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Effects of Temperature and Salinity on Oxygen Consumption and Ammonium Excretion Rate of ♀ Epinephelus fuscoguttatus × ♂ E. lanceolatus Juveniles 被引量:1
作者 XING Daochao SONG Xiefa +2 位作者 PENG Lei CHENG Yawei ZHAI Jianming 《Journal of Ocean University of China》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2019年第1期177-184,共8页
The impact of water temperature(24, 27, 30 and 33℃) and salinity(15, 20, 25, 30 and 33) on oxygen consumption(OCR) and ammonium excretion rate(AER) of ♀ Epinephelus fuscoguttatus ×♂ E. lanceolatus hybrid group... The impact of water temperature(24, 27, 30 and 33℃) and salinity(15, 20, 25, 30 and 33) on oxygen consumption(OCR) and ammonium excretion rate(AER) of ♀ Epinephelus fuscoguttatus ×♂ E. lanceolatus hybrid grouper juveniles(9.39 ± 0.07 g) were investigated under the fed and un-fed conditions. The results showed that the OCR and AER were significantly(P < 0.05) affected by temperature and salinity under both fed and un-fed conditions. When temperature was 24–33℃, the OCR and AER of fed hybrid grouper juveniles were 85.68%–129.52% and 125.78%–287.63%, respectively, higher than those of un-fed hybrid grouper juveniles. The O/N ratio, protein use(P_u), Q_(10)(respiration) and Q_(10)(excretion) of fed hybrid grouper juveniles were 14.43–24.01, 28.35% – 48.48%, 1.69 and 3.01, respectively. The O/N ratio, P_u, Q_(10)(respiration), Q_(10)(excretion) of un-fed hybrid grouper juveniles were 20.39 – 31.79, 22.16% – 34.34%, 1.23 and 1.17, respectively. When salinity was 15–33, the OCR and AER of fed hybrid grouper juveniles increased by 87.42% – 116.85% and 215.38% – 353.57%, respectively, over those of un-fed hybrid grouper juveniles. The O/N ratio and P_u of fed hybrid grouper juveniles were 14.48 – 17.78, 39.36% – 49.43%, respectively. The O/N ratio and Pu of un-fed hybrid grouper juveniles were 20.39 – 31.79 and 22.16% – 34.34%, respectively. The specific dynamic action(SDA) of hybrid grouper juveniles was mainly related to protein metabolism. The results had a guiding significance to the large-scale intensive aquaculture of hybrid grouper juveniles. 展开更多
关键词 epinephelus fuscoguttatus×♂e.lanceolatus temperature SALINITY oxygen consumption RATe ammonia eXCReTION RATe
作者 王荣荣 黄玉珊 +1 位作者 李湘淼 白金柱 《中国组织工程研究》 CAS 北大核心 2025年第5期958-967,共10页
背景:前列腺素E1被证明在血管扩张、炎症、白细胞迁移和黏附中发挥调节作用,但其对创伤性脊髓损伤后脊髓微循环的作用尚缺乏深入的研究。目的:探讨在大鼠创伤性脊髓损伤急性期给予前列腺素E1对血管相关因子的调节和微循环功能的保护作... 背景:前列腺素E1被证明在血管扩张、炎症、白细胞迁移和黏附中发挥调节作用,但其对创伤性脊髓损伤后脊髓微循环的作用尚缺乏深入的研究。目的:探讨在大鼠创伤性脊髓损伤急性期给予前列腺素E1对血管相关因子的调节和微循环功能的保护作用机制。方法:将72只雌性SD大鼠随机分为3组(n=24),即假手术组、脊髓损伤组、前列腺素E1组。后两组用Allen’s打击法建立脊髓损伤的体内模型,前列腺素E1组大鼠在脊髓损伤后15 min内立即尾静脉注射脂质前列腺素E110μg/kg。分别在损伤后2,24 h测定脊髓微循环血流量和血氧饱和度、脊髓微血管直径和面积、脊髓含水量、血管功能调节因子(血浆血管性血友病因子、血栓素A2、前列环素、内皮素1)和炎症因子(肿瘤坏死因子α、白细胞介素1β)的表达。结果与结论:①脊髓损伤后2 h,前列腺素E1组大鼠的脊髓微血管直径及面积、脊髓微循环血流量和血氧饱和度均高于脊髓损伤组(P<0.05),脊髓含水量低于脊髓损伤组(P<0.05),血浆血管性血友病因子、脊髓组织血栓素A2/前列环素及内皮素1质量浓度均低于脊髓损伤组(P<0.05);②脊髓损伤后24 h,前列腺素E1组大鼠的脊髓微血管面积、血流量和血氧饱和度均高于脊髓损伤组(P<0.05),脊髓含水量低于脊髓损伤组(P<0.05),血浆血管性血友病因子、脊髓组织血栓素A2/前列环素及内皮素1、肿瘤坏死因子α、白细胞介素1β的质量浓度均低于脊髓损伤组(P<0.05);③脊髓损伤组大鼠损伤后24 h的脊髓微血管直径及面积、脊髓微循环血流量和血氧饱和度均高于损伤后2 h(P<0.05),血浆血管性血友病因子、脊髓组织血栓素A2/前列环素、肿瘤坏死因子α、白细胞介素1β的质量浓度均高于损伤后2 h(P<0.05),但是脊髓组织内皮素1质量浓度低于损伤后2 h(P<0.05);④前列腺素E1组大鼠损伤后24 h的脊髓微循环血流量和血氧饱和度低于损伤后2 h(P<0.05),脊髓微血管直径及面积、脊髓含水量高于损伤后2 h(P<0.05);⑤以上结果表明,脊髓损伤大鼠伤后即刻静脉给予前列腺素E1,可调节血管功能调节因子、炎症因子并改善脊髓损伤后脊髓微循环,这为寻找治疗急性脊髓损伤的药物提供了潜在的基础。 展开更多
关键词 脊髓损伤 前列腺素e1 脊髓微循环 微循环障碍 炎症因子 血管功能调节因子
