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Discussion on the Construction of College English Formative Assessment Mode
作者 WANG Huan 《Sino-US English Teaching》 2014年第7期519-525,共7页
关键词 评价模式 大学英语 语形 自主学习能力 课程教学 教学模式 教学改革 英语专业
A Contrastive Study of Honorific and Depreciatory Address Forms in Chinese,English and Japanese
作者 田艳萍 《科技信息》 2010年第27期I0206-I0207,共2页
Honorific and depreciatory address forms, as an indispensable part of speech communication, occur in all languages. But due to the cultural diversity, different languages require different laws and regularities in the... Honorific and depreciatory address forms, as an indispensable part of speech communication, occur in all languages. But due to the cultural diversity, different languages require different laws and regularities in the choice of them. This paper is firstly to make a contrastive analysis of honorific and depreciatory address forms in Chinese, English and Japanese, then explore the different basic values in Chinese, American and Japanese culture and discuss their influences on honorific and depreciatory address forms in the hope of a better understanding of their pragmatic and cultural differences and an avoidance of miscommunication in intercultural interactions. 展开更多
关键词 英语教学 教学方法 阅读 文化心理
The Influence of Formative Assessment on the English Learning of Secondary Schools
作者 陈玟伊 《科技信息》 2008年第24期272-273,共2页
This article studies the influence of formative assessment on English learning of secondary schools. First, it introduces two chief types of classroom assessment: summative assessment and formative assessment, and com... This article studies the influence of formative assessment on English learning of secondary schools. First, it introduces two chief types of classroom assessment: summative assessment and formative assessment, and compares their differences. It also reviews three rationales of formative assessment, and presents its different forms. Then it reports the design and implementation of an experiment with formative assessment through five forms. Finally, the article offers a conclusion of the study. 展开更多
关键词 formATIVE ASSESSMENT influence english LEARNING
Research on Backwash Effect of Formative Evaluation in Oral English Learning in Vocational Colleges
作者 Zhang Dongping 《International Journal of Technology Management》 2013年第9期96-98,共3页
关键词 评价模型 学习策略 英语口语 高职院校 教学活动 交际能力 调查结果 专业英语
A study on the effects of formative assessment on College English teaching
作者 XI Hong-mei ZHAO Jing-yuan HUI Chun 《Sino-US English Teaching》 2010年第8期1-4,14,共5页
关键词 英语教学 教学方法 阅读 中国 美国
Application of Diagnostic and Formative Assessment in College English Teaching
作者 张玉莲 《北京农学院学报》 2008年第S2期90-94,共5页
This report attempts to look into assessment in higher education in the UK and in Chi- na.The focus of analysis is comparison of the current state of diagnostic and formative assess- ment in the UK and in China.Also t... This report attempts to look into assessment in higher education in the UK and in Chi- na.The focus of analysis is comparison of the current state of diagnostic and formative assess- ment in the UK and in China.Also the report discusses how diagnostic and formative assessment policy or practice in the UK can be applied to China in English teaching in higher education.Fi- nally,a plan of action for 12 months about the application of diagnostic and formative assessment in College English teaching is made. 展开更多
