种机械电表接触传感器计量误差检测方法。采用小波基函数对DCS控制器中... 由于DCS控制器中电表传感器在计量检测过程中,传统的B-MAC-DCS协议能耗和丢包率较高,无法缓解汇聚节点的漏斗效应,导致在远程抄表过程中传感器计量误差增大。提出一种机械电表接触传感器计量误差检测方法。采用小波基函数对DCS控制器中的接触传感器计量数据抗干扰处理,并通过动态选取阈值的方法,对经过小波变换后的数据去除噪声。使用低功耗自适应集簇分层型(low energy adaptive clustering hierarchy,LEACH)协议分簇代替传统的B-MAC协议;根据簇内监测值,引入阈值分析方法获取传感器计量指标,并将其作为判定依据进行误差检测,根据计量指标的变化情况判断是否存在计量误差。实验结果表明,所提方法可以准确且有效检测出机械电表接触传感器计量误差,解决DCS中机械电表的运行隐患问题。 展开更多
关键词 dcs 机械电表 接触传感器 计量误差 通信协议 误差检测
作者 徐卫峰 卢海松 +1 位作者 蔡丹 娄清辉 《自动化应用》 2024年第6期72-74,共3页
为减少硬件模块的重复开发,在保留原DCS软硬件系统架构不变的基础上,在以太网通信接口模块硬件上虚拟不同的I/O模块。虚拟I/O模块与硬点I/O模块具有一致的输入、输出及参数属性,且组态方式和产物格式一致。同一以太网通信模块上可在不... 为减少硬件模块的重复开发,在保留原DCS软硬件系统架构不变的基础上,在以太网通信接口模块硬件上虚拟不同的I/O模块。虚拟I/O模块与硬点I/O模块具有一致的输入、输出及参数属性,且组态方式和产物格式一致。同一以太网通信模块上可在不同的虚拟I/O槽位上配置不同的虚拟I/O模块,如Modbus TCP虚拟I/O模块和GOOSE虚拟I/O模块,进而在同一硬件实现不同的通信功能。虚拟I/O模块的使用一方面减少了DCS系统硬件模块的种类,简化备品备件,另一方面也提高了通信扩展的灵活性和便利性。 展开更多
关键词 虚拟I/O模块 dcs系统 以太网通信接口模块 Modbus TCP GOOSE
作者 张君 赵亚 +1 位作者 佘胜超 曹磊 《仪器仪表用户》 2024年第6期7-9,共3页
随着新型电力系统的提出和要求,风力发电在电力系统中的占比不断提高。目前已建设的风电场的AGC控制系统大多不能满足相关规定的要求,亟须改进和完善。基于DCS系统为核心对风电场AGC控制进行了改进设计,提出了一套先进、开放、易用和可... 随着新型电力系统的提出和要求,风力发电在电力系统中的占比不断提高。目前已建设的风电场的AGC控制系统大多不能满足相关规定的要求,亟须改进和完善。基于DCS系统为核心对风电场AGC控制进行了改进设计,提出了一套先进、开放、易用和可靠的风电AGC系统,实现了电网规定的所有功能和指标。 展开更多
关键词 风力发电 AGC dcs系统
基于DCS-惯性权重组合的柔性机械臂运动轨迹控制系统研究 被引量:1
作者 唐爱武 陈天佑 《电气传动》 2024年第2期74-81,共8页
为了有效调控机械臂运动幅度,避免柔性机械臂实际运动轨迹与目标轨迹发生较大的偏差,设计一种基于分散控制系统(DCS)-惯性权重组合的柔性机械臂运动轨迹控制系统,它是一个集合了计算机、通信、显示和控制的计算机系统,该系统由过程控制... 为了有效调控机械臂运动幅度,避免柔性机械臂实际运动轨迹与目标轨迹发生较大的偏差,设计一种基于分散控制系统(DCS)-惯性权重组合的柔性机械臂运动轨迹控制系统,它是一个集合了计算机、通信、显示和控制的计算机系统,该系统由过程控制和过程监控。通过DCS算法控制监测对象行为幅度并计算柔性机械臂惯性权重,利用DCS-惯性权重组合求解素数控制指标的具体数值,实现了对柔性机械臂运动轨迹控制系统的软件设计。实验结果表明,DCS-惯性权重组合算法作用下的机械臂末端坐标在横轴、纵轴、空间轴方向上的运动幅值均可以被控制在10个单位长度之内,并且在0.52 s内进入机械臂运动轨迹最佳控制状态,运动轨迹差值最大仅为0.01 rad,验证了该系统具备可行性和有效性。 展开更多
关键词 dcs-惯性权重组合 柔性机械臂 运动轨迹 素数控制 电机驱动回路 运动幅度
作者 李素娟 李晓倩 《工业控制计算机》 2024年第5期14-16,共3页
为了提高DCS(分布式控制系统)设备数据采集精度,优化系统运行效果,设计了一种基于ZYNQ的DCS数据采集模块。该模块可配合C/S架构,适应高性能的硬件运行环境,以确保DCS系统的高效通信。硬件架构使用ZYNQ-7000 BGA90可编程逻辑芯片作为核... 为了提高DCS(分布式控制系统)设备数据采集精度,优化系统运行效果,设计了一种基于ZYNQ的DCS数据采集模块。该模块可配合C/S架构,适应高性能的硬件运行环境,以确保DCS系统的高效通信。硬件架构使用ZYNQ-7000 BGA90可编程逻辑芯片作为核心芯片,配备双核ARM Cortex-A9处理器和DDR3内存。选用FS-AC32型号的6口无线AP控制器和S3150-8T2FP 8口L2+PoE+供电交换机。软件架构方面,设计了系统的数据采集和存储方法。数据采集方面,针对DCS设备的运营需求进行了数据指标分解、埋点需求设计和通信模块的优化,实现了高效的数据采集。系统测试结果表明,6组DCS设备数据采集误报率始终在0.5%以下,数据采集精度得到了显著提升。 展开更多
关键词 ZYNQ dcs设备 采集系统 运行数据 控制器 指标分解
作者 何进松 蒋磊 《核科学与工程》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2024年第3期543-550,共8页
核电厂分布式控制系统(DCS)的输入/输出模块在运行期间,随着电子器件性能下降以及时漂的影响,需要定期进行进度复测和校准。针对传统的DCS输入/输出通道测试覆盖率不足,测试效率低及人因问题,本文提出一种基于卷积神经网络(CNN)的光学... 核电厂分布式控制系统(DCS)的输入/输出模块在运行期间,随着电子器件性能下降以及时漂的影响,需要定期进行进度复测和校准。针对传统的DCS输入/输出通道测试覆盖率不足,测试效率低及人因问题,本文提出一种基于卷积神经网络(CNN)的光学字符识别(OCR)技术应用在DCS系统的在线测试方法。通过模拟设备和视频采集设备完成画面的自动切换,并读取画面信息,截取特定画面后对其图像预处理,再使用OCR识别模型识别画面内容,将得到的识别结果与期望值进行比较判断,从而实现自动化测试。测试结果表明,通过CNN训练后,显控设备画面字符识别率能达到100%,该方法可以突破设备厂家的专有通信协议的壁垒,可有效降低操作员的人因失误,提升测试效率和核电厂的经济性。 展开更多
关键词 分布式控制系统 卷积神经网络 光学字符识别 自动化测试
作者 张强 陈锐 +1 位作者 杜永红 马潇 《自动化与仪表》 2024年第4期52-55,60,共5页
