A 1.66 kb expected S1 gene fragment of avian infectious brochitis virus (IBV) H strain was amplified by RT PCR. Its PCR/RFLP pattern was similar to IBV D 41 strain and M 41 strain when digested using BstYI, HaeⅢ and ...A 1.66 kb expected S1 gene fragment of avian infectious brochitis virus (IBV) H strain was amplified by RT PCR. Its PCR/RFLP pattern was similar to IBV D 41 strain and M 41 strain when digested using BstYI, HaeⅢ and EcoRI respectively. IBV H strain was thought as Massachusetts serotype.展开更多
用扩增片段的长度多态性(amplified fragment length polymorphism,AFLP)标记分析研究了东北梅花鹿同一居群内27个个体的亲缘关系,并以此作为优良种鹿选育种的辅助手段。筛选出9对AFLP引物组合,用EcoRⅠ/MseⅠ双酶切,对27只东北梅花鹿...用扩增片段的长度多态性(amplified fragment length polymorphism,AFLP)标记分析研究了东北梅花鹿同一居群内27个个体的亲缘关系,并以此作为优良种鹿选育种的辅助手段。筛选出9对AFLP引物组合,用EcoRⅠ/MseⅠ双酶切,对27只东北梅花鹿基因组DNA进行AFLP检测,共获得15 169条扩增带,检测出多态性条带11 443,多态性比率78.43%,平均每对引物检测到1 271个多态性位点。群体内相似系数AFLP研究结果,平均为0.7841(0.6809-0.8648),27只鹿聚为Ⅰ和Ⅱ两大类群,Ⅱ大类群分为5组,说明该鹿群个体间有较丰富的遗传变异,且与人工定向选配种有关。Ⅱ-4组群体内相似系数最高,在0.82以上,个体之间遗传距离最小在0.1354-0.1563之间,与繁殖记录的亲缘关系基本一致。该研究表明AFLP指纹技术用于梅花鹿遗传多态性分析,品种鉴定及亲缘关系分析是可行的。展开更多
文摘A 1.66 kb expected S1 gene fragment of avian infectious brochitis virus (IBV) H strain was amplified by RT PCR. Its PCR/RFLP pattern was similar to IBV D 41 strain and M 41 strain when digested using BstYI, HaeⅢ and EcoRI respectively. IBV H strain was thought as Massachusetts serotype.