关键词 diagnostic assessment formative assessment College english student-centered higher education
On the Formative Evaluation in Junior English Teaching
作者 蒋玉霞 《海外英语》 2017年第21期234-237,共4页
Teaching evaluation is an indispensable part in English teaching.For a long time,we have adopted the summative evaluation,which may lead to the fact that students lack initiative and enthusiasm in their learning.Forma... Teaching evaluation is an indispensable part in English teaching.For a long time,we have adopted the summative evaluation,which may lead to the fact that students lack initiative and enthusiasm in their learning.Formative evaluation is a more efficient evaluation method aiming at various disadvantages of traditional evaluation methods.In order to explore how to apply formative evaluation in junior English teaching,this paper firstly analyzed the problems in traditional evaluation and then analyzed the necessity of formative evaluation in junior English teaching.It mainly explored how to apply formative evaluation in junior English teaching.Finally,it reflected formative evaluation in junior English teaching and put forward some feasible suggestions to help teachers improve their teaching methods and help students improve their learning efficiency,so as to improve the quality of junior English teaching. 展开更多
关键词 formative evaluation junior english teaching APPLICATION
Dual Focus on Form and Meaning in Task-based Oral English Teaching
作者 林易 Qi Jian-ping MA Xin-ying 《海外英语》 2014年第7X期75-79,87,共6页
The task-based approach has been gaining more and more popularity in recent years. Unlike the traditional language teaching approach, which puts much emphasis on the teaching and learning of language forms and skills,... The task-based approach has been gaining more and more popularity in recent years. Unlike the traditional language teaching approach, which puts much emphasis on the teaching and learning of language forms and skills, it regards the language process as one of learning through doing, emphasizes the central role of meaning in language use and insists that students should learn more effectively if they are fully engaged in a language task. However, due to the lack of an appropriate language environment and limited time for English study, Chinese students may not make as much progress as expected in the unconscious internalization of authentic language by focusing primarily on meaning. In fact the meaning of a language can not be separated from its form. The accurate expression of meaning depends on the proper use of language form. Therefore, in the application of the taskbased approach, we should not neglect the study of language form. This paper analyses the causes for Chinese students' low spoken English proficiency, describes the theoretical foundation and actual practice of the task-based approach, discusses its implications for teaching oral English and makes some proposals for its appropriate application. 展开更多
Focus on Form in Chinese College English Teaching
作者 袁芳 《海外英语》 2018年第12期230-231,共2页