设计基于SCADA-DCS通讯技术的油气开采数据自动化采集与控制系统。系统以SCADA服务器为上层监控服务器,通过与井站现场仪器仪表实时通信,监控整个开采过程。当油气缓冲罐液位越限时,SCADA服务器自动下达指令至原油处理站DCS,启动基于智... 设计基于SCADA-DCS通讯技术的油气开采数据自动化采集与控制系统。系统以SCADA服务器为上层监控服务器,通过与井站现场仪器仪表实时通信,监控整个开采过程。当油气缓冲罐液位越限时,SCADA服务器自动下达指令至原油处理站DCS,启动基于智能PID的油泵控制器,调节油泵变频器,控制油气液位不溢出。系统使用SCADA-DCS通讯技术的MODBUS通信协议,并根据通信中断优先级分配方法,确保对中断处理时间要求高的通信请求能实时响应。实验结果表明,该系统能提升油气液位控制和紧急信息通讯效率。 展开更多
关键词 SCADA-dcs通讯 油气开采 数据自动化采集 控制系统 MODBUS通讯协议 智能PID
作者 王东伟 李发强 +3 位作者 赵阳 黄起昌 汪凡雨 刘滨 《中国机械工程》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2024年第11期2063-2070,共8页
为研究核安全级分布式控制系统(DCS)设备中的电接触摩擦学特性,对核安全级DCS设备的危险频率进行了评估。建立了一套球面电接触摩擦学试验装置,在危险频率下进行了一系列载流摩擦学试验,探索不同电流作用下界面摩擦磨损特性。研究结果表... 为研究核安全级分布式控制系统(DCS)设备中的电接触摩擦学特性,对核安全级DCS设备的危险频率进行了评估。建立了一套球面电接触摩擦学试验装置,在危险频率下进行了一系列载流摩擦学试验,探索不同电流作用下界面摩擦磨损特性。研究结果表明,核安全级DCS设备的危险频率为12 Hz;在该频率下,随着输入电流从1 A增大至3 A,摩擦因数呈现先减小后增大的趋势;在大电流作用下,电接触达到失效的时长显著增长;电接触界面表现出划痕、颗粒、微裂纹、磨屑堆积和磨屑飞溅等5种特征;虽然接触区域存在一定的氧化产物,但是只要有足够多的接触区域实现导电通路,界面依然能够保持良好的电接触状态。 展开更多
关键词 核安全级dcs 电接触 摩擦磨损 表面分析
作者 江御龙 张涛 +2 位作者 刘永春 张高山 蔡华 《工业加热》 CAS 2024年第7期39-44,共6页
工业加热电炉在运行过程中容易出现高耗电现象,且异常用电数据产生的频率较高、数据量较大,使得对异常数据的采集效率降低。为此,提出工业加热电炉高耗电异常分布式控制系统数据主动采集技术研究。利用局部平均值计算工业加热缺失DCS数... 工业加热电炉在运行过程中容易出现高耗电现象,且异常用电数据产生的频率较高、数据量较大,使得对异常数据的采集效率降低。为此,提出工业加热电炉高耗电异常分布式控制系统数据主动采集技术研究。利用局部平均值计算工业加热缺失DCS数据,采用拉格朗日插值法对其插补,对插补后的数据标准化处理。构建用电不平衡特征矩阵,采用局部离群因子检测算法,提取出用电异常数据特征集,构建基于长短期记忆网络(long short-term memory,简称LSTM)的分位数回归模型,实现工业电炉异常DCS数据的主动采集。实验结果表明,所提方法有效地提高了采集效率和采集精度,采集平均用时仅为029ms,其准确率-召回率在98%以上。 展开更多
关键词 工业加热电炉dcs数据 数据采集 异常特征 LSTM回归模型
Carbon Emission Effects Driven by Evolution of Chinese Dietary Structure from 1987 to 2020 被引量:1
作者 ZHU Yuanyuan ZHANG Yan ZHU Xiaohua 《Chinese Geographical Science》 SCIE CSCD 2024年第1期181-194,共14页
Exploring carbon emission effects based on the evolution of residents’ dietary structure to achieve the carbon neutrality goal and mitigate climate change is an important task.This study took China as the research ob... Exploring carbon emission effects based on the evolution of residents’ dietary structure to achieve the carbon neutrality goal and mitigate climate change is an important task.This study took China as the research object(data excluding Hong Kong,Macao and Taiwan) and used the carbon emission coefficient method to quantitatively measure the food carbon emissions from 1987–2020,then analyzed the carbon emission effects under the evolution of dietary structure.The results showed that during the study period,the Chinese dietary structure gradually changed to a high-carbon consumption pattern.The dietary structure of urban residents developed to a balanced one,while that of rural residents developed to a high-quality one.During the study period,the per capita food carbon emissions and total food consumption of Chinese showed an increasing trend.The per capita food carbon emissions of residents in urban and rural showed an overall upward trend.The total food carbon emissions in urban increased significantly,while that in rural increased first and then decreased.The influence of beef and mutton on carbon emissions is the highest in dietary structure.Compared with the balanced dietary pattern,the food carbon emissions of Chinese residents had not yet reached the peak,but were evolving to a high-carbon consumption pattern. 展开更多
