The SiS molecule,which plays a significant role in space,has attracted a great deal of attention for many years.Due to complex interactions among its low-lying electronic states,precise information regarding the molec...The SiS molecule,which plays a significant role in space,has attracted a great deal of attention for many years.Due to complex interactions among its low-lying electronic states,precise information regarding the molecular structure of SiS is limited.To obtain accurate information about the structure of its excited states,the high-precision multireference configuration interaction(MRCI)method has been utilized.This method is used to calculate the potential energy curves(PECs)of the 18Λ–S states corresponding to the lowest dissociation limit of SiS.The core–valence correlation effect,Davidson’s correction and the scalar relativistic effect are also included to guarantee the precision of the MRCI calculation.Based on the calculated PECs,the spectroscopic constants of quasi-bound and bound electronic states are calculated and they are in accordance with previous experimental results.The transition dipole moments(TDMs)and dipole moments(DMs)are determined by the MRCI method.In addition,the abrupt variations of the DMs for the 1^(5)Σ^(+)and 2^(5)Σ^(+)states at the avoided crossing point are attributed to the variation of the electronic configuration.The opacity of SiS at a pressure of 100 atms is presented across a series of temperatures.With increasing temperature,the expanding population of excited states blurs the band boundaries.展开更多
The electronic structure of methanol/TiO2(ll0) interface has been studied by photoemis- sion spectroscopy. The pronounced resonance which appears at 5.5 eV above the Fermi level in two-photon photoemission spectrosc...The electronic structure of methanol/TiO2(ll0) interface has been studied by photoemis- sion spectroscopy. The pronounced resonance which appears at 5.5 eV above the Fermi level in two-photon photoemission spectroscopy (2PPE) is associated with the photocatalyzed dissociation of methanol at fivefold coordinated Ti sites (Ti5c) on TiO2 (110) surface [Chem- ical Science 1, 575 (2010)]. To check whether this resonance signal arises from initial or intermediate states, photon energy dependent 2PPE and comparison between one-photon photoemission spectroscopy and 2PPE have been performed. Both results consistently sug- gest the resonance signal originates from the initially unoccupied intermediate states, i.e., excited states. Dispersion measurements suggest the excited state is localized. Time-resolved studies show the lifetime of the excited state is 24 fs. This work presents comprehensive char- acterization of the excited states on methanol/TiO2(110) interface, and provides elaborate experimental data for the development of theoretical methods in reproducing the excited states on TiO2 surfaces and interfaces.展开更多
The excited state intramolecular proton transfer (ESIPT) coupled charge transfer of baicalein has been investigated using steady-state spectroscopic experiment and quantum chemistry calculations. The absence of the ...The excited state intramolecular proton transfer (ESIPT) coupled charge transfer of baicalein has been investigated using steady-state spectroscopic experiment and quantum chemistry calculations. The absence of the absorption peak from S1 excited state both in the experi-mental and calculated absorption spectra indicates that S1 is a dark state. The dark excited state S1 results in the very weak fluorescence of solid baicalein in the experiment. The fron- tier molecular orbital and the charge difference densities of baicalein show clearly that the S1 state is a charge-transfer state whereas the S2 state is a locally excited state. The only one stationary point on the potential energy profile of excited state suggests that the ESIPT reaction of baicalein is a barrierless process.展开更多
Herein we have employed high-level multi-reference CASSCF and MS-CASPT2 electronic structure methods to systematically study the photochemical mechanism of intramolecularly hydrogen-bonded 2-(2'-hydroxyphenyl)-4-me...Herein we have employed high-level multi-reference CASSCF and MS-CASPT2 electronic structure methods to systematically study the photochemical mechanism of intramolecularly hydrogen-bonded 2-(2'-hydroxyphenyl)-4-methyloxazole. At the CASSCF level, we have optimized minima, conical intersections, minimum-energy reaction paths relevant to the excited-state intramolecular proton transfer (ESIPT), rotation, photoisomerization, and the excited-state deactivation pathways. The energies of all structures and paths are refined by the MS-CASPT2 method. On the basis of the present results, we found that the ESIPT process in a conformer with the OH... N hydrogen bond is essentially barrierless process; whereas, the ESIPT process is inhibited in the other conformer with the OH... O hydrogen bond. The central single-bond rotation of the S1 enol species is energetically unfavorable due to a large barrier. In addition, the excited-state deactivation of the S1 keto species, as a result of the ultrafast ESIPT, is very efficient because of the existence of two easily-approached keto S1/S0 conical intersections. In stark contrast to the S1 keto species, the decay of the S1 enol species is almostly blocked. The present theoretical study contributes valuable knowledge to the understanding of photochemistry of similar intramolecularly hydrogen-bonded molecular and biological systems.展开更多
