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The Story of the Garden of Eden
作者 Mary Phil Korsak 《Journal of Sociology Study》 2023年第2期103-104,共2页
The story of the Garden of Eden is familiar to most people,readers of the Bible or otherwise.I intend in the present article to look afresh at this story and to raise questions about how it is traditionally understood... The story of the Garden of Eden is familiar to most people,readers of the Bible or otherwise.I intend in the present article to look afresh at this story and to raise questions about how it is traditionally understood.To begin,what does the reader of the first book of the Bible,commonly known as“Genesis”,learn about the garden?We are told that trees grow there(Gen 2,9),and rivers have their source there(2,10).Among the trees,three are signalled out for their importance:the tree of life,which stands in the middle of the garden,and which is intimately associated with the tree of the knowing of good and bad.A third tree,which is easily ignored,is a fig tree.When the human couple become aware of their nakedness,we are told that they“sew together fig leaves and make themselves loin clothes”(3,7).(Never mind how they got hold of needle and thread!The nature of the first two of the above-mentioned trees indicates that the reader is introduced into a world of mythology). 展开更多
关键词 NEEDLE eden otherwise
作者 张英 李春梅 王民 《城市与减灾》 2012年第1期28-32,共5页
2011年10月,应美国灾害教育协会(Extension Disaster Education Network,下文通称“EDEN”)主席之邀;笔者出席了于美国波特兰举办的EDEN2011年会,发表了题为“中国灾害教育现状与部分省市师生防灾素养调查研究”的报告并获得该组... 2011年10月,应美国灾害教育协会(Extension Disaster Education Network,下文通称“EDEN”)主席之邀;笔者出席了于美国波特兰举办的EDEN2011年会,发表了题为“中国灾害教育现状与部分省市师生防灾素养调查研究”的报告并获得该组织颁发的认证证书;来自美国各州代表大学的学者就农业灾害、自然灾害、灾害教育、灾后恢复等专题进行了深入研讨。 展开更多
关键词 灾害教育 eden 美国 组织 年会 认证证书 教育现状 农业灾害
A Study on Ruth's Personality Structure in Martin Eden
作者 南峰 《海外英语》 2013年第19期184-185,199,共3页
In Martin Eden,the development of the relationship between Martin and Ruth falls into three stages.During the first stage of their acquaintance,Ruth’s ego and super-ego vanquish her id transitorily.In the second stag... In Martin Eden,the development of the relationship between Martin and Ruth falls into three stages.During the first stage of their acquaintance,Ruth’s ego and super-ego vanquish her id transitorily.In the second stage of intimacy,Ruth is strongly manipulated by her super-ego that mainly originates from her Electra complex.Consequently,she attempts to re-mould Martin in the shape of her father,but in vain.When it comes to the third stage of relationship break-down,obliged to moralities and norms,Ruth chooses to end their relationships. 展开更多
作者 侯琳 《CAD/CAM与制造业信息化》 2006年第12期82-83,共2页