Focus on Form(Fon F) has gained increasing attentions in second language teaching. It is helpful to balance form andmeaning or communication teaching in the real English teaching classroom. This paper presents the int... Focus on Form(Fon F) has gained increasing attentions in second language teaching. It is helpful to balance form andmeaning or communication teaching in the real English teaching classroom. This paper presents the international backgrounds ofFon F and aims to explore the practical application of Fon F in Chinese college English teaching. 展开更多
关键词 英语学习 学习方法 阅读知识 阅读材料
作者 黎志敏 《外国语文》 北大核心 2024年第2期174-185,共12页
当前我国英语教育体系以“英语语言形式”为中心,较少涉及“英语文化体系”,只教了英语的一半。以这种英语教育体系培养出来的学生能够在各种语言技术性考试中获得高分,不过会因为对英语文化缺乏了解而在和英语本土人士的实际交际中丢... 当前我国英语教育体系以“英语语言形式”为中心,较少涉及“英语文化体系”,只教了英语的一半。以这种英语教育体系培养出来的学生能够在各种语言技术性考试中获得高分,不过会因为对英语文化缺乏了解而在和英语本土人士的实际交际中丢分。针对这一问题,我们尝试设计了以“英语文化体系”为中心的英语教育模式,确定了“大量、有效的英语文学原著阅读”的具体路径,以个别教育的方法进行了小规模的实验。经过六年多的实验,我们取得了初步的实验结果。我们发现学生们既能够很好地了解英语文化体系,又能够很好地掌握英语语言形式,还能够和英语本土人士进行得体的交际,在完整意义上基本学好了英语。所有参加实验的同学都被剑桥大学、南加州大学、香港中文大学、中山大学等国内外名校录取。 展开更多
关键词 英语教育 英语语言形式 英语文化体系 理论 实践
作者 赵迎春 《湖北开放职业学院学报》 2024年第7期153-155,共3页
面对职业教育数字化转型背景,航空维修专业群出现了新形态立体化教材的编撰需求,纸质教材通过与出版社平台二维码资源、与线上课程、与微信公众号的立体资源匹配设计,创新教材编撰模式,从而实现跨学校、跨地区的教学模式,打破时空限制,... 面对职业教育数字化转型背景,航空维修专业群出现了新形态立体化教材的编撰需求,纸质教材通过与出版社平台二维码资源、与线上课程、与微信公众号的立体资源匹配设计,创新教材编撰模式,从而实现跨学校、跨地区的教学模式,打破时空限制,方便学生随时随地学习。 展开更多
关键词 航空维修 专业英语 新形态 立体化 教材
作者 白欢 《职业技术》 2024年第3期97-102,共6页
形成性评价是一种关注学生学习过程的发展性动态评价,对教学起着导向、激励、诊断、改进作用。基于形成性评价的概念,结合高职英语形成性评价面临的现实困境,依托混合式教学理念,尝试构建评价标准差异化、评价内容全面化、评价主体多元... 形成性评价是一种关注学生学习过程的发展性动态评价,对教学起着导向、激励、诊断、改进作用。基于形成性评价的概念,结合高职英语形成性评价面临的现实困境,依托混合式教学理念,尝试构建评价标准差异化、评价内容全面化、评价主体多元化、评价方式多样化、评价过程动态化等五化原则的形成性评价体系,实现课前诊断性评价、课中过程性评价和课后总结性评价,并据此开展教学实验,结果表明该评价体系能够促进英语学习、改善英语教学、监控学业质量。 展开更多
关键词 混合教学 形成性评价 高职英语
作者 杨亚楠 《西部学刊》 2024年第4期169-172,共4页
西非英语文学在文学领域的关注度较小,但近20年的飞速发展与取得的文学成就已成为不争事实。西非英语文学起源于西非人民参与文学生产的结果,不仅有对“传统”的敬畏,又兼有“去西化”思想的启蒙。在该时期,西非本土文学家逐步取代欧洲... 西非英语文学在文学领域的关注度较小,但近20年的飞速发展与取得的文学成就已成为不争事实。西非英语文学起源于西非人民参与文学生产的结果,不仅有对“传统”的敬畏,又兼有“去西化”思想的启蒙。在该时期,西非本土文学家逐步取代欧洲移民成为创作主体,以第一视角重塑着西非的形象。各类文学形式,尤以纪实文学的创作获得突破性进展,日渐成为西非英语文学繁荣的佐证;文学家群体聚焦“社会危机”下的社会民生与国家未来,凸显了西非人民在艰难生活中的不屈意志,已成为英语文学的重要分支。 展开更多
关键词 西非英语文学 创作形式 创作内容 创作素材
作者 王晓红 《沈阳大学学报(社会科学版)》 2024年第4期55-61,共7页
阐述了网络环境下的大学英语自主学习现状,分析了网络环境对自主学习的影响。结合大学英语课程的教学实践,从充分利用移动教学平台和网络技术、建立有效的形成性评价体系、提升学生参与度及改变教师角色四个层面提出了以学生为中心的大... 阐述了网络环境下的大学英语自主学习现状,分析了网络环境对自主学习的影响。结合大学英语课程的教学实践,从充分利用移动教学平台和网络技术、建立有效的形成性评价体系、提升学生参与度及改变教师角色四个层面提出了以学生为中心的大学英语自主学习形成性评价实践策略。研究表明:形成性评价模式可以让英语教学更加高效,有效促进学生的自主学习能动性,提高学生的英语综合应用能力和学习效果。 展开更多
关键词 网络环境 大学英语 自主学习 形成性评价 教学实践
Research on Instruments of Formative Assessment for Differentiated Language Teaching 被引量:1
作者 翟轶璠 《海外英语》 2012年第6X期283-284,288,共3页
Formative assessment is crucial to differentiated language teaching.To ensure the quality of differentiated teaching,some assessment instruments should be adopted during formative assessment,such as differentiated lea... Formative assessment is crucial to differentiated language teaching.To ensure the quality of differentiated teaching,some assessment instruments should be adopted during formative assessment,such as differentiated learning portfolios and group activity journal.The effective application of these instruments can also improve the students' autonomous language learning ability. 展开更多
An Integration of Meaning-Focused and Form-Focused Approach in EFL Reading and Writing——a Conceptual Inquiry and Experiment
作者 王智杰 《海外英语》 2017年第22期247-248,250,共3页
