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作者 郭林鸽 殷勇 +1 位作者 于慧春 袁云霞 《食品科学》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2024年第7期164-171,共8页
为提高马铃薯VC含量检测结果的准确性和可靠性,提出一种基于Fisher判别分析(Fisher discriminant analysis,FDA)可分性数据融合的检测模型输入变量构建方法。首先,利用高光谱成像技术采集200个马铃薯的高光谱信息,通过对比6种预处理方... 为提高马铃薯VC含量检测结果的准确性和可靠性,提出一种基于Fisher判别分析(Fisher discriminant analysis,FDA)可分性数据融合的检测模型输入变量构建方法。首先,利用高光谱成像技术采集200个马铃薯的高光谱信息,通过对比6种预处理方法和原始数据的建模结果,确定多元散射校正为光谱数据的预处理方法;其次,采用竞争性自适应重加权采样(competitive adaptive reweighted sampling,CARS)、连续投影算法(successive projections algorithm,SPA)及CARS-SPA组合算法3种方法提取相应特征波长,通过对比分析最终确定34个有效特征波长;然后,将有效特征波长进行FDA可分性数据融合,根据融合的新变量对样本间差异性判别能力的大小进行筛选,确定构建检测模型的输入变量;最后,分别对FDA融合前后筛选的变量建立偏最小二乘模型和反向传播神经网络(back propagation neural network,BPNN)模型,并对检测结果进行对比分析。结果表明,将CARS算法提取的34个特征波长进行FDA融合,采用前3个融合变量作为构建检测模型的输入变量时,其所建BPNN模型的相关系数由0.9726提高至0.9990,均方根误差由0.7723降低至0.1727,不仅能够极大地降低数据分析维度,而且能够提高检测结果的准确性。因此,基于FDA可分性数据融合构建检测模型输入变量可以提高马铃薯VC含量检测结果的准确性。 展开更多
关键词 高光谱成像 fisher判别分析 马铃薯 VC含量检测 模型
Improving the teleportation of quantum Fisher information under non-Markovian environment
作者 李艳玲 曾艺博 +1 位作者 姚林 肖兴 《Chinese Physics B》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2023年第1期172-177,共6页
Quantum teleportation is designed to send an unknown quantum state between two parties.In the perspective of remote quantum metrology,one may be interested in teleporting the information that is encoded by physical pa... Quantum teleportation is designed to send an unknown quantum state between two parties.In the perspective of remote quantum metrology,one may be interested in teleporting the information that is encoded by physical parameters synthesized by quantum Fisher information(QFI).However,the teleported QFI is often destroyed by the unavoidable interaction between the system and the environment.Here,we propose two schemes to improve the teleportation of QFI in the non-Markovian environment.One is to control the quantum system through the operations of weak measurement(WM)and corresponding quantum measurement reversal(QMR).The other is to modify the quantum system based on the monitoring result of the environment(i.e.,environment-assisted measurement,EAM).It is found that,in the non-Markovian environment,these two schemes can improve the teleportation of QFI.By selecting the appropriate strengths of WM and QMR,the environment noise can be completely eliminated and the initial QFI is perfectly teleported.A comprehensive comparison shows that the second scheme not only has a higher probability of success than the first one,but also has a significant improvement of the teleported QFI. 展开更多
关键词 weak measurement environment-assisted measurement teleportation of quantum fisher information
作者 任永杰 殷勇 +1 位作者 于慧春 袁云霞 《食品科学》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2024年第1期198-203,共6页
