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作者 封锋 李强 +3 位作者 宋春雨 周昊 周致富 吴威涛 《推进技术》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2024年第8期189-197,共9页
为了研究凝胶推进剂除气工艺过程中的气泡两相流问题,采用Carreau-Yasuda模型描述凝胶的剪切稀化特性,并进一步引入了温度敏感性本构描述。数值上,运用流体体积方法研究了剪切和温度敏感耦合的凝胶中浮力驱动气泡的运动特性和气泡间的... 为了研究凝胶推进剂除气工艺过程中的气泡两相流问题,采用Carreau-Yasuda模型描述凝胶的剪切稀化特性,并进一步引入了温度敏感性本构描述。数值上,运用流体体积方法研究了剪切和温度敏感耦合的凝胶中浮力驱动气泡的运动特性和气泡间的相互作用机理,关注了气泡的初始排列、气泡个数以及凝胶温度的影响。研究结果表明,主导气泡的尾流以及底部的低粘区会吸引尾随气泡并加速尾随气泡的上升;水平排列的气泡间由于强涡量场会存在一定的横向排斥力;温度上升带来的黏度下降会加速气泡的融合和上升,并且增强了气泡间的相互作用。 展开更多
关键词 凝胶推进剂 温度敏感性 气泡上升 气泡动力学 Carreau-Yasuda模型
作者 宋春 郭延宁 +1 位作者 郭敏文 李琨 《深空探测学报(中英文)》 CSCD 北大核心 2024年第1期31-39,共9页
针对火星上升器入轨段的制导问题,设计了一种自适应迭代制导策略。为降低初始状态偏差和火星环境不确定性的影响,每个周期内在制导坐标系下迭代计算剩余飞行时间,求解出在上升器推力大小固定情况下满足目标点位置与速度矢量约束的最优... 针对火星上升器入轨段的制导问题,设计了一种自适应迭代制导策略。为降低初始状态偏差和火星环境不确定性的影响,每个周期内在制导坐标系下迭代计算剩余飞行时间,求解出在上升器推力大小固定情况下满足目标点位置与速度矢量约束的最优控制角,进而实时修正飞行轨迹。仿真结果表明,相较于传统的开环制导方案,提出的方案显著地提升了制导精度,其中高度误差降低3个量级,最大速度误差降低至原开环制导的三分之一,入轨点轨道倾角和偏心率误差均满足基本工程需求,可作为未来火星上升器入轨段制导的一种可靠方案。 展开更多
关键词 火星上升器 入轨段 迭代制导 最优控制
作者 徐源景 刘旭 +4 位作者 彭胜军 席涛 朱永生 肖遥 李爽 《深空探测学报(中英文)》 CSCD 北大核心 2024年第1期40-46,共7页
针对火星表面上升轨迹优化问题,提出了映射Chebyshev伪谱凸优化方法。首先采用无损凸化方法对火星表面上升燃耗最优问题进行凸松弛,然后将凸化后的问题在映射Chebyshev-Gauss-Lobatto点处离散,利用重心有理Lagrange插值技术进行插值,最... 针对火星表面上升轨迹优化问题,提出了映射Chebyshev伪谱凸优化方法。首先采用无损凸化方法对火星表面上升燃耗最优问题进行凸松弛,然后将凸化后的问题在映射Chebyshev-Gauss-Lobatto点处离散,利用重心有理Lagrange插值技术进行插值,最后使用序列凸优化方法迭代求解,得到数值最优解。仿真对比了本文方法、一般伪谱凸优化方法和经典的序列凸优化方法,证明了本文方法在计算效率方面存在优势,并有效改善了标准Chebyshev微分矩阵的病态特性。 展开更多
关键词 火星上升 Chebyshev伪谱法 凸优化
作者 朱小双 傅友华 《数据采集与处理》 CSCD 北大核心 2024年第1期140-153,共14页
提出同时将透射和反射可重构智能表面(Simultaneously transmitting and reflecting reconfigurable intelligent surfaces,STAR-RIS)与通信感知一体化(Integrated sensing and communication,ISAC)系统结合,以实现全空间的通信与感知... 提出同时将透射和反射可重构智能表面(Simultaneously transmitting and reflecting reconfigurable intelligent surfaces,STAR-RIS)与通信感知一体化(Integrated sensing and communication,ISAC)系统结合,以实现全空间的通信与感知。同时在STAR-RIS上应用一种低成本的传感器实现了在STAR-RIS上进行目标感知,解决了雷达感知的严重路径损耗问题。基于此,本文研究了STAR-RIS辅助位于STAR-RIS两侧的多用户多输入单输出(Multi-usermulti-input single-output,MU-MISO)以及一个位于STAR-RIS透射侧的目标的ISAC系统,旨在联合优化STAR-RIS的被动波束成形矩阵和ISAC基站处的主动波束成形矩阵,以最大化用户的通信和速率,同时满足目标感知的最低信噪比要求。为了解决优化过程中的非凸问题,提出了一种基于分式规划的块坐标上升算法,将优化变量分为几个块变量交替优化。在迭代优化后续波束成形问题上,应用了连续凸逼近和半正定松弛算法。与传统的可重构智能表面相比,仿真结果验证了在ISAC系统中部署STAR-RIS的优点。同时将所提的基于分式规划的算法与基于加权最小均方误差的算法进行了对比并验证了所提算法在提高通信和速率上的优势和有效性。 展开更多
关键词 通信感知一体化 同时透射和反射可重构智能表面 波束成形 分式规划 块坐标上升
基于黄元御“一气周流、土枢四象”理论探析糖尿病胃轻瘫六期病机与辨治 被引量:1
作者 苗琳琳 万生芳 +4 位作者 张磊 李荣科 贺广情 安惠 朱小利 《上海中医药杂志》 CSCD 2024年第4期67-71,共5页
基于黄元御“一气周流、土枢四象”理论探析糖尿病胃轻瘫(DGP)的病机与辨治。认为DGP病机演变可概括为“中虚-土湿-木郁-金燥-水寒-络瘀”六期,治疗时当以健运斡旋中土为核心,把握木、火、金、水四象的动态变化,根据不同阶段的病机演变... 基于黄元御“一气周流、土枢四象”理论探析糖尿病胃轻瘫(DGP)的病机与辨治。认为DGP病机演变可概括为“中虚-土湿-木郁-金燥-水寒-络瘀”六期,治疗时当以健运斡旋中土为核心,把握木、火、金、水四象的动态变化,根据不同阶段的病机演变,立足扶阳抑阴、疏肝理气、升阳敛肺、清上温下、散瘀通络、敛神静心之法,使气机升降有序,周流不息。 展开更多
关键词 糖尿病胃轻瘫 消渴 气机升降 中医病机 辨证论治 中医药疗法
作者 朱丽 饶敏 +1 位作者 蒋美珍 戈梅 《中国医药生物技术》 2015年第4期330-334,共5页
