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作者 张萍 米宏英 +4 位作者 严华 魏锋 高慧媛 马双成 陆兔林 《中国药事》 CAS 2024年第5期575-587,共13页
目的:建立HPLC法及UPLC-MS法测定芫花中银椴苷、木犀草素、芹菜素、绿原酸、羟基芫花素、芫花素及芫花酯甲7种化学成分含量的方法,分析芫花炮制前后化学成分的变化。方法:采用HPLC法,测定银椴苷、木犀草素、芹菜素、绿原酸、羟基芫花素... 目的:建立HPLC法及UPLC-MS法测定芫花中银椴苷、木犀草素、芹菜素、绿原酸、羟基芫花素、芫花素及芫花酯甲7种化学成分含量的方法,分析芫花炮制前后化学成分的变化。方法:采用HPLC法,测定银椴苷、木犀草素、芹菜素、绿原酸、羟基芫花素和芫花素6种成分的含量,色谱柱为Agilent Eclipse Plus C18(250 mm×4.6 mm,5μm),流动相为乙腈(A)-0.1%甲酸(B)梯度洗脱,流速为1.0 mL·min^(-1),进样量10μL。同时采用UPLC-MS方法测定芫花酯甲的含量,色谱柱为ACQUITY UPLC HSS T3 C18色谱柱(2.1 mm×100 mm,1.8μm),流动相为乙腈(A)-0.1%甲酸(B)梯度洗脱,流速0.3 mL·min-1,柱温35℃,进样量1μL。结果:7种成分的含量由高到低依次为芫花素>绿原酸>银椴苷>芹菜素>羟基芫花素>木犀草素>芫花酯甲。芫花炮制后7种成分的含量均发生一定程度的变化,其中绿原酸成分在炮制后含量有升高有降低,变化不明显;对于银椴苷和芹菜素成分,炮制后含量降低;对于木犀草素、羟基芫花素和芫花素3个成分,炮制后含量升高;对于芫花酯甲成分,炮制后含量降低。结论:该方法简便、灵敏、高效,为考察芫花饮片炮制前后的质量变化提供了技术支持。 展开更多
关键词 芫花 炮制 化学成分 含量测定 液相色谱 液质联用色谱
作者 冉万里 《文博》 北大核心 2024年第1期57-64,共8页
本文参照希腊罗马神话故事,并结合犍陀罗地区出土化妆盘和黏土块上的装饰题材,认为都兰热水墓群所出银盘的装饰题材表现的是罗马神话中阿波罗与达芙妮的故事,其中的人物包括阿波罗、达芙妮、达芙妮之父河神佩涅斯以及达芙妮变成的月桂... 本文参照希腊罗马神话故事,并结合犍陀罗地区出土化妆盘和黏土块上的装饰题材,认为都兰热水墓群所出银盘的装饰题材表现的是罗马神话中阿波罗与达芙妮的故事,其中的人物包括阿波罗、达芙妮、达芙妮之父河神佩涅斯以及达芙妮变成的月桂树。与此同时,将日本美秀美术馆收藏的吐蕃鎏金银盘作为辅助材料进行了简要论述,旨在探讨希腊罗马文化因素曾经丝绸之路青海道向中原地区传播的情况。在对都兰出土银盘装饰题材释读和分析的基础上,还对都兰银盘上的月桂树树叶样式与唐代月宫故事镜上的桂树纹样之间的联系进行了论述。 展开更多
关键词 都兰银盘 阿波罗与达芙妮 化妆盘 月桂树 月宫故事镜
唐古特瑞香开花物候及繁育系统研究 被引量:1
作者 何瑞 闫芳 +7 位作者 祝睿彦 张春云 王海平 王勤礼 王建东 徐涛 张春梅 陈叶 《草地学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2024年第1期188-197,共10页