为实现紫苏品种的快速鉴别,避免以次充好,选取4个品种的紫苏采集三维荧光数据,提出了一种基于小波包分解融合Fisher判别分析(Fisher discriminant analysis,FDA)的荧光数据特征选择策略,并实施了4种紫苏的有效鉴别。首先,对三维荧光数... 为实现紫苏品种的快速鉴别,避免以次充好,选取4个品种的紫苏采集三维荧光数据,提出了一种基于小波包分解融合Fisher判别分析(Fisher discriminant analysis,FDA)的荧光数据特征选择策略,并实施了4种紫苏的有效鉴别。首先,对三维荧光数据进行预处理,采用Delaunay三角形内插值法去除瑞利散射和拉曼散射,以消除它们的不利影响;运用Savitzky-Golar卷积平滑对数据进行平滑处理,以减少噪声的干扰。同时,对三维荧光数据进行初步筛选,去除了荧光强度小于0.01的发射波长。然后,对各激发波长对应的发射光谱进行3层sym4小波包分解,计算得到最低频段的小波包能量值,作为各激发波长光谱数据表征量。接着,再利用FDA对小波包能量进行判别分析,将其所包含的差异性信息进行融合,得到FDA生成的新变量,并选取累计判别能力达到99%的前3个FD变量作为不同品种差异性信息的表征变量,提出三维荧光数据的表征策略。最后,利用BP神经网络(backpropagation neural network,BPNN)和支持向量机(support vector machine,SVM)两种模式识别算法对表征变量进行分析,得到FDA+BPNN和FDA+SVM两种鉴别结果。FDA+BPNN的训练集正确率为97.5%,测试集正确率为95%;FDA+SVM的训练集和测试集的正确率均达到98.33%。结果表明,三维荧光光谱技术结合小波包分解、FDA和SVM算法基本上能够实现紫苏品种的鉴别。这为后续有关紫苏的进一步检测研究(如某些有效成分的定量检测)提供了研究基础。 展开更多
关键词 紫苏 三维荧光 小波包分解 fisher判别分析 BP神经网络 支持向量机
作者 杨建新 付光明 +7 位作者 刘新源 杨军杰 贾保顺 李致新 李洪臣 杨晋燕 常剑波 姬小明 《江苏农业科学》 北大核心 2024年第13期181-187,共7页
为烟叶油分档次的判别提供参考,以三门峡主产区132份初烤烟叶为样品,评定油分档次后,测定烟叶样品中主要含氮化合物的含量,运用方差分析、Spearman相关性分析和主成分分析筛选出油分档次的判别指标,采用Fisher判别分析建立烟叶油分档次... 为烟叶油分档次的判别提供参考,以三门峡主产区132份初烤烟叶为样品,评定油分档次后,测定烟叶样品中主要含氮化合物的含量,运用方差分析、Spearman相关性分析和主成分分析筛选出油分档次的判别指标,采用Fisher判别分析建立烟叶油分档次的判别模型。结果表明,不同油分烟叶的含氮化合物中大多数氨基酸含量(19/21)存在显著差异,除脯氨酸外,基本与油分呈显著或极显著负相关。经过主成分分析,从主要含氮化合物中提取出4个主成分,代表了总指标73.441%的信息,筛选出17种烟叶油分的特征含氮化合物。经Fisher判别分析,确定了17种游离氨基酸作为烟叶油分的有效判别指标,构建了烟叶油分档次的Fisher判别模型,训练集和测试集的识别率均为100%。并利用江西吉安和云南楚雄的20份样品对模型进行了验证,准确率分别为100%和80%,对烟叶油分档次的判别效果较好。游离氨基酸的检测结合多元统计分析方法可用于烟叶油分档次的判别。 展开更多
关键词 烟叶 含氮化合物 游离氨基酸 油分 fisher判别分析
作者 申雄 栗继祖 赵德康 《矿业安全与环保》 CAS 北大核心 2024年第3期144-152,共9页
采煤工作面回采过程中充水水源的多源不确定性是矿井水害防治的研究重点,采用水化学信息识别充水水源时,常难以明确界定各充水水源的特征型水质阈值,且现有大多数分析判别方法判别精度不高。基于现场采集的马脊梁煤矿8210工作面矿井涌... 采煤工作面回采过程中充水水源的多源不确定性是矿井水害防治的研究重点,采用水化学信息识别充水水源时,常难以明确界定各充水水源的特征型水质阈值,且现有大多数分析判别方法判别精度不高。基于现场采集的马脊梁煤矿8210工作面矿井涌水可能充水水源样本建立样本数据库,采用Piper三线图法和多因子法分析各充水水源的水质类型及训练样本数据库,建立了基于主成分分析的Fisher判别模型,并根据欧氏距离判别原则分析识别采空区涌水的充水水源。结果表明,充水水源主要为侏罗系采空积水,其次为底板灰岩水和顶板砂岩水;该判别模型判别精度可以达到99.9%,对于采煤工作面矿井涌水充水水源的现场识别具有重要指导意义。 展开更多
关键词 矿井涌水 充水水源 水源识别 主成分分析 fisher多元统计理论 欧氏距离
作者 王东 张建功 汤澄清 《科技创新与生产力》 2024年第4期117-120,124,共5页
结合脚型性别差异研究,为了选取出足迹上与性别显著相关的特征,以便通过Fisher判别法建立函数模型,本研究测量了共7个与性别显著相关的几何特征,通过T检验和Fisher判别法建立了模型;利用Fisher判别分析建立了典则判别函数和Fisher线性... 结合脚型性别差异研究,为了选取出足迹上与性别显著相关的特征,以便通过Fisher判别法建立函数模型,本研究测量了共7个与性别显著相关的几何特征,通过T检验和Fisher判别法建立了模型;利用Fisher判别分析建立了典则判别函数和Fisher线性判别函数。实验结果显示,选取的特征对模型影响显著,函数模型预测准确率为92.3%。该判别函数模型可以显著提高足迹分析性别的准确率,可为技术侦查提供帮助。 展开更多
关键词 足迹 几何特征 fisher判别分析 性别预测
作者 韩泰然 李昂 刘军亮 《能源与环保》 2024年第3期28-34,共7页
为快速有效地判别矿井突水水源位置,预防水害事故的发生,根据平煤五矿实际水文地质特征,针对砂岩、太灰和寒灰含水层水质差异性,收集34组水样资料,并选取K^(+)+Na^(+)、Ca^(2+)、Mg^(2+)、SO_(4)^(2-)、Cl^(-)、HCO_(3)^(-)六大常规水... 为快速有效地判别矿井突水水源位置,预防水害事故的发生,根据平煤五矿实际水文地质特征,针对砂岩、太灰和寒灰含水层水质差异性,收集34组水样资料,并选取K^(+)+Na^(+)、Ca^(2+)、Mg^(2+)、SO_(4)^(2-)、Cl^(-)、HCO_(3)^(-)六大常规水化学离子作为判别因子,开展水化学特征分析;结合PCA降维统计算法,建立改进的Fisher水源判别模型,并利用待测样本对比改进前后Fisher模型的判别结果,同时将训练样本回代到改进模型中进行验证。结果表明,根据水化学类型无法准确区分寒灰水与太灰水;利用改进Fisher判别模型测试10组待测样本,判别准确率为100%,相较于基础Fisher模型,准确率提高了20%,应用改进Fisher判别模型可大幅提升水源识别准确率;已知训练样本的回代结果显示,改进Fisher判别结果与实际情况基本吻合。通过2种模型的对比分析,采用改进Fisher模型进行矿井水源识别准确率及可靠性高,具有一定研究价值,可为矿井水源识别提供新的思路。 展开更多
