目的:研究大建中汤对脾阳虚胃癌大鼠模型环氧化酶-2(Cox-2)和核转录因子-кB(NF-кB)的影响。方法:取SD大鼠50只,随机分为5组,即空白对照组、模型对照组、大建中汤高剂量组、大建中汤低剂量组和西药对照组,每组10只。空白对照组给予生...目的:研究大建中汤对脾阳虚胃癌大鼠模型环氧化酶-2(Cox-2)和核转录因子-кB(NF-кB)的影响。方法:取SD大鼠50只,随机分为5组,即空白对照组、模型对照组、大建中汤高剂量组、大建中汤低剂量组和西药对照组,每组10只。空白对照组给予生理盐水10 m L·kg^(-1),每天1次;模型对照组给予藩泻叶水浸液10 m L·kg^(-1),每天1次;大建中汤高剂量组、大建中汤低剂量组分别给予10.8 g·kg^(-1)和5.4g·kg^(-1),每天1次;西药对照组给予环磷酰胺2 m L/200 g,每天1次。各组灌胃15 d后处死,取出异常胃组织,甲醛溶液固定,石蜡包埋,切片。免疫组化检测各组Cox-2、NF-κB蛋白的表达。结果:与空白对照组比较,模型对照组大鼠胃组织Cox-2、NF-κB蛋白的含量明显升高(P<0.01);与模型对照组比较,大建中汤高剂量组、大建中汤低剂量组、西药对照组大鼠Cox-2、NF-κB蛋白的含量明显降低(P<0.01或P<0.05)。结论:大建中汤可调节胃组织Cox-2、NF-κB蛋白的水平,从而改善脾阳虚胃癌大鼠的症状。展开更多
Atfer examining 88 gastropathic patieiits with Spleen deficiency syndrome by iJsing transmis-sion electron microscope, X-ray energy disperse analysis system, histochemical staining and radioimmunomethods, the authors ...Atfer examining 88 gastropathic patieiits with Spleen deficiency syndrome by iJsing transmis-sion electron microscope, X-ray energy disperse analysis system, histochemical staining and radioimmunomethods, the authors found that the gastric mucosa cyclic adenosine monophosphate, superoxide dismutaselevel, quantity of mitochondria and its crista, the ratio of diameter between ventricle and cavity of mitochon-dria aiid the conteiit ot zinc (Zn) , copper (Cu) of mitochondria were decreasing to certain extent which tendsto get lower and lower with different groups in the order of health coritrol group, Spleen Qi deficiency groupaiid SPIeen deficiency with Qi stagnation group; chronic superficial gastritis group, chronic atrophic gastritisgroup and gastric cancor group , complete small intestinal metaplasia (IM) group, incomplete small iM group,complete colonic iM groiJp and incomplete colonic iM group (P< 0 . 05 ̄0 . 001 ) . While tlie degeiieratiori rateof mitochondria, Cu/Zn ratio, metaplasia rate of gastric mucosa, rate of incomplete colonic IM and content ofIipid peroxide were increasing in the above order (P < 0 . 05  ̄0 . 001 ) . It is suggested that tlie comprehensiveeffect ot the degeneration of mitochoridria and the quantitative changes of its correlative factors is the phys-iopathologic base for indecing SPIeen deficiency disease, gastric mucosa iM and canceration.展开更多
