Measurement of externalizing disorders such as antisocial disorders,attentiondeficit/hyperactivity disorder or borderline disorder have relevant implications for the daily lives of people with these disorders.While th...Measurement of externalizing disorders such as antisocial disorders,attentiondeficit/hyperactivity disorder or borderline disorder have relevant implications for the daily lives of people with these disorders.While the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders(DSM)and the International Classification of Diseases(ICD)have provided the diagnostic framework for decades,recent dimensional frameworks question the categorical approach of psychopathology,inherent in traditional nosotaxies.Tests and instruments develop under the DSM or ICD framework preferentially adopt this categorical approach,providing diagnostic labels.In contrast,dimensional measurement instruments provide an individualized profile for the domains that comprise the externalizing spectrum,but are less widely used in practice.Current paper aims to review the operational definitions of externalizing disorders defined under these different frameworks,revise the different measurement alternatives existing,and provide an integrative operational definition.First,an analysis of the operational definition of externalizing disorders among the DSM/ICD diagnostic systems and the recent Hierarchical Taxonomy of Psychopathology(HiTOP)model is carried out.Then,in order to analyze the coverage of operational definitions found,a description of measurement instruments among each conceptualization is provided.Three phases in the development of the ICD and DSM diagnosis systems can be observed with direct implications for measurement.ICD and DSM versions have progressively introduced systematicity,providing more detailed descriptions of diagnostic criteria and categories that ease the measurement instrument development.However,it is questioned whether the DSM/ICD systems adequately modelize externalizing disorders,and therefore their measurement.More recent theoretical approaches,such as the HiTOP model seek to overcome some of the criticism raised towards the classification systems.Nevertheless,several issues concerning this model raise mesasurement challenges.A revision of the instruments underneath each approach shows incomplete coverage of externalizing disorders among the existing instruments.Efforts to bring nosotaxies together with other theoretical models of psychopathology and personality are still needed.The integrative operational definition of externalizing disorders provided may help to gather clinical practice and research.展开更多
AIM: to investigate studies conducted with the Mood Spectrum Structured Interviews and Self-Report versions(SCI-MOODS and MOODS-SR).METHODS: We conducted a review of studies published between 1997 and August 2014. The...AIM: to investigate studies conducted with the Mood Spectrum Structured Interviews and Self-Report versions(SCI-MOODS and MOODS-SR).METHODS: We conducted a review of studies published between 1997 and August 2014. The search was performed using Pubmed and Psyc INFO databases. Analysis of the papers followed the inclusion and exclusion criteria recommended by the PRISMA Guidelines, namely:(1) articles that presented a combination of at least two terms, "SCI-MOODS" [all fields] or "MOODS-SR" [all fields] or "mood spectrum" [all fields];(2) manuscript in English;(3) original articles; and(4) prospective or retrospective original studies(analytical or descriptive), experimental or quasi-experimental studies. Exclusion criteria were:(1) other study designs(case reports, case series, and reviews);(2) non-original studies including editorials, book reviews and letters to the editor; and(3) studies not specifically designed and focused on SCI-MOODS or MOODS-SR.RESULTS: The search retrieved 43 papers, including 5 reviews of literature or methodological papers, and 1 case report. After analyzing their titles and abstracts, according to the eligibility criteria, 6 were excluded and 37 were chosen and included. The SCI-MOODS and the MOODS-SR have been tested in published studies involving 52 different samples across 4 countries(Italy, United States, Spain and Japan). The proposed mood spectrum approach has demonstrated its usefulness mainly in 3 different areas:(1) Patients with the socalled "pure" unipolar depression that might manifest hypomanic atypical and/or sub-threshold aspects systematically detectable with the mood questionnaire;(2) Spectrum features not detected by other instruments are clinically relevant, because they might manifest in waves