The photophysics of 3-dimethylamino-2-methyl-propenal (DMAMP) after excitation to the S2 (ππ^*) electronic state was studied using the resonance Raman spectroscopy and complete active space self-consistent fiel...The photophysics of 3-dimethylamino-2-methyl-propenal (DMAMP) after excitation to the S2 (ππ^*) electronic state was studied using the resonance Raman spectroscopy and complete active space self-consistent field method calculations. The transition barriers of the ground state tautomerization reactions between DMAMP and its three isomers were determined at B3LYP/6-311++G(d,p) level of theory. The vibrational spectra were assigned. The A- band resonance Raman spectra were obtained in acetonitrile with excitation wavelengths in resonance with the first intense absorption band to probe the structural dynamics of DMAMP. The B3LYP-TD computation was carried out to determine the relative A-band resonance Raman intensities of the fundamental modes, and the result indicated that the vibronic-coupling existed in Franck-Condon region. Complete active space self-consistent field (CASSCF) calculations were carried out to determine the excitation energies of the lower-lying singlet and triplet excited states, the conical intersection points and the intersystem crossing points. The A-band short-time structural dynamics and the corresponding decay dynamics of DMAMP were obtained by analysis of the resonance Raman intensity pattern and CASSCF computations. It was found that a sudden de-conjugation between C1=O6 and C2=C3 occurred at the Franck-Condon region of the S2(ππ^*) state, while the enhancement of the conjugation interaction between C3 and N(CH3)2, and between C1 and C2 evolutions shortly after the wavepacket leaves away the Pranck-Condon region via the excited state charge redistribution. The de-conjugation interaction between C1=O6 and C2=C3 made the rotation of C3=N(CH3)2 group around the C2-C3 bond much easier, while the enhanced conjugation between C1 and C2, and between C3 and N(CH3)2 made the rotation around the C1-C2 bond and C3-N5 more difficult. It was revealed that the initial structural dynamics of DMAMP was predominantly towards the CI-I(S2/S0) point, while the opportunities towards either CI-2(S2/S0) or CI-3(S2/S0) point were negligible. Two decay channels of DMAMP from S2,FC(ππ^*) to So or Tl,min via various CIs and ISCs were proposed.展开更多
The A-band resonance Raman spectra of thiourea were obtained in water and acetonitrile solution. B3LYP/6-311++G(3df,3pd) and RCIS/6-311++G(3df,3pd) calculations were done to elucidate the ultraviolet electroni...The A-band resonance Raman spectra of thiourea were obtained in water and acetonitrile solution. B3LYP/6-311++G(3df,3pd) and RCIS/6-311++G(3df,3pd) calculations were done to elucidate the ultraviolet electronic transitions, the distorted geometry structure and the saddle point of thiourea in 21A excited state, respectively. The resonance Raman spectra were assigned. The absorption spectrum and resonance Raman intensities were modeled using Heller's time-dependent wavepacket approach to resonance Raman scattering. The results indicate that largest change in the displacement takes place with the C--S stretch mode u6 (|△|=0.95) and noticeable changes appear in the H5N3H6+H8N4H7 wag v5 (|△|=0.19), NCN symmetric stretch^-C--S stretch+N3H6+H8N4 wag v4 (|△|=0.18), while the moderate intensities of 2-15 and 4-15 are mostly due to the large excited state frequency changes of v15, but not due to its significant change in the normal mode displacement. The mechanism of the appearance of even overtones of the S-CN2 out of plane deformation is explored. The results indicate that a Franck-Condon region saddle point is the driving force for the quadric phonon mechanism within the standard A-term of resonance Raman scattering, which leads to the pyramidalization of the carbon center and the geometry distortion of thiourea molecule in 21A excited state.展开更多
Based on the obtained energy values of 1s^2np (n≤ 9) states for lithium-like systems from Z=11 to 20 (by the authors of this paper: Hu M H and Wang Z W 2004 Chin. Phys. 13 662), this paper determines the quantum...Based on the obtained energy values of 1s^2np (n≤ 9) states for lithium-like systems from Z=11 to 20 (by the authors of this paper: Hu M H and Wang Z W 2004 Chin. Phys. 13 662), this paper determines the quantum defects, as slowly varying function of energy, of this Rydberg series. Using them as input, it can predict the energies of any highly excited states below the ionization threshold for this series a^cording to the quantum defect theory. The regularities of variation for quantum defects of the series along this isoelectronic sequence are physically analysed and discussed. The screening parameters, which are equal to the effective screening charge of the core-electrons, are also obtained.展开更多
The full-core plus correlation method with multi-configuration interaction wave functions is extended to the calcu- lation of the non-relativistic energies of ls2nd (n ≤9) states for the lithium isoelectronic seque...The full-core plus correlation method with multi-configuration interaction wave functions is extended to the calcu- lation of the non-relativistic energies of ls2nd (n ≤9) states for the lithium isoelectronic sequence from Z = 11 to 20. Relativistic and mass-polarization effects on the energy are calculated as the first-order perturbation correction. The quantum-electrodynamics correction is also included. The fine structure splittings are determined from the expectation values of spin-orbit and spin-other-orbit interaction operators in the Pauli-Breit approximation. Combining the term energies of lowly excited states obtained with the quantum defects calculated by the single channel quantum defect theory, each of which is a smooth function of energy and approximated by a weakly varying function of energy, the ion potentials of highly excited states (n ≥ 6) are obtained with the semi-empirical iteration method. The results are compared with experimental data in the literature and found to be closely consistent with the regularity.展开更多