针对药用植物唐古特瑞香(Daphne tangutica Maxim)野生植株花多果少、坐果率低的问题,以唐古特瑞香野生种群为试验对象,观察其开花物候、花器官形态变化、花粉活力、柱头可授性等特征,并结合花粉-胚珠比(P/O)、杂交指数(OCI)的测定,访... 针对药用植物唐古特瑞香(Daphne tangutica Maxim)野生植株花多果少、坐果率低的问题,以唐古特瑞香野生种群为试验对象,观察其开花物候、花器官形态变化、花粉活力、柱头可授性等特征,并结合花粉-胚珠比(P/O)、杂交指数(OCI)的测定,访花者行为观察,揭示其繁育系统类型及坐果率低的限制因素。结果表明:唐古特瑞香为两性花,顶生或腋生头状花序,花期5—6月,群体开花持续17~22 d,单花序花期8~11 d,单花花期7~9 d;雌蕊先于雄蕊成熟,单花待开时柱头可授性最强,盛开时花粉活力最强;P/O和OCI的判定以及访花者观察显示其以异交为主,部分自交亲和,多数需要如中华蜜蜂(Apis cerana)、三条熊蜂(Bombus trifasciatus)、灰熊蜂(Bombus grahami)等有效传粉者。柱头可授性与花粉活力的最强时期不遇,细长的花冠管需要有效传粉者授粉,盛花期散粉量不高,异交竞争力弱和自交亲和度低,以及有效访花昆虫的数量和种类少等因素可能是造成唐古特瑞香开花量大坐果率低的主要原因。本研究结果为今后规模化、优质化人工繁育唐古特瑞香及祖师麻药材产量提升提供理论依据和实践基础。 展开更多
关键词 唐古特瑞香 开花物候 花粉活力 柱头可授性 繁育系统
作者 冯晓涛 戴小英 +3 位作者 李康琴 于丽欣 高丽琴 邓绍勇 《江西农业大学学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2024年第3期638-647,共10页
【目的】芫花(Daphne genkwa Sieb.et Zucc.)是野生名优乡土花木和传统药用植物,具有很高的生态、观赏和药用价值。研究和解决芫花的快速繁殖技术,是对其进行资源保护和开发利用的首要条件。【方法】以芫花健壮植株的叶片和茎段为外植体... 【目的】芫花(Daphne genkwa Sieb.et Zucc.)是野生名优乡土花木和传统药用植物,具有很高的生态、观赏和药用价值。研究和解决芫花的快速繁殖技术,是对其进行资源保护和开发利用的首要条件。【方法】以芫花健壮植株的叶片和茎段为外植体,研究不同消毒方法对芫花外植体的消毒效果,以及不同激素配比对其愈伤组织的诱导、不定芽增殖和生根的影响,从而构建其高效的离体组织再生体系。【结果】分别用75%乙醇溶液消毒25~35 s,2%NaClO、0.1%HgCl_(2)溶液处理芫花外植体15 min,芫花茎段外植体的污染率为52.7%,芫花叶片外植体的污染率为49.0%。MS+0.8 mg/L 6-BA+0.35 mg/L NAA为芫花茎段外植体最佳初代诱导培养基,愈伤组织诱导率达79.7%,不定芽诱导率达96.4%;MS+0.8 mg/L IBA+0.85 mg/L NAA为芫花叶片外植体最佳初代诱导培养基,愈伤组织诱导率达99.8%,不定芽诱导率达94.5%。MS+0.35 mg/L 6-BA+0.35 mg/L IBA为芫花茎段和叶片最佳继代增殖培养基,增殖系数最高达7.36,平均芽高最高为2.47 cm;MS+0.6 mg/L IBA+1.0 mg/L NAA+0.08 g/L抗坏血酸为芫花茎段外植体最佳生根培养基,平均生根3.67条,根长2.16 cm;MS+0.6 mg/L IBA+0.6 mg/L NAA+0.07 g/L抗坏血酸为芫花叶片外植体最佳生根培养基,平均生根1.33条,根长1.95 cm。【结论】建立了以芫花叶片和茎段为外植体的离体组织再生体系,其愈伤组织诱导率、不定芽诱导率、增殖系数和生根率均较高,有效的解决了芫花的苗木高效繁殖技术难题。 展开更多
关键词 组织培养 叶片 茎段 再生体系 芫花
DAPHNE系统中RPC参数转换模块的自动生成 被引量:3
作者 殷兆麟 《小型微型计算机系统》 CSCD 北大核心 1991年第10期37-42,共6页