关键词 dietary structure structural evolution carbon emission effects carbon neutrality China
Seismic response of a mid-story isolated structure considering SSI in mountainous areas under long-period earthquakes 被引量:1
作者 Wan Feng Qin Shengwu +7 位作者 Liu Dewen Zhao Tiange Zheng Yanping Shan Hang Li Zhiang Peng Fusong Xu Jingran Lei Min 《Earthquake Engineering and Engineering Vibration》 SCIE EI CSCD 2024年第1期151-161,共11页
At present,there is not much research on mid-story isolated structures in mountainous areas.In this study,a model of a mid-story isolated structure considering soil-structure interaction(SSI)in mountainous areas is es... At present,there is not much research on mid-story isolated structures in mountainous areas.In this study,a model of a mid-story isolated structure considering soil-structure interaction(SSI)in mountainous areas is established along with a model that does not consider SSI.Eight long-period earthquake waves and two ordinary earthquake waves are selected as inputs for the dynamic time history analysis of the structure.The results show that the seismic response of a mid-story isolated structure considering SSI in mountainous areas can be amplified when compared with a structure that does not consider SSI.The structure response under long-period earthquakes is larger than that of ordinary earthquakes.The structure response under far-field harmonic-like earthquakes is larger than that of near-fault pulse-type earthquakes.The structure response under near-fault pulse-type earthquakes is larger than that of far-field non-harmonic earthquakes.When subjected to long-period earthquakes,the displacement of the isolated bearings exceeded the limit value,which led to instability and overturning of the structure.The structure with dampers in the isolated story could adequately control the nonlinear response of the structure,effectively reduce the displacement of the isolated bearings,and provide a convenient,efficient and economic method not only for new construction but also to retrofit existing structures. 展开更多
关键词 SSI in mountainous areas long-period earthquakes mid-story isolated structure structural dynamic analysis
OptoGPT: A foundation model for inverse design in optical multilayer thin film structures 被引量:1
作者 Taigao Ma Haozhu Wang L.Jay Guo 《Opto-Electronic Advances》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2024年第7期4-16,共13页