In this study,we systematically investigated the two-proton(2p)radioactivity half-lives from the excited state of nuclei near the proton drip line within the Gamowlike model(GLM)and modified Gamow-like model(MGLM).The...In this study,we systematically investigated the two-proton(2p)radioactivity half-lives from the excited state of nuclei near the proton drip line within the Gamowlike model(GLM)and modified Gamow-like model(MGLM).The calculated results were highly consistent with the theoretical values obtained using the unified fission model[Chin.Phys.C 45,124105(2021)],effective liquid drop model,and generalized liquid drop model[Acta Phys.Sin 71,062301(2022)].Furthermore,utilizing the GLM and MGLM,we predicted the 2p radioactivity halflives from the excited state for some nuclei that are not yet available experimentally.Simultaneously,by analyzing the calculated results from these theoretical models,it was found that the half-lives are strongly dependent on Qand l.展开更多
Resonance-enhanced multiphoton ionization of the titanium atoms has been investigated in the 293 321 nm wavelength. We couple a laser-ablated metal target into a molecular beam to produce free atoms. Ions produced fro...Resonance-enhanced multiphoton ionization of the titanium atoms has been investigated in the 293 321 nm wavelength. We couple a laser-ablated metal target into a molecular beam to produce free atoms. Ions produced from photoionization of the neutral atoms are monitored by a home-built time-of-flight mass spectrometer. Photoionization cross sections of the excited states of Ti I were deduced from the dependence of the ion signal intensity on the laser intensity for photon energies close to the ionization threshold. The values obtained range from 0.2 Mb to 6.0 Mb. No significant isotope-dependence was found from measurements of the photoionization cross sections of ^46Ti, ^47Ti, and ^48Ti.展开更多
The comparison between single-point energy scanning (SPES) and geometry optimization (OPT) in determining the equilibrium geometries of c^3∑g^+ and B^1-Пu states of dimer 7Li2 is made at numerous basis sets by ...The comparison between single-point energy scanning (SPES) and geometry optimization (OPT) in determining the equilibrium geometries of c^3∑g^+ and B^1-Пu states of dimer 7Li2 is made at numerous basis sets by using a symmetryadapted-cluster configuration-interaztion (SAC-CI) method in the Gaussian 03 program package. In this paper the difference of the equilibrium geometries obtained by SPES and by OPT is reported. The results obtained by SPES are found to be more reasonable than those obtained by OPT in full active space at the present SAC-CI level of theory. And the conclusion is attained that the cc-PVTZ is a most suitable basis set for these states. The calculated dissociation energies and equilibrium geometries are 0.8818 eV and 0.3090 nm for c^3∑g^+ state, and 0.3668 eV and 0.2932 nm for B^1-Пu state respectively. The potential energy curves are calculated over a wide internuclear distance range from about 2.5α0 to 37α0 and have a least-squares fit into the Murrell-Sorbie function. According to the calculated analytic potential energy functions, the harmonic frequencies (We) and other spectroscopic data (ωeXe, Be and αe) are calculated. Comparison of the theoretical determinations at present work with the experiments and other theories clearly shows that the present work is the most complete effort and thus represents an improvement over previous theoretical results.展开更多
Excited-state hydrogen-bonding dynamics of N-methylformamide (NMF) in water has been investigated by time-dependent density functional theory (TDDFT) method. The ground-state geometry optimizations were calculated...Excited-state hydrogen-bonding dynamics of N-methylformamide (NMF) in water has been investigated by time-dependent density functional theory (TDDFT) method. The ground-state geometry optimizations were calculated by density functional theory (DFT) method, while the electronic transition energies and corresponding oscillation strengths of the low-lying electronically excited states of isolated NMF, water monomers and the hydrogen-bonded NMF-H 2 O were calculated by TDDFT method. According to Zhao's rule on the excited-state hydrogen bonding dynamics, our results demonstrate that the intermolecular hydrogen bond C=O···O-H is strengthened and weakened in different electronically excited states. The hydrogen bond strengthening and weakening in the electronically excited state plays an important role in the photophysics of NMF in solutions.展开更多
We have developed a computer code for {/em ab initio} the variational configuration interaction calculation of the electronic structure of atoms via variationally optimized Lagurre type orbitals, treating the orbital...We have developed a computer code for {/em ab initio} the variational configuration interaction calculation of the electronic structure of atoms via variationally optimized Lagurre type orbitals, treating the orbital effective charges as variational parameters. Excited states of the same symmetry, in order to avoid the inherent restrictions of the standard method of Hylleraas--Unheim and MacDonald, are computed variationally by minimizing the recently developed minimization functionals for excited states. By computing, at the minimum, the one-electron density and the probability distribution of the two-electron angle, and the most probable two-electron angle, we investigate the atomic states of the carbon atom. We show that, without resorting to the (admittedly unproven) concept of hybridization, as an intrinsic property of the atomic wave function, the most probable value of the two-electron angle is around the known angles of carbon bonding, i.e. either 109^/circ or 120^/circ or 180^/circ, depending on each low-lying state of the bare carbon atom.展开更多
We theoretically investigate the contribution of the excited state to the ellipticity of the harmonics from H+ at different orientation angles irradiated by a linearly polarized laser pulse. It is found that the firs...We theoretically investigate the contribution of the excited state to the ellipticity of the harmonics from H+ at different orientation angles irradiated by a linearly polarized laser pulse. It is found that the first excited state has a significant influence to the ellipticity of the harmonics, and the contribution of higher excited states to the ellipticity can be neglected. Moreover, the conclusion is not dependent on the laser intensity.展开更多
