Through core observation,thin section identification,X-ray diffraction analysis,scanning electron microscopy,and low-temperature nitrogen adsorption and isothermal adsorption experiments,the lithology and pore charact...Through core observation,thin section identification,X-ray diffraction analysis,scanning electron microscopy,and low-temperature nitrogen adsorption and isothermal adsorption experiments,the lithology and pore characteristics of the Upper Carboniferous bauxite series in eastern Ordos Basin were analyzed to reveal the formation and evolution process of the bauxite reservoirs.A petrological nomenclature and classification scheme for bauxitic rocks based on three units(aluminum hydroxides,iron minerals and clay minerals)is proposed.It is found that bauxitic mudstone is in the form of dense massive and clastic structures,while the(clayey)bauxite is of dense massive,pisolite,oolite,porous soil and clastic structures.Both bauxitic mudstone and bauxite reservoirs develop dissolution pores,intercrystalline pores,and microfractures as the dominant gas storage space,with the porosity less than 10% and mesopores in dominance.The bauxite series in the North China Craton can be divided into five sections,i.e.,ferrilite(Shanxi-style iron ore,section A),bauxitic mudstone(section B),bauxite(section C),bauxite mudstone(debris-containing,section D)and dark mudstone-coal section(section E).The burrow/funnel filling,lenticular,layered/massive bauxite deposits occur separately in the karst platforms,gentle slopes and low-lying areas.The karst platforms and gentle slopes are conducive to surface water leaching,with strong karstification,well-developed pores,large reservoir thickness and good physical properties,but poor strata continuity.The low-lying areas have poor physical properties but relatively continuous and stable reservoirs.The gas enrichment in bauxites is jointly controlled by source rock,reservoir rock and fractures.This recognition provides geological basis for the exploration and development of natural gas in the Upper Carboniferous in the study area and similar bauxite systems.展开更多
In this paper,two fully-discrete local discontinuous Galerkin(LDG)methods are applied to the growth-mediated autochemotactic pattern formation model in self-propelling bacteria.The numerical methods are linear and dec...In this paper,two fully-discrete local discontinuous Galerkin(LDG)methods are applied to the growth-mediated autochemotactic pattern formation model in self-propelling bacteria.The numerical methods are linear and decoupled,which greatly improve the computational efficiency.In order to resolve the time level mismatch of the discretization process,a special time marching method with high-order accuracy is constructed.Under the condition of slight time step constraints,the optimal error estimates of this method are given.Moreover,the theoretical results are verified by numerical experiments.Real simulations show the patterns of spots,rings,stripes as well as inverted spots because of the interplay of chemotactic drift and growth rate of the cells.展开更多
This article reports the main formation models and distribution of the oil and gas pools in Tarim basin, China, including (1) occurrence of the found oil and gas pools, (2) main formation models of oil and gas poo...This article reports the main formation models and distribution of the oil and gas pools in Tarim basin, China, including (1) occurrence of the found oil and gas pools, (2) main formation models of oil and gas pools, and (3) distribution law of oil/gas pools. Petroleum is distributed widely in the strata of Tarim basin from the Sinian at the bottom to the Neogene at the top. However, the found oil and gas fields are mainly distributed in Shaya (沙雅) uplift, Tazhong (塔中) uplift, and Kuche (库车) depression. This article presents 4 main formation models, namely, early formation and long-term preservation, early formation and late reformation, middle-late multiphase-multisource formation, late single-stage formation. Tarim basin is very rich in petroleum resources. Long-term inherited intrabasinal paleohighs and slope zones are the most favorable areas for accumulation of hydrocarbons, but the types of oil and gas pools are different from area to area. The control of unconformities and faults on hydrocarbon accumulating is prominent in Tarim basin. Preservation conditions are of utmost importance. Formation of some oil and gas pools is the result of reforming and re-accumulating of early accumulated hydrocarbons.展开更多
Modeling of fruit morphological formation in melon is important for realizing virtual and digital plant growth.The objective of this study was to characterize the changes in patterns of fruit growth characters during ...Modeling of fruit morphological formation in melon is important for realizing virtual and digital plant growth.The objective of this study was to characterize the changes in patterns of fruit growth characters during plant development.In cultivar experiments,a high-resolution wireless vision sensor network has been developed to realize non-contact automatic uninterrupted measurement of the fruit shape micro-change (fruit size,color,and net).Results showed that the fruit swelling process (vertical and horizontal diameters) exhibited a slow-rapid-slow pattern,which could be well described with a logistic curve against growing degree days (GDD);fruit color changes based on the RGB values could be represented by quadratic relationship to cumulative GDD;the fruit net changes over growth progress could be partitioned into three phases according to the time