Optical multilayer thin film structures have been widely used in numerous photonic applications.However,existing inverse design methods have many drawbacks because they either fail to quickly adapt to different design... Optical multilayer thin film structures have been widely used in numerous photonic applications.However,existing inverse design methods have many drawbacks because they either fail to quickly adapt to different design targets,or are difficult to suit for different types of structures,e.g.,designing for different materials at each layer.These methods also cannot accommodate versatile design situations under different angles and polarizations.In addition,how to benefit practical fabrications and manufacturing has not been extensively considered yet.In this work,we introduce OptoGPT(Opto Generative Pretrained Transformer),a decoder-only transformer,to solve all these drawbacks and issues simultaneously. 展开更多
关键词 multilayer thin film structure inverse design foundation models deep learning structural color
A comparison study on structure-function relationship of polysaccharides obtained from sea buckthorn berries using different methods:antioxidant and bile acid-binding capacity 被引量:5
作者 Qiaoyun Li Zuman Dou +5 位作者 Qingfei Duan Chun Chen Ruihai Liu Yueming Jiang Bao Yang Xiong Fu 《Food Science and Human Wellness》 SCIE CSCD 2024年第1期494-505,共12页
In this study,the structural characters,antioxidant activities and bile acid-binding ability of sea buckthorn polysaccharides(HRPs)obtained by the commonly used hot water(HRP-W),pressurized hot water(HRP-H),ultrasonic... In this study,the structural characters,antioxidant activities and bile acid-binding ability of sea buckthorn polysaccharides(HRPs)obtained by the commonly used hot water(HRP-W),pressurized hot water(HRP-H),ultrasonic(HRP-U),acid(HRP-C)and alkali(HRP-A)assisted extraction methods were investigated.The results demonstrated that extraction methods had significant effects on extraction yield,monosaccharide composition,molecular weight,particle size,triple-helical structure,and surface morphology of HRPs except for the major linkage bands.Thermogravimetric analysis showed that HRP-U with filamentous reticular microstructure exhibited better thermal stability.The HRP-A with the lowest molecular weight and highest arabinose content possessed the best antioxidant activities.Moreover,the rheological analysis indicated that HRPs with higher galacturonic acid content and molecular weight showed higher viscosity and stronger crosslinking network(HRP-C,HRP-W and HRP-U),which exhibited stronger bile acid binding capacity.The present findings provide scientific evidence in the preparation technology of sea buckthorn polysaccharides with good antioxidant and bile acid binding capacity which are related to the structure affected by the extraction methods. 展开更多
关键词 Sea buckthorn Extraction method structure Rheological properties Antioxidant activity Bile acid binding capacity
Mechanical responses of anchoring structure under triaxial cyclic loading 被引量:2
作者 Peng Wang Nong Zhang +5 位作者 Qun Wei Xingliang Xu Guangzhen Cui Aoran Li Sen Yang Jiaguang Kan 《Journal of Rock Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering》 SCIE CSCD 2024年第2期545-560,共16页