Objet公司于1998年成立,成立至今一直保持着高速发展。其Eden系列产品连续获得多个奖项,包括:2006年3月, Design News杂志编辑将Eden500V评为Golden Mousetrap最佳新产品;2006年5月, Eden500V获得Desktop Engineering杂志的读者最佳推... Objet公司于1998年成立,成立至今一直保持着高速发展。其Eden系列产品连续获得多个奖项,包括:2006年3月, Design News杂志编辑将Eden500V评为Golden Mousetrap最佳新产品;2006年5月, Eden500V获得Desktop Engineering杂志的读者最佳推荐产品奖等。本刊记者就读者感兴趣的问题采访了Objet有限公司上海代表处中国区首席代表朱国先生。 展开更多
关键词 eden 中国市场 家族 技术 GOLDEN 推荐产品 杂志 读者
Gene-Eden-VIR Is Antiviral: Results of a Post Marketing Clinical Study 被引量:1
作者 Hanan Polansky Edan Itzkovitz 《Pharmacology & Pharmacy》 2013年第6期1-8,共8页
Introduction: This paper reports the results of a post marketing clinical study that tested the antiviral properties of Gene-Eden-VIRTM. Specifically, the clinical study tested the effect of Gene-Eden-VIR on the sever... Introduction: This paper reports the results of a post marketing clinical study that tested the antiviral properties of Gene-Eden-VIRTM. Specifically, the clinical study tested the effect of Gene-Eden-VIR on the severity, duration, and frequency of symptoms reported by individuals infected with various viruses. The viruses included the Human Papillomavirus (HPV), Herpes Simplex Virus (HSV), Epstein Barr Virus (EBV), Human Cytomegalovirus (HCMV) and Hepatitis C Virus (HCV). The symptoms included abnormal Pap smear, low and high grade cervical dysplasia, warts, blisters, cold sores, hives, skin tabs, panic attacks, depression, kidney problems, sleeping problems, liver problems, fever, fatigue, sore throat, swollen lymph nodes, diarrhea, and weight loss. Treatment: A capsule of Gene-Eden-VIR includes five natural ingredients: 100 mg of quercetin, 150 mg of green tea extract, 50 mg of a cinnamon extract, 25 mg of a licorice extract, and 100 mcg of selenium. The dosage was 1, 2, 3, or 4 capsules per day. The duration of treatment was 2 to 54 weeks. Population: The study population consisted of 60 infected individuals, ages 20 to 66. Results: The participants reported no side effects after taking Gene-Eden-VIR. Seventy three percent of the individuals treated with Gene-Eden-VIR reported a decrease in their symptoms. Specifically, they reported a decrease in the severity (p = 0.006, n = 45), duration (p = 0.009, n = 34), and frequency of their symptoms (p Conclusions: This post marketing clinical study showed that Gene-Eden-VIR is a safe and effective antiviral treatment. Specifically, the clinical study showed that Gene-Eden-VIR is a safe and effective treatment against the Human Papillomavirus (HPV), Herpes Simplex Virus (HSV), Epstein Barr Virus (EBV), Human Cytomegalovirus (HCMV), and Hepatitis C Virus (HCV). Therefore, health care practitioners should recommend Gene-Eden-VIR as a safe and effective antiviral treatment against these viruses. 展开更多
关键词 HUMAN Papillomavirus (HPV) Herpes Simplex VIRUS (HSV) Epstein BARR VIRUS (EBV) HUMAN Cytomegalovirus (HCMV) Hepatitis C VIRUS (HCV) Gene-eden-VIR
Eden Springs推出创意植物基材料环保杯系列
《塑料工业》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2019年第3期90-90,共1页