目的对位于ECO-0501生物合成基因簇内AORI_2943基因进行功能鉴定,进一步解析东方拟无枝酸菌中ECO-0501的生物合成途径。方法通过同源重组和定点整合的方式构建AORI_2943缺失、回补及过表达突变株。高效液相及质谱分析突变株发酵产物的变... 目的对位于ECO-0501生物合成基因簇内AORI_2943基因进行功能鉴定,进一步解析东方拟无枝酸菌中ECO-0501的生物合成途径。方法通过同源重组和定点整合的方式构建AORI_2943缺失、回补及过表达突变株。高效液相及质谱分析突变株发酵产物的变化,分析AORI_2943在ECO-0501合成中的作用。结果 AORI_2943缺失突变株不产ECO-0501和去甲基ECO-0501,只产生结构上缺失了C5N单位(2-氨基-3-羟基环戊-2-烯酮)的前体物质a和b,发酵液中未检测出C5N单位。对缺失突变株回补后,有少量ECO-0501及去甲基ECO-0501产生,同时仍然有大量前体化合物a和b的积累。在野生菌的基础上过表达AORI_2943,并未明显提高ECO-0501的产量。结论 AORI_2943是ECO-0501合成的关键基因,主要参与了ECO-0501前体化合物C5N单位的合成。 展开更多
关键词 东方拟无枝酸菌 eco-0501 AORI_2943
作者 侯振东 刘扬 +3 位作者 孙兴亮 田林 黄克武 黄震 《载人航天》 CSCD 北大核心 2024年第1期60-67,共8页
针对载人月面着陆器上升期间发动机发生故障时航天员应急救生的难题,提出了通过多发动机并联可在部分发动机故障时通过动力重构继续上升入轨的方法。分析了3~5台发动机并联方案的动力重构策略,建立对应的发动机系统可靠性模型进行可靠... 针对载人月面着陆器上升期间发动机发生故障时航天员应急救生的难题,提出了通过多发动机并联可在部分发动机故障时通过动力重构继续上升入轨的方法。分析了3~5台发动机并联方案的动力重构策略,建立对应的发动机系统可靠性模型进行可靠性评估。基于能量最优的动力上升制导律,对不同故障工况下的动力重构上升轨迹进行仿真分析,得到推进剂消耗、入轨相位等关键参数的变化规律,根据应急入轨条件,设计了3种应急交会对接策略。仿真结果表明,若单台发动机可靠性为0.99,则3~4台发动机并联的动力重构方案可将发动机系统可靠性提升至0.9996,通过调整交会对接策略可在预定时间内完成快速交会对接,实现航天员安全返回。 展开更多
关键词 载人月面上升 应急救生 动力重构 交会对接
作者 陈维 刘健 +3 位作者 陈文晓 韩守程 安育芳 张睿 《建筑技术开发》 2024年第1期61-63,共3页
以某城市运营1年后的轨道交通隧道为例,在监测过程中发现隧道及道床结构出现上浮超过控制指标并有加大趋势,随后监测单位发布红色预警,同时加密了监测点及监测频率,后续对其变形进行了模拟和预测,并对其进行了预警分析。运营管理单位在... 以某城市运营1年后的轨道交通隧道为例,在监测过程中发现隧道及道床结构出现上浮超过控制指标并有加大趋势,随后监测单位发布红色预警,同时加密了监测点及监测频率,后续对其变形进行了模拟和预测,并对其进行了预警分析。运营管理单位在接到预警后启动了应急预案后,迅速组织召开预警分析会,并采取了相应的处置措施。 展开更多
关键词 城市轨道交通 运营期 上浮预警
ECO-0501产生菌的发酵条件优化 被引量:4
作者 郦伟翔 阮林高 +2 位作者 盛下放 戈梅 陈代杰 《中国医药工业杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2008年第10期736-738,共3页
优化东方拟无枝酸菌(Amycolatopsis orientalis)dA9发酵制备ECO-0501的工艺条件,包括种龄、初始pH、培养温度、碳氮源种类等,并通过正交试验优化发酵培养基的组成。在30℃、种龄3d、接种量8%、发酵4d的条件下,摇瓶发酵单位达115mg/L,比... 优化东方拟无枝酸菌(Amycolatopsis orientalis)dA9发酵制备ECO-0501的工艺条件,包括种龄、初始pH、培养温度、碳氮源种类等,并通过正交试验优化发酵培养基的组成。在30℃、种龄3d、接种量8%、发酵4d的条件下,摇瓶发酵单位达115mg/L,比优化前提高了约60%。 展开更多
关键词 eco-0501 东方拟无枝酸菌dA9 发酵
东方拟无枝酸菌中ECO-0501生物合成基因簇的筛选及其相关调控基因的初步分析 被引量:2
作者 申洋 黄鹤 +3 位作者 朱丽 杨晟 戈梅 陈代杰 《中国抗生素杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2013年第5期327-331,共5页
ECO-0501是从东方拟无枝酸菌代谢物中分离到的一种新型线性多烯类化合物,其不但具有良好的抗菌活性,且体内毒性较低,目前处于临床前的开发。本文通过对东方拟无枝酸菌的菌落原位杂交,筛选到4个粘粒克隆NL5B,NL9-3-1,NL3-1C,NL3-3A,可以... ECO-0501是从东方拟无枝酸菌代谢物中分离到的一种新型线性多烯类化合物,其不但具有良好的抗菌活性,且体内毒性较低,目前处于临床前的开发。本文通过对东方拟无枝酸菌的菌落原位杂交,筛选到4个粘粒克隆NL5B,NL9-3-1,NL3-1C,NL3-3A,可以覆盖整个ECO-0501生物合成簇,并对其中的基因ORF4进行了生物信息学分析,推测其为ECO-0501合成途径中的正调控基因。并通过该基因的过表达,成功地将ECO-0501的产量提高了6倍,为下一步ECO-0501的开发及其调控机制的研究打下基础。 展开更多
关键词 eco-0501 东方拟无枝酸菌 菌落原位杂交 调控蛋白
产N-demethyl ECO-0501工程菌的构建 被引量:1
作者 申洋 朱丽 +1 位作者 阮林高 陈代杰 《中国抗生素杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2013年第4期251-254,共4页
ECO-0501是一种在东方拟无枝酸菌(Amycolatopsis orientalis)中分离出的一种新型抗菌化合物。N-demethyl ECO-0501作为ECO-0501生物合成途径的小组分在抗菌活性方面优于ECO-0501。ECO-ORF5(ABM47006.1)编码N-甲基转移酶,负责ECO-0501胍... ECO-0501是一种在东方拟无枝酸菌(Amycolatopsis orientalis)中分离出的一种新型抗菌化合物。N-demethyl ECO-0501作为ECO-0501生物合成途径的小组分在抗菌活性方面优于ECO-0501。ECO-ORF5(ABM47006.1)编码N-甲基转移酶,负责ECO-0501胍基的甲基化修饰。本研究利用PCR-targeting的方法敲除了产生菌东方拟无枝酸菌HCCB10162的ECO-ORF5,得到了一株高产去甲基ECO-0501的突变株A.orientalis HCCB10370,其产量是东方拟无枝酸菌HCCB10162的3.6倍。 展开更多
关键词 eco-0501 PCR-targeting 甲基转移酶 东方拟无枝酸菌
Effect of Cr elimination on flow behavior and processing map of newly developed ECO-7175 aluminum alloy during hot compression 被引量:3