关键词 突水水源 fisher判别模型 水源识别 主成分分析
作者 王天舒 张旭 +1 位作者 王立波 刘松岩 《中风与神经疾病杂志》 CAS 2024年第2期161-163,共3页
Miller-Fisher综合征(Miller-Fisher syndrome,MFS)是吉兰-巴雷综合征(Guillain-Barre syndrome,GBS)的一种临床变异型,以共济失调、眼肌麻痹及腱反射消失为主要临床特征,极少出现瞳孔改变和瞳孔对光反射异常,一般无症状波动,部分患者... Miller-Fisher综合征(Miller-Fisher syndrome,MFS)是吉兰-巴雷综合征(Guillain-Barre syndrome,GBS)的一种临床变异型,以共济失调、眼肌麻痹及腱反射消失为主要临床特征,极少出现瞳孔改变和瞳孔对光反射异常,一般无症状波动,部分患者可检测到抗GQ1b IgG抗体阳性。本文报告了1例抗GQ1b、GT1a、Sulfatide抗体阳性的MFS,以波动性眼外肌麻痹起病,伴双侧瞳孔散大、对光反射迟钝及四肢麻木无力,症状少见不典型,临床极易误诊。 展开更多
关键词 MILLER-fisher综合征 重症肌无力 抗GQ1b抗体 眼肌麻痹
作者 任亚雷 周涛 《物理学报》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2024年第5期69-74,共6页
量子参数估计中的基本理论--量子Cramér-Rao不等式指出,参数估计的方差由量子Fisher信息的倒数决定,量子Fisher信息越大,参数估计的方差就越小,估计精度也就会越高.在非相对论量子力学中,量子Fisher信息已被广泛研究,但考虑相对论... 量子参数估计中的基本理论--量子Cramér-Rao不等式指出,参数估计的方差由量子Fisher信息的倒数决定,量子Fisher信息越大,参数估计的方差就越小,估计精度也就会越高.在非相对论量子力学中,量子Fisher信息已被广泛研究,但考虑相对论效应对量子Fisher信息影响的研究相对较少.本文采用粒子态的相对论变换方法,数值计算和分析了运动参考系中单粒子态、双粒子态振幅参数θ和相位参数φ的量子Fisher信息.结果表明,在运动参考系中,无论是使用单粒子态还是双粒子态,量子Fisher信息都会降低.对于相位参数,双粒子态的量子Fisher信息比单粒子态降低得更加显著.然而,对于振幅参数,双粒子态的量子Fisher信息相对于单粒子态有所提高,该研究结果为在相对论效应的影响下提高参数估计精度提供了有价值的参考. 展开更多
关键词 量子fisher信息 相对论变换 参数估计
作者 夏青青 李英海 +2 位作者 刘芬 劳嘉鹏 田丽娟 《人民珠江》 2024年第1期146-153,共8页
针对Fisher最优分割法中多指标赋权仅考虑单一客观赋权法的不足,将基于信息论的熵权法和基于统计学原理的变异系数法、CRITIC赋权法引入到指标权重计算中,提出基于组合权重的Fisher最优分割法进行水库汛期分期。以水布垭水库为例,选取... 针对Fisher最优分割法中多指标赋权仅考虑单一客观赋权法的不足,将基于信息论的熵权法和基于统计学原理的变异系数法、CRITIC赋权法引入到指标权重计算中,提出基于组合权重的Fisher最优分割法进行水库汛期分期。以水布垭水库为例,选取能反映洪水变化规律的旬平均流量、最大洪峰流量出现次数、旬最大一日洪量、旬最大三日洪量、旬最大七日洪量5个指标,采用基于组合权重的Fisher最优分割法进行汛期分期,并将分期结果与采用单一客观赋权法的分期结果进行对比分析,最后确定汛期分为3期最优,前汛期为5月1日至6月10日、主汛期为6月11日至7月31日、后汛期为8月1日至9月30日。研究结果表明:采用组合权重法确定权重既兼顾了熵权法、变异系数法、CRITIC赋权法的优势,又能直观地区分不同指标对汛期分期的影响程度,该方法适用于Fisher最优分割法中多指标权重的确定。 展开更多
关键词 汛期分期 多指标权重 组合权重法 fisher最优分割法 结果影响
A framework of force of information influence and application for C4KISR system
作者 MAO Shaojie DIAO Lianwang +6 位作者 SUN Yu WANG Heng YI Kan XU Xin MAO Xiaobin ZHANG Kecheng SHENG Long 《Journal of Systems Engineering and Electronics》 SCIE CSCD 2024年第2期430-443,共14页
The subversive nature of information war lies not only in the information itself, but also in the circulation and application of information. It has always been a challenge to quantitatively analyze the function and e... The subversive nature of information war lies not only in the information itself, but also in the circulation and application of information. It has always been a challenge to quantitatively analyze the function and effect of information flow through command, control, communications, computer, kill, intelligence,surveillance, reconnaissance (C4KISR) system. In this work, we propose a framework of force of information influence and the methods for calculating the force of information influence between C4KISR nodes of sensing, intelligence processing,decision making and fire attack. Specifically, the basic concept of force of information influence between nodes in C4KISR system is formally proposed and its mathematical definition is provided. Then, based on the information entropy theory, the model of force of information influence between C4KISR system nodes is constructed. Finally, the simulation experiments have been performed under an air defense and attack scenario. The experimental results show that, with the proposed force of information influence framework, we can effectively evaluate the contribution of information circulation through different C4KISR system nodes to the corresponding tasks. Our framework of force of information influence can also serve as an effective tool for the design and dynamic reconfiguration of C4KISR system architecture. 展开更多
关键词 information warfare command control communications computer KILL intelligence surveillance reconnaissance(C4KISR)system information circulation force of information influence information entropy
作者 周珊珊 赵小超 李哲 《现代电子技术》 北大核心 2024年第13期1-6,共6页
为了应对针对人脸识别系统的欺骗攻击,设计一种基于软件的方法来检测人脸欺骗攻击。首先,从多个颜色通道中随机提取局部视频块并将其向量化,随后训练并使用自编码器将提取的向量进一步编码为局部低维特征;接着,利用这些特征拟合一个高... 为了应对针对人脸识别系统的欺骗攻击,设计一种基于软件的方法来检测人脸欺骗攻击。首先,从多个颜色通道中随机提取局部视频块并将其向量化,随后训练并使用自编码器将提取的向量进一步编码为局部低维特征;接着,利用这些特征拟合一个高斯混合模型;然后,使用Fisher矢量编码将来自同一样本的全部局部低维特征聚合成一个全局特征向量;最后,通过支持向量机对这些全局特征进行分类。在三个标准人脸欺骗数据集上的实验结果证明了该方法的有效性。在IDIAP数据集上的半错误率为0%,在CASIA数据集和MSU数据集上的等错误率分别为3.33%和2.08%。该方法结合自编码器和Fisher矢量编码,在低维特征的情况下取得了较高的性能,可以有效地抵抗人脸识别中基于照片和视频的欺骗攻击。 展开更多
关键词 人脸识别 欺骗攻击 人脸防伪检测 局部采样 自编码器 fisher矢量编码 特征提取
作者 杨梓枫 夏华宗 +1 位作者 杜玉芳 王晓明 《河北地质大学学报》 2024年第1期22-28,共7页
节理产状是影响岩体结构及其工程性质的关键参数之一,因此准确计算节理的平均产状是岩体工程性质研究的基础。由于节理产状的离散性,合理确定节理的最小样本容量对于计算节理组的平均产状具有重要意义。基于Fisher分布,阐释了节理产状... 节理产状是影响岩体结构及其工程性质的关键参数之一,因此准确计算节理的平均产状是岩体工程性质研究的基础。由于节理产状的离散性,合理确定节理的最小样本容量对于计算节理组的平均产状具有重要意义。基于Fisher分布,阐释了节理产状随机数的生成方法,提出一种考虑“超越上半球投影产状”(OEBEUHP)的平均产状计算方法。随机生成不同数量、不同κ值的Fisher分布产状来研究节理样本容量对平均产状准确性的影响,在保证准确率不低于0.95的情况下,建立了最小样本容量与Fisher分布常数κ值的经验关系。研究结果表明:节理样本容量对平均产状的统计准确性影响显著,样本容量越大,平均产状的统计准确率越高;最小样本容量与κ值呈明显的反比例关系,反比例系数为1 007.23。通过对三峡地下厂房上游边墙和乌东德水电站平洞PD5-2节理的统计分析,验证了该经验关系的适用性,能够有效指导节理产状的采样工作。 展开更多
关键词 节理产状 fisher分布 平均产状 最小样本容量 经验关系
Dynamic Update Scheme of Spectrum Information Based on Spectrum Opportunity Incentive in the Database-Assisted Dynamic Spectrum Management
作者 Zhang Yu Chen Yong +1 位作者 He Panfeng Cai Yueming 《China Communications》 SCIE CSCD 2024年第3期75-90,共16页