interval.The first phase was from 1 to 30 days after pollination (DAP),in which the vertical stripe appeared at fruit middle part and the horizontal stripe at fruit petiole and hilum part as well;the second phase was from 30 to 40 DAP,the horizontal stripe occurred at fruit middle part and the net was formed;the third phase was the process started from 40 DAP,the netted breadth and thickness were gradually increased.The model was validated with the independent data from the experiment,and the mean RMSE (root mean square error) of fruit were 0.36 and 0.28 cm for vertical and horizontal diameters,11.9 for fruit color,and 0.45 cm for stripe length and diameter at varied GDD,respectively.This work is beneficial to a reliable foundation for study the relationship between morphological formation and physiological change of the melon fruit internally and then realize the intelligent precision management to improve the yield and quality of greenhouse melon production.展开更多
The discovery and large-scale exploration of unconventional oil/gas resources since 1980s have been considered as the most important advancement in the history of petroleum geology;that has not only changed the balanc...The discovery and large-scale exploration of unconventional oil/gas resources since 1980s have been considered as the most important advancement in the history of petroleum geology;that has not only changed the balance of supply and demand in the global energy market,but also improved our understanding of the formation mechanisms and distribution characteristics of oil/gas reservoirs.However,what is the difference of conventional and unconventional resources and why they always related to each other in petroliferous basins is not clear.As the differences and correlations between unconventional and conventional resources are complex challenging issues and very critical for resources assessment and hydrocarbon exploration,this paper focused on studying the relationship of formations and distributions among different oil/gas reservoirs.Drilling results of 12,237 exploratory wells in 6 representative petroliferous basins of China and distribution characteristics for 52,926 oil/gas accumulations over the world were applied to clarify the formation conditions and genetic relations of different oil/gas reservoirs in a petroliferous basin,and then to establish a unified model to address the differences and correlations of conventional and unconventional reservoirs.In this model,conventional reservoirs formed in free hydrocarbon dynamic field with high porosity and permeability located above the boundary of hydrocarbon buoyancy-driven accumulation depth limit.Unconventional tight reservoirs formed in confined hydrocarbon dynamic field with low porosity and permeability located between hydrocarbon buoyancy-driven accumulation depth limit and hydrocarbon accumulation depth limit.Shale oil/gas reservoirs formed in the bound hydrocarbon dynamic field with low porosity and ultra-low permeability within the source rock layers.More than 75%of proved reserves around the world are discovered in the free hydrocarbon dynamic field,which is estimated to contain only 10%of originally generated hydrocarbons.Most of undiscovered resources distributed in the confined hydrocarbon dynamic field and the bound hydrocarbon dynamic field,which contains 90%of original generated hydrocarbons,implying a reasonable and promising area for future hydrocarbon explorations.The buried depths of hydrocarbon dynamic fields become shallow with the increase of heat flow,and the remaining oil/gas resources mainly exist in the deep area of“cold basin”with low geothermal gradient.Lithology changing in the hydrocarbon dynamic field causes local anomalies in the oil/gas dynamic mechanism,leading to the local formation of unconventional hydrocarbon reservoirs in the free hydrocarbon dynamic field or the occurrence of oil/gas enrichment sweet points with high porosity and permeability in the confined hydrocarbon dynamic field.The tectonic movements destroy the medium conditions and oil/gas components,which leads to the transformation of conventional oil/gas reservoirs formed in free hydrocarbon dynamic field to unconventional ones or unconventional ones formed in confined and bound hydrocarbon dynamic fields to conventional ones.展开更多
Sarvak formation is one of the important hydrocarbon reservoirs in the Zagros Basin that is one of the mid-Cretaceous carbonate units in Bangestan. This formation is located in the Kazhdomi Formation with the same slo...Sarvak formation is one of the important hydrocarbon reservoirs in the Zagros Basin that is one of the mid-Cretaceous carbonate units in Bangestan. This formation is located in the Kazhdomi Formation with the same slope. Geology, Kohmond field is located in the southeast of Bushehr and north and northwest of the Fars province. In this project, the geology, the tank and Petrophysics features were studied in the field with sedimentology;stratigraphy, Petrophysics, sedimentary environments and reservoir data analysis. According to studies, sedimentary environment of Sarvak in the Kohmond field is diagnosed as a ramp carbonate platform. Sarvak reservoir modeling in this field was done by using Petrelli software. The results indicate parts with high porosity, which are focused more in central and southeastern parts of the field and can contain large amounts of oil.展开更多
Pits are circular to elliptical,steep-sided,flat-bottomed depressions interpreted to form from collapse into a cavity.They occur on Earth,Venus and Mars and range in diameter from;00 m to several kilometres(e.g.