作者 韩雪 李媛 +1 位作者 韩金艳 董琳 《临床心身疾病杂志》 2025年第1期137-141,共5页
目的探讨5E康复护理对肾衰竭血液净化患者应对方式、自我管理能力和护理满意度的影响。方法将78例肾衰竭血液净化患者随机分为观察组和对照组,每组39例。对照组患者实施一般护理,观察组患者在对照组基础上给予5E康复护理。比较两组患者... 目的探讨5E康复护理对肾衰竭血液净化患者应对方式、自我管理能力和护理满意度的影响。方法将78例肾衰竭血液净化患者随机分为观察组和对照组,每组39例。对照组患者实施一般护理,观察组患者在对照组基础上给予5E康复护理。比较两组患者肾功能(血肌酐、血尿素氮、血钙、血磷水平)、自我管理能力[血液透析患者自我管理量表(HD-SMI)评分]、应对方式[医学应对方式问卷(MCMQ)中文版评分]、护理满意度[纽卡斯尔护理满意度量表(NSNS)评分]。结果护理后,两组患者血肌酐、血尿素氮、血钙水平及MCMQ回避、屈服维度评分较护理前降低,血磷水平及HD-SMI各维度评分、MCMQ面对维度评分较护理前升高,且观察组优于对照组(P<0.05或0.01)。观察组患者护理总满意率高于对照组(P<0.05)。结论5E康复护理在肾衰竭血液净化患者中的应用效果确切,值得在临床推广。 展开更多
关键词 5e康复护理 肾衰竭 血液净化 应对方式 自我管理能力 护理满意度
作者 赵鑫 叶蕊琪 +1 位作者 强雪芹 杨玉洁 《临床医药实践》 2025年第2期117-121,共5页
目的:探讨过敏性疾病患者过敏原特异性免疫球蛋白E(sIgE)水平对过敏性疾病的诊断、治疗及预防的意义。方法:采用回顾性设计,利用帝肯TECAN全自动蛋白印迹仪和浩欧博过敏原sIgE抗体检测试剂盒,对2020年1月-2021年12月就诊的3260例具有过... 目的:探讨过敏性疾病患者过敏原特异性免疫球蛋白E(sIgE)水平对过敏性疾病的诊断、治疗及预防的意义。方法:采用回顾性设计,利用帝肯TECAN全自动蛋白印迹仪和浩欧博过敏原sIgE抗体检测试剂盒,对2020年1月-2021年12月就诊的3260例具有过敏症状患者的总免疫球蛋白E(IgE)和sIgE进行定量检测。结果:随着年龄的增长,不同性别人群总IgE阳性率均呈先上升后下降的趋势。男性和女性在婴儿、儿童和青年三个年龄段的总IgE阳性率比较,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。男性在青年时期(19~<36岁)的总IgE阳性率(66.87%)最高;女性在儿童时期(5~<12岁)的总IgE阳性率(71.96%)最高。尘螨/粉螨、屋尘和猫毛皮屑/狗毛皮屑是常见的吸入性过敏原,牛奶、牛肉/羊肉和蛋清/蛋黄则是常见的食入性过敏原。在不同年龄段中,除婴儿(<1岁)外,吸入性过敏原的阳性率普遍高于食入性过敏原。在不同性别比较中,吸入性过敏原阳性率比较,差异无统计学意义(P>0.05)。女性食入性过敏原(芒果/菠萝/苹果/桃子/草莓)的阳性率显著高于男性(P>0.05)。食入性和吸入性过敏等级低中度患者占比较高,过敏等级越高的患者占比越少。过敏原致敏数量分析显示,大部分患者对1种或2种过敏物质呈阳性反应。结论:过敏性疾病患者中过敏原sIgE在不同性别不同年龄段中的分布存在差异,过敏原检测能够为过敏性疾病的预防、诊断和治疗提供依据,有助于实现更精准的个体化医疗。 展开更多
关键词 过敏性疾病 特异性免疫球蛋白e 性别差异 年龄分布 免疫印迹法
作者 李嘉瑗 柳婷 孟胜喜 《国际老年医学杂志》 2025年第1期91-95,共5页
阿尔茨海默病(AD)是发生于老年期的常见中枢神经系统退行性病变,其中载脂蛋白E(ApoE)基因是与AD相关性最强的遗传因素,然而其与AD发生发展的作用机制尚未完全清楚。本文对ApoE与AD相关的概况,APOE基因多态性对AD的影响,ApoE与其他致病... 阿尔茨海默病(AD)是发生于老年期的常见中枢神经系统退行性病变,其中载脂蛋白E(ApoE)基因是与AD相关性最强的遗传因素,然而其与AD发生发展的作用机制尚未完全清楚。本文对ApoE与AD相关的概况,APOE基因多态性对AD的影响,ApoE与其他致病因素的相互作用,ApoE在AD诊治中的相关应用作一综述,有助于完善AD的发病机制网络,为该病的防治提供更多思路。 展开更多
关键词 阿尔茨海默病 载脂蛋白e 作用机制
作者 王鑫婕 孙宝东 冯立峰 《中学物理》 2025年第1期35-38,共4页
随着新课程标准和学科核心素养的进一步实施,深度学习逐渐成为教学实践的主流.深度学习帮助学生建构系统化知识框架,旨在注重建构知识的过程,促进学生知识迁移.5E教学模式的五个环节“引入、探究、解释、拓展、评估”在物理教学中层层递... 随着新课程标准和学科核心素养的进一步实施,深度学习逐渐成为教学实践的主流.深度学习帮助学生建构系统化知识框架,旨在注重建构知识的过程,促进学生知识迁移.5E教学模式的五个环节“引入、探究、解释、拓展、评估”在物理教学中层层递进,与深度学习完美契合,能够促进学生高阶思维的发展以及核心素养的培养. 展开更多
关键词 深度学习 5e教学模式 核心素养
Correlations of the expression of Cx43,SCF^(FBXW7),p-cyclin E1(Ser73),p-cyclin E1(Thr77)and p-cyclin E1(Thr395)in colon cancer tissues
作者 Rong-Gang Luan Ming-Da Liu +9 位作者 Zi-Feng Deng Cong-Lan Lu Mei-Ling Yu Ming-Yu Zhang Rong Liu Ran An You-Liang Yao Dong-Bei Guo Yong-Xing Zhang Lei Zhao 《World Journal of Gastrointestinal Oncology》 SCIE 2025年第1期207-213,共7页
BACKGROUND Previous cellular studies have demonstrated that elevated expression of Cx43 promotes the degradation of cyclin E1 and inhibits cell proliferation through ubiquitination.Conversely,reduced expression result... BACKGROUND Previous cellular studies have demonstrated that elevated expression of Cx43 promotes the degradation of cyclin E1 and inhibits cell proliferation through ubiquitination.Conversely,reduced expression results in a loss of this capacity to facilitate cyclin E degradation.The ubiquitination and degradation of cyclin E1 may be associated with phosphorylation at specific sites on the protein,with Cx43 potentially enhancing this process by facilitating the phosphorylation of these critical residues.AIM To investigate the correlation between expression of Cx43,SKP1/Cullin1/F-box(SCF)FBXW7,p-cyclin E1(ser73,thr77,thr395)and clinicopathological indexes in