作者 Majid SEYED-SALEHI Bong Hwan KIM +2 位作者 Seung Yoon YANG Shae Kwang KIM Ghasem EISAABADI BOZCHALOEI 《Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2022年第5期1442-1459,共18页
ECO-Al alloys are introduced as a game-changer for the aluminum industry and it is of utmost importance to determine the role of alloying elements in their processing characteristics.In this study,the effects of Cr on... ECO-Al alloys are introduced as a game-changer for the aluminum industry and it is of utmost importance to determine the role of alloying elements in their processing characteristics.In this study,the effects of Cr on the hot deformation behavior of newly-developed ECO-7175 alloy were investigated.ECO-7175 samples with and without Cr were hot-compressed using a Gleeble simulator(temperature range of 350−500℃ and strain rates of 0.001−1 s^(−1)).The results were used to study the constitutive equations,the processing maps,and the microstructural evolution of the alloys.In Cr-containing alloy,the analysis of the deformation activation energy reveals that the rate-controlling mechanisms of the deformation change gradually from self-diffusion of Al(or diffusion of Mg in Al)to diffusion of Cr in Al by decreasing the Zener−Hollomon parameter.The analysis of the processing maps of Cr-containing alloy shows that the dynamic recrystallization(DRX)zone is limited to the deformation at high temperatures and low strain rates and expands with increasing applied strain.On the other hand,it is found that the self-diffusion of Al(or Mg in Al)is the only rate-controlling mechanism during hot deformation of Cr-free alloy in all processing conditions and its DRX zone is independent of the plastic strain. 展开更多
关键词 hot deformation constitutive equation processing map eco-7175 aluminum alloy
Comparison of gait properties during level walking and stair ascent and descent with varying loads 被引量:1
作者 Tomohiro Demura Shin-ich Demura Sohee Shin 《Health》 2010年第12期1372-1376,共5页
This study aimed to compare gait properties during level walking and during stair ascent and descent with varying loads. Fifteen healthy young men (mean age: 22.1 ± 1.6 years) walked while holding four different ... This study aimed to compare gait properties during level walking and during stair ascent and descent with varying loads. Fifteen healthy young men (mean age: 22.1 ± 1.6 years) walked while holding four different loads relative to each subject’s body mass (0, 20, 40 and 60% of body mass: BM) on their backs. Stance time, swing time, and double support times were selected as gait parameters. All parameters showed a maximal value during stair ascent and a minimum value during level walking. Stance and double support times increased significan- tly with each load during level walking and during stair ascent and descent. In conclusion, st- air ascent and descent creates more unstable movement than level walking regardless of the weight of the load. The effect of loads on gait increases with the weight of the load and becomes obvious once the load exceeds 60% of BM. 展开更多