本文介绍了DAPHNE系统RPC参数转换过程与Sun/OS机器上RPC参数转换过程(XDR filter routine)的不同,描述了Modula-2语言几种特殊类型的参数转换算法,以及如何利用面向目标的程序设计方法组织一个层次清楚、形式统一、便于自动生成的参数... 本文介绍了DAPHNE系统RPC参数转换过程与Sun/OS机器上RPC参数转换过程(XDR filter routine)的不同,描述了Modula-2语言几种特殊类型的参数转换算法,以及如何利用面向目标的程序设计方法组织一个层次清楚、形式统一、便于自动生成的参数转换的模块。 展开更多
关键词 daphne系统 RPC参数 模块 程序
作者 李琳 唐丽萍 +3 位作者 宋付强 余平静 谢惠定 李鲜 《云南中医药大学学报》 2024年第1期43-50,共8页
目的研究采自云南省元阳县长梗瑞香Daphne pedunculata中的黄酮类化学成分。方法采用正相、反相硅胶柱色谱、Sephadex LH-20凝胶柱色谱、半制备液相色谱等色谱方法进行分离纯化,运用核磁共振和质谱等波谱方法鉴定化合物的结构。结果从... 目的研究采自云南省元阳县长梗瑞香Daphne pedunculata中的黄酮类化学成分。方法采用正相、反相硅胶柱色谱、Sephadex LH-20凝胶柱色谱、半制备液相色谱等色谱方法进行分离纯化,运用核磁共振和质谱等波谱方法鉴定化合物的结构。结果从长梗瑞香95%乙醇提取物中分离得到21个黄酮化合物,其中双黄酮化合物12个。分别鉴定为异狼毒素(1)、新狼毒素A(2)、新狼毒素B(3)、荛花醇B(4)、毛瑞香素D2(5)、荛花醇A(6)、genikwanol A(7)、瑞香黄烷B(8)、wikstaiwanone B(9)、wikstaiwanone A(10)、瑞香黄烷G(11)、芹菜素(12)、木犀草素(13)、芫花素(14)、紫云英苷(15)、芹菜素-7-O-葡萄糖苷(16)、山柰酚(17)、木犀草苷(18)、刺槐素(19)、瑞香黄烷F(20)、5-甲氧基-芹菜素-7-O-β-D-葡萄糖苷(21)。结论从长梗瑞香95%乙醇提取物中分离得到21个黄酮化合物中,除化合物12~14外,其余均为首次从长梗瑞香中分离得到。该研究结果丰富了长梗瑞香植物黄酮的化学多样性,并为其深入研究及利用提供重要的基础和科学依据。 展开更多
关键词 瑞香属 长梗瑞香 黄酮 双黄酮
作者 姚磊 孙鲁龙 +4 位作者 张康宁 张晨蕾 马永涛 曹静瑶 高华 《果树资源学报》 2024年第4期1-8,11,共9页
【目的】探究并找到高接‘瑞香红’适宜的栽植区域,为‘瑞香红’后续的推广提供理论依据和参考。【方法】连续两年选取8个大面积种植的高接‘瑞香红’的代表性果园(陕西杨陵、陕西富平、陕西宝鸡、陕西白水、陕西旬邑、陕西长武、甘肃... 【目的】探究并找到高接‘瑞香红’适宜的栽植区域,为‘瑞香红’后续的推广提供理论依据和参考。【方法】连续两年选取8个大面积种植的高接‘瑞香红’的代表性果园(陕西杨陵、陕西富平、陕西宝鸡、陕西白水、陕西旬邑、陕西长武、甘肃庆城、云南红河),调查各果园基本气象数据,在成熟期选取果实为试验材料,测量其果实品质相关指标,比较各产区果实品质差异。【结果】1)各产区‘瑞香红’均能表现出全红着色、果形高桩,果形指数为1.00;陕西旬邑、陕西长武地区果实单果质量、纵径、横径表现较大,杨凌地区和云南红河地区表现较小;‘瑞香红’果实硬度较大,平均去皮硬度为8.36 kg·cm^(-2);2)甘肃庆城,陕西长武,陕西宝鸡‘瑞香红’可溶性固形物质量分数达到了16%,陕西杨凌可溶性固形物质量分数最低为12.85%;甘肃庆城果实酸度最高为0.36%,白水地区较其他地区酸度低。3)‘瑞香红’果实固酸比差异较大,陕西白水2地区固酸比最大152.58,陕西富平1地区固酸比最小为42.38。