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《当代化工研究》 2024年第23期196-196,共1页
刘军、叶昌炎、罗礼祥、彭冬根、朱纪洲、杨鲁伟同志:您的文章《黑灵芝干燥过程特性及色度分析》发表在我刊《当代化工研究》2024年21期第62-64页。英文作者名字:Liu Jun1*,Ye Changyan2,Luo Lixiang2,Peng Donggen4,Zhu Jizhou5,Yang L... 刘军、叶昌炎、罗礼祥、彭冬根、朱纪洲、杨鲁伟同志:您的文章《黑灵芝干燥过程特性及色度分析》发表在我刊《当代化工研究》2024年21期第62-64页。英文作者名字:Liu Jun1*,Ye Changyan2,Luo Lixiang2,Peng Donggen4,Zhu Jizhou5,Yang Luwei6更正为:Liu Jun1*,Ye Changyan2,Luo Lixiang3,Peng Donggen4,Zhu Jizhou5,Yang Luwei6特此证明! 展开更多
关键词 英文作者 色度分析 当代化工 黑灵芝 干燥过程 更正 Dong
加快棕种子萌发和幼苗生长的研究 被引量:4
作者 黄仕训 王燕 《广西植物》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2000年第3期251-255,共5页
棕种子萌发和幼苗生长十分缓慢 ,为了探索加快种子萌发和幼苗生长的方法 ,对棕种子进行不同处理、不同时间催芽和催芽后不同处理等试验 ,结果表明 :(1)生长调节剂 3号 ABT生根粉、吲哚丁酸和 2 ,4 - D可提高种子萌发率 ,促进幼苗生... 棕种子萌发和幼苗生长十分缓慢 ,为了探索加快种子萌发和幼苗生长的方法 ,对棕种子进行不同处理、不同时间催芽和催芽后不同处理等试验 ,结果表明 :(1)生长调节剂 3号 ABT生根粉、吲哚丁酸和 2 ,4 - D可提高种子萌发率 ,促进幼苗生长。 (2 )播种前催芽可促使种子提前萌发 ,延长幼苗生长期 ,使当年生苗更粗壮 ;贮藏 3个月后催芽可提高 10 %~ 15%的发芽率。 (3)催芽后用 50 mg/ L和 10 0 mg/ L的 3号 ABT生根粉、或者 10 0 mg/ L的萘乙酸浸泡都可以提高幼苗出土率 ,但对幼苗生长没有明显影响。 展开更多
关键词 Dong棕 种子萌发 幼苗生长 催芽
非重复析因试验数据分析的两个方法 被引量:4
作者 李夏明 张健 《数理统计与管理》 CSSCI 北大核心 2002年第3期40-47,共8页
本文介绍了非重复析因试验数据分析的两个比较实用的方法 :Lenth方法和Dong方法 。
关键词 数据分析 非重复析因试验 Lenth方法 Dong方法 检验统计量 试验设计 效应稀疏性
ITAE在无刷直流电动机PID参数优化中的应用 被引量:7
作者 殷帅 吕彩琴 种尧尧 《微特电机》 北大核心 2014年第9期76-79,共4页
针对试凑法在无刷直流电动机(BLDCM)PID参数整定中会增加工程调试负担,在分析BLDCM传递函数模型基础上对该被控对象运用非线性最小平方函数,按照ITAE(时间乘以误差绝对值积分)一超调量指标进行PID参数寻优,得到PID控制系统;并与经典Z-N... 针对试凑法在无刷直流电动机(BLDCM)PID参数整定中会增加工程调试负担,在分析BLDCM传递函数模型基础上对该被控对象运用非线性最小平方函数,按照ITAE(时间乘以误差绝对值积分)一超调量指标进行PID参数寻优,得到PID控制系统;并与经典Z-N法、庄-IST^2E法和张-ITAE法得到PID控制系统进行比较。MATLAB仿真表明,采用基于ITAE-超调量方法整定的PID控制系统超调量小、响应时间短、稳态误差小。最后通过BLDCM仿真和实例验证采用该整定方法的控制系统可在较低超调量下迅速跟踪输入并可有效抑制负载扰动影响。 展开更多
关键词 无刷直流电DONG机 比例积分微分(PID)控制器 参数寻优 时间乘以误差绝对值积分(ITAE)
无重复析因试验中位置效应分析的下降方法 被引量:1
作者 李夏明 张健 《数理统计与管理》 CSSCI 北大核心 2005年第1期92-97,115,共7页
关键词 Lenth方法 下降Lenth方法 Dong方法 下降Dong方法
稀有植物槿棕在园林绿化中的应用 被引量:3
作者 黄仕训 钟黔春 《中国园林》 2000年第2期66-67,共2页
棕是国家二级保护植物 ,树形优美 ,四季常绿 ,适宜庭园绿化和室内观赏。本文介绍稀有植物棕的形态特征、分布以及繁殖栽培 。
关键词 Dong棕 园林绿化 繁殖栽培 保护
Study on Tourism Development and Community Participation in Villages of the Minorities ——With the Dong Village in Zhaoxing,Southeast Guizhou Autonomous Prefecture of Miao and Dong Nationalities,China
作者 徐燕 陆仙梅 +2 位作者 吴再英 陈洪智 石贤昌 《Journal of Landscape Research》 2011年第3期85-89,共5页
Based on basic theories of community participation in tourism development,questionnaires were designed for the field investigation in one of the largest Dong Villages in China,the Dong village in Zhaoxing.Community pa... Based on basic theories of community participation in tourism development,questionnaires were designed for the field investigation in one of the largest Dong Villages in China,the Dong village in Zhaoxing.Community participation in tourism development of the Dong Village was analyzed from the perspectives of residents' participation in decision-making and management,reception and catering services,group performance,making and selling ethnic artworks,protection of village tourist resources and environment.And meanwhile,problems were pointed out as "still maintaining in the early stage of its tourism development,fewer opportunities for its residents participating in tourism development,resource protection being divorced from tourism benefits and so on",on the basis of which corresponding solutions were offered as "expanding the field of participation,improving the level of participation,increasing