Ascent schedules,acute altitude illness,and altitude acclimatization:Observations on the Yushu Earthquake 被引量:5
作者 Wu Tianyi Hou Shike +2 位作者 Li Shuzhi Li Wenxiang Gen Deng 《Engineering Sciences》 EI 2013年第2期17-28,共12页
During the Yushu Earthquake on April 14,2010,a large number of rescuers from sea level or lowlands ascended to the quake areas very rapidly or rapidly less than 24 h. However,Yushu Earthquake is the highest quake in t... During the Yushu Earthquake on April 14,2010,a large number of rescuers from sea level or lowlands ascended to the quake areas very rapidly or rapidly less than 24 h. However,Yushu Earthquake is the highest quake in the world at altitudes between 3 750 m and 4 878 m where is a serious hypoxic environment. A high incidence of acute altitude illness was found in the unacclimatized rescuers;the mountain rescue operation changed as "rescue the rescuers". Lesson from the Yushu Earthquake is that the occurrence of acute altitude illness may be closely related to the ascent schedules. This prompted us to study the relationship between ascent rate and the incidence and severity of acute altitude illness;five different groups were compared. The first group was 42 sea level male young soldiers who ascended to quake area very rapidly within 8 h at 4 000 m;the second group was 48 sea level male young soldiers who ascended to 4 000 m rapidly less than 18 h;the third group was 66 acclimatized medical workers from 2 261 m who ascended to 4 000 m rapidly within 12 h;the fourth group was 56 Tibetan medical workers from 2 800 m who ascended to 4 000 m rapidly within 8 h;the fifth group was 50 male sea level workers who ascended to 4 000 m gradually over a period of 4 d. The results showed that the sea level rescuers ascended to 4 000 m very rapidly or rapidly had the highest incidence of acute mountain sickness (AMS) with the greatest AMS scores and the lowest arterial oxygen saturation (SaO2);the sea level workers ascended to 4 000 m gradually had moderate incidence of AMS with moderate AMS scores and SaO2 values;whereas the acclimatized and adapted rescuers had the lowest incidence of AMS,lowest AMS scores and higher SaO2;especially none AMS occurred in Tibetan rescuers. AMS score is inversely related to the ascent rate (r=-0.24,p< 0.001). Additionally,acute altitude illness is significantly influenced by altitude acclimatization. The ascent rate is inversely re- lated to the period of altitude acclimatization whereas the time of perfect recovered from AMS is positively correlated to the time taken to acclimatize. Generally,the best means of preventing acute altitude illness is slow and gradual ascent to high altitude,as this allows time for establishing altitude acclimatization and tolerance to the hypoxic environment. However,during an emergency circumstance,such as mountain rescue operation,the rescuers must rapidly ascend to high altitude,so a series of preventive strategies including pre-acclimatization,using some prophylactic drugs and oxygen supplementary are sorely necessary. 展开更多