In the present work,we extend the Coulomb and Proximity Potential Model(CPPM)to study two-proton(2p)radioactivity from excited states while the proximity potential is chosen as AW95 proposed by Aage Withner in 1995.De...In the present work,we extend the Coulomb and Proximity Potential Model(CPPM)to study two-proton(2p)radioactivity from excited states while the proximity potential is chosen as AW95 proposed by Aage Withner in 1995.Demonstration reveals that the theoretical results acquired by CPPM exhibit a high level of consistency with prior theoretical models such as the unified fission model(UFM),generalized liquid-drop model(GLDM)and effective liquid-drop model(ELDM).Furthermore,within the CPPM,we predicted the half-lives of potential 2p radioactive nuclei for which experimental data are currently unavailable.The predicted results were then assessed,compared with UFM,ELDM and GLDM models,and examined in detail.展开更多
An isolated-core-excitation (ICE) scheme and stepwise excitation are employed to study the highly excited states of the europium atom. The bound europium spectrum with odd parity in a region of 42400-43500 cm^-1 is ...An isolated-core-excitation (ICE) scheme and stepwise excitation are employed to study the highly excited states of the europium atom. The bound europium spectrum with odd parity in a region of 42400-43500 cm^-1 is measured, from which spectral information on 38 transitions, such as level position and relative intensity, can be deduced. Combined with information about excitation calibration and the error estimation process, the selection rules enable us to determine the possible values of total angular momentum J for the observed states. The autoionization spectra of atomic europium, belonging to the 4f^76pnl(l = 0, 2) configurations, are systematically investigated by using the three-step laser resonance ionization spectroscopy (RIS) approach. With the ICE scheme, all the experimental spectra of the autoionizing states have nearly symmetric profiles whose peak positions and widths can be easily obtained. A comparison between our results and those from the relevant literature shows that our work not only confirms many reported states, but also discovers 14 bound states and 16 autoionizing states.展开更多
We find that the squeezed two-mode number state is just a two-variable Hermite polynomial excitation of thetwo-mode squeezed vacuum state (THPES).We find that the Wigner function of THPES and its marginal distribution...We find that the squeezed two-mode number state is just a two-variable Hermite polynomial excitation of thetwo-mode squeezed vacuum state (THPES).We find that the Wigner function of THPES and its marginal distributionsare just related to two-variable Hermite polynomials (or Laguerre polynomials) and that the tomogram of THPES canbe expressed by one-mode Hermite polynomial.展开更多
Full-dimensional adiabatic potential energy surfaces of the electronic ground state X and nine excited states A,I,B,C,D,D',D'',E' and F of H_(2)O molecule are developed at the level of internally contr...Full-dimensional adiabatic potential energy surfaces of the electronic ground state X and nine excited states A,I,B,C,D,D',D'',E' and F of H_(2)O molecule are developed at the level of internally contracted multireference configuration interaction with the Davidson correction.The potential energy surfaces are fitted by using Gaussian process regression combining permutation invariant polynomials.With a large selected active space and extra diffuse basis set to describe these Rydberg states,the calculated vertical excited energies and equilibrium geometries are in good agreement with the previous theoretical and experimental values.Compared with the well-investigated photodissociation of the first three low-lying states,both theoretical and experimental studies on higher states are still limited.In this work,we focus on all the three channels of the highly excited state,which are directly involved in the vacuum ultraviolet photodissociation of water.In particular,some conical intersections of D-E',E'-F,A-I and I-C states are clearly illustrated for the first time based on the newly developed potential energy surfaces(PESs).The nonadiabatic dissociation pathways for these excited states are discussed in detail,which may shed light on the photodissociation mechanisms for these highly excited states.展开更多
Dynamic nonlinearities of C70/toluene solution are measured and analysed by an improved picosecond timeresolved pump-probe system based on a nonlinear imaging technique with phase object. The photophysical parameters ...Dynamic nonlinearities of C70/toluene solution are measured and analysed by an improved picosecond timeresolved pump-probe system based on a nonlinear imaging technique with phase object. The photophysical parameters are determined by the five-level model, which is adopted to interpret the experimental data. The change of refraction index per unit density of the excited state obtained by a numerically simulation is a critical factor to determine the nonlinear behaviour of C70 in picosecond time regime.展开更多
The spin crossover(SCO) compound [Fe(bapbpy)(NCS)2],where bapbpy contains two fused N,N-bis(2-pyridyl)amines,has been studied by DFT/TD-DFT/BS-DFT methods.Several density functionals and basis sets were used i...The spin crossover(SCO) compound [Fe(bapbpy)(NCS)2],where bapbpy contains two fused N,N-bis(2-pyridyl)amines,has been studied by DFT/TD-DFT/BS-DFT methods.Several density functionals and basis sets were used in the calculation to obtain optimized geometries of the compound in the low-(LS) and high-spin(HS) states.The vibrational modes and IR spectra,spin splitting energies,excited states and UV/Vis absorption spectra were obtained.The structural parameters of the calculated isolated complex are in good agreement with the X-ray data.We investigate three dimers of [Fe(bapbpy)(NCS)2] complex for their magnetic properties.It has been found that the complex(1,3) has ferromagnetic character while the others are antiferromagnetic in nature by using a broken symmetry approach in the DFT framework(BS-DFT) with support from the coupling constant values(J) and spin density plots.展开更多