during the lifespan, sometimes together, sometimes alone, sometimes reaching the severity for a full-blown disorder, sometimes interfering withother mental disorders or complicating the course of somatic diseases; and(3) Higher scores on the MOODSSR factors assessing "psychomotor disturbances","mixed instability" and "suicidality" delineate subtypes of patients characterized by the more severe forms of mood disorders, the higher risk for psychotic symptoms,and the lower quality of life after the remission of the full-blown-episode.CONCLUSION: The mood spectrum model help researchers and clinicians in the systematic assessment of those areas of psychopathology that are still neglected by the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders 5classification.展开更多
Alcohol use disorders represent a heterogeneous spectrum of clinical manifestations that have been defined by the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders-5. Excessive alcohol intake can lead to damage of...Alcohol use disorders represent a heterogeneous spectrum of clinical manifestations that have been defined by the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders-5. Excessive alcohol intake can lead to damage of various organs, including the liver. Alcoholic liver disease includes different injuries ranging from steatosis to cirrhosis and implicates a diagnostic assessment of the liver disease and of its possible complications. There is growing interest in the possible different tools for assessing previous alcohol consumption and for establishing the severity of liver injury, especially by noninvasive methods.展开更多
Study Objectives: Stroke is a major neurological disease significantly threatening the human health and life with a high morbidity, disability, and mortality. Post-stroke depression (PSD) is one of the common complica...Study Objectives: Stroke is a major neurological disease significantly threatening the human health and life with a high morbidity, disability, and mortality. Post-stroke depression (PSD) is one of the common complications of stroke. PSD has been a major factor hindering the recovery of neurological functions and daily activities in stroke patients and is closely related to the social avoidance and increased mortality of stroke patients. Although antidepressant drug treatment has improved during the last decades, symptoms in about 20% of the patients are not in remission two years after initiation of pharmacological intervention. Nowadays, non-invasive brain stimulation;techniques;transcranial direct current stimulation (tCDS) has gained an important interest in the treatment of many neuropsychiatric disorders which might be of some help in treatment of PSD. The goal of the current study is to evaluate the beneficial short term role of tDCS on post-stroke depression. Study Design: This was a randomized double blind placebo-controlled clinical trial included forty hemiparetic patients with post-stroke depression from outpatient clinic of Faculty of Physical Therapy, Cairo University, in the period between June 2018 to June 2019. All patients diagnosed as having a PSD according to the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5). Depression was evaluated by Hamilton Depression Rating Scale (HAM-D) pre and post treatment and quality of life was evaluated by the Stroke Specific Quality Of Life scale (SS-QOL). Patients were assigned randomly into two groups: the study group A and the control group B. Both groups received antidepressant medication in addition to physical therapy program. Group A received tCDS for 30 minutes, three times per week for one month, while the group B received sham transcranial direct current stimulation. Results: Active tDCS was significantly superior to sham with significant improvement in depression and Stroke Specific Quality Of Life in treated group in comparison to group B, p = 0.000. Conclusion: tDCS was effective for post- stroke depression and might be a favorable option for treating post-stroke patients.展开更多
女性性功能障碍(female sexual dysfunction,FSD)根据精神障碍诊断下统计手册第4版(DSM-Ⅳ)标准主要分为:性欲障碍、性唤起障碍、性高潮障碍和性交疼痛。2013年5月DSM-Ⅴ正式发布,主要变化包括将性厌恶归为焦虑症,改变了女性性高潮障碍...女性性功能障碍(female sexual dysfunction,FSD)根据精神障碍诊断下统计手册第4版(DSM-Ⅳ)标准主要分为:性欲障碍、性唤起障碍、性高潮障碍和性交疼痛。2013年5月DSM-Ⅴ正式发布,主要变化包括将性厌恶归为焦虑症,改变了女性性高潮障碍的定义,合并性欲障碍和性唤起障碍为性兴趣/唤起障碍,合并性交疼痛和阴道痉挛为生殖器-盆腔疼痛/插入障碍。妇科医生应能够做出女性性功能障碍基本诊断,将重点放在发现器质性病变以及对阴道痉挛患者的治疗,而对性欲障碍、性唤起障碍和性高潮障碍患者仍建议转诊至心理科治疗。展开更多