Hickman's fast nonadiabatic collision model for the ion-pair formation reaction A+BC→A^++BC^- was improved,where the classical trajectory has been represented by solution of motion equation UR=-dV(R)/dR, here V(R...Hickman's fast nonadiabatic collision model for the ion-pair formation reaction A+BC→A^++BC^- was improved,where the classical trajectory has been represented by solution of motion equation UR=-dV(R)/dR, here V(R)is Morse potential.Employing this model to the CS+O_2→CS^++O_2^-reaction,a satisfactory agreement with experimental data has been obtained.展开更多
Daily 20-mg and once-weekly 56.5-mg teriparatide(parathyroid hormone 1–34) treatment regimens increase bone mineral density(BMD) and prevent fractures, but changes in bone turnover markers differ between the two ...Daily 20-mg and once-weekly 56.5-mg teriparatide(parathyroid hormone 1–34) treatment regimens increase bone mineral density(BMD) and prevent fractures, but changes in bone turnover markers differ between the two regimens. The aim of the present study was to explain changes in bone turnover markers using once-weekly teriparatide with a simulation model. Temporary increases in bone formation markers and subsequent decreases were observed during once-weekly teriparatide treatment for 72 weeks. These observations support the hypothesis that repeated weekly teriparatide administration stimulates bone remodeling, replacing old bone with new bone and leading to a reduction in the active remodeling surface. A simulation model was developed based on the iterative remodeling cycle that occurs on residual old bone. An increase in bone formation and a subsequent decrease were observed in the preliminary simulation. For each fitted time point, the predicted value was compared to the absolute values of the bone formation and resorption markers and lumbar BMD. The simulation model strongly matched actual changes in bone turnover markers and BMD. This simulation model indicates increased bone formation marker levels in the early stage and a subsequent decrease. It is therefore concluded that remodeling-based bone formation persisted during the entire treatment period with once-weekly teriparatide.展开更多
The formation of the Tongyu gold deposit, controlled by regional polyphase closely related to the regional composite antiform-shear slip fracture zone. Late-stage reworking of theTaihua Gro...The formation of the Tongyu gold deposit, controlled by regional polyphase closely related to the regional composite antiform-shear slip fracture zone. Late-stage reworking of theTaihua Group accounts for the enrichment of ore substances. It is a typical syntectonic gold deposit. The formation and evolution of the deposit involved four stages: (Ⅰ) the state of preparation of ore sub-stances, in which primary source beds originated: (Ⅱ) the stage of remobilization of ore substances, in whichregional progressive metamorphism and migmatization and thermodynamic-chemical differentiation led toremobilization of gold and its initial local concentration: (Ⅲ) the stage of gold deposit formation, in which re-gional folding produced concordant and cross shear-slip fractures and under the dynamic action gold was sepa-rated and migrated in a certain direction and concentrated to form a gold deposit: (Ⅳ) the stage ofsuperpositon, reworking and exposure of orebodies, in which the block uplifted and the deposit againunderwent reworking through faulting and mechanical differentiation.Thermodynamic mineralization played adominant role in the formation of the deposit.展开更多
The giant potash deposit on the Khorat Plateau is one of the most promising targets for exploitation of potassium salts.So far,many researches and geologic survey have been conducted on the giant potash deposits.Hence...The giant potash deposit on the Khorat Plateau is one of the most promising targets for exploitation of potassium salts.So far,many researches and geologic survey have been conducted on the giant potash deposits.Hence,it is necessary to make an overall review on the potash deposits.The potash deposit on the Khorat Plateau was formed during the Middle to Late Cretaceous,during which seawater was enriched in Ca2+and depleted in SO42-compared with those of modern seawater.In addition to seawater,continental water and hydrothermal fluids could have affected the evaporite basins.The seawater was probably derived from Tethys ocean,and the brine should have evaporated to some extent before entering into the basin systems based on the evidence of absence of carbonates and unproportionate sulphate compared with chloride salts.The paleo-climate during Middle to Late Cretaceous was characterized as high temperature and extremely arid environment,which is favourable for deposition of potassium-magnesium saline minerals.The major saline minerals are of anhydrite,halite,carnallite,sylvite and,tachyhydrite,with trace amounts of borates.The resources of the potash deposit on the Khorat Plateau could be approximately as much as 400×109 t of carnallite and 7×109 t of sylvite.The evaporite sequences have been deformed and altered by postdepositinal processes,including tectonic movements and chemical alteration.Salt domes were formed in the postdepositional processes.Based on the analyses of geophysical surveys and drilling projects,high-quality sylvinite ores are commonly found at the flanks of those salt domes due to incongruent dissolution of carnallite.The furure potential prospecting areas for the highquality sylvinite ores would be on the edges of the Khorat Plateau.展开更多
The auto efficiently hydration heat arrangement and the non-contacting electrical resistivity device were used to test the therrnology effect and the resistivity variation of Portland cement hydration. The structure f...The auto efficiently hydration heat arrangement and the non-contacting electrical resistivity device were used to test the therrnology effect and the resistivity variation of Portland cement hydration. The structure forming model of Portland cement initial hydration was established through the systematical experiments with different cements, the amount of mixing water and the chemical admixture. The experimental results show that, the structure forming model of cement could be divided into three stages, i e, solution-solution equilibrium period, structure forming period and structure stabilizing period. Along with the increase of mixing water, the time of inflexion appeared is in advance for thermal process of cement hydration and worsened for the structure forming process. Comparison with the control specimen, adding Na2SO4 makes the minimum critical point lower, the flattening period shorter and the growing slope after stage one steeper. So the hydration and structure forming process of Portland cement could be described more exactly by applying the thermal model and the structure-forming model.展开更多
A calculation formula of ln γ i 0 for solute element i in liquid alloys was derived by use of free volume theory and Miedema formation enthalpy model. The values of ln γ i 0 of solute elements in liqui...A calculation formula of ln γ i 0 for solute element i in liquid alloys was derived by use of free volume theory and Miedema formation enthalpy model. The values of ln γ i 0 of solute elements in liquid copper at 1273 K were obtained. The results obtained show that the coincidence rate of sign (positive or negative) was 90% for the calculated and experimental values, which were basically in the same magnitude.展开更多