基金Project supported by the Natural Science Foundation of Heilongjiang Province,China(Grant No.LH2022A026)the National Key Research and Development Program of China(Grant No.2022YFA1602500)+2 种基金the National Natural Science Foundation of China(Grant No.11934004)Fundamental Research Funds in Heilongjiang Province Universities,China(Grant No.145109309)Foundation of National Key Laboratory of Computational Physics(Grant No.6142A05QN22006)。
文摘The SiS molecule,which plays a significant role in space,has attracted a great deal of attention for many years.Due to complex interactions among its low-lying electronic states,precise information regarding the molecular structure of SiS is limited.To obtain accurate information about the structure of its excited states,the high-precision multireference configuration interaction(MRCI)method has been utilized.This method is used to calculate the potential energy curves(PECs)of the 18Λ–S states corresponding to the lowest dissociation limit of SiS.The core–valence correlation effect,Davidson’s correction and the scalar relativistic effect are also included to guarantee the precision of the MRCI calculation.Based on the calculated PECs,the spectroscopic constants of quasi-bound and bound electronic states are calculated and they are in accordance with previous experimental results.The transition dipole moments(TDMs)and dipole moments(DMs)are determined by the MRCI method.In addition,the abrupt variations of the DMs for the 1^(5)Σ^(+)and 2^(5)Σ^(+)states at the avoided crossing point are attributed to the variation of the electronic configuration.The opacity of SiS at a pressure of 100 atms is presented across a series of temperatures.With increasing temperature,the expanding population of excited states blurs the band boundaries.
文摘The electronic structure of methanol/TiO2(ll0) interface has been studied by photoemis- sion spectroscopy. The pronounced resonance which appears at 5.5 eV above the Fermi level in two-photon photoemission spectroscopy (2PPE) is associated with the photocatalyzed dissociation of methanol at fivefold coordinated Ti sites (Ti5c) on TiO2 (110) surface [Chem- ical Science 1, 575 (2010)]. To check whether this resonance signal arises from initial or intermediate states, photon energy dependent 2PPE and comparison between one-photon photoemission spectroscopy and 2PPE have been performed. Both results consistently sug- gest the resonance signal originates from the initially unoccupied intermediate states, i.e., excited states. Dispersion measurements suggest the excited state is localized. Time-resolved studies show the lifetime of the excited state is 24 fs. This work presents comprehensive char- acterization of the excited states on methanol/TiO2(110) interface, and provides elaborate experimental data for the development of theoretical methods in reproducing the excited states on TiO2 surfaces and interfaces.
基金ACKNOWLEDGMENTS This work was supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (No.61137005 and No.10974023), the Program for Liaoning Excellent Talents in University (No.LJQ2012002), and the Program for New Century Excellent Talents in University (No.NCET-12-0077).
文摘The excited state intramolecular proton transfer (ESIPT) coupled charge transfer of baicalein has been investigated using steady-state spectroscopic experiment and quantum chemistry calculations. The absence of the absorption peak from S1 excited state both in the experi-mental and calculated absorption spectra indicates that S1 is a dark state. The dark excited state S1 results in the very weak fluorescence of solid baicalein in the experiment. The fron- tier molecular orbital and the charge difference densities of baicalein show clearly that the S1 state is a charge-transfer state whereas the S2 state is a locally excited state. The only one stationary point on the potential energy profile of excited state suggests that the ESIPT reaction of baicalein is a barrierless process.
文摘Herein we have employed high-level multi-reference CASSCF and MS-CASPT2 electronic structure methods to systematically study the photochemical mechanism of intramolecularly hydrogen-bonded 2-(2'-hydroxyphenyl)-4-methyloxazole. At the CASSCF level, we have optimized minima, conical intersections, minimum-energy reaction paths relevant to the excited-state intramolecular proton transfer (ESIPT), rotation, photoisomerization, and the excited-state deactivation pathways. The energies of all structures and paths are refined by the MS-CASPT2 method. On the basis of the present results, we found that the ESIPT process in a conformer with the OH... N hydrogen bond is essentially barrierless process; whereas, the ESIPT process is inhibited in the other conformer with the OH... O hydrogen bond. The central single-bond rotation of the S1 enol species is energetically unfavorable due to a large barrier. In addition, the excited-state deactivation of the S1 keto species, as a result of the ultrafast ESIPT, is very efficient because of the existence of two easily-approached keto S1/S0 conical intersections. In stark contrast to the S1 keto species, the decay of the S1 enol species is almostly blocked. The present theoretical study contributes valuable knowledge to the understanding of photochemistry of similar intramolecularly hydrogen-bonded molecular and biological systems.
基金ACKNOWLEDGMENTS This work was supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (No.21033002 and No.21202032) and the National Basic Research Program of China (No.2013CB834604).