Background: The Composite International Diagnostic Interview-3.0 (CIDI-3.0) is a fully structured lay-administered diagnostic interview for the assessment of mental disorders according to ICD-10 and Diagnostic and ...Background: The Composite International Diagnostic Interview-3.0 (CIDI-3.0) is a fully structured lay-administered diagnostic interview for the assessment of mental disorders according to ICD-10 and Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fourth Edition (DSM-IV) criteria. The aim of the study was to investigate the concurrent validity of the Chinese CIDI in diagnosing mental disorders in psychiatric settings. Methods: We recruited 208 participants, of whom 148 were patients from two psychiatric hospitals and 60 healthy people from communities. These participants were administered with CIDI by six trained lay interviewers and the Structured Clinical Interview for DSM-IV Axis I Disorders (SCID-I, gold standard) by two psychiatrists. Agreement between CIDI and SCID-I was assessed with sensitivity, specificity, positive predictive value and negative predictive value. Individual-level CIDI-SCID diagnostic concordance was evaluated using the area under the receiver operator characteristic curve and Cohen's K. Results: Substantial to excellent CIDI to SCID concordance was found for any substance use disorder (area under the receiver operator characteristic curve [AUC] = 0.926), any anxiety disorder (AUC = 0.807) and any mood disorder (AUC = 0.806). The concordance between the CIDI and the SCID for psychotic and eating disorders is moderate. However, for individual mental disorders, the CIDI-SCID concordance for bipolar disorders (AUC = 0.55) and anorexia nervosa (AUC = 0.50) was insufficient. Conclusions: Overall, the Chinese version of ClDI-3.0 has acceptable validity in diagnosing the substance use disorder, anxiety disorder and mood disorder among Chinese adult population. However, we should be cautious when using it for bipolar disorders and anorexia nervosa.展开更多
《精神疾病诊断与统计手册》第一版(the first edition of Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders,DSM-1)正式提出人格障碍的诊断;DSM-3开创性地提出了用一个系统的框架来理解人格障碍,并提出了多轴诊断策略、类别诊...《精神疾病诊断与统计手册》第一版(the first edition of Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders,DSM-1)正式提出人格障碍的诊断;DSM-3开创性地提出了用一个系统的框架来理解人格障碍,并提出了多轴诊断策略、类别诊断标准;之后的DSM系统关于人格障碍的诊断沿用了DSM-3的策略与标准。2013年出版的DSM-5,在沿用以往的人格障碍诊断标准的同时提出了人格障碍替代模式(alternative model for personality disorders,AMPD),表明了人格障碍诊断和评估新的发展方向。AMPD强调用标准A即自我及人际功能损害来预测人格障碍的严重性,用标准B即病理性人格特质来鉴别不同的人格障碍类型。标准A的内容可追溯到心理动力学的概念,比如Kernberg人格组织模型中提到的自体与客体的区分与整合。AMPD提出了分别用于评估人格功能损害程度、病理性人格特质的人格障碍评估工具:人格功能水平量表(Level of Personality Functioning Scale,LPFS)、DSM-5人格量表,并进行了信度和效度检验。基于Kernberg人格组织模型的人格障碍评估工具人格组织结构化访谈问卷被证明与LPFS有良好的相关性。展开更多
【目的】比较美国精神障碍诊断与统计手册第4版(Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorder,th ed,DSM-Ⅳ)和中国精神障碍分类及诊断标准(Chinese Classification of Mental Disorders,Third Edition,CCMD-3)在诊断注意缺...【目的】比较美国精神障碍诊断与统计手册第4版(Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorder,th ed,DSM-Ⅳ)和中国精神障碍分类及诊断标准(Chinese Classification of Mental Disorders,Third Edition,CCMD-3)在诊断注意缺陷多动障碍(attention deficit and hyperactive disorder,ADHD)上的异同。【方法】以172例由高年资精神科医生诊断为ADHD的门诊患儿为研究对象,由家长填写由两个诊断标准制成的量表,按照两个诊断标准对患儿进行诊断和分型。【结果】172例患者中,162例符合DSM-Ⅳ诊断标准,而所有样本均符合CCMD-3诊断标准;对同时符合两个诊断标准的注意缺陷为主型或混合型的156例患儿进行两量表分型的吻合度检验显示中等吻合度(Kappa=0.587),McNemar检验显示两个诊断分型的差异有统计学意义(P=0.000);对两个量表注意缺陷为主型和混合型的构成比比较显示CCMD-3中混合型的构成比高于DSM-Ⅳ(P=0.023);CCMD-3的条目阳性率比DSM-Ⅳ高,两者均在学习问题描述的条目阳性率高。【结论】CCMD-3较DSM-Ⅳ在诊断ADHD上更为宽松,且更多的将患儿判定为混合型;就诊患儿中注意缺陷症状较多动冲动症状更为明显。展开更多
基金Supported by the “Reliable and clinical relevant change of Inventory of Depression and Anxiety Symptoms Ⅱ-IDAS Ⅱ:a longitudinal clinical utility study (RELY-IDAS-Ⅱ)”,project PID2020-116187RB-I00 on Proyectos I+D+i 2020 “Retos del Conocimiento” provided by Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación (Spain)by the grant FPU20/06606
文摘Measurement of externalizing disorders such as antisocial disorders,attentiondeficit/hyperactivity disorder or borderline disorder have relevant implications for the daily lives of people with these disorders.While the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders(DSM)and the International Classification of Diseases(ICD)have provided the diagnostic framework for decades,recent dimensional frameworks question the categorical approach of psychopathology,inherent in traditional nosotaxies.Tests and instruments develop under the DSM or ICD framework preferentially adopt this categorical approach,providing diagnostic labels.In contrast,dimensional measurement instruments provide an individualized profile for the domains that comprise the externalizing spectrum,but are less widely used in practice.Current paper aims to review the operational definitions of externalizing disorders defined under these different frameworks,revise the different