Dynamic load on anchoring structures(AS)within deep roadways can result in cumulative damage and failure.This study develops an experimental device designed to test AS under triaxial loads.The device enables the inves... Dynamic load on anchoring structures(AS)within deep roadways can result in cumulative damage and failure.This study develops an experimental device designed to test AS under triaxial loads.The device enables the investigation of the mechanical response,failure mode,instability assessment criteria,and anchorage effect of AS subjected to combined cyclic dynamic-static triaxial stress paths.The results show that the peak bearing strength is positively correlated with the anchoring matrix strength,anchorage length,and edgewise compressive strength.The bearing capacity decreases significantly when the anchorage direction is severely inclined.The free face failure modes are typically transverse cracking,concave fracturing,V-shaped slipping and detachment,and spallation detachment.Besides,when the anchoring matrix strength and the anchorage length decrease while the edgewise compressive strength,loading rate,and anchorage inclination angle increase,the failure intensity rises.Instability is determined by a negative tangent modulus of the displacement-strength curve or the continued deformation increase against the general downward trend.Under cyclic loads,the driving force that breaks the rock mass along the normal vector and the rigidity of the AS are the two factors that determine roadway stability.Finally,a control measure for surrounding rock stability is proposed to reduce the internal driving force via a pressure relief method and improve the rigidity of the AS by full-length anchorage and grouting modification. 展开更多
关键词 Triaxial stress Dynamic-static combination load Cyclic loading Anchoring structure(AS) Cumulative damage
化工安全生产中DCS自动化控制的应用 被引量:1
作者 申圣强 黄国新 于英杰 《石油化工安全环保技术》 CAS 2024年第2期4-6,35,I0001,共5页
DCS自动化控制作为自动化控制最为重要的技术,极大推动了化工行业的发展。DCS控制系统在化工产品中的应用已是必然趋势,能大大加速国内化工行业的发展步伐,有效保障化工生产运行的安全性,降低生产能耗。重点探讨了DCS自动化控制系统在... DCS自动化控制作为自动化控制最为重要的技术,极大推动了化工行业的发展。DCS控制系统在化工产品中的应用已是必然趋势,能大大加速国内化工行业的发展步伐,有效保障化工生产运行的安全性,降低生产能耗。重点探讨了DCS自动化控制系统在组合聚醚生产中的应用问题以及发展趋势,为相关化工企业的自动化转型提供参考。 展开更多
关键词 化工安全生产 dcs自动化控制 应用 组合聚醚
基于DCS一体化的刮板输送机断链控制研究 被引量:1
作者 叶皓 乐启清 +3 位作者 熊银花 邓锴 何海 罗龙健 《山东电力高等专科学校学报》 2024年第2期28-33,共6页
为了进一步提升刮板输送机断链保护的可靠性,利用分散控制系统(distributed control system,DCS)强大的逻辑运算功能,提出一种基于DCS一体化的刮板输送机断链控制系统。该系统包括现场检测层和控制层两部分。现场检测层使用断链接近开... 为了进一步提升刮板输送机断链保护的可靠性,利用分散控制系统(distributed control system,DCS)强大的逻辑运算功能,提出一种基于DCS一体化的刮板输送机断链控制系统。该系统包括现场检测层和控制层两部分。现场检测层使用断链接近开关和固态继电器完成链条状态信息的采集和初步处理,并将信号输入至DCS。控制层在DCS中进行逻辑组态,并对采集到的信号进行逻辑运算处理,实现远程实时监测及断链保护功能。实践证明,当发生断链故障时该系统能够及时发出保护信号,满足刮板输送机对断链保护的要求。 展开更多
关键词 刮板输送机 断链 dcs一体化 逻辑组态
Seabed structures and foundations related to deep-sea resource development:A review based on design and research 被引量:1
作者 Shengjie Rui Haojie Zhang +3 位作者 Hang Xu Xing Zha Mengtao Xu Kanmin Shen 《Deep Underground Science and Engineering》 2024年第2期131-148,共18页