The Yancheng Sag is a favorable exploration area in the Subei Basin. However, the key geological understanding of the natural gas source and reservoir formation characteristics of the sag is still controversial. Based...The Yancheng Sag is a favorable exploration area in the Subei Basin. However, the key geological understanding of the natural gas source and reservoir formation characteristics of the sag is still controversial. Based on a set of organic geochemical experiments conducted on natural gas and associated condensate oil of the first member of the Funing Formation (E1f1) in well YCh5 and well data analysis, the oil-gas resources and reservoir formation model in the Zhujiadun gas reservoir in the Yancheng Sag, Subei Basin, were investigated. The results of this study are as follows. (1) The natural gas in the Zhujiadun gas reservoir is dry gas with high methane content, low heavy hydrocarbon content, and high maturity. The characteristics of carbon and hydrogen isotopes in the natural gas indicate that the natural gas is oil-cracked gas, which mainly originates from the source rocks of the Permian Qixia Formation. (2) The condensate oil from well YCh5 with a high degree of maturity has a high pristane/phytane ratio, low gamma-paraffin abundance, and low tricyclic terpene abundance, indicating a mixture of the Upper Paleozoic condensate oil and Cenozoic crude oil. The saturated and aromatic hydrocarbons have similar δ13C values to the Cenozoic continental crude oil. These features suggest two sources of condensate oil. (3) Oils generated from the source rocks of the Qixia Formation were cracked into highly mature gas after deep burial, which migrated along large faults into the sandstones of the E1f1 and K1t1 members. This type of reservoir was effectively preserved beneath the overlying mudstone cap rocks. Therefore, it can be inferred that a play fairway might occur in the eastern zone of the faults connected to the Paleozoic source rocks in the Yancheng Sag since this zone has similar petroleum geological conditions to well YCh5. Therefore, this zone is a favorable area for further exploration.展开更多
There are three formation stages of Silurian hydrocarbon pools in the Tarim Basin. The widely distributed asphaltic sandstones in the Tazhong (central Tarim) and Tabei (northern Tarim) areas are the results of des...There are three formation stages of Silurian hydrocarbon pools in the Tarim Basin. The widely distributed asphaltic sandstones in the Tazhong (central Tarim) and Tabei (northern Tarim) areas are the results of destruction of hydrocarbon pools formed in the first-stage, and the asphaltic sandstones around the Awati Sag were formed in the second-stage. The hydrocarbon migration characteristics reflected by the residual dry asphalts could represent the migration characteristics of hydrocarbons in the Silurian paleo-pools, while the present movable oil in the Silurian reservoirs is related to the iater-stage (the third-stage) hydrocarbon accumulation.展开更多
The cutting slopes in soft rock of redbed appeared in Yichang-Badong highway often suffer from the instability along weak intercalations, so the creep behaviors of weak intercalated soils are crucially important for t...The cutting slopes in soft rock of redbed appeared in Yichang-Badong highway often suffer from the instability along weak intercalations, so the creep behaviors of weak intercalated soils are crucially important for the stability of cutting slopes. Because the deformation of weak intercalated soils is significantly affected by water content due to the strong water sensitivity, it is necessary to study the influence of matric suction on the creep behaviors of weak intercalated soils. In order to find out the unsaturated creep characters of weak intercalated soils, a GDS unsaturated triaxial apparatus was used. Then the triaxial creep experiments on weak intercalated soil samples under varying matric suction were conducted to obtain the unsaturated creep curves. The results show that the weak intercalated soils have obvious creep behaviors, and the creep strain is in nonlinear relationship with stress and time. When the matric suction is constant, a larger deviator stress will lead to a larger creep strain; When the deviator stress is constant, a smaller matric suction will lead to a larger creep strain. Based on the Mesri creep model, an improved creep model for weak intercalated soils under varying matric suction was established, in which the relationship of stress-strain was expressed with a hyperbolic function, and the relationship of strain-time was expressed with power functions in stages. Then an unsaturated creep model including stress-matric suction-strain-time for weak intercalated soils was established based on the power function relationship between matric suction and Ed(a parameter of the improved creep model). The comparison of the calculated values of creep model and the experimental values shows that the creep behaviors of weak intercalated soils can be predicted by the unsaturated creep model by and large.展开更多
A stabilized soil structure formation model was introduced. In order to form compact stabilized soil structure, cementitious hydrates were needed to wrap and bind the soil aggregates. Meanwhile, expansible hydrates we...A stabilized soil structure formation model was introduced. In order to form compact stabilized soil structure, cementitious hydrates were needed to wrap and bind the soil aggregates. Meanwhile, expansible hydrates were needed to squeeze and fill the pores, especially the pores in the aggregates. The experimental results show that the influences of various chemical characteristic factors of soil on the strength of the stabilized soil are boiled down, for the influence on the concentration of Ca(OH)2 in the pore solution of the stabilized soil, and the amount of CSH generated by cement. Finally an optimization design method is proposed, with which the stabilizer can be designed according to characteristics of soil samples.展开更多
The clear zigzag-line pattern on transverse cross sections can be used to explain the formation mechanism of the weld nugget when friction stir welded AZ31 magnesium alloy without any other insert material is used as ...The clear zigzag-line pattern on transverse cross sections can be used to explain the formation mechanism of the weld nugget when friction stir welded AZ31 magnesium alloy without any other insert material is used as mark. It provides a simple and useful method to research the joining mechanism of friction stir welding. The rotation speed is kept at 1000 r/min and the welding speed changes from 120 mm/min to 600 mm/min. The macrostructure on the transverse cross section was divided into several parts by faying surface. The results show that the shape and formation procedure of the weld nugget change with the welding speed. There are two main material flows in the weld nugget: one is from the advancing side and the other is from the retreating side. A simple model on the weld nugget formation of FSW is presented in this article.展开更多
Based on the rheology characteristic and the resistivity variation under alternating electric-field of Portland cement hydration by means of AR2000 advanced rheometer and non-contacting electrical resistivity device, ...Based on the rheology characteristic and the resistivity variation under alternating electric-field of Portland cement hydration by means of AR2000 advanced rheometer and non-contacting electrical resistivity device, the influence of cement kinds and the chemical admixtures on the initial rheology characteristic and structure forming and developing of cement hydration was studied. The relationship between the rheology characteristic, the initial hydration structure forming and the hydration process at very early ages was analyzed by macro properties and microstructure tests. The results showed that, the storage modulus, acted as S, could be described more subtle distinction accompanying with hydration of fresh paste model at very early period. Combining the resistivity alterations, a sudden change on structure forming emerged when the hydration of cement becoming inducing age. The rheology characteristic was interrelated to the hydration structure forming, development and the physical mechanics properties. The sudden change on storage modulus moved up due to the addition of retarder, but the structure forming and developing was retarded to a certain extent.展开更多
基金Supported by the PetroChina Science and Technology Innovation Fund Project(2021DQ02-1003)Basic Research Project for Central Universities(2022JCCXDC02).