colon cancer.METHODS Expression levels of Cx43,SCF^(FBXW7),p-cyclin E1(ser73,thr77,thr395)in 38 clinical colon cancer samples were detected by immunohistochemistry and were analyzed by statistical methods to discuss their correlations.RESULTS Positive rate of Cx43,SCF^(FBXW7),p-cyclin E1(Ser73),p-cyclin E1(Thr77)and p-cyclin E1(Thr395)in detected samples were 76.32%,76.32%,65.79%,5.26%and 55.26%respectively.Positive expressions of these proteins were not related to the tissue type,degree of tissue differentiation or lymph node metastasis.Cx43 and SCF^(FBXW7)(r=0.749),p-cyclin E1(Ser73)(r=0.667)and p-cyclin E1(Thr395)(r=0.457),SCF^(FBXW7) and p-cyclin E1(Ser73)(r=0.703)and p-cyclin E1(Thr395)(0.415)were correlated in colon cancer(P<0.05),and expressions of the above proteins were positively correlated in colon cancer.CONCLUSION Cx43 may facilitate the phosphorylation of cyclin E1 at the Ser73 and Thr195 sites through its interaction with SCF^(FBXW7),thereby influencing the ubiquitination and degradation of cyclin E1. 展开更多
关键词 Colon cancer CX43 SCF^(FBXW7) Phosphorylation of cyclin e1 Sites of cyclin e1 Correlation analysis
Sporadic E responds to the 2022 Tonga volcano eruptions recorded by the Meridian Project
作者 YangYi Sun Tao Yu +1 位作者 Jin Wang Chi Long 《Earth and Planetary Physics》 EI CAS 2025年第1期20-28,共9页
In this study,ionosonde observations over Fuke(19.5°N,109.1°E),Wuhan(30.5°N,114.4°E),and Mohe(53.5°N,122.3°E)were analyzed to demonstrate the responses of the sporadic E()to the severe at... In this study,ionosonde observations over Fuke(19.5°N,109.1°E),Wuhan(30.5°N,114.4°E),and Mohe(53.5°N,122.3°E)were analyzed to demonstrate the responses of the sporadic E()to the severe atmospheric disturbances caused by the Tonga volcanic eruptions on January 15,2022.The most prominent signature was the disappearance of the layer after~10:00 UT over Wuhan and Fuke,which was attributed to the vertical drift caused by the eruptions.The occurred intermittently after 13:00 UT following the arrival of the tropospheric Lamb wave.To examine the causal mechanism for the intermittence,we also included data of horizontal winds in the mesosphere and lower thermosphere region recorded by the meteor radars at Wuhan and Mohe in this study.The wind disturbances with periods of~20 hours contributed to the formation of the layer in the nighttime on January 15. 展开更多
关键词 sporadic e Tonga eruptions neutral wind disturbances
Effects of mesoscale gravity waves on sporadic E simulated by a one-dimensional dynamic model
作者 Xu Zhou ZeZhong Li +1 位作者 XinAn Yue LiBo Liu 《Earth and Planetary Physics》 EI CAS 2025年第1期1-9,共9页
In addition to being driven by tidal winds,the sporadic E(Es)layers are modulated by gravity waves(GWs),although the effects are not yet comprehensively understood.In this article,we discuss the effects of mesoscale G... In addition to being driven by tidal winds,the sporadic E(Es)layers are modulated by gravity waves(GWs),although the effects are not yet comprehensively understood.In this article,we discuss the effects of mesoscale GWs on the Es layers determined by using a newly developed model,MISE-1D(one-dimensional Model of Ionospheric Sporadic E),with low numerical dissipation and high resolution.Driven by the wind fields resolved by the high-resolution version of the Whole Atmosphere Community Climate Model with thermosphere and ionosphere extension(WACCM-X),the MISE-1D simulation revealed that GWs