文摘The photophysics of 3-dimethylamino-2-methyl-propenal (DMAMP) after excitation to the S2 (ππ^*) electronic state was studied using the resonance Raman spectroscopy and complete active space self-consistent field method calculations. The transition barriers of the ground state tautomerization reactions between DMAMP and its three isomers were determined at B3LYP/6-311++G(d,p) level of theory. The vibrational spectra were assigned. The A- band resonance Raman spectra were obtained in acetonitrile with excitation wavelengths in resonance with the first intense absorption band to probe the structural dynamics of DMAMP. The B3LYP-TD computation was carried out to determine the relative A-band resonance Raman intensities of the fundamental modes, and the result indicated that the vibronic-coupling existed in Franck-Condon region. Complete active space self-consistent field (CASSCF) calculations were carried out to determine the excitation energies of the lower-lying singlet and triplet excited states, the conical intersection points and the intersystem crossing points. The A-band short-time structural dynamics and the corresponding decay dynamics of DMAMP were obtained by analysis of the resonance Raman intensity pattern and CASSCF computations. It was found that a sudden de-conjugation between C1=O6 and C2=C3 occurred at the Franck-Condon region of the S2(ππ^*) state, while the enhancement of the conjugation interaction between C3 and N(CH3)2, and between C1 and C2 evolutions shortly after the wavepacket leaves away the Pranck-Condon region via the excited state charge redistribution. The de-conjugation interaction between C1=O6 and C2=C3 made the rotation of C3=N(CH3)2 group around the C2-C3 bond much easier, while the enhanced conjugation between C1 and C2, and between C3 and N(CH3)2 made the rotation around the C1-C2 bond and C3-N5 more difficult. It was revealed that the initial structural dynamics of DMAMP was predominantly towards the CI-I(S2/S0) point, while the opportunities towards either CI-2(S2/S0) or CI-3(S2/S0) point were negligible. Two decay channels of DMAMP from S2,FC(ππ^*) to So or Tl,min via various CIs and ISCs were proposed.
基金This work was supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (No.21033002 and No.20803066) and the National Basic Research Program of China (No.2007CB815203).
文摘The A-band resonance Raman spectra of thiourea were obtained in water and acetonitrile solution. B3LYP/6-311++G(3df,3pd) and RCIS/6-311++G(3df,3pd) calculations were done to elucidate the ultraviolet electronic transitions, the distorted geometry structure and the saddle point of thiourea in 21A excited state, respectively. The resonance Raman spectra were assigned. The absorption spectrum and resonance Raman intensities were modeled using Heller's time-dependent wavepacket approach to resonance Raman scattering. The results indicate that largest change in the displacement takes place with the C--S stretch mode u6 (|△|=0.95) and noticeable changes appear in the H5N3H6+H8N4H7 wag v5 (|△|=0.19), NCN symmetric stretch^-C--S stretch+N3H6+H8N4 wag v4 (|△|=0.18), while the moderate intensities of 2-15 and 4-15 are mostly due to the large excited state frequency changes of v15, but not due to its significant change in the normal mode displacement. The mechanism of the appearance of even overtones of the S-CN2 out of plane deformation is explored. The results indicate that a Franck-Condon region saddle point is the driving force for the quadric phonon mechanism within the standard A-term of resonance Raman scattering, which leads to the pyramidalization of the carbon center and the geometry distortion of thiourea molecule in 21A excited state.
基金Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China(Grant Nos 10474029 and 10774063)
文摘Based on the obtained energy values of 1s^2np (n≤ 9) states for lithium-like systems from Z=11 to 20 (by the authors of this paper: Hu M H and Wang Z W 2004 Chin. Phys. 13 662), this paper determines the quantum defects, as slowly varying function of energy, of this Rydberg series. Using them as input, it can predict the energies of any highly excited states below the ionization threshold for this series a^cording to the quantum defect theory. The regularities of variation for quantum defects of the series along this isoelectronic sequence are physically analysed and discussed. The screening parameters, which are equal to the effective screening charge of the core-electrons, are also obtained.
基金Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No.11074102)the Natural Science Foundation of Liaoning Province of China (Grant No.20092172)
文摘The full-core plus correlation method with multi-configuration interaction wave functions is extended to the calcu- lation of the non-relativistic energies of ls2nd (n ≤9) states for the lithium isoelectronic sequence from Z = 11 to 20. Relativistic and mass-polarization effects on the energy are calculated as the first-order perturbation correction. The quantum-electrodynamics correction is also included. The fine structure splittings are determined from the expectation values of spin-orbit and spin-other-orbit interaction operators in the Pauli-Breit approximation. Combining the term energies of lowly excited states obtained with the quantum defects calculated by the single channel quantum defect theory, each of which is a smooth function of energy and approximated by a weakly varying function of energy, the ion potentials of highly excited states (n ≥ 6) are obtained with the semi-empirical iteration method. The results are compared with experimental data in the literature and found to be closely consistent with the regularity.
基金supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China(Nos.12175100 and 11975132)the Construct Program of the Key Discipline in Hunan Province+3 种基金the Research Foundation of the Education Bureau of Hunan Province,China(No.18A237)the Natural Science Foundation of Hunan Province,China(No.2018JJ2321)the Innovation Group of Nuclear and Particle Physics in USCthe Opening Project of the Cooperative Innovation Center for Nuclear Fuel Cycle Technology and Equipment,University of South China(No.2019KFZ10)。
文摘In this study,we systematically investigated the two-proton(2p)radioactivity half-lives from the excited state of nuclei near the proton drip line within the Gamowlike model(GLM)and modified Gamow-like model(MGLM).The calculated results were highly consistent with the theoretical values obtained using the unified fission model[Chin.Phys.C 45,124105(2021)],effective liquid drop model,and generalized liquid drop model[Acta Phys.Sin 71,062301(2022)].Furthermore,utilizing the GLM and MGLM,we predicted the 2p radioactivity halflives from the excited state for some nuclei that are not yet available experimentally.Simultaneously,by analyzing the calculated results from these theoretical models,it was found that the half-lives are strongly dependent on Qand l.