To solve the problem of delayed update of spectrum information(SI) in the database assisted dynamic spectrum management(DB-DSM), this paper studies a novel dynamic update scheme of SI in DB-DSM. Firstly, a dynamic upd... To solve the problem of delayed update of spectrum information(SI) in the database assisted dynamic spectrum management(DB-DSM), this paper studies a novel dynamic update scheme of SI in DB-DSM. Firstly, a dynamic update mechanism of SI based on spectrum opportunity incentive is established, in which spectrum users are encouraged to actively assist the database to update SI in real time. Secondly, the information update contribution(IUC) of spectrum opportunity is defined to describe the cost of accessing spectrum opportunity for heterogeneous spectrum users, and the profit of SI update obtained by the database from spectrum allocation. The process that the database determines the IUC of spectrum opportunity and spectrum user selects spectrum opportunity is mapped to a Hotelling model. Thirdly, the process of determining the IUC of spectrum opportunities is further modelled as a Stackelberg game by establishing multiple virtual spectrum resource providers(VSRPs) in the database. It is proved that there is a Nash Equilibrium in the game of determining the IUC of spectrum opportunities by VSRPs. Finally, an algorithm of determining the IUC based on a genetic algorithm is designed to achieve the optimal IUC. The-oretical analysis and simulation results show that the proposed method can quickly find the optimal solution of the IUC, and ensure that the spectrum resource provider can obtain the optimal profit of SI update. 展开更多
关键词 database-assisted dynamic spectrum management HOTELLING information updating contribution spectrum information updating STACKELBERG
Characterization of Small-Scale Farmers and Assessment of Their Access to Crop Production Information in Selected Counties of Kenya
作者 Anastasia Mumbi Wahome John B. K. Kiema +1 位作者 Galcano C. Mulaku Isaac Mukoko 《Agricultural Sciences》 2024年第5期565-589,共25页
Small-scale farming accounts for 78% of total agricultural production in Kenya and contributes to 23.5% of the country’s GDP. Their crop production activities are mostly rainfed subsistence with any surplus being sol... Small-scale farming accounts for 78% of total agricultural production in Kenya and contributes to 23.5% of the country’s GDP. Their crop production activities are mostly rainfed subsistence with any surplus being sold to bring in some income. Timely decisions on farm practices such as farm preparation and planting are critical determinants of the seasonal outcomes. In Kenya, most small-scale farmers have no reliable source of information that would help them make timely and accurate decisions. County governments have extension officers who are mandated with giving farmers advisory services to farmers but they are not able to reach most farmers due to facilitation constraints. The mode and format of sharing information