significantly influence the evolution of the Es layer above 100 km but have a very limited effect at lower altitudes.The effects of GWs are diverse and complex,generally including the generation of fluctuating wavelike structures on the Es layer with frequencies similar to those of the GWs.The mesoscale GWs can also cause increases in the density of Es layers,or they can disperse or diffuse the Es layers and increase their thickness.In addition,the presence of GWs is a key factor in sustaining the Es layers in some cases. 展开更多
关键词 sporadic e ion tidal layer gravity waves numerical simulation
作者 麦浩坚 张力 +2 位作者 李华晓 刘裕浩 张猛 《中华神经外科疾病研究杂志》 CAS 2025年第1期59-63,共5页
目的探讨动脉瘤性蛛网膜下腔出血(aSAH)患者血清缺氧诱导因子-1α(HIF-1α)、E-钙黏蛋白(E-cadherin)表达水平及与介入治疗预后的关系。方法选取2019年1月至2023年12月于深圳市中西医结合医院接受介入治疗的150例aSAH患者作为研究对象,... 目的探讨动脉瘤性蛛网膜下腔出血(aSAH)患者血清缺氧诱导因子-1α(HIF-1α)、E-钙黏蛋白(E-cadherin)表达水平及与介入治疗预后的关系。方法选取2019年1月至2023年12月于深圳市中西医结合医院接受介入治疗的150例aSAH患者作为研究对象,随访90d并采用改良Rankin量表(mRS)评分评价患者介入治疗预后,将患者分为预后良好组(mRS评分0-2分,n=94)和预后不良组(mRS评分3-6分,n=56)。收集所有入组患者临床资料以及治疗前血清HIF-1α、E-cadherin表达水平。绘制受试者工作特征(ROC)曲线评价血清HIF-1α、E-cadherin对aSAH患者介入治疗预后的评估效能,应用二分类Logistic逐步回归分析探讨aSAH患者介入治疗预后的影响因素。结果预后不良组患者血清HIF-1α水平高于预后良好组,E-cadherin低于预后良好组(P<0.05)。血清HIF-1α、E-cadherin评估aSAH患者介入治疗预后的AUC(95%CI)分别为0.832(0.787-0.877)、0.769(0.719-0.819),两者联合评估的AUC(95%CI)为0.922(0.877-0.967)。预后不良组脑血管痉挛、改良Fisher分级为Ⅲ级、Hunt-Hess分级为Ⅲ级的患者占比及高血压史人数和GCS评分高于预后良好组(P<0.05)。多因素分析显示,脑血管痉挛(OR=2.050,95%CI:1.254-3.353),Hunt-Hess分级为Ⅲ级(OR=2.354,95%CI:1.346-4.115),血清HIF-1α≥127.33 pg/mL(OR=3.374,95%CI:1.659-6.859),血清E-cadherin≤168.26 ng/mL(OR=2.954,95%CI:1.624-5.370)是aSAH患者介入治疗预后的影响因素(P<0.05)。结论aSAH患者的血清HIF-1α和E-cadherin表达水平与介入治疗预后密切相关,可作为预后评估的参考指标。 展开更多
关键词 动脉瘤性蛛网膜下腔出血 缺氧诱导因子-1Α e-钙黏蛋白 介入治疗
作者 吴霞 张莉 杨涓 《中西医结合心脑血管病杂志》 2025年第1期116-120,共5页
目的:探讨老年人群中载脂蛋白E(ApoE)基因的分布情况以及ApoE基因多态性对糖脂代谢水平和冠心病的相关性,并分析老年病人发生冠心病的易感因素。方法:选择2020年1月—2023年3月于我院综合病房接受住院治疗的169例老年病人作为研究对象,... 目的:探讨老年人群中载脂蛋白E(ApoE)基因的分布情况以及ApoE基因多态性对糖脂代谢水平和冠心病的相关性,并分析老年病人发生冠心病的易感因素。方法:选择2020年1月—2023年3月于我院综合病房接受住院治疗的169例老年病人作为研究对象,将诊断为冠心病的73例病人纳入观察组,96例非冠心病病人纳入对照组。所有研究对象均接受ApoE基因多态性检测以及糖脂代谢水平等相关实验室检查,分析老年人群中ApoE基因的分布情况,采用多因素Logistic回归分析冠心病发病的易感因素。结果:两组病人中E3/E3、E3/E4基因型以及等位基因ε4频率比较差异有统计学意义(P<0.05);对照组病人中ε4基因携带病人的三酰甘油(TG)水平明显高于ε2基因携带病人,在对照组和观察组中ε4基因携带病人的ApoE水平均明显低于ε2基因携带病人(P<0.05);多因素Logistic回归分析中发现,ε4等位基因(OR=1.124)、糖化血红蛋白(OR=1.051)、TG(OR=1.174)、高密度脂蛋白胆固醇(OR=0.697)、ApoE(OR=0.953)是老年人群冠心病风险的独立易感因素(P<0.05)。结论:ApoE基因多态性是影响老年人群糖脂代谢水平的重要遗传因素,携带ApoEε4等位基因的糖脂代谢异常风险增加,是老年人群冠心病的易感因素。 展开更多
关键词 冠心病 载脂蛋白e 老年病人 基因多态性 糖代谢 脂代谢
Comparative analysis of empirical and deep learning models for ionospheric sporadic E layer prediction
作者 BingKun Yu PengHao Tian +6 位作者 XiangHui Xue Christopher JScott HaiLun Ye JianFei Wu Wen Yi TingDi Chen XianKang Dou 《Earth and Planetary Physics》 EI CAS 2025年第1期10-19,共10页
Sporadic E(Es)layers in the ionosphere are characterized by intense plasma irregularities in the E region at altitudes of 90-130 km.Because they can significantly influence radio communications and navigation systems,... Sporadic E(Es)layers in the ionosphere are characterized by intense plasma irregularities in the E region at altitudes of 90-130 km.Because they can significantly influence radio communications and navigation systems,accurate forecasting of Es layers is crucial for ensuring the precision and dependability of navigation satellite systems.In this study,we present Es predictions made by an empirical model and by a deep learning model,and analyze their