measurement alternatives existing,and provide an integrative operational definition.First,an analysis of the operational definition of externalizing disorders among the DSM/ICD diagnostic systems and the recent Hierarchical Taxonomy of Psychopathology(HiTOP)model is carried out.Then,in order to analyze the coverage of operational definitions found,a description of measurement instruments among each conceptualization is provided.Three phases in the development of the ICD and DSM diagnosis systems can be observed with direct implications for measurement.ICD and DSM versions have progressively introduced systematicity,providing more detailed descriptions of diagnostic criteria and categories that ease the measurement instrument development.However,it is questioned whether the DSM/ICD systems adequately modelize externalizing disorders,and therefore their measurement.More recent theoretical approaches,such as the HiTOP model seek to overcome some of the criticism raised towards the classification systems.Nevertheless,several issues concerning this model raise mesasurement challenges.A revision of the instruments underneath each approach shows incomplete coverage of externalizing disorders among the existing instruments.Efforts to bring nosotaxies together with other theoretical models of psychopathology and personality are still needed.The integrative operational definition of externalizing disorders provided may help to gather clinical practice and research.
文摘AIM: to investigate studies conducted with the Mood Spectrum Structured Interviews and Self-Report versions(SCI-MOODS and MOODS-SR).METHODS: We conducted a review of studies published between 1997 and August 2014. The search was performed using Pubmed and Psyc INFO databases. Analysis of the papers followed the inclusion and exclusion criteria recommended by the PRISMA Guidelines, namely:(1) articles that presented a combination of at least two terms, "SCI-MOODS" [all fields] or "MOODS-SR" [all fields] or "mood spectrum" [all fields];(2) manuscript in English;(3) original articles; and(4) prospective or retrospective original studies(analytical or descriptive), experimental or quasi-experimental studies. Exclusion criteria were:(1) other study designs(case reports, case series, and reviews);(2) non-original studies including editorials, book reviews and letters to the editor; and(3) studies not specifically designed and focused on SCI-MOODS or MOODS-SR.RESULTS: The search retrieved 43 papers, including 5 reviews of literature or methodological papers, and 1 case report. After analyzing their titles and abstracts, according to the eligibility criteria, 6 were excluded and 37 were chosen and included. The SCI-MOODS and the MOODS-SR have been tested in published studies involving 52 different samples across 4 countries(Italy, United States, Spain and Japan). The proposed mood spectrum approach has demonstrated its usefulness mainly in 3 different areas:(1) Patients with the socalled "pure" unipolar depression that might manifest hypomanic atypical and/or sub-threshold aspects systematically detectable with the mood questionnaire;(2) Spectrum features not detected by other instruments are clinically relevant, because they might manifest in waves during the lifespan, sometimes together, sometimes alone, sometimes reaching the severity for a full-blown disorder, sometimes interfering withother mental disorders or complicating the course of somatic diseases; and(3) Higher scores on the MOODSSR factors assessing "psychomotor disturbances","mixed instability" and "suicidality" delineate subtypes of patients characterized by the more severe forms of mood disorders, the higher risk for psychotic symptoms,and the lower quality of life after the remission of the full-blown-episode.CONCLUSION: The mood spectrum model help researchers and clinicians in the systematic assessment of those areas of psychopathology that are still neglected by the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders 5classification.
文摘Alcohol use disorders represent a heterogeneous spectrum of clinical manifestations that have been defined by the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders-5. Excessive alcohol intake can lead to damage of various organs, including the liver. Alcoholic liver disease includes different injuries ranging from steatosis to cirrhosis and implicates a diagnostic assessment of the liver disease and of its possible complications. There is growing interest in the possible different tools for assessing previous alcohol consumption and for establishing the severity of liver injury, especially by noninvasive methods.