benefits of local residents;insisting on the principle of "not participating intentionally is the best way of their participation,guaranteeing economic compensation for rural residents;enhancing infrastructure construction;establishing a museum of folk-custom materials;creating a favorable atmosphere of folk cultures;enhancing cooperation with its neighboring villages in tourism development,and creating a "local industrial chain";establishing a research center of cultural tourism development of the Dong Minority. 展开更多
关键词 VILLAGE of the MINORITIES Rural tourism development Community participation VILLAGE of the Dong MINORITY in Zhaoxing
作者 黄仕训 王燕 王才明 《广西植物》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 1998年第2期105-108,共4页
关键词 Dong棕 生态生物学特性 保护 利用
作者 沈琦 《药物分析杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2005年第6期748-749,共2页
2005年5月9—12日,我所血液制品室沈琦研究员应血浆蛋白生物技术大会的邀请赴希腊参加第四届国际血浆蛋白生物技术大会。会议由瑞典GE医疗集团和澳大利亚CSL血浆生物公司主办。参加会议的来自全世界各个血浆蛋白生产企业、血浆蛋白研... 2005年5月9—12日,我所血液制品室沈琦研究员应血浆蛋白生物技术大会的邀请赴希腊参加第四届国际血浆蛋白生物技术大会。会议由瑞典GE医疗集团和澳大利亚CSL血浆生物公司主办。参加会议的来自全世界各个血浆蛋白生产企业、血浆蛋白研究单位和相关的质量控制机构。亚洲地区生产企业包括日本的Mitsubishi制药公司、韩国的Dong Shin制药公司、Green Cross公司和中国的成都蓉生药业有限责任公司。 展开更多
关键词 血浆蛋白 生物技术 会议简介 国际 生产企业 制药公司 2005年 Green CROSS 血液制品 澳大利亚 医疗集团 研究单位 亚洲地区 Dong 研究员 控制机 大会
Farming Ritual and Festival Folk Custom of Dong Ethnic Minority Group
作者 蒋星梅 《Journal of Landscape Research》 2010年第3期92-94,共3页
In order to pray for harvest and express gratitude, Dong ethnic arranged sacrifices of farming in accordance with periodicity of rice production and its requirements to festivals and calendar. Meanwhile, New Year, Pra... In order to pray for harvest and express gratitude, Dong ethnic arranged sacrifices of farming in accordance with periodicity of rice production and its requirements to festivals and calendar. Meanwhile, New Year, Pray in Spring and Return in Autumn not only play significant roles in agricultural production, but also evolve to farming holidays which are enriched with more social connotations. Centered on husbandry and production, some folklore that is rich in local color has been formed in Dong society. The writer introduced some farming ritual of Dong ethnic group, such as, sowing, Kai Yang Men, Rain-praying, Chang Xin, reaping and Lunar New Year, summarized their belief in the land worship, festival ritual, ancestor ritual and ceres ritual. It is concluded that sacrifice is a production-related folklore, which is formed by repeated operation and constant practice. Some taboos were also prohibited in agricultural sacrifice because people were not able to change the unfavorable reality of farming with their insufficient experience and knowledge; however, they resorted to witchcraft for the purpose of harvest. It is believed that the activity of sacrifice will also be kept in the life of Dong ethnic group due to their dependency on agriculture and the land. 展开更多
关键词 Dong ethnic minority group Farming ritual FESTIVAL Folk custom
作者 Wei Lejun 1,2 ,Zheng Mianping 2,3 2.Open Laboratory of Saline Lake Resources & Environment ,Chinese Academy of Geological Sciences,Beijing 100037,China 3.Institute of Min 《地学前缘》 EI CAS CSCD 2000年第S1期378-378,共1页