The deep‐sea ground contains a huge amount of energy and mineral resources,for example,oil,gas,and minerals.Various infrastructures such as floating structures,seabed structures,and foundations have been developed to... The deep‐sea ground contains a huge amount of energy and mineral resources,for example,oil,gas,and minerals.Various infrastructures such as floating structures,seabed structures,and foundations have been developed to exploit these resources.The seabed structures and foundations can be mainly classified into three types:subsea production structures,offshore pipelines,and anchors.This study reviewed the development,installation,and operation of these infrastructures,including their structures,design,installation,marine environment loads,and applications.On this basis,the research gaps and further research directions were explored through this literature review.First,different floating structures were briefly analyzed and reviewed to introduce the design requirements of the seabed structures and foundations.Second,the subsea production structures,including subsea manifolds and their foundations,were reviewed and discussed.Third,the basic characteristics and design methods of deep‐sea pipelines,including subsea pipelines and risers,were analyzed and reviewed.Finally,the installation and bearing capacity of deep‐sea subsea anchors and seabed trench influence on the anchor were reviewed.Through the review,it was found that marine environment conditions are the key inputs for any offshore structure design.The fabrication,installation,and operation of infrastructures should carefully consider the marine loads and geological conditions.Different structures have their own mechanical problems.The fatigue and stability of pipelines mainly depend on the soil‐structure interaction.Anchor selection should consider soil types and possible trench formation.These focuses and research gaps can provide a helpful guide on further research,installation,and operation of deep‐sea structures and foundations. 展开更多
关键词 ANCHORS floating structures pipelines RISERS subsea foundations
DCS仪器控制系统在石化行业的优化设计 被引量:3
作者 翟亚君 《中国仪器仪表》 2024年第1期26-29,共4页
在石化行业中,DCS仪器控制系统已广泛应用于炼油化工生产过程中的各个环节,具有较高的控制精度和可靠性,有助于提高生产效率和降低能耗。然而,随着石化行业生产过程的日益复杂化和自动化水平的提高,对DCS仪器控制系统的要求也越来越高,... 在石化行业中,DCS仪器控制系统已广泛应用于炼油化工生产过程中的各个环节,具有较高的控制精度和可靠性,有助于提高生产效率和降低能耗。然而,随着石化行业生产过程的日益复杂化和自动化水平的提高,对DCS仪器控制系统的要求也越来越高,DCS的性能和可靠性也直接影响到装置的整个生产过程。本文从DCS仪器控制系统设计需求出发,提出了现场运行中控制策略以及系统的软硬件的设计与开发的优化措施,并论述了未来的发展趋势,旨在提高其在石化行业的应用效果。 展开更多
关键词 dcs仪器控制系统 应用与优化 软件和硬件设计
Web Layout Design of Large Cavity Structures Based on Topology Optimization 被引量:1
作者 Xiaoqiao Yang Jialiang Sun Dongping Jin 《Computer Modeling in Engineering & Sciences》 SCIE EI 2024年第3期2665-2689,共25页
Large cavity structures are widely employed in aerospace engineering, such as thin-walled cylinders, blades andwings. Enhancing performance of aerial vehicles while reducing manufacturing costs and fuel consumptionhas... Large cavity structures are widely employed in aerospace engineering, such as thin-walled cylinders, blades andwings. Enhancing performance of aerial vehicles while reducing manufacturing costs and fuel consumptionhas become a focal point for contemporary