文摘Through core observation,thin section identification,X-ray diffraction analysis,scanning electron microscopy,and low-temperature nitrogen adsorption and isothermal adsorption experiments,the lithology and pore characteristics of the Upper Carboniferous bauxite series in eastern Ordos Basin were analyzed to reveal the formation and evolution process of the bauxite reservoirs.A petrological nomenclature and classification scheme for bauxitic rocks based on three units(aluminum hydroxides,iron minerals and clay minerals)is proposed.It is found that bauxitic mudstone is in the form of dense massive and clastic structures,while the(clayey)bauxite is of dense massive,pisolite,oolite,porous soil and clastic structures.Both bauxitic mudstone and bauxite reservoirs develop dissolution pores,intercrystalline pores,and microfractures as the dominant gas storage space,with the porosity less than 10% and mesopores in dominance.The bauxite series in the North China Craton can be divided into five sections,i.e.,ferrilite(Shanxi-style iron ore,section A),bauxitic mudstone(section B),bauxite(section C),bauxite mudstone(debris-containing,section D)and dark mudstone-coal section(section E).The burrow/funnel filling,lenticular,layered/massive bauxite deposits occur separately in the karst platforms,gentle slopes and low-lying areas.The karst platforms and gentle slopes are conducive to surface water leaching,with strong karstification,well-developed pores,large reservoir thickness and good physical properties,but poor strata continuity.The low-lying areas have poor physical properties but relatively continuous and stable reservoirs.The gas enrichment in bauxites is jointly controlled by source rock,reservoir rock and fractures.This recognition provides geological basis for the exploration and development of natural gas in the Upper Carboniferous in the study area and similar bauxite systems.
基金supported by National Natural Science Foundation of China(Grant No.11801569)Natural Science Foundation of Shandong Province(CN)(Grant No.ZR2021MA001)the Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities(Grant Nos.22CX03025A and 22CX03020A).
文摘In this paper,two fully-discrete local discontinuous Galerkin(LDG)methods are applied to the growth-mediated autochemotactic pattern formation model in self-propelling bacteria.The numerical methods are linear and decoupled,which greatly improve the computational efficiency.In order to resolve the time level mismatch of the discretization process,a special time marching method with high-order accuracy is constructed.Under the condition of slight time step constraints,the optimal error estimates of this method are given.Moreover,the theoretical results are verified by numerical experiments.Real simulations show the patterns of spots,rings,stripes as well as inverted spots because of the interplay of chemotactic drift and growth rate of the cells.
基金supported by the National Basic Research Program of China (No. 2005CB422100)
文摘This article reports the main formation models and distribution of the oil and gas pools in Tarim basin, China, including (1) occurrence of the found oil and gas pools, (2) main formation models of oil and gas pools, and (3) distribution law of oil/gas pools. Petroleum is distributed widely in the strata of Tarim basin from the Sinian at the bottom to the Neogene at the top. However, the found oil and gas fields are mainly distributed in Shaya (沙雅) uplift, Tazhong (塔中) uplift, and Kuche (库车) depression. This article presents 4 main formation models, namely, early formation and long-term preservation, early formation and late reformation, middle-late multiphase-multisource formation, late single-stage formation. Tarim basin is very rich in petroleum resources. Long-term inherited intrabasinal paleohighs and slope zones are the most favorable areas for accumulation of hydrocarbons, but the types of oil and gas pools are different from area to area. The control of unconformities and faults on hydrocarbon accumulating is prominent in Tarim basin. Preservation conditions are of utmost importance. Formation of some oil and gas pools is the result of reforming and re-accumulating of early accumulated hydrocarbons.
基金funded by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (31000669)the Shanghai Leading Academic Discipline Project,China (B209)
文摘Modeling of fruit morphological formation in melon is important for realizing virtual and digital plant growth.The objective of this study was to characterize the changes in patterns of fruit growth characters during plant development.In cultivar experiments,a high-resolution wireless vision sensor network has been developed to realize non-contact automatic uninterrupted measurement of the fruit shape micro-change (fruit size,color,and net).Results showed that the fruit swelling process (vertical and horizontal diameters) exhibited a slow-rapid-slow pattern,which could be well described with a logistic curve against growing degree days (GDD);fruit color changes based on the RGB values could be represented by quadratic relationship to cumulative GDD;the fruit net changes over growth progress could be partitioned into three phases according to the time interval.The first phase was from 1 to 30 days after pollination (DAP),in which the vertical stripe appeared at fruit middle part and the horizontal stripe at fruit petiole and hilum part as well;the second phase was from 30 to 40 DAP,the horizontal stripe occurred at fruit middle part and the net was formed;the third phase was the process started from 40 DAP,the netted breadth and thickness were gradually increased.The model was validated with the independent data from the experiment,and the mean RMSE (root mean square error) of fruit were 0.36 and 0.28 cm for vertical and horizontal diameters,11.9 for fruit color,and 0.45 cm for stripe length and diameter at varied GDD,respectively.This work is beneficial to a reliable foundation for study the relationship between morphological formation and physiological change of the melon fruit internally and then realize the intelligent precision management to improve the yield and quality of greenhouse melon production.