differences comprehensively by comparing the model predictions to satellite RO measurements and ground-based ionosonde observations.The deep learning model exhibited significantly better performance,as indicated by its high coefficient of correlation(r=0.87)with RO observations and predictions,than did the empirical model(r=0.53).This study highlights the importance of integrating artificial intelligence technology into ionosphere modelling generally,and into predicting Es layer occurrences and characteristics,in particular. 展开更多
关键词 ionospheric sporadic e layer radio occultation ionosondes numerical model deep learning model artificial intelligence
Clinical,laboratory,and therapeutic differences between immunoglobulin E-mediated and non-immunoglobulin E-mediated cow’s milk protein allergy in children
作者 Hasan M Isa Marwa J Abdulnabi +4 位作者 Nawra S Naser Fatema N Lahmda Noor M AlAnsari Zahra H Isa Afaf M Mohamed 《World Journal of Clinical Pediatrics》 2025年第1期78-92,共15页
BACKGROUND Although breast milk is ideal for newborns,in some cases,it is replaced with cow’s milk,which contains proteins that increase the risk of cow’s milk protein allergy(CMPA).AIM To evaluate CMPA prevalence i... BACKGROUND Although breast milk is ideal for newborns,in some cases,it is replaced with cow’s milk,which contains proteins that increase the risk of cow’s milk protein allergy(CMPA).AIM To evaluate CMPA prevalence in Bahrain and compare clinical characteristics of children with immunoglobulin E(IgE)-and non-IgE-mediated CMPA.METHODS This retrospective cohort study examined children with CMPA diagnosed at the pediatric gastroenterology outpatient clinic of the Salmaniya Medical Complex,Bahrain,between 2014 and 2022,and assessed CMPA prevalence.Clinical presentations,laboratory findings,dietary modifications,and outcomes were compared between children with IgE-mediated and non-IgE-mediated CMPA.Categorical variables were compared using Fisher’s exact test or Pearson’sχ2 test,whereas continuous variables were compared using Student’s t-test or the Mann-Whitney U test.RESULTS Of 8332 patients,6022(72.3%)adhered to their appointment.Of them,618(10.3%)were suggested of having CMPA and 595(96.3%)were included;CMPA prevalence was 2%.Most patients were Bahraini(93.8%)and males(55.3%).Non-IgE-mediated type accounted for 77.3%cases and IgE-mediated type,22.7%.IgE-mediated CMPA presented more in boys(P=0.030),and later in life(5.1 months±4.5 months vs 4.2 months±4.2 months,P=0.016,95%CI:0.08-1.73),had more associated diseases(P<0.001);and presented with more cutaneous(P=0.024)and respiratory(P=0.003)manifestations,severe symptoms[rash/dry skin(P=0.031),facial swelling/angioedema(P=0.003),failure to thrive(P=0.013),apparent life-threatening event(P<0.001)],and positive physical findings(P=0.002)than non-IgE-mediated CMPA.Most patients were exclusively fed cow milk formula(50.3%).The amino acid-based formula(AAF)was most prescribed(60.5%)with no difference between the two types(P=0.173).Although breastfeeding was recommended to 49.6%,only 8.2%were exclusively breastfed.IgE-mediated CMPA was associated with a longer follow-up duration than non-IgE-mediated CMPA(17.3 months±14.0 months vs 13.5 months±13.4 months,P=0.005,95%CI:1.1-6.3).CONCLUSION This study revealed a high CMPA prevalence with clinical differences between both types that can influence treatment.AAF was most prescribed,while breastfeeding with dietary modification is rarely applied. 展开更多