Based on the sedimentary characteristics study of Holocene borax\|bearing mirabilite beds of Dong Co(lake) two sections, DZ01 and DZ02, in the center of North\|Tibetan Plateau,combined with dating of 14 C, applied the... Based on the sedimentary characteristics study of Holocene borax\|bearing mirabilite beds of Dong Co(lake) two sections, DZ01 and DZ02, in the center of North\|Tibetan Plateau,combined with dating of 14 C, applied theory and method of comparative salinology, it is determined that the palaeoclimate framework of Dong Co during early\|middle Holocene, and reckoned the range of the temperature variation. Furthermore, after completing regional analogue, discovered that the palaeoclimate environment is fully comparative and consistent with the synchronous lake\|water retreating trace of Zhaduixiong spits in Zabuye Lake basin, with palaeoclimate changes recorded by pollen in adjacent Zabuye Lake, with Holocene plaeoclimate environment indicated by drilling\|hole in Bangong Co,with palaeoclimate significance traced by δ 18 O value in Qinghai Lake and Siling Co and with the palaeoclimate framework during the 5th Level Arid (Salinization) Extension Period of Quaternary arid center of Western China. 展开更多
棕引种试验初报 被引量:6
作者 黄仕训 王才明 王燕 《广西植物》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 1993年第3期267-269,共3页
关键词 Dong棕 引种 繁殖 生物学特性
Discovery of Borax-bearing Mirabilite Beds in Dong Co, Northern Tibet, and Its Palaeoclimatic Significance 被引量:2
作者 魏乐军 郑绵平 +2 位作者 刘喜方 蔡克勤 乜贞 《Acta Geologica Sinica(English Edition)》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2002年第3期271-282,共12页
The authors investigated lacustrine chemical sediments on terrace-I of DongCo-a salt lake in the interior of the northern Tibetan Plateau and firstly discovered borax and acomplete sedimentary section with five pure m... The authors investigated lacustrine chemical sediments on terrace-I of DongCo-a salt lake in the interior of the northern Tibetan Plateau and firstly discovered borax and acomplete sedimentary section with five pure mirabilite beds. According to the sedimentarycharacteristics of rhythmic layering, palaeotemperatures for the formation of the cold-phasemineral-mirabilite-at the profiles and ^(14)C dating, the authors applied the theory and method ofcomparative salinology in the study of the history of the palaeoclimate and palaeoenvironment ofDong Co in the early and middle Holocene and drew the conclusion that the salt lake had experiencedthe following climatic evolution: the warm and moist stage (>8470 a HP and possibly to 10500 aHP)->cold and dry stage (8470-8170 a BP)->warm and moist stage (8170-7590 a BP)->stage of repeatedclimatic oscillations (7590-7400 a BP, alternation of three dry oscillations and three moistoscillations in a generally cold climatic background)->cold and dry stage (7400-6940 a BP)->warm andmoist stage (6940-6620 a BP)->cold and dry stage (6620-6410 a BP)->warm and moist stage (after 6410a HP). 展开更多
关键词 Dong Co borax-mirabilite layer HOLOCENE climatic change
Effects of Hypobaric Storage on Physiological and Biochemical Changes in Postharvest Dong Jujube Fruit During Cold Storage 被引量:2
作者 XUEMeng-lin ZHANGPing +1 位作者 ZHANGJi-shu WANGLi 《Agricultural Sciences in China》 CAS CSCD 2003年第4期429-434,共6页