基金the Joint Fund of the National Natural Science Foundation of China under funding number of U19B6003-02-04the fund of A Theoretical Study of Marine Petroliferous System,Sichuan Basin,and the Science Foundation of China University of Petroleum,Beijing under funding number of 2462020BJRC005.
文摘The discovery and large-scale exploration of unconventional oil/gas resources since 1980s have been considered as the most important advancement in the history of petroleum geology;that has not only changed the balance of supply and demand in the global energy market,but also improved our understanding of the formation mechanisms and distribution characteristics of oil/gas reservoirs.However,what is the difference of conventional and unconventional resources and why they always related to each other in petroliferous basins is not clear.As the differences and correlations between unconventional and conventional resources are complex challenging issues and very critical for resources assessment and hydrocarbon exploration,this paper focused on studying the relationship of formations and distributions among different oil/gas reservoirs.Drilling results of 12,237 exploratory wells in 6 representative petroliferous basins of China and distribution characteristics for 52,926 oil/gas accumulations over the world were applied to clarify the formation conditions and genetic relations of different oil/gas reservoirs in a petroliferous basin,and then to establish a unified model to address the differences and correlations of conventional and unconventional reservoirs.In this model,conventional reservoirs formed in free hydrocarbon dynamic field with high porosity and permeability located above the boundary of hydrocarbon buoyancy-driven accumulation depth limit.Unconventional tight reservoirs formed in confined hydrocarbon dynamic field with low porosity and permeability located between hydrocarbon buoyancy-driven accumulation depth limit and hydrocarbon accumulation depth limit.Shale oil/gas reservoirs formed in the bound hydrocarbon dynamic field with low porosity and ultra-low permeability within the source rock layers.More than 75%of proved reserves around the world are discovered in the free hydrocarbon dynamic field,which is estimated to contain only 10%of originally generated hydrocarbons.Most of undiscovered resources distributed in the confined hydrocarbon dynamic field and the bound hydrocarbon dynamic field,which contains 90%of original generated hydrocarbons,implying a reasonable and promising area for future hydrocarbon explorations.The buried depths of hydrocarbon dynamic fields become shallow with the increase of heat flow,and the remaining oil/gas resources mainly exist in the deep area of“cold basin”with low geothermal gradient.Lithology changing in the hydrocarbon dynamic field causes local anomalies in the oil/gas dynamic mechanism,leading to the local formation of unconventional hydrocarbon reservoirs in the free hydrocarbon dynamic field or the occurrence of oil/gas enrichment sweet points with high porosity and permeability in the confined hydrocarbon dynamic field.The tectonic movements destroy the medium conditions and oil/gas components,which leads to the transformation of conventional oil/gas reservoirs formed in free hydrocarbon dynamic field to unconventional ones or unconventional ones formed in confined and bound hydrocarbon dynamic fields to conventional ones.
文摘Sarvak formation is one of the important hydrocarbon reservoirs in the Zagros Basin that is one of the mid-Cretaceous carbonate units in Bangestan. This formation is located in the Kazhdomi Formation with the same slope. Geology, Kohmond field is located in the southeast of Bushehr and north and northwest of the Fars province. In this project, the geology, the tank and Petrophysics features were studied in the field with sedimentology;stratigraphy, Petrophysics, sedimentary environments and reservoir data analysis. According to studies, sedimentary environment of Sarvak in the Kohmond field is diagnosed as a ramp carbonate platform. Sarvak reservoir modeling in this field was done by using Petrelli software. The results indicate parts with high porosity, which are focused more in central and southeastern parts of the field and can contain large amounts of oil.
文摘Pits are circular to elliptical,steep-sided,flat-bottomed depressions interpreted to form from collapse into a cavity.They occur on Earth,Venus and Mars and range in diameter from;00 m to several kilometres(e.g.
文摘Hickman's fast nonadiabatic collision model for the ion-pair formation reaction A+BC→A^++BC^- was improved,where the classical trajectory has been represented by solution of motion equation UR=-dV(R)/dR, here V(R)is Morse potential.Employing this model to the CS+O_2→CS^++O_2^-reaction,a satisfactory agreement with experimental data has been obtained.
文摘Daily 20-mg and once-weekly 56.5-mg teriparatide(parathyroid hormone 1–34) treatment regimens increase bone mineral density(BMD) and prevent fractures, but changes in bone turnover markers differ between the two regimens. The aim of the present study was to explain changes in bone turnover markers using once-weekly teriparatide with a simulation model. Temporary increases in bone formation markers and subsequent decreases were observed during once-weekly teriparatide treatment for 72 weeks. These observations support the hypothesis that repeated weekly teriparatide administration stimulates bone remodeling, replacing old bone with new bone and leading to a reduction in the active remodeling surface. A simulation model was developed based on the iterative remodeling cycle that occurs on residual old bone. An increase in bone formation and a subsequent decrease were observed in the preliminary simulation. For each fitted time point, the predicted value was compared to the absolute values of the bone formation and resorption markers and lumbar BMD. The simulation model strongly matched actual changes in bone turnover markers and BMD. This simulation model indicates increased bone formation marker levels in the early stage and a subsequent decrease. It is therefore concluded that remodeling-based bone formation persisted during the entire treatment period with once-weekly teriparatide.