4)功能性物质差异:总酚、总黄酮含量方面各产区没有显著差异。总类黄酮含量,陕西白水4地区含量最低,为1.35 mg·g^(-1),陕西杨陵含量最高的为1.89 mg·g^(-1);维生素C含量,高海拔地区960~1380 m显著高于中低海拔地区;花青苷含量,陕西白水1地区最高为0.62 mg·g^(-1),最低的甘肃庆城为0.25 mg·g^(-1)。5)不同产区‘瑞香红’在糖组分含量上存在显著性差异。各地区果糖含量均较高;果实蔗糖含量随海拔高度升高而升高;低海拔地区的葡萄糖含量总体高于高海拔地区;陕西宝鸡的山梨醇含量最高为73.49 mg·g^(-1),陕西富平1的山梨醇含量最低,为29.16 mg·g^(-1)。甜度值甘肃庆城最大为271.34,陕西富平1的甜度值最小为218.67。6)不同产区‘瑞香红’综合表现由好到差依次为:陕西白水1>陕西宝鸡>甘肃庆城>陕西白水2>陕西长武>陕西富平2>陕西白水3>陕西白水4>陕西旬邑>陕西杨凌>陕西富平1>云南红河。【结论】综合各项果实品质指标,筛选出‘瑞香红’最适宜栽培的区域为黄土高原产区,海拔范围557~1380 m。 展开更多
关键词 苹果 瑞香红 果实品质 产区 海拔
作者 郭松 肖善芳 +1 位作者 江凯欣 梁湘兰 《饲料工业》 CAS 北大核心 2024年第4期113-120,共8页
试验采用超声辅助提取方法,旨在探究瑶药暖骨风多酚最佳提取工艺。根据单因素试验,考察乙醇体积浓度、料液比、超声时间以及超声温度对暖骨风中多酚类物质提取效果的影响,再通过Design Expert 11软件对暖骨风多酚提取工艺进行响应面优化... 试验采用超声辅助提取方法,旨在探究瑶药暖骨风多酚最佳提取工艺。根据单因素试验,考察乙醇体积浓度、料液比、超声时间以及超声温度对暖骨风中多酚类物质提取效果的影响,再通过Design Expert 11软件对暖骨风多酚提取工艺进行响应面优化,同时,采用总抗氧化能力试剂盒及滤纸片法对暖骨风多酚的抗氧化性及抑菌性进行测定。结果表明,利用超声辅助提取暖骨风多酚的最优工艺为料液比1∶34 g/mL、超声时间56 min、超声温度56℃,暖骨风多酚提取量达49.672 mg/g。暖骨风多酚具有一定的总抗氧化能力,对大肠杆菌((Escherichia coli,E.coli))、金黄色葡萄球菌(Staphylococcus aureus,SA)可以起到一定的抑菌作用,最低抑菌浓度均为50 mg/mL。 展开更多
关键词 暖骨风 多酚 响应面优化 抗氧化 抑菌性
赣州市花—金边瑞香(Daphne Odoravar·Marginata)(瑞香科)(Thymelaeaceae)的研究概述
作者 曹利民 方伯名 刘仁林 《江西化工》 2007年第3期136-138,共3页
关键词 金边瑞香 栽培条件 繁殖方法 价值
A New Daphnane Diterpene from Daphne tangutica 被引量:1
作者 Li PAN Xiao Feng ZHANG +1 位作者 Hai Feng WU Li Sheng DING 《Chinese Chemical Letters》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2006年第1期38-40,共3页
A new daphnane diterpene was isolated from the root barks of Daphne tangutica Maxim. Its structure was elucidated as 1, 2α-dihydro-20-palimoyldaphnctoxin by the spectroscopic evidence including 2D-NMR.