关键词 Yushu Earthquake ascent rate acute altitude illness high altitude acclimatization preventive strategies
作者 Ezzeddine CHAFAI Maher MNIF 《Acta Mathematica Scientia》 SCIE CSCD 2014年第4期1212-1224,共13页
In [7], Cross showed that the spectrum of a linear relation T on a normed space satisfies the spectral mapping theorem. In this paper, we extend the notion of essential ascent and descent for an operator acting on a v... In [7], Cross showed that the spectrum of a linear relation T on a normed space satisfies the spectral mapping theorem. In this paper, we extend the notion of essential ascent and descent for an operator acting on a vector space to linear relations acting on Banach spaces. We focus to define and study the descent, essential descent, ascent and essential ascent spectrum of a linear relation everywhere defined on a Banach space X. In particular, we show that the corresponding spectrum satisfy the polynomial version of the spectral mapping theorem. 展开更多
关键词 ascent essential ascent DESCENT essential descent linear relations
作者 刘旭 高中业 +1 位作者 刘兆雨 邓祺盛 《数码设计》 2019年第7期37-37,共1页
ASCENT算法[1]的前提是节点密度足够大,有一个CSMA,MAC协议或TDMA,MAC协议支持。ASCENT算法与STEM算法都属于节点唤醒机制,它们之间也存在着比较大的差别。ASCENT算法偏重于均衡网络中骨干节点的数量,保障数据通路的顺畅。当一个节点接... ASCENT算法[1]的前提是节点密度足够大,有一个CSMA,MAC协议或TDMA,MAC协议支持。ASCENT算法与STEM算法都属于节点唤醒机制,它们之间也存在着比较大的差别。ASCENT算法偏重于均衡网络中骨干节点的数量,保障数据通路的顺畅。当一个节点接收到数据时,如果存在严重的丢包率,则向该数据源的方向向该相邻节点发送帮助消息;从该相邻节点接收到帮助请求或从该相邻节点检测到丢包率高时,该节点唤醒,它会主动成为一个活动节点来帮助该相邻节点转发数据包。 展开更多
关键词 ascent 丢包率 活动节点 数据包
On the ascent of infinite dimensional Hamiltonian operators
作者 吴德玉 陈阿拉坦仓 《Chinese Physics B》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2015年第8期421-425,共5页
In this paper, the ascent of 2 × 2 infinite dimensional Hamiltonian operators and a class of 4 × 4 infinite dimensional Hamiltonian operators are studied, and the conditions under which the ascent of 2 ×... In this paper, the ascent of 2 × 2 infinite dimensional Hamiltonian operators and a class of 4 × 4 infinite dimensional Hamiltonian operators are studied, and the conditions under which the ascent of 2 × 2 infinite dimensional Hamiltonian operator is 1 and the ascent of a class of 4 × 4 infinite dimensional Hamiltonian operators that arises in study of elasticity is2 are obtained. Concrete examples are given to illustrate the effectiveness of criterions. 展开更多
关键词 root vector COMPLETENESS infinite dimensional Hamiltonian operator ascent
Clean Production and Ecological Industry:A Key to Eco-city Development
作者 Paulussen Juergen 《Chinese Journal of Population,Resources and Environment》 北大核心 2005年第1期3-8,共6页