文摘The formation of the Tongyu gold deposit, controlled by regional polyphase closely related to the regional composite antiform-shear slip fracture zone. Late-stage reworking of theTaihua Group accounts for the enrichment of ore substances. It is a typical syntectonic gold deposit. The formation and evolution of the deposit involved four stages: (Ⅰ) the state of preparation of ore sub-stances, in which primary source beds originated: (Ⅱ) the stage of remobilization of ore substances, in whichregional progressive metamorphism and migmatization and thermodynamic-chemical differentiation led toremobilization of gold and its initial local concentration: (Ⅲ) the stage of gold deposit formation, in which re-gional folding produced concordant and cross shear-slip fractures and under the dynamic action gold was sepa-rated and migrated in a certain direction and concentrated to form a gold deposit: (Ⅳ) the stage ofsuperpositon, reworking and exposure of orebodies, in which the block uplifted and the deposit againunderwent reworking through faulting and mechanical differentiation.Thermodynamic mineralization played adominant role in the formation of the deposit.
基金This study is finished through the cooperation project between China Geological Survey and Department of Mineral Resources(Thailand)supported by the National Key Project for Basic Research of China(2011CB403007)+2 种基金the National Natural Science Foundation of China(41572067,91855104,41802111)the Geological Survey Project(DD20190437)"Mineral potential exploration and assessment for potash"by the Government of Thailand.
文摘The giant potash deposit on the Khorat Plateau is one of the most promising targets for exploitation of potassium salts.So far,many researches and geologic survey have been conducted on the giant potash deposits.Hence,it is necessary to make an overall review on the potash deposits.The potash deposit on the Khorat Plateau was formed during the Middle to Late Cretaceous,during which seawater was enriched in Ca2+and depleted in SO42-compared with those of modern seawater.In addition to seawater,continental water and hydrothermal fluids could have affected the evaporite basins.The seawater was probably derived from Tethys ocean,and the brine should have evaporated to some extent before entering into the basin systems based on the evidence of absence of carbonates and unproportionate sulphate compared with chloride salts.The paleo-climate during Middle to Late Cretaceous was characterized as high temperature and extremely arid environment,which is favourable for deposition of potassium-magnesium saline minerals.The major saline minerals are of anhydrite,halite,carnallite,sylvite and,tachyhydrite,with trace amounts of borates.The resources of the potash deposit on the Khorat Plateau could be approximately as much as 400×109 t of carnallite and 7×109 t of sylvite.The evaporite sequences have been deformed and altered by postdepositinal processes,including tectonic movements and chemical alteration.Salt domes were formed in the postdepositional processes.Based on the analyses of geophysical surveys and drilling projects,high-quality sylvinite ores are commonly found at the flanks of those salt domes due to incongruent dissolution of carnallite.The furure potential prospecting areas for the highquality sylvinite ores would be on the edges of the Khorat Plateau.
文摘The auto efficiently hydration heat arrangement and the non-contacting electrical resistivity device were used to test the therrnology effect and the resistivity variation of Portland cement hydration. The structure forming model of Portland cement initial hydration was established through the systematical experiments with different cements, the amount of mixing water and the chemical admixture. The experimental results show that, the structure forming model of cement could be divided into three stages, i e, solution-solution equilibrium period, structure forming period and structure stabilizing period. Along with the increase of mixing water, the time of inflexion appeared is in advance for thermal process of cement hydration and worsened for the structure forming process. Comparison with the control specimen, adding Na2SO4 makes the minimum critical point lower, the flattening period shorter and the growing slope after stage one steeper. So the hydration and structure forming process of Portland cement could be described more exactly by applying the thermal model and the structure-forming model.
文摘A calculation formula of ln γ i 0 for solute element i in liquid alloys was derived by use of free volume theory and Miedema formation enthalpy model. The values of ln γ i 0 of solute elements in liquid copper at 1273 K were obtained. The results obtained show that the coincidence rate of sign (positive or negative) was 90% for the calculated and experimental values, which were basically in the same magnitude.
基金funded by a project entitled Middle-Paleozoic Hydrocarbon Accumulation Conditions and Favorable Area Evaluation of the Subei-South Yellow Sea Basin (P21086-6), initiated by the Sinopec Oilfield Service Corporation.