Whether to adopt the meaning-oriented or form-oriented approach in EFL teaching has been in hot academic debate in the past decades. This paper investigates the literature contribution on these two methods, attempts a... Whether to adopt the meaning-oriented or form-oriented approach in EFL teaching has been in hot academic debate in the past decades. This paper investigates the literature contribution on these two methods, attempts an integration of the two,and introduces a teaching experiment of EFL reading and writing at China Agricultural University. 展开更多
关键词 INTEGRATION MEANING form College english Reading and Writing
An Initial Plan to Explore the Use of CALL in Task-Based Instruction in College English Writing in China
作者 陈永亮 《疯狂英语(理论版)》 2017年第2期48-50,65,共4页
Learning for using theories has been,to a great degree,acceptable over the last few decades.Learning through doing,through using the language,through performing real life or real-life-like tasks has come to its own im... Learning for using theories has been,to a great degree,acceptable over the last few decades.Learning through doing,through using the language,through performing real life or real-life-like tasks has come to its own important occasions to achieve EFL/ESL learners' communicative goals. 展开更多
关键词 CALL task-based instruction form-focused english writing
Improve the Oral English Teaching at Senior High
作者 徐斌 《海外英语》 2015年第10期16-17,共2页
At senior high, the oral English class is usually ignored for some reasons, so it will be a main question for students tocommunicate successfully in English. Considering the present situation and teaching content at o... At senior high, the oral English class is usually ignored for some reasons, so it will be a main question for students tocommunicate successfully in English. Considering the present situation and teaching content at oral English class, we will talkabout and conclude the method and form of oral English teaching and practicing in terms of the senior high English teachers. It isexpected to inspire teachers to pay more attention to the oral teaching, to raise students' interest in oral English learning, which inturn achieve the goal of the senior English curriculum standards, in that one can state the opinion and exchange it with others whentalk about the common topic in daily life. Through the paper, we find it is useful for teaching oral English better to improve theteaching theory, enrich the teaching method, and create the practicing forms, teaching in pleasant atmosphere. 展开更多
关键词 SENIOR english ORAL english TEACHING TEACHING theory and method PRACTICING form
作者 盖颖颖 《德州学院学报》 2024年第1期84-90,共7页
评价表是开展有效评价的工具和标尺,是测量与评价据以进行的标准和依据。依据《大学英语教学指南》和《中国英语能力等级量表》,采用模糊德尔菲法、数理分析法等方法,开展基于产出导向法理念的师生合作评价表设计的实践探索,尝试设计英... 评价表是开展有效评价的工具和标尺,是测量与评价据以进行的标准和依据。依据《大学英语教学指南》和《中国英语能力等级量表》,采用模糊德尔菲法、数理分析法等方法,开展基于产出导向法理念的师生合作评价表设计的实践探索,尝试设计英语口语、写作和翻译三项产出技能的评价表,并对评价表进行信度效度分析。结果表明:基于产出导向法理念的师生合作评价表聚合效度良好,各个相关系数效度较理想,师生合作评价表的设计有效可操。 展开更多
关键词 产出导向法 师生合作评价表 大学英语教学
A Discussionon Indirect Speech Act Theory in English Teaching and Learning
作者 郑敏 《神州》 2014年第8期151-152,共2页
由赛尔提出的间接言语行为理论是国内外最前沿的语言学理论之一。本文首先诠释了间接言语行为在交际中的表达形式与功能,然后针对在英语教学与学习中怎样应用间接言语行为理论提出了一些建议,其目的是为了让学生有技巧的应用各种英语句... 由赛尔提出的间接言语行为理论是国内外最前沿的语言学理论之一。本文首先诠释了间接言语行为在交际中的表达形式与功能,然后针对在英语教学与学习中怎样应用间接言语行为理论提出了一些建议,其目的是为了让学生有技巧的应用各种英语句型来表达他们的说话意图,同时教师也需要教授一些英语间接言语行为知识和间接交际的策略。 展开更多
关键词 间接言语行为 表达形式英语的教与学
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