Eden Springs推出了一系列适用于分装冷热饮料的环保型杯.新系列产品包括三种新型环保杯款式.分别是完全可降解的纸杯、完全可降解的玉米淀粉PLA塑料杯和锥形纸杯.完全可降解的植物基热饮纸杯提供226g和340g容量.并有单壁或双壁款式.材... Eden Springs推出了一系列适用于分装冷热饮料的环保型杯.新系列产品包括三种新型环保杯款式.分别是完全可降解的纸杯、完全可降解的玉米淀粉PLA塑料杯和锥形纸杯.完全可降解的植物基热饮纸杯提供226g和340g容量.并有单壁或双壁款式.材料源自可持续来源的纸质.并且内衬植物PLA塑料.这些杯子适合各种饮品.从咖啡、茶到热巧克力和汤. 展开更多
关键词 环保型 eden 植物 PLA塑料 材料 创意 可降解 玉米淀粉
作者 范宏义 《材料保护》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2002年第12期70-70,共1页
关键词 化学镀镍槽 寿命 eden体系 化学组成 反应产物
绿色使命 承载梦想——逸腾(EDEN)超低温-60℃应用惊艳中国制冷展
《暖通空调》 北大核心 2015年第E05期19-19,共1页
逸腾制冷(EDEN)为作为新加坡远东集团的所属品牌,为暖通空调制冷行业提供创新、节能、高效的换热器技术,在今年制冷展上展出的系列产品,艳惊四座,尤其是其Eden G4超低温冷风机可实现-60℃超低温应用,更是成为制冷展上独一无二的... 逸腾制冷(EDEN)为作为新加坡远东集团的所属品牌,为暖通空调制冷行业提供创新、节能、高效的换热器技术,在今年制冷展上展出的系列产品,艳惊四座,尤其是其Eden G4超低温冷风机可实现-60℃超低温应用,更是成为制冷展上独一无二的风景线。 展开更多
关键词 空调制冷行业 超低温 应用 中国 承载 eden 新加坡 换热器
Analysis Martin's Tragedy in Martin Eden
作者 王琳 卢芳 李思萌 《科技视界》 2013年第27期198-198,278,共2页
Jack London,the famous American novelist in twentieth century,whose whole life is full of romantic color.Martin Eden is the immortal work of Jack London,which is a semi-autobiography novel.This paper will interpret Ja... Jack London,the famous American novelist in twentieth century,whose whole life is full of romantic color.Martin Eden is the immortal work of Jack London,which is a semi-autobiography novel.This paper will interpret Jack London’s most important work Martin Eden from the analysis of its protagonist Martin Eden’s tragedy. 展开更多
关键词 英语学习 英语翻译 英语语法 阅读知识
Garden of Eden in the East
《China Today》 2019年第12期74-77,共4页
CHINA’S mountain ranges are mostly east-west oriented,but the Hengduan Mountains in southwest China run in a north-south orientation.This region is covered with mountains.In an area of 360,000 square kilometers,98 pe... CHINA’S mountain ranges are mostly east-west oriented,but the Hengduan Mountains in southwest China run in a north-south orientation.This region is covered with mountains.In an area of 360,000 square kilometers,98 percent is mountainous.The extremely high mountains top more than 5,000 meters and the high mountains between 3,500 to 5,000 meters account for 73 percent of the total area.The Gongga Snow Mountains,Meili Snow Mountains,Siguniang Mountains,and Yulong Snow Mountains comprise a network of tightly connected mountain ranges.The Hengduan Mountains are also the dividing line between the first and second stages of China’s topography. 展开更多
关键词 MOUNTAINS eden dividing
作者 单蕾 《农药科学与管理》 CAS 2013年第10期18-18,共1页
欧盟食物链与动物健康常务委员会投票通过欧盟委员会关于批准丁香酚、香叶醇和麝香草酚三种萜类化合物的提案。该许可令将通过欧盟官方杂志发表而开始生效。英国Eden科研公司于2008年3月提交了申请。为控制葡萄藤上的灰霉菌,研发了含... 欧盟食物链与动物健康常务委员会投票通过欧盟委员会关于批准丁香酚、香叶醇和麝香草酚三种萜类化合物的提案。该许可令将通过欧盟官方杂志发表而开始生效。英国Eden科研公司于2008年3月提交了申请。为控制葡萄藤上的灰霉菌,研发了含三种成分的胶囊生物杀菌剂——3AEY。Eden公司现在正在努力推动成员国批准此产品。 展开更多
关键词 欧盟委员会 萜类化合物 eden 生产 生物杀菌剂 动物健康 麝香草酚 丁香酚
Can We Restore the Marches in Iraq (Garden of Eden)?