文摘The Yancheng Sag is a favorable exploration area in the Subei Basin. However, the key geological understanding of the natural gas source and reservoir formation characteristics of the sag is still controversial. Based on a set of organic geochemical experiments conducted on natural gas and associated condensate oil of the first member of the Funing Formation (E1f1) in well YCh5 and well data analysis, the oil-gas resources and reservoir formation model in the Zhujiadun gas reservoir in the Yancheng Sag, Subei Basin, were investigated. The results of this study are as follows. (1) The natural gas in the Zhujiadun gas reservoir is dry gas with high methane content, low heavy hydrocarbon content, and high maturity. The characteristics of carbon and hydrogen isotopes in the natural gas indicate that the natural gas is oil-cracked gas, which mainly originates from the source rocks of the Permian Qixia Formation. (2) The condensate oil from well YCh5 with a high degree of maturity has a high pristane/phytane ratio, low gamma-paraffin abundance, and low tricyclic terpene abundance, indicating a mixture of the Upper Paleozoic condensate oil and Cenozoic crude oil. The saturated and aromatic hydrocarbons have similar δ13C values to the Cenozoic continental crude oil. These features suggest two sources of condensate oil. (3) Oils generated from the source rocks of the Qixia Formation were cracked into highly mature gas after deep burial, which migrated along large faults into the sandstones of the E1f1 and K1t1 members. This type of reservoir was effectively preserved beneath the overlying mudstone cap rocks. Therefore, it can be inferred that a play fairway might occur in the eastern zone of the faults connected to the Paleozoic source rocks in the Yancheng Sag since this zone has similar petroleum geological conditions to well YCh5. Therefore, this zone is a favorable area for further exploration.
文摘There are three formation stages of Silurian hydrocarbon pools in the Tarim Basin. The widely distributed asphaltic sandstones in the Tazhong (central Tarim) and Tabei (northern Tarim) areas are the results of destruction of hydrocarbon pools formed in the first-stage, and the asphaltic sandstones around the Awati Sag were formed in the second-stage. The hydrocarbon migration characteristics reflected by the residual dry asphalts could represent the migration characteristics of hydrocarbons in the Silurian paleo-pools, while the present movable oil in the Silurian reservoirs is related to the iater-stage (the third-stage) hydrocarbon accumulation.
基金supported by Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 41502278)National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 41272377)+1 种基金China Postdoctoral Science Foundation funded project (2015M582588)Science & Technology Project of Hubei Traffic and Transport Office of China (2011)
文摘The cutting slopes in soft rock of redbed appeared in Yichang-Badong highway often suffer from the instability along weak intercalations, so the creep behaviors of weak intercalated soils are crucially important for the stability of cutting slopes. Because the deformation of weak intercalated soils is significantly affected by water content due to the strong water sensitivity, it is necessary to study the influence of matric suction on the creep behaviors of weak intercalated soils. In order to find out the unsaturated creep characters of weak intercalated soils, a GDS unsaturated triaxial apparatus was used. Then the triaxial creep experiments on weak intercalated soil samples under varying matric suction were conducted to obtain the unsaturated creep curves. The results show that the weak intercalated soils have obvious creep behaviors, and the creep strain is in nonlinear relationship with stress and time. When the matric suction is constant, a larger deviator stress will lead to a larger creep strain; When the deviator stress is constant, a smaller matric suction will lead to a larger creep strain. Based on the Mesri creep model, an improved creep model for weak intercalated soils under varying matric suction was established, in which the relationship of stress-strain was expressed with a hyperbolic function, and the relationship of strain-time was expressed with power functions in stages. Then an unsaturated creep model including stress-matric suction-strain-time for weak intercalated soils was established based on the power function relationship between matric suction and Ed(a parameter of the improved creep model). The comparison of the calculated values of creep model and the experimental values shows that the creep behaviors of weak intercalated soils can be predicted by the unsaturated creep model by and large.
基金Funded by the National Natural Science Foundation of China(No. 50278007)
文摘A stabilized soil structure formation model was introduced. In order to form compact stabilized soil structure, cementitious hydrates were needed to wrap and bind the soil aggregates. Meanwhile, expansible hydrates were needed to squeeze and fill the pores, especially the pores in the aggregates. The experimental results show that the influences of various chemical characteristic factors of soil on the strength of the stabilized soil are boiled down, for the influence on the concentration of Ca(OH)2 in the pore solution of the stabilized soil, and the amount of CSH generated by cement. Finally an optimization design method is proposed, with which the stabilizer can be designed according to characteristics of soil samples.
基金This project was financially supported by the National "863" Project Foundation of China (No. 2002AA331160).
文摘The clear zigzag-line pattern on transverse cross sections can be used to explain the formation mechanism of the weld nugget when friction stir welded AZ31 magnesium alloy without any other insert material is used as mark. It provides a simple and useful method to research the joining mechanism of friction stir welding. The rotation speed is kept at 1000 r/min and the welding speed changes from 120 mm/min to 600 mm/min. The macrostructure on the transverse cross section was divided into several parts by faying surface. The results show that the shape and formation procedure of the weld nugget change with the welding speed. There are two main material flows in the weld nugget: one is from the advancing side and the other is from the retreating side. A simple model on the weld nugget formation of FSW is presented in this article.
文摘Based on the rheology characteristic and the resistivity variation under alternating electric-field of Portland cement hydration by means of AR2000 advanced rheometer and non-contacting electrical resistivity device, the influence of cement kinds and the chemical admixtures on the initial rheology characteristic and structure forming and developing of cement hydration was studied. The relationship between the rheology characteristic, the initial hydration structure forming and the hydration process at very early ages was analyzed by macro properties and microstructure tests. The results showed that, the storage modulus, acted as S, could be described more subtle distinction accompanying with hydration of fresh paste model at very early period. Combining the resistivity alterations, a sudden change on structure forming emerged when the hydration of cement becoming inducing age. The rheology characteristic was interrelated to the hydration structure forming, development and the physical mechanics properties. The sudden change on storage modulus moved up due to the addition of retarder, but the structure forming and developing was retarded to a certain extent.