关键词 CHILDReN Milk allergy Immunoglobulin e BReASTFeeDING Infant formula Bahrain
作者 马亚飞 程尔祥 +2 位作者 吴显顺 何羽 王磊 《土木与环境工程学报(中英文)》 北大核心 2025年第1期142-151,共10页
焊接构造是钢桥的薄弱部位,在反复车辆荷载作用下,疲劳损伤正逐步成为影响桥梁服役安全的关键问题之一。以Q550E高强钢为研究对象,开展母材和对接焊缝接头的静力拉伸和疲劳裂纹扩展试验,建立母材及焊接连接件的疲劳裂纹增长模型,揭示了... 焊接构造是钢桥的薄弱部位,在反复车辆荷载作用下,疲劳损伤正逐步成为影响桥梁服役安全的关键问题之一。以Q550E高强钢为研究对象,开展母材和对接焊缝接头的静力拉伸和疲劳裂纹扩展试验,建立母材及焊接连接件的疲劳裂纹增长模型,揭示了应力比对高强钢焊接节点疲劳裂纹扩展速率的影响规律;开展基于FRANC3D和ABAQUS的联合仿真模拟分析,通过敏感性分析明确关键影响参数。结果表明:随着应力比的增大,疲劳裂纹扩展速率参数m增大、lg C减小,应力强度因子门槛值减小;对接焊缝m值约为母材的2倍,对接焊缝裂纹门槛值大于母材,且对应力比更敏感;联合仿真方法可准确预测高强钢焊接接头疲劳寿命,高应力比下试件厚度和初始裂纹深度对疲劳扩展影响显著。 展开更多
关键词 桥梁工程 Q550e高强钢 焊接接头 疲劳裂纹 有限元分析
作者 哈斯通拉嘎 张振茹 +6 位作者 余世锋 赵金艳 蒯子茹 姚志云 李君 权凯 韩浩园 《黑龙江畜牧兽医》 北大核心 2025年第1期64-68,共5页
为了探索槐山羊KMT2E基因单核苷酸多态性(SNP)位点与产羔数之间的关系,试验以不同产羔数的槐山羊群体为对象,采用DNA测序方法对KMT2E基因的SNP位点进行筛选,并将SNP位点与槐山羊产羔数进行关联分析。结果表明:在KMT2E基因中发现g.740063... 为了探索槐山羊KMT2E基因单核苷酸多态性(SNP)位点与产羔数之间的关系,试验以不同产羔数的槐山羊群体为对象,采用DNA测序方法对KMT2E基因的SNP位点进行筛选,并将SNP位点与槐山羊产羔数进行关联分析。结果表明:在KMT2E基因中发现g.74006387 C>A和g.74006801 A>T两个SNPs位点,各检测到3种基因型,g.74006387 C>A位点基因型为AC型、CC型和AA型,g.74006801 A>T位点基因型为AA型、TT型和AT型。g.74006387 C>A位点C为优势等位基因,等位基因频率为0.7500;g.74006801 A>T位点T为优势等位基因,等位基因频率为0.7213。两个突变位点杂合度较高,均处于中间多态性,且处于Hardy-Weinberg不平衡状态。连锁不平衡分析发现,两个SNPs位点之间属于弱连锁不平衡状态(D′<0.8,r^(2)<0.33)。突变后,mRNA二级结构发生改变,自由能由-8.06×10^(6) J/mol升高至-8.05×10^(6) J/mol;g.74006387 C>A位点和g.74006801 A>T位点的不同基因型与产羔数相关性均不显著(P>0.05)。说明槐山羊KMT2E基因的g.74006387 C>A和g.74006801 A>T位点均不适合作为槐山羊高繁殖性状的分子标记。 展开更多
关键词 KMT2e基因 槐山羊 遗传多态性 产羔数 关联分析
STIL enhances the development of lung adenocarcinoma by regulating the glycolysis pathway
作者 LEI WANG XIANJIN XIE 《Oncology Research》 SCIE 2025年第1期123-132,共10页
Background:To investigate SCL/TAL 1 interrupting locus(STIL)’s role and prognostic significance in lung adenocarcinoma(LUAD)progression,we examined STIL and E2 promoter binding factor 1(E2F1)expression and their impa... Background:To investigate SCL/TAL 1 interrupting locus(STIL)’s role and prognostic significance in lung adenocarcinoma(LUAD)progression,we examined STIL and E2 promoter binding factor 1(E2F1)expression and their impacts on LUAD prognosis using Gene Expression Profiling Interactive Analysis(GEPIA).Methods:Functional assays including CCK-8,wound-healing,5-ethynyl-2-deoxyuridine(EdU),Transwell assays,and flow cytometry,elucidated STIL and E2F1’s effects on cell viability,proliferation,apoptosis,and migration.Gene set enrichment analysis(GSEA)identified potential pathways,while metabolic assays assessed glucose metabolism.Results:Our findings reveal that STIL and E2F1 are overexpressed in LUAD,correlating with adverse outcomes.It enhances cell proliferation,migration,and invasion,and suppresses apoptosis,activating downstream of E2F1.Silencing E2F1 reversed the promotion effect of the STIL overexpression on cell viability and invasiveness.Importantly,STIL modulates glycolysis,influencing glucose consumption,lactate production,and energy balance in LUAD cells.Conclusion:Our model,incorporating STIL,age,and disease stage,robustly predicts patient prognosis,underscored STIL’s pivotal role in LUAD pathogenesis through metabolic reprogramming.This comprehensive approach not only confirms STIL’s prognostic value but also highlights its potential as a therapeutic target in LUAD. 展开更多
关键词 SCL/TAL1 interrupting locus(STIL) Lung adenocarcinoma e2 promoter binding factor 1 GLYCOLYSIS
Cohort study on the treatment of BRAF V600E mutant metastatic colorectal cancer with integrated Chinese and western medicine