关键词 daphne tangutica daphnane diterpene 1 2α-dihydro-20-palimoyldaphnetoxin
A New Diterpene Extracted from Daphne Mucronata, Effects on Human K562 and CCRF-CEM Cell Lines 被引量:2
作者 Mehdi Hedayati Razieh Yazdanparast +2 位作者 Marjan Zarif Yeganeh Laleh Hoghooghi Rad Fereidoun Azizi 《Journal of Cancer Therapy》 2011年第1期71-75,共5页
Background: Daphne Mucronata extract has a decreasing effect on the size of breast adenocarcinoma in rats. So in this study, the effect of Daphne Mucronata purified diterpene were investigated on co culture of human m... Background: Daphne Mucronata extract has a decreasing effect on the size of breast adenocarcinoma in rats. So in this study, the effect of Daphne Mucronata purified diterpene were investigated on co culture of human monocytes and two human leukemia cell lines (K562, CCRF-CEM). Materials and Methods: Each cell line mono-layer culture, in log phase growth, was treated with 10 to 160 μL of the extract (1 g/ml leave powder) and purified compound (0.94 nM). For a comparative study, Taxol (5 to 40 μM) was used in the presence and absence of LPS. Human monocytes were isolated by adhesion method. TNF-α in cultured media were measured by sensitive biotin-streptoavidin ELISA method. Results: Fifty percent of growth inhibition was shown by 160 μL (1:100 dilution, 0.5 g of the powdered leaves/ml) of the extract and 0.94 nM of the purified component, and there was more inhibition in K562 cells (P < 0.05). Four fold increases in growth inhibition was shown in co culture of isolated human monocytes and leukemia cell lines. There was a direct relationship between monocytes TNF-α secretion and growth inhibition degree. Conclusion: Daphne Mucronata extract and its purified diterpene through increasing monocytes TNF-α releasing, potentially inhibit Leukemia cell line. 展开更多
关键词 TNF-Α LEUKEMIA daphne Mucronata K562 CCRF-CEM
Analgesic and anti-inflammatory potential of aerial parts of the Daphne mucronata Royle extract in mice: Opioid-independent action
作者 Zohreh Khodadadian Majid Hassanpour-Ezatti +1 位作者 Seyed Zahra Mousavi Jinous Asgarpanah 《Asian Pacific Journal of Tropical Biomedicine》 SCIE CAS 2016年第3期198-201,共4页
Objective: To investigate the analgesic and anti-inflammatory property and possible involvement of opioid receptors of ethyl acetate extract from aerial parts of Daphne mucronata(D. mucronata) in mice by formalin test... Objective: To investigate the analgesic and anti-inflammatory property and possible involvement of opioid receptors of ethyl acetate extract from aerial parts of Daphne mucronata(D. mucronata) in mice by formalin test.Methods: Single doses of 2.5, 5.0 and 10.0 mg/kg of body weight of ethyl acetate extract of D. mucronata were intraperitoneally administered to the mice 30 min before analgesic test. The anti-nociceptive effect of preparations was evaluated based on the formalin in mice.Results: The results indicated that the extract(2.5, 5.0 and 10.0 mg/kg) increased the pain threshold of mice and induced analgesia in both phases of formalin test. Like morphine sulfate(5.0 mg/kg, i.p.), the extract also showed more effective analgesic effect on the late phase of formalin test. Pre-treatment of animals with naloxone(5.0 mg/kg i.p.)did not inhibit the effects of the extract.Conclusions: Our findings suggest that D. mucronata contains potential analgesic and anti-inflammatory compounds which support its traditional use. Moreover, it seems that the analgesic and anti-inflammatory effects of the extract is mediated by non-opioid mechanisms. Further pharmacological studies are required to determine whether the analgesic mechanisms are actually responsible for such properties. 展开更多
关键词 daphne mucronata ANALGESIA OPIOID receptors MICE
Application of Prochloraz-nano-titanium Dioxide Complex Fresh-keeping Agent in Refrigeration of Dioscorea alata Lirm. sp. 被引量:1
作者 Dongdi XIE Yanpei WEI +1 位作者 Xiaoping WEI Wanwei WU 《Asian Agricultural Research》 2018年第10期77-81,共5页