文摘Study Objectives: Stroke is a major neurological disease significantly threatening the human health and life with a high morbidity, disability, and mortality. Post-stroke depression (PSD) is one of the common complications of stroke. PSD has been a major factor hindering the recovery of neurological functions and daily activities in stroke patients and is closely related to the social avoidance and increased mortality of stroke patients. Although antidepressant drug treatment has improved during the last decades, symptoms in about 20% of the patients are not in remission two years after initiation of pharmacological intervention. Nowadays, non-invasive brain stimulation;techniques;transcranial direct current stimulation (tCDS) has gained an important interest in the treatment of many neuropsychiatric disorders which might be of some help in treatment of PSD. The goal of the current study is to evaluate the beneficial short term role of tDCS on post-stroke depression. Study Design: This was a randomized double blind placebo-controlled clinical trial included forty hemiparetic patients with post-stroke depression from outpatient clinic of Faculty of Physical Therapy, Cairo University, in the period between June 2018 to June 2019. All patients diagnosed as having a PSD according to the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5). Depression was evaluated by Hamilton Depression Rating Scale (HAM-D) pre and post treatment and quality of life was evaluated by the Stroke Specific Quality Of Life scale (SS-QOL). Patients were assigned randomly into two groups: the study group A and the control group B. Both groups received antidepressant medication in addition to physical therapy program. Group A received tCDS for 30 minutes, three times per week for one month, while the group B received sham transcranial direct current stimulation. Results: Active tDCS was significantly superior to sham with significant improvement in depression and Stroke Specific Quality Of Life in treated group in comparison to group B, p = 0.000. Conclusion: tDCS was effective for post- stroke depression and might be a favorable option for treating post-stroke patients.
文摘目的:探究ASD三级筛查在东莞市6~36个月婴幼儿中的应用价值,了解孤独症谱系障碍(autism spectrum disorder,ASD)患病情况,以便对其采取早期康复措施。方法:选取6~36个月常住人口活产出生儿童2000例为研究对象,应用ASD警示指标作检查进行初级保健筛查,初筛阳性儿童运用中文简化版改良婴幼儿孤独症筛查量表(Modified Checklist for Autism in Toddlers,M-CHAT)作检查进行一级筛查,一筛阳性儿童运用孤独症行为量表(Autism Behavior Checklist,ABC)、儿童孤独症评定量表(Childhood Autism Rating Scale,CARS)进行二级筛查协助诊断ASD,二筛阳性儿童为高度疑似ASD,由儿童康复专家医生运用诊断工具美国精神疾病诊断分类手册第5版(Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders V,DSM-V)标准进行诊断分级。结果:共筛查东莞市2000例适龄儿童,依据筛查标准,初筛阳性率为3.8%(76/2000),一筛阳性率51.32%(39/76),二筛阳性率69.23%(27/39),最终经DSM-V标准确诊27例ASD患儿,患病率为13.50‰,其中男21例,女6例,男性患病率为1.88%,显著高于女性的0.68%(P<0.05),不同确诊年龄、出生地的ASD患病率比较,差异无统计学意义(P>0.05)。经神经心理发育测评发现,27例ASD患儿中7例量表均分≥85分的智力发育正常患儿,10例84~70分的智力偏低患儿,8例69~35分为智力轻中度低下的患儿,2例≤34分的智力重度低下患儿,确诊年龄<18个月的患儿大运动评分显著低于确诊年龄≥18个月的患儿(P<0.05)。结论:依据ASD三级筛查新模式,东莞市2000名适龄儿童ASD患病率为13.5‰,略高于多数报道中的10‰,该筛查模式有助于ASD患儿的早发现、早干预、早治疗。