is also critical since it’s important to ensure that it’s timely, well-understood and usable. This study sought to assess access to geospatial derived and other crop production information by farmers in four selected counties of Kenya. Specific objectives were to determine the profile of small-scale farmers in terms of age, education and farm size;to determine the type of information that is made available to them by County and Sub-County extension officers including the format and mode of provision;and to determine if the information provided was useful in terms of accuracy, timeliness and adequacy. The results indicated that over 80% of the farmers were over 35 years of age and over 56% were male. Majority had attained primary education (34%) or secondary education (29%) and most farmers in all the counties grew maize (71%). Notably, fellow farmers were a source of information (71%) with the frequency of sharing information being mostly seasonal (37%) and when information was available (43%). Over 66% of interviewed farmers indicating that they faced challenges while using provided information. The results from the study are insightful and helpful in determining effective ways of providing farmers with useful information to ensure maximum benefits. 展开更多
关键词 Small Scale Farmers FARMERS Crop Production information Services Geospatial information information Access
作者 王美乐 胡彦霞 《内蒙古大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS 2024年第3期232-243,共12页
利用Lie方法对一类时间分数阶(2+1)-维扩展Fisher-Kolmogorov方程进行对称分析,并求得该方程的不变解,借助不变解对方程进行降维处理。对引入分数阶复变换得到的常微分方程运用辅助函数法,从而得到这类时间分数阶方程在参数满足各种不... 利用Lie方法对一类时间分数阶(2+1)-维扩展Fisher-Kolmogorov方程进行对称分析,并求得该方程的不变解,借助不变解对方程进行降维处理。对引入分数阶复变换得到的常微分方程运用辅助函数法,从而得到这类时间分数阶方程在参数满足各种不同情况下的精确解,包括三角函数解和孤波解等。最后绘出两类典型精确解的行波图。 展开更多
关键词 (2+1)-维扩展fisher-Kolmogorov方程 Lie方法 辅助函数法 精确解
作者 赵伟恒 陈曦晖 +1 位作者 杨冠雄 吕铖跃 《煤矿机械》 2024年第4期169-172,共4页
齿轮箱结构复杂,工作环境恶劣,导致难以有效诊断其故障。传统稀疏表示方法缺乏对字典原子和稀疏编码的约束,不能体现出信号的结构特性。提出Fisher标签字典学习算法。首先构建Fisher约束项,学习样本的类内和类间特征;然后引入样本标签信... 齿轮箱结构复杂,工作环境恶劣,导致难以有效诊断其故障。传统稀疏表示方法缺乏对字典原子和稀疏编码的约束,不能体现出信号的结构特性。提出Fisher标签字典学习算法。首先构建Fisher约束项,学习样本的类内和类间特征;然后引入样本标签信息,构建标签约束项,将样本标签与每个字典原子相关联;最后采用最优方向法实现误差最小化,字典与稀疏编码交替更新,提高字典学习的识别率。通过实验数据对比分析,该方法在稀疏编码、原子聚类等方面均优于传统稀疏表示方法,可对齿轮箱故障进行有效诊断。 展开更多
关键词 故障诊断 稀疏表示 字典学习 fisher准则
Attribute Reduction of Hybrid Decision Information Systems Based on Fuzzy Conditional Information Entropy
作者 Xiaoqin Ma Jun Wang +1 位作者 Wenchang Yu Qinli Zhang 《Computers, Materials & Continua》 SCIE EI 2024年第5期2063-2083,共21页