作者 Jiang-Yu Bian Yu-Fang Feng +1 位作者 Wen-Ting He Tong Zhang 《World Journal of Clinical Oncology》 2025年第1期25-33,共9页
BACKGROUND Patients with BRAF V600E mutant metastatic colorectal cancer(mCRC)have a low incidence rate,poor biological activity,suboptimal response to conventional treatments,and a poor prognosis.In the previous cohor... BACKGROUND Patients with BRAF V600E mutant metastatic colorectal cancer(mCRC)have a low incidence rate,poor biological activity,suboptimal response to conventional treatments,and a poor prognosis.In the previous cohort study on mCRC conducted by our team,it was observed that integrated Chinese and Western medicine treatment could significantly prolong the overall survival(OS)of patients with colorectal cancer.Therefore,we further explored the survival benefits in the population with BRAF V600E mutant mCRC.AIM To evaluate the efficacy of integrated Chinese and Western medicine in the treatment of BRAF V600E mutant metastatic colorectal cancer.METHODS A cohort study was conducted on patients with BRAF V600E mutant metastatic colorectal cancer admitted to Xiyuan Hospital of China Academy of Chinese Medical Sciences and Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital of Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region from January 2016 to December 2022.The patients were divided into two cohorts.RESULTS A total of 34 cases were included,with 23 in Chinese-Western medicine cohort(cohort A)and 11 in Western medicine cohort(cohort B).The median overall survival was 19.9 months in cohort A and 14.2 months in cohort B,with a statistically significant difference(P=0.038,hazard ratio=0.46).The 1-3-year survival rates were 95.65%(22/23),39.13%(9/23),and 26.09%(6/23)in cohort A,and 63.64%(7/11),18.18%(2/11),and 9.09%(1/11)in cohort B,respectively.Subgroup analysis showed statistically significant differences in median OS between the two cohorts in the right colon,liver metastasis,chemotherapy,and first-line treatment subgroups(P<0.05).CONCLUSION Integrated Chinese and Western medicine can prolong the survival and reduce the risk of death in patients with BRAF V600E mutant metastatic colorectal cancer,with more pronounced benefits observed in patients with right colon involvement,liver metastasis,combined chemotherapy,and first-line treatment. 展开更多
关键词 Metastatic colorectal cancer BRAF V600e mutation Integrated Chinese and Western medicine Cohort study
Liver as a new target organ in Alzheimer's disease:insight from cholesterol metabolism and its role in amyloid-beta clearance
作者 Beibei Wu Yuqing Liu +4 位作者 Hongli Li Lemei Zhu Lingfeng Zeng Zhen Zhang Weijun Peng 《Neural Regeneration Research》 SCIE CAS 2025年第3期695-714,共20页
Alzheimer's disease,the primary cause of dementia,is characterized by neuropathologies,such as amyloid plaques,synaptic and neuronal degeneration,and neurofibrillary tangles.Although amyloid plaques are the primar... Alzheimer's disease,the primary cause of dementia,is characterized by neuropathologies,such as amyloid plaques,synaptic and neuronal degeneration,and neurofibrillary tangles.Although amyloid plaques are the primary characteristic of Alzheimer's disease in the central nervous system and peripheral organs,targeting amyloid-beta clearance in the central nervous system has shown limited clinical efficacy in Alzheimer's disease treatment.Metabolic abnormalities are commonly observed in patients