作者 Nadhir Al-Ansari 《Engineering(科研)》 2020年第7期466-486,共21页
Iraqi marshes are located within the southern part of Iraq where the Tigris and Euphrates Rivers join. There are three main marshes (Hammar Central and Hawizeh). They used to cover an area 15,000 - 20,000 square kilom... Iraqi marshes are located within the southern part of Iraq where the Tigris and Euphrates Rivers join. There are three main marshes (Hammar Central and Hawizeh). They used to cover an area 15,000 - 20,000 square kilometers. The government of Iraq started to dry the marshes since 1990 for military reasons. Oil companies started to work in that area, and they occupied about 25% of that area. After 2003, the government changed, and they started to restore the remainder 75% of marshes. To achieve this goal, they require about 13 billion cubic kilometers of water (BCM). The problem was the scarcity of water due to the building of dams in riparian countries and climate change. It is believed that if the government follows a prudent water resources strategy, then it will be possible to restore the marshes. 展开更多
关键词 MESOPOTAMIA MARSH Garden of eden Iraq
Eden Energy将在印度设立加氢站 并供应氢混合燃料气
《汽车与配件》 北大核心 2008年第16期13-13,共1页
澳大利亚Eden Energy在在美国加利福尼亚举办的“NHA Annual Hydrogen Conference”上宣布,将在印度德里设立加氢站。计划2008年10月建成。
关键词 eden 加氢站 印度 燃料气 混合 供应 加利福尼亚 澳大利亚
Eden Springs推出创意植物基材料环保杯系列
作者 CPRJ中国塑料橡胶 《橡塑技术与装备》 CAS 2019年第8期40-40,共1页
Eden Springs推出了一系列适用于分装冷热饮料的环保型杯。新系列产品包括三种新型环保杯款式,分别是完全可降解的纸杯、完全可降解的玉米淀粉PLA塑料杯和锥形纸杯。完全可降解的植物基热饮纸杯提供8盎司和12盎司容量,并有单壁或双壁款... Eden Springs推出了一系列适用于分装冷热饮料的环保型杯。新系列产品包括三种新型环保杯款式,分别是完全可降解的纸杯、完全可降解的玉米淀粉PLA塑料杯和锥形纸杯。完全可降解的植物基热饮纸杯提供8盎司和12盎司容量,并有单壁或双壁款式。材料源自可持续来源的纸质,并且内衬植物PLA塑料。这些杯子适合各种饮品,从咖啡、茶到热巧克力和汤。 展开更多
关键词 eden 环保型 植物 PLA塑料 材料 创意 可降解 玉米淀粉
Gardeners’ Eden
作者 SEBASTIEN ROUSSILLAT 《China Today》 2014年第5期80-80,共1页
Sometimes,our first impression of Chinese cities is one of grey concrete.However,in spring we find streets lined with abundant flowerbeds and trees.Gardening is truly an art form in China,which would never be denied b... Sometimes,our first impression of Chinese cities is one of grey concrete.However,in spring we find streets lined with abundant flowerbeds and trees.Gardening is truly an art form in China,which would never be denied by professional garden designers and amateur botanists.The gardens of southern China are well known,especially the famous gardens of Suzhou.There are many ways to say"garden"in Chinese.园林(yuan lin)is one of them. 展开更多
关键词 eden 中国城市 园林设计师 艺术形式 植物学家 混凝土 街道 园艺
戚盛Eden ESP:冷静杀手
《自动化技术与应用》 2005年第6期i007-i007,共1页
关键词 eden ESP Intel CPU技术 嵌入式系统 后PC时代 AMD 竞技场 处理器 n系列 频率 威盛
Analysis On Martin Eden by Jack London
作者 孙丽娟 《海外英语》 2011年第6X期254-255,共2页
Everyone will meet with difficulties all through his life. But he should have full confidence in himself if he wants to make a success. There is a typical figure in Jack London's novel. This paper mainly focuses o... Everyone will meet with difficulties all through his life. But he should have full confidence in himself if he wants to make a success. There is a typical figure in Jack London's novel. This paper mainly focuses on analyzing the character and encourages people to remember if we are diligent and don't give up whenever we come to anything difficult, we are sure to conquer and overcome every difficulty we meet with. Let's keep it in mind such kind of saying that where there is a will there is a way. 展开更多
Martin Eden Can Avoid Being a Tragic Hero
作者 邹睿敏 《海外英语》 2013年第13期218-219,共2页