The presence of numerous uncertainties in hybrid decision information systems(HDISs)renders attribute reduction a formidable task.Currently available attribute reduction algorithms,including those based on Pawlak attr... The presence of numerous uncertainties in hybrid decision information systems(HDISs)renders attribute reduction a formidable task.Currently available attribute reduction algorithms,including those based on Pawlak attribute importance,Skowron discernibility matrix,and information entropy,struggle to effectively manages multiple uncertainties simultaneously in HDISs like the precise measurement of disparities between nominal attribute values,and attributes with fuzzy boundaries and abnormal values.In order to address the aforementioned issues,this paper delves into the study of attribute reduction withinHDISs.First of all,a novel metric based on the decision attribute is introduced to solve the problem of accurately measuring the differences between nominal attribute values.The newly introduced distance metric has been christened the supervised distance that can effectively quantify the differences between the nominal attribute values.Then,based on the newly developed metric,a novel fuzzy relationship is defined from the perspective of“feedback on parity of attribute values to attribute sets”.This new fuzzy relationship serves as a valuable tool in addressing the challenges posed by abnormal attribute values.Furthermore,leveraging the newly introduced fuzzy relationship,the fuzzy conditional information entropy is defined as a solution to the challenges posed by fuzzy attributes.It effectively quantifies the uncertainty associated with fuzzy attribute values,thereby providing a robust framework for handling fuzzy information in hybrid information systems.Finally,an algorithm for attribute reduction utilizing the fuzzy conditional information entropy is presented.The experimental results on 12 datasets show that the average reduction rate of our algorithm reaches 84.04%,and the classification accuracy is improved by 3.91%compared to the original dataset,and by an average of 11.25%compared to the other 9 state-of-the-art reduction algorithms.The comprehensive analysis of these research results clearly indicates that our algorithm is highly effective in managing the intricate uncertainties inherent in hybrid data. 展开更多
关键词 Hybrid decision information systems fuzzy conditional information entropy attribute reduction fuzzy relationship rough set theory(RST)
A Multi-Constraint Path Optimization Scheme Based on Information Fusion in Software Defined Network
作者 Jinlin Xu Wansu Pan +3 位作者 Longle Cheng Haibo Tan Munan Yuan Xiaofeng Li 《Computers, Materials & Continua》 SCIE EI 2024年第4期1399-1418,共20页