with Alzheimer's disease.The liver is the primary peripheral organ involved in amyloid-beta metabolism,playing a crucial role in the pathophysiology of Alzheimer's disease.Notably,impaired cholesterol metabolism in the liver may exacerbate the development of Alzheimer's disease.In this review,we explore the underlying causes of Alzheimer's disease and elucidate the role of the liver in amyloid-beta clearance and cholesterol metabolism.Furthermore,we propose that restoring normal cholesterol metabolism in the liver could represent a promising therapeutic strategy for addressing Alzheimer's disease. 展开更多
关键词 ABCA1 Alzheimer's disease AMYLOID-BeTA apolipoprotein e cholesterol metabolism LIVeR liver X receptor low-density lipoprotein receptor-related protein 1 peripheral clearance tauroursodeoxycholic acid
Rising incidence of acute hepatitis A among adults and clinical characteristics in a tertiary care center of Pakistan
作者 Yumna Shahid Amna Subhan Butt +1 位作者 Iqra Jamali Faisal Wasim Ismail 《World Journal of Virology》 2025年第1期73-82,共10页
BACKGROUND For decades,hepatitis A virus(HAV)has been a leading cause of acute hepatitis among children and was less prevalent among adults.However,recently a paradigm shift has been observed in the epidemiology of HA... BACKGROUND For decades,hepatitis A virus(HAV)has been a leading cause of acute hepatitis among children and was less prevalent among adults.However,recently a paradigm shift has been observed in the epidemiology of HAV,as evident by cases of acute hepatitis due to HAV among adults.AIM To estimate frequency of HAV in acute viral hepatitis and compare characteristics in HAV and hepatitis E virus(HEV)infection.METHODS This was a trend analysis conducted at Aga Khan University Hospital Karachi(Sindh,Pakistan)from February 2024 to May 2024.Individuals aged 18 years and older diagnosed with acute viral hepatitis attributed to hepatotropic viruses in 2024 were reviewed.To compare the trend patients admitted with acute hepatitis during 2019-2023 were also reviewed.Data regarding clinical and laboratory parameters were recorded.The yearly trend of acute hepatitis due to HAV and HEV was analyzed,and comparative analysis was done between HAV and HEV cases among adults.RESULTS A total of 396 patients were found to have acute hepatitis during our study duration.HAV was diagnosed in 234 patients(59%)while 157 patients(39.6%)were found to have acute HEV infection.Additionally,acute hepatitis B virus infection was identified in 3 patients(0.7%),whereas acute hepatitis C virus infection was found in 2(0.5%)cases of acute hepatitis.Yearly trends showed increasing occurrence of HAV infection among adults over last 5 years.The patients with acute HAV were younger than patients with HEV(28 years±8 years vs 30 years±8 years;P<0.01).Higher levels of total bilirubin were seen in HEV infection,while higher levels of alanine transaminase were seen in HAV infection.However,a higher proportion of acute liver failure(ALF),coagulopathy,and mortality were observed in HEV.CONCLUSION An increase in acute hepatitis A cases among adults shows less severity than hepatitis E,highlighting the need for better sanitation,hygiene,and adult hepatitis A vaccination programs. 展开更多
关键词 Acute hepatitis Hepatitis A virus Hepatitis e virus Acute liver failure Hepatotropic virus VACCINATION
作者 戴儒雅 《小学科学》 2025年第6期55-57,共3页
关键词 小学科学 5e教学模式
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