Prochloraz diluents( 450 ×,475 ×,500 ×) were added with different concentrations of nano-titanium dioxide( Ti O2)( 0. 8%,1. 0%) respectively to prepare complex fresh-keeping agents,which were applied in... Prochloraz diluents( 450 ×,475 ×,500 ×) were added with different concentrations of nano-titanium dioxide( Ti O2)( 0. 8%,1. 0%) respectively to prepare complex fresh-keeping agents,which were applied in the refrigeration of Dioscorea alata Lirm. sp. With rot index,weight loss rate,browning degree( BD),total soluble solids( TSS) content,malondialdehyde( MDA) content,polyphenol oxidase( PPO) activity and peroxidase( POD) activity,DPPH· scavenging rate as evaluation indexes,the preservation effect of the prepared freshkeeping agents on D. alata during the cold storage period was analyzed. The results showed that prochloraz added with nano-titanium dioxide significantly prolonged the storage life,reduced the rot rate and weight loss rate,and slowed the loss of pulp of D. alata. The preservation effect of complex fresh-keeping agent of prochloraz diluent( 475 ×) and nano-titanium dioxide( 1. 0%) was better than that of other treatments. 展开更多
关键词 纳米钛 农业 科技创新 发展现状
A New Compound from Daphne giraldii Nitsche
作者 Wei Xin SUN Qiang ZHANG Jian Qin JIANG 《Chinese Chemical Letters》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2006年第8期1054-1056,共3页
A new compound, named daphnolin (1), was isolated from the stem barks of Daphne giraldii Nitsche. Its structure was elucidated as 8-hydroxy-7-O-β-D-glucopyranosyl-5-(2-oxo-2H-1-benzopyran-7-hydroxy-8-yloxy)-2H-1-... A new compound, named daphnolin (1), was isolated from the stem barks of Daphne giraldii Nitsche. Its structure was elucidated as 8-hydroxy-7-O-β-D-glucopyranosyl-5-(2-oxo-2H-1-benzopyran-7-hydroxy-8-yloxy)-2H-1-benzopyran-2-one by means of NMR and MS analysis. 展开更多
关键词 daphne giraldii dicoumaringlycoside daphnolin.
The chemical constituents of the tissue culture cells of Daphne giraldii cullus
作者 Zhao Hua Wu Li Bo Wang +4 位作者 Hui Yuan Gao Jian Huang Bo Hang Sun Shu Hui Li Li Jun Wu 《Chinese Chemical Letters》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2009年第11期1335-1338,共4页
Three compounds were isolated from the tissue culture cells of Daphne giraldii cullus, their structures were identified as daphneolone (1), S-(+)-1-(4-hydroxy-3-methoxyphenyl)-3-hydroxy-5-phenyl-l-pentanone (2... Three compounds were isolated from the tissue culture cells of Daphne giraldii cullus, their structures were identified as daphneolone (1), S-(+)-1-(4-hydroxy-3-methoxyphenyl)-3-hydroxy-5-phenyl-l-pentanone (2), S-(+)-1-(4-methoxyphenyl)-3- hydroxy-5-phenyl-l-pentanone (3), and among them, 2 was a new compound, 3 was a novel natural product. 展开更多
关键词 Tissue culture cells daphne giraldii cullus Chemical constituents Structural identification
A new coumarin glycoside from Daphne giraldii
作者 Juan Su Zhi Jun Wu +5 位作者 Run Hui Liu Yun Heng Shen Chuan Zhang Hui Liang Li Wei Zhang Wei Dong Zhang 《Chinese Chemical Letters》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2007年第7期835-836,共2页
A new coumarin glycoside was isolated from the ethanol extract of the barks of stem of Daphne giraldii Nitsche. Its structure was defined as daphnetin 8-O-β-D-glucopyranosyl-(1 → 6)-β-D-glucopyranoside on the bas... A new coumarin glycoside was isolated from the ethanol extract of the barks of stem of Daphne giraldii Nitsche. Its structure was defined as daphnetin 8-O-β-D-glucopyranosyl-(1 → 6)-β-D-glucopyranoside on the basis of spectral evidences. 展开更多
关键词 daphne giraldii THYMELAEACEAE Coumarin glycoside daphnetin 8-O-β-D-glucopyranosyl-(1 6)-β-D-glucopyranoside
Study of the mechanism underlying inhibitory effect of terpenoids from Daphne plants on liver cancer cells using a network pharmacology-based approach
作者 Jingxian Ren Zhuoyang Cheng +2 位作者 Peng Zhao Xiaoxiao Huang Shaojiang Song 《Asian Journal of Traditional Medicines》 CAS 2020年第5期255-262,共8页