The existingmultipath routing in Software Defined Network (SDN) is relatively blind and inefficient, and there is alack of cooperation between the terminal and network sides, making it difficult to achieve dynamic ada... The existingmultipath routing in Software Defined Network (SDN) is relatively blind and inefficient, and there is alack of cooperation between the terminal and network sides, making it difficult to achieve dynamic adaptationof service requirements and network resources. To address these issues, we propose a multi-constraint pathoptimization scheme based on information fusion in SDN. The proposed scheme collects network topology andnetwork state information on the network side and computes disjoint paths between end hosts. It uses the FuzzyAnalytic Hierarchy Process (FAHP) to calculate the weight coefficients of multiple constrained parameters andconstructs a composite quality evaluation function for the paths to determine the priority of the disjoint paths. TheSDN controller extracts the service attributes by analyzing the packet header and selects the optimal path for flowrule forwarding. Furthermore, the service attributes are fed back to the path composite quality evaluation function,and the path priority is dynamically adjusted to achieve dynamic adaptation between service requirements andnetwork status. By continuously monitoring and analyzing the service attributes, the scheme can ensure optimalrouting decisions in response to varying network conditions and evolving service demands. The experimentalresults demonstrated that the proposed scheme can effectively improve average throughput and link utilizationwhile meeting the Quality of Service (QoS) requirements of various applications. 展开更多
关键词 SDN multi-constraint path information fusion FAHP
Impacts of information about COVID-19 on pig farmers'production willingness and behavior:Evidence from China
作者 Huan Chen Lei Mao Yuehua Zhang 《Journal of Integrative Agriculture》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2024年第4期1429-1441,共13页
This paper examines the impacts of information about COVID-19 on pig farmers'production willingness by using endorsement experiments and follow-up surveys conducted in 2020 and 2021 in China.Our results show that,... This paper examines the impacts of information about COVID-19 on pig farmers'production willingness by using endorsement experiments and follow-up surveys conducted in 2020 and 2021 in China.Our results show that,first,farmers were less willing to scale up production when they received information about COVID-19.The information in 2020 that the second wave of COVID-19 might occur without a vaccine reduced farmers'willingness to scale up by 13.4%,while the information in 2021 that COVID-19 might continue to spread despite the introduction of vaccine reduced farmers'willingness by 4.4%.Second,farmers whose production was affected by COVID-19 were considerably less willing to scale up,given the access to COVID-19 information.Third,farmers'production willingness can predict their actual production behavior. 展开更多
关键词 COVID-19 randomized experiment information treatment production willingness
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