基金V. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS This work is supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (No.10674002 and No.20973001) and the Science Foundation of Anhui Education Committee (No.ZD2007001-1).
文摘Resonance-enhanced multiphoton ionization of the titanium atoms has been investigated in the 293 321 nm wavelength. We couple a laser-ablated metal target into a molecular beam to produce free atoms. Ions produced from photoionization of the neutral atoms are monitored by a home-built time-of-flight mass spectrometer. Photoionization cross sections of the excited states of Ti I were deduced from the dependence of the ion signal intensity on the laser intensity for photon energies close to the ionization threshold. The values obtained range from 0.2 Mb to 6.0 Mb. No significant isotope-dependence was found from measurements of the photoionization cross sections of ^46Ti, ^47Ti, and ^48Ti.
基金Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No 10574039), the Henan Innovation for University Prominent Research Talents (Grant No 2006KYCX002) and the National Natural Science Foundation of Education Bureau of Henan Province, China (Grant No 2007140015). We heartily thank Professor Zhu Zheng-Hem of Sichuan University for his helpful discussion about the reasonable dissociation stages of these calculations limits during the planning
文摘The comparison between single-point energy scanning (SPES) and geometry optimization (OPT) in determining the equilibrium geometries of c^3∑g^+ and B^1-Пu states of dimer 7Li2 is made at numerous basis sets by using a symmetryadapted-cluster configuration-interaztion (SAC-CI) method in the Gaussian 03 program package. In this paper the difference of the equilibrium geometries obtained by SPES and by OPT is reported. The results obtained by SPES are found to be more reasonable than those obtained by OPT in full active space at the present SAC-CI level of theory. And the conclusion is attained that the cc-PVTZ is a most suitable basis set for these states. The calculated dissociation energies and equilibrium geometries are 0.8818 eV and 0.3090 nm for c^3∑g^+ state, and 0.3668 eV and 0.2932 nm for B^1-Пu state respectively. The potential energy curves are calculated over a wide internuclear distance range from about 2.5α0 to 37α0 and have a least-squares fit into the Murrell-Sorbie function. According to the calculated analytic potential energy functions, the harmonic frequencies (We) and other spectroscopic data (ωeXe, Be and αe) are calculated. Comparison of the theoretical determinations at present work with the experiments and other theories clearly shows that the present work is the most complete effort and thus represents an improvement over previous theoretical results.
基金Supported by the Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities (No.2012QN066,2011QN142)
文摘Excited-state hydrogen-bonding dynamics of N-methylformamide (NMF) in water has been investigated by time-dependent density functional theory (TDDFT) method. The ground-state geometry optimizations were calculated by density functional theory (DFT) method, while the electronic transition energies and corresponding oscillation strengths of the low-lying electronically excited states of isolated NMF, water monomers and the hydrogen-bonded NMF-H 2 O were calculated by TDDFT method. According to Zhao's rule on the excited-state hydrogen bonding dynamics, our results demonstrate that the intermolecular hydrogen bond C=O···O-H is strengthened and weakened in different electronically excited states. The hydrogen bond strengthening and weakening in the electronically excited state plays an important role in the photophysics of NMF in solutions.
基金supported by the National High Technology Research and Development Program of China (Grant No. 2004AA306H10)the operational program "Competitiveness" of the Greek General Secretariat of Research and Technology(Grant No. 04EP111/ENTEP-2004)
文摘We have developed a computer code for {/em ab initio} the variational configuration interaction calculation of the electronic structure of atoms via variationally optimized Lagurre type orbitals, treating the orbital effective charges as variational parameters. Excited states of the same symmetry, in order to avoid the inherent restrictions of the standard method of Hylleraas--Unheim and MacDonald, are computed variationally by minimizing the recently developed minimization functionals for excited states. By computing, at the minimum, the one-electron density and the probability distribution of the two-electron angle, and the most probable two-electron angle, we investigate the atomic states of the carbon atom. We show that, without resorting to the (admittedly unproven) concept of hybridization, as an intrinsic property of the atomic wave function, the most probable value of the two-electron angle is around the known angles of carbon bonding, i.e. either 109^/circ or 120^/circ or 180^/circ, depending on each low-lying state of the bare carbon atom.
基金Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China(Grant Nos.91026021,11075068,10875054,11175076,and 10975065)the Fundamental Research Funds of the Central Universities of China(Grant No.lzujbky-2010-k08)
文摘We theoretically investigate the contribution of the excited state to the ellipticity of the harmonics from H+ at different orientation angles irradiated by a linearly polarized laser pulse. It is found that the first excited state has a significant influence to the ellipticity of the harmonics, and the contribution of higher excited states to the ellipticity can be neglected. Moreover, the conclusion is not dependent on the laser intensity.