It examines the character Martin Eden in Jack London's novel Martin Eden.It is focused on the reasons that lead to the death of Martin Eden:the clashes of his beliefs and his disillusionment with the life he strug... It examines the character Martin Eden in Jack London's novel Martin Eden.It is focused on the reasons that lead to the death of Martin Eden:the clashes of his beliefs and his disillusionment with the life he struggles so hard to fight for and with the faiths he so strongly believes in.But the tragic ending is not unavoidable,if Martin Eden modifies his beliefs,holds more faith in others and gives up his original intention of involving into the middle-class society. 展开更多
Gene-Eden-VIR Decreased Physical and Mental Fatigue in a Post Marketing Clinical Study That Followed FDA Guidelines;Results Support Microcompetition Theory
作者 Hanan Polansky Edan Itzkovitz 《Pharmacology & Pharmacy》 2014年第3期280-290,共11页
Objective: The Microcompetition with Foreign DNA theory, proposed by Hanan Polansky in 2003, describes how latent viruses can cause chronic conditions, including fatigue. The Gene-Eden-VIR formula was designed to targ... Objective: The Microcompetition with Foreign DNA theory, proposed by Hanan Polansky in 2003, describes how latent viruses can cause chronic conditions, including fatigue. The Gene-Eden-VIR formula was designed to target latent viruses. Therefore, the theory predicts that treatment with Gene-Eden-VIR will decrease fatigue in individuals infected with a latent virus. The objective of this study was to test this prediction. Framework: A post marketing clinical study that followed FDA guidelines. Treatment: Gene-Eden-VIR, a dietary supplement. A capsule of Gene-Eden-VIR includes 100 mg of quercetin, 150 mg of green tea extract, 50 mg of cinnamon extract, 25 mg of licorice extract, and 100 mcg of selenium. The treatment included 1, 2, 3, or 4 capsules per day, and lasted 2 to 54 weeks. Population: 100 individuals infected with a latent virus, including the Human Papillomavirus (HPV), Epstein Barr Virus (EBV), Herpes Simplex Virus (HSV), Human Cytomegalovirus (HCMV), and Hepatitis C Virus (HCV). Ages ranged from 20 to 66. All participants reported a feeling of fatigue at the start of the study. Specifically, 98, 90, and 79 participants reported a feeling of general, physical, and mental fatigue, respectively. Results: Following treatment with Gene-Eden-VIR, 73.47%, 62.22%, and 47.36% reported a decrease in their feeling of general, physical, and mental fatigue, respectively. The participants also reported a statistically significant decrease in every aspect of fatigue tested in the study. The results also showed a duration effect, that is, those treated for 2 months or more reported a larger decrease in their feeling of fatigue (general, p = 0.03, n = 65;physical and mental, p = 0.05, n = 70). The results showed no interviewer bias, and no selection bias. In addition, the results showed therapeutic consistency under varying manufacturing conditions. The participants reported no side effects after taking Gene-Eden-VIR. Conclusions: This post marketing clinical study showed that treatment with Gene-Eden-VIR safely decreased the feeling of general, physical, and mental fatigue in individuals infected with a latent virus. Since most individuals are infected with a latent virus, health care practitioners should recommend Gene-Eden-VIR as a first line treatment for fatigue. The results of this post marketing clinical study support the Microcompetition with Foreign DNA theory. 展开更多
关键词 Gene-eden-VIR Microcompetition FATIGUE Mental FATIGUE PHYSICAL FATIGUE Latent VIRUS Human Papillomavirus HPV Epstein Barr VIRUS EBV Herpes Simplex VIRUS HSV Cytomegalovirus CMV Hepatitis C VIRUS HCV
作者 叶俏馨 孙海 《城市住宅》 2005年第6期90-97,共8页
关键词 eden 装饰风格 咖啡店 空间 水印
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