Daphne plants,belonging to Thymelaeaceae,have been used as traditional Chinese medicine for thousands of years.Previous studies suggested that they exerted anti-tumor activities and reported a number of compounds with... Daphne plants,belonging to Thymelaeaceae,have been used as traditional Chinese medicine for thousands of years.Previous studies suggested that they exerted anti-tumor activities and reported a number of compounds with anti-tumor activities,isolated from the genus Daphne.However,the targets of these compounds have not been determined yet.In this study,network pharmacology was used to analyze 128 terpenoid compounds from the genus Daphne and 49 target proteins of liver cancer.The results suggested that the target with the most number of directed edges was 5yz0.The compound which docked with 5yz0 best is AR.DT.25(acutilobin D),and the compounds with total docking score greater than 10 were almost all Daphnane diterpenoids.The network pharmacology results predicted that the 5yz0 protein was one of the potential targets of the terpenoids from the genus Daphne and then suggested several new targets and compounds for further liver cancer research. 展开更多
关键词 daphne liver cancer TERPENOIDS network pharmacology
A review of research on the main chemical constituents and pharmacological effects of Daphne odora Thunb
作者 Ruoyu Jiang Peng Zhao Lili Lou 《Asian Journal of Traditional Medicines》 CAS 2022年第1期25-31,共7页
Plant of Daphne odora Thunb.has been used as medicinal plant since ancient times.In recent years,phytochemical studies have found that D.odora contains flavonoids,diflavonoids,coumarins,lignans,monoterpenes and other ... Plant of Daphne odora Thunb.has been used as medicinal plant since ancient times.In recent years,phytochemical studies have found that D.odora contains flavonoids,diflavonoids,coumarins,lignans,monoterpenes and other compounds,and shows extensive biological activities such as anti-inflammatory,immunomodulatory,neuroinhibition effects and so on.This article briefly reviews the recent research progress on the chemical constituents and pharmacological effects of D.odora at home and abroad. 展开更多
关键词 daphne odora Thunb. chemical constituents pharmacological effects REVIEW
Apollo and Daphne
作者 孙戎 《语言教育》 1992年第9期38-39,共2页
One day Cupid, the little god of love, sat on thebank of a river, playing with his arrows. The arrowswere very tiny. Some had points of gold, and others hadpoints of lead. None of them looked as if they could domuch h... One day Cupid, the little god of love, sat on thebank of a river, playing with his arrows. The arrowswere very tiny. Some had points of gold, and others hadpoints of lead. None of them looked as if they could domuch harm. That day Apollo, the great sun-god, walked along thebank of the same river, when returning from his 展开更多
关键词 APOLLO daphne FIGHT river arrows PLAYING GOLDEN DAUGHTER himself burst
Research review in the main chemical constituents and pharmacological effects of Daphne acutiloba Rehd
作者 Tianming Lv Rui Guo Xiaoxiao Huang 《Asian Journal of Traditional Medicines》 2019年第3期155-164,共10页
Daphne acutiloba Rehd., belonging to Daphne genus of Thymelaeaceae is an evergreen shrub mainly distributed in the west of China. The roots, stem barks, leaves and fruits of this plant had been used as folk medicines ... Daphne acutiloba Rehd., belonging to Daphne genus of Thymelaeaceae is an evergreen shrub mainly distributed in the west of China. The roots, stem barks, leaves and fruits of this plant had been used as folk medicines for the treatment of rheumatoid arthriths, apoplesia and stomachache ache. Daphne diterpenes and tieranes diterpenes, guaiacane type sesquiterpene, lignans, diflavane and flavonoids, sterides, aliphatics and phenols were isolated from Daphne acutiloba Rehd. Researches demonstrated that the main chemical constituents of D. acutiloba Rehd. have multiple activities and good development prospect. This paper is presented as a review centering on the main chemical constituents and pharmacological effects of D. acutiloba Rehd. for the further research and development of this plant. 展开更多
关键词 daphne acutiloba Rehd. CHEMICAL constituents PHARMACOLOGICAL EFFECTS research REVIEW
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