Effects of hypobaric storage on physiological and biochemical changes in Dong jujube fruit were investigated. Hypobaric storage significantly delayed the decrease in firmness and maintained content of ascorbic acid, r... Effects of hypobaric storage on physiological and biochemical changes in Dong jujube fruit were investigated. Hypobaric storage significantly delayed the decrease in firmness and maintained content of ascorbic acid, reduced accumulation of ethanol and acetaldehyde in pulp and respiration, inhibited activities of ascorbic acid oxidase and alcohol dehydrogenase and slowed down the rate of ethylene production, but had little effect on flesh browning of the fruit. 展开更多
Geochronology of the Dong Tso Ophiolite and the Tectonic Environment 被引量:2
作者 LI Jianfeng XIA Bin +4 位作者 XIA Lianze XU Lifeng LIU Weiliang CAI Zhourong YANG Zhiqing 《Acta Geologica Sinica(English Edition)》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2013年第6期1604-1616,共13页
The wedge shaped Dong Tso ophiolitic block is distributed near the transition point from the western to the middle sub-belt of the Bangong-Nujiang suture zone.The ophiolite is characterized by well-developed cumulate ... The wedge shaped Dong Tso ophiolitic block is distributed near the transition point from the western to the middle sub-belt of the Bangong-Nujiang suture zone.The ophiolite is characterized by well-developed cumulate rocks that are mainly composed of cumulate and massive gabbros.In the cumulate gabbros,the adcumulate amphiboles are distributed extensively around the plagioclase and residual pyroxene grains; hence,the rocks are named adcumulate amphibole-gabbro.In this study,the formation age of the ophiolite has been estimated to be 166 ± 4 million years (Ma) by the sensitive high-resolution ion microprobe (SHRIMP) Ⅱ U-Pb isotopic analysis of the zircons from the adcumulate amphibole-gabbro; the 40Ar/39Ar plateau age was estimated to be 148.19 ± 1.53 Ma,which should represent the emplacement time of the ophiolite,by isotopic dating of the pure amphibole mineral from the amphibole-schist.Two different suits of volcanic lavas have been recognized in this work.The purple colored pillow basalts have high TiO2 and P2O5 contents,and are rich in light rare earth elements (LREEs),large-ion lithospheric elements (LILEs) and high-field-strength elements (HFSEs),the characteristics that are the typical of the oceanic island basalt (OIB).On the other hand,other massive basaltic andesites of celadon color are poor in MgO; rich in Fe2O3,LREEs,LILEs,and HFSEs; and especially characterized by negative Nb and Ta anomalies,the properties that establish the andesites as continental arc volcanic rocks.It is concluded that hotspots had developed in the old Dong Tso basin,the oceanic basin that had been developing from middle Jurassic (166 Ma) or even before and emplaced northward in late Jurassic (about 148 Ma). 展开更多
关键词 OPHIOLITE SHRIMP U-Pb age 40Ar/39Ar age Tectonic evolution Dong Tso
江西寻乌县葫芦练火山穹隆岩相特征 被引量:1
作者 张风荣 叶邦尊 《江西地质》 1995年第1期45-51,共7页
关键词 火山穹隆 岩相特征 葫芦Dong 江西 火山岩
Evaluating the efficiency of the Dong model in determining fire vulnerability in Iran’s Zagros forests 被引量:1
作者 Sabri Baqer Rasooli Amir Eslam Bonyad 《Journal of Forestry Research》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2019年第4期1447-1458,共12页