researchers. Therefore, this paper aims to investigate the topologyoptimization of large cavity structures as a means to enhance their performance, safety, and efficiency. By usingthe variable density method, lightweight design is achieved without compromising structural strength. Theoptimization model considers both concentrated and distributed loads, and utilizes techniques like sensitivityfiltering and projection to obtain a robust optimized configuration. The mechanical properties are checked bycomparing the stress distribution and displacement of the unoptimized and optimized structures under the sameload. The results confirm that the optimized structures exhibit improved mechanical properties, thus offering keyinsights for engineering lightweight, high-strength large cavity structures. 展开更多
关键词 Topology optimization lightweight design web layout design cavity structure
Structure and immunomodulatory activity of Lentinus edodes polysaccharides modified by probiotic fermentation 被引量:2
作者 Jingjing Liang Meina Zhang +6 位作者 Xiaohan Li Yuan Yue Xiaowei Wang Mengzhen Han Tianli Yue Zhouli Wang Zhenpeng Gao 《Food Science and Human Wellness》 SCIE CSCD 2024年第1期421-433,共13页
Plant-based fermentations provide an untapped source for novel biotechnological applications.In this study,a probiotic named Lactobacillus fermentum 21828 was introduced to ferment Lentinus edodes.Polysaccharides were... Plant-based fermentations provide an untapped source for novel biotechnological applications.In this study,a probiotic named Lactobacillus fermentum 21828 was introduced to ferment Lentinus edodes.Polysaccharides were extracted from fermented and non-fermented L.edodes and purified via DEAE-52 and Sephadex G-100.The components designated F-LEP-2a and NF-LEP-2a were analyzed by FT-IR,HPGPC,HPAEC,SEM,GC-MS and NMR.The results revealed that probiotic fermentation increased the molecular weight from 1.16×10^(4) Da to 1.87×10^(4) Da and altered the proportions of glucose,galactose and mannose,in which glucose increased from 45.94%to 48.16%.Methylation analysis and NMR spectra indicated that F-LEP-2a and NF-LEP-2a had similar linkage patterns.Furthermore,their immunomodulatory activities were evaluated with immunosuppressive mice.NF-LEP and F-LEP improved immune organ indices,immunoglobulin(Ig G and Ig M)and cytokines concentrations;restored the antioxidation capacity of liver;and maintained the balance of gut microbiota.F-LEP displayed better moderating effects on the spleen index,immunoglobulin,cytokines and the diversity of gut microbiota than NF-LEP(200,400 mg/kg).Our study provides an efficient and environment-friendly way for the structural modification of polysaccharides,which helps to enhance their biological activity and promote their wide application in food,medicine and other fields. 展开更多
关键词 Lentinus edodes polysaccharide Lactobacillus fermentum fermentation Structural analysis Immunoregulatory activity Nuclear magnetic resonance
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