文摘女性性功能障碍(female sexual dysfunction,FSD)根据精神障碍诊断下统计手册第4版(DSM-Ⅳ)标准主要分为:性欲障碍、性唤起障碍、性高潮障碍和性交疼痛。2013年5月DSM-Ⅴ正式发布,主要变化包括将性厌恶归为焦虑症,改变了女性性高潮障碍的定义,合并性欲障碍和性唤起障碍为性兴趣/唤起障碍,合并性交疼痛和阴道痉挛为生殖器-盆腔疼痛/插入障碍。妇科医生应能够做出女性性功能障碍基本诊断,将重点放在发现器质性病变以及对阴道痉挛患者的治疗,而对性欲障碍、性唤起障碍和性高潮障碍患者仍建议转诊至心理科治疗。
文摘Background: The Composite International Diagnostic Interview-3.0 (CIDI-3.0) is a fully structured lay-administered diagnostic interview for the assessment of mental disorders according to ICD-10 and Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fourth Edition (DSM-IV) criteria. The aim of the study was to investigate the concurrent validity of the Chinese CIDI in diagnosing mental disorders in psychiatric settings. Methods: We recruited 208 participants, of whom 148 were patients from two psychiatric hospitals and 60 healthy people from communities. These participants were administered with CIDI by six trained lay interviewers and the Structured Clinical Interview for DSM-IV Axis I Disorders (SCID-I, gold standard) by two psychiatrists. Agreement between CIDI and SCID-I was assessed with sensitivity, specificity, positive predictive value and negative predictive value. Individual-level CIDI-SCID diagnostic concordance was evaluated using the area under the receiver operator characteristic curve and Cohen's K. Results: Substantial to excellent CIDI to SCID concordance was found for any substance use disorder (area under the receiver operator characteristic curve [AUC] = 0.926), any anxiety disorder (AUC = 0.807) and any mood disorder (AUC = 0.806). The concordance between the CIDI and the SCID for psychotic and eating disorders is moderate. However, for individual mental disorders, the CIDI-SCID concordance for bipolar disorders (AUC = 0.55) and anorexia nervosa (AUC = 0.50) was insufficient. Conclusions: Overall, the Chinese version of ClDI-3.0 has acceptable validity in diagnosing the substance use disorder, anxiety disorder and mood disorder among Chinese adult population. However, we should be cautious when using it for bipolar disorders and anorexia nervosa.
文摘《精神疾病诊断与统计手册》第一版(the first edition of Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders,DSM-1)正式提出人格障碍的诊断;DSM-3开创性地提出了用一个系统的框架来理解人格障碍,并提出了多轴诊断策略、类别诊断标准;之后的DSM系统关于人格障碍的诊断沿用了DSM-3的策略与标准。2013年出版的DSM-5,在沿用以往的人格障碍诊断标准的同时提出了人格障碍替代模式(alternative model for personality disorders,AMPD),表明了人格障碍诊断和评估新的发展方向。AMPD强调用标准A即自我及人际功能损害来预测人格障碍的严重性,用标准B即病理性人格特质来鉴别不同的人格障碍类型。标准A的内容可追溯到心理动力学的概念,比如Kernberg人格组织模型中提到的自体与客体的区分与整合。AMPD提出了分别用于评估人格功能损害程度、病理性人格特质的人格障碍评估工具:人格功能水平量表(Level of Personality Functioning Scale,LPFS)、DSM-5人格量表,并进行了信度和效度检验。基于Kernberg人格组织模型的人格障碍评估工具人格组织结构化访谈问卷被证明与LPFS有良好的相关性。
文摘【目的】比较美国精神障碍诊断与统计手册第4版(Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorder,th ed,DSM-Ⅳ)和中国精神障碍分类及诊断标准(Chinese Classification of Mental Disorders,Third Edition,CCMD-3)在诊断注意缺陷多动障碍(attention deficit and hyperactive disorder,ADHD)上的异同。【方法】以172例由高年资精神科医生诊断为ADHD的门诊患儿为研究对象,由家长填写由两个诊断标准制成的量表,按照两个诊断标准对患儿进行诊断和分型。【结果】172例患者中,162例符合DSM-Ⅳ诊断标准,而所有样本均符合CCMD-3诊断标准;对同时符合两个诊断标准的注意缺陷为主型或混合型的156例患儿进行两量表分型的吻合度检验显示中等吻合度(Kappa=0.587),McNemar检验显示两个诊断分型的差异有统计学意义(P=0.000);对两个量表注意缺陷为主型和混合型的构成比比较显示CCMD-3中混合型的构成比高于DSM-Ⅳ(P=0.023);CCMD-3的条目阳性率比DSM-Ⅳ高,两者均在学习问题描述的条目阳性率高。【结论】CCMD-3较DSM-Ⅳ在诊断ADHD上更为宽松,且更多的将患儿判定为混合型;就诊患儿中注意缺陷症状较多动冲动症状更为明显。