Recent fires in Iran’s Zagros forests have inflicted heavy,extensive losses to the environment,forests,villages,and forest inhabitants,resulting in a huge financial loss to the country.With the increasing risk of fir... Recent fires in Iran’s Zagros forests have inflicted heavy,extensive losses to the environment,forests,villages,and forest inhabitants,resulting in a huge financial loss to the country.With the increasing risk of fire and the resulting losses,it has become ever more necessary to design and develop efficient fire control and prediction procedures.The present study utilizes the Dong model to develop a map of areas vulnerable to fire in the Zarivar lake forests as a representative sample of Zagros forests.The model uses as its inputs some of the most significant factors(such as vegetation,physiographic features,and the human component)that affect the fire occurrence and spread.Having assigned weights to each factor based on the model,all maps were overlapped in the ArcMap and then the region was divided into five zones.The results showed that 74%of the region was located in three classes:highly vulnerable,vulnerable,and medially vulnerable.To validate the proposed zoning map it was compared with a map based on real data obtained from previous fires.The results showed that 81%of fire incidents were located in highly vulnerable,vulnerable and medially vulnerable zones.Furthermore,the findings indicated a medium to a high degree of fire vulnerability in Zarivar Lake forests. 展开更多
关键词 Dong MODEL FIRE incidents Zarivar lake ZONING
Assessing the Effects of Upstream Dam Developments on Sediment Distribution in the Lower Mekong Delta, Vietnam 被引量:1
作者 Trieu Anh Ngoc 《Journal of Water Resource and Protection》 2017年第7期822-840,共19页
The Lower Mekong Delta in Vietnam experiences widespread flooding annually. About 17 million people live in the Delta with agriculture as the major economic activity. The suspended sediment load in the Mekong River pl... The Lower Mekong Delta in Vietnam experiences widespread flooding annually. About 17 million people live in the Delta with agriculture as the major economic activity. The suspended sediment load in the Mekong River plays an important role in carrying contaminants and nutrients to the delta and changing the geomorphology of the delta river system. In recent decades, it is generally perceived that the flow and sediment transport in the Mekong River have changed due to climate change and development activities, but observed sediment data are lacking. Moreover, after natural floodplains, the sediment deposition has replaced by dense river systems as resulting in floodplain compartments protected by embankments. This study is aimed to investigate impacts of changing water flow on erosion/deposition in the Lower Mekong Delta. We used Mike 11 hydrodynamic model and sediment transport model for simulating the flow and sediment transport. Various scenarios were simulated based on anticipated upstream discharges. Our findings provide the positive and negative impacts to the changes in sediment transport on agriculture cultivation in the Lower Mekong Delta. 展开更多
关键词 Dong Thap Muoi Sediment Transport LOWER MEKONG Delta MIKE Model
原始与自然的呼唤——论新音色在混合室内乐《Mong Dong》中的表现与运用
作者 刘晓玲 《北方音乐》 2017年第4期106-106,108,共2页
《Mong Dong》是作曲家瞿小松创作于1984年的混合室内乐作品。该作品通过新人声主义的理念、常规乐器的“非常规性”运用与特性民族乐器的加入,创造了独具特点的新音色。本文通过研究《Mong Dong》中新音色的表现与运用,探究作曲家在作... 《Mong Dong》是作曲家瞿小松创作于1984年的混合室内乐作品。该作品通过新人声主义的理念、常规乐器的“非常规性”运用与特性民族乐器的加入,创造了独具特点的新音色。本文通过研究《Mong Dong》中新音色的表现与运用,探究作曲家在作品中对于新音色的理解与把握,同时对于作曲家瞿小松的音乐思想与创作理念有所认识;通过对《Mong Dong》中新音色运用的深入剖析,对20世纪新音色音乐作品的创作思维与创作方法有所启发。 展开更多
关键词 新音色 《Mong Dong》 瞿小松 原始 自然
Dong叶花对小鼠,大鼠,豚鼠家兔子宫的作用 被引量:2
作者 韦玉先 《桂林医学院学报》 1990年第1期1-5,共5页
关键词 子宫兴奋药 Dong叶花 药理
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