Eco-city development is a healthy process towards sustainable development, within the carrying capacity of local ecosystem through changing production mode, consumption behavior and decision instrument based on ecolog... Eco-city development is a healthy process towards sustainable development, within the carrying capacity of local ecosystem through changing production mode, consumption behavior and decision instrument based on ecological economics and system engineering. The key to its planning is an ecological integration to make trade-off between economic wealth and environmental health, between material and spiritual civilization, between natural and human eco-cybernetics. Integration, demonstration, citizens’ participation and scientists’ and technician’s catalyzing are the key instruments for the implementation of the ecocity plan. "Clean production" and "ecological industry" are key elements in comprehensive development towards an eco-city. Beyond the technical and management questions, how to interlink production, consumption and reduction at the local and regional level, the spatial and urban dimension should be considered in order to perform an integrative urban eco-space. 展开更多
关键词 China eco-city development clean production ecological industry URBANIZATION eco- scape eco-culture integration of urban functions.
The ascent of immune checkpoint inhibitors: is the understudy ready for a leading role?
作者 Amy L. Cummings Edward B. Garon 《Cancer Biology & Medicine》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2017年第4期341-347,共7页
The recent approval of pembrolizumab as second-line treatment for any solid tumor with high-level microsatellite instability or mismatch repair deficiency agnostic of tissue and origin1 has shattered a glass ceiling f... The recent approval of pembrolizumab as second-line treatment for any solid tumor with high-level microsatellite instability or mismatch repair deficiency agnostic of tissue and origin1 has shattered a glass ceiling for immune checkpoint inhibitors.No longer bound to a specific cancer diagnosis but rather a biomarker,pembrolizumab has heightened a burgeoning optimism towards the drug class.Yet how these agents should carve out additional 展开更多
关键词 PD The ascent of immune checkpoint inhibitors:is the understudy ready for a leading role PFS OS ORR IHC
A Computerized Evaluation of Sensory Memory and Short-term Memory Impairment After Rapid Ascent to 4280 m
作者 SHI Qing Hai GE Di +8 位作者 ZHAO Wei MA Xue HU Ke Yan LU Yao LIU Zheng Xiang RAN Ji Hua LI Xiao Ling ZHOU Yu FU Jian Feng 《Biomedical and Environmental Sciences》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2016年第6期457-460,共4页
To evaluate the effect of acute high-altitude exposure on sensory and short-term memory using interactive software,we transported 30 volunteers in a sport utility vehicle to a 4280 m plateau within3 h.We measured thei... To evaluate the effect of acute high-altitude exposure on sensory and short-term memory using interactive software,we transported 30 volunteers in a sport utility vehicle to a 4280 m plateau within3 h.We measured their memory performance on the plain(initial arrival)and 3 h after arrival on the plateau using six measures. 展开更多
关键词 AMS A Computerized Evaluation of Sensory Memory and Short-term Memory Impairment After Rapid ascent to 4280 m
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