基金supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China(Nos.12175100 and 11975132)the Construct Program of the Key Discipline in Hunan Province,the Research Foundation of Education Bureau of Hunan Province,China(No.18A237)+1 种基金the Natural Science Foundation of Hunan Province,China(No.2018JJ2321)the Innovation Group of Nuclear and Particle Physics in USC,the Opening Project of Cooperative Innovation Center for Nuclear Fuel Cycle Technology and Equipment,University of South China(No.2019KFZ10).
文摘In the present work,we extend the Coulomb and Proximity Potential Model(CPPM)to study two-proton(2p)radioactivity from excited states while the proximity potential is chosen as AW95 proposed by Aage Withner in 1995.Demonstration reveals that the theoretical results acquired by CPPM exhibit a high level of consistency with prior theoretical models such as the unified fission model(UFM),generalized liquid-drop model(GLDM)and effective liquid-drop model(ELDM).Furthermore,within the CPPM,we predicted the half-lives of potential 2p radioactive nuclei for which experimental data are currently unavailable.The predicted results were then assessed,compared with UFM,ELDM and GLDM models,and examined in detail.
基金Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant Nos.10574098 and 10674102)the Natural Science Foundation of Tianjin,China (Grant No.05YFJMJC05200)
文摘An isolated-core-excitation (ICE) scheme and stepwise excitation are employed to study the highly excited states of the europium atom. The bound europium spectrum with odd parity in a region of 42400-43500 cm^-1 is measured, from which spectral information on 38 transitions, such as level position and relative intensity, can be deduced. Combined with information about excitation calibration and the error estimation process, the selection rules enable us to determine the possible values of total angular momentum J for the observed states. The autoionization spectra of atomic europium, belonging to the 4f^76pnl(l = 0, 2) configurations, are systematically investigated by using the three-step laser resonance ionization spectroscopy (RIS) approach. With the ICE scheme, all the experimental spectra of the autoionizing states have nearly symmetric profiles whose peak positions and widths can be easily obtained. A comparison between our results and those from the relevant literature shows that our work not only confirms many reported states, but also discovers 14 bound states and 16 autoionizing states.
基金National Natural Science Foundation of China under Grant Nos.10775097,10874174 and 10647133the Natural Science Foundation of Jiangxi Province under Grant Nos.2007GQS1906 and 2007GZS1871the Research Foundation of the Education Department of Jiangxi Province under Grant No.[2007]22
文摘We find that the squeezed two-mode number state is just a two-variable Hermite polynomial excitation of thetwo-mode squeezed vacuum state (THPES).We find that the Wigner function of THPES and its marginal distributionsare just related to two-variable Hermite polynomials (or Laguerre polynomials) and that the tomogram of THPES canbe expressed by one-mode Hermite polynomial.
基金supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China(No.12047532,No.21733006,No.22073042,and No.22122302)。
文摘Full-dimensional adiabatic potential energy surfaces of the electronic ground state X and nine excited states A,I,B,C,D,D',D'',E' and F of H_(2)O molecule are developed at the level of internally contracted multireference configuration interaction with the Davidson correction.The potential energy surfaces are fitted by using Gaussian process regression combining permutation invariant polynomials.With a large selected active space and extra diffuse basis set to describe these Rydberg states,the calculated vertical excited energies and equilibrium geometries are in good agreement with the previous theoretical and experimental values.Compared with the well-investigated photodissociation of the first three low-lying states,both theoretical and experimental studies on higher states are still limited.In this work,we focus on all the three channels of the highly excited state,which are directly involved in the vacuum ultraviolet photodissociation of water.In particular,some conical intersections of D-E',E'-F,A-I and I-C states are clearly illustrated for the first time based on the newly developed potential energy surfaces(PESs).The nonadiabatic dissociation pathways for these excited states are discussed in detail,which may shed light on the photodissociation mechanisms for these highly excited states.
基金Project supported by the National Natural Science Fundation of China(Grant No.90922007)
文摘Dynamic nonlinearities of C70/toluene solution are measured and analysed by an improved picosecond timeresolved pump-probe system based on a nonlinear imaging technique with phase object. The photophysical parameters are determined by the five-level model, which is adopted to interpret the experimental data. The change of refraction index per unit density of the excited state obtained by a numerically simulation is a critical factor to determine the nonlinear behaviour of C70 in picosecond time regime.
基金Supported by the Natural Science Foundation of Shandong Province(No.Y2006B43)
文摘The spin crossover(SCO) compound [Fe(bapbpy)(NCS)2],where bapbpy contains two fused N,N-bis(2-pyridyl)amines,has been studied by DFT/TD-DFT/BS-DFT methods.Several density functionals and basis sets were used in the calculation to obtain optimized geometries of the compound in the low-(LS) and high-spin(HS) states.The vibrational modes and IR spectra,spin splitting energies,excited states and UV/Vis absorption spectra were obtained.The structural parameters of the calculated isolated complex are in good agreement with the X-ray data.We investigate three dimers of [Fe(bapbpy)(NCS)2] complex for their magnetic properties.It has been found that the complex(1,3) has ferromagnetic character while the others are antiferromagnetic in nature by using a broken symmetry approach in the DFT framework(BS-DFT) with support from the coupling constant values(J) and spin density plots.