胃癌前病变(Precancerous lesion of gastric carcinoma,PLGC)是胃粘膜“炎-癌转化”发生发展的重要环节。中医以整体调节、辨证论治的独特诊疗模式,在改善临床症状、提高生活质量、逆转病理组织学病变方面显示出良好优势。PLGC病位在脾...胃癌前病变(Precancerous lesion of gastric carcinoma,PLGC)是胃粘膜“炎-癌转化”发生发展的重要环节。中医以整体调节、辨证论治的独特诊疗模式,在改善临床症状、提高生活质量、逆转病理组织学病变方面显示出良好优势。PLGC病位在脾胃,脾胃虚弱为其发病基础,脾胃运化失常、气机升降异常是症状发生的主要机制,由其演化而生的湿、痰、瘀、毒等胶结积聚久留促发局部病变。脾虚与PLGC发生发展的胃粘膜微环境失衡有关,涉及胃黏膜炎症、胃内菌群、胃黏膜屏障、免疫功能、能量代谢、黏膜分泌等机制。本文从脾入手思考PLGC的病机、治法、用药思路等,对统一认识、开拓临床和科研思路有参考意义。展开更多
文摘目的:研究大建中汤对脾阳虚胃癌大鼠模型环氧化酶-2(Cox-2)和核转录因子-кB(NF-кB)的影响。方法:取SD大鼠50只,随机分为5组,即空白对照组、模型对照组、大建中汤高剂量组、大建中汤低剂量组和西药对照组,每组10只。空白对照组给予生理盐水10 m L·kg^(-1),每天1次;模型对照组给予藩泻叶水浸液10 m L·kg^(-1),每天1次;大建中汤高剂量组、大建中汤低剂量组分别给予10.8 g·kg^(-1)和5.4g·kg^(-1),每天1次;西药对照组给予环磷酰胺2 m L/200 g,每天1次。各组灌胃15 d后处死,取出异常胃组织,甲醛溶液固定,石蜡包埋,切片。免疫组化检测各组Cox-2、NF-κB蛋白的表达。结果:与空白对照组比较,模型对照组大鼠胃组织Cox-2、NF-κB蛋白的含量明显升高(P<0.01);与模型对照组比较,大建中汤高剂量组、大建中汤低剂量组、西药对照组大鼠Cox-2、NF-κB蛋白的含量明显降低(P<0.01或P<0.05)。结论:大建中汤可调节胃组织Cox-2、NF-κB蛋白的水平,从而改善脾阳虚胃癌大鼠的症状。
文摘Atfer examining 88 gastropathic patieiits with Spleen deficiency syndrome by iJsing transmis-sion electron microscope, X-ray energy disperse analysis system, histochemical staining and radioimmunomethods, the authors found that the gastric mucosa cyclic adenosine monophosphate, superoxide dismutaselevel, quantity of mitochondria and its crista, the ratio of diameter between ventricle and cavity of mitochon-dria aiid the conteiit ot zinc (Zn) , copper (Cu) of mitochondria were decreasing to certain extent which tendsto get lower and lower with different groups in the order of health coritrol group, Spleen Qi deficiency groupaiid SPIeen deficiency with Qi stagnation group; chronic superficial gastritis group, chronic atrophic gastritisgroup and gastric cancor group , complete small intestinal metaplasia (IM) group, incomplete small iM group,complete colonic iM groiJp and incomplete colonic iM group (P< 0 . 05 ̄0 . 001 ) . While tlie degeiieratiori rateof mitochondria, Cu/Zn ratio, metaplasia rate of gastric mucosa, rate of incomplete colonic IM and content ofIipid peroxide were increasing in the above order (P < 0 . 05  ̄0 . 001 ) . It is suggested that tlie comprehensiveeffect ot the degeneration of mitochoridria and the quantitative changes of its correlative factors is the phys-iopathologic base for indecing SPIeen deficiency disease, gastric mucosa iM and canceration.
文摘胃癌前病变(Precancerous lesion of gastric carcinoma,PLGC)是胃粘膜“炎-癌转化”发生发展的重要环节。中医以整体调节、辨证论治的独特诊疗模式,在改善临床症状、提高生活质量、逆转病理组织学病变方面显示出良好优势。PLGC病位在脾胃,脾胃虚弱为其发病基础,脾胃运化失常、气机升降异常是症状发生的主要机制,由其演化而生的湿、痰、瘀、毒等胶结积聚久留促发局部病变。脾虚与PLGC发生发展的胃粘膜微环境失衡有关,涉及胃黏膜炎症、胃内菌群、胃黏膜屏障、免疫功能、能量代谢、黏膜分泌等机制。本文从脾入手思考PLGC的病机、治法、用药思路等,对统一认识、开拓临床和科研思路有参考意义。